Add HOL Light and its dependencies.
[nixpkgs-libre.git] / pkgs / applications / science / logic / hol_light /
1 (* ========================================================================= *)
2 (* Create a standalone HOL image. Assumes that we are running under Linux *)
3 (* and have the program "dmtcp" available to create checkpoints. *)
4 (* *)
5 (* (c) Copyright, John Harrison 1998-2007 *)
6 (* (c) Copyright, Marco Maggesi 2010 *)
7 (* ========================================================================= *)
9 #use "";;
11 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
12 (* Non-destructive checkpoint using DMTCP. *)
13 (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
15 let checkpoint bannerstring =
16 let longer_banner = startup_banner ^ " with DMTCP" in
17 let complete_banner =
18 if bannerstring = "" then longer_banner
19 else longer_banner^"\n "^bannerstring in
20 (Gc.compact();
21 loadt "Examples/";
22 print_newline ();
23 Unix.sleep 1;
24 try ignore(Unix.system ("dmtcp_command -bc")) with _ -> ();
25 Format.print_string complete_banner;
26 Format.print_newline(); Format.print_newline());;
28 loadt "Multivariate/";;
29 dmtcp_checkpoint "Preloaded with multivariate analysis";;