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[pli.git] / pli / pattern / state / fsm.py
1 #=======================================================================
3 __version__ = '''0.3.19'''
4 __sub_version__ = '''20041118120308'''
5 __copyright__ = '''(c) Alex A. Naanou 2003'''
8 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 __doc__ = '''\
11 This module defines a Finite State Machine framework.
12 '''
15 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
17 import pli.pattern.store.stored as stored
18 import pli.event as event
19 ##import pli.event.instanceevent as instanceevent
21 import state
24 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
25 #---------------------------------------------FiniteStateMachineError---
26 # TODO write more docs...
27 class FiniteStateMachineError(Exception):
28 '''
29 '''
32 #----------------------------------------------FiniteStateMachineStop---
33 class FiniteStateMachineStop(Exception):
34 '''
35 '''
38 #-----------------------------------------------------TransitionError---
39 # TODO write more docs...
40 class TransitionError(FiniteStateMachineError):
41 '''
42 '''
46 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
47 # TODO consistency checks...
48 # TODO more thorough documentation...
49 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
50 # predicates based on transitions:
51 #-----------------------------------------------------------isinitial---
52 def isinitial(s):
53 '''
54 return True is s is the initial state of an FSM.
55 '''
56 return hasattr(s, '__is_initial_state__') and s.__is_initial_state__
59 #----------------------------------------------------------isterminal---
60 def isterminal(s):
61 '''
62 return True is s is a terminal state in an FSM.
63 '''
64 return hasattr(s, '__is_terminal_state__') and s.__is_terminal_state__
67 #--------------------------------------------------------------isnext---
68 def isnext(s1, s2):
69 '''
70 return True if there is a direct transition from s1 to s2.
71 '''
72 return s2 in s1.iternextstates()
75 #--------------------------------------------------------------isprev---
76 def isprev(s1, s2):
77 '''
78 return True if there is a direct transition from s2 to s1.
79 '''
80 return isnext(s2, s1)
83 #------------------------------------------------------------isbefore---
84 # TODO make an iterative version...
85 # TODO might be good to make a breadth-first version...
86 def isbefore(s1, s2, exclude=None):
87 '''
88 return True if s2 is reachable from s1.
89 '''
90 if exclude == None:
91 exclude = []
92 # this is depth first...
93 for n in [s1] + list(s1.iternextstates()):
94 if n not in exclude and (isnext(n, s2) or isbefore(n, s2, exclude=exclude+[n])):
95 return True
96 return False
99 #-------------------------------------------------------------isafter---
100 def isafter(s1, s2):
102 return True if s1 is reachable from s2.
104 return isbefore(s2, s1)
107 #-----------------------------------------------------------isbetween---
108 def isbetween(s1, s2, s3):
110 return True if s1 is reachable from s2 and s3 is reachable from s1 (e.g. s1 is between s2 and s3).
112 return isbefore(s2, s1) and isbefore(s1, s3)
115 #------------------------------------------------------------isonpath---
116 def isonpath(s1, s2, s3, *p):
118 return True if s2 is reachable from s1 and s3 from s2 ... sN from sN-1.
120 r = (s1, s2, s3) + p
121 for i, n in enumerate(p[1:-1]):
122 if not isbetween(n, p[i], p[i+2]):
123 return False
124 return True
127 #------------------------------------------------------------isinloop---
128 def isinloop(s):
130 return true if s is inside a loop (e.g. s is reachable from s)
132 return isbefore(s, s)
136 #----------------------------------------------------------transition---
137 # TODO add support for string state names... (+ check consistency... (?))
138 # TODO add doc paramiter to transitions...
139 def transition(s1, s2, condition=None):
141 create a transition from s1 to s2.
143 if not isterminal(s1):
144 s1.transition(s2, condition)
145 else:
146 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'can\'t add transition to a terminal state %s.' % s1
149 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
150 #--------------------------------------------------------onEnterState---
151 # TODO write more docs...
152 class onEnterState(event.InstanceEvent):
155 __suppress_exceptions__ = False
157 def __init__(self, state_name):
160 self.state_name = state_name
161 super(onEnterState, self).__init__()
164 #---------------------------------------------------------onExitState---
165 # TODO write more docs...
