Another minor change, but this should almost get us to the point that we
[lyx.git] / development / attic / olddocs / Reference.lyx
1 #LyX 1.6.0beta3 created this file. For more info see
2 \lyxformat 335
3 \begin_document
4 \begin_header
5 \textclass book
6 \begin_preamble
9 % I've designed this preamble to ensure that this document prints
10 % out as advertised. If you mess with this preamble,
11 % parts of the manual may not print out as expected.  If you
12 % have problems LaTeXing this file, please contact 
13 % the documentation team intead of messing around in here.  --jpw 4/97
15 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
17 %% Provides French double-quotes for one of the examples
19 \ProvideTextCommandDefault{\guillemotleft}{%
20 \raisebox{0.27ex}{\ensuremath{\scriptscriptstyle \ll\!\!\!}}
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23 \raisebox{0.27ex}{\ensuremath{\scriptscriptstyle \gg}}
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28   \ifmmode\hbox{\guillemotright}\else\guillemotright\fi}
30 %% End Preamble
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65 \author "" 
66 \author "" 
67 \end_header
69 \begin_body
71 \begin_layout Title
72 LyX Reference Manual
73 \end_layout
75 \begin_layout Author
76 by the LyX Team
77 \begin_inset Foot
78 status collapsed
80 \begin_layout Plain Layout
81 If you have comments or error corrections, please send them to the LyX Documenta
82 tion mailing list, <>.
83 \end_layout
85 \end_inset
88 \end_layout
90 \begin_layout Standard
91 \begin_inset CommandInset toc
92 LatexCommand tableofcontents
94 \end_inset
97 \end_layout
99 \begin_layout Chapter
100 Introduction
101 \end_layout
103 \begin_layout Section
104 About this Document
105 \end_layout
107 \begin_layout Standard
108 This is the LyX 
109 \emph on
110 Reference
111 \emph default
113 \emph on
114 Manual
115 \emph default
118 \end_layout
120 \begin_layout Standard
121 If you've looked at some of the other documentation, you might be expecting
122  this section to be identical to all of the other opening sections in the
123  other documentation files.
124  The Reference Manual isn't like the other documents, and requires a somewhat
125  different approach.
126 \end_layout
128 \begin_layout Standard
129 First, this file is big.
130  It contains \SpecialChar \ldots{}
131 well, everything.
132  Or, it will, at some point.
133  At the moment, though, it's still somewhat incomplete.
134 \end_layout
136 \begin_layout Standard
137 Second, to help you get started with this manual, we recommend that you
138  have a look at the example entries.
139  We'd also recommend not printing out the entire manual, but only those
140  sections you happen to need.
141  [This document is still a moving target, after all.]
142 \end_layout
144 \begin_layout Standard
145 Third, the entries in this manual follow a somewhat-modified version of
146  the format described in the 
147 \emph on
148 Introduction
149 \emph default
150  manual.
151  Most of these modifications are additions to what's been specified in the
152  Style Sheet.
153  So, if you intend to add an entry, make sure you read 
154 \family typewriter
155 DocStyle.lyx
156 \family default
157  thoroughly! [You'll find it in the distribution in the 
158 \family typewriter
159 development
160 \family default
161  subdirectory.]
162 \end_layout
164 \begin_layout Standard
165 NOTE: this document is, alas, very out of date.
166  It is wrong in many places, and omits lots of information about newer versions
167  of LyX.
168 \end_layout
170 \begin_layout Section
171 Organization
172 \end_layout
174 \begin_layout Standard
175 Each chapter is grouped around a central theme or topic.
176  Chapter 
177 \begin_inset CommandInset ref
178 LatexCommand ref
179 reference "ch:user-interface"
181 \end_inset
183  describes the user interface.
184  Included are the tool bar, the various popups and which menu items and
185  keys they are bound to.
186  Chapter 
187 \begin_inset CommandInset ref
188 LatexCommand ref
189 reference "ch:functions"
191 \end_inset
193  lists all of the bindable functions.
194  You'll need this information if you want to alter the key bindings or create
195  your own tool bar.
196  Lastly, chapter 
197 \begin_inset CommandInset ref
198 LatexCommand ref
199 reference "ch:misc"
201 \end_inset
203  is the Dreaded Miscellaneous! Basically, anything we couldn't figure out
204  where to put ended up here.
205 \end_layout
207 \begin_layout Standard
208 The entries themselves are the subsections of each chapter.
209  They are in alphabetical order for ease of access.
210  The sections of each chapter have single purpose: to split up the chapter
211  into more manageable chunks.
212  They simply group the entries by letter, so, for example, there will be
213  a section labelled 
214 \begin_inset Quotes eld
215 \end_inset
217 A-C,
218 \begin_inset Quotes erd
219 \end_inset
221  another called 
222 \begin_inset Quotes eld
223 \end_inset
226 \begin_inset Quotes erd
227 \end_inset
229  and so on.
230 \end_layout
232 \begin_layout Section
233 A Sample Entry
234 \end_layout
236 \begin_layout Standard
237 This is a sample entry to the Reference Manual.
238  It should help readers figure out how to use this manual, and show developers
239  how to create entries.
240 \end_layout
242 \begin_layout Standard
243 The first thing to notice it the entry name.
244  It's not in any special font.
245  Now, according to the Style Sheet, function names should be in 
246 \family typewriter
247 Typewriter
248 \family default
249  font and the names of popups in 
250 \family sans
251 Sans
252 \begin_inset space ~
253 \end_inset
255 Serif
256 \family default
258  If you check the chapters containing entries for the functions and popups,
259  you'll see that those entries do indeed use this font convention\SpecialChar \ldots{}
260 in the
261  text itself.
262  The names of the entries --- i.
263 \begin_inset space ~
264 \end_inset
267 \begin_inset space ~
268 \end_inset
270 the subsection title --- is in the default font.
271  Leave the entry titles in the default font.
272 \end_layout
274 \begin_layout Subsection
275 Example #1: Entries
276 \end_layout
278 \begin_layout Description
279 Default
280 \begin_inset space ~
281 \end_inset
283 Bindings:
284 \end_layout
286 \begin_deeper
287 \begin_layout List
288 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
290 \series bold
291 Menu
292 \begin_inset space ~
293 \end_inset
296 \series default
297  Where in the menus you can find this thing.
298  If the menu item just brings up a dialog box, put its name in as a 
299 \family sans
300 \emph on
301 Description
302 \family default
303 \emph default
304  list.
305  Also put in where on the panel the item in bound.
306  Put the names of menus, popup buttons, etc.
307  in 
308 \family sans
309 Sans Serif
310 \family default
311  to make it stand out from any other text.
312  Underline the accelerator key, if any.
313 \begin_inset Foot
314 status collapsed
316 \begin_layout Plain Layout
317 In other words, this is just as described in the Style Sheet.
319 \end_layout
321 \end_inset
323  Example:
324 \end_layout
326 \begin_deeper
327 \begin_layout Standard
329 \family sans
330 Menu
331 \bar under
333 \bar default
334 ame \SpecialChar \menuseparator
335 SubMe
336 \bar under
338 \bar default
339 uName \SpecialChar \menuseparator
341 \bar under
343 \bar default
344 emName
345 \end_layout
347 \begin_layout Description
348 Ding
349 \begin_inset space ~
350 \end_inset
353 \begin_inset space ~
354 \end_inset
356 Ling
357 \begin_inset space ~
358 \end_inset
360 Panel: 
361 \family sans
362 ThisButton
363 \end_layout
365 \end_deeper
366 \begin_layout List
367 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
369 \series bold
370 Toolbar
371 \begin_inset space ~
372 \end_inset
375 \series default
376  Should describe the location on the bar and what the icon looks like.
377  Keep it brief.
378  Example:
379 \end_layout
381 \begin_deeper
382 \begin_layout Standard
383 Fourth button from the left.
384 \end_layout
386 \begin_layout Standard
387 Hand with six fingers.
388 \end_layout
390 \end_deeper
391 \begin_layout List
392 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
394 \series bold
395 Keyboard
396 \begin_inset space ~
397 \end_inset
400 \series default
401  There will be either one or two paragraphs here.
402  They should just contain a key sequence, and the name of the binding file.
403  Put the name of the binding file in 
404 \family typewriter
405 Typewriter
406 \family default
407  font, and the key sequence in 
408 \family sans
409 Sans Serif
410 \family default
411  to make it stand out.
412  If no binding file name is present, then that binding is standard in all
413  of the binding files.
414  Example:
415 \end_layout
417 \begin_deeper
418 \begin_layout Standard
420 \family sans
421 C-M-p
422 \family default
423  in 
424 \family typewriter
425 bindfile.bind
426 \family default
428 \end_layout
430 \begin_layout Standard
432 \family sans
434 \end_layout
436 \end_deeper
437 \end_deeper
438 \begin_layout Paragraph
439 Purpose:
440 \end_layout
442 \begin_layout Standard
443 The purpose of this entry is to describe these entries.
445 \end_layout
447 \begin_layout Standard
448 Within an entry, the different parts are labelled 
449 \begin_inset Quotes eld
450 \end_inset
452 Default Bindings:
453 \begin_inset Quotes eld
454 \end_inset
457 \begin_inset Quotes eld
458 \end_inset
460 Purpose
461 \begin_inset Quotes erd
462 \end_inset
465 \begin_inset Quotes eld
466 \end_inset
468 Usage
469 \begin_inset Quotes erd
470 \end_inset
473 \begin_inset Quotes eld
474 \end_inset
476 Examples
477 \begin_inset Quotes erd
478 \end_inset
480 , and 
481 \begin_inset Quotes eld
482 \end_inset
484 See Also
485 \begin_inset Quotes erd
486 \end_inset
489  These are each paragraph headings.
490  The 
491 \begin_inset Quotes eld
492 \end_inset
494 Menu-
495 \begin_inset Quotes eld
496 \end_inset
499 \begin_inset Quotes eld
500 \end_inset
502 Toolbar
503 \begin_inset Quotes erd
504 \end_inset
506 , and 
507 \begin_inset Quotes eld
508 \end_inset
510 Keyboard
511 \begin_inset Quotes erd
512 \end_inset
514  parts of 
515 \begin_inset Quotes eld
516 \end_inset
518 Default Bindings:
519 \begin_inset Quotes eld
520 \end_inset
522  are subparagraph headings.
523  None of these should be numbered.
524 \end_layout
526 \begin_layout Standard
527 In a real entry, this will tell you about the item and what it's for.
528 \end_layout
530 \begin_layout Paragraph
531 Usage:
532 \end_layout
534 \begin_layout Standard
535 This entry will tell you how to use this item.
536 \end_layout
538 \begin_layout Standard
539 There won't always be one of these.
540  In fact, any of the
541 \begin_inset Quotes erd
542 \end_inset
544 standard
545 \begin_inset Quotes erd
546 \end_inset
548  sections of an entry may be missing, especially if it's empty.
549  For example, there are only 15 or so toolbar buttons, so most things won't
550  have a default toolbar binding.
551  Or, the author of an entry may prefer to put some of the 
552 \begin_inset Quotes eld
553 \end_inset
555 Usage
556 \begin_inset Quotes erd
557 \end_inset
559  stuff under 
560 \begin_inset Quotes eld
561 \end_inset
563 Purpose
564 \begin_inset Quotes erd
565 \end_inset
567  or 
568 \begin_inset Quotes eld
569 \end_inset
571 Examples
572 \begin_inset Quotes erd
573 \end_inset
576 \end_layout
578 \begin_layout Paragraph
579 Examples:
580 \end_layout
582 \begin_layout Standard
583 This is an example example for an example entry.
584 \end_layout
586 \begin_layout Standard
587 Are you confused? Good.
588  You came to the right place!
589 \end_layout
591 \begin_layout Standard
592 Unfortunately, this example entry has been kind of abstract.
593  So, we'll give you a few more example entries.
594 \end_layout
596 \begin_layout Paragraph
597 See Also:
598 \end_layout
600 \begin_layout Standard
601 Example #2; Example #3.
602 \end_layout
604 \begin_layout Standard
605 [Notice that this isn't in any special font.
607 \end_layout
609 \begin_layout Subsection
610 Example #2: Bogosify
611 \end_layout
613 \begin_layout Description
614 Default
615 \begin_inset space ~
616 \end_inset
618 Bindings:
619 \end_layout
621 \begin_deeper
622 \begin_layout List
623 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
625 \series bold
626 Menu
627 \begin_inset space ~
628 \end_inset
631 \series default
633 \family sans
634 \bar under
636 \bar default
637 ogus\SpecialChar \menuseparator
639 \bar under
641 \bar default
642 HaHa
643 \end_layout
645 \begin_layout List
646 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
648 \series bold
649 Toolbar
650 \begin_inset space ~
651 \end_inset
654 \series default
655  First button from the left.
657 \end_layout
659 \begin_deeper
660 \begin_layout Standard
661 Bogus ball.
662 \end_layout
664 \end_deeper
665 \begin_layout List
666 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
668 \series bold
669 Keyboard
670 \begin_inset space ~
671 \end_inset
674 \series default
676 \family sans
677 C-F50
678 \family default
679  in 
680 \family typewriter
681 bogus.bind
682 \family default
684 \end_layout
686 \begin_deeper
687 \begin_layout Standard
689 \family sans
690 C-W-Help
691 \family default
692  in 
693 \family typewriter
694 PCbogus.bind
695 \family default
697 \end_layout
699 \end_deeper
700 \end_deeper
701 \begin_layout Paragraph
702 Purpose:
703 \end_layout
705 \begin_layout Standard
706 This item puts extra bogosity in your documents by activating the bogofilter
707  in BoGoTeX.
708  Everyone needs a little bogosity in their writings.
709  Otherwise, you risk boring your readers into a deep sleep.
710  In fact, some science professors, scoffing at the usefulness of the BoGoTeX
711  extensions, have written and even published articles in reputable journals
712  that have been known to put readers into a coma! Don't believe me? Try
713  reading just about any scientific paper!
714 \end_layout
716 \begin_layout Paragraph
717 Usage:
718 \end_layout
720 \begin_layout Standard
721 Just select the text to bogosify with the mouse, then use the keyboard bindings,
722  toolbar button, or menu item for this function.
723 \end_layout
725 \begin_layout Paragraph
726 Examples:
727 \end_layout
729 \begin_layout Standard
730 Why, this entire entry is an example! It's totally bogus!
731 \end_layout
733 \begin_layout Paragraph
734 See Also:
735 \end_layout
737 \begin_layout Standard
738 BogoMIPS
739 \end_layout
741 \begin_layout Subsection
742 Example #3: Decat
743 \end_layout
745 \begin_layout Description
746 Default
747 \begin_inset space ~
748 \end_inset
750 Bindings:
751 \end_layout
753 \begin_deeper
754 \begin_layout List
755 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
757 \series bold
758 Menu
759 \begin_inset space ~
760 \end_inset
763 \series default
765 \family sans
766 \bar under
768 \bar default
769 uddly\SpecialChar \menuseparator
771 \bar under
773 \bar default
774 eline
775 \family default
776  to bring up the 
777 \family sans
778 Meow
779 \family default
780  dialog box.
781 \end_layout
783 \begin_deeper
784 \begin_layout Description
785 Meow
786 \begin_inset space ~
787 \end_inset
789 Panel: 
790 \family sans
791 Decat
792 \family default
793  button.
794 \end_layout
796 \end_deeper
797 \begin_layout List
798 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
800 \series bold
801 Toolbar
802 \begin_inset space ~
803 \end_inset
806 \series default
807  Button smack dab in the middle of everything.
808 \end_layout
810 \begin_deeper
811 \begin_layout Standard
812 Kitty-cat.
813 \end_layout
815 \end_deeper
816 \begin_layout List
817 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
819 \series bold
820 Keyboard
821 \begin_inset space ~
822 \end_inset
825 \series default
827 \family sans
828 W-c W-a W-t
829 \family default
830  in 
831 \family typewriter
832 fuzzy.bind
833 \family default
835 \end_layout
837 \end_deeper
838 \begin_layout Paragraph
839 Purpose:
840 \end_layout
842 \begin_layout Standard
843 The decat function fixes 
844 \begin_inset Quotes eld
845 \end_inset
847 additions
848 \begin_inset Quotes erd
849 \end_inset
851  made by overly-helpful paws.
852 \end_layout
854 \begin_layout Standard
855 We all know how much cats 
856 \emph on
857 love
858 \emph default
859  computers, especially the laps that sit in front of them.
860  However, a cat, being feline, must add its opinions to whatever you're
861  typing.
862  Or, your cat may simply decide to help you finish your work so you can
863  get to more important matters, such as brushing and petting.
864  The decat function is designed for just such moments.
865 \end_layout
867 \begin_layout Paragraph
868 Usage:
869 \end_layout
871 \begin_layout Standard
872 Select the text to decat while holding down all five mouse buttons, then
873  use the keyboard bindings, toolbar button, or menu item for this function.
874 \end_layout
876 \begin_layout Paragraph
877 Examples:
878 \end_layout
880 \begin_layout Standard
881 A particular black and white cat once added the following:
882 \end_layout
884 \begin_layout Quote
885 sfd4rcxy45bb q43 tfd t43revcx
886 \end_layout
888 \begin_layout Standard
889 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
890 to a document.
891  Run through decat, it became:
892 \end_layout
894 \begin_layout Quote
895 Hey, bozo! Pay attention to me!
896 \end_layout
898 \begin_layout Standard
899 Another frisky kitty named Horatio added: 
900 \end_layout
902 \begin_layout Quote
903 ';; msdam m-009243m laasd;mlk 
904 \end_layout
906 \begin_layout Standard
907 to some text.
908  Decat changed it to:
909 \end_layout
911 \begin_layout Quote
912 Can I beat up another dog?
913 \end_layout
915 \begin_layout Standard
916 [And if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale\SpecialChar \ldots{}
918 \end_layout
920 \begin_layout Paragraph
921 See Also:
922 \end_layout
924 \begin_layout Standard
925 ASPCA; PETA; ECC; Any cat owner.
926 \end_layout
928 \begin_layout Subsection
929 Template
930 \end_layout
932 \begin_layout Description
933 Default
934 \begin_inset space ~
935 \end_inset
937 Bindings:
938 \end_layout
940 \begin_deeper
941 \begin_layout List
942 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
944 \series bold
945 Menu
946 \begin_inset space ~
947 \end_inset
950 \series default
952 \family sans
953 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
954 Item
955 \end_layout
957 \begin_layout List
958 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
960 \series bold
961 Toolbar
962 \begin_inset space ~
963 \end_inset
966 \series default
967  Button # from the left (or right).
969 \end_layout
971 \begin_deeper
972 \begin_layout Standard
973 Brief description of button icon.
974 \end_layout
976 \end_deeper
977 \begin_layout List
978 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
980 \series bold
981 Keyboard
982 \begin_inset space ~
983 \end_inset
986 \series default
988 \family sans
989 C-S-M-W-key
990 \family default
991  in 
992 \family typewriter
993 file1.bind
994 \family default
996 \end_layout
998 \begin_deeper
999 \begin_layout Standard
1001 \family sans
1002 C-S-M-W-key
1003 \family default
1004  in 
1005 \family typewriter
1006 file2.bind
1007 \family default
1009 \end_layout
1011 \end_deeper
1012 \end_deeper
1013 \begin_layout Paragraph
1014 Purpose:
1015 \end_layout
1017 \begin_layout Standard
1018 Description.
1019 \end_layout
1021 \begin_layout Paragraph
1022 Usage:
1023 \end_layout
1025 \begin_layout Standard
1026 Description.
1027 \end_layout
1029 \begin_layout Paragraph
1030 Examples:
1031 \end_layout
1033 \begin_layout Standard
1034 Examples.
1035 \end_layout
1037 \begin_layout Paragraph
1038 See Also:
1039 \end_layout
1041 \begin_layout Standard
1042 Other entries or documents.
1043  Separate many references by either a 
1044 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1045 \end_inset
1048 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1049 \end_inset
1051  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1052 \end_layout
1054 \begin_layout Chapter
1055 User Interface: The Popups
1056 \end_layout
1058 \begin_layout Standard
1060 \emph on
1061 \begin_inset CommandInset label
1062 LatexCommand label
1063 name "ch:user-interface"
1065 \end_inset
1067  Ed.
1068  Note: The chapter with a blow-by-blow description of what each popup does,
1069  which menu its bound to, and so on.
1070  Rather incomplete at the moment.-jw
1071 \end_layout
1073 \begin_layout Section
1075 \end_layout
1077 \begin_layout Subsection
1078 Character Layout
1079 \end_layout
1081 \begin_layout Description
1082 Default
1083 \begin_inset space ~
1084 \end_inset
1086 Bindings:
1087 \end_layout
1089 \begin_deeper
1090 \begin_layout List
1091 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1093 \series bold
1094 Menu
1095 \begin_inset space ~
1096 \end_inset
1099 \series default
1101 \family sans
1102 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1103 Item
1104 \end_layout
1106 \begin_layout List
1107 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1109 \series bold
1110 Toolbar
1111 \begin_inset space ~
1112 \end_inset
1115 \series default
1116  Button # from the left (or right).
1118 \end_layout
1120 \begin_deeper
1121 \begin_layout Standard
1122 Brief description of button icon.
1123 \end_layout
1125 \end_deeper
1126 \begin_layout List
1127 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1129 \series bold
1130 Keyboard
1131 \begin_inset space ~
1132 \end_inset
1135 \series default
1137 \family sans
1138 C-S-M-W-key
1139 \family default
1140  in 
1141 \family typewriter
1142 file1.bind
1143 \family default
1145 \end_layout
1147 \begin_deeper
1148 \begin_layout Standard
1150 \family sans
1151 C-S-M-W-key
1152 \family default
1153  in 
1154 \family typewriter
1155 file2.bind
1156 \family default
1158 \end_layout
1160 \end_deeper
1161 \end_deeper
1162 \begin_layout Paragraph
1163 Purpose:
1164 \end_layout
1166 \begin_layout Standard
1167 Description.
1168 \end_layout
1170 \begin_layout Paragraph
1171 Usage:
1172 \end_layout
1174 \begin_layout Standard
1175 Description.
1176 \end_layout
1178 \begin_layout Paragraph
1179 Examples:
1180 \end_layout
1182 \begin_layout Standard
1183 Examples.
1184 \end_layout
1186 \begin_layout Paragraph
1187 See Also:
1188 \end_layout
1190 \begin_layout Standard
1191 Other entries or documents.
1192  Separate many references by either a 
1193 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1194 \end_inset
1197 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1198 \end_inset
1200  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1201 \end_layout
1203 \begin_layout Subsection
1204 Decoration
1205 \end_layout
1207 \begin_layout Description
1208 Default
1209 \begin_inset space ~
1210 \end_inset
1212 Bindings:
1213 \end_layout
1215 \begin_deeper
1216 \begin_layout List
1217 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1219 \series bold
1220 Menu
1221 \begin_inset space ~
1222 \end_inset
1225 \series default
1227 \family sans
1228 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1229 Item
1230 \end_layout
1232 \begin_layout List
1233 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1235 \series bold
1236 Toolbar
1237 \begin_inset space ~
1238 \end_inset
1241 \series default
1242  Button # from the left (or right).
1244 \end_layout
1246 \begin_deeper
1247 \begin_layout Standard
1248 Brief description of button icon.
1249 \end_layout
1251 \end_deeper
1252 \begin_layout List
1253 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1255 \series bold
1256 Keyboard
1257 \begin_inset space ~
1258 \end_inset
1261 \series default
1263 \family sans
1264 C-S-M-W-key
1265 \family default
1266  in 
1267 \family typewriter
1268 file1.bind
1269 \family default
1271 \end_layout
1273 \begin_deeper
1274 \begin_layout Standard
1276 \family sans
1277 C-S-M-W-key
1278 \family default
1279  in 
1280 \family typewriter
1281 file2.bind
1282 \family default
1284 \end_layout
1286 \end_deeper
1287 \end_deeper
1288 \begin_layout Paragraph
1289 Purpose:
1290 \end_layout
1292 \begin_layout Standard
1293 Description.
1294 \end_layout
1296 \begin_layout Paragraph
1297 Usage:
1298 \end_layout
1300 \begin_layout Standard
1301 Description.
1302 \end_layout
1304 \begin_layout Paragraph
1305 Examples:
1306 \end_layout
1308 \begin_layout Standard
1309 Examples.
1310 \end_layout
1312 \begin_layout Paragraph
1313 See Also:
1314 \end_layout
1316 \begin_layout Standard
1317 Other entries or documents.
1318  Separate many references by either a 
1319 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1320 \end_inset
1323 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1324 \end_inset
1326  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1327 \end_layout
1329 \begin_layout Subsection
1330 Delimiter
1331 \end_layout
1333 \begin_layout Description
1334 Default
1335 \begin_inset space ~
1336 \end_inset
1338 Bindings:
1339 \end_layout
1341 \begin_deeper
1342 \begin_layout List
1343 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1345 \series bold
1346 Menu
1347 \begin_inset space ~
1348 \end_inset
1351 \series default
1353 \family sans
1354 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1355 Item
1356 \end_layout
1358 \begin_layout List
1359 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1361 \series bold
1362 Toolbar
1363 \begin_inset space ~
1364 \end_inset
1367 \series default
1368  Button # from the left (or right).
1370 \end_layout
1372 \begin_deeper
1373 \begin_layout Standard
1374 Brief description of button icon.
1375 \end_layout
1377 \end_deeper
1378 \begin_layout List
1379 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1381 \series bold
1382 Keyboard
1383 \begin_inset space ~
1384 \end_inset
1387 \series default
1389 \family sans
1390 C-S-M-W-key
1391 \family default
1392  in 
1393 \family typewriter
1394 file1.bind
1395 \family default
1397 \end_layout
1399 \begin_deeper
1400 \begin_layout Standard
1402 \family sans
1403 C-S-M-W-key
1404 \family default
1405  in 
1406 \family typewriter
1407 file2.bind
1408 \family default
1410 \end_layout
1412 \end_deeper
1413 \end_deeper
1414 \begin_layout Paragraph
1415 Purpose:
1416 \end_layout
1418 \begin_layout Standard
1419 Description.
1420 \end_layout
1422 \begin_layout Paragraph
1423 Usage:
1424 \end_layout
1426 \begin_layout Standard
1427 Description.
1428 \end_layout
1430 \begin_layout Paragraph
1431 Examples:
1432 \end_layout
1434 \begin_layout Standard
1435 Examples.
1436 \end_layout
1438 \begin_layout Paragraph
1439 See Also:
1440 \end_layout
1442 \begin_layout Standard
1443 Other entries or documents.
1444  Separate many references by either a 
1445 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1446 \end_inset
1449 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1450 \end_inset
1452  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1453 \end_layout
1455 \begin_layout Subsection
1456 Document Layout
1457 \end_layout
1459 \begin_layout Description
1460 Default
1461 \begin_inset space ~
1462 \end_inset
1464 Bindings:
1465 \end_layout
1467 \begin_deeper
1468 \begin_layout List
1469 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1471 \series bold
1472 Menu
1473 \begin_inset space ~
1474 \end_inset
1477 \series default
1479 \family sans
1480 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1481 Item
1482 \end_layout
1484 \begin_layout List
1485 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1487 \series bold
1488 Toolbar
1489 \begin_inset space ~
1490 \end_inset
1493 \series default
1494  Button # from the left (or right).
1496 \end_layout
1498 \begin_deeper
1499 \begin_layout Standard
1500 Brief description of button icon.
1501 \end_layout
1503 \end_deeper
1504 \begin_layout List
1505 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1507 \series bold
1508 Keyboard
1509 \begin_inset space ~
1510 \end_inset
1513 \series default
1515 \family sans
1516 C-S-M-W-key
1517 \family default
1518  in 
1519 \family typewriter
1520 file1.bind
1521 \family default
1523 \end_layout
1525 \begin_deeper
1526 \begin_layout Standard
1528 \family sans
1529 C-S-M-W-key
1530 \family default
1531  in 
1532 \family typewriter
1533 file2.bind
1534 \family default
1536 \end_layout
1538 \end_deeper
1539 \end_deeper
1540 \begin_layout Paragraph
1541 Purpose:
1542 \end_layout
1544 \begin_layout Standard
1545 Description.
1546 \end_layout
1548 \begin_layout Paragraph
1549 Usage:
1550 \end_layout
1552 \begin_layout Standard
1553 Description.
1554 \end_layout
1556 \begin_layout Paragraph
1557 Examples:
1558 \end_layout
1560 \begin_layout Standard
1561 Examples.
1562 \end_layout
1564 \begin_layout Paragraph
1565 See Also:
1566 \end_layout
1568 \begin_layout Standard
1569 Other entries or documents.
1570  Separate many references by either a 
1571 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1572 \end_inset
1575 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1576 \end_inset
1578  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1579 \end_layout
1581 \begin_layout Section
1583 \end_layout
1585 \begin_layout Subsection
1586 Figure
1587 \end_layout
1589 \begin_layout Description
1590 Default
1591 \begin_inset space ~
1592 \end_inset
1594 Bindings:
1595 \end_layout
1597 \begin_deeper
1598 \begin_layout List
1599 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1601 \series bold
1602 Menu
1603 \begin_inset space ~
1604 \end_inset
1607 \series default
1609 \family sans
1610 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1611 Item
1612 \end_layout
1614 \begin_layout List
1615 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1617 \series bold
1618 Toolbar
1619 \begin_inset space ~
1620 \end_inset
1623 \series default
1624  Button # from the left (or right).
1626 \end_layout
1628 \begin_deeper
1629 \begin_layout Standard
1630 Brief description of button icon.
1631 \end_layout
1633 \end_deeper
1634 \begin_layout List
1635 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1637 \series bold
1638 Keyboard
1639 \begin_inset space ~
1640 \end_inset
1643 \series default
1645 \family sans
1646 C-S-M-W-key
1647 \family default
1648  in 
1649 \family typewriter
1650 file1.bind
1651 \family default
1653 \end_layout
1655 \begin_deeper
1656 \begin_layout Standard
1658 \family sans
1659 C-S-M-W-key
1660 \family default
1661  in 
1662 \family typewriter
1663 file2.bind
1664 \family default
1666 \end_layout
1668 \end_deeper
1669 \end_deeper
1670 \begin_layout Paragraph
1671 Purpose:
1672 \end_layout
1674 \begin_layout Standard
1675 Description.
1676 \end_layout
1678 \begin_layout Paragraph
1679 Usage:
1680 \end_layout
1682 \begin_layout Standard
1683 Description.
1684 \end_layout
1686 \begin_layout Paragraph
1687 Examples:
1688 \end_layout
1690 \begin_layout Standard
1691 Examples.
1692 \end_layout
1694 \begin_layout Paragraph
1695 See Also:
1696 \end_layout
1698 \begin_layout Standard
1699 Other entries or documents.
1700  Separate many references by either a 
1701 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1702 \end_inset
1705 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1706 \end_inset
1708  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1709 \end_layout
1711 \begin_layout Subsection
1712 File browser
1713 \end_layout
1715 \begin_layout Description
1716 Default
1717 \begin_inset space ~
1718 \end_inset
1720 Bindings: There are actually several, since many different operations in
1721  LyX require a filename.
1722  Some of the more common functions which use a file browser have the following
1723  bindings:
1724 \end_layout
1726 \begin_deeper
1727 \begin_layout List
1728 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1730 \series bold
1731 Menu
1732 \begin_inset space ~
1733 \end_inset
1736 \series default
1738 \family sans
1739 \bar under
1741 \bar default
1742 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1744 \bar under
1746 \bar default
1748 \end_layout
1750 \begin_deeper
1751 \begin_layout Standard
1753 \family sans
1754 \bar under
1756 \bar default
1757 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1759 \begin_inset space ~
1760 \end_inset
1762 from
1763 \begin_inset space ~
1764 \end_inset
1767 \bar under
1769 \bar default
1770 emplate...
1771 \end_layout
1773 \begin_layout Standard
1775 \family sans
1776 \bar under
1778 \bar default
1779 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1781 \bar under
1783 \bar default
1785 \end_layout
1787 \begin_layout Standard
1789 \family sans
1790 \bar under
1792 \bar default
1793 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1794 Save
1795 \begin_inset space ~
1796 \end_inset
1799 \bar under
1801 \bar default
1803 \end_layout
1805 \end_deeper
1806 \begin_layout List
1807 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1809 \series bold
1810 Toolbar
1811 \begin_inset space ~
1812 \end_inset
1815 \series default
1816  Button # from the left (or right).
1818 \end_layout
1820 \begin_deeper
1821 \begin_layout Standard
1822 Brief description of button icon.
1823 \end_layout
1825 \end_deeper
1826 \begin_layout List
1827 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1829 \series bold
1830 Keyboard
1831 \begin_inset space ~
1832 \end_inset
1835 \series default
1837 \family sans
1838 C-S-M-W-key
1839 \family default
1840  in 
1841 \family typewriter
1842 file1.bind
1843 \family default
1845 \end_layout
1847 \begin_deeper
1848 \begin_layout Standard
1850 \family sans
1851 C-S-M-W-key
1852 \family default
1853  in 
1854 \family typewriter
1855 file2.bind
1856 \family default
1858 \end_layout
1860 \end_deeper
1861 \end_deeper
1862 \begin_layout Paragraph
1863 Purpose:
1864 \end_layout
1866 \begin_layout Standard
1867 Description.
1868 \end_layout
1870 \begin_layout Paragraph
1871 Usage:
1872 \end_layout
1874 \begin_layout Standard
1875 Description.
1876 \end_layout
1878 \begin_layout Paragraph
1879 Examples:
1880 \end_layout
1882 \begin_layout Standard
1883 Examples.
1884 \end_layout
1886 \begin_layout Paragraph
1887 See Also:
1888 \end_layout
1890 \begin_layout Standard
1891 Other entries or documents.
1892  Separate many references by either a 
1893 \begin_inset Quotes eld
1894 \end_inset
1897 \begin_inset Quotes erd
1898 \end_inset
1900  or place in multiple paragraphs.
1901 \end_layout
1903 \begin_layout Subsection
1904 Find & Replace
1905 \end_layout
1907 \begin_layout Description
1908 Default
1909 \begin_inset space ~
1910 \end_inset
1912 Bindings:
1913 \end_layout
1915 \begin_deeper
1916 \begin_layout List
1917 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1919 \series bold
1920 Menu
1921 \begin_inset space ~
1922 \end_inset
1925 \series default
1927 \family sans
1928 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
1929 Item
1930 \end_layout
1932 \begin_layout List
1933 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1935 \series bold
1936 Toolbar
1937 \begin_inset space ~
1938 \end_inset
1941 \series default
1942  Button # from the left (or right).
1944 \end_layout
1946 \begin_deeper
1947 \begin_layout Standard
1948 Brief description of button icon.
1949 \end_layout
1951 \end_deeper
1952 \begin_layout List
1953 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
1955 \series bold
1956 Keyboard
1957 \begin_inset space ~
1958 \end_inset
1961 \series default
1963 \family sans
1964 C-S-M-W-key
1965 \family default
1966  in 
1967 \family typewriter
1968 file1.bind
1969 \family default
1971 \end_layout
1973 \begin_deeper
1974 \begin_layout Standard
1976 \family sans
1977 C-S-M-W-key
1978 \family default
1979  in 
1980 \family typewriter
1981 file2.bind
1982 \family default
1984 \end_layout
1986 \end_deeper
1987 \end_deeper
1988 \begin_layout Paragraph
1989 Purpose:
1990 \end_layout
1992 \begin_layout Standard
1993 Description.
1994 \end_layout
1996 \begin_layout Paragraph
1997 Usage:
1998 \end_layout
2000 \begin_layout Standard
2001 Description.
2002 \end_layout
2004 \begin_layout Paragraph
2005 Examples:
2006 \end_layout
2008 \begin_layout Standard
2009 Examples.
2010 \end_layout
2012 \begin_layout Paragraph
2013 See Also:
2014 \end_layout
2016 \begin_layout Standard
2017 Other entries or documents.
2018  Separate many references by either a 
2019 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2020 \end_inset
2023 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2024 \end_inset
2026  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2027 \end_layout
2029 \begin_layout Section
2031 \end_layout
2033 \begin_layout Subsection
2034 Include
2035 \end_layout
2037 \begin_layout Description
2038 Default
2039 \begin_inset space ~
2040 \end_inset
2042 Bindings:
2043 \end_layout
2045 \begin_deeper
2046 \begin_layout List
2047 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2049 \series bold
2050 Menu
2051 \begin_inset space ~
2052 \end_inset
2055 \series default
2057 \family sans
2058 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2059 Item
2060 \end_layout
2062 \begin_layout List
2063 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2065 \series bold
2066 Toolbar
2067 \begin_inset space ~
2068 \end_inset
2071 \series default
2072  Button # from the left (or right).
2074 \end_layout
2076 \begin_deeper
2077 \begin_layout Standard
2078 Brief description of button icon.
2079 \end_layout
2081 \end_deeper
2082 \begin_layout List
2083 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2085 \series bold
2086 Keyboard
2087 \begin_inset space ~
2088 \end_inset
2091 \series default
2093 \family sans
2094 C-S-M-W-key
2095 \family default
2096  in 
2097 \family typewriter
2098 file1.bind
2099 \family default
2101 \end_layout
2103 \begin_deeper
2104 \begin_layout Standard
2106 \family sans
2107 C-S-M-W-key
2108 \family default
2109  in 
2110 \family typewriter
2111 file2.bind
2112 \family default
2114 \end_layout
2116 \end_deeper
2117 \end_deeper
2118 \begin_layout Paragraph
2119 Purpose:
2120 \end_layout
2122 \begin_layout Standard
2123 Description.
2124 \end_layout
2126 \begin_layout Paragraph
2127 Usage:
2128 \end_layout
2130 \begin_layout Standard
2131 Description.
2132 \end_layout
2134 \begin_layout Paragraph
2135 Examples:
2136 \end_layout
2138 \begin_layout Standard
2139 Examples.
2140 \end_layout
2142 \begin_layout Paragraph
2143 See Also:
2144 \end_layout
2146 \begin_layout Standard
2147 Other entries or documents.
2148  Separate many references by either a 
2149 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2150 \end_inset
2153 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2154 \end_inset
2156  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2157 \end_layout
2159 \begin_layout Subsection
2160 Insert Figure
2161 \end_layout
2163 \begin_layout Description
2164 Default
2165 \begin_inset space ~
2166 \end_inset
2168 Bindings:
2169 \end_layout
2171 \begin_deeper
2172 \begin_layout List
2173 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2175 \series bold
2176 Menu
2177 \begin_inset space ~
2178 \end_inset
2181 \series default
2183 \family sans
2184 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2185 Item
2186 \end_layout
2188 \begin_layout List
2189 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2191 \series bold
2192 Toolbar
2193 \begin_inset space ~
2194 \end_inset
2197 \series default
2198  Button # from the left (or right).
2200 \end_layout
2202 \begin_deeper
2203 \begin_layout Standard
2204 Brief description of button icon.
2205 \end_layout
2207 \end_deeper
2208 \begin_layout List
2209 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2211 \series bold
2212 Keyboard
2213 \begin_inset space ~
2214 \end_inset
2217 \series default
2219 \family sans
2220 C-S-M-W-key
2221 \family default
2222  in 
2223 \family typewriter
2224 file1.bind
2225 \family default
2227 \end_layout
2229 \begin_deeper
2230 \begin_layout Standard
2232 \family sans
2233 C-S-M-W-key
2234 \family default
2235  in 
2236 \family typewriter
2237 file2.bind
2238 \family default
2240 \end_layout
2242 \end_deeper
2243 \end_deeper
2244 \begin_layout Paragraph
2245 Purpose:
2246 \end_layout
2248 \begin_layout Standard
2249 Description.
2250 \end_layout
2252 \begin_layout Paragraph
2253 Usage:
2254 \end_layout
2256 \begin_layout Standard
2257 Description.
2258 \end_layout
2260 \begin_layout Paragraph
2261 Examples:
2262 \end_layout
2264 \begin_layout Standard
2265 Examples.
2266 \end_layout
2268 \begin_layout Paragraph
2269 See Also:
2270 \end_layout
2272 \begin_layout Standard
2273 Other entries or documents.
2274  Separate many references by either a 
2275 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2276 \end_inset
2279 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2280 \end_inset
2282  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2283 \end_layout
2285 \begin_layout Subsection
2286 Insert Reference
2287 \end_layout
2289 \begin_layout Description
2290 Default
2291 \begin_inset space ~
2292 \end_inset
2294 Bindings:
2295 \end_layout
2297 \begin_deeper
2298 \begin_layout List
2299 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2301 \series bold
2302 Menu
2303 \begin_inset space ~
2304 \end_inset
2307 \series default
2309 \family sans
2310 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2311 Item
2312 \end_layout
2314 \begin_layout List
2315 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2317 \series bold
2318 Toolbar
2319 \begin_inset space ~
2320 \end_inset
2323 \series default
2324  Button # from the left (or right).
2326 \end_layout
2328 \begin_deeper
2329 \begin_layout Standard
2330 Brief description of button icon.
2331 \end_layout
2333 \end_deeper
2334 \begin_layout List
2335 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2337 \series bold
2338 Keyboard
2339 \begin_inset space ~
2340 \end_inset
2343 \series default
2345 \family sans
2346 C-S-M-W-key
2347 \family default
2348  in 
2349 \family typewriter
2350 file1.bind
2351 \family default
2353 \end_layout
2355 \begin_deeper
2356 \begin_layout Standard
2358 \family sans
2359 C-S-M-W-key
2360 \family default
2361  in 
2362 \family typewriter
2363 file2.bind
2364 \family default
2366 \end_layout
2368 \end_deeper
2369 \end_deeper
2370 \begin_layout Paragraph
2371 Purpose:
2372 \end_layout
2374 \begin_layout Standard
2375 Description.
2376 \end_layout
2378 \begin_layout Paragraph
2379 Usage:
2380 \end_layout
2382 \begin_layout Standard
2383 Description.
2384 \end_layout
2386 \begin_layout Paragraph
2387 Examples:
2388 \end_layout
2390 \begin_layout Standard
2391 Examples.
2392 \end_layout
2394 \begin_layout Paragraph
2395 See Also:
2396 \end_layout
2398 \begin_layout Standard
2399 Other entries or documents.
2400  Separate many references by either a 
2401 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2402 \end_inset
2405 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2406 \end_inset
2408  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2409 \end_layout
2411 \begin_layout Subsection
2412 Insert Table
2413 \end_layout
2415 \begin_layout Description
2416 Default
2417 \begin_inset space ~
2418 \end_inset
2420 Bindings:
2421 \end_layout
2423 \begin_deeper
2424 \begin_layout List
2425 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2427 \series bold
2428 Menu
2429 \begin_inset space ~
2430 \end_inset
2433 \series default
2435 \family sans
2436 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2437 Item
2438 \end_layout
2440 \begin_layout List
2441 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2443 \series bold
2444 Toolbar
2445 \begin_inset space ~
2446 \end_inset
2449 \series default
2450  Button # from the left (or right).
2452 \end_layout
2454 \begin_deeper
2455 \begin_layout Standard
2456 Brief description of button icon.
2457 \end_layout
2459 \end_deeper
2460 \begin_layout List
2461 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2463 \series bold
2464 Keyboard
2465 \begin_inset space ~
2466 \end_inset
2469 \series default
2471 \family sans
2472 C-S-M-W-key
2473 \family default
2474  in 
2475 \family typewriter
2476 file1.bind
2477 \family default
2479 \end_layout
2481 \begin_deeper
2482 \begin_layout Standard
2484 \family sans
2485 C-S-M-W-key
2486 \family default
2487  in 
2488 \family typewriter
2489 file2.bind
2490 \family default
2492 \end_layout
2494 \end_deeper
2495 \end_deeper
2496 \begin_layout Paragraph
2497 Purpose:
2498 \end_layout
2500 \begin_layout Standard
2501 Description.
2502 \end_layout
2504 \begin_layout Paragraph
2505 Usage:
2506 \end_layout
2508 \begin_layout Standard
2509 Description.
2510 \end_layout
2512 \begin_layout Paragraph
2513 Examples:
2514 \end_layout
2516 \begin_layout Standard
2517 Examples.
2518 \end_layout
2520 \begin_layout Paragraph
2521 See Also:
2522 \end_layout
2524 \begin_layout Standard
2525 Other entries or documents.
2526  Separate many references by either a 
2527 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2528 \end_inset
2531 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2532 \end_inset
2534  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2535 \end_layout
2537 \begin_layout Subsection
2538 Itemize Bullet Selection
2539 \end_layout
2541 \begin_layout Description
2542 Default
2543 \begin_inset space ~
2544 \end_inset
2546 Bindings:
2547 \end_layout
2549 \begin_deeper
2550 \begin_layout List
2551 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2553 \series bold
2554 Menu
2555 \begin_inset space ~
2556 \end_inset
2559 \series default
2561 \family sans
2562 \bar under
2564 \bar default
2565 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2567 \family default
2569 \family sans
2570 \bar under
2572 \bar default
2573 ocument
2574 \family default
2575  to bring up the 
2576 \series bold
2577 Document
2578 \begin_inset space ~
2579 \end_inset
2581 Layout
2582 \series default
2583  popup.
2584 \end_layout
2586 \begin_deeper
2587 \begin_layout Description
2588 Document
2589 \begin_inset space ~
2590 \end_inset
2592 Layout: 
2593 \family sans
2594 \bar under
2596 \bar default
2597 ullet Shapes
2598 \end_layout
2600 \end_deeper
2601 \begin_layout List
2602 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2604 \series bold
2605 Keyboard
2606 \begin_inset space ~
2607 \end_inset
2610 \series default
2611  M-l i
2612 \end_layout
2614 \end_deeper
2615 \begin_layout Paragraph
2616 Purpose:
2617 \end_layout
2619 \begin_layout Standard
2620 Allows you to change the bullets that appear at the various levels of an
2622 \family sans
2623 Itemize
2624 \family default
2625  layout on a per document basis.
2626 \end_layout
2628 \begin_layout Paragraph
2629 Usage:
2630 \end_layout
2632 \begin_layout Standard
2633 The popup provides you with a table of bullet shapes.
2634  A column of buttons on the left of the table provides access to the six
2635  different panels of bullet shapes.
2636  The row of buttons across the top is used to select which bullet depth
2637  you are changing.
2638  A text entry under the table shows the currently selected bullet shape's
2639  LaTeX equivalent and this can be edited if desired.
2640 \end_layout
2642 \begin_layout Standard
2643 Select which bullet depth you want to change then select the bullet shape
2644  and size.
2646 \family sans
2648 \family default
2649  and 
2650 \family sans
2651 Apply
2652 \family default
2653  will update the document.
2654  Changes will not be visible in LyX, but are visible when viewing the document
2655  using xdvi or ghostview.
2656 \end_layout
2658 \begin_layout Paragraph
2659 See Also:
2660 \end_layout
2662 \begin_layout Standard
2663 buffer-itemize-bullets-select;
2664 \end_layout
2666 \begin_layout Standard
2668 \emph on
2669 Itemize Bullet Selection
2670 \emph default
2671  in 
2672 \emph on
2673 Extended Features
2674 \emph default
2676 \end_layout
2678 \begin_layout Standard
2680 \family typewriter
2681 ItemizeBullets.lyx
2682 \family default
2683  in the examples directory.
2684 \end_layout
2686 \begin_layout Subsection
2687 Key Mappings
2688 \end_layout
2690 \begin_layout Description
2691 Default
2692 \begin_inset space ~
2693 \end_inset
2695 Bindings:
2696 \end_layout
2698 \begin_deeper
2699 \begin_layout List
2700 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2702 \series bold
2703 Menu
2704 \begin_inset space ~
2705 \end_inset
2708 \series default
2710 \family sans
2711 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2712 Item
2713 \end_layout
2715 \begin_layout List
2716 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2718 \series bold
2719 Toolbar
2720 \begin_inset space ~
2721 \end_inset
2724 \series default
2725  Button # from the left (or right).
2727 \end_layout
2729 \begin_deeper
2730 \begin_layout Standard
2731 Brief description of button icon.
2732 \end_layout
2734 \end_deeper
2735 \begin_layout List
2736 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2738 \series bold
2739 Keyboard
2740 \begin_inset space ~
2741 \end_inset
2744 \series default
2746 \family sans
2747 C-S-M-W-key
2748 \family default
2749  in 
2750 \family typewriter
2751 file1.bind
2752 \family default
2754 \end_layout
2756 \begin_deeper
2757 \begin_layout Standard
2759 \family sans
2760 C-S-M-W-key
2761 \family default
2762  in 
2763 \family typewriter
2764 file2.bind
2765 \family default
2767 \end_layout
2769 \end_deeper
2770 \end_deeper
2771 \begin_layout Paragraph
2772 Purpose:
2773 \end_layout
2775 \begin_layout Standard
2776 Description.
2777 \end_layout
2779 \begin_layout Paragraph
2780 Usage:
2781 \end_layout
2783 \begin_layout Standard
2784 Description.
2785 \end_layout
2787 \begin_layout Paragraph
2788 Examples:
2789 \end_layout
2791 \begin_layout Standard
2792 Examples.
2793 \end_layout
2795 \begin_layout Paragraph
2796 See Also:
2797 \end_layout
2799 \begin_layout Standard
2800 Other entries or documents.
2801  Separate many references by either a 
2802 \begin_inset Quotes eld
2803 \end_inset
2806 \begin_inset Quotes erd
2807 \end_inset
2809  or place in multiple paragraphs.
2810 \end_layout
2812 \begin_layout Section
2814 \end_layout
2816 \begin_layout Subsection
2817 LaTeX Log
2818 \end_layout
2820 \begin_layout Description
2821 Default
2822 \begin_inset space ~
2823 \end_inset
2825 Bindings:
2826 \end_layout
2828 \begin_deeper
2829 \begin_layout List
2830 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2832 \series bold
2833 Menu
2834 \begin_inset space ~
2835 \end_inset
2838 \series default
2840 \family sans
2841 \bar under
2843 \bar default
2844 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2846 \bar under
2848 \family default
2849 \bar default
2851 \family sans
2852 LaTeX Log
2853 \end_layout
2855 \begin_layout List
2856 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2858 \series bold
2859 Keyboard
2860 \begin_inset space ~
2861 \end_inset
2864 \series default
2866 \family sans
2868 \begin_inset space ~
2869 \end_inset
2872 \end_layout
2874 \end_deeper
2875 \begin_layout Paragraph
2876 Purpose:
2877 \end_layout
2879 \begin_layout Standard
2880 Displays the log file produced by LaTeX.
2881 \end_layout
2883 \begin_layout Paragraph
2884 Usage:
2885 \end_layout
2887 \begin_layout Standard
2888 Scroll through the log file using either the cursor keys or the scrollbars.
2889  The 
2890 \family sans
2891 Update
2892 \family default
2893  button will refresh the popup with the log file contents.
