Consider the case where there is not any layout name.
[lyx.git] / src / LaTeX.C
1 /**
2  * \file LaTeX.C
3  * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
4  * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
5  *
6  * \author Alfredo Braunstein
7  * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
8  * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
9  * \author Angus Leeming
10  * \author Dekel Tsur
11  *
12  * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
13  */
15 #include <config.h>
17 #include "LaTeX.h"
18 #include "bufferlist.h"
19 #include "gettext.h"
20 #include "lyxrc.h"
21 #include "debug.h"
22 #include "DepTable.h"
23 #include "support/filetools.h"
24 #include "support/convert.h"
25 #include "support/lstrings.h"
26 #include "support/lyxlib.h"
27 #include "support/systemcall.h"
28 #include "support/os.h"
30 #include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
31 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
33 #include <fstream>
35 using lyx::support::AbsolutePath;
36 using lyx::support::bformat;
37 using lyx::support::ChangeExtension;
38 using lyx::support::contains;
39 using lyx::support::findtexfile;
40 using lyx::support::getcwd;
41 using lyx::support::OnlyFilename;
42 using lyx::support::prefixIs;
43 using lyx::support::QuoteName;
44 using lyx::support::rtrim;
45 using lyx::support::split;
46 using lyx::support::subst;
47 using lyx::support::suffixIs;
48 using lyx::support::Systemcall;
49 using lyx::support::unlink;
50 using lyx::support::trim;
52 namespace os = lyx::support::os;
53 namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
55 using boost::regex;
56 using boost::smatch;
59 #ifndef CXX_GLOBAL_CSTD
60 using std::sscanf;
61 #endif
63 using std::endl;
64 using std::getline;
65 using std::string;
66 using std::ifstream;
67 using std::set;
68 using std::vector;
70 // TODO: in no particular order
71 // - get rid of the extern BufferList and the call to
72 //   BufferList::updateIncludedTeXfiles, this should either
73 //   be done before calling LaTeX::funcs or in a completely
74 //   different way.
75 // - the makeindex style files should be taken care of with
76 //   the dependency mechanism.
77 // - makeindex commandline options should be supported
78 // - somewhere support viewing of bibtex and makeindex log files.
79 // - we should perhaps also scan the bibtex log file
81 extern BufferList bufferlist;
83 namespace {
85 string runMessage(unsigned int count)
87         return bformat(_("Waiting for LaTeX run number %1$d"), count);
90 } // anon namespace
94  */
96 void TeXErrors::insertError(int line, string const & error_desc,
97                             string const & error_text)
99         Error newerr(line, error_desc, error_text);
100         errors.push_back(newerr);
104 bool operator==(Aux_Info const & a, Aux_Info const & o)
106         return a.aux_file == o.aux_file &&
107                 a.citations == o.citations &&
108                 a.databases == o.databases &&
109                 a.styles == o.styles;
113 bool operator!=(Aux_Info const & a, Aux_Info const & o)
115         return !(a == o);
120  * CLASS LaTeX
121  */
123 LaTeX::LaTeX(string const & latex, OutputParams const & rp,
124              string const & f, string const & p)
125         : cmd(latex), file(f), path(p), runparams(rp)
127         num_errors = 0;
128         depfile = file + ".dep";
129         if (prefixIs(cmd, "pdf")) { // Do we use pdflatex ?
130                 depfile += "-pdf";
131                 output_file = ChangeExtension(file,".pdf");
132         } else {
133                 output_file = ChangeExtension(file,".dvi");
134         }
138 void LaTeX::deleteFilesOnError() const
140         // currently just a dummy function.
142         // What files do we have to delete?
144         // This will at least make latex do all the runs
145         unlink(depfile);
147         // but the reason for the error might be in a generated file...
149         string const ofname = OnlyFilename(file);
151         // bibtex file
152         string const bbl = ChangeExtension(ofname, ".bbl");
153         unlink(bbl);
155         // makeindex file
156         string const ind = ChangeExtension(ofname, ".ind");
157         unlink(ind);
159         // Also remove the aux file
160         string const aux = ChangeExtension(ofname, ".aux");
161         unlink(aux);
165 int LaTeX::run(TeXErrors & terr)
166         // We know that this function will only be run if the lyx buffer
167         // has been changed. We also know that a newly written .tex file
168         // is always different from the previous one because of the date
169         // in it. However it seems safe to run latex (at least) on time each
170         // time the .tex file changes.