166 class onExitState(event.InstanceEvent):
169 __suppress_exceptions__ = False
171 def __init__(self, state_name):
174 self.state_name = state_name
175 super(onExitState, self).__init__()
178 #--------------------------------------------onFiniteStateMachineStop---
179 class onFiniteStateMachineStop(event.InstanceEvent):
182 __suppress_exceptions__ = False
184 def __init__(self, state_name=None, fsm=None):
187 self.state_name = state_name
188 # XXX this is a cyclic reference....
189 if fsm != None:
190 self.fsm= fsm
191 super(onFiniteStateMachineStop, self).__init__()
194 #--------------------------------------------------FiniteStateMachine---
195 # WARNING: this has not been tested for being thread-safe...
196 # NOTE: whole FSMs can not (yet) be reproduced by deep copying... (not
197 # tested)
198 # TODO test for safety of parallel execution of two fsm instances...
199 # TODO write more docs...
200 # TODO error state handler...
201 # TODO "Sub-FSMs"
203 # TODO name resolution through the fsm.... (as a default to the startup
204 # state...)
205 # this should look like the FSM subclass is mixed-in (or a
206 # superclass of every state) to the originil FSM, yet not touching
207 # the original...
209 class FiniteStateMachine(state.State):
211 this is the base FSM class.
213 this acts as a collection of states.
215 if an initial state is defined for an FSM the instance of
216 FiniteStateMachine will change state to the initial
217 state on init.
219 # class configuration:
220 # these will define the state enter/exit event constructors..
221 __state_enter_event__ = onEnterState
222 __state_exit_event__ = onExitState
223 # if this is set, all state changes without transitions will be
224 # blocked (e.g. raise an exception)...
225 __strict_transitions__ = True
226 # this will enable automatic state changing...
227 __auto_change_state__ = True
228 # this will define the state to which we will auto-change...
229 __next_state__ = None
231 # class data:
232 __states__ = None
233 __initial_state__ = None
234 _stop_exception = None
235 _stop_reason = None
237 # this is the super safe version of init.... (incase w mix the
238 # incompatible classes....)
239 def __init__(self, *p, **n):
242 # super-safe...
243 super(FiniteStateMachine, self).__init__(*p, **n)
244 # init all states...
245 self.initstates()
246 # store a ref to the original startup class....
247 # NOTE: this is an instance attribute! (might pose a problem on
248 # serializatio....)
249 self.__startup_class__ = self.__class__
250 # change state to the initial state if one defined...
251 if hasattr(self, '__initial_state__') and self.__initial_state__ != None:
252 self.changestate(self.__initial_state__)
253 # create a general fsm stop event...
254 self.onFiniteStateMachineStop = onFiniteStateMachineStop(fsm=self)
255 def start(self):
257 this is the FSM main loop.
259 ## # sanity checks...
260 ## if not hasattr(self, '__fsm__'):
261 ## raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'can\'t start a raw FSM object (change to a valid state).'
262 # start the loop...
263 if hasattr(self, '__auto_change_state__') and self.__auto_change_state__:
264 if hasattr(self, '_running') and not self._running:
265 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'the %s FSM is already running.' % self
266 self._running = True
267 try:
268 while True:
269 # break on terminal state...
270 if isterminal(self):
271 # fire the state stop event...
272 evt_name = 'onStop' + self.__class__.__name__
273 if hasattr(self, evt_name):
274 getattr(self, evt_name).fire()
275 # exit...
276 break
277 ## # handle stops...
278 ## if self._running == False:
279 ## if self._stop_exception != None:
280 ## raise self._stop_exception, self._stop_reason
281 ## return self._stop_reason
282 if self.__next_state__ != None:
283 # change state...
284 tostate = self.__next_state__
285 self.__next_state__ = None
286 self._changestate(tostate)
287 except FiniteStateMachineStop:
288 pass
289 self._running = False
290 # fire the fsm stop event...
291 self.onFiniteStateMachineStop.fire()
292 else:
293 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'can\'t start a manual (non-auto-change-state) FSM.'
294 ## def stop(self, reason=None, exception=None):
295 ## '''
296 ## '''
297 ## self._stop_exception = exception
298 ## self._stop_reason = reason
299 ## self._running = False
300 # TODO automaticly init newly added states per FSM object on their
301 # (event) addition to the FSM class...
302 # ...or do a lazy init (as in RPG.action)
303 # actually the best thing would be to do both...