2894 \end_layout
2896 \begin_layout Paragraph
2897 See Also:
2898 \end_layout
2900 \begin_layout Standard
2901 latex-view-log;
2902 \end_layout
2904 \begin_layout Subsection
2905 LaTeX Options
2906 \end_layout
2908 \begin_layout Description
2909 Default
2910 \begin_inset space ~
2911 \end_inset
2913 Bindings:
2914 \end_layout
2916 \begin_deeper
2917 \begin_layout List
2918 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2920 \series bold
2921 Menu
2922 \begin_inset space ~
2923 \end_inset
2926 \series default
2928 \family sans
2929 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
2930 Item
2931 \end_layout
2933 \begin_layout List
2934 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2936 \series bold
2937 Toolbar
2938 \begin_inset space ~
2939 \end_inset
2942 \series default
2943  Button # from the left (or right).
2945 \end_layout
2947 \begin_deeper
2948 \begin_layout Standard
2949 Brief description of button icon.
2950 \end_layout
2952 \end_deeper
2953 \begin_layout List
2954 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
2956 \series bold
2957 Keyboard
2958 \begin_inset space ~
2959 \end_inset
2962 \series default
2964 \family sans
2965 C-S-M-W-key
2966 \family default
2967  in 
2968 \family typewriter
2969 file1.bind
2970 \family default
2972 \end_layout
2974 \begin_deeper
2975 \begin_layout Standard
2977 \family sans
2978 C-S-M-W-key
2979 \family default
2980  in 
2981 \family typewriter
2982 file2.bind
2983 \family default
2985 \end_layout
2987 \end_deeper
2988 \end_deeper
2989 \begin_layout Paragraph
2990 Purpose:
2991 \end_layout
2993 \begin_layout Standard
2994 Description.
2995 \end_layout
2997 \begin_layout Paragraph
2998 Usage:
2999 \end_layout
3001 \begin_layout Standard
3002 Description.
3003 \end_layout
3005 \begin_layout Paragraph
3006 Examples:
3007 \end_layout
3009 \begin_layout Standard
3010 Examples.
3011 \end_layout
3013 \begin_layout Paragraph
3014 See Also:
3015 \end_layout
3017 \begin_layout Standard
3018 Other entries or documents.
3019  Separate many references by either a 
3020 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3021 \end_inset
3024 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3025 \end_inset
3027  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3028 \end_layout
3030 \begin_layout Subsection
3031 Math Panel
3032 \end_layout
3034 \begin_layout Description
3035 Default
3036 \begin_inset space ~
3037 \end_inset
3039 Bindings:
3040 \end_layout
3042 \begin_deeper
3043 \begin_layout List
3044 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3046 \series bold
3047 Menu
3048 \begin_inset space ~
3049 \end_inset
3052 \series default
3054 \family sans
3055 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3056 Item
3057 \end_layout
3059 \begin_layout List
3060 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3062 \series bold
3063 Toolbar
3064 \begin_inset space ~
3065 \end_inset
3068 \series default
3069  Button # from the left (or right).
3071 \end_layout
3073 \begin_deeper
3074 \begin_layout Standard
3075 Brief description of button icon.
3076 \end_layout
3078 \end_deeper
3079 \begin_layout List
3080 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3082 \series bold
3083 Keyboard
3084 \begin_inset space ~
3085 \end_inset
3088 \series default
3090 \family sans
3091 C-S-M-W-key
3092 \family default
3093  in 
3094 \family typewriter
3095 file1.bind
3096 \family default
3098 \end_layout
3100 \begin_deeper
3101 \begin_layout Standard
3103 \family sans
3104 C-S-M-W-key
3105 \family default
3106  in 
3107 \family typewriter
3108 file2.bind
3109 \family default
3111 \end_layout
3113 \end_deeper
3114 \end_deeper
3115 \begin_layout Paragraph
3116 Purpose:
3117 \end_layout
3119 \begin_layout Standard
3120 Description.
3121 \end_layout
3123 \begin_layout Paragraph
3124 Usage:
3125 \end_layout
3127 \begin_layout Standard
3128 Description.
3129 \end_layout
3131 \begin_layout Paragraph
3132 Examples:
3133 \end_layout
3135 \begin_layout Standard
3136 Examples.
3137 \end_layout
3139 \begin_layout Paragraph
3140 See Also:
3141 \end_layout
3143 \begin_layout Standard
3144 Other entries or documents.
3145  Separate many references by either a 
3146 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3147 \end_inset
3150 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3151 \end_inset
3153  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3154 \end_layout
3156 \begin_layout Subsection
3157 Matrix
3158 \end_layout
3160 \begin_layout Description
3161 Default
3162 \begin_inset space ~
3163 \end_inset
3165 Bindings:
3166 \end_layout
3168 \begin_deeper
3169 \begin_layout List
3170 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3172 \series bold
3173 Menu
3174 \begin_inset space ~
3175 \end_inset
3178 \series default
3180 \family sans
3181 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3182 Item
3183 \end_layout
3185 \begin_layout List
3186 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3188 \series bold
3189 Toolbar
3190 \begin_inset space ~
3191 \end_inset
3194 \series default
3195  Button # from the left (or right).
3197 \end_layout
3199 \begin_deeper
3200 \begin_layout Standard
3201 Brief description of button icon.
3202 \end_layout
3204 \end_deeper
3205 \begin_layout List
3206 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3208 \series bold
3209 Keyboard
3210 \begin_inset space ~
3211 \end_inset
3214 \series default
3216 \family sans
3217 C-S-M-W-key
3218 \family default
3219  in 
3220 \family typewriter
3221 file1.bind
3222 \family default
3224 \end_layout
3226 \begin_deeper
3227 \begin_layout Standard
3229 \family sans
3230 C-S-M-W-key
3231 \family default
3232  in 
3233 \family typewriter
3234 file2.bind
3235 \family default
3237 \end_layout
3239 \end_deeper
3240 \end_deeper
3241 \begin_layout Paragraph
3242 Purpose:
3243 \end_layout
3245 \begin_layout Standard
3246 Description.
3247 \end_layout
3249 \begin_layout Paragraph
3250 Usage:
3251 \end_layout
3253 \begin_layout Standard
3254 Description.
3255 \end_layout
3257 \begin_layout Paragraph
3258 Examples:
3259 \end_layout
3261 \begin_layout Standard
3262 Examples.
3263 \end_layout
3265 \begin_layout Paragraph
3266 See Also:
3267 \end_layout
3269 \begin_layout Standard
3270 Other entries or documents.
3271  Separate many references by either a 
3272 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3273 \end_inset
3276 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3277 \end_inset
3279  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3280 \end_layout
3282 \begin_layout Section
3284 \end_layout
3286 \begin_layout Subsection
3287 Paper Layout
3288 \end_layout
3290 \begin_layout Description
3291 Default
3292 \begin_inset space ~
3293 \end_inset
3295 Bindings:
3296 \end_layout
3298 \begin_deeper
3299 \begin_layout List
3300 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3302 \series bold
3303 Menu
3304 \begin_inset space ~
3305 \end_inset
3308 \series default
3310 \family sans
3311 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3312 Item
3313 \end_layout
3315 \begin_layout List
3316 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3318 \series bold
3319 Toolbar
3320 \begin_inset space ~
3321 \end_inset
3324 \series default
3325  Button # from the left (or right).
3327 \end_layout
3329 \begin_deeper
3330 \begin_layout Standard
3331 Brief description of button icon.
3332 \end_layout
3334 \end_deeper
3335 \begin_layout List
3336 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3338 \series bold
3339 Keyboard
3340 \begin_inset space ~
3341 \end_inset
3344 \series default
3346 \family sans
3347 C-S-M-W-key
3348 \family default
3349  in 
3350 \family typewriter
3351 file1.bind
3352 \family default
3354 \end_layout
3356 \begin_deeper
3357 \begin_layout Standard
3359 \family sans
3360 C-S-M-W-key
3361 \family default
3362  in 
3363 \family typewriter
3364 file2.bind
3365 \family default
3367 \end_layout
3369 \end_deeper
3370 \end_deeper
3371 \begin_layout Paragraph
3372 Purpose:
3373 \end_layout
3375 \begin_layout Standard
3376 Description.
3377 \end_layout
3379 \begin_layout Paragraph
3380 Usage:
3381 \end_layout
3383 \begin_layout Standard
3384 Description.
3385 \end_layout
3387 \begin_layout Paragraph
3388 Examples:
3389 \end_layout
3391 \begin_layout Standard
3392 Examples.
3393 \end_layout
3395 \begin_layout Paragraph
3396 See Also:
3397 \end_layout
3399 \begin_layout Standard
3400 Other entries or documents.
3401  Separate many references by either a 
3402 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3403 \end_inset
3406 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3407 \end_inset
3409  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3410 \end_layout
3412 \begin_layout Subsection
3413 Paragraph Layout
3414 \end_layout
3416 \begin_layout Description
3417 Default
3418 \begin_inset space ~
3419 \end_inset
3421 Bindings:
3422 \end_layout
3424 \begin_deeper
3425 \begin_layout List
3426 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3428 \series bold
3429 Menu
3430 \begin_inset space ~
3431 \end_inset
3434 \series default
3436 \family sans
3437 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3438 Item
3439 \end_layout
3441 \begin_layout List
3442 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3444 \series bold
3445 Toolbar
3446 \begin_inset space ~
3447 \end_inset
3450 \series default
3451  Button # from the left (or right).
3453 \end_layout
3455 \begin_deeper
3456 \begin_layout Standard
3457 Brief description of button icon.
3458 \end_layout
3460 \end_deeper
3461 \begin_layout List
3462 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3464 \series bold
3465 Keyboard
3466 \begin_inset space ~
3467 \end_inset
3470 \series default
3472 \family sans
3473 C-S-M-W-key
3474 \family default
3475  in 
3476 \family typewriter
3477 file1.bind
3478 \family default
3480 \end_layout
3482 \begin_deeper
3483 \begin_layout Standard
3485 \family sans
3486 C-S-M-W-key
3487 \family default
3488  in 
3489 \family typewriter
3490 file2.bind
3491 \family default
3493 \end_layout
3495 \end_deeper
3496 \end_deeper
3497 \begin_layout Paragraph
3498 Purpose:
3499 \end_layout
3501 \begin_layout Standard
3502 Description.
3503 \end_layout
3505 \begin_layout Paragraph
3506 Usage:
3507 \end_layout
3509 \begin_layout Standard
3510 Description.
3511 \end_layout
3513 \begin_layout Paragraph
3514 Examples:
3515 \end_layout
3517 \begin_layout Standard
3518 Examples.
3519 \end_layout
3521 \begin_layout Paragraph
3522 See Also:
3523 \end_layout
3525 \begin_layout Standard
3526 Other entries or documents.
3527  Separate many references by either a 
3528 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3529 \end_inset
3532 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3533 \end_inset
3535  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3536 \end_layout
3538 \begin_layout Subsection
3539 Print
3540 \end_layout
3542 \begin_layout Description
3543 Default
3544 \begin_inset space ~
3545 \end_inset
3547 Bindings:
3548 \end_layout
3550 \begin_deeper
3551 \begin_layout List
3552 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3554 \series bold
3555 Menu
3556 \begin_inset space ~
3557 \end_inset
3560 \series default
3562 \family sans
3563 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3564 Item
3565 \end_layout
3567 \begin_layout List
3568 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3570 \series bold
3571 Toolbar
3572 \begin_inset space ~
3573 \end_inset
3576 \series default
3577  Button # from the left (or right).
3579 \end_layout
3581 \begin_deeper
3582 \begin_layout Standard
3583 Brief description of button icon.
3584 \end_layout
3586 \end_deeper
3587 \begin_layout List
3588 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3590 \series bold
3591 Keyboard
3592 \begin_inset space ~
3593 \end_inset
3596 \series default
3598 \family sans
3599 C-S-M-W-key
3600 \family default
3601  in 
3602 \family typewriter
3603 file1.bind
3604 \family default
3606 \end_layout
3608 \begin_deeper
3609 \begin_layout Standard
3611 \family sans
3612 C-S-M-W-key
3613 \family default
3614  in 
3615 \family typewriter
3616 file2.bind
3617 \family default
3619 \end_layout
3621 \end_deeper
3622 \end_deeper
3623 \begin_layout Paragraph
3624 Purpose:
3625 \end_layout
3627 \begin_layout Standard
3628 Description.
3629 \end_layout
3631 \begin_layout Paragraph
3632 Usage:
3633 \end_layout
3635 \begin_layout Standard
3636 Description.
3637 \end_layout
3639 \begin_layout Paragraph
3640 Examples:
3641 \end_layout
3643 \begin_layout Standard
3644 Examples.
3645 \end_layout
3647 \begin_layout Paragraph
3648 See Also:
3649 \end_layout
3651 \begin_layout Standard
3652 Other entries or documents.
3653  Separate many references by either a 
3654 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3655 \end_inset
3658 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3659 \end_inset
3661  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3662 \end_layout
3664 \begin_layout Subsection
3666 \end_layout
3668 \begin_layout Description
3669 Default
3670 \begin_inset space ~
3671 \end_inset
3673 Bindings:
3674 \end_layout
3676 \begin_deeper
3677 \begin_layout List
3678 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3680 \series bold
3681 Menu
3682 \begin_inset space ~
3683 \end_inset
3686 \series default
3688 \family sans
3689 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3690 Item
3691 \end_layout
3693 \begin_layout List
3694 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3696 \series bold
3697 Toolbar
3698 \begin_inset space ~
3699 \end_inset
3702 \series default
3703  Button # from the left (or right).
3705 \end_layout
3707 \begin_deeper
3708 \begin_layout Standard
3709 Brief description of button icon.
3710 \end_layout
3712 \end_deeper
3713 \begin_layout List
3714 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3716 \series bold
3717 Keyboard
3718 \begin_inset space ~
3719 \end_inset
3722 \series default
3724 \family sans
3725 C-S-M-W-key
3726 \family default
3727  in 
3728 \family typewriter
3729 file1.bind
3730 \family default
3732 \end_layout
3734 \begin_deeper
3735 \begin_layout Standard
3737 \family sans
3738 C-S-M-W-key
3739 \family default
3740  in 
3741 \family typewriter
3742 file2.bind
3743 \family default
3745 \end_layout
3747 \end_deeper
3748 \end_deeper
3749 \begin_layout Paragraph
3750 Purpose:
3751 \end_layout
3753 \begin_layout Standard
3754 Description.
3755 \end_layout
3757 \begin_layout Paragraph
3758 Usage:
3759 \end_layout
3761 \begin_layout Standard
3762 Description.
3763 \end_layout
3765 \begin_layout Paragraph
3766 Examples:
3767 \end_layout
3769 \begin_layout Standard
3770 Examples.
3771 \end_layout
3773 \begin_layout Paragraph
3774 See Also:
3775 \end_layout
3777 \begin_layout Standard
3778 Other entries or documents.
3779  Separate many references by either a 
3780 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3781 \end_inset
3784 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3785 \end_inset
3787  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3788 \end_layout
3790 \begin_layout Section
3792 \end_layout
3794 \begin_layout Subsection
3795 Screen Options
3796 \end_layout
3798 \begin_layout Description
3799 Default
3800 \begin_inset space ~
3801 \end_inset
3803 Bindings:
3804 \end_layout
3806 \begin_deeper
3807 \begin_layout List
3808 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3810 \series bold
3811 Menu
3812 \begin_inset space ~
3813 \end_inset
3816 \series default
3818 \family sans
3819 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3820 Item
3821 \end_layout
3823 \begin_layout List
3824 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3826 \series bold
3827 Toolbar
3828 \begin_inset space ~
3829 \end_inset
3832 \series default
3833  Button # from the left (or right).
3835 \end_layout
3837 \begin_deeper
3838 \begin_layout Standard
3839 Brief description of button icon.
3840 \end_layout
3842 \end_deeper
3843 \begin_layout List
3844 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3846 \series bold
3847 Keyboard
3848 \begin_inset space ~
3849 \end_inset
3852 \series default
3854 \family sans
3855 C-S-M-W-key
3856 \family default
3857  in 
3858 \family typewriter
3859 file1.bind
3860 \family default
3862 \end_layout
3864 \begin_deeper
3865 \begin_layout Standard
3867 \family sans
3868 C-S-M-W-key
3869 \family default
3870  in 
3871 \family typewriter
3872 file2.bind
3873 \family default
3875 \end_layout
3877 \end_deeper
3878 \end_deeper
3879 \begin_layout Paragraph
3880 Purpose:
3881 \end_layout
3883 \begin_layout Standard
3884 Description.
3885 \end_layout
3887 \begin_layout Paragraph
3888 Usage:
3889 \end_layout
3891 \begin_layout Standard
3892 Description.
3893 \end_layout
3895 \begin_layout Paragraph
3896 Examples:
3897 \end_layout
3899 \begin_layout Standard
3900 Examples.
3901 \end_layout
3903 \begin_layout Paragraph
3904 See Also:
3905 \end_layout
3907 \begin_layout Standard
3908 Other entries or documents.
3909  Separate many references by either a 
3910 \begin_inset Quotes eld
3911 \end_inset
3914 \begin_inset Quotes erd
3915 \end_inset
3917  or place in multiple paragraphs.
3918 \end_layout
3920 \begin_layout Subsection
3921 Send Document to Command
3922 \end_layout
3924 \begin_layout Description
3925 Default
3926 \begin_inset space ~
3927 \end_inset
3929 Bindings:
3930 \end_layout
3932 \begin_deeper
3933 \begin_layout List
3934 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3936 \series bold
3937 Menu
3938 \begin_inset space ~
3939 \end_inset
3942 \series default
3944 \family sans
3945 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
3946 Item
3947 \end_layout
3949 \begin_layout List
3950 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3952 \series bold
3953 Toolbar
3954 \begin_inset space ~
3955 \end_inset
3958 \series default
3959  Button # from the left (or right).
3961 \end_layout
3963 \begin_deeper
3964 \begin_layout Standard
3965 Brief description of button icon.
3966 \end_layout
3968 \end_deeper
3969 \begin_layout List
3970 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
3972 \series bold
3973 Keyboard
3974 \begin_inset space ~
3975 \end_inset
3978 \series default
3980 \family sans
3981 C-S-M-W-key
3982 \family default
3983  in 
3984 \family typewriter
3985 file1.bind
3986 \family default
3988 \end_layout
3990 \begin_deeper
3991 \begin_layout Standard
3993 \family sans
3994 C-S-M-W-key
3995 \family default
3996  in 
3997 \family typewriter
3998 file2.bind
3999 \family default
4001 \end_layout
4003 \end_deeper
4004 \end_deeper
4005 \begin_layout Paragraph
4006 Purpose:
4007 \end_layout
4009 \begin_layout Standard
4010 Description.
4011 \end_layout
4013 \begin_layout Paragraph
4014 Usage:
4015 \end_layout
4017 \begin_layout Standard
4018 Description.
4019 \end_layout
4021 \begin_layout Paragraph
4022 Examples:
4023 \end_layout
4025 \begin_layout Standard
4026 Examples.
4027 \end_layout
4029 \begin_layout Paragraph
4030 See Also:
4031 \end_layout
4033 \begin_layout Standard
4034 Other entries or documents.
4035  Separate many references by either a 
4036 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4037 \end_inset
4040 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4041 \end_inset
4043  or place in multiple paragraphs.
4044 \end_layout
4046 \begin_layout Subsection
4047 Spacing
4048 \end_layout
4050 \begin_layout Description
4051 Default
4052 \begin_inset space ~
4053 \end_inset
4055 Bindings:
4056 \end_layout
4058 \begin_deeper
4059 \begin_layout List
4060 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4062 \series bold
4063 Menu
4064 \begin_inset space ~
4065 \end_inset
4068 \series default
4070 \family sans
4071 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
4072 Item
4073 \end_layout
4075 \begin_layout List
4076 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4078 \series bold
4079 Toolbar
4080 \begin_inset space ~
4081 \end_inset
4084 \series default
4085  Button # from the left (or right).
4087 \end_layout
4089 \begin_deeper
4090 \begin_layout Standard
4091 Brief description of button icon.
4092 \end_layout
4094 \end_deeper
4095 \begin_layout List
4096 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4098 \series bold
4099 Keyboard
4100 \begin_inset space ~
4101 \end_inset
4104 \series default
4106 \family sans
4107 C-S-M-W-key
4108 \family default
4109  in 
4110 \family typewriter
4111 file1.bind
4112 \family default
4114 \end_layout
4116 \begin_deeper
4117 \begin_layout Standard
4119 \family sans
4120 C-S-M-W-key
4121 \family default
4122  in 
4123 \family typewriter
4124 file2.bind
4125 \family default
4127 \end_layout
4129 \end_deeper
4130 \end_deeper
4131 \begin_layout Paragraph
4132 Purpose:
4133 \end_layout
4135 \begin_layout Standard
4136 Description.
4137 \end_layout
4139 \begin_layout Paragraph
4140 Usage:
4141 \end_layout
4143 \begin_layout Standard
4144 Description.
4145 \end_layout
4147 \begin_layout Paragraph
4148 Examples:
4149 \end_layout
4151 \begin_layout Standard
4152 Examples.
4153 \end_layout
4155 \begin_layout Paragraph
4156 See Also:
4157 \end_layout
4159 \begin_layout Standard
4160 Other entries or documents.
4161  Separate many references by either a 
4162 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4163 \end_inset
4166 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4167 \end_inset
4169  or place in multiple paragraphs.
4170 \end_layout
4172 \begin_layout Subsection
4173 Spellchecker
4174 \end_layout
4176 \begin_layout Description
4177 Default
4178 \begin_inset space ~
4179 \end_inset
4181 Bindings:
4182 \end_layout
4184 \begin_deeper
4185 \begin_layout List
4186 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4188 \series bold
4189 Menu
4190 \begin_inset space ~
4191 \end_inset
4194 \series default
4196 \family sans
4197 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
4198 Item
4199 \end_layout
4201 \begin_layout List
4202 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4204 \series bold
4205 Toolbar
4206 \begin_inset space ~
4207 \end_inset
4210 \series default
4211  Button # from the left (or right).
4213 \end_layout
4215 \begin_deeper
4216 \begin_layout Standard
4217 Brief description of button icon.
4218 \end_layout
4220 \end_deeper
4221 \begin_layout List
4222 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4224 \series bold
4225 Keyboard
4226 \begin_inset space ~
4227 \end_inset
4230 \series default
4232 \family sans
4233 C-S-M-W-key
4234 \family default
4235  in 
4236 \family typewriter
4237 file1.bind
4238 \family default
4240 \end_layout
4242 \begin_deeper
4243 \begin_layout Standard
4245 \family sans
4246 C-S-M-W-key
4247 \family default
4248  in 
4249 \family typewriter
4250 file2.bind
4251 \family default
4253 \end_layout
4255 \end_deeper
4256 \end_deeper
4257 \begin_layout Paragraph
4258 Purpose:
4259 \end_layout
4261 \begin_layout Standard
4262 Description.
4263 \end_layout
4265 \begin_layout Paragraph
4266 Usage:
4267 \end_layout
4269 \begin_layout Standard
4270 Description.
4271 \end_layout
4273 \begin_layout Paragraph
4274 Examples:
4275 \end_layout
4277 \begin_layout Standard
4278 Examples.
4279 \end_layout
4281 \begin_layout Paragraph
4282 See Also:
4283 \end_layout
4285 \begin_layout Standard
4286 Other entries or documents.
4287  Separate many references by either a 
4288 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4289 \end_inset
4292 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4293 \end_inset
4295  or place in multiple paragraphs.
4296 \end_layout
4298 \begin_layout Subsection
4299 Spellchecker Options
4300 \end_layout
4302 \begin_layout Description
4303 Default
4304 \begin_inset space ~
4305 \end_inset
4307 Bindings:
4308 \end_layout
4310 \begin_deeper
4311 \begin_layout List
4312 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4314 \series bold
4315 Menu
4316 \begin_inset space ~
4317 \end_inset
4320 \series default
4322 \family sans
4323 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
4324 Item
4325 \end_layout
4327 \begin_layout List
4328 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4330 \series bold
4331 Toolbar
4332 \begin_inset space ~
4333 \end_inset
4336 \series default
4337  Button # from the left (or right).
4339 \end_layout
4341 \begin_deeper
4342 \begin_layout Standard
4343 Brief description of button icon.
4344 \end_layout
4346 \end_deeper
4347 \begin_layout List
4348 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4350 \series bold
4351 Keyboard
4352 \begin_inset space ~
4353 \end_inset
4356 \series default
4358 \family sans
4359 C-S-M-W-key
4360 \family default
4361  in 
4362 \family typewriter
4363 file1.bind
4364 \family default
4366 \end_layout
4368 \begin_deeper
4369 \begin_layout Standard
4371 \family sans
4372 C-S-M-W-key
4373 \family default
4374  in 
4375 \family typewriter
4376 file2.bind
4377 \family default
4379 \end_layout
4381 \end_deeper
4382 \end_deeper
4383 \begin_layout Paragraph
4384 Purpose:
4385 \end_layout
4387 \begin_layout Standard
4388 Description.
4389 \end_layout
4391 \begin_layout Paragraph
4392 Usage:
4393 \end_layout
4395 \begin_layout Standard
4396 Description.
4397 \end_layout
4399 \begin_layout Paragraph
4400 Examples:
4401 \end_layout
4403 \begin_layout Standard
4404 Examples.
4405 \end_layout
4407 \begin_layout Paragraph
4408 See Also:
4409 \end_layout
4411 \begin_layout Standard
4412 Other entries or documents.
4413  Separate many references by either a 
4414 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4415 \end_inset
4418 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4419 \end_inset
4421  or place in multiple paragraphs.
4422 \end_layout
4424 \begin_layout Section
4426 \end_layout
4428 \begin_layout Subsection
4429 Table Layout
4430 \end_layout
4432 \begin_layout Description
4433 Default
4434 \begin_inset space ~
4435 \end_inset
4437 Bindings:
4438 \end_layout
4440 \begin_deeper
4441 \begin_layout List
4442 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4444 \series bold
4445 Menu
4446 \begin_inset space ~
4447 \end_inset
4450 \series default
4452 \family sans
4453 Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
4454 Item
4455 \end_layout
4457 \begin_layout List
4458 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4460 \series bold
4461 Toolbar
4462 \begin_inset space ~
4463 \end_inset
4466 \series default
4467  Button # from the left (or right).
4469 \end_layout
4471 \begin_deeper
4472 \begin_layout Standard
4473 Brief description of button icon.
4474 \end_layout
4476 \end_deeper
4477 \begin_layout List
4478 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4480 \series bold
4481 Keyboard
4482 \begin_inset space ~
4483 \end_inset
4486 \series default
4488 \family sans
4489 C-S-M-W-key
4490 \family default
4491  in 
4492 \family typewriter
4493 file1.bind
4494 \family default
4496 \end_layout
4498 \begin_deeper
4499 \begin_layout Standard
4501 \family sans
4502 C-S-M-W-key
4503 \family default
4504  in 
4505 \family typewriter
4506 file2.bind
4507 \family default
4509 \end_layout
4511 \end_deeper
4512 \end_deeper
4513 \begin_layout Paragraph
4514 Purpose:
4515 \end_layout
4517 \begin_layout Standard
4518 Description.
4519 \end_layout
4521 \begin_layout Paragraph
4522 Usage:
4523 \end_layout
4525 \begin_layout Standard
4526 Description.
4527 \end_layout
4529 \begin_layout Paragraph
4530 Examples:
4531 \end_layout
4533 \begin_layout Standard
4534 Examples.
4535 \end_layout
4537 \begin_layout Paragraph
4538 See Also:
4539 \end_layout
4541 \begin_layout Standard
4542 Other entries or documents.
4543  Separate many references by either a 
4544 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4545 \end_inset
4548 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4549 \end_inset
4551  or place in multiple paragraphs.
4552 \end_layout
4554 \begin_layout Subsection
4555 Table of Contents
4556 \end_layout
4558 \begin_layout Description
4559 Default
4560 \begin_inset space ~
4561 \end_inset
4563 Bindings:
4564 \end_layout
4566 \begin_deeper
4567 \begin_layout List
4568 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4570 \series bold
4571 Menu
4572 \begin_inset space ~
4573 \end_inset
4576 \series default
4578 \family sans
4579 \bar under
4581 \bar default
4582 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
4584 \bar under
4586 \bar default
4588 \begin_inset space ~
4589 \end_inset
4592 \begin_inset space ~
4593 \end_inset
4595 Contents
4596 \end_layout
4598 \begin_layout List
4599 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
4601 \series bold
4602 Keyboard
4603 \begin_inset space ~
4604 \end_inset
4607 \series default
4609 \family sans
4610 M-e t
4611 \end_layout
4613 \end_deeper
4614 \begin_layout Paragraph
4615 Purpose:
4616 \end_layout
4618 \begin_layout Standard
4619 Displays the Table of Contents of the current document.
4620  Also allows rapid browsing and movement between sections.
4621 \end_layout
4623 \begin_layout Paragraph
4624 Usage:
4625 \end_layout
4627 \begin_layout Standard
4628 You can move about the table of contents using either the scrollbar or your
4629  cursor keys.
4630  Only two buttons are provided.
4631  A 
4632 \family sans
4633 Close
4634 \family default
4635  button to close the popup and an 
4636 \family sans
4637 Update
4638 \family default
4639  button to rebuild the table of contents.
4640  If you click on an entry with your mouse or move the selector using the
4641  cursor keys the document is moved so that that section is visible on screen.
4642  This allows rapid and simple navigation through your documents.
4643 \end_layout
4645 \begin_layout Paragraph
4646 Examples:
4647 \end_layout
4649 \begin_layout Standard
4650 Try it now.
4651 \end_layout
4653 \begin_layout Paragraph
4654 See Also:
4655 \end_layout
4657 \begin_layout Standard
4658 toc-insert; toc-view; 
4659 \emph on
4660 Table of Contents
4661 \emph default
4662  in 
4663 \emph on
4664 User Guide
4665 \end_layout
4667 \begin_layout Chapter
4668 Bindable Functions
4669 \end_layout
4671 \begin_layout Standard
4672 \begin_inset CommandInset label
4673 LatexCommand label
4674 name "ch:functions"
4676 \end_inset
4678 We have some quick, last minute notes for you about this chapter.
4679 \end_layout
4681 \begin_layout Standard
4682 If a particular piece of an entry is missing, it's equivalent to saying,
4684 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4685 \end_inset
4687 There is none.
4688 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4689 \end_inset
4691  For example, if, under 
4692 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4693 \end_inset
4696 \series bold
4697 Default Bindings
4698 \series default
4700 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4701 \end_inset
4703  there was no 
4704 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4705 \end_inset
4708 \series bold
4709 Menu
4710 \series default
4712 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4713 \end_inset
4715  item, it means there is no menu binding.
4716  Likewise, the guy who wrote the entry may have decided that the function's
4717  purpose is self-explanatory.
4718  So, there'd be no 
4719 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4720 \end_inset
4723 \series bold
4724 Purpose
4725 \series default
4727 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4728 \end_inset
4730  section in the entry.
4731 \end_layout
4733 \begin_layout Standard
4734 Hopefully, all of that is clear.
4735 \end_layout
4737 \begin_layout Standard
4738 If you haven't noticed already, this is a 
4739 \emph on
4740 huge
4741 \emph default
4742  chapter.
4743  Your best bet for getting around in it is to open up the 
4744 \family sans
4745 Table
4746 \begin_inset space ~
4747 \end_inset
4750 \begin_inset space ~
4751 \end_inset
4753 Contents
4754 \family default
4755  browser.
4756  Select 
4757 \family sans
4758 \bar under
4760 \bar default
4761 able
4762 \begin_inset space ~
4763 \end_inset
4766 \begin_inset space ~
4767 \end_inset
4769 Contents...
4771 \family default
4772  from the 
4773 \family sans
4774 \bar under
4776 \bar default
4778 \family default
4779  menu.
4780 \end_layout
4782 \begin_layout Standard
4783 Lastly, some credits:
4784 \end_layout
4786 \begin_layout Standard
4788 \noun on
4789 Alejandro Aguilar-Sierra
4790 \noun default
4791  wrote the math entries.
4792 \end_layout
4794 \begin_layout Standard
4796 \noun on
4797 Rich Fields
4798 \noun default
4799  wrote most of the entries in here.
4800 \end_layout
4802 \begin_layout Standard
4804 \noun on
4805 John Weiss
4806 \noun default
4807  edited this chapter.
4808 \end_layout
4810 \begin_layout Section
4812 \end_layout
4814 \begin_layout Subsection
4815 accent-acute
4816 \end_layout
4818 \begin_layout Description
4819 Default
4820 \begin_inset space ~
4821 \end_inset
4823 Bindings: None.
4824 \end_layout
4826 \begin_layout Paragraph
4827 Purpose:
4828 \end_layout
4830 \begin_layout Standard
4831 To produce accented characters from the ISO-Latin-1 character set.
4832 \end_layout
4834 \begin_layout Standard
4835 All of the commands of the form 
4836 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4837 \end_inset
4840 \family typewriter
4841 accent-xxxxxx
4842 \family default
4844 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4845 \end_inset
4847  are of the same type.
4848  Rather than repeat the same entry 17 times, we'll explain how all of the
4850 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4851 \end_inset
4854 \family typewriter
4855 accent-*
4856 \family default
4858 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4859 \end_inset
4861  commands work.
4862 \end_layout
4864 \begin_layout Paragraph
4865 Usage:
4866 \end_layout
4868 \begin_layout Standard
4869 All of the 
4870 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4871 \end_inset
4874 \family typewriter
4875 accent-*
4876 \family default
4878 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4879 \end_inset
4881  commands work like a 
4882 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4883 \end_inset
4885 Compose
4886 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4887 \end_inset
4889  key.
4890  They add a particular accent to the next character typed.
4891  There are two ways to use these commands:
4892 \end_layout
4894 \begin_layout Enumerate
4895 Direct Execution:
4896 \end_layout
4898 \begin_deeper
4899 \begin_layout Enumerate
4900 Use the 
4901 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4902 \end_inset
4905 \family typewriter
4906 command-execute
4907 \family default
4909 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4910 \end_inset
4912  key to enter the desired 
4913 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4914 \end_inset
4917 \family typewriter
4918 accent-*
4919 \family default
4921 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4922 \end_inset
4924  command in the minibuffer.
4925 \end_layout
4927 \begin_deeper
4928 \begin_layout Standard
4929 [See the entry for 
4930 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4931 \end_inset
4934 \family typewriter
4935 command-execute
4936 \family default
4938 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4939 \end_inset
4941  if you don't know how to execute LyX commands directly.]
4942 \end_layout
4944 \end_deeper
4945 \begin_layout Enumerate
4946 Next, type the letter you wish to accent.
4947 \end_layout
4949 \end_deeper
4950 \begin_layout Enumerate
4951 Dead Keys
4952 \end_layout
4954 \begin_deeper
4955 \begin_layout Enumerate
4956 Bind the desired 
4957 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4958 \end_inset
4961 \family typewriter
4962 accent-*
4963 \family default
4965 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4966 \end_inset
4968  command to a keyboard key.
4969  Typically, you bind the command to the key that looks like the accent.
4970 \end_layout
4972 \begin_deeper
4973 \begin_layout Standard
4974 For example, you'd bind 
4975 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4976 \end_inset
4979 \family typewriter
4980 accent-acute
4981 \family default
4983 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4984 \end_inset
4986  to the apostrophe key (the ' ) and 
4987 \begin_inset Quotes eld
4988 \end_inset
4991 \family typewriter
4992 accent-circumflex
4993 \family default
4995 \begin_inset Quotes erd
4996 \end_inset
4998  to the 
4999 \begin_inset Quotes eld
5000 \end_inset
5003 \begin_inset Quotes erd
5004 \end_inset
5006  key (Shift-6 on a US keyboard).
5007 \end_layout
5009 \begin_layout Standard
5010 [See the manual 
5011 \family typewriter
5012 Customization.lyx
5013 \family default
5014  for information about binding keys.]
5015 \begin_inset Foot
5016 status collapsed
5018 \begin_layout Plain Layout
5020 \emph on
5021 Editor's Note: I may change this and put an entry to the bind command in
5022  this manual.
5023  -jw
5024 \end_layout
5026 \end_inset
5029 \end_layout
5031 \end_deeper
5032 \begin_layout Enumerate
5033 Restart LyX if it's already running, so that the new bindings can take effect.
5034 \end_layout
5036 \begin_layout Enumerate
5037 Type the dead-key, followed by the letter you wish to accent.
5038 \end_layout
5040 \begin_deeper
5041 \begin_layout Standard
5042 Using our earlier example, if you type 
5043 \begin_inset Quotes eld
5044 \end_inset
5047 \begin_inset Quotes erd
5048 \end_inset
5050  followed by the letter 
5051 \begin_inset Quotes eld
5052 \end_inset
5055 \begin_inset Quotes erd
5056 \end_inset
5058 , you'll produce the character 
5059 \begin_inset Quotes eld
5060 \end_inset
5063 \begin_inset Quotes erd
5064 \end_inset
5067 \end_layout
5069 \end_deeper
5070 \end_deeper
5071 \begin_layout Standard
5072 To produce the accent by itself, hit the Space key instead of a character.
5073 \end_layout
5075 \begin_layout Paragraph
5076 Examples:
5077 \end_layout
5079 \begin_layout Standard
5080 This command produces the following accent:
5081 \end_layout
5083 \begin_layout Standard
5084  ́
5085 \end_layout
5087 \begin_layout Standard
5088 Valid letters with an acute accent:
5089 \end_layout
5091 \begin_layout Standard
5092 á é í ó ú ý Á É Í Ó Ú Ý ś ź Ś Ź ŕ ĺ ć ń Ŕ Ĺ Ć Ń
5093 \end_layout
5095 \begin_layout Paragraph
5096 See Also:
5097 \end_layout
5099 \begin_layout Standard
5100 command-execute;
5101 \end_layout
5103 \begin_layout Standard
5104 the key binding section in 
5105 \family typewriter
5106 Customization.lyx
5107 \family default
5109 \end_layout
5111 \begin_layout Standard
5112 accent-breve; accent-caron; accent-cedilla; accent-circle; accent-circumflex;
5113  accent-dot; accent-grave; accent-hungarian-umlaut; accent-macron; accent-specia
5114 l-caron; accent-tie; accent-tilde; accent-umlaut; accent-underbar; accent-underd
5116 \end_layout
5118 \begin_layout Subsection
5119 accent-breve
5120 \end_layout
5122 \begin_layout Description
5123 Default
5124 \begin_inset space ~
5125 \end_inset
5127 Bindings: None.
5128 \end_layout
5130 \begin_layout Paragraph
5131 Examples:
5132 \end_layout
5134 \begin_layout Standard
5135 This command produces the following accent:
5136 \end_layout
5138 \begin_layout Standard
5139  ̆
5140 \end_layout
5142 \begin_layout Standard
5143 Valid letters with a breve accent:
5144 \end_layout
5146 \begin_layout Standard
5147 ă ğ ŭ Ă Ğ Ŭ
5148 \end_layout
5150 \begin_layout Paragraph
5151 See Also:
5152 \end_layout
5154 \begin_layout Standard
5155 accent-acute.
5156 \end_layout
5158 \begin_layout Subsection
5159 accent-caron
5160 \end_layout
5162 \begin_layout Description
5163 Default
5164 \begin_inset space ~
5165 \end_inset
5167 Bindings: None.
5168 \end_layout
5170 \begin_layout Paragraph
5171 Examples:
5172 \end_layout
5174 \begin_layout Standard
5175 This command produces the following accent:
5176 \end_layout
5178 \begin_layout Standard
5179  ̌
5180 \end_layout
5182 \begin_layout Standard
5183 Valid letters with a caron accent:
5184 \end_layout
5186 \begin_layout Standard
5187 č š ž Č Š Ž ď ľ ň ř ť Ď Ľ Ň Ř Ť ě Ě
5188 \end_layout
5190 \begin_layout Paragraph
5191 See Also:
5192 \end_layout
5194 \begin_layout Standard
5195 accent-acute.
5196 \end_layout
5198 \begin_layout Subsection
5199 accent-cedilla
5200 \end_layout
5202 \begin_layout Description
5203 Default
5204 \begin_inset space ~
5205 \end_inset
5207 Bindings: None.
5208 \end_layout
5210 \begin_layout Paragraph
5211 Examples:
5212 \end_layout
5214 \begin_layout Standard
5215 This command produces the following accent:
5216 \end_layout
5218 \begin_layout Standard
5219  ̧
5220 \end_layout
5222 \begin_layout Standard
5223 Valid letters with a cedilla accent:
5224 \end_layout
5226 \begin_layout Standard
5227 ç Ç ģ ķ ļ ņ ŗ ş ţ Ģ Ķ Ļ Ņ Ŗ Ş Ţ
5228 \end_layout
5230 \begin_layout Paragraph
5231 See Also:
5232 \end_layout
5234 \begin_layout Standard
5235 accent-acute.
5236 \end_layout
5238 \begin_layout Subsection
5239 accent-circle
5240 \end_layout
5242 \begin_layout Description
5243 Default
5244 \begin_inset space ~
5245 \end_inset
5247 Bindings: None.
5248 \end_layout
5250 \begin_layout Paragraph
5251 Examples:
5252 \end_layout
5254 \begin_layout Standard
5255 This command produces the following accent:
5256 \end_layout
5258 \begin_layout Standard
5259  ̊
5260 \end_layout
5262 \begin_layout Standard
5263 Valid letters with a circle accent:
5264 \end_layout
5266 \begin_layout Standard
5267 å ů Å Ů
5268 \end_layout
5270 \begin_layout Paragraph
5271 See Also:
5272 \end_layout
5274 \begin_layout Standard
5275 accent-acute.
5276 \end_layout
5278 \begin_layout Subsection
5279 accent-circumflex
5280 \end_layout
5282 \begin_layout Description
5283 Default
5284 \begin_inset space ~
5285 \end_inset
5287 Bindings: None.
5288 \end_layout
5290 \begin_layout Paragraph
5291 Examples:
5292 \end_layout
5294 \begin_layout Standard
5295 This command produces the following accent:
5296 \end_layout
5298 \begin_layout Standard
5299  ̂
5300 \end_layout
5302 \begin_layout Standard
5303 Valid letters with a circumflex accent:
5304 \end_layout
5306 \begin_layout Standard
5307 â ê î ô û Â Ê Î Ô Û ĉ ĝ ĥ ȷ̂ ŝ Ĉ Ĝ Ĥ Ĵ Ŝ
5308 \end_layout
5310 \begin_layout Paragraph
5311 See Also:
5312 \end_layout
5314 \begin_layout Standard
5315 accent-acute.
5316 \end_layout
5318 \begin_layout Subsection
5319 accent-dot
5320 \end_layout
5322 \begin_layout Description
5323 Default
5324 \begin_inset space ~
5325 \end_inset
5327 Bindings: None.
5328 \end_layout
5330 \begin_layout Paragraph
5331 Examples:
5332 \end_layout
5334 \begin_layout Standard
5335 This command produces the following accent:
5336 \end_layout
5338 \begin_layout Standard
5339  ̇
5340 \end_layout
5342 \begin_layout Standard
5343 Valid letters with a dot accent:
5344 \end_layout
5346 \begin_layout Standard
5347 ė ı̇ Ė İ ċ ġ ż Ċ Ġ Ż
5348 \end_layout
5350 \begin_layout Paragraph
5351 See Also:
5352 \end_layout
5354 \begin_layout Standard
5355 accent-acute.
5356 \end_layout
5358 \begin_layout Subsection
5359 accent-grave
5360 \end_layout
5362 \begin_layout Description
5363 Default
5364 \begin_inset space ~
5365 \end_inset
5367 Bindings: None.
5368 \end_layout
5370 \begin_layout Paragraph
5371 Examples:
5372 \end_layout
5374 \begin_layout Standard
5375 This command produces the following accent:
5376 \end_layout
5378 \begin_layout Standard
5379  ̀
5380 \end_layout
5382 \begin_layout Standard
5383 Valid letters with a grave accent:
5384 \end_layout
5386 \begin_layout Standard
5387 à è ì ò ù À È Ì Ò Ù
5388 \end_layout
5390 \begin_layout Paragraph
5391 See Also:
5392 \end_layout
5394 \begin_layout Standard
5395 accent-acute.
5396 \end_layout
5398 \begin_layout Subsection
5399 accent-hungarian-umlaut
5400 \end_layout
5402 \begin_layout Description
5403 Default
5404 \begin_inset space ~
5405 \end_inset
5407 Bindings: None.
5408 \end_layout
5410 \begin_layout Paragraph
5411 Examples:
5412 \end_layout
5414 \begin_layout Standard
5415 This command produces the following accent:
5416 \end_layout
5418 \begin_layout Standard
5419  ̋
5420 \end_layout
5422 \begin_layout Standard
5423 Valid letters with a hungarian umlaut accent:
5424 \end_layout
5426 \begin_layout Standard
5427 ő ű Ő Ű
5428 \end_layout
5430 \begin_layout Paragraph
5431 See Also:
5432 \end_layout
5434 \begin_layout Standard
5435 accent-acute.
5436 \end_layout
5438 \begin_layout Subsection
5439 accent-macron
5440 \end_layout
5442 \begin_layout Description
5443 Default
5444 \begin_inset space ~
5445 \end_inset
5447 Bindings: None.
5448 \end_layout
5450 \begin_layout Paragraph
5451 Examples:
5452 \end_layout
5454 \begin_layout Standard
5455 This command produces the following accent:
5456 \end_layout
5458 \begin_layout Standard
5459  ̄
5460 \end_layout
5462 \begin_layout Standard
5463 Valid letters with a macron accent:
5464 \end_layout
5466 \begin_layout Standard
5467 ā ē ı̄ ō ū Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū
5468 \end_layout
5470 \begin_layout Paragraph
5471 See Also:
5472 \end_layout
5474 \begin_layout Standard
5475 accent-acute.
5476 \end_layout
5478 \begin_layout Subsection
5479 accent-special-caron
5480 \end_layout
5482 \begin_layout Description
5483 Default
5484 \begin_inset space ~
5485 \end_inset
5487 Bindings: None.
5488 \end_layout
5490 \begin_layout Paragraph
5491 Examples:
5492 \end_layout
5494 \begin_layout Standard
5496 \end_layout
5498 \begin_layout Standard
5499 This command produces the following accent:
5500 \end_layout
5502 \begin_layout Standard
5503 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
5505 \end_layout
5507 \begin_layout Standard
5508 Some letters with a special caron accent:
5509 \end_layout
5511 \begin_layout Standard
5512 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
5514 \end_layout
5516 \begin_layout Paragraph
5517 See Also:
5518 \end_layout
5520 \begin_layout Standard
5521 accent-acute.
5522 \end_layout
5524 \begin_layout Subsection
5525 accent-tie
5526 \end_layout
5528 \begin_layout Description
5529 Default
5530 \begin_inset space ~
5531 \end_inset
5533 Bindings: None.
5534 \end_layout
5536 \begin_layout Paragraph
5537 Examples:
5538 \end_layout
5540 \begin_layout Standard
5541 This command produces the following accent:
5542 \end_layout
5544 \begin_layout Standard
5545  ͡
5546 \end_layout
5548 \begin_layout Standard
5549 Valid letters with a tie accent: None.
5550  Just the accent itself.
5551 \end_layout
5553 \begin_layout Paragraph
5554 See Also:
5555 \end_layout
5557 \begin_layout Standard
5558 accent-acute.
5559 \end_layout
5561 \begin_layout Subsection
5562 accent-tilde
5563 \end_layout
5565 \begin_layout Description
5566 Default
5567 \begin_inset space ~
5568 \end_inset
5570 Bindings: None.
5571 \end_layout
5573 \begin_layout Paragraph
5574 Examples:
5575 \end_layout
5577 \begin_layout Standard
5578 This command produces the following accent:
5579 \end_layout
5581 \begin_layout Standard
5582  ̃
5583 \end_layout
5585 \begin_layout Standard
5586 Valid letters with a tilde accent:
5587 \end_layout
5589 \begin_layout Standard
5590 ñ Ñ ã ı̃ õ ũ Ã Ĩ Õ Ũ
5591 \end_layout
5593 \begin_layout Paragraph
5594 See Also:
5595 \end_layout
5597 \begin_layout Standard
5598 accent-acute.
5599 \end_layout
5601 \begin_layout Subsection
5602 accent-umlaut
5603 \end_layout
5605 \begin_layout Description
5606 Default
5607 \begin_inset space ~
5608 \end_inset
5610 Bindings: None.
5611 \end_layout
5613 \begin_layout Paragraph
5614 Examples:
5615 \end_layout
5617 \begin_layout Standard
5618 This command produces the following accent:
5619 \end_layout
5621 \begin_layout Standard
5622  ̈
5623 \end_layout
5625 \begin_layout Standard
5626 Some letters with an umlaut accent:
5627 \end_layout
5629 \begin_layout Standard
5630 ä ë ï ö ü ÿ Ä Ë Ï Ö Ü
5631 \end_layout
5633 \begin_layout Paragraph
5634 See Also:
5635 \end_layout
5637 \begin_layout Standard
5638 accent-acute.
5639 \end_layout
5641 \begin_layout Subsection
5642 accent-underbar
5643 \end_layout
5645 \begin_layout Description
5646 Default
5647 \begin_inset space ~
5648 \end_inset
5650 Bindings: None.
5651 \end_layout
5653 \begin_layout Paragraph
5654 Examples:
5655 \end_layout
5657 \begin_layout Standard
5658 This command produces the following accent:
5659 \end_layout
5661 \begin_layout Standard
5662  ̠
5663 \end_layout
5665 \begin_layout Standard
5666 Some letters with an underbar accent: None.
5667  Just the accent itself.
5668 \end_layout
5670 \begin_layout Paragraph
5671 See Also:
5672 \end_layout
5674 \begin_layout Standard
5675 accent-acute.
5676 \end_layout
5678 \begin_layout Subsection
5679 accent-underdot
5680 \end_layout
5682 \begin_layout Description
5683 Default
5684 \begin_inset space ~
5685 \end_inset
5687 Bindings: None.
5688 \end_layout
5690 \begin_layout Paragraph
5691 Examples:
5692 \end_layout
5694 \begin_layout Standard
5695 This command produces the following accent:
5696 \end_layout
5698 \begin_layout Standard
5699  ̣
5700 \end_layout
5702 \begin_layout Standard
5703 Valid letters with an underdot accent: None.
5704  Just the accent itself.
5705 \end_layout
5707 \begin_layout Paragraph
5708 See Also:
5709 \end_layout
5711 \begin_layout Standard
5712 accent-acute.
5713 \end_layout
5715 \begin_layout Section
5717 \end_layout
5719 \begin_layout Subsection
5720 backward-select
5721 \end_layout
5723 \begin_layout Description
5724 Default
5725 \begin_inset space ~
5726 \end_inset
5728 Bindings:
5729 \end_layout
5731 \begin_deeper
5732 \begin_layout List
5733 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
5735 \series bold
5736 Keyboard
5737 \begin_inset space ~
5738 \end_inset
5741 \series default
5743 \family sans
5744 S-Left
5745 \family default
5747 \end_layout
5749 \end_deeper
5750 \begin_layout Paragraph
5751 Purpose:
5752 \end_layout
5754 \begin_layout Standard
5755 Highlights a single character to the left of the current cursor location.
5756  If the cursor is at the left screen margin the cursor moves to the end
5757  of the previous line, and the whitespace in-between is selected.
