dictionary initialization (parsing) now done in separate thread
[pycedict.git] / PyDict.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python2.5
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # PyDict.py
5 # PyCEDict
7 # Created by David on 7/30/08.
8 # Copyright (c) 2009 David Fooshee. All rights reserved.
10 from Foundation import *
11 from AppKit import *
12 import objc
13 import codecs
14 import os
16 class PyDict (NSObject):
17 # Making class instance vars available across the PyObjC bridge:
18 textInput = objc.ivar(u"textInput")
19 foundMatches = objc.ivar(u"foundMatches")
20 simpDict = objc.ivar(u"simpDict")
21 tradDict = objc.ivar(u"tradDict")
22 boardChangeCount = objc.ivar(u"boardChangeCount")
23 board = objc.ivar(u"board")
24 userDefaultsDict = objc.ivar(u"userDefaultsDict")
25 winCon = objc.ivar(u"winCon")
26 t = objc.ivar(u"t")
28 def init(self):
29 self = super(PyDict, self).init()
30 if self is None: return None
31 NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval_target_selector_userInfo_repeats_(1.0, self, 'setTextOutput:', None, True)
32 self.foundMatches = ""
34 # Process the CEDICT file data to build our dictionaries
35 # We'll do this in a separate thread so as not to delay UI boot speed
36 t = NSThread.alloc().initWithTarget_selector_object_(self, self.buildDictionaries, None)
37 t.start()
39 NSLog("Initialization completed")
40 return self
42 # Load and read the cedict file linewise, in a unicode format, into a list of definitions:
43 try:
44 dictFile = codecs.open(os.path.join(NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePath(), "cedict.u8" ), encoding='utf-8')
45 except (IOError, OSError):
46 NSLog("Could not open the CEDICT dictionary file.")
47 sys.exit(1)
48 else:
49 dict = dictFile.readlines()
51 # Making some dictionaries
52 tradDict = {}
53 simpDict = {}
57 # Make a pasteboard object with which to monitor the system pasteboard for changes
58 board = NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
60 #Set up defaults
61 #ATTN
62 userDefaultsDict = {
63 "windowOnTop" : True,
64 "rememberWindowSize" : False,
65 "rememberWindowLocation" : True }
67 userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
68 userDefaults.registerDefaults_(userDefaultsDict)
69 NSUserDefaultsController.sharedUserDefaultsController().setInitialValues_(userDefaultsDict)
72 if userDefaults.objectForKey_("windowOnTop") is True:
73 NSLog("window on top is true!!")
75 NSLog(str(userDefaultsDict))
79 # init the counter to None so we pick up whatever is already on the clipboard at app launch
80 boardChangeCount = None
85 #ATTN
86 winCon = NSWindowController.alloc().initWithWindowNibName_("MainMenu")
90 @objc.IBAction
91 def keepWindowOnTopToggle_(self, sender):
92 NSLog("keepWindowOnTop checkbox was toggled")
93 NSLog("value is now:")
94 NSLog(str(self.userDefaults.objectForKey_("windowOnTop")))
97 def buildDictionaries(self):
99 # New thread, needs it's own autoreleasepool
100 pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init()
102 # Here we build up the Python dictionaries to be used for fast searching.
103 # Each line (definition) in the cedict has the following format:
104 # [traditional form] [simplified form] /definitions/
105 # ...hence the use of indices [0] and [1] after splitting lines by whitespace
106 for line in self.dict:
107 tokens = line.split()
108 self.tradDict[tokens[0]] = line
109 self.simpDict[tokens[1]] = line
110 NSLog("Finished building dictionaries")
112 # Release the pool
113 pool.drain()
116 def setTextOutput_(self):
117 if self.board.changeCount() != self.boardChangeCount: # if new data is on the clipboard
118 self.boardChangeCount = self.board.changeCount() # update board changecount
120 textInBoard = self.board.stringForType_(NSStringPboardType)
122 if textInBoard != None:
123 charText = textInBoard.rstrip()
124 charText = charText.split()
126 self.foundMatches = ""
128 # for each whitespace-separated 'token' on the clipboard...
129 for token in charText:
130 if self.foundMatches != "":
131 self.foundMatches += '========' + '\n\n'
132 else:
133 self.foundMatches = '\n'
135 tokenLength = len(token)
136 matchWasFound = False
137 for c in range(tokenLength): # move starting iteration point through token
138 for i in range(1, tokenLength+1): # iterate through the length of the token from start pt.
139 if self.tradDict.has_key(token[c:i]):
140 matchWasFound = True
141 self.foundMatches += self.tradDict[token[c:i]] + '\n'
142 elif self.simpDict.has_key(token[c:i]):
143 matchWasFound = True
144 self.foundMatches += self.simpDict[token[c:i]] + '\n'
146 #if not matchWasFound: self.foundMatches += '"%s" not found in dictionary.\n\n' % token
147 if not matchWasFound: self.foundMatches = "Clipboard does not seem to contain any Chinese characters"