304 def initstates(self):
306 this will init state event.
308 NOTE: it is safe to run this more than once (though this might not be very fast).
310 # init all states...
311 for state in self.__states__.values():
312 state_name = state.__name__
313 for evt_name, evt_cls in (('onEnter' + state_name, self.__state_enter_event__),
314 ('onExit' + state_name, self.__state_exit_event__)):
315 if not hasattr(self, evt_name):
316 setattr(self, evt_name, evt_cls(state_name))
317 # the stop event...
318 if isterminal(state):
319 setattr(self, 'onStop' + state_name, onFiniteStateMachineStop(state_name))
320 def changestate(self, tostate):
323 if hasattr(self, '__auto_change_state__') and self.__auto_change_state__:
324 self.__next_state__ = tostate
325 else:
326 self._changestate(tostate)
327 def _changestate(self, tostate):
330 # call the __onexitstate__...
331 if hasattr(self, '__onexitstate__'):
332 self.__onexitstate__()
333 # fire the exit event...
334 evt_name = 'onExit' + self.__class__.__name__
335 if hasattr(self, evt_name):
336 getattr(self, evt_name).fire()
337 # change the state...
338 super(FiniteStateMachine, self).changestate(tostate)
339 # fire the enter event...
340 evt_name = 'onEnter' + self.__class__.__name__
341 if hasattr(self, evt_name):
342 getattr(self, evt_name).fire()
343 # run the post init method...
344 if hasattr(self, '__onafterstatechange__'):
345 self.__onafterstatechange__()
346 if hasattr(self, '__onenterstate__'):
347 self.__onenterstate__()
350 #--------------------------------------------------------------_State---
351 class _StoredState(stored._StoredClass):
353 this meta-class will register the state classes with the FSM.
355 # _StoredClass configuration:
356 __class_store_attr_name__ = '__fsm__'
358 def storeclass(cls, name, state):
360 register the state with the FSM.
362 fsm = getattr(cls, cls.__class_store_attr_name__)
363 # check state name...
364 if hasattr(fsm, name):
365 raise NameError, 'state named "%s" already exists.' % name
366 # register the state...
367 if fsm.__states__ == None:
368 fsm.__states__ = {name: state}
369 else:
370 fsm.__states__[name] = state
371 # set the fsm initial state...
372 if hasattr(state, '__is_initial_state__') and state.__is_initial_state__:
373 if hasattr(fsm, '__initial_state__') and fsm.__initial_state__ != None:
374 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'an initial state is already defined for the %s FSM.' % fsm
375 fsm.__initial_state__ = state
378 #---------------------------------------------------------------State---
379 # TODO write more docs...
380 # TODO add doc paramiter to transitions...
381 # TODO error state handler...
382 # TODO "Sub-FSMs"
383 # TODO revise magic method names and function...
384 class State(FiniteStateMachine):
386 this is the base state class for the FSM framwork.
388 there are three utility methods that can be defined:
389 __runonce__ : this will be run only once per state, this is
390 done mainly to register callbacks.
391 __onstatechange__ : this is run once per state change, right after
392 the change is made and just before the onEnter
393 event is fired.
394 __onafterstatechange__
395 : this is called after the state is finalized.
396 that is, just after the state onEnter event
397 processing is done.
398 NOTE: by default, this will select the first
399 usable transition and use it to change
400 state.
401 __onenterstate__ : this is called once per state change, just after
402 the onEnter event is fired.
403 NOTE: this is fired after the __onafterstatechange__
404 method, and does NOTHING by default.
405 __onexitstate__ : this is called once per state change, just before
406 the change and before the onExit event is fired.
407 __resolvestatechange__
408 : this is called by the above method if no usable
409 transition was found and current state is not
410 terminal.
411 NOTE: all of the above methods receive no arguments but the object
412 reference (e.g. self).
414 on state instance creation, two events will get defined and added to the FSM:
415 onEnter<state-name> : this is fired on state change, just after the
416 __onstatechange__ method is finished.
417 onExit<state-name> : this is fired just before the state is changed,
418 just after the __onexitstate__ is done.
420 for more information see: pli.pattern.state.State
423 __metaclass__ = _StoredState
425 # class configuration:
426 # this is the class of fsm this state will belong to
427 __fsm__ = None
428 # if this is set the state will be registered as initial/start state
429 __is_initial_state__ = False
430 # if this is set the state will be registered as terminal/end state
431 __is_terminal_state__ = False
433 ## ##!!! not yet implemmented section....