5758  The selected text will be in reverse-video.
5759 \end_layout
5761 \begin_layout Paragraph
5762 See Also:
5763 \end_layout
5765 \begin_layout Standard
5766 char-backward;
5767 \end_layout
5769 \begin_layout Standard
5770 forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select; word-backward-selec
5771 t; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-select;
5772  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
5773 \end_layout
5775 \begin_layout Subsection
5776 break-line
5777 \end_layout
5779 \begin_layout Description
5780 Default
5781 \begin_inset space ~
5782 \end_inset
5784 Bindings:
5785 \end_layout
5787 \begin_deeper
5788 \begin_layout List
5789 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
5791 \series bold
5792 Menu
5793 \begin_inset space ~
5794 \end_inset
5797 \series default
5799 \family sans
5800 \bar under
5802 \bar default
5803 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
5805 \bar under
5807 \bar default
5808 ecial
5809 \begin_inset space ~
5810 \end_inset
5812 Character\SpecialChar \menuseparator
5814 \bar under
5816 \bar default
5817 inebreak
5818 \end_layout
5820 \begin_layout List
5821 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
5823 \series bold
5824 Keyboard
5825 \begin_inset space ~
5826 \end_inset
5829 \series default
5831 \family sans
5832 C-Return
5833 \end_layout
5835 \end_deeper
5836 \begin_layout Paragraph
5837 Purpose:
5838 \end_layout
5840 \begin_layout Standard
5841 To forcibly split the current line without ending the current paragraph.
5842 \end_layout
5844 \begin_layout Paragraph
5845 Usage:
5846 \end_layout
5848 \begin_layout Standard
5849 This command has several purposes, depending on context.
5850  Its primary function is to manually end a line without ending the paragraph.
5851  This should only be done when you need some fine-tuning.
5852 \end_layout
5854 \begin_layout Standard
5855 In math-mode, the 
5856 \family typewriter
5857 break-line
5858 \family default
5859  command automagically turns a one-line equation into a multiline expression,
5860  inserting the new equation line as well as all alignment delimiters.
5861 \end_layout
5863 \begin_layout Paragraph
5864 See Also:
5865 \end_layout
5867 \begin_layout Standard
5868 break-paragraph; break-paragraph-keep-layout.
5869 \end_layout
5871 \begin_layout Subsection
5872 break-paragraph
5873 \end_layout
5875 \begin_layout Description
5876 Default
5877 \begin_inset space ~
5878 \end_inset
5880 Bindings:
5881 \end_layout
5883 \begin_deeper
5884 \begin_layout List
5885 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
5887 \series bold
5888 Keyboard
5889 \begin_inset space ~
5890 \end_inset
5893 \series default
5895 \family sans
5896 Return
5897 \end_layout
5899 \end_deeper
5900 \begin_layout Paragraph
5901 Purpose:
5902 \end_layout
5904 \begin_layout Standard
5905 To terminate the current paragraph.
5906 \end_layout
5908 \begin_layout Paragraph
5909 Usage:
5910 \end_layout
5912 \begin_layout Standard
5913 This command does slightly different things, depending on context.
5914  Typically, it ends the current paragraph, breaks the current line, and
5915  starts a new paragraph in the 
5916 \family sans
5917 Standard
5918 \family default
5919  paragraph environment on the next line.
5920  It also typically removes all environment nesting.
5921 \end_layout
5923 \begin_layout Standard
5924 If you are in the middle of a paragraph, 
5925 \family typewriter
5926 break-paragraph
5927 \family default
5928  splits it in two.
5929  If the paragraph is a list item, it creates a new list item in the process.
5930 \end_layout
5932 \begin_layout Standard
5933 If you are at the end of a paragraph, 
5934 \family typewriter
5935 break-paragraph
5936 \family default
5937  starts the new paragraph after the current one.
5938  If you are at the beginning of a paragraph, the new paragraph starts 
5939 \emph on
5940 before
5941 \emph default
5942  the current one.
5943 \end_layout
5945 \begin_layout Standard
5947 \family typewriter
5948 break-paragraph
5949 \family default
5950  may start the new paragraph in an environment other than 
5951 \family sans
5952 Standard
5953 \family default
5954 , but the behavior is not consistent.
5955  For example, if you move to the middle of an 
5956 \family sans
5957 Itemize
5958 \family default
5959  list, to the end of one of the items or the beginning of the next item,
5961 \family typewriter
5962 break-paragraph
5963 \family default
5964  will not change the paragraph environment.
5965  It will still mess up the environment nesting, however.
5966 \end_layout
5968 \begin_layout Paragraph
5969 Examples:
5970 \end_layout
5972 \begin_layout Standard
5973 None.
5974  Your best bet is to just play with hitting return until you build an intuition
5975  for how this works.
5976 \end_layout
5978 \begin_layout Paragraph
5979 See Also:
5980 \end_layout
5982 \begin_layout Standard
5983 break-paragraph-keep-layout; break-line;
5984 \end_layout
5986 \begin_layout Standard
5987 depth-decrement; depth-increment.
5988 \end_layout
5990 \begin_layout Subsection
5991 break-paragraph-keep-layout
5992 \end_layout
5994 \begin_layout Description
5995 Default
5996 \begin_inset space ~
5997 \end_inset
5999 Bindings:
6000 \end_layout
6002 \begin_deeper
6003 \begin_layout List
6004 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6006 \series bold
6007 Keyboard
6008 \begin_inset space ~
6009 \end_inset
6012 \series default
6014 \family sans
6015 M-Return
6016 \end_layout
6018 \end_deeper
6019 \begin_layout Paragraph
6020 Purpose:
6021 \end_layout
6023 \begin_layout Standard
6024 To terminate the current paragraph without changing the paragraph environment
6025  or nesting depth.
6026 \end_layout
6028 \begin_layout Paragraph
6029 Usage:
6030 \end_layout
6032 \begin_layout Standard
6033 Its usage is very much the same as 
6034 \family typewriter
6035 break-paragraph
6036 \family default
6037 , with one important difference.
6038  The new paragraph 
6039 \emph on
6040 always
6041 \emph default
6042  has the same environment and nesting depth as the old one.
6043 \end_layout
6045 \begin_layout Paragraph
6046 See Also:
6047 \end_layout
6049 \begin_layout Standard
6050 break-paragraph; break-line;
6051 \end_layout
6053 \begin_layout Standard
6054 depth-decrement; depth-increment.
6055 \end_layout
6057 \begin_layout Subsection
6058 buffer-auto-save
6059 \end_layout
6061 \begin_layout Description
6062 Default
6063 \begin_inset space ~
6064 \end_inset
6066 Bindings:
6067 \end_layout
6069 \begin_deeper
6070 \begin_layout List
6071 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6073 \series bold
6074 Keyboard
6075 \begin_inset space ~
6076 \end_inset
6079 \series default
6081 \family sans
6082 C-x a
6083 \family default
6084  or 
6085 \family sans
6086 C-x C-a
6087 \family default
6088  in 
6089 \family typewriter
6090 emacs.bind
6091 \family default
6092  only.
6093 \end_layout
6095 \end_deeper
6096 \begin_layout Paragraph
6097 Purpose:
6098 \end_layout
6100 \begin_layout Standard
6101 Forces an autosave on the current document.
6102 \end_layout
6104 \begin_layout Paragraph
6105 Usage:
6106 \end_layout
6108 \begin_layout Standard
6109 Backward compatibility.
6110  This function used to be the only way to undo any editing.
6111  With the advent of a true undo/redo function in LyX, forcibly autosaving
6112  a document doesn't have much use.
6114 \emph on
6115 (The undo-mechanism has been limited to 100 steps in the beta-version.)
6116 \end_layout
6118 \begin_layout Paragraph
6119 See Also:
6120 \end_layout
6122 \begin_layout Standard
6123 buffer-load-auto-save
6124 \end_layout
6126 \begin_layout Subsection
6127 buffer-begin
6128 \end_layout
6130 \begin_layout Description
6131 Default
6132 \begin_inset space ~
6133 \end_inset
6135 Bindings:
6136 \end_layout
6138 \begin_deeper
6139 \begin_layout List
6140 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6142 \series bold
6143 Keyboard
6144 \begin_inset space ~
6145 \end_inset
6148 \series default
6150 \family sans
6151 C-Home
6152 \family default
6153  in 
6154 \family typewriter
6155 cua.bind
6156 \family default
6158 \end_layout
6160 \begin_deeper
6161 \begin_layout Standard
6163 \family sans
6164 Home
6165 \family default
6166  in 
6167 \family typewriter
6168 emacs.bind
6169 \family default
6171 \end_layout
6173 \end_deeper
6174 \end_deeper
6175 \begin_layout Paragraph
6176 Purpose:
6177 \end_layout
6179 \begin_layout Standard
6180 Moves the cursor location to the top of the current buffer.
6181 \end_layout
6183 \begin_layout Paragraph
6184 See Also:
6185 \end_layout
6187 \begin_layout Standard
6188 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
6189  tab-forward; up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-end.
6190 \end_layout
6192 \begin_layout Subsection
6193 buffer-begin-select
6194 \end_layout
6196 \begin_layout Description
6197 Default
6198 \begin_inset space ~
6199 \end_inset
6201 Bindings:
6202 \end_layout
6204 \begin_deeper
6205 \begin_layout List
6206 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6208 \series bold
6209 Keyboard
6210 \begin_inset space ~
6211 \end_inset
6214 \series default
6216 \family sans
6217 S-C-Home
6218 \family default
6220 \end_layout
6222 \end_deeper
6223 \begin_layout Paragraph
6224 Purpose:
6225 \end_layout
6227 \begin_layout Standard
6228 Highlights text from the current cursor location to the top of the current
6229  buffer.
6230  The selected text is shown in reverse-video.
6231 \end_layout
6233 \begin_layout Paragraph
6234 See Also:
6235 \end_layout
6237 \begin_layout Standard
6238 buffer-begin;
6239 \end_layout
6241 \begin_layout Standard
6242 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
6243  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select;
6244  screen-down-select; buffer-end-select.
6245 \end_layout
6247 \begin_layout Subsection
6248 buffer-chktex 
6249 \end_layout
6251 \begin_layout Description
6252 Default
6253 \begin_inset space ~
6254 \end_inset
6256 Bindings:
6257 \end_layout
6259 \begin_deeper
6260 \begin_layout List
6261 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6263 \series bold
6264 Menu
6265 \begin_inset space ~
6266 \end_inset
6269 \series default
6271 \family sans
6272 \bar under
6274 \bar default
6275 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
6277 \bar under
6279 \bar default
6280 eck TeX
6281 \end_layout
6283 \begin_layout List
6284 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6286 \series bold
6287 Keyboard
6288 \begin_inset space ~
6289 \end_inset
6292 \series default
6294 \family sans
6295 M-e h
6296 \family default
6297  (standard).
6298 \end_layout
6300 \end_deeper
6301 \begin_layout Paragraph
6302 Purpose:
6303 \end_layout
6305 \begin_layout Standard
6306 Checks document for typographical errors.
6307 \end_layout
6309 \begin_layout Paragraph
6310 Usage:
6311 \end_layout
6313 \begin_layout Standard
6314 This function runs 
6315 \family typewriter
6316 ChkTeX
6317 \family default
6318  on the document and inserts error boxes with the results.
6319  It is used to find common typographical errors.
6320 \end_layout
6322 \begin_layout Paragraph
6323 See Also:
6324 \end_layout
6326 \begin_layout Standard
6327 error-next; description in 
6328 \emph on
6329 Extended Features
6330 \emph default
6332 \end_layout
6334 \begin_layout Subsection
6335 buffer-close 
6336 \end_layout
6338 \begin_layout Description
6339 Default
6340 \begin_inset space ~
6341 \end_inset
6343 Bindings:
6344 \end_layout
6346 \begin_deeper
6347 \begin_layout List
6348 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6350 \series bold
6351 Menu
6352 \begin_inset space ~
6353 \end_inset
6356 \series default
6358 \family sans
6359 \bar under
6361 \bar default
6362 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
6364 \bar under
6366 \bar default
6367 lose
6368 \end_layout
6370 \begin_layout List
6371 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6373 \series bold
6374 Keyboard
6375 \begin_inset space ~
6376 \end_inset
6379 \series default
6381 \family sans
6382 M-f c
6383 \family default
6384  (standard).
6385 \end_layout
6387 \begin_deeper
6388 \begin_layout Standard
6390 \family sans
6392 \family default
6393  in 
6394 \family typewriter
6395 cua.bind
6396 \family default
6398 \begin_inset Newline newline
6399 \end_inset
6402 \family sans
6403 C-x k
6404 \family default
6405  or 
6406 \family sans
6407 C-x C-k
6408 \family default
6409  in 
6410 \family typewriter
6411 emacs.bind.
6412 \end_layout
6414 \end_deeper
6415 \end_deeper
6416 \begin_layout Paragraph
6417 Purpose:
6418 \end_layout
6420 \begin_layout Standard
6421 Closes the current buffer.
6422  If changes have been made since it was first opened, or since the last
6424 \family typewriter
6425 buffer-save
6426 \family default
6427  or 
6428 \family typewriter
6429 buffer-save-as
6430 \family default
6431  command, you will be asked if you want to save the buffer to its file before
6432  closing the buffer.
6433 \end_layout
6435 \begin_layout Paragraph
6436 See Also:
6437 \end_layout
6439 \begin_layout Standard
6440 buffer-open.
6441 \end_layout
6443 \begin_layout Subsection
6444 buffer-end
6445 \end_layout
6447 \begin_layout Description
6448 Default
6449 \begin_inset space ~
6450 \end_inset
6452 Bindings:
6453 \end_layout
6455 \begin_deeper
6456 \begin_layout List
6457 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6459 \series bold
6460 Keyboard
6461 \begin_inset space ~
6462 \end_inset
6465 \series default
6467 \family sans
6468 C-End
6469 \family default
6471 \family roman
6473 \family default
6475 \family typewriter
6476 cua.bind
6477 \family default
6479 \begin_inset Newline newline
6480 \end_inset
6483 \family sans
6485 \family default
6486  in 
6487 \family typewriter
6488 emacs.bind
6489 \end_layout
6491 \end_deeper
6492 \begin_layout Paragraph
6493 Purpose:
6494 \end_layout
6496 \begin_layout Standard
6497 Moves both the screen display and the current cursor location to the end
6498  of the current buffer.
6499 \end_layout
6501 \begin_layout Paragraph
6502 See Also:
6503 \end_layout
6505 \begin_layout Standard
6506 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
6507  tab-forward; up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin.
6508 \end_layout
6510 \begin_layout Subsection
6511 buffer-end-select
6512 \end_layout
6514 \begin_layout Description
6515 Default
6516 \begin_inset space ~
6517 \end_inset
6519 Bindings:
6520 \end_layout
6522 \begin_deeper
6523 \begin_layout List
6524 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6526 \series bold
6527 Keyboard
6528 \begin_inset space ~
6529 \end_inset
6532 \series default
6534 \family sans
6535 S-C-End
6536 \family default
6538 \end_layout
6540 \end_deeper
6541 \begin_layout Paragraph
6542 Purpose:
6543 \end_layout
6545 \begin_layout Standard
6546 Selects text from the current cursor location to the bottom of the current
6547  buffer.
6548  The selected text is shown in reverse-video.
6549 \end_layout
6551 \begin_layout Paragraph
6552 See Also:
6553 \end_layout
6555 \begin_layout Standard
6556 buffer-end-select;
6557 \end_layout
6559 \begin_layout Standard
6560 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
6561  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select;
6562  screen-down-select; buffer-begin-select.
6563 \end_layout
6565 \begin_layout Subsection
6566 buffer-itemize-bullets-select
6567 \end_layout
6569 \begin_layout Description
6570 Default
6571 \begin_inset space ~
6572 \end_inset
6574 Bindings:
6575 \end_layout
6577 \begin_deeper
6578 \begin_layout List
6579 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6581 \series bold
6582 Menu
6583 \begin_inset space ~
6584 \end_inset
6587 \series default
6589 \family sans
6590 \bar under
6592 \bar default
6593 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
6595 \bar under
6597 \bar default
6598 ocument
6599 \family default
6600  to bring up the 
6601 \series bold
6602 Document
6603 \begin_inset space ~
6604 \end_inset
6606 Layout
6607 \series default
6608  popup.
6609 \end_layout
6611 \begin_deeper
6612 \begin_layout Description
6613 Document
6614 \begin_inset space ~
6615 \end_inset
6617 Layout: 
6618 \family sans
6619 \bar under
6621 \bar default
6622 ullet Shapes
6623 \end_layout
6625 \end_deeper
6626 \begin_layout List
6627 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6629 \series bold
6630 Keyboard
6631 \begin_inset space ~
6632 \end_inset
6635 \series default
6636  M-l d M-b
6637 \end_layout
6639 \begin_deeper
6640 \begin_layout Standard
6641 M-l i
6642 \end_layout
6644 \end_deeper
6645 \end_deeper
6646 \begin_layout Paragraph
6647 Purpose:
6648 \end_layout
6650 \begin_layout Standard
6651 Opens the document's 
6652 \series bold
6653 Itemize
6654 \begin_inset space ~
6655 \end_inset
6657 Bullet
6658 \begin_inset space ~
6659 \end_inset
6661 Selection
6662 \series default
6663  popup which allows you to change the bullets that appear at the various
6664  levels of an 
6665 \family sans
6666 Itemize
6667 \family default
6668  layout.
6669 \end_layout
6671 \begin_layout Paragraph
6672 See Also:
6673 \end_layout
6675 \begin_layout Standard
6676 Itemize Bullet Selection;
6677 \end_layout
6679 \begin_layout Standard
6681 \emph on
6682 Itemize Bullet Selection
6683 \emph default
6684  in 
6685 \emph on
6686 Extended Features
6687 \emph default
6689 \end_layout
6691 \begin_layout Subsection
6692 buffer-load-auto-save
6693 \end_layout
6695 \begin_layout Description
6696 Default
6697 \begin_inset space ~
6698 \end_inset
6700 Bindings: None
6701 \end_layout
6703 \begin_layout Paragraph
6704 Purpose:
6705 \end_layout
6707 \begin_layout Standard
6708 Loads the autosave file.
6709 \end_layout
6711 \begin_layout Paragraph
6712 Usage:
6713 \end_layout
6715 \begin_layout Standard
6716 To invoke this function, you must use the 
6717 \family typewriter
6718 command-execute
6719 \family default
6720  key to enter 
6721 \family typewriter
6722 buffer-load-autosave
6723 \family default
6724  in the minibuffer.
6725 \end_layout
6727 \begin_layout Standard
6728 Invoking this command once loads the autosave file (which has the suffix
6730 \begin_inset Quotes eld
6731 \end_inset
6734 \family typewriter
6735 .bak
6736 \family default
6738 \begin_inset Quotes erd
6739 \end_inset
6741 ) in place of the current document.
6742  Invoking it two times in a row loads the autosave backup file (which has
6743  the 
6744 \begin_inset Quotes eld
6745 \end_inset
6748 \family typewriter
6749 .bak~
6750 \family default
6752 \begin_inset Quotes erd
6753 \end_inset
6755  suffix) in place of the current document.
6756 \end_layout
6758 \begin_layout Standard
6759 You cannot change the time interval between autosaves on the fly.
6760  The interval, in seconds, is set in the main 
6761 \family typewriter
6762 lyxrc
6763 \family default
6764  file or in the user's local 
6765 \family typewriter
6766 ${HOME}/.lyx/lyxrc
6767 \family default
6770 \end_layout
6772 \begin_layout Paragraph
6773 See Also:
6774 \end_layout
6776 \begin_layout Standard
6777 command-execute; 
6778 \end_layout
6780 \begin_layout Standard
6781 buffer-auto-save.
6782 \end_layout
6784 \begin_layout Subsection
6785 buffer-new 
6786 \end_layout
6788 \begin_layout Description
6789 Default
6790 \begin_inset space ~
6791 \end_inset
6793 Bindings:
6794 \end_layout
6796 \begin_deeper
6797 \begin_layout List
6798 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6800 \series bold
6801 Menu
6802 \begin_inset space ~
6803 \end_inset
6806 \series default
6808 \family sans
6809 \bar under
6811 \bar default
6812 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
6814 \bar under
6816 \bar default
6818 \end_layout
6820 \begin_layout List
6821 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6823 \series bold
6824 Keyboard
6825 \begin_inset space ~
6826 \end_inset
6829 \series default
6831 \family sans
6832 M-f n
6833 \family default
6834  (standard).
6835 \end_layout
6837 \begin_deeper
6838 \begin_layout Standard
6840 \family sans
6842 \family default
6843  in 
6844 \family typewriter
6845 cua.bind
6846 \family default
6848 \end_layout
6850 \begin_layout Standard
6852 \family sans
6853 C-x d
6854 \family default
6856 \family roman
6858 \family default
6860 \family sans
6861 C-x C-d
6862 \family default
6863  in 
6864 \family typewriter
6865 emacs.bind
6866 \family default
6868 \end_layout
6870 \end_deeper
6871 \end_deeper
6872 \begin_layout Paragraph
6873 Purpose:
6874 \end_layout
6876 \begin_layout Standard
6877 Opens a new buffer for a new LyX document.
6878 \end_layout
6880 \begin_layout Paragraph
6881 Usage:
6882 \end_layout
6884 \begin_layout Standard
6885 This function first opens a 
6886 \family sans
6887 File Browser
6888 \family default
6889  window.
6890  You must now specify a new filename for the new document.
6891  You can use the 
6892 \family sans
6893 File Browser
6894 \family default
6895  to choose the directory for the new file, but the file name itself must
6896  be unique.
6897  The file cannot already exist.
6898 \end_layout
6900 \begin_layout Paragraph
6901 See Also:
6902 \end_layout
6904 \begin_layout Standard
6905 File Browser; 
6906 \end_layout
6908 \begin_layout Standard
6909 LyX Template Files; 
6910 \end_layout
6912 \begin_layout Standard
6914 \emph on
6915 Editor's Note: These first two will be added at a later date.
6916  - jw
6917 \end_layout
6919 \begin_layout Standard
6920 buffer-new-template; buffer-open; buffer-close; buffer-write; buffer-write-as.
6921 \end_layout
6923 \begin_layout Subsection
6924 buffer-new-template 
6925 \end_layout
6927 \begin_layout Description
6928 Default
6929 \begin_inset space ~
6930 \end_inset
6932 Bindings:
6933 \end_layout
6935 \begin_deeper
6936 \begin_layout List
6937 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6939 \series bold
6940 Menu
6941 \begin_inset space ~
6942 \end_inset
6945 \series default
6947 \family sans
6948 \bar under
6950 \bar default
6951 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
6952 New from
6953 \family default
6955 \family sans
6956 \bar under
6958 \bar default
6959 emplate
6960 \end_layout
6962 \begin_layout List
6963 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
6965 \series bold
6966 Keyboard
6967 \begin_inset space ~
6968 \end_inset
6971 \series default
6973 \family sans
6974 M-f t
6975 \family default
6976  (standard).
6977 \end_layout
6979 \begin_deeper
6980 \begin_layout Standard
6982 \family sans
6984 \family default
6985  in 
6986 \family typewriter
6987 cua.bind
6988 \family default
6990 \end_layout
6992 \end_deeper
6993 \end_deeper
6994 \begin_layout Paragraph
6995 Purpose:
6996 \end_layout
6998 \begin_layout Standard
6999 Opens a new buffer for a new LyX document with a template document.
7000 \end_layout
7002 \begin_layout Paragraph
7003 Usage:
7004 \end_layout
7006 \begin_layout Standard
7007 This function first opens a 
7008 \family sans
7009 File Browser
7010 \family default
7011  window.
7012  You must now specify a new filename for the new document.
7013  You can use the 
7014 \family sans
7015 File Browser
7016 \family default
7017  to choose the directory for the new file, but the file name itself must
7018  be unique.
7019  The file cannot already exist.
7020 \end_layout
7022 \begin_layout Standard
7023 After you enter the filename and choose 
7024 \family sans
7026 \family default
7027 , the 
7028 \family sans
7029 File Browser
7030 \family default
7031  window opens again.
7032  This time, it has the title 
7033 \begin_inset Quotes eld
7034 \end_inset
7036 Choose Template.
7037 \begin_inset Quotes erd
7038 \end_inset
7040  If you wish to use a LyX template file for this new document, use the 
7041 \family sans
7042 File Browser
7043 \family default
7044  to choose one.
7045  Otherwise, hit the 
7046 \family sans
7047 Cancel
7048 \family default
7049  button.
7050 \end_layout
7052 \begin_layout Paragraph
7053 See Also:
7054 \end_layout
7056 \begin_layout Standard
7057 File Browser; 
7058 \end_layout
7060 \begin_layout Standard
7061 LyX Template Files; 
7062 \end_layout
7064 \begin_layout Standard
7066 \emph on
7067 Editor's Note: These first two will be added at a later date.
7068  - jw
7069 \end_layout
7071 \begin_layout Standard
7072 buffer-new; buffer-open; buffer-close; buffer-write; buffer-write-as.
7073 \end_layout
7075 \begin_layout Subsection
7076 buffer-open 
7077 \end_layout
7079 \begin_layout Description
7080 Default
7081 \begin_inset space ~
7082 \end_inset
7084 Bindings:
7085 \end_layout
7087 \begin_deeper
7088 \begin_layout List
7089 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7091 \series bold
7092 Menu
7093 \begin_inset space ~
7094 \end_inset
7097 \series default
7099 \family sans
7100 \bar under
7102 \bar default
7103 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7105 \bar under
7107 \bar default
7109 \end_layout
7111 \begin_layout List
7112 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7114 \series bold
7115 Toolbar
7116 \begin_inset space ~
7117 \end_inset
7120 \series default
7121  First button from the left.
7123 \end_layout
7125 \begin_deeper
7126 \begin_layout Standard
7127 File folder with an arrow.
7129 \end_layout
7131 \end_deeper
7132 \begin_layout List
7133 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7135 \series bold
7136 Keyboard
7137 \begin_inset space ~
7138 \end_inset
7141 \series default
7143 \family sans
7144 M-f o
7145 \family default
7146  (standard).
7147 \end_layout
7149 \begin_deeper
7150 \begin_layout Standard
7152 \family sans
7154 \family default
7155  in 
7156 \family typewriter
7157 cua.bind
7158 \family default
7160 \end_layout
7162 \begin_layout Standard
7164 \family sans
7165 C-x f
7166 \family default
7168 \family roman
7170 \family default
7172 \family sans
7173 C-x C-f
7174 \family default
7175  in 
7176 \family typewriter
7177 emacs.bind
7178 \family default
7180 \end_layout
7182 \end_deeper
7183 \end_deeper
7184 \begin_layout Paragraph
7185 Purpose:
7186 \end_layout
7188 \begin_layout Standard
7189 Opens an existing file and places it in a new buffer.
7190 \end_layout
7192 \begin_layout Paragraph
7193 Usage:
7194 \end_layout
7196 \begin_layout Standard
7197 This function opens a 
7198 \family sans
7199 File Browser
7200 \family default
7201  window with the title 
7202 \begin_inset Quotes eld
7203 \end_inset
7205 Document to Open.
7206 \begin_inset Quotes erd
7207 \end_inset
7209  Choose the file to open and hit 
7210 \family sans
7212 \family default
7213 K\SpecialChar \@.
7215 \end_layout
7217 \begin_layout Paragraph
7218 See Also:
7219 \end_layout
7221 \begin_layout Standard
7222 File Browser; [
7223 \emph on
7224 Editor's Note: To be added.
7225  - jw
7226 \emph default
7228 \end_layout
7230 \begin_layout Standard
7231 buffer-open; buffer-close; buffer-write; buffer-write-as.
7232 \end_layout
7234 \begin_layout Subsection
7235 buffer-previous 
7236 \end_layout
7238 \begin_layout Description
7239 Default
7240 \begin_inset space ~
7241 \end_inset
7243 Bindings:
7244 \end_layout
7246 \begin_deeper
7247 \begin_layout List
7248 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7250 \series bold
7251 Keyboard
7252 \begin_inset space ~
7253 \end_inset
7256 \series default
7258 \family sans
7259 M-d p
7260 \family default
7261  (standard).
7262 \end_layout
7264 \begin_deeper
7265 \begin_layout Standard
7267 \family sans
7268 C-x b
7269 \family default
7270  or 
7271 \family sans
7272 C-x C-b
7273 \family default
7274  in 
7275 \family typewriter
7276 emacs.bind
7277 \family default
7279 \end_layout
7281 \end_deeper
7282 \end_deeper
7283 \begin_layout Paragraph
7284 Purpose:
7285 \end_layout
7287 \begin_layout Standard
7288 Changes from the current document to another open and previously viewed
7289  document.
7291 \end_layout
7293 \begin_layout Paragraph
7294 Usage:
7295 \end_layout
7297 \begin_layout Standard
7298 Self-explanatory.
7299 \end_layout
7301 \begin_layout Standard
7302 If only one document is open, 
7303 \family typewriter
7304 buffer-previous
7305 \family default
7306  has no effect.
7307 \end_layout
7309 \begin_layout Standard
7310 If more than two documents are open, 
7311 \family typewriter
7312 buffer-previous
7313 \family default
7314  switches to whichever document you were last working on.
7315 \end_layout
7317 \begin_layout Standard
7318 You can also switch between open documents using the 
7319 \family sans
7320 Documents
7321 \family default
7322  menu.
7323 \end_layout
7325 \begin_layout Standard
7326 Using 
7327 \family typewriter
7328 buffer-previous
7329 \family default
7330  several times in a row switches back and forth between two documents.
7331  This is useful for cutting and pasting between two different documents.
7332 \end_layout
7334 \begin_layout Paragraph
7335 See Also:
7336 \end_layout
7338 \begin_layout Standard
7339 Documents Menu.
7341 \emph on
7343  Note - to be added.
7344  -jw
7345 \emph default
7347 \end_layout
7349 \begin_layout Subsection
7350 buffer-print 
7351 \end_layout
7353 \begin_layout Description
7354 Default
7355 \begin_inset space ~
7356 \end_inset
7358 Bindings:
7359 \end_layout
7361 \begin_deeper
7362 \begin_layout List
7363 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7365 \series bold
7366 Menu
7367 \begin_inset space ~
7368 \end_inset
7371 \series default
7373 \family sans
7374 \bar under
7376 \bar default
7377 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7379 \bar under
7381 \bar default
7382 rint
7383 \end_layout
7385 \begin_layout List
7386 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7388 \series bold
7389 Toolbar
7390 \begin_inset space ~
7391 \end_inset
7394 \series default
7395  Button #3 from the left.
7397 \end_layout
7399 \begin_deeper
7400 \begin_layout Standard
7401 A stylized printer.
7402 \end_layout
7404 \end_deeper
7405 \begin_layout List
7406 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7408 \series bold
7409 Keyboard
7410 \begin_inset space ~
7411 \end_inset
7414 \series default
7416 \family sans
7417 M-f p
7418 \family default
7419  (standard).
7420 \end_layout
7422 \begin_deeper
7423 \begin_layout Standard
7425 \family sans
7427 \family default
7428 p in 
7429 \family typewriter
7430 cua.
7431 \family default
7432 bind.
7433 \end_layout
7435 \end_deeper
7436 \end_deeper
7437 \begin_layout Paragraph
7438 Purpose:
7439 \end_layout
7441 \begin_layout Standard
7442 Prints the current document.
7443 \end_layout
7445 \begin_layout Paragraph
7446 Usage:
7447 \end_layout
7449 \begin_layout Standard
7450 This function opens the 
7451 \family sans
7452 Print
7453 \family default
7454  panel, which allows print control via buttons and typed inputs; a buffer
7455  can be printed either to a file or to a spooled print device.
7456  When printing to a printer, the printer name you specify in the 
7457 \family sans
7458 Printer
7459 \family default
7460  box must be configured for 
7461 \family typewriter
7462 dvips
7463 \family default
7465 \begin_inset Foot
7466 status collapsed
7468 \begin_layout Plain Layout
7469 This is explained in greater detail in 
7470 \family typewriter
7471 UserGuide.lyx
7472 \family default
7474 \end_layout
7476 \end_inset
7478  Most systems have 
7479 \begin_inset Quotes eld
7480 \end_inset
7483 \family typewriter
7485 \family default
7487 \begin_inset Quotes erd
7488 \end_inset
7490  as their default PostScript® printer, for which 
7491 \family typewriter
7492 dvips
7493 \family default
7494  comes preconfigured.
7495 \end_layout
7497 \begin_layout Paragraph
7498 See Also:
7499 \end_layout
7501 \begin_layout Standard
7502 The section on dvips in 
7503 \family typewriter
7504 UserGuide.lyx;
7505 \end_layout
7507 \begin_layout Standard
7508 Print panel; [
7509 \emph on
7511  Note - To be added.
7512  - jw.
7513 \emph default
7515 \end_layout
7517 \begin_layout Standard
7518 buffer-view; buffer-view-ps.
7519 \end_layout
7521 \begin_layout Subsection
7522 buffer-typeset
7523 \end_layout
7525 \begin_layout Description
7526 Default
7527 \begin_inset space ~
7528 \end_inset
7530 Bindings:
7531 \end_layout
7533 \begin_deeper
7534 \begin_layout List
7535 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7537 \series bold
7538 Menu
7539 \begin_inset space ~
7540 \end_inset
7543 \series default
7545 \family sans
7546 \bar under
7548 \bar default
7549 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7551 \bar under
7553 \bar default
7554 pdate dvi
7555 \end_layout
7557 \begin_layout List
7558 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7560 \series bold
7561 Keyboard
7562 \begin_inset space ~
7563 \end_inset
7566 \series default
7568 \family sans
7569 M-f u
7570 \family default
7571  (standard).
7572 \end_layout
7574 \begin_deeper
7575 \begin_layout Standard
7577 \family sans
7579 \family default
7580  in 
7581 \family typewriter
7582 cua.bind
7583 \family default
7585 \end_layout
7587 \begin_layout Standard
7589 \family sans
7590 C-x r, C-x t, C-x C-r,
7591 \family default
7593 \family roman
7595 \family default
7597 \family sans
7598 C-x C-t
7599 \family default
7600  in 
7601 \family typewriter
7602 emacs.bind
7603 \family default
7605 \end_layout
7607 \end_deeper
7608 \end_deeper
7609 \begin_layout Paragraph
7610 Purpose:
7611 \end_layout
7613 \begin_layout Standard
7614 Updates the dvi file for the current buffer (runs LaTeX).
7615 \end_layout
7617 \begin_layout Paragraph
7618 Usage:
7619 \end_layout
7621 \begin_layout Standard
7622 A LaTeX scratch file is created, based on the contents of the current buffer,
7623  and the file is processed with LaTeX.
7624  LaTeX messages are posted to the screen of the parent window, and approximate
7625  LaTeX error locations are marked within the current buffer with an error
7626  box; the text of the actual LaTeX error can be displayed by clicking on
7627  the error-box.
7628 \end_layout
7630 \begin_layout Paragraph
7631 See Also:
7632 \end_layout
7634 \begin_layout Standard
7635 error-next; buffer-typeset-ps.
7637 \end_layout
7639 \begin_layout Subsection
7640 buffer-typeset-ps
7641 \end_layout
7643 \begin_layout Description
7644 Default
7645 \begin_inset space ~
7646 \end_inset
7648 Bindings:
7649 \end_layout
7651 \begin_deeper
7652 \begin_layout List
7653 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7655 \series bold
7656 Menu
7657 \begin_inset space ~
7658 \end_inset
7661 \series default
7663 \family sans
7664 \bar under
7666 \bar default
7667 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7668 Updat
7669 \bar under
7671 \family default
7672 \bar default
7674 \family sans
7675 PostScript
7676 \end_layout
7678 \begin_layout List
7679 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7681 \series bold
7682 Keyboard
7683 \begin_inset space ~
7684 \end_inset
7687 \series default
7689 \family sans
7690 M-f e
7691 \family default
7692  (standard).
7693 \end_layout
7695 \begin_deeper
7696 \begin_layout Standard
7698 \family sans
7700 \family default
7701  in 
7702 \family typewriter
7703 cua.bind
7704 \family default
7706 \end_layout
7708 \end_deeper
7709 \end_deeper
7710 \begin_layout Paragraph
7711 Purpose:
7712 \end_layout
7714 \begin_layout Standard
7715 Updates the PostScript® file for the current buffer (runs LaTeX and dvips).
7716 \end_layout
7718 \begin_layout Paragraph
7719 Usage:
7720 \end_layout
7722 \begin_layout Standard
7723 A LaTeX scratch file is created, based on the contents of the current buffer,
7724  and the file is processed with LaTeX.
7725  Then, dvips is run to produce a PostScript® version scratch file.
7726  LaTeX messages are posted to the screen of the parent window, and approximate
7727  LaTeX error locations are marked within the current buffer with an error
7728  box; the text of the actual LaTeX error can be displayed by clicking on
7729  the error-box.
7730 \end_layout
7732 \begin_layout Paragraph
7733 See Also:
7734 \end_layout
7736 \begin_layout Standard
7737 error-next; buffer-typeset.
7739 \end_layout
7741 \begin_layout Subsection
7742 buffer-view
7743 \end_layout
7745 \begin_layout Description
7746 Default
7747 \begin_inset space ~
7748 \end_inset
7750 Bindings:
7751 \end_layout
7753 \begin_deeper
7754 \begin_layout List
7755 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7757 \series bold
7758 Menu
7759 \begin_inset space ~
7760 \end_inset
7763 \series default
7765 \family sans
7766 \bar under
7768 \bar default
7769 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7770 View
7771 \begin_inset space ~
7772 \end_inset
7775 \bar under
7777 \bar default
7778 dvi)
7779 \end_layout
7781 \begin_layout List
7782 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7784 \series bold
7785 Keyboard
7786 \begin_inset space ~
7787 \end_inset
7790 \series default
7792 \family sans
7793 M-f d
7794 \family default
7795  (standard).
7796 \end_layout
7798 \begin_deeper
7799 \begin_layout Standard
7801 \family sans
7803 \family default
7804  in 
7805 \family typewriter
7806 cua.bind
7807 \family default
7809 \end_layout
7811 \begin_layout Standard
7813 \family sans
7814 C-x p
7815 \family default
7816  or 
7817 \family sans
7818 C-x C-p
7819 \family default
7820  in 
7821 \family typewriter
7822 emacs.bind
7823 \family default
7825 \end_layout
7827 \end_deeper
7828 \end_deeper
7829 \begin_layout Paragraph
7830 Purpose:
7831 \end_layout
7833 \begin_layout Standard
7834 Views the current buffer with the 
7835 \family typewriter
7836 xdvi
7837 \family default
7838  program.
7839 \end_layout
7841 \begin_layout Paragraph
7842 Usage:
7843 \end_layout
7845 \begin_layout Standard
7846 A LaTeX scratch file is created and processed, and a 
7847 \family typewriter
7848 xdvi
7849 \family default
7850  process window is then automatically created with which you can view the
7851  resulting 
7852 \family typewriter
7854 \family default
7855  file.
7856  If any of these programs are not installed on your system, the process
7857  stops at that point and control is returned to LyX.
7858 \end_layout
7860 \begin_layout Paragraph
7861 See Also:
7862 \end_layout
7864 \begin_layout Standard
7865 buffer-print; buffer-view-ps.
7866 \end_layout
7868 \begin_layout Subsection
7869 buffer-view-ps
7870 \end_layout
7872 \begin_layout Description
7873 Default
7874 \begin_inset space ~
7875 \end_inset
7877 Bindings:
7878 \end_layout
7880 \begin_deeper
7881 \begin_layout List
7882 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7884 \series bold
7885 Menu
7886 \begin_inset space ~
7887 \end_inset
7890 \series default
7892 \family sans
7893 \bar under
7895 \bar default
7896 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
7897 View
7898 \begin_inset space ~
7899 \end_inset
7902 \bar under
7904 \bar default
7905 hostview)
7906 \end_layout
7908 \begin_layout List
7909 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
7911 \series bold
7912 Keyboard
7913 \begin_inset space ~
7914 \end_inset
7917 \series default
7919 \family sans
7920 M-f g
7921 \family default
7922  (standard).
7923 \end_layout
7925 \begin_deeper
7926 \begin_layout Standard
7928 \family sans
7930 \family default
7931  in 
7932 \family typewriter
7933 cua.bind
7934 \family default
7936 \end_layout
7938 \begin_layout Standard
7940 \family sans
7941 C-x g
7942 \family default
7943  or 
7944 \family sans
7945 C-x C-g
7946 \family default
7947  in 
7948 \family typewriter
7949 emacs.bind
7950 \family default
7952 \end_layout
7954 \end_deeper
7955 \end_deeper
7956 \begin_layout Paragraph
7957 Purpose:
7958 \end_layout
7960 \begin_layout Standard
7961 Views the current buffer with the 
7962 \family typewriter
7963 ghostview
7964 \family default
7965  program.
7966 \end_layout
7968 \begin_layout Paragraph
7969 Usage:
7970 \end_layout
7972 \begin_layout Standard
7973 A LaTeX scratch file is created and processed, and 
7974 \family typewriter
7975 dvips
7976 \family default
7977  is run on the resulting 
7978 \family typewriter
7980 \family default
7981  file to create a scratch PostScript® file.
7982  A 
7983 \family typewriter
7984 ghostview
7985 \family default
7986  process window is then automatically created in which you can view your
7987  work essentially in the same form as if it were printed.
7988  If any of these programs are not installed on your system, the process
7989  stops at that point and control is returned to LyX.
7990 \end_layout
7992 \begin_layout Paragraph
7993 See Also:
7994 \end_layout
7996 \begin_layout Standard
7997 buffer-print; buffer-view.
7998 \end_layout
8000 \begin_layout Subsection
8001 buffer-write
8002 \end_layout
8004 \begin_layout Description
8005 Default
8006 \begin_inset space ~
8007 \end_inset
8009 Bindings:
8010 \end_layout
8012 \begin_deeper
8013 \begin_layout List
8014 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8016 \series bold
8017 Menu
8018 \begin_inset space ~
8019 \end_inset
8022 \series default
8024 \family sans
8025 \bar under
8027 \bar default
8028 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
8030 \bar under
8032 \bar default
8034 \end_layout
8036 \begin_layout List
8037 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8039 \series bold
8040 Keyboard
8041 \begin_inset space ~
8042 \end_inset
8045 \series default
8047 \family sans
8048 M-f s
8049 \family default
8050  (standard).
8051 \end_layout
8053 \begin_deeper
8054 \begin_layout Standard
8056 \family sans
8058 \family default
8059  in 
8060 \family typewriter
8061 cua.bind
8062 \family default
8064 \begin_inset Newline newline
8065 \end_inset
8068 \family sans
8069 C-x s
8070 \family default
8071  or 
8072 \family sans
8073 C-x C-x
8074 \family default
8075  in 
8076 \family typewriter
8077 emacs.bind.
8078 \end_layout
8080 \end_deeper
8081 \end_deeper
8082 \begin_layout Paragraph
8083 Purpose:
8084 \end_layout
8086 \begin_layout Standard
8087 Writes (saves) the current document to the original filename.
8088 \end_layout
8090 \begin_layout Paragraph
8091 See Also:
8092 \end_layout
8094 \begin_layout Standard
8095 buffer-write-as.
8096 \end_layout
8098 \begin_layout Subsection
8099 buffer-write-as 
8100 \end_layout
8102 \begin_layout Description
8103 Default
8104 \begin_inset space ~
8105 \end_inset
8107 Bindings:
8108 \end_layout
8110 \begin_deeper
8111 \begin_layout List
8112 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8114 \series bold
8115 Menu
8116 \begin_inset space ~
8117 \end_inset
8120 \series default
8122 \family sans
8123 \bar under
8125 \bar default
8126 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
8127 Save
8128 \begin_inset space ~
8129 \end_inset
8132 \bar under
8134 \bar default
8136 \end_layout
8138 \begin_layout List
8139 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8141 \series bold
8142 Keyboard
8143 \begin_inset space ~
8144 \end_inset
8147 \series default
8149 \family sans
8150 M-f a
8151 \family default
8152  (standard).
8153 \end_layout
8155 \begin_deeper
8156 \begin_layout Standard
8158 \family sans
8160 \family default
8161  in 
8162 \family typewriter
8163 cua.bind
8164 \family default
8166 \end_layout
8168 \begin_layout Standard
8170 \family sans
8171 C-x w
8172 \family default
8173  or 
8174 \family sans
8175 C-x C-w
8176 \family default
8177  in 
8178 \family typewriter
8179 emacs.bind
8180 \family default
8182 \end_layout
8184 \end_deeper
8185 \end_deeper
8186 \begin_layout Paragraph
8187 Purpose:
8188 \end_layout
8190 \begin_layout Standard
8191 Saves the current buffer to a different filename than that of the file originall
8192 y opened.
8193 \end_layout
8195 \begin_layout Paragraph
8196 Usage:
8197 \end_layout
8199 \begin_layout Standard
8200 This function opens an browser window that allows you to specify a new filename
8201  for the document.
8202 \end_layout
8204 \begin_layout Paragraph
8205 See Also:
8206 \end_layout
8208 \begin_layout Standard
8209 buffer-write.
8210 \end_layout
8212 \begin_layout Section
8214 \end_layout
8216 \begin_layout Subsection
8217 cancel
8218 \end_layout
8220 \begin_layout Description
8221 Default
8222 \begin_inset space ~
8223 \end_inset
8225 Bindings:
8226 \end_layout
8228 \begin_deeper
8229 \begin_layout List
8230 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8232 \series bold
8233 Keyboard
8234 \begin_inset space ~
8235 \end_inset
8238 \series default
8240 \family sans
8241 Escape
8242 \family default
8243  in 
8244 \family typewriter
8245 cua.bind
8246 \family default
8248 \end_layout
8250 \begin_deeper
8251 \begin_layout Standard
8253 \family sans
8255 \family default
8256  in 
8257 \family typewriter
8258 emacs.bind
8259 \family default
8261 \end_layout
8263 \end_deeper
8264 \end_deeper
8265 \begin_layout Paragraph
8266 Purpose:
8267 \end_layout
8269 \begin_layout Standard
8270 General cancel.
8271  Cancels the selection of a meta-key selection, a drop-down menu, or a pop-up
8272  window.
8273  Cancels entry of commands in the minibuffer.
8274  Also leaves math-mode.
8275 \end_layout
8277 \begin_layout Paragraph
8278 Usage:
8279 \end_layout
8281 \begin_layout Standard
8283 \family typewriter
8284 Cancel
8285 \family default
8286  is the primary method of leaving math mode.
8287  Also, if a meta-key selection has been started, (for instance, 
8288 \family sans
8290 \family default
8291 ), pressing the 
8292 \family typewriter
8293 \series medium
8294 cancel
8295 \family default
8296 \series default
8298 \series medium
8299 key will abort the selection.
8300  Similarly, if a
8301 \series default
8303 \family typewriter
8304 find-replace
8305 \family default
8306  window is open, placi
8307 \series medium
8308 ng the cursor in the window and executing the
8309 \series default
8311 \family typewriter
8312 \series medium
8313 cancel
8314 \family default
8315 \series default
8317 \series medium
8318 function will close the window, or if a drop-down menu has been selected,
8319 \series default
8321 \family typewriter
8322 \series medium
8323 cancel
8324 \family default
8325 \series default
8327 \series medium
8328 will close the menu.
8329  Lastly, if you are entering a command in the minibuffer,
8330 \series default
8332 \family typewriter
8333 \series medium
8334 cancel
8335 \family default
8336 \series default
8337  will abort entry and leave the minibuffer.
8338 \end_layout
8340 \begin_layout Paragraph
8341 See Also:
8342 \end_layout
8344 \begin_layout Standard
8345 command-execute; find-replace; math-mode.
8346 \end_layout
8348 \begin_layout Subsection
8349 char-backward
8350 \end_layout
8352 \begin_layout Description
8353 Default
8354 \begin_inset space ~
8355 \end_inset
8357 Bindings:
8358 \end_layout
8360 \begin_deeper
8361 \begin_layout List
8362 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8364 \series bold
8365 Keyboard
8366 \begin_inset space ~
8367 \end_inset
8370 \series default
8372 \family sans
8373 Left
8374 \family default
8375  (standard).
8376 \end_layout
8378 \begin_deeper
8379 \begin_layout Standard
8381 \family sans
8383 \family default
8384  in 
8385 \family typewriter
8386 emacs.bind
8387 \family default
8389 \end_layout
8391 \end_deeper
8392 \end_deeper
8393 \begin_layout Paragraph
8394 Purpose:
8395 \end_layout
8397 \begin_layout Standard
8398 Moves the cursor to the left by one character.
8399  At the beginning of the line the cursor will move to the end of the previous
8400  line.
8401 \end_layout
8403 \begin_layout Paragraph
8404 See Also:
8405 \end_layout
8407 \begin_layout Standard
8408 char-forward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end; tab-forward;
8409  up; down; paragraph-up; paragraph-down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin;
8410  buffer-end.
8411 \end_layout
8413 \begin_layout Subsection
8414 char-forward
8415 \end_layout
8417 \begin_layout Description
8418 Default
8419 \begin_inset space ~
8420 \end_inset
8422 Bindings:
8423 \end_layout
8425 \begin_deeper
8426 \begin_layout List
8427 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8429 \series bold
8430 Keyboard
8431 \begin_inset space ~
8432 \end_inset
8435 \series default
8437 \family sans
8438 Right
8439 \family default
8440  (standard).
8441 \end_layout
8443 \begin_deeper
8444 \begin_layout Standard
8446 \family sans
8448 \family default
8449  in 
8450 \family typewriter
8451 emacs.bind.
8452 \end_layout
8454 \end_deeper
8455 \end_deeper
8456 \begin_layout Paragraph
8457 Purpose:
8458 \end_layout
8460 \begin_layout Standard
8461 Moves the cursor to the right by one character.
8462  At the end of the line the cursor will move to the beginning of the next
8463  line.
8464 \end_layout
8466 \begin_layout Paragraph
8467 See Also:
8468 \end_layout
8470 \begin_layout Standard
8471 char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end; tab-forward;
8472  up; down; paragraph-up; paragraph-down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin;
8473  buffer-end.
8474 \end_layout
8476 \begin_layout Subsection
8477 command-execute
8478 \end_layout
8480 \begin_layout Description
8481 Default
8482 \begin_inset space ~
8483 \end_inset
8485 Bindings:
8486 \end_layout
8488 \begin_deeper
8489 \begin_layout List
8490 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8492 \series bold
8493 Keyboard
8494 \begin_inset space ~
8495 \end_inset
8498 \series default
8500 \family sans
8502 \family default
8503  in 
8504 \family typewriter
8505 cua.bind
8506 \family default
8507  and 
8508 \family typewriter
8509 emacs.bind
8510 \family default
8512 \end_layout
8514 \end_deeper
8515 \begin_layout Paragraph
8516 Purpose:
8517 \end_layout
8519 \begin_layout Standard
8520 Executes a LyX function.
8521 \end_layout
8523 \begin_layout Paragraph
8524 Usage:
8525 \end_layout
8527 \begin_layout Standard
8528 After you invoke 
8529 \family typewriter
8530 command-execute
8531 \family default
8532 , a cursor will appear in the minibuffer.
8533  Type the name of a LyX function.
8534  If the function takes any arguments, you can type them in after the function
8535  name, using a space to separate the two.
8536  Then hit 
8537 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8538 \end_inset
8540 Return.
8541 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8542 \end_inset
8544  You can use 
8545 \family sans
8547 \family default
8548  to auto-complete commands.
8549 \end_layout
8551 \begin_layout Paragraph
8552 Examples:
8553 \end_layout
8555 \begin_layout Itemize
8556 Example #1: 
8557 \end_layout
8559 \begin_deeper
8560 \begin_layout Standard
8561 Click on the minibuffer with the mouse.
8562  Type 
8563 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8564 \end_inset
8566 accent-acute
8567 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8568 \end_inset
8570  followed by the 
8571 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8572 \end_inset
8574 Return
8575 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8576 \end_inset
8578  key.