172         int scanres = NO_ERRORS;
173         unsigned int count = 0; // number of times run
174         num_errors = 0; // just to make sure.
175         unsigned int const MAX_RUN = 6;
176         DepTable head; // empty head
177         bool rerun = false; // rerun requested
179         // The class LaTeX does not know the temp path.
180         bufferlist.updateIncludedTeXfiles(getcwd(), runparams);
182         // Never write the depfile if an error was encountered.
184         // 0
185         // first check if the file dependencies exist:
186         //     ->If it does exist
187         //             check if any of the files mentioned in it have
188         //             changed (done using a checksum).
189         //                 -> if changed:
190         //                        run latex once and
191         //                        remake the dependency file
192         //                 -> if not changed:
193         //                        just return there is nothing to do for us.
194         //     ->if it doesn't exist
195         //             make it and
196         //             run latex once (we need to run latex once anyway) and
197         //             remake the dependency file.
198         //
200         bool had_depfile = fs::exists(depfile);
201         bool run_bibtex = false;
202         string aux_file = OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, "aux"));
204         if (had_depfile) {
205                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dependency file exists" << endl;
206                 // Read the dep file:
207                 had_depfile =;
208         }
210         if (had_depfile) {
211                 // Update the checksums
212                 head.update();
213                 // Can't just check if anything has changed because it might have aborted
214                 // on error last time... in which cas we need to re-run latex
215                 // and collect the error messages (even if they are the same).
216                 if (!fs::exists(output_file)) {
217                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
218                                 << "re-running LaTeX because output file doesn't exist." << endl;
219                 } else if (!head.sumchange()) {
220                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "return no_change" << endl;
221                         return NO_CHANGE;
222                 } else {
223                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
224                                 << "Dependency file has changed" << endl;
225                 }
227                 if (head.extchanged(".bib") || head.extchanged(".bst"))
228                         run_bibtex = true;
229         } else
230                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
231                         << "Dependency file does not exist, or has wrong format" << endl;
233         /// We scan the aux file even when had_depfile = false,
234         /// because we can run pdflatex on the file after running latex on it,
235         /// in which case we will not need to run bibtex again.
236         vector<Aux_Info> bibtex_info_old;
237         if (!run_bibtex)
238                 bibtex_info_old = scanAuxFiles(aux_file);
240         ++count;
241         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Run #" << count << endl;
242         message(runMessage(count));
244         startscript();
245         scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
246         if (scanres & ERROR_RERUN) {
247                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Rerunning LaTeX" << endl;
248                 startscript();
249                 scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
250         }
252         if (scanres & ERRORS) {
253                 deleteFilesOnError();
254                 return scanres; // return on error
255         }
257         vector<Aux_Info> const bibtex_info = scanAuxFiles(aux_file);
258         if (!run_bibtex && bibtex_info_old != bibtex_info)
259                 run_bibtex = true;
261         // update the dependencies.
262         deplog(head); // reads the latex log
263         head.update();
265         // 0.5
266         // At this point we must run external programs if needed.
267         // makeindex will be run if a .idx file changed or was generated.
268         // And if there were undefined citations or changes in references
269         // the .aux file is checked for signs of bibtex. Bibtex is then run
270         // if needed.
272         // run makeindex
273         if (head.haschanged(OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx")))) {
274                 // no checks for now
275                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex." << endl;
276                 message(_("Running MakeIndex."));
277                 rerun = runMakeIndex(OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx")), runparams);
278         }
280         // run bibtex
281         // if (scanres & UNDEF_CIT || scanres & RERUN || run_bibtex)
282         if (scanres & UNDEF_CIT || run_bibtex) {
283                 // Here we must scan the .aux file and look for
284                 // "\bibdata" and/or "\bibstyle". If one of those
285                 // tags is found -> run bibtex and set rerun = true;
286                 // no checks for now
287                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running BibTeX." << endl;
288                 message(_("Running BibTeX."));
289                 updateBibtexDependencies(head, bibtex_info);
290                 rerun |= runBibTeX(bibtex_info);
291         } else if (!had_depfile) {
292                 /// If we run pdflatex on the file after running latex on it,
293                 /// then we do not need to run bibtex, but we do need to
294                 /// insert the .bib and .bst files into the .dep-pdf file.
