Update App loading to new requirements of Django 1.7+
[mygpo.git] / requirements.txt
1 Babel==1.3
2 Pillow==2.8.1
3 Django==1.8.2
4 celery==3.1.18
5 dj-database-url==0.3.0
6 django-redis-sessions==0.4.0
7 python3-memcached==1.51
8 feedparser==5.2.0.post1
9 gunicorn==19.3.0
10 html2text==2015.4.14
11 markdown2==2.3.0
12 oauth2client==1.4.11
13 psycopg2==2.6
14 pyes==0.99.5
15 python-dateutil==2.4.2
16 redis==2.10.3
17 ujson==1.33
18 django-celery==3.1.16
19 requests==2.7.0
20 # module is not longer used but still imported in migrations
21 django-uuidfield==0.5.0