8579  Now type the letter 
8580 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8581 \end_inset
8584 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8585 \end_inset
8588  You should get the character 
8589 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8590 \end_inset
8593 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8594 \end_inset
8597 \end_layout
8599 \end_deeper
8600 \begin_layout Itemize
8601 \noindent
8602 Example #2: Commands with Arguments:
8603 \end_layout
8605 \begin_deeper
8606 \begin_layout Standard
8607 \noindent
8608 Type 
8609 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8610 \end_inset
8613 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8614 \end_inset
8617  Now type 
8618 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8619 \end_inset
8621 layout LyX-Code
8622 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8623 \end_inset
8625  followed by the 
8626 \begin_inset Quotes eld
8627 \end_inset
8629 Return
8630 \begin_inset Quotes erd
8631 \end_inset
8633  key.
8634  The current paragraph will now be in the LyX-Code environment.
8635  You could have specified any other valid paragraph environment as an argument
8636  to the 
8637 \family typewriter
8638 layout
8639 \family default
8640  command.
8641 \end_layout
8643 \end_deeper
8644 \begin_layout Paragraph
8645 See Also:
8646 \end_layout
8648 \begin_layout Standard
8649 accent-acute; layout.
8650 \end_layout
8652 \begin_layout Subsection
8653 command-prefix
8654 \end_layout
8656 \begin_layout Description
8657 Default
8658 \begin_inset space ~
8659 \end_inset
8661 Bindings:
8662 \end_layout
8664 \begin_deeper
8665 \begin_layout List
8666 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8668 \series bold
8669 Menu
8670 \begin_inset space ~
8671 \end_inset
8674 \series default
8676 \end_layout
8678 \begin_layout List
8679 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8681 \series bold
8682 Toolbar
8683 \begin_inset space ~
8684 \end_inset
8687 \series default
8689 \end_layout
8691 \begin_layout List
8692 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8694 \series bold
8695 Keyboard
8696 \begin_inset space ~
8697 \end_inset
8700 \series default
8702 \end_layout
8704 \end_deeper
8705 \begin_layout Paragraph
8706 Purpose:
8707 \end_layout
8709 \begin_layout Standard
8711 \end_layout
8713 \begin_layout Paragraph
8714 Usage:
8715 \end_layout
8717 \begin_layout Standard
8719 \end_layout
8721 \begin_layout Paragraph
8722 Examples:
8723 \end_layout
8725 \begin_layout Standard
8727 \end_layout
8729 \begin_layout Paragraph
8730 See Also:
8731 \end_layout
8733 \begin_layout Standard
8735 \end_layout
8737 \begin_layout Subsection
8738 copy
8739 \end_layout
8741 \begin_layout Description
8742 Default
8743 \begin_inset space ~
8744 \end_inset
8746 Bindings:
8747 \end_layout
8749 \begin_deeper
8750 \begin_layout List
8751 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8753 \series bold
8754 Menu
8755 \begin_inset space ~
8756 \end_inset
8759 \series default
8761 \family sans
8762 \bar under
8764 \bar default
8765 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
8767 \bar under
8769 \bar default
8771 \end_layout
8773 \begin_layout List
8774 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8776 \series bold
8777 Toolbar
8778 \begin_inset space ~
8779 \end_inset
8782 \series default
8783  Fifth button from the left.
8784 \end_layout
8786 \begin_deeper
8787 \begin_layout Standard
8788 Two pages with a + sign.
8789 \end_layout
8791 \end_deeper
8792 \begin_layout List
8793 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8795 \series bold
8796 Keyboard
8797 \begin_inset space ~
8798 \end_inset
8801 \series default
8803 \family sans
8804 M-e o
8805 \family default
8806  (standard).
8807 \end_layout
8809 \begin_deeper
8810 \begin_layout Standard
8812 \family sans
8814 \family default
8815  or 
8816 \family sans
8817 C-Insert
8818 \family default
8819  in 
8820 \family typewriter
8821 cua.bind
8822 \family default
8824 \end_layout
8826 \begin_layout Standard
8828 \family sans
8830 \family default
8831  in 
8832 \family typewriter
8833 emacs.bind
8834 \family default
8836 \end_layout
8838 \end_deeper
8839 \end_deeper
8840 \begin_layout Paragraph
8841 Purpose:
8842 \end_layout
8844 \begin_layout Standard
8845 Places a copy of the previously selected text into the paste buffer.
8846 \end_layout
8848 \begin_layout Paragraph
8849 Usage:
8850 \end_layout
8852 \begin_layout Standard
8853 Select text, either with the mouse cursor or by motion selection commands,
8854  then either execute 
8855 \family typewriter
8857 \family default
8858  by either following the menu commands or pressing the appropriate keystrokes.
8859 \end_layout
8861 \begin_layout Paragraph
8862 See Also:
8863 \end_layout
8865 \begin_layout Standard
8866 cut; paste.
8867 \end_layout
8869 \begin_layout Subsection
8871 \end_layout
8873 \begin_layout Description
8874 Default
8875 \begin_inset space ~
8876 \end_inset
8878 Bindings:
8879 \end_layout
8881 \begin_deeper
8882 \begin_layout List
8883 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8885 \series bold
8886 Menu
8887 \begin_inset space ~
8888 \end_inset
8891 \series default
8893 \family sans
8894 \bar under
8896 \bar default
8897 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
8899 \bar under
8901 \bar default
8903 \end_layout
8905 \begin_layout List
8906 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8908 \series bold
8909 Toolbar
8910 \begin_inset space ~
8911 \end_inset
8914 \series default
8915  Sixth button from the left.
8916 \end_layout
8918 \begin_deeper
8919 \begin_layout Standard
8920 An open pair of scissors.
8921 \end_layout
8923 \end_deeper
8924 \begin_layout List
8925 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
8927 \series bold
8928 Keyboard
8929 \begin_inset space ~
8930 \end_inset
8933 \series default
8935 \family sans
8936 M-e c
8937 \family default
8938  (standard).
8939 \end_layout
8941 \begin_deeper
8942 \begin_layout Standard
8944 \family sans
8946 \family default
8948 \family roman
8950 \family default
8952 \family sans
8953 S-Delete
8954 \family default
8955  in 
8956 \family typewriter
8957 cua.bind
8958 \family default
8960 \end_layout
8962 \begin_layout Standard
8964 \family sans
8966 \family default
8967  in 
8968 \family typewriter
8969 emacs.bind
8970 \family default
8972 \end_layout
8974 \end_deeper
8975 \end_deeper
8976 \begin_layout Paragraph
8977 Purpose:
8978 \end_layout
8980 \begin_layout Standard
8981 Removes previously selected text and places the removed text into the copy
8982  paste buffer.
8983 \end_layout
8985 \begin_layout Paragraph
8986 Usage:
8987 \end_layout
8989 \begin_layout Standard
8990 Select text to be removed, either with the mouse cursor or by motion selection
8991  commands, then execute 
8992 \family typewriter
8993 copy
8994 \family default
8995  by either following the menu commands, selecting the toolbar icon, or pressing
8996  the appropriate keystrokes.
8997 \end_layout
8999 \begin_layout Paragraph
9000 See Also:
9001 \end_layout
9003 \begin_layout Standard
9004 copy; paste.
9005 \end_layout
9007 \begin_layout Subsection
9008 char-delete-backward
9009 \end_layout
9011 \begin_layout Description
9012 Default
9013 \begin_inset space ~
9014 \end_inset
9016 Bindings:
9017 \end_layout
9019 \begin_deeper
9020 \begin_layout List
9021 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9023 \series bold
9024 Keyboard
9025 \begin_inset space ~
9026 \end_inset
9029 \series default
9031 \family sans
9032 Backspace
9033 \family default
9035 \end_layout
9037 \end_deeper
9038 \begin_layout Paragraph
9039 Purpose:
9040 \end_layout
9042 \begin_layout Standard
9043 Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
9044 \end_layout
9046 \begin_layout Paragraph
9047 Usage:
9048 \end_layout
9050 \begin_layout Standard
9051 Self-explanatory.
9052  If the cursor is at the beginning of a paragraph, two things may happen.
9053  First, if the previous and current paragraph have the same type of paragraph
9054  environment, LyX joins the two paragraphs.
9055  If the two have different environment types, LyX will most likely not
9056 \begin_inset Foot
9057 status collapsed
9059 \begin_layout Plain Layout
9060 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9061 \end_inset
9063 most likely not
9064 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9065 \end_inset
9067  means that the action depends on the specific paragraph environments involved.
9068  Play around and see what happens.
9069 \end_layout
9071 \end_inset
9073  join them and simply move the cursor to the end of the preceding line.
9074 \end_layout
9076 \begin_layout Paragraph
9077 See Also:
9078 \end_layout
9080 \begin_layout Standard
9081 char-delete-forward; word-delete-forward; word-delete-backward; line-delete-forw
9082 ard; line-delete-backward.
9083 \end_layout
9085 \begin_layout Subsection
9086 char-delete-forward
9087 \end_layout
9089 \begin_layout Description
9090 Default
9091 \begin_inset space ~
9092 \end_inset
9094 Bindings:
9095 \end_layout
9097 \begin_deeper
9098 \begin_layout List
9099 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9101 \series bold
9102 Keyboard
9103 \begin_inset space ~
9104 \end_inset
9107 \series default
9109 \family sans
9110 Delete
9111 \family default
9112  (standard).
9113 \begin_inset Newline newline
9114 \end_inset
9117 \family sans
9119 \family default
9120  in 
9121 \family typewriter
9122 emacs.bind
9123 \family default
9125 \end_layout
9127 \end_deeper
9128 \begin_layout Paragraph
9129 Purpose:
9130 \end_layout
9132 \begin_layout Standard
9133 Deletes the character to the right of the cursor.
9135 \end_layout
9137 \begin_layout Paragraph
9138 Usage:
9139 \end_layout
9141 \begin_layout Standard
9142 Self-explanatory.
9143  If the cursor is at the end of a paragraph, two things may happen.
9144  First, if the next and current paragraph have the same type of paragraph
9145  environment, LyX joins the two paragraphs.
9146  If the two have different environment types, LyX will most likely not
9147 \begin_inset Foot
9148 status collapsed
9150 \begin_layout Plain Layout
9151 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9152 \end_inset
9154 most likely not
9155 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9156 \end_inset
9158  means that the action depends on the specific paragraph environments involved.
9159  Play around and see what happens.
9160 \end_layout
9162 \end_inset
9164  join them and simply move the cursor to the end of the preceding line.
9165 \end_layout
9167 \begin_layout Paragraph
9168 See Also:
9169 \end_layout
9171 \begin_layout Standard
9172 char-delete-backward; word-delete-forward; word-delete-backward; line-delete-for
9173 ward; line-delete-backward.
9174 \end_layout
9176 \begin_layout Subsection
9177 depth-decrement
9178 \end_layout
9180 \begin_layout Description
9181 Default
9182 \begin_inset space ~
9183 \end_inset
9185 Bindings:
9186 \end_layout
9188 \begin_deeper
9189 \begin_layout List
9190 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9192 \series bold
9193 Keyboard
9194 \begin_inset space ~
9195 \end_inset
9198 \series default
9200 \family sans
9201 M-p Left
9202 \family default
9203  (standard).
9204 \end_layout
9206 \begin_deeper
9207 \begin_layout Standard
9209 \family sans
9210 M-S-Left
9211 \family default
9212  in 
9213 \family typewriter
9214 cua.bind
9215 \family default
9217 \end_layout
9219 \end_deeper
9220 \end_deeper
9221 \begin_layout Paragraph
9222 Purpose:
9223 \end_layout
9225 \begin_layout Standard
9226 To decrease the paragraph environment depth.
9227 \end_layout
9229 \begin_layout Standard
9230 \noindent
9231 To un-nest two nested paragraph environments.
9232 \end_layout
9234 \begin_layout Paragraph
9235 Usage:
9236 \end_layout
9238 \begin_layout Standard
9239 To change the depth of a single paragraph, simply move the cursor into that
9240  paragraph and invoke 
9241 \family typewriter
9242 depth-decrement
9243 \family default
9245  If you want to change the depth of a group of paragraphs, select the group
9246  with the mouse and then invoke 
9247 \family typewriter
9248 depth-decrement
9249 \family default
9252 \end_layout
9254 \begin_layout Standard
9255 This command 
9256 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9257 \end_inset
9259 wraps.
9260 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9261 \end_inset
9263  Namely, if you reach the outermost environment depth, 
9264 \family typewriter
9265 depth-decrement
9266 \family default
9267  move the paragraph to the innermost environment depth.
9268 \end_layout
9270 \begin_layout Paragraph
9271 See Also:
9272 \end_layout
9274 \begin_layout Standard
9275 depth-next; depth-increment.
9276 \end_layout
9278 \begin_layout Subsection
9279 depth-increment
9280 \end_layout
9282 \begin_layout Description
9283 Default
9284 \begin_inset space ~
9285 \end_inset
9287 Bindings:
9288 \end_layout
9290 \begin_deeper
9291 \begin_layout List
9292 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9294 \series bold
9295 Menu
9296 \begin_inset space ~
9297 \end_inset
9300 \series default
9302 \family sans
9303 \bar under
9305 \bar default
9306 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
9307 Change
9308 \begin_inset space ~
9309 \end_inset
9312 \bar under
9314 \bar default
9315 ironment
9316 \begin_inset space ~
9317 \end_inset
9319 Depth
9320 \end_layout
9322 \begin_layout List
9323 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9325 \series bold
9326 Toolbar
9327 \begin_inset space ~
9328 \end_inset
9331 \series default
9332  Fifth button from the right.
9334 \end_layout
9336 \begin_deeper
9337 \begin_layout Standard
9338 Icon indicates doubly indented text bounded by arrows.
9339 \end_layout
9341 \end_deeper
9342 \begin_layout List
9343 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9345 \series bold
9346 Keyboard
9347 \begin_inset space ~
9348 \end_inset
9351 \series default
9353 \family sans
9354 M-p Right
9355 \family default
9356  (standard).
9357 \end_layout
9359 \begin_deeper
9360 \begin_layout Standard
9362 \family sans
9363 M-S-Right
9364 \family default
9365  in 
9366 \family typewriter
9367 cua.bind
9368 \family default
9370 \end_layout
9372 \end_deeper
9373 \end_deeper
9374 \begin_layout Paragraph
9375 Purpose:
9376 \end_layout
9378 \begin_layout Standard
9379 To increase the paragraph environment depth.
9380 \end_layout
9382 \begin_layout Standard
9383 \noindent
9384 To nest two paragraph environments.
9385 \end_layout
9387 \begin_layout Paragraph
9388 Usage:
9389 \end_layout
9391 \begin_layout Standard
9392 To change the depth of a single paragraph, simply move the cursor into that
9393  paragraph and invoke 
9394 \family typewriter
9395 depth-increment
9396 \family default
9398  If you want to change the depth of a group of paragraphs, select the group
9399  with the mouse and then invoke 
9400 \family typewriter
9401 depth-increment
9402 \family default
9405 \end_layout
9407 \begin_layout Standard
9408 This command 
9409 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9410 \end_inset
9412 wraps.
9413 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9414 \end_inset
9416  Namely, if you reach the innermost environment depth, 
9417 \family typewriter
9418 depth-increment
9419 \family default
9420  move the paragraph to the outermost environment depth.
9421 \end_layout
9423 \begin_layout Paragraph
9424 See Also:
9425 \end_layout
9427 \begin_layout Standard
9428 depth-decrement; depth-next.
9429 \end_layout
9431 \begin_layout Subsection
9432 depth-next
9433 \end_layout
9435 \begin_layout Description
9436 Default
9437 \begin_inset space ~
9438 \end_inset
9440 Bindings:
9441 \end_layout
9443 \begin_deeper
9444 \begin_layout List
9445 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9447 \series bold
9448 Keyboard
9449 \begin_inset space ~
9450 \end_inset
9453 \series default
9455 \family sans
9456 M-l v
9457 \family default
9459 \end_layout
9461 \end_deeper
9462 \begin_layout Paragraph
9463 Purpose:
9464 \end_layout
9466 \begin_layout Standard
9467 This command is simply an alias for 
9468 \family typewriter
9469 depth-increment
9470 \family default
9473 \end_layout
9475 \begin_layout Paragraph
9476 See Also:
9477 \end_layout
9479 \begin_layout Standard
9480 depth-increment.
9481 \end_layout
9483 \begin_layout Subsection
9484 down
9485 \end_layout
9487 \begin_layout Description
9488 Default
9489 \begin_inset space ~
9490 \end_inset
9492 Bindings:
9493 \end_layout
9495 \begin_deeper
9496 \begin_layout List
9497 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9499 \series bold
9500 Keyboard
9501 \begin_inset space ~
9502 \end_inset
9505 \series default
9507 \family sans
9508 Down
9509 \family default
9510  (standard).
9511 \end_layout
9513 \begin_deeper
9514 \begin_layout Standard
9516 \family sans
9518 \family default
9519  in 
9520 \family typewriter
9521 emacs.bind
9522 \family default
9524 \end_layout
9526 \end_deeper
9527 \end_deeper
9528 \begin_layout Paragraph
9529 Purpose:
9530 \end_layout
9532 \begin_layout Standard
9533 Moves the cursor down one line.
9534  If the cursor starting-position is at the bottom of the screen-display,
9535  the buffer scrolls upward to display the new current line about 1/4 of
9536  the screen-height from the bottom of the screen.
9537 \end_layout
9539 \begin_layout Paragraph
9540 See Also:
9541 \end_layout
9543 \begin_layout Standard
9544 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
9545  tab-forward; up; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
9546 \end_layout
9548 \begin_layout Subsection
9549 down-select
9550 \end_layout
9552 \begin_layout Description
9553 Default
9554 \begin_inset space ~
9555 \end_inset
9557 Bindings:
9558 \end_layout
9560 \begin_deeper
9561 \begin_layout List
9562 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9564 \series bold
9565 Keyboard
9566 \begin_inset space ~
9567 \end_inset
9570 \series default
9572 \family sans
9573 S-Down
9574 \family default
9576 \end_layout
9578 \end_deeper
9579 \begin_layout Paragraph
9580 Purpose:
9581 \end_layout
9583 \begin_layout Standard
9584 To select text from the current cursor position to the same position one
9585  line down.
9586  If the next line is shorter than the current line, the cursor simply moves
9587  to the end of the next line.
9588 \end_layout
9590 \begin_layout Paragraph
9591 See Also:
9592 \end_layout
9594 \begin_layout Standard
9595 down;
9596 \end_layout
9598 \begin_layout Standard
9599 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; word-forward-select; word-backward-s
9600 elect; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-select;
9601  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
9602 \end_layout
9604 \begin_layout Subsection
9605 drop-layouts-choice
9606 \end_layout
9608 \begin_layout Description
9609 Default
9610 \begin_inset space ~
9611 \end_inset
9613 Bindings:
9614 \end_layout
9616 \begin_deeper
9617 \begin_layout List
9618 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9620 \series bold
9621 Keyboard
9622 \begin_inset space ~
9623 \end_inset
9626 \series default
9628 \family sans
9629 M-p c
9630 \family default
9631  (standard).
9632 \end_layout
9634 \end_deeper
9635 \begin_layout Paragraph
9636 Purpose:
9637 \end_layout
9639 \begin_layout Standard
9640 Opens up the combobox for selecting paragraph environments, which is to
9641  the left of the toolbar.
9642 \end_layout
9644 \begin_layout Paragraph
9645 Usage:
9646 \end_layout
9648 \begin_layout Standard
9649 Once the combobox is open, you can use the cursor keys to select a new paragraph
9650  environment.
9651  Hitting 
9652 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9653 \end_inset
9655 Return
9656 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9657 \end_inset
9659  chooses the paragraph environment currently highlighted.
9660  Hitting 
9661 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9662 \end_inset
9664 Escape
9665 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9666 \end_inset
9668  cancels the operation and closes the combobox.
9669 \end_layout
9671 \begin_layout Paragraph
9672 See Also:
9673 \end_layout
9675 \begin_layout Standard
9676 layout.
9677 \end_layout
9679 \begin_layout Subsection
9680 error-next
9681 \end_layout
9683 \begin_layout Description
9684 Default
9685 \begin_inset space ~
9686 \end_inset
9688 Bindings:
9689 \end_layout
9691 \begin_deeper
9692 \begin_layout List
9693 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9695 \series bold
9696 Menu
9697 \begin_inset space ~
9698 \end_inset
9701 \series default
9703 \family sans
9704 \bar under
9706 \bar default
9707 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
9709 \begin_inset space ~
9710 \end_inset
9713 \begin_inset space ~
9714 \end_inset
9717 \bar under
9719 \bar default
9720 rror
9721 \end_layout
9723 \begin_layout List
9724 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9726 \series bold
9727 Keyboard
9728 \begin_inset space ~
9729 \end_inset
9732 \series default
9734 \family sans
9735 M-e e
9736 \family default
9737  (standard).
9738 \end_layout
9740 \begin_deeper
9741 \begin_layout Standard
9743 \family sans
9745 \family default
9746  in 
9747 \family typewriter
9748 cua.bind
9749 \family default
9751 \end_layout
9753 \end_deeper
9754 \end_deeper
9755 \begin_layout Paragraph
9756 Purpose:
9757 \end_layout
9759 \begin_layout Standard
9760 Find the next LaTeX error in the buffer.
9762 \end_layout
9764 \begin_layout Paragraph
9765 Usage:
9766 \end_layout
9768 \begin_layout Standard
9769 You can only use this command under two conditions:
9770 \end_layout
9772 \begin_layout Enumerate
9773 You've recently invoked 
9774 \family typewriter
9775 buffer-typeset
9776 \family default
9778 \family typewriter
9779 buffer-typeset-ps
9780 \family default
9782 \family typewriter
9783 buffer-view
9784 \family default
9786 \family typewriter
9787 buffer-view-ps
9788 \family default
9790 \family typewriter
9791 buffer-chktex
9792 \family default
9793  or 
9794 \family typewriter
9795 print
9796 \family default
9797  to run LaTeX on your document.
9798 \end_layout
9800 \begin_layout Enumerate
9801 LaTeX found errors in the document.
9802 \end_layout
9804 \begin_layout Standard
9805 If this happens, LyX will find the errors and mark them in the document
9806  with a box containing the word 
9807 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9808 \end_inset
9810 Error
9811 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9812 \end_inset
9815 \end_layout
9817 \begin_layout Paragraph
9818 Examples:
9819 \end_layout
9821 \begin_layout Standard
9822 It's not easy to provide an example for this one.
9823  If you don't know LaTeX, and never intend to insert any LaTeX code into
9824  your LyX documents, you might not need to worry about this command.
9825  It's here for those users who 
9826 \emph on
9828 \emph default
9829  know LaTeX and might enter incorrect LaTeX code into their documents.
9830 \end_layout
9832 \begin_layout Paragraph
9833 See Also:
9834 \end_layout
9836 \begin_layout Standard
9837 buffer-typeset; buffer-typeset-ps; buffer-view; buffer-view-ps; buffer-chktex;
9838  print.
9839 \end_layout
9841 \begin_layout Section
9843 \end_layout
9845 \begin_layout Subsection
9846 figure-insert
9847 \end_layout
9849 \begin_layout Description
9850 Default
9851 \begin_inset space ~
9852 \end_inset
9854 Bindings:
9855 \end_layout
9857 \begin_deeper
9858 \begin_layout List
9859 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9861 \series bold
9862 Menu
9863 \begin_inset space ~
9864 \end_inset
9867 \series default
9869 \family sans
9870 \bar under
9872 \bar default
9873 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
9875 \bar under
9877 \bar default
9879 \end_layout
9881 \begin_layout List
9882 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9884 \series bold
9885 Toolbar
9886 \begin_inset space ~
9887 \end_inset
9890 \series default
9891  Second button from the right.
9892 \begin_inset Newline newline
9893 \end_inset
9895 A picture embedded in text.
9896 \end_layout
9898 \begin_layout List
9899 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
9901 \series bold
9902 Keyboard
9903 \begin_inset space ~
9904 \end_inset
9907 \series default
9909 \family sans
9910 M-i g
9911 \family default
9913 \end_layout
9915 \end_deeper
9916 \begin_layout Paragraph
9917 Purpose:
9918 \end_layout
9920 \begin_layout Standard
9921 Insert graphics in the current document.
9922 \end_layout
9924 \begin_layout Paragraph
9925 Usage:
9926 \end_layout
9928 \begin_layout Standard
9929 This function opens the 
9930 \family sans
9931 Figure
9932 \family default
9933  panel, which contains two options:
9934 \end_layout
9936 \begin_layout Enumerate
9937 Encapsulated Postscript
9938 \end_layout
9940 \begin_layout Enumerate
9941 Inlined EPS
9942 \end_layout
9944 \begin_layout Standard
9945 You'll get slightly different behavior depending on which type you select.
9946 \begin_inset Foot
9947 status collapsed
9949 \begin_layout Plain Layout
9950 This panel previously had a third option, 
9951 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9952 \end_inset
9955 \family sans
9956 LaTeX or TeX
9957 \family default
9959 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9960 \end_inset
9962 , for inclusion of LaTeX graphics.
9963  This function is now provided by means of the 
9964 \family sans
9965 Insert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
9966 Include File menu entry.
9967 \end_layout
9969 \end_inset
9972 \end_layout
9974 \begin_layout Standard
9975 Placement is the difference in the two options.
9977 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9978 \end_inset
9981 \family sans
9982 Inlined EPS
9983 \family default
9985 \begin_inset Quotes erd
9986 \end_inset
9988  inserts the graphics within the current line, as if it were a normal character.
9989  This can have remarkably bizarre results on the line spacing if the imported
9990  graphics is very tall.
9991  The other option, 
9992 \begin_inset Quotes eld
9993 \end_inset
9996 \family sans
9997 Encapsulated Postscript
9998 \family default
10000 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10001 \end_inset
10003 , breaks the current line on either side of the figure, separating it from
10004  the text.
10005 \end_layout
10007 \begin_layout Standard
10008 Note that this function merely creates a box for the appropriate graphics.
10009  You must still choose the file to import.
10010  For PostScript® files, double click on the box, which will initially contain
10011  only the letter 
10012 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10013 \end_inset
10016 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10017 \end_inset
10019 , to open the 
10020 \family sans
10021 EPS Figure
10022 \family default
10023  panel.
10024  You can now use the options in the 
10025 \family sans
10026 EPS Panel
10027 \family default
10028  to select and even display an encapsulated PostScript® file.
10030 \end_layout
10032 \begin_layout Standard
10034 \end_layout
10036 \begin_layout Paragraph
10037 Examples:
10038 \end_layout
10040 \begin_layout Standard
10041 \begin_inset VSpace 0.3cm
10042 \end_inset
10045 \end_layout
10047 \begin_layout Standard
10048 Currently, none provided.
10049  This will change at some point in the future.
10050 \end_layout
10052 \begin_layout Paragraph
10053 See Also:
10054 \end_layout
10056 \begin_layout Standard
10057 EPS Figure panel.
10059 \emph on
10061  Note - To be added.
10062  - jw.
10063 \emph default
10065 \end_layout
10067 \begin_layout Subsection
10068 find-replace
10069 \end_layout
10071 \begin_layout Description
10072 Default
10073 \begin_inset space ~
10074 \end_inset
10076 Bindings:
10077 \end_layout
10079 \begin_deeper
10080 \begin_layout List
10081 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
10083 \series bold
10084 Menu
10085 \begin_inset space ~
10086 \end_inset
10089 \series default
10091 \family sans
10092 \bar under
10094 \bar default
10095 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
10097 \bar under
10099 \bar default
10101 \begin_inset space ~
10102 \end_inset
10105 \begin_inset space ~
10106 \end_inset
10108 Replace
10109 \end_layout
10111 \begin_layout List
10112 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
10114 \series bold
10115 Keyboard
10116 \begin_inset space ~
10117 \end_inset
10120 \series default
10122 \family sans
10123 M-e f
10124 \family default
10125  (standard)
10126 \begin_inset Newline newline
10127 \end_inset
10130 \family sans
10132 \family default
10133  in 
10134 \family typewriter
10135 cua.bind
10136 \family default
10138 \family roman
10140 \family typewriter
10142 \begin_inset Newline newline
10143 \end_inset
10146 \family sans
10148 \family default
10149  and 
10150 \family sans
10152 \family default
10154 \family roman
10156 \family default
10158 \family typewriter
10159 emacs.bind.
10160 \end_layout
10162 \end_deeper
10163 \begin_layout Paragraph
10164 Purpose:
10165 \end_layout
10167 \begin_layout Standard
10168 To search for text and, if desired, replace it with other text.
10169 \end_layout
10171 \begin_layout Paragraph
10172 Usage:
10173 \end_layout
10175 \begin_layout Standard
10176 Invoking this command opens the 
10177 \family sans
10178 Find
10179 \begin_inset space ~
10180 \end_inset
10183 \begin_inset space ~
10184 \end_inset
10186 Replace
10187 \family default
10188  panel.
10189  All searches start at the current cursor position.
10190  The target text is placed in the 
10191 \family sans
10193 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10194 \end_inset
10196 find
10197 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10198 \end_inset
10201 \family default
10202  box.
10203  The two arrow buttons choose the search direction.
10204  If LyX finds the text, the cursor moves to the text and remains at the
10205  new position.
10206  The target text may be optionally replaced with alternate text placed in
10208 \family roman
10210 \family default
10212 \family sans
10214 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10215 \end_inset
10217 replace
10218 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10219 \end_inset
10222 \family default
10223  box.
10224 \end_layout
10226 \begin_layout Standard
10227 The search is not case sensitive unless you have checked the 
10228 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10229 \end_inset
10231 case sensitive
10232 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10233 \end_inset
10235  button.
10236  If you check the 
10237 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10238 \end_inset
10240 Match word
10241 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10242 \end_inset
10244  button, then the search will only match on complete words, so 
10245 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10246 \end_inset
10248 Manual
10249 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10250 \end_inset
10252  will not be found, when searching for 
10253 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10254 \end_inset
10256 Manuals
10257 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10258 \end_inset
10261 \end_layout
10263 \begin_layout Paragraph
10264 See Also:
10265 \end_layout
10267 \begin_layout Standard
10268 TBD\SpecialChar \@.
10270 \end_layout
10272 \begin_layout Subsection
10273 font-bold
10274 \end_layout
10276 \begin_layout Description
10277 Default
10278 \begin_inset space ~
10279 \end_inset
10281 Bindings:
10282 \end_layout
10284 \begin_deeper
10285 \begin_layout List
10286 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
10288 \series bold
10289 Menu
10290 \begin_inset space ~
10291 \end_inset
10294 \series default
10296 \family sans
10297 \bar under
10299 \bar default
10300 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
10302 \bar under
10304 \bar default
10306 \begin_inset space ~
10307 \end_inset
10309 Style
10310 \family default
10311  and
10312 \end_layout
10314 \begin_deeper
10315 \begin_layout Standard
10317 \family sans
10318 \bar under
10320 \bar default
10321 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
10323 \bar under
10325 \bar default
10326 haracter...
10328 \family default
10329  to open the 
10330 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10331 \end_inset
10334 \family sans
10335 Character Layout
10336 \family default
10338 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10339 \end_inset
10341  popup
10342 \end_layout
10344 \begin_layout Description
10345 Character
10346 \begin_inset space ~
10347 \end_inset
10349 Layout: option 
10350 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10351 \end_inset
10354 \family sans
10355 Bold
10356 \family default
10358 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10359 \end_inset
10361  from the 
10362 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10363 \end_inset
10366 \family sans
10367 Series
10368 \family default
10370 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10371 \end_inset
10373  list
10374 \end_layout
10376 \end_deeper
10377 \begin_layout List
10378 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
10380 \series bold
10381 Keyboard
10382 \begin_inset space ~
10383 \end_inset
10386 \series default
10388 \family sans
10390 \begin_inset space ~
10391 \end_inset
10394 \family default
10395  [to open the 
10396 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10397 \end_inset
10400 \family sans
10401 Character Layout
10402 \family default
10404 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10405 \end_inset
10407  popup]
10408 \end_layout
10410 \begin_deeper
10411 \begin_layout Standard
10413 \family sans
10415 \begin_inset space ~
10416 \end_inset
10419 \family default
10420 , or 
10421 \family sans
10423 \begin_inset space ~
10424 \end_inset
10427 \family default
10428  (standard)
10429 \end_layout
10431 \begin_layout Standard
10433 \family sans
10435 \family default
10436  in 
10437 \family typewriter
10438 cua.bind
10439 \family sans
10441 \end_layout
10443 \end_deeper
10444 \end_deeper
10445 \begin_layout Paragraph
10446 Purpose:
10447 \end_layout
10449 \begin_layout Standard
10450 Changes the font to an emboldened series or, if the font is already emboldened,
10451  reverts to the default series.
10452 \end_layout
10454 \begin_layout Paragraph
10455 Usage:
10456 \end_layout
10458 \begin_layout Standard
10459 Rather than repeat the same thing for all 9 font selection functions, we'll
10460  describe the generic behavior of the font functions here.
10461  Some of the font commands have a toolbar button, others have a menu selection.
10462  All of them are in the 
10463 \family sans
10464 Character Layout
10465 \family default
10466  popup.
10467 \end_layout
10469 \begin_layout Standard
10470 All of the font commands do the following to words:
10471 \end_layout
10473 \begin_layout Enumerate
10474 If the cursor is in the middle of a word [between two whitespaces], the
10475  entire word changes to the new font.
10476 \end_layout
10478 \begin_layout Enumerate
10479 If the cursor is at the beginning or end of a word, the font commands only
10480  affect any subsequently typed text.
10481 \end_layout
10483 \begin_layout Enumerate
10484 You can also tack text in a different font onto a word.
10485  Just move the cursor out of the word to shut off the font, otherwise, you'll
10486  change the whole word into a single font.
10487 \end_layout
10489 \begin_layout Standard
10490 You can also change the font of a block of text by selecting it with the
10491  mouse [or with the keyboard] and then invoking the font command.
10492 \end_layout
10494 \begin_layout Standard
10495 Eight of the font commands, 
10496 \family typewriter
10497 font-code
10498 \family default
10500 \family typewriter
10501 font-emph
10502 \family default
10504 \family typewriter
10505 font-roman
10506 \family default
10508 \family typewriter
10509 font-sans
10510 \family default
10512 \family typewriter
10513 font-size
10514 \family default
10516 \family typewriter
10517 font-smallcaps
10518 \family default
10520 \family typewriter
10521 font-underline
10522 \family default
10523 , and 
10524 \family typewriter
10525 font-bold
10526 \family default
10527 , are toggles.
10528  They will remove a font if text is already in it and deactivate a font
10529  if it's active.
10530 \end_layout
10532 \begin_layout Standard
10533 LyX automatically uses the font of the word next to the cursor.
10534  If the cursor is in the middle of a word, it uses the font of the text
10535  to the right of the cursor.
10536 \end_layout
10538 \begin_layout Standard
10539 One last thing: we've provided this function because LaTeX has a bold font
10540  series.
10541  We know that many users are used to using boldface for emphasis, and you
10542  can make this the default emphasized font by putting the correct command
10543  in the LaTeX preamble.
10544  However, we suggest that you use 
10545 \family typewriter
10546 font-emph
10547 \family default
10548  to emphasize any text and only use 
10549 \family typewriter
10550 font-bold
10551 \family default
10552  when appropriate.
10553 \begin_inset Foot
10554 status collapsed
10556 \begin_layout Plain Layout
10557 For example, to make reference to a vector in the body of the text, many
10558  mathematician use a bold series.
10559 \end_layout
10561 \end_inset
10564 \end_layout
10566 \begin_layout Paragraph
10567 Examples:
10568 \end_layout
10570 \begin_layout Standard
10571 This is an example of a bold font series:
10572 \end_layout
10574 \begin_layout Quotation
10576 \series bold
10577 This is bold text.
10578 \end_layout
10580 \begin_layout Standard
10581 Suppose you have this sentence:
10582 \end_layout
10584 \begin_layout Quotation
10585 Here is some text.
10586 \end_layout
10588 \begin_layout Standard
10589 If you put the cursor in the word 
10590 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10591 \end_inset
10593 some
10594 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10595 \end_inset
10597  and invoke 
10598 \family typewriter
10599 font-bold
10600 \family default
10601 , you get:
10602 \end_layout
10604 \begin_layout Quotation
10605 Here is 
10606 \series bold
10607 some
10608 \series default
10609  text.
10610 \end_layout
10612 \begin_layout Standard
10613 If you take the first example, select the words 
10614 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10615 \end_inset
10617 This is,
10618 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10619 \end_inset
10621  and invoke 
10622 \family typewriter
10623 font-bold
10624 \family default
10625 , you get:
10626 \end_layout
10628 \begin_layout Quotation
10630 \series medium
10631 This is
10632 \series default
10634 \series bold
10635 bold text.
10636 \end_layout
10638 \begin_layout Standard
10639 Now put the cursor at the end of the word 
10640 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10641 \end_inset
10643 text.
10644 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10645 \end_inset
10647  Delete the period, invoke 
10648 \family typewriter
10649 font-bold
10650 \family default
10651 , and type in some text.
10652  You'll get:
10653 \end_layout
10655 \begin_layout Quotation
10656 This is 
10657 \series bold
10658 bold text
10659 \series default
10661 \series medium
10662 and this is not.
10663 \end_layout
10665 \begin_layout Standard
10666 If you take the sentence, 
10667 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10668 \end_inset
10670 Here is some text,
10671 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10672 \end_inset
10674  put the cursor before the 
10675 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10676 \end_inset
10679 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10680 \end_inset
10682  in the word 
10683 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10684 \end_inset
10686 text
10687 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10688 \end_inset
10690 , invoke 
10691 \family typewriter
10692 font-bold
10693 \family default
10694 , and type in some text, you'll get:
10695 \end_layout
10697 \begin_layout Quotation
10698 Here is some 
10699 \series bold
10700 newly added
10701 \series default
10702  text.
10703 \end_layout
10705 \begin_layout Standard
10706 Now put the cursor after the 
10707 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10708 \end_inset
10711 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10712 \end_inset
10714  in 
10715 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10716 \end_inset
10718 added
10719 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10720 \end_inset
10722 , and type 
10723 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10724 \end_inset
10726  funky 
10727 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10728 \end_inset
10730  [it's important that you type the spaces, too].
10731  You'll get:
10732 \end_layout
10734 \begin_layout Quotation
10735 Here is some 
10736 \series bold
10737 newly added funky
10738 \series default
10739  text.
10740 \end_layout
10742 \begin_layout Standard
10743 Lastly, we'll demonstrate mixed fonts.
10744  Again, start with the sentence, 
10745 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10746 \end_inset
10748 Here is some text.
10749 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10750 \end_inset
10752  We can do the following:
10753 \end_layout
10755 \begin_layout Quotation
10756 Here is some
10757 \series bold
10758 thing
10759 \series default
10761 \series bold
10762 bold
10763 \series default
10764 text.
10765 \end_layout
10767 \begin_layout Standard
10768 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
10769 by 1) placing the cursor after the 
10770 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10771 \end_inset
10774 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10775 \end_inset
10777  in 
10778 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10779 \end_inset
10781 some
10782 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10783 \end_inset
10785 ; 2) invoking 
10786 \family typewriter
10787 font-bold
10788 \family default
10789 ; 3) typing 
10790 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10791 \end_inset
10793 thing
10794 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10795 \end_inset
10797 ; 4) placing the cursor before the 
10798 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10799 \end_inset
10802 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10803 \end_inset
10805  in 
10806 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10807 \end_inset
10809 text
10810 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10811 \end_inset
10813 ; 5) invoking 
10814 \family typewriter
10815 font-bold
10816 \family default
10817 ; 6) typing 
10818 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10819 \end_inset
10821 bold
10822 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10823 \end_inset
10825 ; and 7) moving the cursor out of the word.
10827 \end_layout
10829 \begin_layout Standard
10830 The last step automatically shuts off the bold font.
10831  LyX automatically uses the font of the current word [the word next to the
10832  cursor].
10833  If you had not moved the cursor, but instead tried to turn off bold font
10834  by invoking 
10835 \family typewriter
10836 font-bold
10837 \family default
10838  again,
10839 \end_layout
10841 \begin_layout Quotation
10842 Here is some
10843 \series bold
10844 thing
10845 \series default
10847 \series bold
10848 boldtext
10849 \series default
10851 \end_layout
10853 \begin_layout Standard
10854 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
10855 would have been the result.
10856  If you'd tried to turn off bold font by invoking 
10857 \family typewriter
10858 font-default
10859 \family default
10861 \end_layout
10863 \begin_layout Quotation
10864 Here is some
10865 \series bold
10866 thing
10867 \series default
10868  boldtext.
10869 \end_layout
10871 \begin_layout Standard
10872 \SpecialChar \ldots{}
10873 would have been the result.
10874  Now let's return to:
10875 \end_layout
10877 \begin_layout Quotation
10878 Here is some
10879 \series bold
10880 thing
10881 \series default
10883 \series bold
10884 bold
10885 \series default
10886 text.
10887 \end_layout
10889 \begin_layout Standard
10890 We'll try adding text in the middle of the words.
10891  Put the cursor between the 
10892 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10893 \end_inset
10896 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10897 \end_inset
10899  and the 
10900 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10901 \end_inset
10904 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10905 \end_inset
10907  in 
10908 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10909 \end_inset
10911 some
10912 \series bold
10913 thing
10914 \series default
10916 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10917 \end_inset
10919 , type 
10920 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10921 \end_inset
10924 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10925 \end_inset
10927 , move the cursor between the 
10928 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10929 \end_inset
10932 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10933 \end_inset
10935  and 
10936 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10937 \end_inset
10940 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10941 \end_inset
10943  in 
10944 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10945 \end_inset
10948 \series bold
10949 bold
10950 \series default
10951 text
10952 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10953 \end_inset
10955 , and type 
10956 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10957 \end_inset
10960 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10961 \end_inset
10964  This is what you'll get:
10965 \end_layout
10967 \begin_layout Quotation
10968 Here is some
10969 \series bold
10970 lything
10971 \series default
10973 \series bold
10974 bold
10975 \series default
10976 oldtext.
10977 \end_layout
10979 \begin_layout Standard
10980 \begin_inset VSpace 0.78cm
10981 \end_inset
10984 \end_layout
10986 \begin_layout Standard
10987 Hopefully, these examples helped you understand how the font commands work.
10988  All 9 commands listed below in 
10989 \begin_inset Quotes eld
10990 \end_inset
10993 \emph on
10994 See Also
10995 \emph default
10997 \begin_inset Quotes erd
10998 \end_inset
11000  work the same way, so the above examples hold for them, too.
11001 \end_layout
11003 \begin_layout Paragraph
11004 See Also:
11005 \end_layout
11007 \begin_layout Standard
11008 Character Layout popup; [
11009 \emph on
11011  note - to be added.
11012  -jw
11013 \emph default
11015 \end_layout
11017 \begin_layout Standard
11018 font-bold; font-code; font-default; font-emph; font-roman; font-sans; font-size;
11019  font-smallcaps; font-underline.
11020 \end_layout
11022 \begin_layout Subsection
11023 font-code
11024 \end_layout
11026 \begin_layout Description
11027 Default
11028 \begin_inset space ~
11029 \end_inset
11031 Bindings:
11032 \end_layout
11034 \begin_deeper
11035 \begin_layout List
11036 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11038 \series bold
11039 Menu
11040 \begin_inset space ~
11041 \end_inset
11044 \series default
11046 \family sans
11047 \bar under
11049 \bar default
11050 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
11052 \bar under
11054 \bar default
11055 haracter...
11057 \family default
11058  to open the 
11059 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11060 \end_inset
11063 \family sans
11064 Character Layout
11065 \family default
11067 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11068 \end_inset
11070  popup
11071 \end_layout
11073 \begin_deeper
11074 \begin_layout Description
11075 CharacterLayout: option 
11076 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11077 \end_inset
11080 \family sans
11081 Typewriter
11082 \family default
11084 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11085 \end_inset
11087  from the 
11088 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11089 \end_inset
11092 \family sans
11093 Family
11094 \family default
11096 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11097 \end_inset
11099  list
11100 \end_layout
11102 \end_deeper
11103 \begin_layout List
11104 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11106 \series bold
11107 Keyboard
11108 \begin_inset space ~
11109 \end_inset
11112 \series default
11114 \family sans
11116 \begin_inset space ~
11117 \end_inset
11120 \family default
11121  [to open the 
11122 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11123 \end_inset
11126 \family sans
11127 Character Layout
11128 \family default
11130 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11131 \end_inset
11133  popup]
11134 \end_layout
11136 \begin_deeper
11137 \begin_layout Standard
11139 \family sans
11141 \begin_inset space ~
11142 \end_inset
11145 \family default
11146  (standard)
11147 \end_layout
11149 \begin_layout Standard
11151 \family sans
11153 \family default
11154  in 
11155 \family typewriter
11156 cua.bind
11157 \family default
11159 \end_layout
11161 \end_deeper
11162 \end_deeper
11163 \begin_layout Paragraph
11164 Purpose:
11165 \end_layout
11167 \begin_layout Standard
11168 Changes the font to the typewriter family, or, if the font is already in
11169  this family, reverts to the default family.
11170 \end_layout
11172 \begin_layout Paragraph
11173 Usage:
11174 \end_layout
11176 \begin_layout Standard
11177 A lot of the usage for 
11178 \family typewriter
11179 font-code
11180 \family default
11181  works the same way as 
11182 \family typewriter
11183 font-bold
11184 \family default
11185 , so see the entry for 
11186 \family typewriter
11187 font-bold
11188 \family default
11189  to get an idea for how to use 
11190 \family typewriter
11191 font-code
11192 \family default
11194 \end_layout
11196 \begin_layout Standard
11197 Note that 
11198 \family typewriter
11199 font-code
11200 \family default
11201  shuts off 
11202 \family typewriter
11203 font-roman
11204 \family default
11205  and 
11206 \family typewriter
11207 font-sans
11208 \family default
11209  if either of these families is active.
11210 \end_layout
11212 \begin_layout Paragraph
11213 Examples:
11214 \end_layout
11216 \begin_layout Standard
11217 Here is an example of the typewriter font family, which 
11218 \family typewriter
11219 font-code
11220 \family default
11221  selects:
11222 \end_layout
11224 \begin_layout Standard
11226 \family typewriter
11227 This is Typewriter font.
11228 \end_layout
11230 \begin_layout Paragraph
11231 See Also:
11232 \end_layout
11234 \begin_layout Standard
11235 Character Layout popup; [
11236 \emph on
11238  note - to be added.
11239  -jw
11240 \emph default
11242 \end_layout
11244 \begin_layout Standard
11245 font-bold; font-roman; font-sans.
11246 \end_layout
11248 \begin_layout Subsection
11249 font-default
11250 \end_layout
11252 \begin_layout Description
11253 Default
11254 \begin_inset space ~
11255 \end_inset
11257 Bindings:
11258 \end_layout
11260 \begin_deeper
11261 \begin_layout List
11262 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11264 \series bold
11265 Keyboard
11266 \begin_inset space ~
11267 \end_inset
11270 \series default
11272 \family sans
11274 \begin_inset space ~
11275 \end_inset
11277 Space
11278 \family default
11280 \end_layout
11282 \end_deeper
11283 \begin_layout Paragraph
11284 Purpose:
11285 \end_layout
11287 \begin_layout Standard
11288 Changes the font to the default font.
11290 \end_layout
11292 \begin_layout Paragraph
11293 Usage:
11294 \end_layout
11296 \begin_layout Standard
11297 A lot of the usage for 
11298 \family typewriter
11299 font-default
11300 \family default
11301  works the same way as 
11302 \family typewriter
11303 font-bold
11304 \family default
11305 , so see the entry for 
11306 \family typewriter
11307 font-bold
11308 \family default
11309  to get an idea for how to use 
11310 \family typewriter
11311 font-default
11312 \family default
11314 \end_layout
11316 \begin_layout Paragraph
11317 Examples:
11318 \end_layout
11320 \begin_layout Standard
11321 Suppose you had this mess in your text:
11322 \end_layout
11324 \begin_layout Quotation
11326 \family sans
11327 lo I
11328 \emph on
11330 \family default
11331 \emph default
11333 \family typewriter
11334 \emph on
11335 a re
11336 \emph default
11338 \series bold
11339 y wei
11340 \family sans
11342 \family default
11343 \series default
11345 \family sans
11346 \series bold
11347 \emph on
11348 sent
11349 \family default
11350 \series default
11351 \emph default
11353 \emph on
11354 ce and 
11355 \noun on
11356 my na
11357 \series bold
11359 \series default
11360 \emph default
11361  is 
11362 \family sans
11364 \series bold
11366 \emph on
11368 \family default
11370 \family typewriter
11372 \series medium
11374 \emph default
11376 \family default
11377 \series default
11379 \end_layout
11381 \begin_layout Standard
11382 Select this text and invoke 
11383 \family typewriter
11384 font-default
11385 \family default
11387  You'll change it to:
11388 \end_layout
11390 \begin_layout Quotation
11391 Hello I'm a really weird sentence and my name is Delirium.
11392 \end_layout
11394 \begin_layout Paragraph
11395 See Also:
11396 \end_layout
11398 \begin_layout Standard
11399 Character Layout popup; [
11400 \emph on
11402  note - to be added.
11403  -jw
11404 \emph default
11406 \end_layout
11408 \begin_layout Standard
11409 font-bold.
11410 \end_layout
11412 \begin_layout Subsection
11413 font-emph
11414 \end_layout
11416 \begin_layout Description
11417 Default
11418 \begin_inset space ~
11419 \end_inset
11421 Bindings:
11422 \end_layout
11424 \begin_deeper
11425 \begin_layout List
11426 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11428 \series bold
11429 Menu
11430 \begin_inset space ~
11431 \end_inset
11434 \series default
11436 \family sans
11437 \bar under
11439 \bar default
11440 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
11442 \bar under
11444 \bar default
11445 mphasize
11446 \begin_inset space ~
11447 \end_inset
11449 Style
11450 \family default
11451  and
11452 \end_layout
11454 \begin_deeper
11455 \begin_layout Standard
11457 \family sans
11458 \bar under
11460 \bar default
11461 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
11463 \bar under
11465 \bar default
11466 haracter...
11468 \family default
11469  to open the 
11470 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11471 \end_inset
11474 \family sans
11475 Character Layout
11476 \family default
11478 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11479 \end_inset
11481  popup
11482 \end_layout
11484 \begin_layout Description
11485 CharacterLayout: option 
11486 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11487 \end_inset
11490 \family sans
11491 Italic
11492 \family default
11494 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11495 \end_inset
11497  from the 
11498 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11499 \end_inset
11502 \family sans
11503 Shape
11504 \family default
11506 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11507 \end_inset
11509  list
11510 \end_layout
11512 \end_deeper
11513 \begin_layout List
11514 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11516 \series bold
11517 Toolbar
11518 \begin_inset space ~
11519 \end_inset
11522 \series default
11523  Button #7 from the left.
11525 \end_layout
11527 \begin_deeper
11528 \begin_layout Standard
11529 An exclamation mark.
11530 \end_layout
11532 \end_deeper
11533 \begin_layout List
11534 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11536 \series bold
11537 Keyboard
11538 \begin_inset space ~
11539 \end_inset
11542 \series default
11544 \family sans
11546 \begin_inset space ~
11547 \end_inset
11550 \family default
11551  [to open the 
11552 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11553 \end_inset
11556 \family sans
11557 Character Layout
11558 \family default
11560 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11561 \end_inset
11563  popup]
11564 \end_layout
11566 \begin_deeper
11567 \begin_layout Standard
11569 \family sans
11571 \begin_inset space ~
11572 \end_inset
11575 \family default
11576  and 
11577 \family sans
11579 \begin_inset space ~
11580 \end_inset
11583 \family default
11584  (standard)
11585 \end_layout
11587 \begin_layout Standard
11589 \family sans
11591 \family default
11592  in 
11593 \family typewriter
11594 cua.bind
11595 \family default
11597 \end_layout
11599 \end_deeper
11600 \end_deeper
11601 \begin_layout Paragraph
11602 Purpose:
11603 \end_layout
11605 \begin_layout Standard
11606 Changes the font shape to the italic shape, or, if the font is already in
11607  this shape, reverts to the default font shape.