295                 updateBibtexDependencies(head, bibtex_info);
296         }
298         // 1
299         // we know on this point that latex has been run once (or we just
300         // returned) and the question now is to decide if we need to run
301         // it any more. This is done by asking if any of the files in the
302         // dependency file has changed. (remember that the checksum for
303         // a given file is reported to have changed if it just was created)
304         //     -> if changed or rerun == true:
305         //             run latex once more and
306         //             update the dependency structure
307         //     -> if not changed:
308         //             we does nothing at this point
309         //
310         if (rerun || head.sumchange()) {
311                 rerun = false;
312                 ++count;
313                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
314                         << "Dep. file has changed or rerun requested" << endl;
315                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]
316                         << "Run #" << count << endl;
317                 message(runMessage(count));
318                 startscript();
319                 scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
320                 if (scanres & ERRORS) {
321                         deleteFilesOnError();
322                         return scanres; // return on error
323                 }
325                 // update the depedencies
326                 deplog(head); // reads the latex log
327                 head.update();
328         } else {
329                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dep. file has NOT changed" << endl;
330         }
332         // 1.5
333         // The inclusion of files generated by external programs like
334         // makeindex or bibtex might have done changes to pagenumbereing,
335         // etc. And because of this we must run the external programs
336         // again to make sure everything is redone correctly.
337         // Also there should be no need to run the external programs any
338         // more after this.
340         // run makeindex if the <file>.idx has changed or was generated.
341         if (head.haschanged(OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx")))) {
342                 // no checks for now
343                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex." << endl;
344                 message(_("Running MakeIndex."));
345                 rerun = runMakeIndex(OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".idx")), runparams);
346         }
348         // 2
349         // we will only run latex more if the log file asks for it.
350         // or if the sumchange() is true.
351         //     -> rerun asked for:
352         //             run latex and
353         //             remake the dependency file
354         //             goto 2 or return if max runs are reached.
355         //     -> rerun not asked for:
356         //             just return (fall out of bottom of func)
357         //
358         while ((head.sumchange() || rerun || (scanres & RERUN))
359                && count < MAX_RUN) {
360                 // Yes rerun until message goes away, or until
361                 // MAX_RUNS are reached.
362                 rerun = false;
363                 ++count;
364                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Run #" << count << endl;
365                 message(runMessage(count));
366                 startscript();
367                 scanres = scanLogFile(terr);
368                 if (scanres & ERRORS) {
369                         deleteFilesOnError();
370                         return scanres; // return on error
371                 }
373                 // keep this updated
374                 head.update();
375         }
377         // Write the dependencies to file.
