* amsart.layout:
[lyx.git] / lib / layouts / amsbook.layout
1 #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
2 #  \DeclareLaTeXClass{book (AMS)}
3 # AMS-Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
4 # and from the Article textclass definition file, following the AMS sample
5 # paper "testmath.tex" of January, 1995
6 # Author : David L. Johnson <dlj0@lehigh.edu>
7 # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes@inria.fr>
8 # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN <gureghia@boston.bertin.fr>
9 # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin <rubin@msu.edu>
10 # Modularized Jan '08 by Richard Heck <rgheck@brown.edu>
13 Format 11
14 Columns                 1
15 Sides                   2
16 PageStyle               Headers
19 ClassOptions
20         FontSize   8|9|10|11|12
21 End
23 DefaultModule theorems-ams
25 Style Standard
26         Category              MainText
27         Margin                Static
28         LatexType             Paragraph
29         LatexName             dummy
30         ParIndent             MM
31         ParSkip               0.4
32         Align                 Block
33         AlignPossible         Block, Left, Right, Center
34         LabelType             No_Label
35 End
38 Preamble
39         \numberwithin{section}{chapter}
40         \numberwithin{equation}{section} %% Comment out for sequentially-numbered
41         \numberwithin{figure}{section} %% Comment out for sequentially-numbered
42 EndPreamble
45 Input stdsections.inc
46 Input stdinsets.inc
47 Input numreport.inc
50 Style Section
51         Align                 Center
52         Font
53           Series              Bold
54           Size                Large
55         EndFont
56 End
59 Style Subsection
60         Font
61           Series              Bold
62           Size                Normal
63         EndFont
64 End
67 Style Subsubsection
68         Font
69           Shape               Italic
70           Size                Normal
71         EndFont
72 End
75 Input stdstarsections.inc
78 Style Section*
79         Align                 Center
80         Font
81           Series              Bold
82           Size                Large
83         EndFont
84 End
87 Style Subsection*
88         Font
89           Series              Bold
90           Size                Normal
91         EndFont
92 End
95 Style Subsubsection*
96         Font
97           Shape               Italic
98           Size                Normal
99         EndFont
103 Input lyxmacros.inc
104 Input stdlayouts.inc
105 Input stdlists.inc
106 Input stdfloats.inc
107 Input stdcounters.inc
108 Input amsdefs.inc
110 # Unwanted styles from the includes
111 NoStyle Address
112 NoStyle Verse
114 # Chapter is _not_ prepended
115 # JSpitz: this seems to be not true (anymore?)
116 #Style Section
117 #       LabelString          "\arabic{section}"
118 #       LabelStringAppendix  "\arabic{section}"
119 #End
122 Style Paragraph
123         Font
124           Series Medium
125         EndFont
129 # End-of Chapter exercises  I need a way to do this.
130 Style Chapter_Exercises
131         Margin                First_Dynamic
132         LatexType             Item_Environment
133         LatexName             lyxxcb
134         NextNoIndent          1
135         LeftMargin            MMN
136         LabelSep              xx
137         ParSkip               0.0
138         ItemSep               0.2
139         TopSep                0.7
140         BottomSep             0.7
141         ParSep                0.3
142         Align                 Block
143         AlignPossible         Block, Left
144         LabelType             Counter
145         LabelFont
146           Shape               Up
147           Series              Bold
148         EndFont
149         Preamble
150           \newenvironment{lyxxcb}{\begin{xcb}{Exercises}\begin{enumerate}}
151                              {\end{enumerate}\end{xcb}}
152         EndPreamble