11608 \end_layout
11610 \begin_layout Paragraph
11611 Usage:
11612 \end_layout
11614 \begin_layout Standard
11615 A lot of the usage for 
11616 \family typewriter
11617 font-emph
11618 \family default
11619  works the same way as 
11620 \family typewriter
11621 font-bold
11622 \family default
11623 , so see the entry for 
11624 \family typewriter
11625 font-bold
11626 \family default
11627  to get an idea for how to use 
11628 \family typewriter
11629 font-emph
11630 \family default
11632 \end_layout
11634 \begin_layout Standard
11635 Note that 
11636 \family typewriter
11637 font-emph
11638 \family default
11639  shuts off 
11640 \family typewriter
11641 font-smallcaps
11642 \family default
11643  if that shape is active.
11644 \end_layout
11646 \begin_layout Standard
11647 Many new users wonder why this isn't called 
11648 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11649 \end_inset
11651 font-italic,
11652 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11653 \end_inset
11655  and why boldface and underlined text don't have their own menu entries
11656  or toolbar buttons.
11657  LyX has adopted a convention from LaTeX: specify 
11658 \emph on
11659 what
11660 \emph default
11661  you want to do and let the computer take care of how to do it.
11662  The italic font shape is the standard way to emphasize text in typesetting.
11663  LyX [and LaTeX] has also adopted this convention.
11664  You can, of course, change which font is the emphasized font by making
11665  the appropriate changes to the LaTeX preamble, although this will only
11666  affect the final output.
11667  There are also some interesting things that LaTeX will do to emphasized
11668  text that LyX can't [yet] display.
11669  It will still be in the final output.
11670  For example, LaTeX does certain things for emphasized emphasized text automatic
11671 ally.
11672  If you used a specific font, you'd need to do the same thing manually,
11673  using specific font changes.
11674 \end_layout
11676 \begin_layout Standard
11677 In short, the LyX team 
11678 \emph on
11679 strongly recommends
11680 \emph default
11681  that you use 
11682 \family typewriter
11683 font-emph
11684 \family default
11685  to emphasize any text [this includes book titles] and save any specific
11686  font command for those few special cases where you need to specify exactly
11687  how the text is typeset.
11688 \end_layout
11690 \begin_layout Paragraph
11691 Examples:
11692 \end_layout
11694 \begin_layout Standard
11695 Here's an example of emphasized text:
11696 \end_layout
11698 \begin_layout Quotation
11700 \emph on
11701 Always use
11702 \emph default
11704 \family typewriter
11705 \emph on
11706 font-emph
11707 \family default
11708 \emph default
11710 \emph on
11711 instead of specific font names!
11712 \end_layout
11714 \begin_layout Paragraph
11715 See Also:
11716 \end_layout
11718 \begin_layout Standard
11719 Character Layout popup; [
11720 \emph on
11722  note - to be added.
11723  -jw
11724 \emph default
11726 \end_layout
11728 \begin_layout Standard
11729 font-bold; font-smallcaps.
11730 \end_layout
11732 \begin_layout Subsection
11733 font-free
11734 \end_layout
11736 \begin_layout Description
11737 Default
11738 \begin_inset space ~
11739 \end_inset
11741 Bindings:
11742 \end_layout
11744 \begin_deeper
11745 \begin_layout List
11746 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11748 \series bold
11749 Menu
11750 \begin_inset space ~
11751 \end_inset
11754 \series default
11755  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
11756 Item
11757 \end_layout
11759 \begin_layout List
11760 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11762 \series bold
11763 Toolbar
11764 \begin_inset space ~
11765 \end_inset
11768 \series default
11769  Button # from the left.
11771 \end_layout
11773 \begin_deeper
11774 \begin_layout Standard
11775 Brief description of button icon.
11776 \end_layout
11778 \end_deeper
11779 \begin_layout List
11780 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11782 \series bold
11783 Keyboard
11784 \begin_inset space ~
11785 \end_inset
11788 \series default
11789  None.
11790 \end_layout
11792 \end_deeper
11793 \begin_layout Paragraph
11794 Purpose:
11795 \end_layout
11797 \begin_layout Standard
11798 Changes the font settings to the most recent setting in the 
11799 \family sans
11800 Character
11801 \family default
11802  pop-up.
11803 \end_layout
11805 \begin_layout Paragraph
11806 Usage:
11807 \end_layout
11809 \begin_layout Standard
11810 Description.
11811 \end_layout
11813 \begin_layout Paragraph
11814 Examples:
11815 \end_layout
11817 \begin_layout Standard
11818 Examples.
11819 \end_layout
11821 \begin_layout Paragraph
11822 See Also:
11823 \end_layout
11825 \begin_layout Standard
11826 Other entries or documents.
11827  Separate many references by either a 
11828 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11829 \end_inset
11832 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11833 \end_inset
11835  or place in multiple paragraphs.
11836 \end_layout
11838 \begin_layout Subsection
11839 font-roman
11840 \end_layout
11842 \begin_layout Description
11843 Default
11844 \begin_inset space ~
11845 \end_inset
11847 Bindings:
11848 \end_layout
11850 \begin_deeper
11851 \begin_layout List
11852 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11854 \series bold
11855 Menu
11856 \begin_inset space ~
11857 \end_inset
11860 \series default
11862 \family sans
11863 \bar under
11865 \bar default
11866 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
11868 \bar under
11870 \bar default
11871 haracter...
11873 \family default
11874  to open the 
11875 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11876 \end_inset
11879 \family sans
11880 Character Layout
11881 \family default
11883 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11884 \end_inset
11886  popup
11887 \end_layout
11889 \begin_deeper
11890 \begin_layout Description
11891 CharacterLayout: option 
11892 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11893 \end_inset
11896 \family sans
11897 Roman
11898 \family default
11900 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11901 \end_inset
11903  from the 
11904 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11905 \end_inset
11908 \family sans
11909 Family
11910 \family default
11912 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11913 \end_inset
11915  list
11916 \end_layout
11918 \end_deeper
11919 \begin_layout List
11920 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
11922 \series bold
11923 Keyboard
11924 \begin_inset space ~
11925 \end_inset
11928 \series default
11930 \family sans
11932 \begin_inset space ~
11933 \end_inset
11936 \family default
11937  [to open the 
11938 \begin_inset Quotes eld
11939 \end_inset
11942 \family sans
11943 Character Layout
11944 \family default
11946 \begin_inset Quotes erd
11947 \end_inset
11949  popup]
11950 \end_layout
11952 \begin_deeper
11953 \begin_layout Standard
11955 \family sans
11957 \begin_inset space ~
11958 \end_inset
11961 \family default
11962  (standard).
11963 \end_layout
11965 \end_deeper
11966 \end_deeper
11967 \begin_layout Paragraph
11968 Purpose:
11969 \end_layout
11971 \begin_layout Standard
11972 Changes the font to the roman family, or, if the font is already of this
11973  family, reverts to the default font family.
11974 \end_layout
11976 \begin_layout Paragraph
11977 Usage:
11978 \end_layout
11980 \begin_layout Standard
11981 A lot of the usage for 
11982 \family typewriter
11983 font-roman
11984 \family default
11985  works the same way as 
11986 \family typewriter
11987 font-bold
11988 \family default
11989 , so see the entry for 
11990 \family typewriter
11991 font-bold
11992 \family default
11993  to get an idea for how to use 
11994 \family typewriter
11995 font-roman
11996 \family default
11998 \end_layout
12000 \begin_layout Standard
12001 Note that 
12002 \family typewriter
12003 font-roman
12004 \family default
12005  shuts off 
12006 \family typewriter
12007 font-code
12008 \family default
12009  and 
12010 \family typewriter
12011 font-sans
12012 \family default
12013  if either of these families is active.
12014 \end_layout
12016 \begin_layout Paragraph
12017 Examples:
12018 \end_layout
12020 \begin_layout Standard
12021 Here is an explicit use of the roman font family:
12022 \end_layout
12024 \begin_layout Quote
12026 \family roman
12027 This is Roman font.
12028 \end_layout
12030 \begin_layout Standard
12031 Note that roman is the default font family.
12032 \end_layout
12034 \begin_layout Paragraph
12035 See Also:
12036 \end_layout
12038 \begin_layout Standard
12039 Character Layout popup; [
12040 \emph on
12042  note - to be added.
12043  -jw
12044 \emph default
12046 \end_layout
12048 \begin_layout Standard
12049 font-bold; font-code; font-roman; font-sans.
12050 \end_layout
12052 \begin_layout Subsection
12053 font-sans
12054 \end_layout
12056 \begin_layout Description
12057 Default
12058 \begin_inset space ~
12059 \end_inset
12061 Bindings:
12062 \end_layout
12064 \begin_deeper
12065 \begin_layout List
12066 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12068 \series bold
12069 Menu
12070 \begin_inset space ~
12071 \end_inset
12074 \series default
12076 \family sans
12077 \bar under
12079 \bar default
12080 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
12082 \bar under
12084 \bar default
12085 haracter...
12087 \family default
12088  to open the 
12089 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12090 \end_inset
12093 \family sans
12094 Character Layout
12095 \family default
12097 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12098 \end_inset
12100  popup
12101 \end_layout
12103 \begin_deeper
12104 \begin_layout Description
12105 CharacterLayout: option 
12106 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12107 \end_inset
12110 \family sans
12111 Sans Serif
12112 \family default
12114 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12115 \end_inset
12117  from the 
12118 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12119 \end_inset
12122 \family sans
12123 Family
12124 \family default
12126 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12127 \end_inset
12129  list
12130 \end_layout
12132 \end_deeper
12133 \begin_layout List
12134 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12136 \series bold
12137 Keyboard
12138 \begin_inset space ~
12139 \end_inset
12142 \series default
12144 \family sans
12146 \begin_inset space ~
12147 \end_inset
12150 \family default
12151  [to open the 
12152 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12153 \end_inset
12156 \family sans
12157 Character Layout
12158 \family default
12160 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12161 \end_inset
12163  popup]
12164 \end_layout
12166 \begin_deeper
12167 \begin_layout Standard
12169 \family sans
12171 \begin_inset space ~
12172 \end_inset
12175 \family default
12176  (standard).
12177 \end_layout
12179 \end_deeper
12180 \end_deeper
12181 \begin_layout Paragraph
12182 Purpose:
12183 \end_layout
12185 \begin_layout Standard
12186 Changes the font shape to the sans serif family, or, if the font is already
12187  of this family, reverts to the default font family.
12188 \end_layout
12190 \begin_layout Paragraph
12191 Usage:
12192 \end_layout
12194 \begin_layout Standard
12195 A lot of the usage for 
12196 \family typewriter
12197 font-sans
12198 \family default
12199  works the same way as 
12200 \family typewriter
12201 font-bold
12202 \family default
12203 , so see the entry for 
12204 \family typewriter
12205 font-bold
12206 \family default
12207  to get an idea for how to use 
12208 \family typewriter
12209 font-sans
12210 \family default
12212 \end_layout
12214 \begin_layout Standard
12215 Note that 
12216 \family typewriter
12217 font-sans
12218 \family default
12219  shuts off 
12220 \family typewriter
12221 font-code
12222 \family default
12223  and 
12224 \family typewriter
12225 font-roman
12226 \family default
12227  if either of these families is active.
12228 \end_layout
12230 \begin_layout Paragraph
12231 Examples:
12232 \end_layout
12234 \begin_layout Standard
12235 Here is an example of the Sans Serif font family:
12236 \end_layout
12238 \begin_layout Quote
12240 \family sans
12241 This is the Sans Serif font family.
12242 \end_layout
12244 \begin_layout Paragraph
12245 See Also:
12246 \end_layout
12248 \begin_layout Standard
12249 Character Layout popup; [
12250 \emph on
12252  note - to be added.
12253  -jw
12254 \emph default
12256 \end_layout
12258 \begin_layout Standard
12259 font-bold; font-code; font-roman.
12260 \end_layout
12262 \begin_layout Subsection
12263 font-size
12264 \end_layout
12266 \begin_layout Description
12267 Default
12268 \begin_inset space ~
12269 \end_inset
12271 Bindings:
12272 \end_layout
12274 \begin_deeper
12275 \begin_layout List
12276 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12278 \series bold
12279 Menu
12280 \begin_inset space ~
12281 \end_inset
12284 \series default
12286 \family sans
12287 \bar under
12289 \bar default
12290 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
12292 \bar under
12294 \bar default
12295 haracter...
12297 \family default
12298  to open the 
12299 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12300 \end_inset
12303 \family sans
12304 Character Layout
12305 \family default
12307 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12308 \end_inset
12310  popup
12311 \end_layout
12313 \begin_deeper
12314 \begin_layout Description
12315 CharacterLayout: Any item from the 
12316 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12317 \end_inset
12320 \family sans
12321 Size
12322 \family default
12324 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12325 \end_inset
12327  list
12328 \end_layout
12330 \end_deeper
12331 \begin_layout List
12332 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12334 \series bold
12335 Keyboard
12336 \begin_inset space ~
12337 \end_inset
12340 \series default
12341  The 
12342 \family sans
12344 \family default
12345  prefix, plus one of the following keys:
12346 \end_layout
12348 \begin_deeper
12349 \begin_layout List
12350 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12352 \family sans
12354 \begin_inset space ~
12355 \end_inset
12358 \end_layout
12360 \begin_layout List
12361 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12363 \family sans
12365 \begin_inset space ~
12366 \end_inset
12369 \family default
12371 \family typewriter
12372 font-size tiny
12373 \family default
12375 \end_layout
12377 \begin_layout List
12378 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12380 \family sans
12382 \begin_inset space ~
12383 \end_inset
12386 \end_layout
12388 \begin_layout List
12389 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12391 \family sans
12393 \begin_inset space ~
12394 \end_inset
12397 \family default
12399 \family typewriter
12400 font-size small
12401 \family default
12403 \end_layout
12405 \begin_layout List
12406 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12408 \family sans
12410 \begin_inset space ~
12411 \end_inset
12414 \end_layout
12416 \begin_layout List
12417 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12419 \family sans
12421 \begin_inset space ~
12422 \end_inset
12425 \family default
12427 \family typewriter
12428 font-size normal
12429 \family default
12431 \end_layout
12433 \begin_layout List
12434 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12436 \family sans
12438 \begin_inset space ~
12439 \end_inset
12442 \end_layout
12444 \begin_layout List
12445 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12447 \family sans
12449 \begin_inset space ~
12450 \end_inset
12453 \family default
12455 \family typewriter
12456 font-size large
12457 \family default
12459 \end_layout
12461 \begin_layout List
12462 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12464 \family sans
12466 \begin_inset space ~
12467 \end_inset
12470 \end_layout
12472 \begin_layout List
12473 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12475 \family sans
12477 \begin_inset space ~
12478 \end_inset
12481 \family default
12483 \family typewriter
12484 font-size larger
12485 \family default
12487 \end_layout
12489 \begin_layout List
12490 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12492 \family sans
12494 \begin_inset space ~
12495 \end_inset
12498 \end_layout
12500 \begin_layout List
12501 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12503 \family sans
12505 \begin_inset space ~
12506 \end_inset
12509 \family default
12511 \family typewriter
12512 font-size largest
12513 \family default
12515 \end_layout
12517 \begin_layout List
12518 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12520 \family sans
12522 \begin_inset space ~
12523 \end_inset
12526 \end_layout
12528 \begin_layout List
12529 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12531 \family sans
12533 \begin_inset space ~
12534 \end_inset
12537 \family default
12539 \family typewriter
12540 font-size huge
12541 \family default
12543 \end_layout
12545 \begin_layout List
12546 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12548 \family sans
12550 \begin_inset space ~
12551 \end_inset
12554 \end_layout
12556 \begin_layout List
12557 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12559 \family sans
12561 \begin_inset space ~
12562 \end_inset
12565 \end_layout
12567 \begin_layout List
12568 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
12570 \family sans
12572 \begin_inset space ~
12573 \end_inset
12576 \family default
12578 \family typewriter
12579 font-size giant
12580 \family default
12582 \end_layout
12584 \begin_layout Quote
12585 Also:
12586 \end_layout
12588 \begin_layout Standard
12590 \family sans
12592 \begin_inset space ~
12593 \end_inset
12596 \family default
12597  [to open the 
12598 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12599 \end_inset
12602 \family sans
12603 Character Layout
12604 \family default
12606 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12607 \end_inset
12609  popup]
12610 \end_layout
12612 \end_deeper
12613 \end_deeper
12614 \begin_layout Paragraph
12615 Purpose:
12616 \end_layout
12618 \begin_layout Standard
12619 Change the font size.
12620 \end_layout
12622 \begin_layout Paragraph
12623 Usage:
12624 \end_layout
12626 \begin_layout Standard
12627 This command requires an argument, which is the font size.
12628  You must provide the argument in the 
12629 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12630 \end_inset
12633 \family typewriter
12635 \backslash
12636 bind
12637 \family default
12639 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12640 \end_inset
12642  command if you use 
12643 \family typewriter
12644 font-size
12645 \family default
12646  in a keybinding file, or in the minibuffer if you use 
12647 \family typewriter
12648 command-execute
12649 \family default
12650  to invoke it.
12651 \begin_inset Foot
12652 status collapsed
12654 \begin_layout Plain Layout
12656 \emph on
12657 Editor's note: Don't do this - there is a bug.
12658  For some reason,
12659 \emph default
12661 \family typewriter
12662 \emph on
12663 font-size
12664 \family default
12665 \emph default
12667 \emph on
12668 crashes LyX at the moment.
12669  - jw 10/6/96
12670 \end_layout
12672 \end_inset
12675 \end_layout
12677 \begin_layout Standard
12678 LaTeX describes font sizes in relative values.
12679  LyX uses the following terms: 
12680 \emph on
12681 tiny, small
12682 \emph default
12684 \emph on
12685 normal
12686 \emph default
12688 \emph on
12689 large
12690 \emph default
12692 \emph on
12693 larger
12694 \emph default
12696 \emph on
12697 largest
12698 \emph default
12700 \emph on
12701 huge
12702 \emph default
12704 \emph on
12705 giant
12706 \emph default
12708  The 
12709 \emph on
12710 normal
12711 \emph default
12712  size can be set to 
12713 \family typewriter
12714 10pt
12715 \family default
12717 \family typewriter
12718 11pt
12719 \family default
12720 , or 
12721 \family typewriter
12722 12pt
12723 \family default
12724 , with the other sizes set proportionally.
12725 \end_layout
12727 \begin_layout Standard
12728 A lot of the usage for 
12729 \family typewriter
12730 font-size
12731 \family default
12732  works the same way as 
12733 \family typewriter
12734 font-bold
12735 \family default
12736 , so see the entry for 
12737 \family typewriter
12738 font-bold
12739 \family default
12740  to get an idea for how to use 
12741 \family typewriter
12742 font-size
12743 \family default
12745 \end_layout
12747 \begin_layout Standard
12748 You should avoid using 
12749 \family typewriter
12750 font-size
12751 \family default
12752  unless you need to do some fine-tuning.
12754 \emph on
12755 Never
12756 \emph default
12757  use 
12758 \family typewriter
12759 font-size
12760 \family default
12761  to make titles or section headings; LyX already does this for you and in
12762  a much better fashion.
12763 \end_layout
12765 \begin_layout Paragraph
12766 Examples:
12767 \end_layout
12769 \begin_layout Standard
12770 Here are all eight font sizes:
12771 \end_layout
12773 \begin_layout Quotation
12775 \size tiny
12776 tiny
12777 \size default
12779 \size small
12780 small
12781 \size default
12783 \size normal
12784 normal
12785 \size default
12787 \size large
12788 large
12789 \size default
12791 \size larger
12792 larger
12793 \size default
12795 \size largest
12796 largest
12797 \size default
12799 \size huge
12800 huge
12801 \size default
12803 \size giant
12804 giant
12805 \size default
12807 \end_layout
12809 \begin_layout Paragraph
12810 See Also:
12811 \end_layout
12813 \begin_layout Standard
12814 Character Layout popup; [
12815 \emph on
12817  note - to be added.
12818  -jw
12819 \emph default
12821 \end_layout
12823 \begin_layout Standard
12824 command-execute;
12825 \end_layout
12827 \begin_layout Standard
12828 font-bold.
12829 \end_layout
12831 \begin_layout Subsection
12832 font-smallcaps
12833 \end_layout
12835 \begin_layout Description
12836 Default
12837 \begin_inset space ~
12838 \end_inset
12840 Bindings:
12841 \end_layout
12843 \begin_deeper
12844 \begin_layout List
12845 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12847 \series bold
12848 Menu
12849 \begin_inset space ~
12850 \end_inset
12853 \series default
12855 \family sans
12856 \bar under
12858 \bar default
12859 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
12861 \bar under
12863 \bar default
12865 \begin_inset space ~
12866 \end_inset
12868 Style
12869 \family default
12870  and
12871 \end_layout
12873 \begin_deeper
12874 \begin_layout Standard
12876 \family sans
12877 \bar under
12879 \bar default
12880 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
12882 \bar under
12884 \bar default
12885 haracter...
12887 \family default
12888  to open the 
12889 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12890 \end_inset
12893 \family sans
12894 Character Layout
12895 \family default
12897 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12898 \end_inset
12900  popup
12901 \end_layout
12903 \begin_layout Description
12904 CharacterLayout: option 
12905 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12906 \end_inset
12909 \family sans
12910 Small caps
12911 \family default
12913 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12914 \end_inset
12916  from the 
12917 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12918 \end_inset
12921 \family sans
12922 Shape
12923 \family default
12925 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12926 \end_inset
12928  list
12929 \end_layout
12931 \end_deeper
12932 \begin_layout List
12933 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12935 \series bold
12936 Toolbar
12937 \begin_inset space ~
12938 \end_inset
12941 \series default
12942  Button #8 from the left.
12944 \end_layout
12946 \begin_deeper
12947 \begin_layout Standard
12948 A person.
12949 \end_layout
12951 \end_deeper
12952 \begin_layout List
12953 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
12955 \series bold
12956 Keyboard
12957 \begin_inset space ~
12958 \end_inset
12961 \series default
12963 \family sans
12965 \begin_inset space ~
12966 \end_inset
12969 \family default
12970  [to open the 
12971 \begin_inset Quotes eld
12972 \end_inset
12975 \family sans
12976 Character Layout
12977 \family default
12979 \begin_inset Quotes erd
12980 \end_inset
12982  popup]
12983 \end_layout
12985 \begin_deeper
12986 \begin_layout Standard
12988 \family sans
12990 \begin_inset space ~
12991 \end_inset
12994 \family default
12995  and 
12996 \family sans
12998 \begin_inset space ~
12999 \end_inset
13002 \family default
13003  (standard)
13004 \end_layout
13006 \end_deeper
13007 \end_deeper
13008 \begin_layout Paragraph
13009 Purpose:
13010 \end_layout
13012 \begin_layout Standard
13013 Changes the font shape to the small caps shape, or, if the font is already
13014  of this shape, reverts to the default font shape.
13015 \end_layout
13017 \begin_layout Paragraph
13018 Usage:
13019 \end_layout
13021 \begin_layout Standard
13022 A lot of the usage for 
13023 \family typewriter
13024 font-smallcaps
13025 \family default
13026  works the same way as 
13027 \family typewriter
13028 font-bold
13029 \family default
13030 , so see the entry for 
13031 \family typewriter
13032 font-bold
13033 \family default
13034  to get an idea for how to use 
13035 \family typewriter
13036 font-smallcaps
13037 \family default
13039 \end_layout
13041 \begin_layout Standard
13042 Note that 
13043 \family typewriter
13044 font-smallcaps
13045 \family default
13046  shuts off 
13047 \family typewriter
13048 font-emph
13049 \family default
13050  if that shape is active.
13051 \end_layout
13053 \begin_layout Standard
13054 The small caps shape is typically used for proper names.
13055  Some countries use this convention more frequently than the US does, hence
13056  its prominence in LyX.
13057 \end_layout
13059 \begin_layout Paragraph
13060 Examples:
13061 \end_layout
13063 \begin_layout Standard
13064 Here's what the small caps shape looks like:
13065 \end_layout
13067 \begin_layout Standard
13069 \noun on
13070 This is all in the Small Caps font shape.
13071 \end_layout
13073 \begin_layout Paragraph
13074 See Also:
13075 \end_layout
13077 \begin_layout Standard
13078 Character Layout popup; [
13079 \emph on
13081  note - to be added.
13082  -jw
13083 \emph default
13085 \end_layout
13087 \begin_layout Standard
13088 font-bold; font-emph .
13089 \end_layout
13091 \begin_layout Subsection
13092 font-state
13093 \end_layout
13095 \begin_layout Description
13096 Default
13097 \begin_inset space ~
13098 \end_inset
13100 Bindings:
13101 \end_layout
13103 \begin_deeper
13104 \begin_layout List
13105 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13107 \series bold
13108 Menu
13109 \begin_inset space ~
13110 \end_inset
13113 \series default
13114  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13115 Item
13116 \end_layout
13118 \begin_layout List
13119 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13121 \series bold
13122 Toolbar
13123 \begin_inset space ~
13124 \end_inset
13127 \series default
13128  Button # from the left.
13130 \end_layout
13132 \begin_deeper
13133 \begin_layout Standard
13134 Brief description of button icon.
13135 \end_layout
13137 \end_deeper
13138 \begin_layout List
13139 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13141 \series bold
13142 Keyboard
13143 \begin_inset space ~
13144 \end_inset
13147 \series default
13148  None.
13149 \end_layout
13151 \end_deeper
13152 \begin_layout Paragraph
13153 Purpose:
13154 \end_layout
13156 \begin_layout Standard
13157 Description.
13158 \end_layout
13160 \begin_layout Paragraph
13161 Usage:
13162 \end_layout
13164 \begin_layout Standard
13165 Description.
13166 \end_layout
13168 \begin_layout Paragraph
13169 Examples:
13170 \end_layout
13172 \begin_layout Standard
13173 Examples.
13174 \end_layout
13176 \begin_layout Paragraph
13177 See Also:
13178 \end_layout
13180 \begin_layout Standard
13181 Other entries or documents.
13182  Separate many references by either a 
13183 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13184 \end_inset
13187 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13188 \end_inset
13190  or place in multiple paragraphs.
13191 \end_layout
13193 \begin_layout Subsection
13194 font-underline
13195 \end_layout
13197 \begin_layout Description
13198 Default
13199 \begin_inset space ~
13200 \end_inset
13202 Bindings:
13203 \end_layout
13205 \begin_deeper
13206 \begin_layout List
13207 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13209 \series bold
13210 Menu
13211 \begin_inset space ~
13212 \end_inset
13215 \series default
13217 \family sans
13218 \bar under
13220 \bar default
13221 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13223 \bar under
13225 \bar default
13226 haracter...
13228 \family default
13229  to open the 
13230 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13231 \end_inset
13234 \family sans
13235 Character Layout
13236 \family default
13238 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13239 \end_inset
13241  popup
13242 \end_layout
13244 \begin_deeper
13245 \begin_layout Description
13246 CharacterLayout: option 
13247 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13248 \end_inset
13251 \family sans
13252 Underbar
13253 \family default
13255 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13256 \end_inset
13258  from the 
13259 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13260 \end_inset
13263 \family sans
13265 \family default
13267 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13268 \end_inset
13270  list
13271 \end_layout
13273 \end_deeper
13274 \begin_layout List
13275 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13277 \series bold
13278 Keyboard
13279 \begin_inset space ~
13280 \end_inset
13283 \series default
13285 \family sans
13287 \begin_inset space ~
13288 \end_inset
13291 \family default
13292  [to open the 
13293 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13294 \end_inset
13297 \family sans
13298 Character Layout
13299 \family default
13301 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13302 \end_inset
13304  popup]
13305 \end_layout
13307 \begin_deeper
13308 \begin_layout Standard
13310 \family sans
13312 \family default
13313  or 
13314 \family sans
13315 M-c u
13316 \family default
13317  (standard).
13318 \end_layout
13320 \end_deeper
13321 \end_deeper
13322 \begin_layout Paragraph
13323 Purpose:
13324 \end_layout
13326 \begin_layout Standard
13327 Adds an underbar to subsequent or selected text
13328 \family roman
13330 \end_layout
13332 \begin_layout Paragraph
13333 Usage:
13334 \end_layout
13336 \begin_layout Standard
13337 A lot of the usage for 
13338 \family typewriter
13339 font-underline
13340 \family default
13341  works the same way as 
13342 \family typewriter
13343 font-bold
13344 \family default
13345 , so see the entry for 
13346 \family typewriter
13347 font-bold
13348 \family default
13349  to get an idea for how to use 
13350 \family typewriter
13351 font-underline
13352 \family default
13354 \end_layout
13356 \begin_layout Standard
13357 The LyX team has provided this function only for compatibility with LaTeX.
13358  We know that many users are used to underlining text for emphasis or for
13359  book titles.
13360  While you might need to do this on a typewriter, LyX is not a typewriter,
13361  nor should you use it like one.
13362  Now, you could make this the default emphasized font by putting the correct
13363  command in the LaTeX preamble.
13364  However, we suggest that you use 
13365 \family typewriter
13366 font-emph
13367 \family default
13368  to emphasize any text, including book titles, and avoid using 
13369 \family typewriter
13370 font-underline
13371 \family default
13372  at all.
13373 \begin_inset Foot
13374 status collapsed
13376 \begin_layout Plain Layout
13377 There is one - and only one - case that we can think of where you might
13378  need to use 
13379 \family typewriter
13380 font-underline
13381 \family default
13383  Suppose you're writing the bibliography of a journal article.
13384  The journal you're submitting this article to typesets all volume numbers
13385  in an underlined font, and wishes all submissions to do the same.
13386  This is perhaps the only time you'd need to use 
13387 \family typewriter
13388 font-underline
13389 \family default
13391 \end_layout
13393 \end_inset
13396 \end_layout
13398 \begin_layout Paragraph
13399 Examples:
13400 \end_layout
13402 \begin_layout Standard
13403 Here's an example of the underbar font attribute:
13404 \end_layout
13406 \begin_layout Quote
13408 \bar under
13409 Avoid using underlined text!!!
13410 \end_layout
13412 \begin_layout Paragraph
13413 See Also:
13414 \end_layout
13416 \begin_layout Standard
13417 Character Layout popup; [
13418 \emph on
13420  note - to be added.
13421  -jw
13422 \emph default
13424 \end_layout
13426 \begin_layout Standard
13427 font-bold.
13429 \end_layout
13431 \begin_layout Subsection
13432 footnote-insert
13433 \end_layout
13435 \begin_layout Description
13436 Default
13437 \begin_inset space ~
13438 \end_inset
13440 Bindings:
13441 \end_layout
13443 \begin_deeper
13444 \begin_layout List
13445 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13447 \series bold
13448 Menu
13449 \begin_inset space ~
13450 \end_inset
13453 \series default
13455 \family sans
13456 \bar under
13458 \bar default
13459 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13461 \bar under
13463 \bar default
13464 ootnote
13465 \end_layout
13467 \begin_layout List
13468 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13470 \series bold
13471 Toolbar
13472 \begin_inset space ~
13473 \end_inset
13476 \series default
13477  Button # 7 from the right.
13479 \end_layout
13481 \begin_deeper
13482 \begin_layout Standard
13483 A page with an arrow pointing to lines at the bottom of the page.
13484 \end_layout
13486 \end_deeper
13487 \begin_layout List
13488 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13490 \series bold
13491 Keyboard
13492 \begin_inset space ~
13493 \end_inset
13496 \series default
13498 \family sans
13500 \begin_inset space ~
13501 \end_inset
13504 \family default
13506 \end_layout
13508 \end_deeper
13509 \begin_layout Paragraph
13510 Purpose:
13511 \end_layout
13513 \begin_layout Standard
13514 To insert a footnote.
13515 \end_layout
13517 \begin_layout Paragraph
13518 Usage:
13519 \end_layout
13521 \begin_layout Standard
13522 Use the keyboard, menu, or toolbar to insert a footnote.
13523  A red box appears on the next line.
13524  If you're in the middle of a line, the line appears to break around the
13525  box [it doesn't really].
13526  Anything you enter in the box will be in the footnote.
13527 \end_layout
13529 \begin_layout Standard
13530 To the left of the red box is another, smaller box with the word 
13531 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13532 \end_inset
13535 \family sans
13536 foot
13537 \family default
13539 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13540 \end_inset
13542  written in red on a grey background.
13543  Click on this box once with the left mouse button to close the footnote.
13544  A closed footnote looks like the word 
13545 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13546 \end_inset
13549 \family sans
13550 foot
13551 \family default
13553 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13554 \end_inset
13556  written as a superscript in red.
13557 \end_layout
13559 \begin_layout Standard
13560 You can also open and close footnotes, as well as other types of notes and
13561  labels, with the 
13562 \family typewriter
13563 open-stuff
13564 \family default
13565  command.
13566  See its entry for keybindings.
13567 \end_layout
13569 \begin_layout Standard
13570 One last note: even though footnotes in LyX appear unnumbered, they are.
13571  LaTeX does the numbering for you, as well as putting the footnote at the
13572  bottom of the correct page, when it processes your file.
13573 \end_layout
13575 \begin_layout Paragraph
13576 Examples:
13577 \end_layout
13579 \begin_layout Standard
13580 This
13581 \begin_inset Foot
13582 status collapsed
13584 \begin_layout Plain Layout
13585 Hi! I'm a footnote!
13586 \end_layout
13588 \end_inset
13590  is a footnote.
13591 \end_layout
13593 \begin_layout Paragraph
13594 See Also:
13595 \end_layout
13597 \begin_layout Standard
13598 open-stuff; marginpar-insert;
13599 \end_layout
13601 \begin_layout Standard
13603 \emph on
13604 Tricks for Footnotes and Marginpars
13605 \emph default
13606  in 
13607 \emph on
13608 Extended Features
13609 \emph default
13611 \end_layout
13613 \begin_layout Subsection
13614 forward-select
13615 \end_layout
13617 \begin_layout Description
13618 Default
13619 \begin_inset space ~
13620 \end_inset
13622 Bindings:
13623 \end_layout
13625 \begin_deeper
13626 \begin_layout List
13627 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13629 \series bold
13630 Keyboard
13631 \begin_inset space ~
13632 \end_inset
13635 \series default
13637 \family sans
13638 S-Right 
13639 \end_layout
13641 \end_deeper
13642 \begin_layout Paragraph
13643 Purpose:
13644 \end_layout
13646 \begin_layout Standard
13647 Highlight a single character to the right of the cursor.
13648  If the cursor is at the end of a line, the cursor moves to the beginning
13649  of the next line, and the whitespace in between is selected.
13650  The selected text is shown in reverse-video.
13651 \end_layout
13653 \begin_layout Paragraph
13654 See Also:
13655 \end_layout
13657 \begin_layout Standard
13658 char-forward;
13659 \end_layout
13661 \begin_layout Standard
13662 backward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select; word-backward-sele
13663 ct; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-select;
13664  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
13665 \end_layout
13667 \begin_layout Section
13669 \end_layout
13671 \begin_layout Subsection
13672 hfill-insert
13673 \end_layout
13675 \begin_layout Description
13676 Default
13677 \begin_inset space ~
13678 \end_inset
13680 Bindings:
13681 \end_layout
13683 \begin_deeper
13684 \begin_layout List
13685 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13687 \series bold
13688 Menu
13689 \begin_inset space ~
13690 \end_inset
13693 \series default
13695 \family sans
13696 \bar under
13698 \bar default
13699 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13701 \bar under
13703 \bar default
13704 pecial
13705 \begin_inset space ~
13706 \end_inset
13708 Character\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13710 \bar under
13712 \bar default
13713 Fill
13714 \end_layout
13716 \begin_layout List
13717 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13719 \series bold
13720 Keyboard
13721 \begin_inset space ~
13722 \end_inset
13725 \series default
13727 \family sans
13729 \family default
13730  or 
13731 \family sans
13733 \begin_inset space ~
13734 \end_inset
13737 \end_layout
13739 \end_deeper
13740 \begin_layout Paragraph
13741 Purpose:
13742 \end_layout
13744 \begin_layout Standard
13745 Insert a LaTeX 
13746 \family typewriter
13748 \backslash
13749 hfill
13750 \family default
13751  command.
13752 \end_layout
13754 \begin_layout Paragraph
13755 Usage:
13756 \end_layout
13758 \begin_layout Standard
13759 The LaTeX 
13760 \family typewriter
13762 \backslash
13763 hfill
13764 \family default
13765  stands for 
13766 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13767 \end_inset
13769 horizontal fill.
13770 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13771 \end_inset
13773  As the name implies, an 
13774 \emph on
13775 HFill
13776 \emph default
13777  fills in the current line with blank space.
13778  You can put it at the beginning or end of a line, which will force the
13779  line against the right or left margin, respectively.
13780  However, an 
13781 \emph on
13782 HFill
13783 \emph default
13784  is most useful in the middle of a line.
13785  The example explains it best.
13786  The 
13787 \emph on
13788 HFill
13789 \emph default
13790  has pushed the text on either side of it to the left and right margins.
13791 \end_layout
13793 \begin_layout Standard
13794 Important Note: by a 
13795 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13796 \end_inset
13798 margin,
13799 \begin_inset Quotes erd
13800 \end_inset
13802  we do 
13803 \emph on
13805 \emph default
13806  mean the page margins.
13807  We mean the environment margin.
13808  For example, if your document has two columns per page, an 
13809 \emph on
13810 HFill
13811 \emph default
13812  fills in the line to the left and right margin 
13813 \emph on
13814 of the column
13815 \emph default
13816 , not the entire page.
13817  If you're in a table cell, 
13818 \emph on
13819 HFill
13820 \emph default
13821  fills to the cell borders, and so on.
13822 \end_layout
13824 \begin_layout Standard
13825 You should only use 
13826 \family typewriter
13827 hfill-insert
13828 \family default
13829  for fine tuning.
13830  LyX has better ways to justify and format text.
13831 \end_layout
13833 \begin_layout Paragraph
13834 Examples:
13835 \end_layout
13837 \begin_layout Standard
13838 An 
13839 \family typewriter
13841 \backslash
13842 hfill
13843 \family default
13844  command here 
13845 \begin_inset space \hfill{}
13846 \end_inset
13848  has pushed this text apart.
13849 \end_layout
13851 \begin_layout Paragraph
13852 See Also:
13853 \end_layout
13855 \begin_layout Standard
13857 \emph on
13858 Editor's Note: Eventually, vfills or the Paragraph popup.
13859  -jw
13860 \end_layout
13862 \begin_layout Subsection
13863 hyphenation-point-insert
13864 \end_layout
13866 \begin_layout Description
13867 Default
13868 \begin_inset space ~
13869 \end_inset
13871 Bindings:
13872 \end_layout
13874 \begin_deeper
13875 \begin_layout List
13876 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13878 \series bold
13879 Menu
13880 \begin_inset space ~
13881 \end_inset
13884 \series default
13886 \family sans
13887 \bar under
13889 \bar default
13890 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13892 \bar under
13894 \bar default
13895 pecial
13896 \begin_inset space ~
13897 \end_inset
13899 Character\SpecialChar \menuseparator
13900 Hyphenation
13901 \begin_inset space ~
13902 \end_inset
13905 \bar under
13907 \bar default
13908 oint
13909 \end_layout
13911 \begin_layout List
13912 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
13914 \series bold
13915 Keyboard
13916 \begin_inset space ~
13917 \end_inset
13920 \series default
13922 \family sans
13924 \begin_inset space ~
13925 \end_inset
13927 Minus
13928 \family default
13929  (standard).
13930 \end_layout
13932 \begin_deeper
13933 \begin_layout Standard
13935 \family sans
13936 C-Minus
13937 \family default
13938  in 
13939 \family typewriter
13940 cua-bind
13941 \family default
13943 \end_layout
13945 \begin_layout Standard
13947 \family sans
13949 \family default
13950  in 
13951 \family typewriter
13952 emacs-bind
13953 \family default
13955 \end_layout
13957 \end_deeper
13958 \end_deeper
13959 \begin_layout Paragraph
13960 Purpose:
13961 \end_layout
13963 \begin_layout Standard
13964 Insert a manual hyphenation point via the LaTeX 
13965 \family typewriter
13967 \backslash
13969 \family default
13970  command.
13972 \end_layout
13974 \begin_layout Paragraph
13975 Usage:
13976 \end_layout
13978 \begin_layout Standard
13979 While LaTeX is normally able to hyphenate most words, it has problems with
13980  other words, especially non-English words and technical terms.
13981  This command allows you to tell LaTeX to hyphenate a single instance of
13982  a word that LaTeX would otherwise be unable to hyphenate.
13983 \end_layout
13985 \begin_layout Standard
13986 To allow LaTeX to properly hyphenate 
13987 \emph on
13988 gnomon
13989 \emph default
13990 , you type it as 
13991 \family typewriter
13993 \backslash
13994 -mon
13995 \family default
13996 , where you insert the 
13997 \begin_inset Quotes eld
13998 \end_inset
14001 \family typewriter
14003 \backslash
14005 \family default
14007 \begin_inset Quotes erd
14008 \end_inset
14010  by means of the hyphenation command.
14011  Use this command to do the same in LyX [see the example].
14012 \end_layout
14014 \begin_layout Standard
14015 Note: To tell LaTeX how to hyphenate 
14016 \emph on
14018 \emph default
14019  instances of a word in a document, insert a LaTeX 
14020 \family typewriter
14022 \backslash
14023 hyphenation{}
14024 \family default
14025  command in the preamble,
14026 \begin_inset Foot
14027 status collapsed
14029 \begin_layout Plain Layout
14030 Edit the preamble from the menu by selecting 
14031 \family sans
14032 Layout
14033 \family default
14034 , then 
14035 \family sans
14036 LaTeX
14037 \begin_inset space ~
14038 \end_inset
14040 Preamble
14041 \family default
14043 \end_layout
14045 \end_inset
14047  where the argument is a space-delimited list of the words to be hyphenated,
14048  with the hyphenation points noted by dashes, as in 
14049 \family typewriter
14051 \backslash
14052 hyphenation{gno-mon gno-mons gno-mon-ly}
14053 \family default
14055 \end_layout
14057 \begin_layout Paragraph
14058 Examples:
14059 \end_layout
14061 \begin_layout Standard
14062 This is what 
14063 \emph on
14064 gno\SpecialChar \-
14066 \emph default
14067  looks like in LyX when hyphenated.
14068 \end_layout
14070 \begin_layout Paragraph
14071 See Also:
14072 \end_layout
14074 \begin_layout Standard
14076 \end_layout
14078 \begin_layout Subsection
14079 index-insert
14080 \end_layout
14082 \begin_layout Description
14083 Default
14084 \begin_inset space ~
14085 \end_inset
14087 Bindings:
14088 \end_layout
14090 \begin_deeper
14091 \begin_layout List
14092 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14094 \series bold
14095 Menu
14096 \begin_inset space ~
14097 \end_inset
14100 \series default
14102 \family sans
14103 \bar under
14105 \bar default
14106 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14108 \bar under
14110 \bar default
14112 \begin_inset space ~
14113 \end_inset
14115 entry
14116 \end_layout
14118 \end_deeper
14119 \begin_layout Paragraph
14120 Purpose:
14121 \end_layout
14123 \begin_layout Standard
14124 Add an entry that LaTeX can use to generate an index entry.
14125 \end_layout
14127 \begin_layout Paragraph
14128 Usage:
14129 \end_layout
14131 \begin_layout Standard
14132 LaTeX has the capability to compile an index based on keywords marked in
14133  the text.
14134  Within LyX, this is done using 
14135 \family typewriter
14136 index-insert
14137 \family default
14138  immediately adjacent to the word or phrase to be placed in the index.
14139  Note that leaving a space in between can occasionally result in the page
14140  number appearing in the index to be off by one page.
14141 \end_layout
14143 \begin_layout Standard
14144 When using 
14145 \family typewriter
14146 index-insert
14147 \family default
14148  from the minibuffer, an argument can be used to give the text to use in
14149  the index entry.
14150  Regardless of how the entry was created in LyX, clicking on the index inset
14151  gives an editable popup window to allow changes in the entry.
14152 \end_layout
14154 \begin_layout Paragraph
14155 Examples:
14156 \end_layout
14158 \begin_layout Standard
14159 Here
14160 \begin_inset Index
14161 status collapsed
14163 \begin_layout Plain Layout
14165 \end_layout
14167 \end_inset
14169 example
14170 \end_layout
14172 \begin_layout Paragraph
14173 See Also:
14174 \end_layout
14176 \begin_layout Standard
14178 \family typewriter
14179 index-print
14180 \end_layout
14182 \begin_layout Subsection
14183 index-print
14184 \end_layout
14186 \begin_layout List
14187 \labelwidthstring 00.00.0000
14189 \series bold
14190 Default
14191 \begin_inset space ~
14192 \end_inset
14194 Bindings:
14195 \end_layout
14197 \begin_deeper
14198 \begin_layout List
14199 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14201 \series bold
14202 Menu
14203 \begin_inset space ~
14204 \end_inset
14207 \series default
14209 \family sans
14210 \bar under
14212 \bar default
14213 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14214 Lists
14215 \begin_inset space ~
14216 \end_inset
14219 \begin_inset space ~
14220 \end_inset
14223 \bar under
14225 \bar default
14226 OC\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14228 \bar under
14230 \bar default
14231 ndex
14232 \begin_inset space ~
14233 \end_inset
14235 list
14236 \end_layout
14238 \begin_layout List
14239 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14241 \series bold
14242 Keyboard
14243 \begin_inset space ~
14244 \end_inset
14247 \series default
14249 \family sans
14251 \begin_inset space ~
14252 \end_inset
14255 \begin_inset space ~
14256 \end_inset
14259 \family default
14261 \end_layout
14263 \end_deeper
14264 \begin_layout Paragraph
14265 Purpose:
14266 \end_layout
14268 \begin_layout Standard
14269 Instruct LaTeX to print the index.
14270 \end_layout
14272 \begin_layout Paragraph
14273 Usage:
14274 \end_layout
14276 \begin_layout Standard
14278 \family typewriter
14279 index-print
14280 \family default
14281  causes LaTeX to read index entries created by 
14282 \family typewriter
14283 index-insert
14284 \family default
14285 , generate an index, and add it to the output document.
14286  Within LyX, the only visible effect of 
14287 \family typewriter
14288 index-print
14289 \family default
14290  is to create an inset labeled 
14291 \family sans
14292 Print Index
14293 \family default
14295 \end_layout
14297 \begin_layout Paragraph
14298 See Also:
14299 \end_layout
14301 \begin_layout Standard
14303 \family typewriter
14304 index-insert
14305 \end_layout
14307 \begin_layout Subsection
14308 inset-formula-latex-deletable-insert
14309 \end_layout
14311 \begin_layout Description
14312 Default
14313 \begin_inset space ~
14314 \end_inset
14316 Bindings:
14317 \end_layout
14319 \begin_deeper
14320 \begin_layout List
14321 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14323 \series bold
14324 None.
14325 \end_layout
14327 \end_deeper
14328 \begin_layout Paragraph
14329 Purpose:
14330 \end_layout
14332 \begin_layout Standard
14333 I don't know what this is used for, though it seems to go into a kind of
14334  math-mode.
14335 \end_layout
14337 \begin_layout Paragraph
14338 Usage:
14339 \end_layout
14341 \begin_layout Standard
14343 \end_layout
14345 \begin_layout Paragraph
14346 Examples:
14347 \end_layout
14349 \begin_layout Standard
14351 \end_layout
14353 \begin_layout Paragraph
14354 See Also:
14355 \end_layout
14357 \begin_layout Standard
14359 \end_layout
14361 \begin_layout Subsection
14362 inset-formula-latex-insert
14363 \end_layout
14365 \begin_layout Description
14366 Default
14367 \begin_inset space ~
14368 \end_inset
14370 Bindings:
14371 \end_layout
14373 \begin_deeper
14374 \begin_layout List
14375 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14377 \series bold
14378 None.
14379 \end_layout
14381 \end_deeper
14382 \begin_layout Paragraph
14383 Purpose:
14384 \end_layout
14386 \begin_layout Standard
14387 I don't know what this is used for, though it seems to go into a kind of
14388  math-mode.
14389 \end_layout
14391 \begin_layout Paragraph
14392 Usage:
14393 \end_layout
14395 \begin_layout Standard
14397 \end_layout
14399 \begin_layout Paragraph
14400 Examples:
14401 \end_layout
14403 \begin_layout Standard
14405 \end_layout
14407 \begin_layout Paragraph
14408 See Also:
14409 \end_layout
14411 \begin_layout Standard
14413 \end_layout
14415 \begin_layout Subsection
14416 inset-latex-deletable-insert
14417 \end_layout
14419 \begin_layout Description
14420 Default
14421 \begin_inset space ~
14422 \end_inset
14424 Bindings:
14425 \end_layout
14427 \begin_deeper
14428 \begin_layout List
14429 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14431 \series bold
14432 None.
14433 \end_layout
14435 \end_deeper
14436 \begin_layout Paragraph
14437 Purpose:
14438 \end_layout
14440 \begin_layout Standard
14442 \end_layout
14444 \begin_layout Paragraph
14445 Usage:
14446 \end_layout
14448 \begin_layout Standard
14450 \end_layout
14452 \begin_layout Paragraph
14453 Examples:
14454 \end_layout
14456 \begin_layout Standard
14458 \end_layout
14460 \begin_layout Paragraph
14461 See Also:
14462 \end_layout
14464 \begin_layout Standard
14466 \end_layout
14468 \begin_layout Subsection
14469 inset-latex-insert
14470 \end_layout
14472 \begin_layout Description
14473 Default
14474 \begin_inset space ~
14475 \end_inset
14477 Bindings:
14478 \end_layout
14480 \begin_deeper
14481 \begin_layout List
14482 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14484 \series bold
14485 None.
14486 \end_layout
14488 \end_deeper
14489 \begin_layout Paragraph
14490 Purpose:
14491 \end_layout
14493 \begin_layout Standard
14495 \end_layout
14497 \begin_layout Paragraph
14498 Usage:
14499 \end_layout
14501 \begin_layout Standard
14503 \end_layout
14505 \begin_layout Paragraph
14506 Examples:
14507 \end_layout
14509 \begin_layout Standard
14511 \end_layout
14513 \begin_layout Paragraph
14514 See Also:
14515 \end_layout
14517 \begin_layout Standard
14519 \end_layout
14521 \begin_layout Subsection
14522 keymap-off
14523 \end_layout
14525 \begin_layout Description
14526 Default
14527 \begin_inset space ~
14528 \end_inset
14530 Bindings:
14531 \end_layout
14533 \begin_deeper
14534 \begin_layout List
14535 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14537 \series bold
14538 Menu
14539 \begin_inset space ~
14540 \end_inset
14543 \series default
14545 \family sans
14546 \bar under
14548 \bar default
14549 ptions\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14551 \bar under
14553 \bar default
14554 eyboard
14555 \end_layout
14557 \begin_deeper
14558 \begin_layout Description
14560 \begin_inset space ~
14561 \end_inset
14563 Mappings: 
14564 \family sans
14565 \series medium
14567 \begin_inset space ~
14568 \end_inset
14571 \begin_inset space ~
14572 \end_inset
14574 mapping
14575 \end_layout
14577 \end_deeper
14578 \begin_layout List
14579 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14581 \series bold
14582 Keyboard
14583 \begin_inset space ~
14584 \end_inset
14587 \series default
14589 \family sans
14591 \begin_inset space ~
14592 \end_inset
14595 \family default
14596  or 
14597 \family sans
14599 \begin_inset space ~
14600 \end_inset
14603 \end_layout
14605 \end_deeper
14606 \begin_layout Paragraph
14607 Purpose:
14608 \end_layout
14610 \begin_layout Standard
14611 Turn off keyboard character keymapping.
14612 \end_layout
14614 \begin_layout Paragraph
14615 Usage:
14616 \end_layout
14618 \begin_layout Standard
14619 In addition to the default keymap, the keyboard can have a primary keymap,
14620  a secondary keymap, or both.