378         head.write(depfile);
379         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Done." << endl;
380         return scanres;
384 int LaTeX::startscript()
386         string tmp = cmd + ' ' + QuoteName(file) + " > " + os::nulldev();
387         Systemcall one;
388         return one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp);
392 bool LaTeX::runMakeIndex(string const & f, OutputParams const & runparams)
394         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "idx file has been made,"
395                 " running makeindex on file "
396                              <<  f << endl;
397         string tmp = lyxrc.index_command + " ";
398         tmp = subst(tmp, "$$lang", runparams.document_language);
399         tmp += QuoteName(f);
400         Systemcall one;
401         one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp);
402         return true;
406 vector<Aux_Info> const
407 LaTeX::scanAuxFiles(string const & file)
409         vector<Aux_Info> result;
411         result.push_back(scanAuxFile(file));
413         for (int i = 1; i < 1000; ++i) {
414                 string const file2 = ChangeExtension(file, "")
415                         + '.' + convert<string>(i)
416                         + ".aux";
417                 if (!fs::exists(file2))
418                         break;
419                 result.push_back(scanAuxFile(file2));
420         }
421         return result;
425 Aux_Info const LaTeX::scanAuxFile(string const & file)
427         Aux_Info result;
428         result.aux_file = file;
429         scanAuxFile(file, result);
430         return result;
434 void LaTeX::scanAuxFile(string const & file, Aux_Info & aux_info)
436         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Scanning aux file: " << file << endl;
438         ifstream ifs(file.c_str());
439         string token;
440         static regex const reg1("\\\\citation\\{([^}]+)\\}");
441         static regex const reg2("\\\\bibdata\\{([^}]+)\\}");
442         static regex const reg3("\\\\bibstyle\\{([^}]+)\\}");
443         static regex const reg4("\\\\@input\\{([^}]+)\\}");
445         while (getline(ifs, token)) {
446                 token = rtrim(token, "\r");
447                 smatch sub;
448                 if (regex_match(token, sub, reg1)) {
449                         string data = sub.str(1);
450                         while (!data.empty()) {
451                                 string citation;
452                                 data = split(data, citation, ',');
453                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Citation: "
454                                                      << citation << endl;
455                                 aux_info.citations.insert(citation);
456                         }
457                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg2)) {
458                         string data = sub.str(1);
459                         // data is now all the bib files separated by ','
460                         // get them one by one and pass them to the helper
461                         while (!data.empty()) {
462                                 string database;
463                                 data = split(data, database, ',');
464                                 database = ChangeExtension(database, "bib");
465                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "BibTeX database: `"
466                                                      << database << '\'' << endl;
467                                 aux_info.databases.insert(database);
468                         }
469                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg3)) {
470                         string style = sub.str(1);
471                         // token is now the style file
472                         // pass it to the helper
473                         style = ChangeExtension(style, "bst");
474                         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "BibTeX style: `"
475                                              << style << '\'' << endl;
476                         aux_info.styles.insert(style);
477                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg4)) {
478                         string const file2 = sub.str(1);
479                         scanAuxFile(file2, aux_info);
480                 }
481         }
485 void LaTeX::updateBibtexDependencies(DepTable & dep,
486                                      vector<Aux_Info> const & bibtex_info)
488         // Since a run of Bibtex mandates more latex runs it is ok to
489         // remove all ".bib" and ".bst" files.
490         dep.remove_files_with_extension(".bib");
491         dep.remove_files_with_extension(".bst");
492         //string aux = OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".aux"));
494         for (vector<Aux_Info>::const_iterator it = bibtex_info.begin();
495              it != bibtex_info.end(); ++it) {
496                 for (set<string>::const_iterator it2 = it->databases.begin();
497                      it2 != it->databases.end(); ++it2) {
498                         string file = findtexfile(*it2, "bib");
499                         if (!file.empty())
500                                 dep.insert(file, true);
501                 }
503                 for (set<string>::const_iterator it2 = it->styles.begin();
504                      it2 != it->styles.end(); ++it2) {
505                         string file = findtexfile(*it2, "bst");
506                         if (!file.empty())
507                                 dep.insert(file, true);
508                 }
509         }
513 bool LaTeX::runBibTeX(vector<Aux_Info> const & bibtex_info)
515         bool result = false;
516         for (vector<Aux_Info>::const_iterator it = bibtex_info.begin();
517              it != bibtex_info.end(); ++it) {
518                 if (it->databases.empty())
519                         continue;
520                 result = true;
522                 string tmp = lyxrc.bibtex_command + " ";
523                 tmp += QuoteName(OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(it->aux_file, string())));
524                 Systemcall one;
525                 one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp);
526         }
527         // Return whether bibtex was run
528         return result;
532 int LaTeX::scanLogFile(TeXErrors & terr)
534         int last_line = -1;
535         int line_count = 1;
536         int retval = NO_ERRORS;
537         string tmp = OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".log"));
538         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log file: " << tmp << endl;
539         ifstream ifs(tmp.c_str());
541         string token;
542         while (getline(ifs, token)) {
543                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log line: " << token << endl;
545                 if (token.empty())
546                         continue;
548                 if (prefixIs(token, "LaTeX Warning:") ||
549                     prefixIs(token, "! pdfTeX warning")) {
550                         // Here shall we handle different
551                         // types of warnings
552                         retval |= LATEX_WARNING;
553                         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "LaTeX Warning." << endl;
554                         if (contains(token, "Rerun to get cross-references")) {
555                                 retval |= RERUN;
556                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]
557                                         << "We should rerun." << endl;
558                         } else if (contains(token, "Citation")
559                                    && contains(token, "on page")
560                                    && contains(token, "undefined")) {
561                                 retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
562                         }
563                 } else if (prefixIs(token, "Package")) {
564                         // Package warnings
565                         retval |= PACKAGE_WARNING;
566                         if (contains(token, "natbib Warning:")) {
567                                 // Natbib warnings
568                                 if (contains(token, "Citation")
569                                     && contains(token, "on page")
570                                     && contains(token, "undefined")) {
571                                         retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
572                                 }
573                         } else if (contains(token, "run BibTeX")) {
574                                 retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
575                         } else if (contains(token, "Rerun LaTeX") ||
576                                    contains(token, "Rerun to get")) {
577                                 // at least longtable.sty and bibtopic.sty
578                                 // might use this.
