Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / doc / newLISPdoc.html
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
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4 <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
5 <title>newLISPdoc</title>
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44 <center>
45 <h1>newLISPdoc - the newLISP documentation program</h1>
46 <font size="-1">last edited 2008-02-27</font>
47 </center>
49 <p>Comments in newLISP source files can be converted
50 to HTML documentation using only a few tags in comments. The newLISPdoc system
51 is designed to use a minimum of tags and leave the tagged comments still readable.</p>
53 <p>newLISPdoc also generates an index page for all newLISP source files
54 generated.</p>
56 <p>See here for the <a href="">source of newLISPdoc</a> .
57 The program and this documentation are also part of the
58 source distribution of newLISP since version 9.0. Since newLISP version 9.1 syntax
59 highlighting is built into <tt>newlispdoc</tt> which is installed
60 in the same directory as the main newLISP executable program. The script
61 <tt>syntax.cgi</tt> is still available for web site installations, but is not
62 required anymore for <tt>newlispdoc</tt>.</p>
64 <h3>Usage</h3>
65 <p>From within the directory where the modules are, execute with all module filenames
66 to process on the commandline. For example to process the files <tt>mysql.lsp</tt>,
67 <tt>odbc.lsp</tt> and <tt>sqlite3.lsp</tt> do:</p>
69 <blockquote><pre>
70 newlispdoc mysql.lsp odbc.lsp sqlite.lsp
71 </pre></blockquote>
73 <p>Or on Win32:</p>
75 <blockquote><pre>
76 newlisp newlispdoc mysql.lsp odbc.lsp sqlite.lsp
77 </pre></blockquote>
79 <p>This will generate <tt>index.html</tt>, <tt>mysql.lsp.html</tt>, <tt>odbc.lsp.html</tt>
80 and <tt>sqlite.lsp.html</tt> all in the same directory, where the command was executed.
81 The page <tt>index.html</tt> contains links to all other pages.</p>
83 <p>The command line flag <tt>-s</tt> can be supplied to additionally
84 generate syntax highlighted HTML versions of the source files and put a link
85 to the highlighted version of the source file on the documentation page:</p>
87 <blockquote><pre>
88 newlispdoc -s mysql.lsp odbc.lsp sqlite.lsp
89 newlispdoc -s *.lsp
90 </pre></blockquote>
92 <p>Or on Win32:</p>
94 <blockquote><pre>
95 newlisp newlispdoc -s mysql.lsp odbc.lsp sqlite.lsp
96 </pre></blockquote>
98 <p>Since version 1.3 of newLISPdoc a file containing URLs of source file locations
99 can be specified. This allows indexing and documenting of newLISP source code distributed
100 on different sites:</p>
102 <blockquote><pre>
103 newlispdoc -url file-with-urls.txt
104 newlispdoc -s -url file-with-urls.txt
105 </pre></blockquote>
107 <p>Or on Win32:</p>
109 <blockquote><pre>
110 newlisp newlispdoc -url file-with-urls.txt
111 newlisp newlispdoc -s -url file-with-urls.txt
112 </pre></blockquote>
114 <p><tt>http://</tt> and <tt>file://</tt> URLs can be used. Like with individual files,
115 the <tt>-s</tt> switch can be specified to generate also syntax highlighted source files.
116 A URL file contains one URL per line. No other information is allowed in the file. The
117 following is a sample URL file:</p>
119 <blockquote><pre>
122 file:///usr/home/joe/program.lsp
123 </pre></blockquote>
125 <p>The last line shows a file URL from the local filesystem.</p>
127 <p>All generated files will be written to the current directory.</p>
129 <h3>Tags</h3>
131 <p>The following tags start at the beginning of a line with
132 2 semicolons and one space before the tag:</p>
134 <blockquote><pre>
135 ;; @module one word for module name
136 ;; @index Title and URL for index page
137 ;; @description one line description of the module
138 ;; @location the original URL location of the source file
139 ;; @version one line version info
140 ;; @author one line for author info
141 ;; @syntax one line syntax pattern
142 ;; @param name description on one line
143 ;; @return description on one line
144 ;; @example multiline code example starting on next line
145 </pre></blockquote>
147 <p>The only required tag is either the <tt>@module</tt> tag or alternatively
148 the <tt>@index</tt> tag. If neither one tag is present in the file, it will
149 not be processed. All other tags are optional. Only lines starting with ;;
150 (2 semicolons) are processed. Program comment text which should not appear
151 in the documentation should start with only one semicolon.</p>
153 <p>The one line description of the <tt>@description</tt> tag will be put under the module
154 name on the index and module doc page. This and the <tt>@location</tt> where added in
155 June 2007, and are not part of the newlispdoc program in the newLISP v. 9.1 release.</p>
157 <p>A function may have multiple <tt>@syntax</tt> tags each on consecutive lines.</tt>
159 <p>The following is the only tag, which can be embedded anywhere in
160 the text. Between the tag link specificaton and description is exactly on
161 space:</p>
163 <blockquote><pre>
164 @link link description
165 </pre></blockquote>
167 <p>All words between <tt>&lt;...&gt;</tt> angle braces are displayed in italic.
168 Internally newLISPdoc uses <tt>&lt;em&gt;,&lt;/em&gt;</tt> tags for formatting. They
169 should be used for parameter specs after the @param tag and in text referring
170 to those parameters..</p>
172 <p>All words between single quotes <tt>' ... '</tt> are printed in monospace.