14621  If you have previously defined and selected either the primary or secondary
14622  keymaps, you can turn-off this selection by issuing the 
14623 \family typewriter
14624 keymap-off
14625 \family default
14626  command.
14627 \end_layout
14629 \begin_layout Standard
14631 \emph on
14632 Editor's Note - We probably need to add some more info.
14633  - jw
14634 \end_layout
14636 \begin_layout Paragraph
14637 Examples:
14638 \end_layout
14640 \begin_layout Standard
14642 \end_layout
14644 \begin_layout Paragraph
14645 See Also:
14646 \end_layout
14648 \begin_layout Standard
14649 keymap-primary; keymap-secondary.
14650 \end_layout
14652 \begin_layout Standard
14653 Keyboard keymapping is described in more detail in\SpecialChar \ldots{}
14655 \end_layout
14657 \begin_layout Subsection
14658 keymap-primary
14659 \end_layout
14661 \begin_layout Description
14662 Default
14663 \begin_inset space ~
14664 \end_inset
14666 Bindings:
14667 \end_layout
14669 \begin_deeper
14670 \begin_layout List
14671 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14673 \series bold
14674 Menu
14675 \begin_inset space ~
14676 \end_inset
14679 \series default
14681 \family sans
14682 \bar under
14684 \bar default
14685 ptions\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14687 \bar under
14689 \bar default
14690 eyboard
14691 \end_layout
14693 \begin_deeper
14694 \begin_layout Description
14696 \begin_inset space ~
14697 \end_inset
14699 Mappings: 
14700 \family sans
14701 \series medium
14702 Primary
14703 \begin_inset space ~
14704 \end_inset
14707 \begin_inset space ~
14708 \end_inset
14710 mapping
14711 \end_layout
14713 \end_deeper
14714 \begin_layout List
14715 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14717 \series bold
14718 Keyboard
14719 \begin_inset space ~
14720 \end_inset
14723 \series default
14725 \family sans
14727 \begin_inset space ~
14728 \end_inset
14731 \end_layout
14733 \end_deeper
14734 \begin_layout Paragraph
14735 Purpose:
14736 \end_layout
14738 \begin_layout Standard
14739 Select the primary keymap.
14740 \end_layout
14742 \begin_layout Paragraph
14743 Usage:
14744 \end_layout
14746 \begin_layout Standard
14747 Self-explanatory.
14748  See 
14749 \family typewriter
14750 keymap-off
14751 \family default
14752  for more details about using multiple keymaps.
14753 \end_layout
14755 \begin_layout Paragraph
14756 See Also:
14757 \end_layout
14759 \begin_layout Standard
14760 keymap-off
14761 \end_layout
14763 \begin_layout Subsection
14764 keymap-secondary
14765 \end_layout
14767 \begin_layout Description
14768 Default
14769 \begin_inset space ~
14770 \end_inset
14772 Bindings:
14773 \end_layout
14775 \begin_deeper
14776 \begin_layout List
14777 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14779 \series bold
14780 Menu
14781 \begin_inset space ~
14782 \end_inset
14785 \series default
14787 \family sans
14788 \bar under
14790 \bar default
14791 ptions\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14793 \bar under
14795 \bar default
14796 eyboard
14797 \end_layout
14799 \begin_deeper
14800 \begin_layout Description
14802 \begin_inset space ~
14803 \end_inset
14805 Mappings: 
14806 \family sans
14807 \series medium
14808 Secondary
14809 \begin_inset space ~
14810 \end_inset
14813 \begin_inset space ~
14814 \end_inset
14816 mapping
14817 \end_layout
14819 \end_deeper
14820 \begin_layout List
14821 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14823 \series bold
14824 Keyboard
14825 \begin_inset space ~
14826 \end_inset
14829 \series default
14831 \family sans
14833 \begin_inset space ~
14834 \end_inset
14837 \end_layout
14839 \end_deeper
14840 \begin_layout Paragraph
14841 Purpose:
14842 \end_layout
14844 \begin_layout Standard
14845 Select the secondary keymap.
14846 \end_layout
14848 \begin_layout Paragraph
14849 Usage:
14850 \end_layout
14852 \begin_layout Standard
14853 Self-explanatory.
14854  See 
14855 \family typewriter
14856 keymap-off
14857 \family default
14858  for more details about using multiple keymaps.
14859 \end_layout
14861 \begin_layout Paragraph
14862 See Also:
14863 \end_layout
14865 \begin_layout Standard
14866 keymap-off
14867 \end_layout
14869 \begin_layout Subsection
14870 keymap-toggle
14871 \end_layout
14873 \begin_layout Description
14874 Default
14875 \begin_inset space ~
14876 \end_inset
14878 Bindings:
14879 \end_layout
14881 \begin_deeper
14882 \begin_layout List
14883 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14885 \series bold
14886 Menu
14887 \begin_inset space ~
14888 \end_inset
14891 \series default
14893 \family sans
14894 \bar under
14896 \bar default
14897 ptions\SpecialChar \menuseparator
14899 \bar under
14901 \bar default
14902 eyboard 
14903 \end_layout
14905 \begin_deeper
14906 \begin_layout Description
14908 \begin_inset space ~
14909 \end_inset
14911 Mappings
14912 \series medium
14914 \series default
14916 \family sans
14917 \series medium
14918 Mapping
14919 \begin_inset space ~
14920 \end_inset
14922 Switch
14923 \end_layout
14925 \end_deeper
14926 \begin_layout List
14927 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
14929 \series bold
14930 Keyboard
14931 \begin_inset space ~
14932 \end_inset
14935 \series default
14937 \family sans
14939 \begin_inset space ~
14940 \end_inset
14943 \end_layout
14945 \end_deeper
14946 \begin_layout Paragraph
14947 Purpose:
14948 \end_layout
14950 \begin_layout Standard
14951 Allows you to toggle back and forth between the primary and secondary keymaps
14952  (either of which can be set to a value of 
14953 \family typewriter
14954 default
14955 \family default
14957 \end_layout
14959 \begin_layout Paragraph
14960 Usage:
14961 \end_layout
14963 \begin_layout Standard
14964 Self-explanatory.
14965  See 
14966 \family typewriter
14967 keymap-off
14968 \family default
14969  for more details about using multiple keymaps.
14970 \end_layout
14972 \begin_layout Paragraph
14973 See Also:
14974 \end_layout
14976 \begin_layout Standard
14977 keymap-off
14978 \end_layout
14980 \begin_layout Section
14982 \end_layout
14984 \begin_layout Subsection
14985 label-insert
14986 \end_layout
14988 \begin_layout Description
14989 Default
14990 \begin_inset space ~
14991 \end_inset
14993 Bindings:
14994 \end_layout
14996 \begin_deeper
14997 \begin_layout List
14998 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15000 \series bold
15001 Menu
15002 \begin_inset space ~
15003 \end_inset
15006 \series default
15008 \family sans
15009 \bar under
15011 \bar default
15012 nsert \SpecialChar \menuseparator
15014 \bar under
15016 \bar default
15017 abel
15018 \end_layout
15020 \begin_deeper
15021 \begin_layout Description
15022 Input: (enter label name in input box)
15023 \end_layout
15025 \end_deeper
15026 \begin_layout List
15027 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15029 \series bold
15030 Keyboard
15031 \begin_inset space ~
15032 \end_inset
15035 \series default
15037 \family sans
15039 \begin_inset space ~
15040 \end_inset
15043 \end_layout
15045 \end_deeper
15046 \begin_layout Paragraph
15047 Purpose:
15048 \end_layout
15050 \begin_layout Standard
15051 Insert a label (and create a character string label key for it) for use
15052  in a cross-reference to either the current environment entity or the printed
15053  page number of the label location.
15054 \end_layout
15056 \begin_layout Paragraph
15057 Usage:
15058 \end_layout
15060 \begin_layout Standard
15061 This command inserts a LaTeX 
15062 \family typewriter
15064 \backslash
15065 label{key}
15066 \family default
15067  command into the document, which contains a case-sensitive alphanumeric
15068  label 
15069 \family typewriter
15071 \family default
15072  that you define.
15073  This command allows LaTeX to track the current environment and printed
15074  page number for subsequent
15075 \begin_inset Foot
15076 status collapsed
15078 \begin_layout Plain Layout
15079 Actually, it doesn't need to be a subsequent reference.
15080  You can reference a label 
15081 \emph on
15082 before
15083 \emph default
15084  it is defined, but you must then run LaTeX multiple times to allow LaTeX
15085  to resolve these types of references.
15086 \end_layout
15088 \end_inset
15090  cross-reference via the 
15091 \family typewriter
15092 ref-insert
15093 \family default
15094  command.
15095  The current environment is the section, table, figure, equation, enumerated
15096  item, 
15097 \emph on
15099 \emph default
15100 ., that the label is within.
15101  Note that the actual printed label is not displayed until you view or print
15102  your document; LyX displays instead on the screen the symbolic label, which
15103  is the character string label that you defined.
15105 \end_layout
15107 \begin_layout Standard
15108 Note that you can't define labels for math equations using this command.
15109  LyX labels equations using a combination of the 
15110 \family typewriter
15111 math-number
15112 \family default
15113  command and the actual LaTeX command 
15114 \family typewriter
15116 \backslash
15117 label{key}
15118 \family default
15120  See the User's Guide for more information about labelling and numbering
15121  equations.
15122 \end_layout
15124 \begin_layout Paragraph
15125 Examples:
15126 \end_layout
15128 \begin_layout Standard
15129 If the current environment is a section, as it is here at this point, you
15130  can insert a label with the following result:
15131 \begin_inset CommandInset label
15132 LatexCommand label
15133 name "test label"
15135 \end_inset
15138  This label can then be referenced, and the result will be the section number
15139  for this section, as Section
15140 \begin_inset space ~
15141 \end_inset
15144 \begin_inset CommandInset ref
15145 LatexCommand ref
15146 reference "test label"
15148 \end_inset
15151 \end_layout
15153 \begin_layout Paragraph
15154 See Also:
15155 \end_layout
15157 \begin_layout Standard
15158 ref-insert; math-number.
15160 \end_layout
15162 \begin_layout Standard
15163 You can find further description of the LaTeX labeling and cross-referencing
15164  method in the LyX User's Guide or any LaTeX user's guide.
15165 \end_layout
15167 \begin_layout Subsection
15168 latex-view-log
15169 \end_layout
15171 \begin_layout Description
15172 Default
15173 \begin_inset space ~
15174 \end_inset
15176 Bindings:
15177 \end_layout
15179 \begin_deeper
15180 \begin_layout List
15181 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15183 \series bold
15184 Menu
15185 \begin_inset space ~
15186 \end_inset
15189 \series default
15191 \family sans
15192 \bar under
15194 \bar default
15195 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
15197 \bar under
15199 \family default
15200 \bar default
15202 \family sans
15203 LaTeX Log
15204 \end_layout
15206 \begin_layout List
15207 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15209 \series bold
15210 Keyboard
15211 \begin_inset space ~
15212 \end_inset
15215 \series default
15217 \family sans
15219 \begin_inset space ~
15220 \end_inset
15223 \end_layout
15225 \end_deeper
15226 \begin_layout Paragraph
15227 Purpose:
15228 \end_layout
15230 \begin_layout Standard
15231 Displays the log file produced by LaTeX.
15232 \end_layout
15234 \begin_layout Paragraph
15235 Usage:
15236 \end_layout
15238 \begin_layout Standard
15239 Self-explanatory.
15240 \end_layout
15242 \begin_layout Subsection
15243 layout
15244 \end_layout
15246 \begin_layout Description
15247 Default
15248 \begin_inset space ~
15249 \end_inset
15251 Bindings:
15252 \end_layout
15254 \begin_deeper
15255 \begin_layout List
15256 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15258 \series bold
15259 Toolbar
15260 \begin_inset space ~
15261 \end_inset
15264 \series default
15265  Pull-down box at the left end of the toolbar.
15266 \end_layout
15268 \begin_layout List
15269 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
15271 \series bold
15272 Keyboard
15273 \begin_inset space ~
15274 \end_inset
15277 \series default
15279 \family sans
15281 \family default
15282  prefix plus one of the following:
15283 \end_layout
15285 \begin_deeper
15286 \begin_layout List
15287 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15289 \family sans
15291 \begin_inset space ~
15292 \end_inset
15295 \family default
15297 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15298 \end_inset
15301 \family typewriter
15302 layout Chapter
15303 \family default
15305 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15306 \end_inset
15309 \end_layout
15311 \begin_layout List
15312 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15314 \family sans
15316 \begin_inset space ~
15317 \end_inset
15320 \family default
15322 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15323 \end_inset
15326 \family typewriter
15327 layout Section
15328 \family default
15330 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15331 \end_inset
15334 \end_layout
15336 \begin_layout List
15337 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15339 \family sans
15341 \begin_inset space ~
15342 \end_inset
15345 \family default
15347 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15348 \end_inset
15351 \family typewriter
15352 layout Subsection
15353 \family default
15355 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15356 \end_inset
15359 \end_layout
15361 \begin_layout List
15362 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15364 \family sans
15366 \begin_inset space ~
15367 \end_inset
15370 \family default
15372 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15373 \end_inset
15376 \family typewriter
15377 layout Subsubsection
15378 \family default
15380 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15381 \end_inset
15384 \end_layout
15386 \begin_layout List
15387 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15389 \family sans
15391 \begin_inset space ~
15392 \end_inset
15395 \family default
15397 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15398 \end_inset
15401 \family typewriter
15402 layout Paragraph
15403 \family default
15405 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15406 \end_inset
15409 \end_layout
15411 \begin_layout List
15412 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15414 \family sans
15416 \begin_inset space ~
15417 \end_inset
15420 \family default
15422 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15423 \end_inset
15426 \family typewriter
15427 layout Subparagraph
15428 \family default
15430 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15431 \end_inset
15434 \end_layout
15436 \begin_layout List
15437 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15439 \family sans
15441 \begin_inset space ~
15442 \end_inset
15445 \family default
15447 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15448 \end_inset
15451 \family typewriter
15452 layout Abstract
15453 \family default
15455 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15456 \end_inset
15459 \end_layout
15461 \begin_layout List
15462 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15464 \family sans
15466 \begin_inset space ~
15467 \end_inset
15470 \family default
15472 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15473 \end_inset
15476 \family typewriter
15477 layout Author
15478 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15479 \end_inset
15482 \end_layout
15484 \begin_layout List
15485 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15487 \family sans
15489 \begin_inset space ~
15490 \end_inset
15493 \family default
15495 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15496 \end_inset
15499 \family typewriter
15500 layout Address
15501 \family default
15503 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15504 \end_inset
15507 \end_layout
15509 \begin_layout List
15510 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15512 \family sans
15514 \begin_inset space ~
15515 \end_inset
15518 \family default
15520 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15521 \end_inset
15524 \family typewriter
15525 layout RightAddress
15526 \family default
15528 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15529 \end_inset
15532 \end_layout
15534 \begin_layout List
15535 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15537 \family sans
15539 \begin_inset space ~
15540 \end_inset
15543 \family default
15545 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15546 \end_inset
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15651 \family default
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15654 \end_inset
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15721 \end_inset
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15725 layout Enumerate
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15728 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15729 \end_inset
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15737 \family sans
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15754 \end_inset
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15771 \end_inset
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15776 \family default
15778 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15779 \end_inset
15782 \end_layout
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15790 \end_inset
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15796 \end_inset
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15800 layout Itemize
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15803 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15804 \end_inset
15807 \end_layout
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15821 \end_inset
15824 \family typewriter
15825 layout List
15826 \family default
15828 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15829 \end_inset
15832 \end_layout
15834 \begin_layout List
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15837 \family sans
15839 \begin_inset space ~
15840 \end_inset
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15845 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15846 \end_inset
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15850 layout LaTeX
15851 \family default
15853 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15854 \end_inset
15857 \end_layout
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15860 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15862 \family sans
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15865 \end_inset
15868 \family default
15870 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15871 \end_inset
15874 \family typewriter
15875 layout Enumerate
15876 \family default
15878 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15879 \end_inset
15882 \end_layout
15884 \begin_layout List
15885 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15887 \family sans
15889 \begin_inset space ~
15890 \end_inset
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15895 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15896 \end_inset
15899 \family typewriter
15900 layout Quote
15901 \family default
15903 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15904 \end_inset
15907 \end_layout
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15912 \family sans
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15915 \end_inset
15918 \family default
15920 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15921 \end_inset
15924 \family typewriter
15925 layout Quotation
15926 \family default
15928 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15929 \end_inset
15932 \end_layout
15934 \begin_layout List
15935 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15937 \family sans
15939 \begin_inset space ~
15940 \end_inset
15943 \family default
15945 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15946 \end_inset
15949 \family typewriter
15950 layout ShortRotatefoilhead
15951 \family default
15953 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15954 \end_inset
15957 \end_layout
15959 \begin_layout List
15960 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15962 \family sans
15964 \begin_inset space ~
15965 \end_inset
15968 \family default
15970 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15971 \end_inset
15974 \family typewriter
15975 layout Rotatefoilhead
15976 \family default
15978 \begin_inset Quotes erd
15979 \end_inset
15982 \end_layout
15984 \begin_layout List
15985 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
15987 \family sans
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15990 \end_inset
15993 \family default
15995 \begin_inset Quotes eld
15996 \end_inset
15999 \family typewriter
16000 layout Standard
16001 \family default
16003 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16004 \end_inset
16007 \end_layout
16009 \begin_layout List
16010 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
16012 \family sans
16014 \begin_inset space ~
16015 \end_inset
16018 \family default
16020 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16021 \end_inset
16024 \family typewriter
16025 layout Title
16026 \family default
16028 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16029 \end_inset
16032 \end_layout
16034 \begin_layout List
16035 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
16037 \family sans
16039 \begin_inset space ~
16040 \end_inset
16043 \family default
16045 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16046 \end_inset
16049 \family typewriter
16050 layout Verse
16051 \family default
16053 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16054 \end_inset
16057 \end_layout
16059 \begin_layout List
16060 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
16062 \family sans
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16065 \end_inset
16068 \family default
16070 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16071 \end_inset
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16075 layout LaTeX
16076 \family default
16078 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16079 \end_inset
16082 \end_layout
16084 \begin_layout List
16085 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
16087 \family sans
16089 \begin_inset space ~
16090 \end_inset
16092 S-at
16093 \family default
16095 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16096 \end_inset
16099 \family typewriter
16100 layout Section*
16101 \family default
16103 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16104 \end_inset
16107 \end_layout
16109 \begin_layout List
16110 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMMMMMM
16112 \family sans
16114 \begin_inset space ~
16115 \end_inset
16117 S-numbersign
16118 \family default
16120 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16121 \end_inset
16124 \family typewriter
16125 layout Subsection*
16126 \family default
16128 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16129 \end_inset
16132 \end_layout
16134 \begin_layout List
16135 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMMMMMM
16137 \family sans
16139 \begin_inset space ~
16140 \end_inset
16142 S-dollar
16143 \family default
16145 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16146 \end_inset
16149 \family typewriter
16150 layout Subsubsection*
16151 \family default
16153 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16154 \end_inset
16157 \end_layout
16159 \end_deeper
16160 \end_deeper
16161 \begin_layout Paragraph
16162 Purpose:
16163 \end_layout
16165 \begin_layout Standard
16166 To select a paragraph environment.
16167 \end_layout
16169 \begin_layout Paragraph
16170 Usage:
16171 \end_layout
16173 \begin_layout Standard
16174 This function requires an argument, which is the name of the paragraph environme
16175 nt to use.
16176  Yes, we realize the nomenclature is confusing.
16177  Unfortunately, we've changed our terminology but not the function names.
16178 \end_layout
16180 \begin_layout Standard
16181 There are more possible arguments than those listed in the keybindings.
16182  In fact, the possible arguments change depending on what document class
16183  you're using.
16184  In any case, there are so many different paragraph environments that we
16185  couldn't go into detail about each one here.
16187 \emph on
16188 Editor's Note- Maybe we need another chapter, just for the layouts? - jw
16189 \emph default
16191 \end_layout
16193 \begin_layout Paragraph
16194 See Also:
16195 \end_layout
16197 \begin_layout Standard
16198 The appropriate section of UserGuide.lyx.
16199 \end_layout
16201 \begin_layout Subsection
16202 layout-character
16203 \end_layout
16205 \begin_layout Description
16206 Default
16207 \begin_inset space ~
16208 \end_inset
16210 Bindings:
16211 \end_layout
16213 \begin_deeper
16214 \begin_layout List
16215 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16217 \series bold
16218 Menu
16219 \begin_inset space ~
16220 \end_inset
16223 \series default
16225 \family sans
16226 \bar under
16228 \bar default
16229 ayout \SpecialChar \menuseparator
16231 \bar under
16233 \bar default
16234 haracter
16235 \end_layout
16237 \begin_deeper
16238 \begin_layout Description
16239 Character
16240 \begin_inset space ~
16241 \end_inset
16243 Layout: (controls for character font settings)
16244 \end_layout
16246 \end_deeper
16247 \begin_layout List
16248 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16250 \series bold
16251 Keyboard
16252 \begin_inset space ~
16253 \end_inset
16256 \series default
16258 \family sans
16260 \begin_inset space ~
16261 \end_inset
16264 \end_layout
16266 \end_deeper
16267 \begin_layout Paragraph
16268 Purpose:
16269 \end_layout
16271 \begin_layout Standard
16272 Activates the 
16273 \family sans
16274 Character Layout
16275 \family default
16276  pop-up, which allows you to control the character family, series, shape,
16277  size, and underlining font details.
16278 \end_layout
16280 \begin_layout Paragraph
16281 Usage:
16282 \end_layout
16284 \begin_layout Standard
16285 You can change the character appearance just once, for selected text, or
16286  for all subsequently typed text.
16287 \end_layout
16289 \begin_layout Standard
16290 Yes, we realize the nomenclature is confusing.
16291  Unfortunately, we've changed our terminology but not the function names.
16292 \end_layout
16294 \begin_layout Paragraph
16295 See Also:
16296 \end_layout
16298 \begin_layout Standard
16299 layout-paragraph; layout-document.
16300 \end_layout
16302 \begin_layout Subsection
16303 layout-document
16304 \end_layout
16306 \begin_layout Description
16307 Default
16308 \begin_inset space ~
16309 \end_inset
16311 Bindings:
16312 \end_layout
16314 \begin_deeper
16315 \begin_layout List
16316 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16318 \series bold
16319 Menu
16320 \begin_inset space ~
16321 \end_inset
16324 \series default
16326 \family sans
16327 \bar under
16329 \bar default
16330 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
16332 \bar under
16334 \bar default
16335 ocument
16336 \end_layout
16338 \begin_deeper
16339 \begin_layout Description
16340 Document
16341 \begin_inset space ~
16342 \end_inset
16344 Layout: (controls for document format settings)
16345 \end_layout
16347 \end_deeper
16348 \begin_layout List
16349 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16351 \series bold
16352 Keyboard
16353 \begin_inset space ~
16354 \end_inset
16357 \series default
16359 \family sans
16361 \begin_inset space ~
16362 \end_inset
16365 \end_layout
16367 \end_deeper
16368 \begin_layout Paragraph
16369 Purpose:
16370 \end_layout
16372 \begin_layout Standard
16373 Activates the 
16374 \family sans
16375 Document Layout
16376 \family default
16377  pop-up, which allows you to control parameters affecting the entire document,
16378  including: class, pagestyle, default font type and size, language, paper
16379  size, number of paper sides and orientation, number of columns, paragraph
16380  separation method and spacing, section numbering and table of contents
16381  depth, and other parameters.
16382 \end_layout
16384 \begin_layout Paragraph
16385 See Also:
16386 \end_layout
16388 \begin_layout Standard
16389 layout-character; layout-paragraph.
16390 \end_layout
16392 \begin_layout Subsection
16393 layout-paragraph
16394 \end_layout
16396 \begin_layout Description
16397 Default
16398 \begin_inset space ~
16399 \end_inset
16401 Bindings:
16402 \end_layout
16404 \begin_deeper
16405 \begin_layout List
16406 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16408 \series bold
16409 Menu
16410 \begin_inset space ~
16411 \end_inset
16414 \series default
16416 \family sans
16417 \bar under
16419 \bar default
16420 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
16422 \bar under
16424 \bar default
16425 aragraph
16426 \end_layout
16428 \begin_deeper
16429 \begin_layout Description
16430 Paragraph
16431 \begin_inset space ~
16432 \end_inset
16434 Layout: (controls for paragraph format settings)
16435 \end_layout
16437 \end_deeper
16438 \begin_layout List
16439 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16441 \series bold
16442 Keyboard
16443 \begin_inset space ~
16444 \end_inset
16447 \series default
16449 \family sans
16451 \begin_inset space ~
16452 \end_inset
16455 \end_layout
16457 \end_deeper
16458 \begin_layout Paragraph
16459 Purpose:
16460 \end_layout
16462 \begin_layout Standard
16463 Activates the 
16464 \family sans
16465 Paragraph Layout
16466 \family default
16467  pop-up, which allows you to control parameters affecting the current paragraph,
16468  including: alignment, vertical spacing above and below the paragraph, line
16469  spacing, page breaking, indention, and label width (for appropriate paragraphs).
16471 \end_layout
16473 \begin_layout Paragraph
16474 Usage:
16475 \end_layout
16477 \begin_layout Standard
16478 You may make changes either to the current paragraph or to a group of selected
16479  paragraphs.
16480  Changes made to the current paragraph [or the selected group] do not affect
16481  other paragraphs.
16482 \end_layout
16484 \begin_layout Standard
16485 Yes, we realize the nomenclature is confusing.
16486  Unfortunately, we've changed our terminology but not the function names.
16487 \end_layout
16489 \begin_layout Paragraph
16490 See Also:
16491 \end_layout
16493 \begin_layout Standard
16494 layout-character; layout-document.
16495 \end_layout
16497 \begin_layout Subsection
16498 layout-preamble
16499 \end_layout
16501 \begin_layout Description
16502 Default
16503 \begin_inset space ~
16504 \end_inset
16506 Bindings:
16507 \end_layout
16509 \begin_deeper
16510 \begin_layout List
16511 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16513 \series bold
16514 Menu
16515 \begin_inset space ~
16516 \end_inset
16519 \series default
16521 \family sans
16522 \bar under
16524 \bar default
16525 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
16527 \bar under
16529 \bar default
16530 aTeX
16531 \begin_inset space ~
16532 \end_inset
16534 Preamble
16535 \end_layout
16537 \begin_deeper
16538 \begin_layout Description
16539 LaTeX
16540 \begin_inset space ~
16541 \end_inset
16543 Preamble: (edit window for direct modification of the LaTeX preamble)
16544 \end_layout
16546 \end_deeper
16547 \begin_layout List
16548 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16550 \series bold
16551 Keyboard
16552 \begin_inset space ~
16553 \end_inset
16556 \series default
16558 \family sans
16560 \begin_inset space ~
16561 \end_inset
16564 \end_layout
16566 \end_deeper
16567 \begin_layout Paragraph
16568 Purpose:
16569 \end_layout
16571 \begin_layout Standard
16572 Activates the 
16573 \family sans
16574 LaTeX
16575 \begin_inset space ~
16576 \end_inset
16578 Preamble
16579 \family default
16580  pop-up, which allows you to directly make additions to the LaTeX preamble
16581  that LyX inserts in the LaTeX version of the document.
16582 \end_layout
16584 \begin_layout Paragraph
16585 Usage:
16586 \end_layout
16588 \begin_layout Standard
16589 In the LaTeX preamble, you can insert non-standard LaTeX parameter settings
16590  or LaTeX commands.
16592 \end_layout
16594 \begin_layout Standard
16595 Each document has its own preamble.
16596  LyX currently adds certain commands to the preamble based on settings you've
16597  chosen from within LyX.
16598  Some things LyX just can't do yet, but LaTeX can.
16599  Or, you may want to use some custom LaTeX macros.
16600  The 
16601 \family sans
16602 LaTeX Preamble
16603 \family default
16604  popup is where to do it.
16605 \end_layout
16607 \begin_layout Paragraph
16608 Example:
16609 \end_layout
16611 \begin_layout Standard
16612 The following is a typical preamble that changes default settings for twocolumn
16613  mode, creates a simple custom LaTeX command for later use in this document,
16614  and then reads in some other personal settings and/or macros from an external
16615  file.
16616  Remember, if you want your documents to be portable, you need to bundle
16617  any such external files with the document file(s):
16618 \end_layout
16620 \begin_layout LyX-Code
16622 \backslash
16623 columnsep 10pt
16624 \end_layout
16626 \begin_layout LyX-Code
16628 \backslash
16629 columnseprule 2pt
16630 \end_layout
16632 \begin_layout LyX-Code
16634 \backslash
16635 newcommand{
16636 \backslash
16637 astm}[2]{#1
16638 \backslash
16639 ,#2}
16640 \end_layout
16642 \begin_layout LyX-Code
16644 \end_layout
16646 \begin_layout LyX-Code
16648 \backslash
16649 input{
16650 \backslash
16651 home
16652 \backslash
16653 homenode
16654 \backslash
16655 myname
16656 \backslash
16657 latex
16658 \backslash
16659 macros
16660 \backslash
16661 my_macros.def}
16662 \end_layout
16664 \begin_layout Paragraph
16665 See Also:
16666 \end_layout
16668 \begin_layout Standard
16669 The appropriate chapter in LyX User's Guide.
16670 \end_layout
16672 \begin_layout Subsection
16673 layout-quotes
16674 \end_layout
16676 \begin_layout Description
16677 Default
16678 \begin_inset space ~
16679 \end_inset
16681 Bindings:
16682 \end_layout
16684 \begin_deeper
16685 \begin_layout List
16686 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16688 \series bold
16689 Menu
16690 \begin_inset space ~
16691 \end_inset
16694 \series default
16696 \family sans
16697 \bar under
16699 \bar default
16700 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
16702 \bar under
16704 \bar default
16705 uotes
16706 \end_layout
16708 \begin_deeper
16709 \begin_layout Description
16710 Quotes: (controls for setting desired quotation marks)
16711 \end_layout
16713 \end_deeper
16714 \begin_layout List
16715 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16717 \series bold
16718 Keyboard
16719 \begin_inset space ~
16720 \end_inset
16723 \series default
16725 \family sans
16727 \begin_inset space ~
16728 \end_inset
16731 \end_layout
16733 \end_deeper
16734 \begin_layout Paragraph
16735 Purpose:
16736 \end_layout
16738 \begin_layout Standard
16739 Activates the 
16740 \family sans
16742 \family default
16743  pop-up, which allows you to set the type of quote marks used by LyX.
16744 \end_layout
16746 \begin_layout Paragraph
16747 Usage:
16748 \end_layout
16750 \begin_layout Standard
16751 Self explanatory.
16752  Different languages use different symbols for the default quotes.
16753  For example, French uses 
16754 \begin_inset Quotes fld
16755 \end_inset
16758 \begin_inset Quotes frd
16759 \end_inset
16761 , not 
16762 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16763 \end_inset
16766 \begin_inset Quotes erd
16767 \end_inset
16770  Selecting a different type of quote changes the behavior of the 
16771 \family sans
16773 \begin_inset Quotes eld
16774 \end_inset
16777 \family default
16778  and 
16779 \family sans
16781 \family default
16782  keys.
16783  LyX supports a bunch of different quotes.
16784  If you need a special one not present, contact 
16785 \family typewriter
16787 \family default
16788  and we'll see what we can come up with.
16789 \end_layout
16791 \begin_layout Paragraph
16792 See Also:
16793 \end_layout
16795 \begin_layout Standard
16797 \end_layout
16799 \begin_layout Subsection
16800 line-begin
16801 \end_layout
16803 \begin_layout Description
16804 Default
16805 \begin_inset space ~
16806 \end_inset
16808 Bindings:
16809 \end_layout
16811 \begin_deeper
16812 \begin_layout List
16813 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16815 \series bold
16816 Keyboard
16817 \begin_inset space ~
16818 \end_inset
16821 \series default
16823 \family sans
16824 Home
16825 \family default
16826  in 
16827 \family typewriter
16828 cua.bind.
16829 \end_layout
16831 \begin_deeper
16832 \begin_layout Standard
16834 \family sans
16836 \family default
16837  in 
16838 \family typewriter
16839 emacs.bind
16840 \family default
16842 \end_layout
16844 \end_deeper
16845 \end_deeper
16846 \begin_layout Paragraph
16847 Purpose:
16848 \end_layout
16850 \begin_layout Standard
16851 Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
16852 \end_layout
16854 \begin_layout Paragraph
16855 See Also:
16856 \end_layout
16858 \begin_layout Standard
16859 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-end; tab-forward;
16860  up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
16861 \end_layout
16863 \begin_layout Subsection
16864 line-begin-select
16865 \end_layout
16867 \begin_layout Description
16868 Default
16869 \begin_inset space ~
16870 \end_inset
16872 Bindings:
16873 \end_layout
16875 \begin_deeper
16876 \begin_layout List
16877 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16879 \series bold
16880 Keyboard
16881 \begin_inset space ~
16882 \end_inset
16885 \series default
16887 \family sans
16888 S-Home
16889 \end_layout
16891 \end_deeper
16892 \begin_layout Paragraph
16893 Purpose:
16894 \end_layout
16896 \begin_layout Standard
16897 Select (highlight) text from the current cursor location to the beginning
16898  of the current line.
16899  The selected text is shown in reverse video.
16901 \end_layout
16903 \begin_layout Paragraph
16904 See Also:
16905 \end_layout
16907 \begin_layout Standard
16908 line-begin;
16909 \end_layout
16911 \begin_layout Standard
16912 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
16913  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select;
16914  screen-down-select; buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
16915 \end_layout
16917 \begin_layout Subsection
16918 line-delete-forward
16919 \end_layout
16921 \begin_layout Description
16922 Default
16923 \begin_inset space ~
16924 \end_inset
16926 Bindings:
16927 \end_layout
16929 \begin_deeper
16930 \begin_layout List
16931 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16933 \series bold
16934 Keyboard
16935 \begin_inset space ~
16936 \end_inset
16939 \series default
16941 \family sans
16943 \family default
16944  or 
16945 \family sans
16947 \begin_inset space ~
16948 \end_inset
16951 \end_layout
16953 \end_deeper
16954 \begin_layout Paragraph
16955 Purpose:
16956 \end_layout
16958 \begin_layout Standard
16959 Delete text from the current cursor location to the end of the screen line.
16961 \end_layout
16963 \begin_layout Paragraph
16964 Usage:
16965 \end_layout
16967 \begin_layout Standard
16968 If the cursor is at the end of the line there is no action.
16969  If the cursor is at the beginning of the line, the text of the entire line
16970  is deleted but the empty line is retained for insertion of new text.
16971 \end_layout
16973 \begin_layout Paragraph
16974 See Also:
16975 \end_layout
16977 \begin_layout Standard
16979 \end_layout
16981 \begin_layout Subsection
16982 line-end
16983 \end_layout
16985 \begin_layout Description
16986 Default
16987 \begin_inset space ~
16988 \end_inset
16990 Bindings:
16991 \end_layout
16993 \begin_deeper
16994 \begin_layout List
16995 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
16997 \series bold
16998 Keyboard
16999 \begin_inset space ~
17000 \end_inset
17003 \series default
17005 \family sans
17007 \family default
17008  in 
17009 \family typewriter
17010 cua.bind
17011 \family default
17013 \end_layout
17015 \begin_deeper
17016 \begin_layout Standard
17018 \family sans
17020 \family default
17021  in 
17022 \family typewriter
17023 emacs.bind
17024 \family default
17026 \end_layout
17028 \end_deeper
17029 \end_deeper
17030 \begin_layout Paragraph
17031 Purpose:
17032 \end_layout
17034 \begin_layout Standard
17035 Move the cursor to the end of the current line.
17036 \end_layout
17038 \begin_layout Paragraph
17039 See Also:
17040 \end_layout
17042 \begin_layout Standard
17043 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-end; tab-forward;
17044  up; down; paragraph-up; paragraph-down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin;
17045  buffer-end.
17046 \end_layout
17048 \begin_layout Subsection
17049 line-end-select
17050 \end_layout
17052 \begin_layout Description
17053 Default
17054 \begin_inset space ~
17055 \end_inset
17057 Bindings:
17058 \end_layout
17060 \begin_deeper
17061 \begin_layout List
17062 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17064 \series bold
17065 Keyboard
17066 \begin_inset space ~
17067 \end_inset
17070 \series default
17072 \family sans
17073 S-End
17074 \family default
17076 \end_layout
17078 \end_deeper
17079 \begin_layout Paragraph
17080 Purpose:
17081 \end_layout
17083 \begin_layout Standard
17084 Select (highlight) text from the current cursor location right to the end
17085  of the current line, in the current buffer.
17086  The selected text is shown in reverse video.
17088 \end_layout
17090 \begin_layout Paragraph
17091 See Also:
17092 \end_layout
17094 \begin_layout Standard
17095 line-end;
17096 \end_layout
17098 \begin_layout Standard
17099 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
17100  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-select;
17101  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
17102 \end_layout
17104 \begin_layout Subsection
17105 lyx-quit
17106 \end_layout
17108 \begin_layout Description
17109 Default
17110 \begin_inset space ~
17111 \end_inset
17113 Bindings:
17114 \end_layout
17116 \begin_deeper
17117 \begin_layout List
17118 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17120 \series bold
17121 Menu
17122 \begin_inset space ~
17123 \end_inset
17126 \series default
17128 \family sans
17129 \bar under
17131 \bar default
17132 ile\SpecialChar \menuseparator
17134 \bar under
17136 \bar default
17138 \end_layout
17140 \begin_layout List
17141 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17143 \series bold
17144 Keyboard
17145 \begin_inset space ~
17146 \end_inset
17149 \series default
17151 \family sans
17153 \begin_inset space ~
17154 \end_inset
17157 \family default
17158  (standard).
17159 \end_layout
17161 \begin_deeper
17162 \begin_layout Standard
17164 \family sans
17166 \family default
17167  in 
17168 \family typewriter
17169 cua.bind
17170 \family default
17172 \end_layout
17174 \begin_layout Standard
17176 \family sans
17178 \begin_inset space ~
17179 \end_inset
17182 \family default
17184 \family roman
17186 \family default
17188 \family sans
17190 \begin_inset space ~
17191 \end_inset
17194 \family default
17195  in 
17196 \family typewriter
17197 emacs.bind
17198 \family default
17200 \end_layout
17202 \end_deeper
17203 \end_deeper
17204 \begin_layout Paragraph
17205 Purpose:
17206 \end_layout
17208 \begin_layout Standard
17209 Exit LyX and close all buffers and windows.
17210 \end_layout
17212 \begin_layout Paragraph
17213 Usage:
17214 \end_layout
17216 \begin_layout Standard
17217 After entering the command, a pop-up for each open and modified buffer appears,
17218  asking you if you want to save that buffer.
17219  This only happens if any open documents need saving.
17220 \end_layout
17222 \begin_layout Standard
17223 At this point, one of two things happen.
17224  If you executed 
17225 \family typewriter
17226 lyx-quit
17227 \family default
17228  from the keyboard, LyX simply quits.
17229  If you used 
17230 \family sans
17231 Quit
17232 \family default
17233  from the 
17234 \family sans
17235 File
17236 \family default
17237  menu, however, LyX asks you if you really want to quit.
17238 \end_layout
17240 \begin_layout Standard
17241 If you decide to customize the keybinding for this one, choose a complicated
17242  key sequence.
17243 \end_layout
17245 \begin_layout Paragraph
17246 See Also:
17247 \end_layout
17249 \begin_layout Standard
17251 \end_layout
17253 \begin_layout Section
17255 \end_layout
17257 \begin_layout Subsection
17258 marginpar-insert
17259 \end_layout
17261 \begin_layout Description
17262 Default
17263 \begin_inset space ~
17264 \end_inset
17266 Bindings:
17267 \end_layout
17269 \begin_deeper
17270 \begin_layout List
17271 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17273 \series bold
17274 Menu
17275 \begin_inset space ~
17276 \end_inset
17279 \series default
17281 \family sans
17282 \bar under
17284 \bar default
17285 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
17287 \bar under
17289 \bar default
17290 argin note
17291 \end_layout
17293 \begin_layout List
17294 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17296 \series bold
17297 Toolbar
17298 \begin_inset space ~
17299 \end_inset
17302 \series default
17303  Button 6 from the right.
17305 \end_layout
17307 \begin_deeper
17308 \begin_layout Standard
17309 Text column on the left with a short text column on the right and an arrow
17310  pointing upwards at the shorter text.
17311 \end_layout
17313 \end_deeper
17314 \begin_layout List
17315 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17317 \series bold
17318 Keyboard
17319 \begin_inset space ~
17320 \end_inset
17323 \series default
17325 \family sans
17326 M-i m
17327 \end_layout
17329 \end_deeper
17330 \begin_layout Paragraph
17331 Purpose:
17332 \end_layout
17334 \begin_layout Standard
17335 Insert a margin note.
17336 \end_layout
17338 \begin_layout Paragraph
17339 Usage:
17340 \end_layout
17342 \begin_layout Standard
17343 Use the keyboard, menu, or toolbar to insert a marginpar.
17344  A red box appears on the next line.
17345  If you're in the middle of a line, the line appears to break around the
17346  box [it doesn't really].
17347  Anything you enter in the box will be in the marginpar.
17348 \end_layout
17350 \begin_layout Standard
17351 To the left of the red box is another, smaller box with the word 
17352 \begin_inset Quotes eld
17353 \end_inset
17356 \family sans
17357 margin
17358 \family default
17360 \begin_inset Quotes erd
17361 \end_inset
17363  written in red on a grey background.
17364  Click on this box once with the left mouse button to close the marginpar.
17365  A closed marginpar looks like the word 
17366 \begin_inset Quotes eld
17367 \end_inset
17370 \family sans
17371 margin
17372 \family default
17374 \begin_inset Quotes erd
17375 \end_inset
17377  written as a superscript in red with an '!' in the left margin.
17378 \end_layout
17380 \begin_layout Standard
17381 You can also open and close marginpars, as well as other types of notes
17382  and labels, with the 
17383 \family typewriter
17384 open-stuff
17385 \family default
17386  command.
17387  See its entry for keybindings.
17388 \end_layout
17390 \begin_layout Standard
17391 One last note: marginpars aren't supported in minipage environments so LyX
17392  will warn you if you try to.
17393 \end_layout
17395 \begin_layout Paragraph
17396 Examples:
17397 \end_layout
17399 \begin_layout Standard
17400 This
17401 \begin_inset Marginal
17402 status collapsed
17404 \begin_layout Plain Layout
17405 Marginpar
17406 \end_layout
17408 \end_inset
17410  is a marginpar.
17411 \end_layout
17413 \begin_layout Paragraph
17414 See Also:
17415 \end_layout
17417 \begin_layout Standard
17418 open-stuff; footnote-insert;
17419 \end_layout
17421 \begin_layout Standard
17423 \emph on
17424 Tricks for Footnotes and Marginpars
17425 \emph default
17426  in 
17427 \emph on
17428 Extended Features.
17429 \end_layout
17431 \begin_layout Subsection
17432 mark-off
17433 \end_layout
17435 \begin_layout Description
17436 Default
17437 \begin_inset space ~
17438 \end_inset
17440 Bindings:
17441 \end_layout
17443 \begin_deeper
17444 \begin_layout List
17445 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17447 \series bold
17448 Menu
17449 \begin_inset space ~
17450 \end_inset
17453 \series default
17454  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
17455 Item
17456 \end_layout
17458 \begin_layout List
17459 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17461 \series bold
17462 Toolbar
17463 \begin_inset space ~
17464 \end_inset
17467 \series default
17468  Button # from the left.
17470 \end_layout
17472 \begin_deeper
17473 \begin_layout Standard
17474 Brief description of button icon.
17475 \end_layout
17477 \end_deeper
17478 \begin_layout List
17479 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17481 \series bold
17482 Keyboard
17483 \begin_inset space ~
17484 \end_inset
17487 \series default
17489 \family sans
17490 M-e S-M
17491 \end_layout
17493 \end_deeper
17494 \begin_layout Paragraph
17495 Purpose:
17496 \end_layout
17498 \begin_layout Standard
17499 Turns off selection marking.
17500 \end_layout
17502 \begin_layout Paragraph
17503 Usage:
17504 \end_layout
17506 \begin_layout Standard
17507 Description.
17508 \end_layout
17510 \begin_layout Paragraph
17511 Examples:
17512 \end_layout
17514 \begin_layout Standard
17515 Examples.
17516 \end_layout
17518 \begin_layout Paragraph
17519 See Also:
17520 \end_layout
17522 \begin_layout Standard
17523 mark-on; mark-toggle; cut; copy;
17524 \end_layout
17526 \begin_layout Subsection
17527 mark-on
17528 \end_layout
17530 \begin_layout Description
17531 Default
17532 \begin_inset space ~
17533 \end_inset
17535 Bindings:
17536 \end_layout
17538 \begin_deeper
17539 \begin_layout List
17540 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17542 \series bold
17543 Keyboard
17544 \begin_inset space ~
17545 \end_inset
17548 \series default
17550 \family sans
17551 M-e m
17552 \end_layout
17554 \begin_deeper
17555 \begin_layout Standard
17557 \family sans
17559 \family default
17560  in 
17561 \family typewriter
17562 emacs.bind
17563 \family default
17565 \end_layout
17567 \end_deeper
17568 \end_deeper
17569 \begin_layout Paragraph
17570 Purpose:
17571 \end_layout
17573 \begin_layout Standard
17574 Description.
17575 \end_layout
17577 \begin_layout Paragraph
17578 Usage:
17579 \end_layout
17581 \begin_layout Standard
17582 Description.
17583 \end_layout
17585 \begin_layout Paragraph
17586 Examples:
17587 \end_layout
17589 \begin_layout Standard
17590 Examples.
17591 \end_layout
17593 \begin_layout Paragraph
17594 See Also:
17595 \end_layout
17597 \begin_layout Standard
17598 mark-off; mark-toggle; cut; copy;
17599 \end_layout
17601 \begin_layout Subsection
17602 mark-toggle
17603 \end_layout
17605 \begin_layout Description
17606 Default
17607 \begin_inset space ~
17608 \end_inset
17610 Bindings:
17611 \end_layout
17613 \begin_deeper
17614 \begin_layout List
17615 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17617 \series bold
17618 Keyboard
17619 \begin_inset space ~
17620 \end_inset
17623 \series default
17625 \family sans
17627 \family default
17628  in 
17629 \family typewriter
17630 emacs.bind
17631 \family default
17633 \end_layout
17635 \end_deeper
17636 \begin_layout Paragraph
17637 Purpose:
17638 \end_layout
17640 \begin_layout Standard
17641 Toggles selection marking on/off.
17642 \end_layout
17644 \begin_layout Paragraph
17645 Usage:
17646 \end_layout
17648 \begin_layout Standard
17649 Description.
17650 \end_layout
17652 \begin_layout Paragraph
17653 Examples:
17654 \end_layout
17656 \begin_layout Standard
17657 Examples.
17658 \end_layout
17660 \begin_layout Paragraph
17661 See Also:
17662 \end_layout
17664 \begin_layout Standard
17665 mark-off; mark-on; cut; copy;
17666 \end_layout
17668 \begin_layout Subsection
17669 math-delim
17670 \end_layout
17672 \begin_layout Description
17673 Default
17674 \begin_inset space ~
17675 \end_inset
17677 Bindings:
17678 \end_layout
17680 \begin_deeper
17681 \begin_layout List
17682 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17684 \series bold
17685 Menu
17686 \begin_inset space ~
17687 \end_inset
17690 \series default
17692 \family sans
17693 \bar under
17695 \bar default
17696 ath\SpecialChar \menuseparator
17698 \bar under
17700 \bar default
17701 ath Panel
17702 \end_layout
17704 \begin_deeper
17705 \begin_layout Description
17706 MathPanel: Third button from left to right.
17708 \end_layout
17710 \begin_deeper
17711 \begin_layout Standard
17712 Two square brackets enclosing a blue rectangle.
17713 \end_layout
17715 \end_deeper
17716 \end_deeper
17717 \end_deeper
17718 \begin_layout Paragraph
17719 Purpose:
17720 \end_layout
17722 \begin_layout Standard
17723 To insert math delimiters [i.
17724  e.
17725  - parentheses, brackets, etc.].
17726 \end_layout
17728 \begin_layout Paragraph
17729 Usage:
17730 \end_layout
17732 \begin_layout Standard
17733 Requires two arguments, the left and right delimiters.
17734  Each delimiter can be specified by either a LaTeX name or a valid character
17736  Use only one space between items.
17737 \end_layout
17739 \begin_layout Standard
17740 If you use this function from the 
17741 \family sans
17742 Math Panel
17743 \family default
17744 , you'll get another popup that allows you to choose the left and right
17745  delimiters.
17746 \end_layout
17748 \begin_layout Paragraph
17749 Examples: 
17750 \end_layout
17752 \begin_layout Standard
17753 \begin_inset Quotes eld
17754 \end_inset
17757 \family typewriter
17758 math-delim { rangle
17759 \family default
17761 \begin_inset Quotes erd
17762 \end_inset
17764  result in 
17765 \begin_inset Formula $\left\{ \right\rangle $
17766 \end_inset
17768  with the cursor at the small rectangle.
17770 \end_layout
17772 \begin_layout Paragraph
17773 See Also:
17774 \end_layout
17776 \begin_layout Standard
17777 UserGuide, chapter Math.
17778 \end_layout
17780 \begin_layout Subsection
17781 math-display
17782 \end_layout
17784 \begin_layout Description
17785 Default
17786 \begin_inset space ~
17787 \end_inset
17789 Bindings:
17790 \end_layout
17792 \begin_deeper
17793 \begin_layout List
17794 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17796 \series bold
17797 Menu
17798 \begin_inset space ~
17799 \end_inset
17802 \series default
17804 \family sans
17805 \bar under
17807 \bar default
17808 ath\SpecialChar \menuseparator
17810 \bar under
17812 \bar default
17813 splay
17814 \end_layout
17816 \begin_deeper
17817 \begin_layout Description
17818 MathPanel: Rightmost button.
17819 \end_layout
17821 \begin_deeper
17822 \begin_layout Standard
17823 A small blue rectangle with two horizontal lines below and above.
17824 \end_layout
17826 \end_deeper
17827 \end_deeper
17828 \end_deeper
17829 \begin_layout Paragraph
17830 Purpose:
17831 \end_layout
17833 \begin_layout Standard
17834 In text mode, this is used to create a new displayed equation.
17835  In math mode it changes the display status of a formula from inlined to
17836  display and vice-versa.