434 ## # Error Handling setop options:
435 ## # this will enable/disable the error case exit mechanism...
436 ## __error_exit_enabled__ = False
437 ## # if this is set, the value will be used a an error case exit from
438 ## # this state...
439 ## __error_state__ = None
440 ## # if this is true, this state will be used as the default error
441 ## # exit for the fsm...
442 ## # NOTE: there may be only one default error exit.
443 ## __is_default_error_state__ = False
445 # StoredClass options:
446 # do not register this class... (not inherited)
447 __ignore_registration__ = True
448 # auto register all subclasses (inherited)
449 __auto_register_type__ = True
451 # class data:
452 _transitions = None
454 # TODO add support for string state names... (+ check consistency... (?))
455 # TODO write a "removetransition" method....
456 def transition(cls, tostate, condition=None):
458 this will create a transition from the current state to the tostate.
460 transitions = cls._transitions
461 if transitions == None:
462 transitions = cls._transitions = {tostate: condition}
463 ## elif tostate in transitions:
464 ## raise TransitionError, 'a transition from %s to %s already exists.' % (cls, tostate)
465 else:
466 cls._transitions[tostate] = condition
467 transition = classmethod(transition)
468 def changestate(self, tostate):
470 change the object stete
472 # prevent moving out of a terminal state...
473 if hasattr(self, '__is_terminal_state__') and self.__is_terminal_state__:
474 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'can\'t change state of a terminal FSM node %s.' % self
475 fsm = self.__fsm__
476 # check for transitions...
477 if hasattr(fsm, '__strict_transitions__') and fsm.__strict_transitions__ and \
478 (not hasattr(self, '_transitions') or self._transitions == None or \
479 tostate not in self._transitions):
480 raise TransitionError, 'can\'t change state of %s to state %s without a transition.' % (self, tostate)
481 # check condition...
482 transitions = self._transitions
483 if transitions[tostate] != None and not transitions[tostate](self):
484 raise TransitionError, 'conditional transition from %s to state %s failed.' % (self, tostate)
485 super(State, self).changestate(tostate)
486 def iternextstates(self):
488 this will iterate through the states directly reachable from
489 self (e.g. to which there are direct transitions).
491 if self._transitions == None:
492 return
493 for n in self._transitions:
494 yield n
495 iternextstates = classmethod(iternextstates)
496 # this method is called after the state is finalized (e.g. after the
497 # __onstatechange__ is called and the onEnter event is processed).
498 def __onafterstatechange__(self):
500 this will try to next change state.
502 if hasattr(self, '__auto_change_state__') and self.__auto_change_state__:
503 if self._transitions != None:
504 for tostate in self._transitions:
505 try:
506 self.changestate(tostate)
507 return
508 except:
509 ##!!!
510 pass
511 if not hasattr(self, '__is_terminal_state__') or not self.__is_terminal_state__:
512 if hasattr(self, '__resolvestatechange__'):
513 # try to save the day and call the resolve method...
514 return self.__resolvestatechange__()
515 raise FiniteStateMachineError, 'can\'t exit a non-terminal state %s.' % self
516 # this is here for documentation...
517 ## def __resolvestatechange__(self):
518 ## '''
519 ## this is called if no transition from current state is found, to
520 ## resolve the situation.
521 ## '''
522 ## pass
523 # Q: does this need to be __gatattr__ or __getattribute__ ????
524 # NOTE: this might make the attr access quite slow...
525 # Q: is there a faster way??? (via MRO manipulation or something...)
526 def __getattr__(self, name):
528 this will proxy the attr access to the original startup class....
530 ##!!! check for looping searching !!!##
531 # get the name in the startup class...
532 try:
533 return getattr(self.__startup_class__, name)
534 except AttributeError:
535 raise AttributeError, '%s object has no attribute "%s"' % (self, name)
538 #--------------------------------------------------------InitialState---
539 class InitialState(State):
542 __is_initial_state__ = True
543 __ignore_registration__ = True
546 #-------------------------------------------------------TerminalState---
547 class TerminalState(State):
550 __is_terminal_state__ = True
551 __ignore_registration__ = True
555 #=======================================================================
556 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 nowrap :