579                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]
580                                         << "We should rerun." << endl;
581                                 retval |= RERUN;
582                         }
583                 } else if (token[0] == '(') {
584                         if (contains(token, "Rerun LaTeX") ||
585                             contains(token, "Rerun to get")) {
586                                 // Used by natbib
587                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]
588                                         << "We should rerun." << endl;
589                                 retval |= RERUN;
590                         }
591                 } else if (prefixIs(token, "! ")) {
592                         // Ok, we have something that looks like a TeX Error
593                         // but what do we really have.
595                         // Just get the error description:
596                         string desc(token, 2);
597                         if (contains(token, "LaTeX Error:"))
598                                 retval |= LATEX_ERROR;
599                         // get the next line
600                         string tmp;
601                         int count = 0;
602                         do {
603                                 if (!getline(ifs, tmp))
604                                         break;
605                                 if (++count > 10)
606                                         break;
607                         } while (!prefixIs(tmp, "l."));
608                         if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) {
609                                 // we have a latex error
610                                 retval |=  TEX_ERROR;
611                                 if (contains(desc, "Package babel Error: You haven't defined the language"))
612                                         retval |= ERROR_RERUN;
613                                 // get the line number:
614                                 int line = 0;
615                                 sscanf(tmp.c_str(), "l.%d", &line);
616                                 // get the rest of the message:
617                                 string errstr(tmp, tmp.find(' '));
618                                 errstr += '\n';
619                                 getline(ifs, tmp);
620                                 while (!contains(errstr, "l.")
621                                        && !tmp.empty()
622                                        && !prefixIs(tmp, "! ")
623                                        && !contains(tmp, "(job aborted")) {
624                                         errstr += tmp;
625                                         errstr += "\n";
626                                         getline(ifs, tmp);
627                                 }
628                                 lyxerr[Debug::LATEX]
629                                         << "line: " << line << '\n'
630                                         << "Desc: " << desc << '\n'
631                                         << "Text: " << errstr << endl;
632                                 if (line == last_line)
633                                         ++line_count;
634                                 else {
635                                         line_count = 1;
636                                         last_line = line;
637                                 }
638                                 if (line_count <= 5) {
639                                         terr.insertError(line, desc, errstr);
640                                         ++num_errors;
641                                 }
642                         }
643                 } else {
644                         // information messages, TeX warnings and other
645                         // warnings we have not caught earlier.
646                         if (prefixIs(token, "Overfull ")) {
647                                 retval |= TEX_WARNING;
648                         } else if (prefixIs(token, "Underfull ")) {
649                                 retval |= TEX_WARNING;
650                         } else if (contains(token, "Rerun to get citations")) {
651                                 // Natbib seems to use this.