17838 \end_layout
17840 \begin_layout Paragraph
17841 Usage:
17842 \end_layout
17844 \begin_layout Standard
17845 Self-Explanatory
17846 \end_layout
17848 \begin_layout Paragraph
17849 Examples:
17850 \end_layout
17852 \begin_layout Standard
17853 This is a displayed equation:
17854 \end_layout
17856 \begin_layout Standard
17857 \begin_inset Formula \[
17858 a=b+c\]
17860 \end_inset
17863 \end_layout
17865 \begin_layout Paragraph
17866 See Also:
17867 \end_layout
17869 \begin_layout Standard
17870 UserGuide, chapter Math.
17871 \end_layout
17873 \begin_layout Subsection
17874 math-greek
17875 \end_layout
17877 \begin_layout Description
17878 Default
17879 \begin_inset space ~
17880 \end_inset
17882 Bindings:
17883 \end_layout
17885 \begin_deeper
17886 \begin_layout List
17887 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17889 \series bold
17890 Keyboard
17891 \begin_inset space ~
17892 \end_inset
17895 \series default
17897 \family sans
17898 M-m g
17899 \family default
17901 \end_layout
17903 \end_deeper
17904 \begin_layout Paragraph
17905 Purpose:
17906 \end_layout
17908 \begin_layout Standard
17909 Enter a single Greek character.
17911 \end_layout
17913 \begin_layout Paragraph
17914 Usage:
17915 \end_layout
17917 \begin_layout Standard
17918 After invoking this function, the next character you type will be translated
17919  to a Greek character.
17920  Anything typed after that character will be a normal Latin character.
17921 \end_layout
17923 \begin_layout Paragraph
17924 Examples:
17925 \end_layout
17927 \begin_layout Standard
17928 \begin_inset Formula $\Gamma\Omega\alpha\beta$
17929 \end_inset
17932 \end_layout
17934 \begin_layout Paragraph
17935 See Also:
17936 \end_layout
17938 \begin_layout Standard
17939 UserGuide, chapter Math.
17940 \end_layout
17942 \begin_layout Subsection
17943 math-greek-toggle
17944 \end_layout
17946 \begin_layout Description
17947 Default
17948 \begin_inset space ~
17949 \end_inset
17951 Bindings:
17952 \end_layout
17954 \begin_deeper
17955 \begin_layout List
17956 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
17958 \series bold
17959 Keyboard
17960 \begin_inset space ~
17961 \end_inset
17964 \series default
17966 \family sans
17967 M-m S-G
17968 \family default
17970 \end_layout
17972 \end_deeper
17973 \begin_layout Paragraph
17974 Purpose:
17975 \end_layout
17977 \begin_layout Standard
17978 Turn on the math Greek keyboard.
17980 \end_layout
17982 \begin_layout Paragraph
17983 Usage:
17984 \end_layout
17986 \begin_layout Standard
17987 Every typed Latin character is mapped to Greek until this command is invoked
17988  again.
17989  If you leave math mode, the Greek keyboard remains active.
17991 \end_layout
17993 \begin_layout Paragraph
17994 See Also:
17995 \end_layout
17997 \begin_layout Standard
17998 UserGuide, chapter Math.
17999 \end_layout
18001 \begin_layout Subsection
18002 math-insert
18003 \end_layout
18005 \begin_layout Description
18006 Default
18007 \begin_inset space ~
18008 \end_inset
18010 Bindings:
18011 \end_layout
18013 \begin_deeper
18014 \begin_layout List
18015 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18017 \series bold
18018 Keyboard
18019 \begin_inset space ~
18020 \end_inset
18023 \series default
18024  The 
18025 \family sans
18027 \family default
18028  prefix, plus one of the following keys:
18029 \end_layout
18031 \begin_deeper
18032 \begin_layout List
18033 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
18035 \family sans
18037 \begin_inset space ~
18038 \end_inset
18041 \family default
18043 \family typewriter
18044 math-insert 
18045 \backslash
18047 \family default
18049 \end_layout
18051 \begin_layout List
18052 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
18054 \family sans
18056 \begin_inset space ~
18057 \end_inset
18060 \family default
18062 \family typewriter
18063 math-insert 
18064 \backslash
18065 oint
18066 \family default
18068 \end_layout
18070 \begin_layout List
18071 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
18073 \family sans
18075 \begin_inset space ~
18076 \end_inset
18079 \family default
18081 \family typewriter
18082 math-insert 
18083 \backslash
18084 partial
18085 \family default
18087 \end_layout
18089 \begin_layout List
18090 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
18092 \family sans
18094 \begin_inset space ~
18095 \end_inset
18098 \family default
18100 \family typewriter
18101 math-insert 
18102 \backslash
18103 sqrt
18104 \family default
18106 \end_layout
18108 \begin_layout List
18109 \labelwidthstring MMMMM
18111 \family sans
18113 \begin_inset space ~
18114 \end_inset
18117 \family default
18119 \family typewriter
18120 math-insert 
18121 \backslash
18123 \family default
18125 \end_layout
18127 \end_deeper
18128 \end_deeper
18129 \begin_layout Paragraph
18130 Purpose:
18131 \end_layout
18133 \begin_layout Standard
18134 To insert math objects or symbols.
18136 \end_layout
18138 \begin_layout Paragraph
18139 Usage:
18140 \end_layout
18142 \begin_layout Standard
18143 Requires an argument, which can be the LaTeX name of either a symbol or
18144  an object.
18145  The possible arguments are:
18146 \end_layout
18148 \begin_layout Itemize
18150 \family typewriter
18151 frac
18152 \end_layout
18154 \begin_layout Itemize
18156 \family typewriter
18158 \end_layout
18160 \begin_layout Itemize
18162 \family typewriter
18163 oint
18164 \end_layout
18166 \begin_layout Itemize
18168 \family typewriter
18169 partial
18170 \end_layout
18172 \begin_layout Itemize
18174 \family typewriter
18175 sqrt
18176 \end_layout
18178 \begin_layout Itemize
18180 \family typewriter
18182 \end_layout
18184 \begin_layout Paragraph
18185 Examples:
18186 \end_layout
18188 \begin_layout Standard
18189 \begin_inset Quotes eld
18190 \end_inset
18193 \family typewriter
18194 math-insert 
18195 \backslash
18197 \family default
18199 \begin_inset Quotes erd
18200 \end_inset
18202  or 
18203 \begin_inset Quotes eld
18204 \end_inset
18207 \family typewriter
18208 math-insert 
18209 \backslash
18210 frac
18211 \family default
18213 \begin_inset Quotes erd
18214 \end_inset
18217 \end_layout
18219 \begin_layout Paragraph
18220 See Also:
18221 \end_layout
18223 \begin_layout Standard
18224 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18225 \end_layout
18227 \begin_layout Subsection
18228 math-limits
18229 \end_layout
18231 \begin_layout Description
18232 Default
18233 \begin_inset space ~
18234 \end_inset
18236 Bindings:
18237 \end_layout
18239 \begin_deeper
18240 \begin_layout List
18241 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18243 \series bold
18244 Keyboard
18245 \begin_inset space ~
18246 \end_inset
18249 \series default
18251 \family sans
18252 M-m l
18253 \family default
18255 \end_layout
18257 \end_deeper
18258 \begin_layout Paragraph
18259 Purpose:
18260 \end_layout
18262 \begin_layout Standard
18263 To change the appearance of the limits above and below an integral symbol,
18264  a limit, a summation, etc.
18266 \end_layout
18268 \begin_layout Paragraph
18269 Usage:
18270 \end_layout
18272 \begin_layout Standard
18273 Put the cursor 
18274 \emph on
18275 before
18276 \emph default
18277  [i.e.
18278  to the left] of the symbol with the limits, then invoke 
18279 \family typewriter
18280 math-limits
18281 \family default
18283 \end_layout
18285 \begin_layout Paragraph
18286 Examples:
18287 \end_layout
18289 \begin_layout Standard
18290 This is a normal integral 
18291 \begin_inset Formula ${\displaystyle \int_{0}^{\infty}}$
18292 \end_inset
18294  and this was changed with limits 
18295 \begin_inset Formula $\int_{0}^{\infty}$
18296 \end_inset
18299 \end_layout
18301 \begin_layout Paragraph
18302 See Also:
18303 \end_layout
18305 \begin_layout Standard
18306 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18307 \end_layout
18309 \begin_layout Subsection
18310 math-matrix
18311 \end_layout
18313 \begin_layout Description
18314 Default
18315 \begin_inset space ~
18316 \end_inset
18318 Bindings:
18319 \end_layout
18321 \begin_deeper
18322 \begin_layout List
18323 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18325 \series bold
18326 Menu
18327 \begin_inset space ~
18328 \end_inset
18331 \series default
18333 \family sans
18334 \bar under
18336 \bar default
18337 ath\SpecialChar \menuseparator
18339 \bar under
18341 \bar default
18342 ath Panel
18343 \end_layout
18345 \begin_deeper
18346 \begin_layout Description
18347 MathPanel: A grid of 
18348 \begin_inset Formula $3\times3$
18349 \end_inset
18351  small blue rectangles.
18352 \end_layout
18354 \end_deeper
18355 \end_deeper
18356 \begin_layout Paragraph
18357 Purpose:
18358 \end_layout
18360 \begin_layout Standard
18361 To insert a matrix.
18363 \end_layout
18365 \begin_layout Paragraph
18366 Usage:
18367 \end_layout
18369 \begin_layout Standard
18370 This command requires as arguments the dimensions of the matrix (two integer
18371  numbers separated by an space) and, optionally, the alignment.
18372  The alignment is a word composed of the vertical alignment (
18373 \family typewriter
18375 \family default
18377 \family typewriter
18379 \family default
18380  or 
18381 \family typewriter
18383 \family default
18384 ) and the horizontal alignments (
18385 \family typewriter
18387 \family default
18389 \family typewriter
18391 \family default
18392  or 
18393 \family typewriter
18395 \family default
18397 \end_layout
18399 \begin_layout Paragraph
18400 Examples:
18401 \end_layout
18403 \begin_layout Standard
18405 \family typewriter
18406 math-matrix 3 3 bccc
18407 \family default
18408  results in 
18409 \begin_inset Formula $\begin{array}{ccc}
18410 \\\\\end{array}$
18411 \end_inset
18413 , a 
18414 \begin_inset Formula $3\times3$
18415 \end_inset
18417  matrix with its bottom at the baseline and all columns centered.
18418 \end_layout
18420 \begin_layout Paragraph
18421 See Also:
18422 \end_layout
18424 \begin_layout Standard
18425 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18426 \end_layout
18428 \begin_layout Subsection
18429 math-mode
18430 \end_layout
18432 \begin_layout Description
18433 Default
18434 \begin_inset space ~
18435 \end_inset
18437 Bindings:
18438 \end_layout
18440 \begin_deeper
18441 \begin_layout List
18442 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18444 \series bold
18445 Menu
18446 \begin_inset space ~
18447 \end_inset
18450 \series default
18452 \family sans
18453 \bar under
18455 \bar default
18456 ath\SpecialChar \menuseparator
18458 \bar under
18460 \bar default
18461 ath mode
18462 \end_layout
18464 \begin_layout List
18465 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18467 \series bold
18468 Toolbar
18469 \begin_inset space ~
18470 \end_inset
18473 \series default
18474  Second button from the right.
18476 \end_layout
18478 \begin_deeper
18479 \begin_layout Standard
18480 A blue equation.
18481 \end_layout
18483 \end_deeper
18484 \begin_layout List
18485 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18487 \series bold
18488 Keyboard
18489 \begin_inset space ~
18490 \end_inset
18493 \series default
18495 \family sans
18496 M-c m
18497 \family default
18499 \end_layout
18501 \end_deeper
18502 \begin_layout Paragraph
18503 Purpose:
18504 \end_layout
18506 \begin_layout Standard
18507 Set math mode.
18508 \end_layout
18510 \begin_layout Paragraph
18511 Usage:
18512 \end_layout
18514 \begin_layout Standard
18515 In text mode you can insert a math expression.
18516 \end_layout
18518 \begin_layout Paragraph
18519 Examples:
18520 \end_layout
18522 \begin_layout Standard
18523 Most of the entries for math functions have examples of math mode in them.
18524  Here's another example:
18525 \end_layout
18527 \begin_layout Standard
18528 Here is some text.
18529  Now suppose I wanted an inlined equation, such as 
18530 \begin_inset Formula $\frac{A\cdot e^{x}}{x+1}$
18531 \end_inset
18533 , in my text.
18534  I'd use math mode.
18535 \end_layout
18537 \begin_layout Paragraph
18538 See Also:
18539 \end_layout
18541 \begin_layout Standard
18542 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18543 \end_layout
18545 \begin_layout Subsection
18546 math-nonumber
18547 \end_layout
18549 \begin_layout Description
18550 Default
18551 \begin_inset space ~
18552 \end_inset
18554 Bindings: None
18555 \end_layout
18557 \begin_layout Paragraph
18558 Purpose:
18559 \end_layout
18561 \begin_layout Standard
18562 To suppress the number of a line in a numbered equation array.
18563 \end_layout
18565 \begin_layout Paragraph
18566 Usage:
18567 \end_layout
18569 \begin_layout Standard
18570 The cursor position must be at the line whose number will be suppressed.
18571 \end_layout
18573 \begin_layout Paragraph
18574 Examples:
18575 \end_layout
18577 \begin_layout Standard
18578 This example contains a two-line, numbered equation.
18579  Ordinarily, both lines get numbered, which makes no sense for this equation:
18580 \end_layout
18582 \begin_layout Standard
18583 \begin_inset Formula \begin{eqnarray}
18584 (x+y)(x-y) & = & x^{2}-xy+xy-y^{2}\nonumber \\
18585  & = & x^{2}-y^{2}\end{eqnarray}
18587 \end_inset
18590 \end_layout
18592 \begin_layout Standard
18593 Notice that only the bottom line has a number.
18594  The top line had its number suppressed using 
18595 \begin_inset Quotes eld
18596 \end_inset
18599 \family typewriter
18600 math-nonumber
18601 \family default
18603 \begin_inset Quotes erd
18604 \end_inset
18607 \end_layout
18609 \begin_layout Paragraph
18610 See Also:
18611 \end_layout
18613 \begin_layout Standard
18614 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18615 \end_layout
18617 \begin_layout Subsection
18618 math-number
18619 \end_layout
18621 \begin_layout Description
18622 Default
18623 \begin_inset space ~
18624 \end_inset
18626 Bindings:
18627 \end_layout
18629 \begin_deeper
18630 \begin_layout List
18631 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18633 \series bold
18634 Keyboard
18635 \begin_inset space ~
18636 \end_inset
18639 \series default
18641 \family sans
18642 M-m n
18643 \family default
18645 \end_layout
18647 \end_deeper
18648 \begin_layout Paragraph
18649 Purpose:
18650 \end_layout
18652 \begin_layout Standard
18653 Toggles the numbering status of an equation.
18654  Changes the LaTeX environment automatically.
18656 \end_layout
18658 \begin_layout Paragraph
18659 Usage:
18660 \end_layout
18662 \begin_layout Standard
18663 Self-explanatory
18664 \end_layout
18666 \begin_layout Paragraph
18667 Examples:
18668 \end_layout
18670 \begin_layout Standard
18671 This is a numbered equation
18672 \end_layout
18674 \begin_layout Standard
18675 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
18676 x=2-y\end{equation}
18678 \end_inset
18681 \end_layout
18683 \begin_layout Standard
18684 And this is not
18685 \end_layout
18687 \begin_layout Standard
18688 \begin_inset Formula \[
18689 x=y-2\]
18691 \end_inset
18694 \end_layout
18696 \begin_layout Paragraph
18697 See Also:
18698 \end_layout
18700 \begin_layout Standard
18701 UserGuide, chapter Math.
18702 \end_layout
18704 \begin_layout Subsection
18705 math-size
18706 \end_layout
18708 \begin_layout Description
18709 Default
18710 \begin_inset space ~
18711 \end_inset
18713 Bindings:
18714 \end_layout
18716 \begin_deeper
18717 \begin_layout List
18718 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18720 \series bold
18721 Keyboard
18722 \begin_inset space ~
18723 \end_inset
18726 \series default
18728 \family sans
18729 M-m ?
18730 \end_layout
18732 \end_deeper
18733 \begin_layout Standard
18735 \emph on
18736 Editor's Note - there may be no default binding for this command.
18737  - jw
18738 \end_layout
18740 \begin_layout Paragraph
18741 Purpose:
18742 \end_layout
18744 \begin_layout Standard
18745 To change arbitrarily the size used by math fonts inside a context.
18746  Provides an interface to the LaTeX math mode font size commands.
18747 \end_layout
18749 \begin_layout Paragraph
18750 Usage:
18751 \end_layout
18753 \begin_layout Standard
18754 Requires one argument.
18755  Valid arguments are 
18756 \family typewriter
18757 displaystyle
18758 \family default
18760 \family typewriter
18761 textstyle
18762 \family default
18764 \family typewriter
18765 scriptstyle
18766 \family default
18767  and 
18768 \family typewriter
18769 scriptscriptstyle
18770 \family default
18772 \end_layout
18774 \begin_layout Standard
18775 As for how to use these arbitrary font sizes, see a good LaTeX book.
18776  You should use this for fine-tuning only.
18777  LyX [and LaTeX] will ordinarily set an appropriate font size for you.
18779 \end_layout
18781 \begin_layout Paragraph
18782 Examples:
18783 \end_layout
18785 \begin_layout Standard
18786 This is the normal size of a fraction inside text 
18787 \begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{2}$
18788 \end_inset
18790 , and this other 
18791 \begin_inset Formula ${\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}}$
18792 \end_inset
18794  is the result of using 
18795 \family typewriter
18796 math-size displaystyle.
18798 \family default
18799  [There's no visible difference between the two inside LyX, but there will
18800  be a difference once you print.]
18801 \end_layout
18803 \begin_layout Paragraph
18804 See Also:
18805 \end_layout
18807 \begin_layout Standard
18808 UserGuide, chapter Math; 
18809 \end_layout
18811 \begin_layout Standard
18812 any good LaTeX guide.
18813 \end_layout
18815 \begin_layout Subsection
18816 melt
18817 \end_layout
18819 \begin_layout Description
18820 Default
18821 \begin_inset space ~
18822 \end_inset
18824 Bindings:
18825 \end_layout
18827 \begin_deeper
18828 \begin_layout List
18829 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18831 \series bold
18832 Menu
18833 \begin_inset space ~
18834 \end_inset
18837 \series default
18839 \family sans
18840 Edit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
18841 Floats
18842 \begin_inset space ~
18843 \end_inset
18846 \begin_inset space ~
18847 \end_inset
18849 Insets\SpecialChar \menuseparator
18850 Melt
18851 \end_layout
18853 \begin_layout List
18854 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18856 \series bold
18857 Toolbar
18858 \begin_inset space ~
18859 \end_inset
18862 \series default
18863  This button is not activated as default.
18864 \end_layout
18866 \begin_deeper
18867 \begin_layout Standard
18868 The icon shows two small 
18869 \begin_inset Quotes eld
18870 \end_inset
18872 blobs
18873 \begin_inset Quotes erd
18874 \end_inset
18876  with an arrow between them pointing down towards a larger 
18877 \begin_inset Quotes eld
18878 \end_inset
18880 blob.
18881 \begin_inset Quotes erd
18882 \end_inset
18885 \end_layout
18887 \end_deeper
18888 \begin_layout List
18889 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18891 \series bold
18892 Keyboard
18893 \begin_inset space ~
18894 \end_inset
18897 \series default
18898  No default keybinding
18899 \end_layout
18901 \end_deeper
18902 \begin_layout Paragraph
18903 Purpose:
18904 \end_layout
18906 \begin_layout Standard
18907 To move the contents of a floating inset to the body at the location where
18908  it appears in the LyX window.
18909 \end_layout
18911 \begin_layout Paragraph
18912 Usage:
18913 \end_layout
18915 \begin_layout Standard
18916 Place the cursor inside the unfolded float.
18917 \end_layout
18919 \begin_layout Paragraph
18920 See Also:
18921 \end_layout
18923 \begin_layout Standard
18924 footnote-insert; open-stuff; marginpar-insert
18925 \end_layout
18927 \begin_layout Standard
18928 Floats are described in detail in chapter 4 of the 
18929 \emph on
18930 Userguide.
18931 \end_layout
18933 \begin_layout Subsection
18934 menu-open
18935 \end_layout
18937 \begin_layout Description
18938 Default
18939 \begin_inset space ~
18940 \end_inset
18942 Bindings:
18943 \end_layout
18945 \begin_deeper
18946 \begin_layout List
18947 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18949 \series bold
18950 Menu
18951 \begin_inset space ~
18952 \end_inset
18955 \series default
18956  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
18957 Item
18958 \end_layout
18960 \begin_layout List
18961 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18963 \series bold
18964 Toolbar
18965 \begin_inset space ~
18966 \end_inset
18969 \series default
18970  Button # from the left.
18972 \end_layout
18974 \begin_deeper
18975 \begin_layout Standard
18976 Brief description of button icon.
18977 \end_layout
18979 \end_deeper
18980 \begin_layout List
18981 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
18983 \series bold
18984 Keyboard
18985 \begin_inset space ~
18986 \end_inset
18989 \series default
18991 \family sans
18992 C-S-M-W-key
18993 \family default
18994  in 
18995 \family typewriter
18996 file1.bind
18997 \family default
18999 \end_layout
19001 \begin_deeper
19002 \begin_layout Standard
19004 \family sans
19005 C-S-M-W-key
19006 \family default
19007  in 
19008 \family typewriter
19009 file2.bind
19010 \family default
19012 \end_layout
19014 \end_deeper
19015 \end_deeper
19016 \begin_layout Paragraph
19017 Purpose:
19018 \end_layout
19020 \begin_layout Standard
19021 Description.
19022 \end_layout
19024 \begin_layout Paragraph
19025 Usage:
19026 \end_layout
19028 \begin_layout Standard
19029 Description.
19030 \end_layout
19032 \begin_layout Paragraph
19033 Examples:
19034 \end_layout
19036 \begin_layout Standard
19037 Examples.
19038 \end_layout
19040 \begin_layout Paragraph
19041 See Also:
19042 \end_layout
19044 \begin_layout Standard
19045 Other entries or documents.
19046  Separate many references by either a 
19047 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19048 \end_inset
19051 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19052 \end_inset
19054  or place in multiple paragraphs.
19055 \end_layout
19057 \begin_layout Subsection
19058 meta-prefix
19059 \end_layout
19061 \begin_layout Description
19062 Default
19063 \begin_inset space ~
19064 \end_inset
19066 Bindings:
19067 \end_layout
19069 \begin_deeper
19070 \begin_layout List
19071 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19073 \series bold
19074 Menu
19075 \begin_inset space ~
19076 \end_inset
19079 \series default
19080  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19081 Item
19082 \end_layout
19084 \begin_layout List
19085 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19087 \series bold
19088 Toolbar
19089 \begin_inset space ~
19090 \end_inset
19093 \series default
19094  Button # from the left.
19096 \end_layout
19098 \begin_deeper
19099 \begin_layout Standard
19100 Brief description of button icon.
19101 \end_layout
19103 \end_deeper
19104 \begin_layout List
19105 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19107 \series bold
19108 Keyboard
19109 \begin_inset space ~
19110 \end_inset
19113 \series default
19115 \family sans
19116 C-S-M-W-key
19117 \family default
19118  in 
19119 \family typewriter
19120 file1.bind
19121 \family default
19123 \end_layout
19125 \begin_deeper
19126 \begin_layout Standard
19128 \family sans
19129 C-S-M-W-key
19130 \family default
19131  in 
19132 \family typewriter
19133 file2.bind
19134 \family default
19136 \end_layout
19138 \end_deeper
19139 \end_deeper
19140 \begin_layout Paragraph
19141 Purpose:
19142 \end_layout
19144 \begin_layout Standard
19145 Description.
19146 \end_layout
19148 \begin_layout Paragraph
19149 Usage:
19150 \end_layout
19152 \begin_layout Standard
19153 Description.
19154 \end_layout
19156 \begin_layout Paragraph
19157 Examples:
19158 \end_layout
19160 \begin_layout Standard
19161 Examples.
19162 \end_layout
19164 \begin_layout Paragraph
19165 See Also:
19166 \end_layout
19168 \begin_layout Standard
19169 Other entries or documents.
19170  Separate many references by either a 
19171 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19172 \end_inset
19175 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19176 \end_inset
19178  or place in multiple paragraphs.
19179 \end_layout
19181 \begin_layout Section
19183 \end_layout
19185 \begin_layout Subsection
19186 note-insert
19187 \end_layout
19189 \begin_layout Description
19190 Default
19191 \begin_inset space ~
19192 \end_inset
19194 Bindings:
19195 \end_layout
19197 \begin_deeper
19198 \begin_layout List
19199 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19201 \series bold
19202 Menu
19203 \begin_inset space ~
19204 \end_inset
19207 \series default
19209 \family sans
19210 \bar under
19212 \bar default
19213 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19215 \bar under
19217 \bar default
19219 \end_layout
19221 \begin_layout List
19222 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19224 \series bold
19225 Keyboard
19226 \begin_inset space ~
19227 \end_inset
19230 \series default
19232 \family sans
19234 \begin_inset space ~
19235 \end_inset
19238 \family default
19240 \end_layout
19242 \end_deeper
19243 \begin_layout Paragraph
19244 Purpose:
19245 \end_layout
19247 \begin_layout Standard
19248 Creates at the current cursor position, and for screen interactive use only,
19249  a LyX Note, which is visible by the word 
19250 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19251 \end_inset
19253 Note
19254 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19255 \end_inset
19257  within a bright-yellow box.
19258  The box is tied to a pop-up, within which you can insert a message.
19259 \end_layout
19261 \begin_layout Paragraph
19262 Usage:
19263 \end_layout
19265 \begin_layout Standard
19266 After inserting the note at the desired text position, click on the note
19267  to see bring-up the pop-up, and type-in your message.
19268  Neither the box nor the message appear in the printed output.
19269 \end_layout
19271 \begin_layout Paragraph
19272 Examples:
19273 \end_layout
19275 \begin_layout Standard
19276 \begin_inset Note Note
19277 status collapsed
19279 \begin_layout Plain Layout
19280 fields Wed Oct 9 13:57:36 1996
19281 \end_layout
19283 \begin_layout Plain Layout
19284 You can move through the document, from note to note, via the
19285 \end_layout
19287 \begin_layout Plain Layout
19288 note-next command.
19289 \end_layout
19291 \end_inset
19293 To the immediate left is an inserted note.
19294  Click on the box with your mouse to see the message.
19295 \end_layout
19297 \begin_layout Paragraph
19298 See Also:
19299 \end_layout
19301 \begin_layout Standard
19302 note-next; open-stuff.
19303 \end_layout
19305 \begin_layout Subsection
19306 note-next
19307 \end_layout
19309 \begin_layout Description
19310 Default
19311 \begin_inset space ~
19312 \end_inset
19314 Bindings:
19315 \end_layout
19317 \begin_deeper
19318 \begin_layout List
19319 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19321 \series bold
19322 Menu
19323 \begin_inset space ~
19324 \end_inset
19327 \series default
19329 \family sans
19330 \bar under
19332 \bar default
19333 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19335 \family default
19337 \begin_inset space ~
19338 \end_inset
19341 \family sans
19343 \family default
19345 \begin_inset space ~
19346 \end_inset
19349 \family sans
19350 \bar under
19352 \bar default
19354 \end_layout
19356 \begin_layout List
19357 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19359 \series bold
19360 Keyboard
19361 \begin_inset space ~
19362 \end_inset
19365 \series default
19367 \family sans
19369 \begin_inset space ~
19370 \end_inset
19373 \family default
19375 \end_layout
19377 \end_deeper
19378 \begin_layout Paragraph
19379 Purpose:
19380 \end_layout
19382 \begin_layout Standard
19383 Move the current cursor and screen location to the next LyX 
19384 \family sans
19385 Note
19386 \family default
19387  in the current buffer.
19388  There is no action if there are no more notes in the document (or no notes
19389  at all).
19390 \end_layout
19392 \begin_layout Paragraph
19393 See Also:
19394 \end_layout
19396 \begin_layout Standard
19397 note-insert.
19398 \end_layout
19400 \begin_layout Subsection
19401 open-stuff
19402 \end_layout
19404 \begin_layout Description
19405 Default
19406 \begin_inset space ~
19407 \end_inset
19409 Bindings:
19410 \end_layout
19412 \begin_deeper
19413 \begin_layout List
19414 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19416 \series bold
19417 Menu
19418 \begin_inset space ~
19419 \end_inset
19422 \series default
19424 \family sans
19425 \bar under
19427 \bar default
19428 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19429 Floats
19430 \begin_inset space ~
19431 \end_inset
19434 \begin_inset space ~
19435 \end_inset
19438 \bar under
19440 \bar default
19441 nsets\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19443 \bar under
19445 \bar default
19446 pen/Close
19447 \end_layout
19449 \begin_layout List
19450 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19452 \series bold
19453 Keyboard
19454 \begin_inset space ~
19455 \end_inset
19458 \series default
19460 \family sans
19462 \family default
19464 \begin_inset Newline newline
19465 \end_inset
19467 (or use the appropriate mouse button action)
19468 \end_layout
19470 \end_deeper
19471 \begin_layout Paragraph
19472 Purpose:
19473 \end_layout
19475 \begin_layout Standard
19476 Opens a LyX inset for editing or parameter modification.
19477 \end_layout
19479 \begin_layout Paragraph
19480 Usage:
19481 \end_layout
19483 \begin_layout Standard
19484 Place the cursor to the left of the entity and execute the command.
19485  Or, click on the center of the object with the mouse.
19487 \family sans
19488 open-stuff
19489 \family default
19490  will open a math-mode block (left mouse button, single click), figure,
19491  note, footnote or margin note (left mouse button, double-click).
19492 \end_layout
19494 \begin_layout Standard
19495 Typically, the object you're opening is some sort of inset or float.
19496  You can use 
19497 \family typewriter
19498 melt
19499 \family default
19500  to remove the float and merge the text back into the body of the document.
19501 \end_layout
19503 \begin_layout Paragraph
19504 See Also:
19505 \end_layout
19507 \begin_layout Standard
19508 melt.
19509 \end_layout
19511 \begin_layout Subsection
19512 paste
19513 \end_layout
19515 \begin_layout Description
19516 Default
19517 \begin_inset space ~
19518 \end_inset
19520 Bindings:
19521 \end_layout
19523 \begin_deeper
19524 \begin_layout List
19525 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19527 \series bold
19528 Menu
19529 \begin_inset space ~
19530 \end_inset
19533 \series default
19535 \family sans
19536 \bar under
19538 \bar default
19539 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19541 \bar under
19543 \bar default
19544 aste
19545 \end_layout
19547 \begin_layout List
19548 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19550 \series bold
19551 Toolbar
19552 \begin_inset space ~
19553 \end_inset
19556 \series default
19557  Button #6 from the left.
19559 \end_layout
19561 \begin_deeper
19562 \begin_layout Standard
19563 Schematic of a clipboard with arrow to a document.
19564 \end_layout
19566 \end_deeper
19567 \begin_layout List
19568 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19570 \series bold
19571 Keyboard
19572 \begin_inset space ~
19573 \end_inset
19576 \series default
19578 \family sans
19580 \begin_inset space ~
19581 \end_inset
19584 \end_layout
19586 \begin_deeper
19587 \begin_layout Standard
19589 \family sans
19591 \family default
19592  or 
19593 \family sans
19594 S-Insert
19595 \family default
19596  in 
19597 \family typewriter
19598 cua.bind
19599 \family default
19601 \begin_inset Newline newline
19602 \end_inset
19605 \family sans
19607 \family default
19608  in 
19609 \family typewriter
19610 emacs.bind
19611 \family default
19613 \end_layout
19615 \end_deeper
19616 \end_deeper
19617 \begin_layout Paragraph
19618 Purpose:
19619 \end_layout
19621 \begin_layout Standard
19622 Paste the contents of the paste buffer into the current buffer, at the current
19623  cursor location.
19624 \end_layout
19626 \begin_layout Paragraph
19627 Usage:
19628 \end_layout
19630 \begin_layout Standard
19631 Upon starting LyX, the paste buffer is initially empty.
19632  During a 
19633 \family typewriter
19635 \family default
19636  or 
19637 \family typewriter
19638 copy
19639 \family default
19640  operation, the selected text will be stored in the paste buffer, overwriting
19641  anything previously stored in the buffer.
19642 \end_layout
19644 \begin_layout Standard
19645 If a selection is highlighted at the current cursor location, LyX 
19646 \family typewriter
19647 paste
19648 \family default
19649  inserts the paste buffer text 
19650 \emph on
19651 after
19652 \emph default
19653  the selection.
19654  It does not overwrite; it only operates in 
19655 \emph on
19656 insert
19657 \emph default
19658  mode.
19659 \end_layout
19661 \begin_layout Paragraph
19662 See Also:
19663 \end_layout
19665 \begin_layout Standard
19666 cut; copy.
19667 \end_layout
19669 \begin_layout Subsection
19670 prefix-arg
19671 \end_layout
19673 \begin_layout Description
19674 Default
19675 \begin_inset space ~
19676 \end_inset
19678 Bindings:
19679 \end_layout
19681 \begin_deeper
19682 \begin_layout List
19683 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19685 \series bold
19686 Menu
19687 \begin_inset space ~
19688 \end_inset
19691 \series default
19693 \end_layout
19695 \begin_layout List
19696 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19698 \series bold
19699 Toolbar
19700 \begin_inset space ~
19701 \end_inset
19704 \series default
19706 \end_layout
19708 \begin_deeper
19709 \begin_layout Standard
19711 \end_layout
19713 \end_deeper
19714 \begin_layout List
19715 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19717 \series bold
19718 Keyboard
19719 \begin_inset space ~
19720 \end_inset
19723 \series default
19725 \end_layout
19727 \end_deeper
19728 \begin_layout Paragraph
19729 Purpose:
19730 \end_layout
19732 \begin_layout Standard
19734 \end_layout
19736 \begin_layout Paragraph
19737 Usage:
19738 \end_layout
19740 \begin_layout Standard
19742 \end_layout
19744 \begin_layout Paragraph
19745 Examples:
19746 \end_layout
19748 \begin_layout Standard
19750 \end_layout
19752 \begin_layout Paragraph
19753 See Also:
19754 \end_layout
19756 \begin_layout Standard
19758 \end_layout
19760 \begin_layout Subsection
19761 protected-space-insert
19762 \end_layout
19764 \begin_layout Description
19765 Default
19766 \begin_inset space ~
19767 \end_inset
19769 Bindings:
19770 \end_layout
19772 \begin_deeper
19773 \begin_layout List
19774 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19776 \series bold
19777 Menu
19778 \begin_inset space ~
19779 \end_inset
19782 \series default
19784 \family sans
19785 \bar under
19787 \bar default
19788 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19790 \bar under
19792 \bar default
19793 ecial
19794 \family default
19796 \begin_inset space ~
19797 \end_inset
19800 \family sans
19801 Character\SpecialChar \menuseparator
19802 Protected
19803 \family default
19805 \begin_inset space ~
19806 \end_inset
19809 \family sans
19810 \bar under
19812 \bar default
19813 lank
19814 \end_layout
19816 \begin_layout List
19817 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19819 \series bold
19820 Keyboard
19821 \begin_inset space ~
19822 \end_inset
19825 \series default
19827 \family sans
19828 C-Space
19829 \family default
19831 \end_layout
19833 \end_deeper
19834 \begin_layout Paragraph
19835 Purpose:
19836 \end_layout
19838 \begin_layout Standard
19839 Insert an interword space at which a line break will not be allowed either
19840  on the LyX screen or in the LaTeX output.
19842 \end_layout
19844 \begin_layout Paragraph
19845 Usage:
19846 \end_layout
19848 \begin_layout Standard
19849 The protected space is represented on the screen as a small, magenta, 
19850 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19851 \end_inset
19853 square cup
19854 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19855 \end_inset
19857  symbol, like this 
19858 \begin_inset space ~
19859 \end_inset
19861 , which if you are reading a printed copy looks something like 
19862 \begin_inset Formula $\sqcup$
19863 \end_inset
19866 \end_layout
19868 \begin_layout Standard
19869 This is sometimes also called a 
19870 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19871 \end_inset
19873 hard space
19874 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19875 \end_inset
19877  or a 
19878 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19879 \end_inset
19881 fixed space
19882 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19883 \end_inset
19885  because it is not resized like other whitespace.
19886 \end_layout
19888 \begin_layout Standard
19889 Use the protected space for phrases that you don't want broken at the end
19890  of a line, or to insert more than one word into certain kinds of headings.
19891  For example, the 
19892 \family sans
19893 Description
19894 \family default
19895  list always treats the first word of the paragraph as an item label and
19896  boldfaces it.
19897  If you wanted to use more than one word as an item label, use protected
19898  space between the words.
19899 \end_layout
19901 \begin_layout Standard
19903 \emph on
19904 Never
19905 \emph default
19906  use 
19907 \family typewriter
19908 protected-space
19909 \family default
19910  as a substitute tab-stop! LyX has far, far better ways of formatting text,
19911  so use them.
19912 \end_layout
19914 \begin_layout Paragraph
19915 Examples:
19916 \end_layout
19918 \begin_layout Standard
19919 This phrase, 
19920 \begin_inset Quotes eld
19921 \end_inset
19924 \begin_inset space ~
19925 \end_inset
19927 whole
19928 \begin_inset space ~
19929 \end_inset
19931 nine
19932 \begin_inset space ~
19933 \end_inset
19935 yards,
19936 \begin_inset Quotes erd
19937 \end_inset
19939  will not be broken at the end of a line.
19940  And if we had a description list with multi-word labels:
19941 \end_layout
19943 \begin_layout Description
19944 entry
19945 \begin_inset space ~
19946 \end_inset
19948 #1 This is one.
19949 \end_layout
19951 \begin_layout Description
19952 entry
19953 \begin_inset space ~
19954 \end_inset
19956 #2 This is two.
19957  Notice the protected space between the words in the item label.
19958 \end_layout
19960 \begin_layout Paragraph
19961 See Also:
19962 \end_layout
19964 \begin_layout Standard
19965 The User's Guide
19966 \end_layout
19968 \begin_layout Subsection
19969 quote-insert
19970 \end_layout
19972 \begin_layout Description
19973 Default
19974 \begin_inset space ~
19975 \end_inset
19977 Bindings:
19978 \end_layout
19980 \begin_deeper
19981 \begin_layout List
19982 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
19984 \series bold
19985 Keyboard
19986 \begin_inset space ~
19987 \end_inset
19990 \series default
19992 \family sans
19994 \family roman
19996 \family default
19998 \family sans
19999 S-C-
20000 \begin_inset Quotes eld
20001 \end_inset
20004 \family roman
20006 \family default
20008 \family sans
20010 \begin_inset space ~
20011 \end_inset
20014 \family roman
20015 , or
20016 \family default
20018 \family sans
20020 \begin_inset space ~
20021 \end_inset
20024 \begin_inset Quotes eld
20025 \end_inset
20028 \family default
20030 \end_layout
20032 \end_deeper
20033 \begin_layout Paragraph
20034 Purpose:
20035 \end_layout
20037 \begin_layout Standard
20038 Insert a typewriter-style double quote symbol, ", at the current cursor
20039  location.
20040 \end_layout
20042 \begin_layout Paragraph
20043 Usage:
20044 \end_layout
20046 \begin_layout Standard
20047 On the default keyboard, the grave and apostrophe keys produce matching
20048  single quote characters, and the double-quote key produces context-sensitive
20049  anti-symmetric double quotes.
20050  While it should normally be used only in rare situations, the 
20051 \family typewriter
20052 quote-insert
20053 \family default
20054  command allows you to easily produce the less esthetically pleasing typewriter-
20055 style double quote symbol.
20056 \end_layout
20058 \begin_layout Standard
20059 This command also allows you to create a double-quote character when you've
20060  changed the behavior of the 
20061 \family sans
20063 \begin_inset Quotes eld
20064 \end_inset
20067 \family default
20068  key using the 
20069 \family typewriter
20070 layout-quotes
20071 \family default
20072  command.
20073 \end_layout
20075 \begin_layout Paragraph
20076 See Also:
20077 \end_layout
20079 \begin_layout Standard
20080 layout-quotes.
20081 \end_layout
20083 \begin_layout Subsection
20084 redo
20085 \end_layout
20087 \begin_layout Description
20088 Default
20089 \begin_inset space ~
20090 \end_inset
20092 Bindings:
20093 \end_layout
20095 \begin_deeper
20096 \begin_layout List
20097 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20099 \series bold
20100 Menu
20101 \begin_inset space ~
20102 \end_inset
20105 \series default
20107 \family sans
20108 \bar under
20110 \bar default
20111 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
20113 \bar under
20115 \bar default
20117 \end_layout
20119 \begin_layout List
20120 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20122 \series bold
20123 Keyboard
20124 \begin_inset space ~
20125 \end_inset
20128 \series default
20130 \family sans
20132 \begin_inset space ~
20133 \end_inset
20136 \family default
20138 \end_layout
20140 \begin_deeper
20141 \begin_layout Standard
20143 \family sans
20145 \family default
20146  in 
20147 \family typewriter
20148 cua.bind
20149 \family default
20151 \end_layout
20153 \end_deeper
20154 \end_deeper
20155 \begin_layout Paragraph
20156 Purpose:
20157 \end_layout
20159 \begin_layout Standard
20160 Attempts to redo the last major editing command that was undone with the
20162 \family typewriter
20163 undo
20164 \family default
20165  command.
20166 \end_layout
20168 \begin_layout Paragraph
20169 Usage:
20170 \end_layout
20172 \begin_layout Standard
20173 Self-explanatory.
20175 \family typewriter
20176 redo
20177 \family default
20178  may not always succeed, or it may redo more editing than you expected.
20179  The only limit to how many times you can perform a 
20180 \family typewriter
20181 redo
20182 \family default
20183  is the beginning of the undo buffer.
20184 \end_layout
20186 \begin_layout Paragraph
20187 See Also:
20188 \end_layout
20190 \begin_layout Standard
20191 undo.
20193 \end_layout
20195 \begin_layout Subsection
20196 ref-insert
20197 \end_layout
20199 \begin_layout Description
20200 Default
20201 \begin_inset space ~
20202 \end_inset
20204 Bindings:
20205 \end_layout
20207 \begin_deeper
20208 \begin_layout List
20209 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20211 \series bold
20212 Menu
20213 \begin_inset space ~
20214 \end_inset
20217 \series default
20219 \family sans
20220 \bar under
20222 \bar default
20223 nsert \SpecialChar \menuseparator
20224 Cross-
20225 \bar under
20227 \bar default
20228 eference
20229 \end_layout
20231 \begin_deeper
20232 \begin_layout Description
20233 Insert
20234 \begin_inset space ~
20235 \end_inset
20237 Reference: (cross-reference control panel)
20238 \end_layout
20240 \end_deeper
20241 \begin_layout List
20242 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20244 \series bold
20245 Keyboard
20246 \begin_inset space ~
20247 \end_inset
20250 \series default
20252 \family sans
20254 \begin_inset space ~
20255 \end_inset
20258 \end_layout
20260 \end_deeper
20261 \begin_layout Paragraph
20262 Purpose:
20263 \end_layout
20265 \begin_layout Standard
20266 Insert a cross-reference (using a character string label key), based on
20267  a previously defined label.
20268 \end_layout
20270 \begin_layout Paragraph
20271 Usage:
20272 \end_layout
20274 \begin_layout Standard
20275 This command inserts either a LaTeX 
20276 \family typewriter
20278 \backslash
20279 ref{key}
20280 \family default
20281  or a 
20282 \family typewriter
20284 \backslash
20285 pageref{key}
20286 \family default
20287  command, as appropriate, into the document.
20288  The 
20289 \family typewriter
20291 \family default
20292  parameter is the case-sensitive alphanumeric label that you previously
20293  defined using 
20294 \family typewriter
20295 label-insert
20296 \family default
20298  Executing the 
20299 \family typewriter
20300 ref-insert
20301 \family default
20302  command brings up the 
20303 \family sans
20304 Insert
20305 \begin_inset space ~
20306 \end_inset
20308 Reference
20309 \family default
20310  pop-up control panel, which shows you a selection list of previously defined
20311  references.
20312  Also on this panel, you are given the option of referencing either the
20313  environment reference related to that label (like the section number) or
20314  the page number at which the label is located.
20315 \end_layout
20317 \begin_layout Standard
20318 The 
20319 \family typewriter
20321 \backslash
20322 ref(key)
20323 \family default
20324  command allows LaTeX to track the specified key and substitute the appropriate
20325  cross-reference.
20326  The environment referenced can be a section, table, figure, equation number,
20327  enumerated item, 
20328 \emph on
20330 \emph default
20332  Note that the actual printed label is not displayed until you view or print
20333  your document; LyX displays instead on the screen the symbolic label, which
20334  is the character string label key that you defined.
20336 \end_layout
20338 \begin_layout Standard
20339 Note that labels defined in math mode don't become visible to the 
20340 \family sans
20341 Insert
20342 \begin_inset space ~
20343 \end_inset
20345 Reference
20346 \family default
20347  popup until after you close and reopen the document.
20348 \end_layout
20350 \begin_layout Paragraph
20351 Examples:
20352 \end_layout
20354 \begin_layout Standard
20355 See 
20356 \family typewriter
20357 label-ref
20358 \family default
20359  for an example of referencing a section number.
20360  That same label from that example can also be used to reference the page
20361  number at that location; for example, the page number of that location
20362  is Page
20363 \begin_inset space ~
20364 \end_inset
20367 \begin_inset CommandInset ref
20368 LatexCommand pageref
20369 reference "test label"
20371 \end_inset
20374 \end_layout
20376 \begin_layout Paragraph
20377 See Also:
20378 \end_layout
20380 \begin_layout Standard
20381 label-insert; math-number.
20383 \end_layout
20385 \begin_layout Standard
20386 You can find further description of the LaTeX labeling and cross-referencing
20387  method in the LyX User's Guide or any good LaTeX user's guide.
20388 \end_layout
20390 \begin_layout Section
20392 \end_layout
20394 \begin_layout Subsection
20395 screen-down
20396 \end_layout
20398 \begin_layout Description
20399 Default
20400 \begin_inset space ~
20401 \end_inset
20403 Bindings:
20404 \end_layout
20406 \begin_deeper
20407 \begin_layout List
20408 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20410 \series bold
20411 Keyboard
20412 \begin_inset space ~
20413 \end_inset
20416 \series default
20418 \family sans
20419 PageDown
20420 \family default
20422 \end_layout
20424 \begin_deeper
20425 \begin_layout Standard
20427 \family sans
20429 \family default
20431 \family roman
20433 \family default
20435 \family sans
20437 \begin_inset space ~
20438 \end_inset
20441 \family default
20442  in 
20443 \family typewriter
20444 emacs.bind
20445 \family default
20447 \end_layout
20449 \end_deeper
20450 \end_deeper
20451 \begin_layout Paragraph
20452 Purpose:
20453 \end_layout
20455 \begin_layout Standard
20456 Moves the cursor down one screenful of text while maintaining the current
20457  relative cursor screen position.
20458 \end_layout
20460 \begin_layout Paragraph
20461 Usage:
20462 \end_layout
20464 \begin_layout Standard
20465 Self-explanatory.
20466  Note that repeated 
20467 \family typewriter
20468 screen-down
20469 \family default
20470  and 
20471 \family typewriter
20472 screen-up
20473 \family default
20474  commands will not necessarily return the cursor to its previous location.
20475 \end_layout
20477 \begin_layout Paragraph
20478 See Also:
20479 \end_layout
20481 \begin_layout Standard
20482 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
20483  tab-forward; up; down; screen-up; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
20484 \end_layout
20486 \begin_layout Subsection
20487 screen-down-select
20488 \end_layout
20490 \begin_layout Description
20491 Default
20492 \begin_inset space ~
20493 \end_inset
20495 Bindings:
20496 \end_layout
20498 \begin_deeper
20499 \begin_layout List
20500 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20502 \series bold
20503 Keyboard
20504 \begin_inset space ~
20505 \end_inset
20508 \series default
20510 \family sans
20511 S-PageDown
20512 \family default
20514 \end_layout
20516 \end_deeper
20517 \begin_layout Paragraph
20518 Purpose:
20519 \end_layout
20521 \begin_layout Standard
20522 Highlights (selects) the text between the starting and ending cursor positions
20523  during a 
20524 \family typewriter
20525 screen-down
20526 \family default
20527  move.
20528  The highlighted text is shown in reverse video.
20529 \end_layout
20531 \begin_layout Paragraph
20532 See Also:
20533 \end_layout
20535 \begin_layout Standard
20536 screen-down;
20537 \end_layout
20539 \begin_layout Standard
20540 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
20541  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select;
20542  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
20543 \end_layout
20545 \begin_layout Subsection
20546 screen-recenter
20547 \end_layout
20549 \begin_layout Description
20550 Default
20551 \begin_inset space ~
20552 \end_inset
20554 Bindings:
20555 \end_layout
20557 \begin_deeper
20558 \begin_layout List
20559 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20561 \series bold
20562 Keyboard
20563 \begin_inset space ~
20564 \end_inset
20567 \series default
20569 \family sans
20571 \family default
20572  in 
20573 \family typewriter
20574 emacs.bind
20575 \family default
20577 \end_layout
20579 \end_deeper
20580 \begin_layout Paragraph
20581 Purpose:
20582 \end_layout
20584 \begin_layout Standard
20585 Repositions the screen so that it is centered on the current cursor location.
20586  The position of the cursor in the text does not change.
20587 \end_layout
20589 \begin_layout Paragraph
20590 See Also:
20591 \end_layout
20593 \begin_layout Standard
20595 \end_layout
20597 \begin_layout Subsection
20598 screen-up
20599 \end_layout
20601 \begin_layout Description
20602 Default
20603 \begin_inset space ~
20604 \end_inset
20606 Bindings:
20607 \end_layout
20609 \begin_deeper
20610 \begin_layout List
20611 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20613 \series bold
20614 Keyboard
20615 \begin_inset space ~
20616 \end_inset
20619 \series default
20621 \family sans
20622 PageUp 
20623 \end_layout
20625 \begin_deeper
20626 \begin_layout Standard
20628 \family sans
20630 \begin_inset space ~
20631 \end_inset
20634 \family default
20635  in 
20636 \family typewriter
20637 emacs.bind
20638 \family default
20640 \end_layout
20642 \end_deeper
20643 \end_deeper
20644 \begin_layout Paragraph
20645 Purpose:
20646 \end_layout
20648 \begin_layout Standard
20649 Moves the cursor up one screenful of text while maintaining the current
20650  relative cursor screen position.