173 Internally newLISPdoc uses <tt>&lt;tt&gt;,&lt;/tt&gt;</tt> tags for formatting.</p>
175 <p>All other lines starting with 2 semicolons contain descriptive
176 text. An empty line with only 2 semicolons at the beginning
177 is a break between paragraphs of text.</p>
179 <p>Lines not starting with 2 semicolons are ignored by newLISPdoc. This
180 allows doing code comments with just one semicolon.</p>
182 <p>If more formatting is required than what is offered by newLISPdoc, the
183 following simple HTML tags and their closing forms may also be used:
184 <tt>&lt;h1&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;h2&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;h3&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;h4&gt;</tt>,
185 <tt>&lt;i&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;em&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;b&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;tt&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;p&gt;</tt>,
186 <tt>&lt;br&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;pre&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;center&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;blockquote&gt;</tt>
187 and <tt>&lt;hr&gt;</tt>.</p>
188 <h3>Linking to other module collections</h3>
189 <p>newLISPdoc generates and index page for all modules documented. A special tag <tt>@index</tt>
190 can be used to show a link on the index page to an index of other module collections. This way
191 multilevel indices of modules can be created. To display a link to another module collection
192 on the index page, create a file containing a <tt>@index</tt> and a <tt>@descrption</tt> link:</p>
194 <blockquote><pre>
195 ; - other-collection.txt -
196 ;; @index OtherCollection
197 ;; @description Modules from OtherCollection
198 </pre></blockquote>
200 <p>Use one or more of these files on the newLISPdoc command line as any other
201 source file:</p>
203 <blockquote><pre>
204 newlispdoc -s other-collection.txt *.lsp
205 </pre></blockquote>
207 <p>This will show the index entry for OtherCollection on the module index before listing
208 all modules in <tt>*.lsp</tt>.</p>
210 <hr>
212 <a name="source"></a>
213 <h3>Examples</h3>
215 <p>The following is the commented source of and example program
216 followed by the pages generated in HTML:</p>
218 <blockquote><pre>
219 ;; @module example.lsp
220 ;; @author John Doe,
221 ;; @version 1.0
223 ;; This module is an example module for the newlispdoc
224 ;; program, which generates automatic newLISP module
225 ;; documentation.
228 ;; @syntax (example:foo &lt;num-repeat&gt; &lt;str-message&gt;)
229 ;; @param &lt;num-repeat&gt; The number of times to repeat.
230 ;; @param &lt;str-message&gt; The messsage string to be printed.
231 ;; @return Returns the message in &lt;str-message&gt;
233 ;; The function 'foo' repeatedly prints a string to
234 ;; standard out terminated by a line feed.
236 ;; @example
237 ;; (example:foo 5 "hello world")
238 ;; =&gt;
239 ;; "hello world"
240 ;; "hello world"
241 ;; "hello world"
242 ;; "hello world"
243 ;; "hello world"
245 (context 'example)
247 (define (foo n msg)
248 (dotimes (i n)
249 (println msg))
252 ;; See the @link source .
253 </pre></blockquote>
255 <p>Below the <tt>example.lsp.html</tt> and <tt>index.html</tt> page generated:</p>
257 <hr>
258 <a name="example"></a>
259 <p><a href="#index">Module index</a></p><h2>Module:&nbsp;example.lsp</h2><b>Author: </b>John Doe,<br/>
260 <b>Version: </b>1.0<br/>
261 <p></p>
262 This module is an example module for the newlispdoc
263 program, which generates automatic newLISP module
264 documentation.
267 <p></p><center>- &sect; -</center><p></p>
268 <a name="example_foo"></a><h3>Syntax: (<font color=#CC0000>example:foo</font> <em>num-repeat</em> <em>str-message</em>)</h3>
269 <b>parameter: </b><em>num-repeat</em> - The number of times to repeat.<br/>
270 <b>parameter: </b><em>str-message</em> - The messsage string to be printed.<br/>
271 <p><b>return: </b>Returns the message in <em>str-message</em></p>
272 <p></p>
273 The function <tt>foo</tt> repeatedly prints a string to
274 standard out terminated by a line feed.
275 <p></p>
276 <p></p><b>example:</b><blockquote><pre>
277 (example:foo 5 "hello world")
278 =&gt;
279 "hello world"
280 "hello world"
281 "hello world"
282 "hello world"
283 "hello world"</pre></blockquote>
284 See the <a href="#source">source</a>.
285 <p></p><center>- &part; -</center><br/>
286 <center><font face='Arial' size='-2' color='#444444'>
287 generated with <a href="">newLISP</a>&nbsp;
288 and <a href="">newlispdoc</a>
289 </font></center>
290 </blockquote>
292 <hr>
294 <p>Below the index page <tt>index.html</tt> which was generated. When more than one module is
295 specified on the command line, the index page will show one link line for
296 each module.</p>
298 <hr>
300 <a name="index"></a>
301 <blockquote>
302 <a href="#example"><h2>Module:&nbsp;example.lsp</h2></a>
303 <a href="#example_foo">foo</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;
304 <p></p><center>- &part; -</center><br/>
305 <center><font face='Arial' size='-2' color='#444444'>
306 generated with <a href="">newLISP</a>&nbsp;
307 and <a href="">newlispdoc</a>
308 </font></center>
309 </blockquote>
311 <hr>
313 </body>
314 </html>