1 These are pre-created Makefiles for various platforms, use them if
2 GNU autoconf/automake packages are not supported on your system.
6 Filename Target Compiler Tested with
7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 msvc.mak Win32 MS Visual C++ Visual Visual Studio 2013-2017
10 For building on a Win32 host using Microsoft Visual C++.
12 Usage: nmake /f Mkfiles\msvc.mak
14 If the following tools are installed, the full installer package can
16 1. Perl (5.6 or later), e.g. ActivePerl or StrawberryPerl
17 http://strawberryperl.com/
18 2. Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (makensis)
19 http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download
20 3. Ghostscript (ps2pdf) or Acrobat Distriller (acrodist)
21 https://downloads.ghostscript.com/
22 4. The Adobe Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro fonts
23 https://github.com/adobe-fonts
24 5. The Perl module Font::TTF (can usually be installed
25 via the "CPAN Client" in your Perl distribution)
26 http://search.cpan.org/~bhallissy/Font-TTF/
27 6. The Perl module Sort::Versions (can usually be installed
28 via the "CPAN Client" in your Perl distribution)
29 http://search.cpan.org/~neilb/Sort-Versions-1.62/lib/Sort/Versions.pm
31 The tools need to be in your current path. To build the
32 installer package, run:
34 nmake /f Mkfiles\msvc.mak everything nsis
36 Filename Target Compiler Tested with
37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 openwcom.mak DOS,Win32,OS/2 OpenWatcom C OpenWatcom 1.7 (Win32)
39 Linux (386) OpenWatcom 1.9 (Linux)
41 For building on a DOS, OS/2, Win32 or Linux host using OpenWatcom.
42 OpenWatcom can be downloaded from http://www.openwatcom.org/.
44 Usage: wmake /f Mkfiles/openwcom.mak <target>
46 <target> is dos, win32, os2, or linux386.