Another minor change, but this should almost get us to the point that we
[lyx.git] / src / BufferView.h
1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3 * \file BufferView.h
4 * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
5 * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
7 * \author Alfredo Braustein
8 * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
9 * \author John Levon
10 * \author Jürgen Vigna
12 * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
15 #ifndef BUFFER_VIEW_H
16 #define BUFFER_VIEW_H
18 #include "update_flags.h"
20 #include "support/strfwd.h"
21 #include "support/types.h"
23 namespace lyx {
25 namespace support { class FileName; }
27 namespace frontend { class Painter; }
28 namespace frontend { class GuiBufferViewDelegate; }
30 class Buffer;
31 class Change;
32 class CoordCache;
33 class Cursor;
34 class DocIterator;
35 class DocumentClass;
36 class FuncRequest;
37 class FuncStatus;
38 class Intl;
39 class Inset;
40 class ParIterator;
41 class ParagraphMetrics;
42 class Point;
43 class Text;
44 class TextMetrics;
46 enum CursorStatus {
52 /// Scrollbar Parameters.
53 struct ScrollbarParameters
55 ScrollbarParameters()
56 : min(0), max(0), position(0), single_step(1), page_step(1)
58 /// Minimum scrollbar position in pixels.
59 int min;
60 /// Maximum scrollbar position in pixels.
61 int max;
62 /// Current position in the document in pixels.
63 int position;
64 /// Line-scroll amount in pixels.
65 int single_step;
66 /// Page-scroll amount in pixels.
67 int page_step;
70 /// Screen view of a Buffer.
71 /**
72 * A BufferView encapsulates a view onto a particular
73 * buffer, and allows access to operate upon it. A view
74 * is a sliding window of the entire document rendering.
75 * It is the official interface between the LyX core and
76 * the frontend WorkArea.
78 * \sa WorkArea
79 * \sa Buffer
80 * \sa CoordCache
82 class BufferView {
83 public:
84 ///
85 explicit BufferView(Buffer & buffer);
86 ///
87 ~BufferView();
89 /// return the buffer being viewed.
90 Buffer & buffer();
91 Buffer const & buffer() const;
93 ///
94 void setFullScreen(bool full_screen) { full_screen_ = full_screen; }
96 /// right margin
97 int rightMargin() const;
99 /// left margin
100 int leftMargin() const;
102 /// \return true if the BufferView is at the top of the document.
103 bool isTopScreen() const;
105 /// \return true if the BufferView is at the bottom of the document.
106 bool isBottomScreen() const;
108 /// perform pending metrics updates.
109 /** \c Update::FitCursor means first to do a FitCursor, and to
110 * force an update if screen position changes.
111 * \c Update::Force means to force an update in any case.
112 * \retval true if a screen redraw is needed
114 void processUpdateFlags(Update::flags flags);
116 /// move the screen to fit the cursor.
117 /// Only to be called with good y coordinates (after a bv::metrics)
118 bool fitCursor();
119 /// reset the scrollbar to reflect current view position.
120 void updateScrollbar();
121 /// return the Scrollbar Parameters.
122 ScrollbarParameters const & scrollbarParameters() const;
123 /// \return Tool tip for the given position.
124 docstring toolTip(int x, int y) const;
125 /// \return the context menu for the given position.
126 docstring contextMenu(int x, int y) const;
128 /// Save the current position as bookmark.
129 /// if idx == 0, save to temp_bookmark
130 void saveBookmark(unsigned int idx);
131 /// goto a specified position, try top_id first, and then bottom_pit.
132 /// \return true if success
133 bool moveToPosition(
134 pit_type bottom_pit, ///< Paragraph pit, used when par_id is zero or invalid.
135 pos_type bottom_pos, ///< Paragraph pit, used when par_id is zero or invalid.
136 int top_id, ///< Paragraph ID, \sa Paragraph
137 pos_type top_pos ///< Position in the \c Paragraph
139 /// return the current change at the cursor.
140 Change const getCurrentChange() const;
142 /// move cursor to the named label.
143 void gotoLabel(docstring const & label);
145 /// set the cursor based on the given TeX source row.
146 void setCursorFromRow(int row);
148 /// set cursor to the given inset. Return true if found.
149 bool setCursorFromInset(Inset const *);
150 /// Recenters the BufferView such that the passed cursor
151 /// is in the center.
152 void recenter();
153 /// Ensure that the BufferView cursor is visible.
154 /// This method will automatically scroll and update the BufferView
155 /// if needed.
156 void showCursor();
157 /// Ensure the passed cursor \p dit is visible.
158 /// This method will automatically scroll and update the BufferView
159 /// if needed.
160 /// \param recenter Whether the cursor should be centered on screen
161 void showCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool recenter = false);
162 /// Scroll to the cursor.
163 void scrollToCursor();
164 /// Scroll to the cursor.
165 /// \param recenter Whether the cursor should be centered on screen
166 bool scrollToCursor(DocIterator const & dit, bool recenter);
167 /// LFUN_SCROLL Helper.
168 void lfunScroll(FuncRequest const & cmd);
169 /// scroll down document by the given number of pixels.
170 int scrollDown(int pixels);
171 /// scroll up document by the given number of pixels.
172 int scrollUp(int pixels);
173 /// scroll document by the given number of pixels.
174 int scroll(int pixels);
175 /// Scroll the view by a number of pixels.
176 void scrollDocView(int pixels);
177 /// Set the cursor position based on the scrollbar one.
178 void setCursorFromScrollbar();
180 /// return the pixel width of the document view.
181 int workWidth() const;
182 /// return the pixel height of the document view.