652                                 retval |= UNDEF_CIT;
653                         } else if (contains(token, "No pages of output")) {
654                                 // A dvi file was not created
655                                 retval |= NO_OUTPUT;
656                         } else if (contains(token, "That makes 100 errors")) {
657                                 // More than 100 errors were reprted
658                                 retval |= TOO_MANY_ERRORS;
659                         }
660                 }
661         }
662         lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log line: " << token << endl;
663         return retval;
667 namespace {
669 void handleFoundFile(string const & ff, DepTable & head)
671         // convert from native os path to unix path
672         string const foundfile = os::internal_path(trim(ff));
674         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Found file: " << foundfile << endl;
676         // Ok now we found a file.
677         // Now we should make sure that this is a file that we can
678         // access through the normal paths.
679         // We will not try any fancy search methods to
680         // find the file.
682         // (1) foundfile is an
683         //     absolute path and should
684         //     be inserted.
685         if (AbsolutePath(foundfile)) {
686                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "AbsolutePath file: "
687                                       << foundfile << endl;
688                 // On initial insert we want to do the update at once
689                 // since this file can not be a file generated by
690                 // the latex run.
691                 if (fs::exists(foundfile))
692                         head.insert(foundfile, true);
694                 return;
695         }
697         string const onlyfile = OnlyFilename(foundfile);
699         // (2) foundfile is in the tmpdir
700         //     insert it into head
701         if (fs::exists(onlyfile)) {
702                 static regex unwanted("^.*\\.(aux|log|dvi|bbl|ind|glo)$");
703                 if (regex_match(onlyfile, unwanted)) {
704                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
705                                 << "We don't want "
706                                 << onlyfile
707                                 << " in the dep file"
708                                 << endl;
709                 } else if (suffixIs(onlyfile, ".tex")) {
710                         // This is a tex file generated by LyX
711                         // and latex is not likely to change this
712                         // during its runs.
713                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
714                                 << "Tmpdir TeX file: "
715                                 << onlyfile
716                                 << endl;
717                         head.insert(onlyfile, true);
718                 } else {
719                         lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
720                                 << "In tmpdir file:"
721                                 << onlyfile
722                                 << endl;
723                         head.insert(onlyfile);
724                 }
725         } else
726                 lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND]
727                         << "Not a file or we are unable to find it."
728                         << endl;
731 } // anon namespace
734 void LaTeX::deplog(DepTable & head)
736         // This function reads the LaTeX log file end extracts all the external
737         // files used by the LaTeX run. The files are then entered into the
738         // dependency file.
740         string const logfile = OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".log"));
742         static regex reg1(".*\\([^)]+.*");
743         static regex reg2("File: ([^ ]+).*");
744         static regex reg3("No file ([^ ]+)\\..*");
745         static regex reg4("\\\\openout[0-9]+.*=.*`([^ ]+)'\\..*");
746         // If an index should be created, MikTex does not write a line like
747         //    \openout# = 'sample,idx'.
748         // but intstead only a line like this into the log:
749         //   Writing index file sample.idx
750         static regex reg5("Writing index file ([^ ]+).*");
752         ifstream ifs(logfile.c_str());
753         while (ifs) {
754                 // Ok, the scanning of files here is not sufficient.
755                 // Sometimes files are named by "File: xxx" only
756                 // So I think we should use some regexps to find files instead.
757                 // "(\([^ ]+\)"   should match the "(file " variant, note
758                 // that we can have several of these on one line.
759                 // "File: \([^ ]+\)" should match the "File: file" variant
761                 string token;
762                 getline(ifs, token);
763                 token = rtrim(token, "\r");
764                 if (token.empty())
765                         continue;
767                 smatch sub;
769                 if (regex_match(token, sub, reg1)) {
770                         static regex reg1_1("\\(([^()]+)");
771                         smatch what;
772                         string::const_iterator first = token.begin();
773                         string::const_iterator end = token.end();
775                         while (regex_search(first, end, what, reg1_1)) {
776                                 first = what[0].second;
777                                 handleFoundFile(what.str(1), head);
778                         }
779                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg2)) {
780                         handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head);
781                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg3)) {
782                         handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head);
783                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg4)) {
784                         handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head);
785                 } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg5)) {
786                         handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head);
787                 }
788         }
790         // Make sure that the main .tex file is in the dependancy file.
791         head.insert(OnlyFilename(file), true);