missing lineinfo from gg.onkeyword() and for "|x| y" syntax
[metalua.git] / doc / manual / trycatch-ref.tex
1 \section{Extension {\tt trywith}: exceptions and finalization}
2 Lua offers error handling primitives \verb+pcall()+ and
3 \veb+xpcall()+. However, they are pretty low level, and their syntax
4 is cumbersome to use and read back. This extension offers a proper
5 syntax for the handling of such exceptions.
7 \subsection{Syntax}
8 An error handling statement has the following form:
10 \begin{verbatim}
11 try
12 <protected block>
13 catch <exception pattern #1> then
14 <exception handling block #1>
15 catch <exception pattern #2> then
16 <exception handling block #2>
17 ...
18 catch <exception pattern #n> then
19 <exception handling block #n>
20 finally
21 <finalization block>
22 end
23 \end{verbatim}
25 \subsection{Semantics}
26 When such a statement is executed:
27 \begin{itemize}
28 \item the protected code is executed
29 \item if its execution causes an error, the error message is matched
30 against all exception patterns, until one matches or the last one is
31 reached (see the \verb+match+ extension for patterns
32 semantics). Patterns can include guard clauses. The block
33 corresponding to the first matching pattern is executed. If no
34 pattern matches, the error will be rethrown.
35 \item the block following the \verb+finally+ keyword will be executed
36 no matter what: if the protected block executes succesfully, if it
37 raises an error, if it causes a \verb+return+, if an error occurs in
38 an exception handling block, whether an error is caught or
39 not... The only reason why the finalization block might not be run
40 is because of a sudden death of the process (call to {\tt os.exit()}
41 or core dump).
42 \end{itemize}
44 The finally block can be omitted, or there can be no error catching
45 case. The following examples are legal:
47 \begin{verbatim}
48 try
49 f = io.open ('file.txt', 'r')
50 num_char = #f:read '*a'
51 finally
52 f:close()
53 end
55 try
56 do_stuff()
57 catch "mismatch" then
58 print "match statement failure"
59 catch "[Ee]of"/_ then -- regexp pattern
60 print "An end-of-file error seems to have happened"
61 catch x if type(x)=='table' then
62 print "The error is a table, not a string!"
63 end
64 \end{verbatim}
66 \subsection{RAII}
67 RAII, or ``Resource Acquisition Is Initialization'', is a common
68 programming pattern in which an object's lifetime is strictly
69 associated with a given lexical scope. For instance, if a file is
70 opened in a given scope, it must be closed as soon as this scope is
71 leaved, even if it's leaved due to a {\tt return} or an error. The
72 ``finally'' block allows this, but since it's a very common use case,
73 there is a dedicated extension ``with/do'': you initialize some resource
74 behind the ``with'' keyword, and it will be closed after the ``do''
75 block is left. The only constraint is that the resources must have a
76 {\tt:close()} method which releases them. Here is a usage example:
78 \begin{verbatim}
79 -{ extension 'withdo' }
81 with f1, f2 = io.open 'file1.txt', io.open 'file2.txt' do
82 local t1 = f1:read '*a'
83 local t2 = f2:read '*a'
84 printf("The files contain %i and %i chars respectively", t1, t2)
85 end
86 \end{verbatim}