183 int workHeight() const;
185 /// return the inline completion postfix.
186 docstring const & inlineCompletion() const;
187 /// return the number of unique characters in the inline completion.
188 size_t const & inlineCompletionUniqueChars() const;
189 /// return the position in the buffer of the inline completion postfix.
190 DocIterator const & inlineCompletionPos() const;
191 /// set the inline completion postfix and its position in the buffer.
192 /// Updates the updateFlags in \c cur.
193 void setInlineCompletion(Cursor & cur, DocIterator const & pos,
194 docstring const & completion, size_t uniqueChars = 0);
196 /// translate and insert a character, using the correct keymap.
197 void translateAndInsert(char_type c, Text * t, Cursor & cur);
199 /// \return true if we've made a decision
200 bool getStatus(FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag);
201 /// execute the given function.
202 /// \return true if the function has been processed.
203 bool dispatch(FuncRequest const & argument);
205 /// request an X11 selection.
206 /// \return the selected string.
207 docstring const requestSelection();
208 /// clear the X11 selection.
209 void clearSelection();
211 /// resize the BufferView.
212 /// \sa WorkArea
213 void resize(int width, int height);
215 /// dispatch method helper for \c WorkArea
216 /// \sa WorkArea
217 void mouseEventDispatch(FuncRequest const & ev);
219 /// access to anchor.
220 pit_type anchor_ref() const;
223 CursorStatus cursorStatus(DocIterator const & dit) const;
224 /// access to full cursor.
225 Cursor & cursor();
226 /// access to full cursor.
227 Cursor const & cursor() const;
228 /// sets cursor.
229 /// This will also open all relevant collapsable insets.
230 void setCursor(DocIterator const &);
231 /// Check deleteEmptyParagraphMechanism and update metrics if needed.
232 /// \retval true if an update was needed.
233 bool checkDepm(Cursor & cur, Cursor & old);
234 /// sets cursor.
235 /// This is used when handling LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS.
236 bool mouseSetCursor(Cursor & cur, bool select = false);
238 /// sets the selection.
239 /* When \c backwards == false, set anchor
240 * to \c cur and cursor to \c cur + \c length. When \c
241 * backwards == true, set anchor to \c cur and cursor to \c
242 * cur + \c length.
244 void putSelectionAt(DocIterator const & cur,
245 int length, bool backwards);
247 /// update the internal \c ViewMetricsInfo.
248 void updateMetrics();
251 TextMetrics const & textMetrics(Text const * t) const;
252 TextMetrics & textMetrics(Text const * t);
254 ParagraphMetrics const & parMetrics(Text const *, pit_type) const;
257 CoordCache & coordCache();
259 CoordCache const & coordCache() const;
262 Point getPos(DocIterator const & dit, bool boundary) const;
263 /// is the paragraph of the cursor visible ?
264 bool paragraphVisible(DocIterator const & dit) const;
265 /// is the cursor currently visible in the view
266 bool cursorInView(Point const & p, int h) const;
267 /// get the position and height of the cursor
268 void cursorPosAndHeight(Point & p, int & h) const;
272 void draw(frontend::Painter & pain);
274 /// get this view's keyboard map handler.
275 Intl & getIntl();
277 Intl const & getIntl() const;
280 // Messages to the GUI
282 /// This signal is emitted when some message shows up.
283 void message(docstring const & msg);
285 /// This signal is emitted when some dialog needs to be shown.
286 void showDialog(std::string const & name);
288 /// This signal is emitted when some dialog needs to be shown with
289 /// some data.
290 void showDialog(std::string const & name, std::string const & data,
291 Inset * inset = 0);
293 /// This signal is emitted when some dialogs needs to be updated.
294 void updateDialog(std::string const & name, std::string const & data);
297 void setGuiDelegate(frontend::GuiBufferViewDelegate *);
300 docstring contentsOfPlaintextFile(support::FileName const & f);
301 // Insert plain text file (if filename is empty, prompt for one)
302 void insertPlaintextFile(support::FileName const & f, bool asParagraph);
304 void insertLyXFile(support::FileName const & f);
305 /// save temporary bookmark for jump back navigation
306 void bookmarkEditPosition();
307 /// Find and return the inset associated with given dialog name.
308 Inset * editedInset(std::string const & name) const;
309 /// Associate an inset associated with given dialog name.
310 void editInset(std::string const & name, Inset * inset);
312 private:
313 /// noncopyable
314 BufferView(BufferView const &);
315 void operator=(BufferView const &);
317 // the position relative to (0, baseline) of outermost paragraph
318 Point coordOffset(DocIterator const & dit, bool boundary) const;
319 /// Update current paragraph metrics.
320 /// \return true if no further update is needed.
321 bool singleParUpdate();
323 /// The minimal size of the document that is visible. Used
324 /// when it is allowed to scroll below the document.
325 int minVisiblePart();
327 /// Search recursively for the the innermost inset that covers (x, y) position.
328 /// \retval 0 if no inset is found.
329 Inset const * getCoveringInset(
330 Text const & text, //< The Text where we start searching.
331 int x, //< x-coordinate on screen
332 int y //< y-coordinate on screen
333 ) const;
336 void updateLayout(DocumentClass const * const oldlayout);
338 int width_;
340 int height_;
342 bool full_screen_;
344 Buffer & buffer_;
346 struct Private;
347 Private * const d;
350 /// some space for drawing the 'nested' markers (in pixel)
351 inline int nestMargin() { return 15; }
353 /// margin for changebar
354 inline int changebarMargin() { return 12; }
356 } // namespace lyx
358 #endif // BUFFERVIEW_H