minor bugfoxes.... beware: pli.tags.tag will change on the net commit....
[pli.git] / pli / tags / generic.py
1 #=======================================================================
3 __version__ = '''0.3.07'''
4 __sub_version__ = '''20070720011023'''
5 __copyright__ = '''(c) Alex A. Naanou 2007'''
8 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 # XXX will need to make this adaptable to OOBTree (string keys)...
15 # ...most likely will concern adding an overlay over the store.
16 # XXX try to make this linear.... (currently it appears to eat time at
17 # non-linear, possibly quadratic rates with the increase of data-sets)
18 # ...mostly, this concerns the tagging; selecting appears to be
19 # less affected...
21 # does not appear to be the algorithm (considering how stupid it is)...
22 # the bottleneck appears to be the Python set (and possibly the
23 # memory manager)...
24 # XXX this is essentially a relation management... thus, it might be
25 # good to seporate the "relation" and "tagging" specifics into two
26 # modules...
29 # TODO add an OO extension... (replace the current tag.py)
33 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
34 __doc__ = '''\
35 This module implements a basic object tagging engine.
37 This involves tag manipulation (tagging and untagging) and tag based
38 searches.
40 In this system there is almost no distinction between the tag and the
41 tagged object, other than that they are tagged by two different system
42 tags: "tag" and "object". Both are stored in the same store and treated
43 alike. There are also no restrictions to the format of either tag
44 or the tagged object, though it is recommended for the tags to be
45 str/unicode objects, so as to harness some optimisations within Python
46 and supporting libraries.
48 There are also basic structural consistency verification and restoration
49 routines implemented here.
52 The Tag Store
53 -------------
55 A dict-compatible object used to store objects and tags.
57 Semantics:
58 Each value stores the tags/objects related to it's key.
60 When the object is tagged, the whole chain (including the object)
61 is treated as a set of related tags. The tag is recorded as a key
62 and the rest are recorded in a set as a value to that key. This is
63 done for each tag in the given set.
65 Results:
66 + trivial and fast search.
67 + trivial, though not the fastest addition, and essentially no
68 need for balancing (unless the store is tampered with manually).
69 - redundant linkage within the tag store.
72 NOTE: there is no distinction between tagged abjects and tags other
73 than the two special tags "tag" and "object". They are both
74 treated the same and stored in one structure.
76 Structure:
77 { <tag>: set([<tag>, ...]), ...}
81 Notes
82 -----
84 It is expected that the number of tags will grow far slower than the
85 number of objects (after stabilizing the objects in a live system
86 will exhibit linear growth, while tags will almost plateau at some point).
88 In this approach, the number of objects will be extremely large.
90 The two sub-groups (tags and objects) have slight differences. Tags
91 tend to be highly interlinked while objects rarely exhibit linkage
92 with each other.
94 Most searches will be tag oriented, possibly with a final filtration
95 by tag or object.
99 '''
101 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
102 # store-level functions...
103 #----------------------------------------------------istagsconsistent---
104 # a store is consistent if:
105 # - all tags in relations are present in store keys.
106 # - if no orphan tags are allowed (???) each tag in keys MUST also be
107 # present in relations (related to).
109 # algorithm:
110 # union of all relations must be a subset of the union of all keys.
112 # NOTE: use strict equality to check for orphans...
114 # XXX should this ignore orphaned tags???
115 def istagsconsistent(tagdb):
118 rel = set()
119 for r in tagdb.values():
120 rel.update(r)
121 # XXX ignore orphans... (to check for them use strict equality)
122 if rel.issubset(set(tagdb.keys())):
123 return True
124 return False
127 #---------------------------------------------------------itertaggaps---
128 # XXX should this ignore orphaned tags???
129 def itertaggaps(tagdb):
131 find store inconsistencies and return the conflicting keys and relations.
133 this can not detect the folowing:
134 - missing orphaned keys (no data).
135 - interlinking between missing keys (no data).
136 - inconsistencies in relations (no way to destinguish this from
137 good data).
139 keys = set(tagdb.keys())
140 for tag, rel in tagdb.items():
141 if not keys.issuperset(rel):
142 yield tag, rel.difference(keys)
145 #---------------------------------------------------------filltaggaps---
146 # XXX should these two be split??
147 # XXX might be good make this an interactive generator so as to have
148 # more control over what is fixed and how...
149 # XXX should this restore the tag to self??
150 # XXX might be good to make this explicitly depend on itertaggaps
151 # (through arguments)...
152 def filltaggaps(tagdb):
154 fix inconsistencies using the data returned by itertaggaps.
156 NOTE: this will restore the data that can be detected and restored
157 only (no domain semantic checks are made at this level).
158 NOTE: this is maximalistic. will fill the holes rather than cut off
159 the excess.
161 # NOTE: this is split in two so as to not iterate and modify the
162 # store at the same time...
163 tdb_diff = {}
164 # bild the diff correcting the errors...
165 for key, dif in itertaggaps(tagdb):
166 for k in dif:
167 if k in tdb_diff:
168 tdb_diff[k].update((key,))
169 else:
170 tdb_diff[k] = set((key,))
171 # apply the diff created above...
172 for k, rel in tdb_diff.items():
173 # add a link to self (XXX this should be in _iter_store_gaps)
174 rel.update((k,))
175 if k in tagdb:
176 tagdb[k].update(rel)
177 else:
178 tagdb[k] = rel
179 # return the diff...
180 return tdb_diff
184 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
185 # low-level "naive" functions...
186 #----------------------------------------------------------------_tag---
187 # XXX what should this return??
188 # XXX shows signs of exponential time increase on very large sets of
189 # data... need to revise.
190 def _tag(tagdb, obj, *tags):
192 add the tags to store.
194 tt = set((obj,) + tags)
196 for t in tt:
197 if t in tagdb:
198 ## ##!!! this appears to be a MAJOR bottleneck and slows everything down...
199 ## ##!!! most of the time is spent in union (at least this is what the profiler is showing)
200 ## ##!!! ...appears to take exponentially more time...
201 ## tagdb[t] = tagdb[t].union(tt)
202 # XXX this appears to make this about 3 orders of magnitude faster @ ~1M objects... odd!
203 tagdb[t].update(tt)
204 else:
205 tagdb[t] = tt.copy()
208 #--------------------------------------------------------------_untag---
209 ##!!! test !!!##
210 # XXX what should this return??
211 # XXX should this remove orphaned tags???
212 def _untag(tagdb, obj, *tags):
214 remove tags from store.
216 tt = set((obj,) + tags)
218 for t in tt:
219 if t not in tagdb:
220 # ignore invalid tags... (XXX should we complain here?)
221 continue
222 # remove the reqired tags...
223 tagdb[t].difference_update(tt)
224 # remove tag if it has no relations... (XXX)
225 if len(tagdb[t]) == 0:
226 del tagdb[t]
230 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
231 # user interface functions...
232 #-----------------------------------------------------------------tag---
233 # XXX what should this return??
234 def tag(tagdb, obj, *tags):
236 tag an object...
238 this maintains two special tags:
239 tag : tags all the tags.
240 object : tags all the objects.
242 NOTE: the tags "objects" and "tag" are meant for searches.
243 NOTE: neither the "object" nor the "tag" tags are user modifiable.
245 # do special tags...
246 # can't manually use the tag and object tags...
247 if 'tag' in tags or 'object' in tags or obj in ('tag', 'object'):
248 raise TypeError, 'can\'t use either "object" or "tag" tags manually.'
249 # the tag tag...
250 for t in tags:
251 if 'tag' not in tagdb.get(t, ()):
252 _tag(tagdb, t, 'tag')
253 # the object tag...
254 if 'object' not in tagdb.get(obj, ()):
255 _tag(tagdb, obj, 'object')
256 if 'tag' not in tagdb.get('object', ()):
257 _tag(tagdb, 'object', 'tag')
258 # no do the work that the user actually requested...
259 _tag(tagdb, obj, *tags)
262 #---------------------------------------------------------------untag---
263 # XXX what should this return??
264 ##!!! test !!!##
265 ##!!! what should we do here with the special tags here???
266 def untag(tagdb, obj, *tags):
268 remove the tag relation.
270 # do special tags...
271 # can't manually use the tag and object tags...
272 if 'tag' in tags or 'object' in tags or obj in ('tag', 'object'):
273 raise TypeError, 'can\'t use either "object" or "tag" tags manually.'
274 ##!!!
275 # now remove the chain...
276 _untag(tagdb, obj, *tags)
279 #--------------------------------------------------------------select---
280 def select(tagdb, tag, *tags):
282 select a set of data using tags.
284 NOTE: this will return both tags and tagged objects. to control this
285 use the "tag" and "object" tags...
287 # a small optimisation: order the tags to cut out as mach as
288 # possible as early as possible... (XXX check for better strategies)
289 l = [tag] + list(tags)
290 l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(tagdb[a]), len(tagdb[b])))
291 tag, tags = l[0], l[1:]
292 # now do the real work...
293 visited = set(l)
294 res = set(tagdb[tag])
295 # this does the folowing:
296 # - for each tag select all the tagged objects.
297 # - intersect the set with the tagged objects of each of the next tags.
298 # - remove all the tags of the path (XXX not sure if this should be
299 # done at this stage...)
300 for t in tags:
301 ## visited.update(t)
302 res.intersection_update(tagdb[t])
303 return res.difference(visited)
308 #=======================================================================
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