20651 \end_layout
20653 \begin_layout Paragraph
20654 Usage:
20655 \end_layout
20657 \begin_layout Standard
20658 Self-explanatory.
20659  Note that repeated 
20660 \family typewriter
20661 screen-down
20662 \family default
20663  and 
20664 \family typewriter
20665 screen-up
20666 \family default
20667  commands will not necessarily return the cursor to its previous location.
20668 \end_layout
20670 \begin_layout Paragraph
20671 See Also:
20672 \end_layout
20674 \begin_layout Standard
20675 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
20676  tab-forward; up; down; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
20677 \end_layout
20679 \begin_layout Subsection
20680 screen-up-select
20681 \end_layout
20683 \begin_layout Description
20684 Default
20685 \begin_inset space ~
20686 \end_inset
20688 Bindings:
20689 \end_layout
20691 \begin_deeper
20692 \begin_layout List
20693 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20695 \series bold
20696 Keyboard
20697 \begin_inset space ~
20698 \end_inset
20701 \series default
20703 \family sans
20704 S-PageUp
20705 \family default
20707 \end_layout
20709 \end_deeper
20710 \begin_layout Paragraph
20711 Purpose:
20712 \end_layout
20714 \begin_layout Standard
20715 Highlights (selects) the text between the starting and ending cursor positions
20716  during a 
20717 \family typewriter
20718 screen-up
20719 \family default
20720  move.
20721  The highlighted text is shown in reverse video.
20722 \end_layout
20724 \begin_layout Paragraph
20725 See Also:
20726 \end_layout
20728 \begin_layout Standard
20729 screen-up;
20730 \end_layout
20732 \begin_layout Standard
20733 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-forward-select;
20734  word-backward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-down-select;
20735  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
20736 \end_layout
20738 \begin_layout Subsection
20739 self-insert
20740 \end_layout
20742 \begin_layout Description
20743 Default
20744 \begin_inset space ~
20745 \end_inset
20747 Bindings:
20748 \end_layout
20750 \begin_deeper
20751 \begin_layout List
20752 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20754 \series bold
20755 Menu
20756 \begin_inset space ~
20757 \end_inset
20760 \series default
20761  Main\SpecialChar \menuseparator
20762 Item
20763 \end_layout
20765 \begin_layout List
20766 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20768 \series bold
20769 Toolbar
20770 \begin_inset space ~
20771 \end_inset
20774 \series default
20775  Button # from the left.
20777 \end_layout
20779 \begin_deeper
20780 \begin_layout Standard
20781 Brief description of button icon.
20782 \end_layout
20784 \end_deeper
20785 \begin_layout List
20786 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
20788 \series bold
20789 Keyboard
20790 \begin_inset space ~
20791 \end_inset
20794 \series default
20795  None.
20796 \end_layout
20798 \end_deeper
20799 \begin_layout Paragraph
20800 Purpose:
20801 \end_layout
20803 \begin_layout Standard
20804 Don't know what this does<ref>.
20805 \end_layout
20807 \begin_layout Paragraph
20808 Usage:
20809 \end_layout
20811 \begin_layout Standard
20813 \end_layout
20815 \begin_layout Paragraph
20816 Examples:
20817 \end_layout
20819 \begin_layout Standard
20821 \end_layout
20823 \begin_layout Paragraph
20824 See Also:
20825 \end_layout
20827 \begin_layout Standard
20829 \end_layout
20831 \begin_layout Subsection
20832 server-char-after
20833 \end_layout
20835 \begin_layout Description
20836 Default
20837 \begin_inset space ~
20838 \end_inset
20840 Bindings: None.
20841 \end_layout
20843 \begin_layout Paragraph
20844 Purpose:
20845 \end_layout
20847 \begin_layout Standard
20848 One of the functions for the LyX server.
20849 \end_layout
20851 \begin_layout Paragraph
20852 Usage:
20853 \end_layout
20855 \begin_layout Standard
20857 \end_layout
20859 \begin_layout Paragraph
20860 Examples:
20861 \end_layout
20863 \begin_layout Standard
20864 Examples.
20865 \end_layout
20867 \begin_layout Paragraph
20868 See Also:
20869 \end_layout
20871 \begin_layout Standard
20872 server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-layout; server-get-name; server-ge
20873 t-xy; server-notify; server-set-xy.
20874 \end_layout
20876 \begin_layout Subsection
20877 server-get-font
20878 \end_layout
20880 \begin_layout Description
20881 Default
20882 \begin_inset space ~
20883 \end_inset
20885 Bindings: None.
20886 \end_layout
20888 \begin_layout Paragraph
20889 Purpose:
20890 \end_layout
20892 \begin_layout Standard
20893 One of the functions for the LyX server.
20894 \end_layout
20896 \begin_layout Paragraph
20897 Usage:
20898 \end_layout
20900 \begin_layout Standard
20902 \end_layout
20904 \begin_layout Paragraph
20905 See Also:
20906 \end_layout
20908 \begin_layout Standard
20909 server-char-after; server-get-latex; server-get-layout; server-get-name;
20910  server-get-xy; server-notify; server-set-xy.
20911 \end_layout
20913 \begin_layout Subsection
20914 server-get-latex
20915 \end_layout
20917 \begin_layout Description
20918 Default
20919 \begin_inset space ~
20920 \end_inset
20922 Bindings: None.
20923 \end_layout
20925 \begin_layout Paragraph
20926 Purpose:
20927 \end_layout
20929 \begin_layout Standard
20930 One of the functions for the LyX server.
20931 \end_layout
20933 \begin_layout Paragraph
20934 Usage:
20935 \end_layout
20937 \begin_layout Standard
20939 \end_layout
20941 \begin_layout Paragraph
20942 See Also:
20943 \end_layout
20945 \begin_layout Standard
20946 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-layout; server-get-name;
20947  server-get-xy; server-notify; server-set-xy.
20948 \end_layout
20950 \begin_layout Subsection
20951 server-get-layout
20952 \end_layout
20954 \begin_layout Description
20955 Default
20956 \begin_inset space ~
20957 \end_inset
20959 Bindings: None.
20960 \end_layout
20962 \begin_layout Paragraph
20963 Purpose:
20964 \end_layout
20966 \begin_layout Standard
20967 One of the functions for the LyX server.
20968 \end_layout
20970 \begin_layout Paragraph
20971 Usage:
20972 \end_layout
20974 \begin_layout Paragraph
20975 See Also:
20976 \end_layout
20978 \begin_layout Standard
20979 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-name; server-ge
20980 t-xy; server-notify; server-set-xy.
20981 \end_layout
20983 \begin_layout Subsection
20984 server-get-name
20985 \end_layout
20987 \begin_layout Description
20988 Default
20989 \begin_inset space ~
20990 \end_inset
20992 Bindings: None.
20993 \end_layout
20995 \begin_layout Paragraph
20996 Purpose:
20997 \end_layout
20999 \begin_layout Standard
21000 One of the functions for the LyX server.
21001 \end_layout
21003 \begin_layout Paragraph
21004 Usage:
21005 \end_layout
21007 \begin_layout Standard
21009 \end_layout
21011 \begin_layout Paragraph
21012 See Also:
21013 \end_layout
21015 \begin_layout Standard
21016 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-layout;
21017  server-get-xy; server-notify; server-set-xy.
21018 \end_layout
21020 \begin_layout Subsection
21021 server-get-xy
21022 \end_layout
21024 \begin_layout Description
21025 Default
21026 \begin_inset space ~
21027 \end_inset
21029 Bindings: None.
21030 \end_layout
21032 \begin_layout Paragraph
21033 Purpose:
21034 \end_layout
21036 \begin_layout Standard
21037 One of the functions for the LyX server.
21038 \end_layout
21040 \begin_layout Paragraph
21041 Usage:
21042 \end_layout
21044 \begin_layout Standard
21046 \end_layout
21048 \begin_layout Paragraph
21049 See Also:
21050 \end_layout
21052 \begin_layout Standard
21053 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-layout;
21054  server-get-name; server-notify; server-set-xy.
21055 \end_layout
21057 \begin_layout Subsection
21058 server-notify
21059 \end_layout
21061 \begin_layout Description
21062 Default
21063 \begin_inset space ~
21064 \end_inset
21066 Bindings: None.
21067 \end_layout
21069 \begin_layout Paragraph
21070 Purpose:
21071 \end_layout
21073 \begin_layout Standard
21074 One of the functions for the LyX server.
21075 \end_layout
21077 \begin_layout Paragraph
21078 Usage:
21079 \end_layout
21081 \begin_layout Standard
21083 \end_layout
21085 \begin_layout Paragraph
21086 See Also:
21087 \end_layout
21089 \begin_layout Standard
21090 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-layout;
21091  server-get-name; server-get-xy; server-set-xy.
21092 \end_layout
21094 \begin_layout Subsection
21095 server-set-xy
21096 \end_layout
21098 \begin_layout Description
21099 Default
21100 \begin_inset space ~
21101 \end_inset
21103 Bindings: None.
21104 \end_layout
21106 \begin_layout Paragraph
21107 Purpose:
21108 \end_layout
21110 \begin_layout Standard
21111 One of the functions for the LyX server.
21112 \end_layout
21114 \begin_layout Paragraph
21115 Usage:
21116 \end_layout
21118 \begin_layout Standard
21120 \end_layout
21122 \begin_layout Paragraph
21123 See Also:
21124 \end_layout
21126 \begin_layout Standard
21127 server-char-after; server-get-font; server-get-latex; server-get-layout;
21128  server-get-name; server-get-xy; server-notify.
21129 \end_layout
21131 \begin_layout Subsection
21132 set-color
21133 \end_layout
21135 \begin_layout Standard
21136 Default
21137 \begin_inset space ~
21138 \end_inset
21140 Bindings: None.
21141 \end_layout
21143 \begin_layout Paragraph
21144 Purpose:
21145 \end_layout
21147 \begin_layout Standard
21148 Change the colors used by LyX.
21149 \end_layout
21151 \begin_layout Paragraph
21152 Usage:
21153 \end_layout
21155 \begin_layout Standard
21156 set-color required two arguments, the LyX color name (essentially the object
21157  to be colours) and the display (currently X11) color name.
21158 \end_layout
21160 \begin_layout Paragraph
21161 See Also:
21162 \end_layout
21164 \begin_layout Standard
21165 The set-color section of the Customization guide.
21166 \end_layout
21168 \begin_layout Subsection
21169 spellchecker
21170 \end_layout
21172 \begin_layout Description
21173 Default
21174 \begin_inset space ~
21175 \end_inset
21177 Bindings:
21178 \end_layout
21180 \begin_deeper
21181 \begin_layout List
21182 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21184 \series bold
21185 Menu
21186 \begin_inset space ~
21187 \end_inset
21190 \series default
21192 \family sans
21193 \bar under
21195 \bar default
21196 dit \SpecialChar \menuseparator
21198 \bar under
21200 \bar default
21201 pellchecker
21202 \end_layout
21204 \begin_deeper
21205 \begin_layout Description
21206 Spellchecker: (control panel for the spellchecker)
21207 \begin_inset Newline newline
21208 \end_inset
21211 \end_layout
21213 \begin_layout Standard
21215 \family sans
21216 \bar under
21218 \bar default
21219 ptions\SpecialChar \menuseparator
21221 \bar under
21223 \bar default
21224 pellchecker
21225 \begin_inset space ~
21226 \end_inset
21228 Options
21229 \end_layout
21231 \begin_layout Description
21232 Spellchecker
21233 \begin_inset space ~
21234 \end_inset
21236 Options: 
21237 \family sans
21238 \bar under
21240 \bar default
21241 tart
21242 \begin_inset space ~
21243 \end_inset
21245 Spellchecker
21246 \end_layout
21248 \end_deeper
21249 \begin_layout List
21250 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21252 \series bold
21253 Keyboard
21254 \begin_inset space ~
21255 \end_inset
21258 \series default
21260 \family sans
21262 \begin_inset space ~
21263 \end_inset
21266 \family default
21268 \end_layout
21270 \end_deeper
21271 \begin_layout Paragraph
21272 Purpose:
21273 \end_layout
21275 \begin_layout Standard
21276 Start spellchecker.
21277 \end_layout
21279 \begin_layout Standard
21281 \emph on
21282 Author's Note: Need more detail here.
21283  -<ref>
21284 \emph default
21286 \end_layout
21288 \begin_layout Paragraph
21289 See Also:
21290 \end_layout
21292 \begin_layout Standard
21293 spellcheck popup.
21295 \emph on
21296 Editor's Note: To be added later - jw.
21297 \emph default
21299 \end_layout
21301 \begin_layout Subsection
21302 symbol-insert
21303 \end_layout
21305 \begin_layout Description
21306 Default
21307 \begin_inset space ~
21308 \end_inset
21310 Bindings:
21311 \end_layout
21313 \begin_deeper
21314 \begin_layout List
21315 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21317 \series bold
21318 Keyboard
21319 \begin_inset space ~
21320 \end_inset
21323 \series default
21325 \family sans
21327 \begin_inset space ~
21328 \end_inset
21331 \end_layout
21333 \end_deeper
21334 \begin_layout Paragraph
21335 Purpose:
21336 \end_layout
21338 \begin_layout Standard
21339 This command is simply an alias for the command 
21340 \family typewriter
21341 math-mode
21342 \family default
21345 \end_layout
21347 \begin_layout Paragraph
21348 See Also:
21349 \end_layout
21351 \begin_layout Standard
21352 math-mode.
21354 \end_layout
21356 \begin_layout Section
21358 \end_layout
21360 \begin_layout Subsection
21361 tab-forward
21362 \end_layout
21364 \begin_layout Description
21365 Default
21366 \begin_inset space ~
21367 \end_inset
21369 Bindings:
21370 \end_layout
21372 \begin_deeper
21373 \begin_layout List
21374 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21376 \series bold
21377 Keyboard
21378 \begin_inset space ~
21379 \end_inset
21382 \series default
21384 \family sans
21386 \family default
21388 \end_layout
21390 \end_deeper
21391 \begin_layout Paragraph
21392 Purpose:
21393 \end_layout
21395 \begin_layout Standard
21396 Move the cursor position forward to the left margin at the start of the
21397  next paragraph or list item.
21398 \end_layout
21400 \begin_layout Paragraph
21401 Usage:
21402 \end_layout
21404 \begin_layout Standard
21405 Note that although other motion commands have a text selection parallel,
21407 \family typewriter
21408 tab-forward
21409 \family default
21410  does not; there is currently no 
21411 \begin_inset Quotes eld
21412 \end_inset
21415 \family typewriter
21416 tab-forward-select
21417 \family default
21419 \begin_inset Quotes erd
21420 \end_inset
21422  command in LyX.
21423 \end_layout
21425 \begin_layout Paragraph
21426 See Also:
21427 \end_layout
21429 \begin_layout Standard
21430 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; line-begin; line-end;
21431  up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
21432 \end_layout
21434 \begin_layout Subsection
21435 table-insert
21436 \end_layout
21438 \begin_layout Description
21439 Default
21440 \begin_inset space ~
21441 \end_inset
21443 Bindings:
21444 \end_layout
21446 \begin_deeper
21447 \begin_layout List
21448 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21450 \series bold
21451 Menu
21452 \begin_inset space ~
21453 \end_inset
21456 \series default
21458 \family sans
21459 \bar under
21461 \bar default
21462 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
21464 \bar under
21466 \bar default
21467 le\SpecialChar \menuseparator
21468 Insert
21469 \family default
21471 \begin_inset space ~
21472 \end_inset
21475 \family sans
21476 table
21477 \end_layout
21479 \begin_deeper
21480 \begin_layout Description
21481 Table: (table size and insertion control panel)
21482 \end_layout
21484 \end_deeper
21485 \begin_layout List
21486 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21488 \series bold
21489 Toolbar
21490 \begin_inset space ~
21491 \end_inset
21494 \series default
21495  First button on the right.
21497 \end_layout
21499 \begin_deeper
21500 \begin_layout Standard
21501 Table icon showing a four by four table with gridlines.
21502 \end_layout
21504 \end_deeper
21505 \end_deeper
21506 \begin_layout Paragraph
21507 Purpose:
21508 \end_layout
21510 \begin_layout Standard
21511 Inserts a LaTeX table (
21512 \family typewriter
21513 tabular
21514 \family default
21515  environment) into the text.
21516 \end_layout
21518 \begin_layout Paragraph
21519 Usage:
21520 \end_layout
21522 \begin_layout Standard
21523 Executing the command creates a pop-up table control panel that allows you
21524  to set the initial number of rows and columns.
21525  Hitting either the control panel 
21526 \family sans
21528 \family default
21529  or 
21530 \family sans
21531 Apply
21532 \family default
21533  buttons inserts the table at the current cursor location.
21534  Text can then be inserted into any cell of a table by selecting the cell
21535  and typing.
21536  The table can be modified by placing the cursor anywhere in the table and
21537  clicking the right mouse button, which brings up a table control menu.
21538 \end_layout
21540 \begin_layout Paragraph
21541 Examples:
21542 \end_layout
21544 \begin_layout Standard
21545 Executing the 
21546 \family typewriter
21547 table-insert
21548 \family default
21549  function at the end of this sentence, and accepting the default values,
21550  results in the following:
21551 \end_layout
21553 \begin_layout Standard
21554 \begin_inset VSpace 0.3cm
21555 \end_inset
21558 \end_layout
21560 \begin_layout Standard
21561 \align center
21562 \begin_inset Tabular
21563 <lyxtabular version="3" rows="5" columns="5">
21564 <features>
21565 <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="0pt">
21566 <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="0pt">
21567 <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="0pt">
21568 <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="0pt">
21569 <column alignment="center" valignment="top" width="0pt">
21570 <row>
21571 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21572 \begin_inset Text
21574 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21576 \family roman
21577 \series medium
21578 \shape up
21579 \size normal
21580 \emph off
21581 \bar no
21582 \noun off
21584 \end_layout
21586 \end_inset
21587 </cell>
21588 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21589 \begin_inset Text
21591 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21593 \family roman
21594 \series medium
21595 \shape up
21596 \size normal
21597 \emph off
21598 \bar no
21599 \noun off
21601 \end_layout
21603 \end_inset
21604 </cell>
21605 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21606 \begin_inset Text
21608 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21610 \family roman
21611 \series medium
21612 \shape up
21613 \size normal
21614 \emph off
21615 \bar no
21616 \noun off
21618 \end_layout
21620 \end_inset
21621 </cell>
21622 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21623 \begin_inset Text
21625 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21627 \family roman
21628 \series medium
21629 \shape up
21630 \size normal
21631 \emph off
21632 \bar no
21633 \noun off
21635 \end_layout
21637 \end_inset
21638 </cell>
21639 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
21640 \begin_inset Text
21642 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21644 \family roman
21645 \series medium
21646 \shape up
21647 \size normal
21648 \emph off
21649 \bar no
21650 \noun off
21652 \end_layout
21654 \end_inset
21655 </cell>
21656 </row>
21657 <row>
21658 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21659 \begin_inset Text
21661 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21663 \family roman
21664 \series medium
21665 \shape up
21666 \size normal
21667 \emph off
21668 \bar no
21669 \noun off
21671 \end_layout
21673 \end_inset
21674 </cell>
21675 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21676 \begin_inset Text
21678 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21680 \family roman
21681 \series medium
21682 \shape up
21683 \size normal
21684 \emph off
21685 \bar no
21686 \noun off
21688 \end_layout
21690 \end_inset
21691 </cell>
21692 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21693 \begin_inset Text
21695 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21697 \end_layout
21699 \end_inset
21700 </cell>
21701 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21702 \begin_inset Text
21704 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21706 \end_layout
21708 \end_inset
21709 </cell>
21710 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
21711 \begin_inset Text
21713 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21715 \family roman
21716 \series medium
21717 \shape up
21718 \size normal
21719 \emph off
21720 \bar no
21721 \noun off
21723 \end_layout
21725 \end_inset
21726 </cell>
21727 </row>
21728 <row>
21729 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21730 \begin_inset Text
21732 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21734 \family roman
21735 \series medium
21736 \shape up
21737 \size normal
21738 \emph off
21739 \bar no
21740 \noun off
21742 \end_layout
21744 \end_inset
21745 </cell>
21746 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21747 \begin_inset Text
21749 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21751 \end_layout
21753 \end_inset
21754 </cell>
21755 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21756 \begin_inset Text
21758 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21760 \family roman
21761 \series medium
21762 \shape up
21763 \size normal
21764 \emph off
21765 \bar no
21766 \noun off
21768 \end_layout
21770 \end_inset
21771 </cell>
21772 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21773 \begin_inset Text
21775 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21777 \family roman
21778 \series medium
21779 \shape up
21780 \size normal
21781 \emph off
21782 \bar no
21783 \noun off
21785 \end_layout
21787 \end_inset
21788 </cell>
21789 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
21790 \begin_inset Text
21792 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21794 \end_layout
21796 \end_inset
21797 </cell>
21798 </row>
21799 <row>
21800 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21801 \begin_inset Text
21803 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21805 \family roman
21806 \series medium
21807 \shape up
21808 \size normal
21809 \emph off
21810 \bar no
21811 \noun off
21813 \end_layout
21815 \end_inset
21816 </cell>
21817 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21818 \begin_inset Text
21820 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21822 \end_layout
21824 \end_inset
21825 </cell>
21826 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21827 \begin_inset Text
21829 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21831 \family roman
21832 \series medium
21833 \shape up
21834 \size normal
21835 \emph off
21836 \bar no
21837 \noun off
21839 \end_layout
21841 \end_inset
21842 </cell>
21843 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21844 \begin_inset Text
21846 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21848 \family roman
21849 \series medium
21850 \shape up
21851 \size normal
21852 \emph off
21853 \bar no
21854 \noun off
21856 \end_layout
21858 \end_inset
21859 </cell>
21860 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
21861 \begin_inset Text
21863 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21865 \end_layout
21867 \end_inset
21868 </cell>
21869 </row>
21870 <row>
21871 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21872 \begin_inset Text
21874 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21876 \family roman
21877 \series medium
21878 \shape up
21879 \size normal
21880 \emph off
21881 \bar no
21882 \noun off
21884 \end_layout
21886 \end_inset
21887 </cell>
21888 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21889 \begin_inset Text
21891 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21893 \family roman
21894 \series medium
21895 \shape up
21896 \size normal
21897 \emph off
21898 \bar no
21899 \noun off
21901 \end_layout
21903 \end_inset
21904 </cell>
21905 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21906 \begin_inset Text
21908 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21910 \end_layout
21912 \end_inset
21913 </cell>
21914 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
21915 \begin_inset Text
21917 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21919 \end_layout
21921 \end_inset
21922 </cell>
21923 <cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
21924 \begin_inset Text
21926 \begin_layout Plain Layout
21928 \family roman
21929 \series medium
21930 \shape up
21931 \size normal
21932 \emph off
21933 \bar no
21934 \noun off
21936 \end_layout
21938 \end_inset
21939 </cell>
21940 </row>
21941 </lyxtabular>
21943 \end_inset
21946 \end_layout
21948 \begin_layout Standard
21949 \begin_inset VSpace 0.3cm
21950 \end_inset
21953 \end_layout
21955 \begin_layout Standard
21956 We took the liberty of adding a little text to the table.
21957 \end_layout
21959 \begin_layout Paragraph
21960 See Also:
21961 \end_layout
21963 \begin_layout Standard
21964 TBD\SpecialChar \@.
21965  We'll think of something, to be sure\SpecialChar \ldots{}
21967 \end_layout
21969 \begin_layout Subsection
21970 tex-mode
21971 \end_layout
21973 \begin_layout Description
21974 Default
21975 \begin_inset space ~
21976 \end_inset
21978 Bindings:
21979 \end_layout
21981 \begin_deeper
21982 \begin_layout List
21983 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
21985 \series bold
21986 Menu
21987 \begin_inset space ~
21988 \end_inset
21991 \series default
21993 \family sans
21994 \bar under
21996 \bar default
21997 ayout\SpecialChar \menuseparator
21999 \bar under
22001 \bar default
22003 \family default
22005 \begin_inset space ~
22006 \end_inset
22009 \family sans
22010 Style
22011 \end_layout
22013 \begin_layout List
22014 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22016 \series bold
22017 Toolbar
22018 \begin_inset space ~
22019 \end_inset
22022 \series default
22023  Fourth button from the right.
22025 \end_layout
22027 \begin_deeper
22028 \begin_layout Standard
22029 Button with TeX on the face
22030 \end_layout
22032 \end_deeper
22033 \begin_layout List
22034 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22036 \series bold
22037 Keyboard
22038 \begin_inset space ~
22039 \end_inset
22042 \series default
22044 \family sans
22046 \begin_inset space ~
22047 \end_inset
22050 \family default
22052 \family roman
22054 \family default
22056 \family sans
22058 \begin_inset space ~
22059 \end_inset
22062 \family default
22063  (standard)
22064 \end_layout
22066 \begin_deeper
22067 \begin_layout Standard
22069 \family sans
22071 \family default
22072  in 
22073 \family typewriter
22074 cua.bind
22075 \family default
22077 \end_layout
22079 \end_deeper
22080 \end_deeper
22081 \begin_layout Paragraph
22082 Purpose:
22083 \end_layout
22085 \begin_layout Standard
22086 Enter LaTeX code.
22088 \end_layout
22090 \begin_layout Paragraph
22091 Usage:
22092 \end_layout
22094 \begin_layout Standard
22095 The 
22096 \family typewriter
22097 tex-mode
22098 \family default
22099  command is a toggle function.
22100  When first executed, 
22101 \family typewriter
22102 tex-mode
22103 \family default
22104  begins accepting characters as a LaTeX command rather than text; when 
22105 \family typewriter
22106 tex-mode
22107 \family default
22108  is executed again this action stops.
22109  The result must be a valid and appropriate LaTeX command, or an error will
22110  result when the file is processed with LaTeX.
22111 \end_layout
22113 \begin_layout Paragraph
22114 Examples:
22115 \end_layout
22117 \begin_layout Standard
22118 The characters accepted as a LaTeX command are shown on the screen in red,
22119  as this example of the LaTeX 
22120 \family typewriter
22122 \backslash
22123 relax
22124 \family default
22125  command shows: 
22126 \begin_inset Quotes eld
22127 \end_inset
22130 \begin_inset ERT
22131 status collapsed
22133 \begin_layout Plain Layout
22136 \backslash
22137 relax
22138 \end_layout
22140 \end_inset
22143 \begin_inset Quotes erd
22144 \end_inset
22147 \end_layout
22149 \begin_layout Paragraph
22150 See Also:
22151 \end_layout
22153 \begin_layout Standard
22154 math-mode.
22155 \end_layout
22157 \begin_layout Subsection
22158 toc-insert
22159 \end_layout
22161 \begin_layout Description
22162 Default
22163 \begin_inset space ~
22164 \end_inset
22166 Bindings:
22167 \end_layout
22169 \begin_deeper
22170 \begin_layout List
22171 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22173 \series bold
22174 Menu
22175 \begin_inset space ~
22176 \end_inset
22179 \series default
22181 \family sans
22182 \bar under
22184 \bar default
22185 nsert\SpecialChar \menuseparator
22186 Lists and
22187 \family default
22189 \family sans
22190 \bar under
22192 \bar default
22193 OC\SpecialChar \menuseparator
22194 Table
22195 \family default
22197 \begin_inset space ~
22198 \end_inset
22201 \family sans
22203 \family default
22205 \begin_inset space ~
22206 \end_inset
22209 \family sans
22210 \bar under
22212 \bar default
22213 ontents
22214 \end_layout
22216 \begin_layout List
22217 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22219 \series bold
22220 Keyboard
22221 \begin_inset space ~
22222 \end_inset
22225 \series default
22227 \family sans
22228 M-i t c
22229 \end_layout
22231 \end_deeper
22232 \begin_layout Paragraph
22233 Purpose:
22234 \end_layout
22236 \begin_layout Standard
22237 Inserts a 
22238 \family sans
22239 table of contents in your document at the current cursor position.
22241 \family default
22243 \end_layout
22245 \begin_layout Paragraph
22246 Usage:
22247 \end_layout
22249 \begin_layout Standard
22250 The standard location for a table of contents is straight after the title
22251  page.
22252  So insert it there for best results.
22253 \end_layout
22255 \begin_layout Paragraph
22256 See Also:
22257 \end_layout
22259 \begin_layout Standard
22260 toc-view; Table of Contents popup.
22261 \end_layout
22263 \begin_layout Subsection
22264 toc-view
22265 \end_layout
22267 \begin_layout Description
22268 Default
22269 \begin_inset space ~
22270 \end_inset
22272 Bindings:
22273 \end_layout
22275 \begin_deeper
22276 \begin_layout List
22277 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22279 \series bold
22280 Menu
22281 \begin_inset space ~
22282 \end_inset
22285 \series default
22287 \family sans
22288 \bar under
22290 \bar default
22291 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
22293 \bar under
22295 \bar default
22296 able
22297 \family default
22299 \begin_inset space ~
22300 \end_inset
22303 \family sans
22305 \family default
22307 \begin_inset space ~
22308 \end_inset
22311 \family sans
22312 Contents
22313 \end_layout
22315 \begin_deeper
22316 \begin_layout Description
22317 Table
22318 \begin_inset space ~
22319 \end_inset
22322 \begin_inset space ~
22323 \end_inset
22325 Contents: (table of contents control panel)
22326 \end_layout
22328 \end_deeper
22329 \begin_layout List
22330 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22332 \series bold
22333 Keyboard
22334 \begin_inset space ~
22335 \end_inset
22338 \series default
22340 \family sans
22341 M-e t
22342 \family default
22344 \end_layout
22346 \end_deeper
22347 \begin_layout Paragraph
22348 Purpose:
22349 \end_layout
22351 \begin_layout Standard
22352 This function brings up the 
22353 \family sans
22354 Table
22355 \begin_inset space ~
22356 \end_inset
22359 \begin_inset space ~
22360 \end_inset
22362 Contents
22363 \family default
22364  pop-up.
22366 \end_layout
22368 \begin_layout Paragraph
22369 Usage:
22370 \end_layout
22372 \begin_layout Standard
22373 You can update the table of contents using the 
22374 \family sans
22375 \bar under
22377 \bar default
22378 pdate
22379 \family default
22380  button on the control panel, but the primary purpose of the 
22381 \family sans
22382 Table
22383 \begin_inset space ~
22384 \end_inset
22387 \begin_inset space ~
22388 \end_inset
22390 Contents
22391 \family default
22392  pop-up is browsing.
22393 \end_layout
22395 \begin_layout Paragraph
22396 See Also:
22397 \end_layout
22399 \begin_layout Standard
22400 toc-insert; Table of Contents popup.
22401 \end_layout
22403 \begin_layout Subsection
22404 toggle-cursor-follows-scrollbar
22405 \end_layout
22407 \begin_layout Description
22408 Default
22409 \begin_inset space ~
22410 \end_inset
22412 Bindings: None.
22413 \end_layout
22415 \begin_layout Paragraph
22416 Purpose:
22417 \end_layout
22419 \begin_layout Standard
22420 To control the movement of the cursor when you use the scrollbar.
22421 \end_layout
22423 \begin_layout Paragraph
22424 Usage:
22425 \end_layout
22427 \begin_layout Standard
22428 Use this switch to change the way the cursor is handled when you move the
22429  scrollbar.
22430  The default behaviour is for the cursor to remain at the last position
22431  you were editing even if you scroll it off the screen.
22432  The alternate behaviour is for the cursor to always be on screen with its
22433  position limited by the topmost or bottommost visible line of text.
22434 \end_layout
22436 \begin_layout Standard
22437 It is possible to set the alternate behaviour as the default by adding an
22438  entry in your 
22439 \family typewriter
22440 lyxrc
22441 \family default
22442  file of the form: 
22443 \family typewriter
22445 \backslash
22446 cursor_follows_scrollbar true
22447 \family default
22449 \end_layout
22451 \begin_layout Subsection
22452 toolbar-add-to
22453 \end_layout
22455 \begin_layout Description
22456 Default
22457 \begin_inset space ~
22458 \end_inset
22460 Bindings: None.
22461 \end_layout
22463 \begin_layout Paragraph
22464 Purpose:
22465 \end_layout
22467 \begin_layout Standard
22468 Used in the 
22469 \family typewriter
22470 lyxrc
22471 \family default
22472  files to add a toolbar button.
22473 \end_layout
22475 \begin_layout Paragraph
22476 Usage:
22477 \end_layout
22479 \begin_layout Standard
22481 \end_layout
22483 \begin_layout Paragraph
22484 See Also:
22485 \end_layout
22487 \begin_layout Standard
22488 toolbar-push.
22489 \end_layout
22491 \begin_layout Subsection
22492 toolbar-push
22493 \end_layout
22495 \begin_layout Description
22496 Default
22497 \begin_inset space ~
22498 \end_inset
22500 Bindings: None.
22501 \end_layout
22503 \begin_layout Paragraph
22504 Purpose:
22505 \end_layout
22507 \begin_layout Standard
22508 Used in the 
22509 \family typewriter
22510 lyxrc
22511 \family default
22512  files to add a toolbar button.
22513 \end_layout
22515 \begin_layout Paragraph
22516 Usage:
22517 \end_layout
22519 \begin_layout Standard
22521 \end_layout
22523 \begin_layout Paragraph
22524 See Also:
22525 \end_layout
22527 \begin_layout Standard
22528 toolbar-add-to.
22529 \end_layout
22531 \begin_layout Subsection
22532 undo
22533 \end_layout
22535 \begin_layout Description
22536 Default
22537 \begin_inset space ~
22538 \end_inset
22540 Bindings:
22541 \end_layout
22543 \begin_deeper
22544 \begin_layout List
22545 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22547 \series bold
22548 Menu
22549 \begin_inset space ~
22550 \end_inset
22553 \series default
22555 \family sans
22556 \bar under
22558 \bar default
22559 dit\SpecialChar \menuseparator
22561 \bar under
22563 \bar default
22565 \end_layout
22567 \begin_layout List
22568 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22570 \series bold
22571 Keyboard
22572 \begin_inset space ~
22573 \end_inset
22576 \series default
22578 \family sans
22580 \begin_inset space ~
22581 \end_inset
22584 \family default
22586 \end_layout
22588 \begin_deeper
22589 \begin_layout Standard
22591 \family sans
22593 \family default
22594  in 
22595 \family typewriter
22596 cua.bind
22597 \family default
22599 \begin_inset Newline newline
22600 \end_inset
22603 \family sans
22605 \begin_inset space ~
22606 \end_inset
22608 u or C-~S-slash
22609 \family default
22610  in 
22611 \family typewriter
22612 emacs.bind
22613 \family default
22615 \end_layout
22617 \end_deeper
22618 \end_deeper
22619 \begin_layout Paragraph
22620 Purpose:
22621 \end_layout
22623 \begin_layout Standard
22624 Undo the last major editing command.
22625 \end_layout
22627 \begin_layout Paragraph
22628 Usage:
22629 \end_layout
22631 \begin_layout Standard
22632 Self explanatory.
22634 \end_layout
22636 \begin_layout Standard
22637 Two things: first, 
22638 \family typewriter
22639 undo
22640 \family default
22641  has unlimited depth.
22643 \emph on
22644 (Except in the beta-version, where this feature has been limited to 100
22645  steps for safety).
22647 \emph default
22648  You can keep invoking 
22649 \family typewriter
22650 undo
22651 \family default
22652  until you run out of changes and the document is back in the state it was
22653  in when you loaded it.
22654 \end_layout
22656 \begin_layout Standard
22657 Second, 
22658 \family typewriter
22659 undo
22660 \family default
22661  does not work everywhere.
22662  You cannot undo changes to the document layout, for example.
22663 \end_layout
22665 \begin_layout Paragraph
22666 See Also:
22667 \end_layout
22669 \begin_layout Standard
22670 redo.
22672 \end_layout
22674 \begin_layout Subsection
22676 \end_layout
22678 \begin_layout Description
22679 Default
22680 \begin_inset space ~
22681 \end_inset
22683 Bindings:
22684 \end_layout
22686 \begin_deeper
22687 \begin_layout List
22688 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22690 \series bold
22691 Keyboard
22692 \begin_inset space ~
22693 \end_inset
22696 \series default
22698 \family sans
22700 \end_layout
22702 \begin_deeper
22703 \begin_layout Standard
22705 \family sans
22707 \family default
22708  in 
22709 \family typewriter
22710 emacs.bind
22711 \family default
22713 \end_layout
22715 \end_deeper
22716 \end_deeper
22717 \begin_layout Paragraph
22718 Purpose:
22719 \end_layout
22721 \begin_layout Standard
22722 Moves the cursor down up line.
22723  If the cursor starting-position is at the top of the screen-display, the
22724  buffer scrolls downward to display the new current line about 1/4 of the
22725  screen-height from the top of the screen.
22726 \end_layout
22728 \begin_layout Paragraph
22729 See Also:
22730 \end_layout
22732 \begin_layout Standard
22733 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; tab-forward; line-begi
22734 n; line-end; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
22735 \end_layout
22737 \begin_layout Subsection
22738 up-select
22739 \end_layout
22741 \begin_layout Description
22742 Default
22743 \begin_inset space ~
22744 \end_inset
22746 Bindings:
22747 \end_layout
22749 \begin_deeper
22750 \begin_layout List
22751 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22753 \series bold
22754 Keyboard
22755 \begin_inset space ~
22756 \end_inset
22759 \series default
22761 \family sans
22762 S-Up
22763 \end_layout
22765 \end_deeper
22766 \begin_layout Paragraph
22767 Purpose:
22768 \end_layout
22770 \begin_layout Standard
22771 To select text from the current cursor position to the same position one
22772  line up.
22773  If the previous line is shorter than the current line, the cursor simply
22774  moves to the end of the previous line.
22775 \end_layout
22777 \begin_layout Paragraph
22778 See Also:
22779 \end_layout
22781 \begin_layout Standard
22783 \end_layout
22785 \begin_layout Standard
22786 backward-select; forward-select; down-select; word-forward-select; word-backward
22787 -select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-selec
22788 t; buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
22789 \end_layout
22791 \begin_layout Section
22793 \end_layout
22795 \begin_layout Subsection
22796 word-backward
22797 \end_layout
22799 \begin_layout Description
22800 Default
22801 \begin_inset space ~
22802 \end_inset
22804 Bindings:
22805 \end_layout
22807 \begin_deeper
22808 \begin_layout List
22809 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22811 \series bold
22812 Keyboard
22813 \begin_inset space ~
22814 \end_inset
22817 \series default
22819 \family sans
22820 C-Left
22821 \end_layout
22823 \end_deeper
22824 \begin_layout Paragraph
22825 Purpose:
22826 \end_layout
22828 \begin_layout Standard
22829 Moves the cursor backward by one word.
22830 \end_layout
22832 \begin_layout Paragraph
22833 Usage:
22834 \end_layout
22836 \begin_layout Standard
22837 Self explanatory.
22838  If you are already at the beginning of a word, the cursor moves to the
22839  first letter of the previous word.
22840  If you are in the middle or at the end of a word, the cursor moves to the
22841  first letter of that word.
22842 \end_layout
22844 \begin_layout Paragraph
22845 See Also:
22846 \end_layout
22848 \begin_layout Standard
22849 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; tab-forward; line-begin; line-end;
22850  up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
22851 \end_layout
22853 \begin_layout Subsection
22854 word-backward-select
22855 \end_layout
22857 \begin_layout Description
22858 Default
22859 \begin_inset space ~
22860 \end_inset
22862 Bindings:
22863 \end_layout
22865 \begin_deeper
22866 \begin_layout List
22867 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22869 \series bold
22870 Keyboard
22871 \begin_inset space ~
22872 \end_inset
22875 \series default
22877 \family sans
22878 S-C-Left
22879 \end_layout
22881 \end_deeper
22882 \begin_layout Paragraph
22883 Purpose:
22884 \end_layout
22886 \begin_layout Standard
22887 Highlights (selects) the text between the starting and ending positions
22888  during a 
22889 \family typewriter
22890 word-backward
22891 \family default
22892  move.
22893  The highlighted text is shown in reverse video.
22894 \end_layout
22896 \begin_layout Paragraph
22897 See Also:
22898 \end_layout
22900 \begin_layout Standard
22901 word-backward; backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select;
22902  word-forward-select; line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select;
22903  screen-down-select; buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
22904 \end_layout
22906 \begin_layout Subsection
22907 word-capitalize
22908 \end_layout
22910 \begin_layout Description
22911 Default
22912 \begin_inset space ~
22913 \end_inset
22915 Bindings:
22916 \end_layout
22918 \begin_deeper
22919 \begin_layout List
22920 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
22922 \series bold
22923 Keyboard
22924 \begin_inset space ~
22925 \end_inset
22928 \series default
22930 \family sans
22932 \begin_inset space ~
22933 \end_inset
22935 Right
22936 \end_layout
22938 \end_deeper
22939 \begin_layout Paragraph
22940 Purpose:
22941 \end_layout
22943 \begin_layout Standard
22944 Capitalizes the next character to the right of the current cursor, and moves
22945  the cursor position to the beginning of the next word.
22946 \end_layout
22948 \begin_layout Paragraph
22949 Usage:
22950 \end_layout
22952 \begin_layout Standard
22953 No case change occurs for preselected text.
22954 \end_layout
22956 \begin_layout Paragraph
22957 Examples:
22958 \end_layout
22960 \begin_layout Standard
22961 If your current cursor location is immediately to the left of the 
22962 \begin_inset Quotes eld
22963 \end_inset
22966 \begin_inset Quotes erd
22967 \end_inset
22969  in the word 
22970 \emph on
22971 description
22972 \emph default
22973  and you execute the 
22974 \family typewriter
22975 word-capitalize
22976 \family default
22977  function, 
22978 \emph on
22979 description
22980 \emph default
22981  will change to 
22982 \emph on
22983 descriPtion.
22985 \emph default
22987 \end_layout
22989 \begin_layout Paragraph
22990 See Also:
22991 \end_layout
22993 \begin_layout Standard
22994 word-lowcase; word-upcase.
22995 \end_layout
22997 \begin_layout Subsection
22998 word-delete-backward
22999 \end_layout
23001 \begin_layout Description
23002 Default
23003 \begin_inset space ~
23004 \end_inset
23006 Bindings:
23007 \end_layout
23009 \begin_deeper
23010 \begin_layout List
23011 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23013 \series bold
23014 Keyboard
23015 \begin_inset space ~
23016 \end_inset
23019 \series default
23021 \family sans
23022 C-BackSpace
23023 \end_layout
23025 \end_deeper
23026 \begin_layout Paragraph
23027 Purpose:
23028 \end_layout
23030 \begin_layout Standard
23031 Deletes the previous word.
23032 \end_layout
23034 \begin_layout Paragraph
23035 Usage:
23036 \end_layout
23038 \begin_layout Standard
23039 If the cursor is in between words (in whitespace), then the previous word
23040  is deleted.
23042 \end_layout
23044 \begin_layout Standard
23045 If the cursor is in the middle of a word, then the beginning of the word
23046  is deleted to the cursor location.
23048 \end_layout
23050 \begin_layout Standard
23051 If the cursor is at the beginning of a paragraph, then the last word of
23052  the previous paragraph is deleted.
23053  Also in this case, if both paragraph have the same environment, LyX will
23054  join the two paragraphs.
23056 \end_layout
23058 \begin_layout Paragraph
23059 See Also:
23060 \end_layout
23062 \begin_layout Standard
23063 word-delete-forward.
23064 \end_layout
23066 \begin_layout Subsection
23067 word-delete-forward
23068 \end_layout
23070 \begin_layout Description
23071 Default
23072 \begin_inset space ~
23073 \end_inset
23075 Bindings:
23076 \end_layout
23078 \begin_deeper
23079 \begin_layout List
23080 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23082 \series bold
23083 Keyboard
23084 \begin_inset space ~
23085 \end_inset
23088 \series default
23090 \family sans
23091 C-Delete
23092 \begin_inset Newline newline
23093 \end_inset
23096 \family default
23097  in 
23098 \family typewriter
23099 emacs.bind
23100 \end_layout
23102 \end_deeper
23103 \begin_layout Paragraph
23104 Purpose:
23105 \end_layout
23107 \begin_layout Standard
23108 Deletes the next word.
23109 \end_layout
23111 \begin_layout Paragraph
23112 Usage:
23113 \end_layout
23115 \begin_layout Standard
23116 If the cursor is in between words (in whitespace), then the next word is
23117  deleted.
23119 \end_layout
23121 \begin_layout Standard
23122 If the cursor is in the middle of a word, then the end of the word is deleted
23123  to the cursor location.
23125 \end_layout
23127 \begin_layout Standard
23128 If the cursor is at the end of a paragraph, one of two things can happen.
23129  If the current and next paragraph have the same paragraph environment,
23130  LyX merges the two paragraphs, but doesn't delete any words.
23131  If the two paragraphs have different environments, nothing happens.
23132  Note that this is different from the behavior of 
23133 \family typewriter
23134 word-delete-backward
23135 \family default
23137 \end_layout
23139 \begin_layout Paragraph
23140 See Also:
23141 \end_layout
23143 \begin_layout Standard
23144 word-delete-backward.
23145 \end_layout
23147 \begin_layout Subsection
23148 word-forward
23149 \end_layout
23151 \begin_layout Description
23152 Default
23153 \begin_inset space ~
23154 \end_inset
23156 Bindings:
23157 \end_layout
23159 \begin_deeper
23160 \begin_layout List
23161 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23163 \series bold
23164 Keyboard
23165 \begin_inset space ~
23166 \end_inset
23169 \series default
23171 \family sans
23172 C-Right
23173 \end_layout
23175 \end_deeper
23176 \begin_layout Paragraph
23177 Purpose:
23178 \end_layout
23180 \begin_layout Standard
23181 Moves the cursor forward by one word.
23183 \end_layout
23185 \begin_layout Paragraph
23186 Usage:
23187 \end_layout
23189 \begin_layout Standard
23190 Unlike 
23191 \family typewriter
23192 word-backward
23193 \family default
23194 , this function always displays the same behavior.
23195  It always moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word, no matter
23196  where the starting cursor location may be.
23197 \end_layout
23199 \begin_layout Paragraph
23200 See Also:
23201 \end_layout
23203 \begin_layout Standard
23204 char-forward; char-backward; word-forward; word-backward; tab-forward; line-begi
23205 n; line-end; up; down; screen-up; screen-down; buffer-begin; buffer-end.
23206 \end_layout
23208 \begin_layout Subsection
23209 word-forward-select
23210 \end_layout
23212 \begin_layout Description
23213 Default
23214 \begin_inset space ~
23215 \end_inset
23217 Bindings:
23218 \end_layout
23220 \begin_deeper
23221 \begin_layout List
23222 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23224 \series bold
23225 Keyboard
23226 \begin_inset space ~
23227 \end_inset
23230 \series default
23232 \family sans
23233 S-C-Right
23234 \end_layout
23236 \end_deeper
23237 \begin_layout Paragraph
23238 Purpose:
23239 \end_layout
23241 \begin_layout Standard
23242 Highlights (selects) the text between the starting and ending positions
23243  during a 
23244 \family typewriter
23245 word-forward
23246 \family default
23247  move.
23248  The highlighted text is shown in reverse video.
23249 \end_layout
23251 \begin_layout Paragraph
23252 See Also:
23253 \end_layout
23255 \begin_layout Standard
23256 word-forward;
23257 \end_layout
23259 \begin_layout Standard
23260 backward-select; forward-select; up-select; down-select; word-backward-select;
23261  line-begin-select; line-end-select; screen-up-select; screen-down-select;
23262  buffer-begin-select; buffer-end-select.
23263 \end_layout
23265 \begin_layout Subsection
23266 word-lowcase
23267 \end_layout
23269 \begin_layout Description
23270 Default
23271 \begin_inset space ~
23272 \end_inset
23274 Bindings:
23275 \end_layout
23277 \begin_deeper
23278 \begin_layout List
23279 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23281 \series bold
23282 Keyboard
23283 \begin_inset space ~
23284 \end_inset
23287 \series default
23289 \family sans
23291 \begin_inset space ~
23292 \end_inset
23294 Down
23295 \end_layout
23297 \end_deeper
23298 \begin_layout Paragraph
23299 Purpose:
23300 \end_layout
23302 \begin_layout Standard
23303 Forces a word to all lowercase, then moves the cursor to the start of the
23304  next word.
23305 \end_layout
23307 \begin_layout Paragraph
23308 Usage:
23309 \end_layout
23311 \begin_layout Standard
23312 Only the portion of the word to the right of the cursor is affected.
23313  No case change occurs for preselected text.
23314 \end_layout
23316 \begin_layout Paragraph
23317 Examples:
23318 \end_layout
23320 \begin_layout Standard
23321 If your current cursor location is immediately to the left of the 
23322 \begin_inset Quotes eld
23323 \end_inset
23326 \begin_inset Quotes erd
23327 \end_inset
23329  in the word 
23330 \emph on
23332 \emph default
23333  and you execute the 
23334 \family typewriter
23335 word-lowcase
23336 \family default
23337  function, 
23338 \emph on
23340 \emph default
23341  will change to 
23342 \emph on
23343 DESCRIption
23344 \emph default
23346 \end_layout
23348 \begin_layout Paragraph
23349 See Also:
23350 \end_layout
23352 \begin_layout Standard
23353 word-capitalize; word-upcase.
23354 \end_layout
23356 \begin_layout Subsection
23357 word-upcase
23358 \end_layout
23360 \begin_layout Description
23361 Default
23362 \begin_inset space ~
23363 \end_inset
23365 Bindings:
23366 \end_layout
23368 \begin_deeper
23369 \begin_layout List
23370 \labelwidthstring MMMMMMM
23372 \series bold
23373 Keyboard
23374 \begin_inset space ~
23375 \end_inset
23378 \series default
23380 \family sans
23382 \begin_inset space ~
23383 \end_inset
23386 \end_layout
23388 \end_deeper
23389 \begin_layout Paragraph
23390 Purpose:
23391 \end_layout
23393 \begin_layout Standard
23394 Forces a word to all uppercase, then moves the cursor to the start of the
23395  next word.
23396 \end_layout
23398 \begin_layout Paragraph
23399 Usage:
23400 \end_layout
23402 \begin_layout Standard
23403 Only the portion of the word to the right of the cursor is affected.
23404  No case change occurs for preselected text.
23405 \end_layout
23407 \begin_layout Paragraph
23408 Examples:
23409 \end_layout
23411 \begin_layout Standard
23412 If your current cursor location is immediately to the left of the 
23413 \begin_inset Quotes eld
23414 \end_inset
23417 \begin_inset Quotes erd
23418 \end_inset
23420  in the word 
23421 \emph on
23422 description
23423 \emph default
23424  and you execute the 
23425 \family sans
23426 word-upcase
23427 \family default
23428  function, 
23429 \emph on
23430 description
23431 \emph default
23432  will change to 
23433 \emph on
23434 descriPTION
23435 \emph default
23437 \end_layout
23439 \begin_layout Paragraph
23440 See Also:
23441 \end_layout
23443 \begin_layout Standard
23444 word-capitalize; word-lowcase.
23445 \end_layout
23447 \begin_layout Chapter
23448 General Information
23449 \end_layout
23451 \begin_layout Standard
23453 \emph on
23454 \begin_inset CommandInset label
23455 LatexCommand label
23456 name "ch:misc"
23458 \end_inset
23460  Ed.
23461  Note: This is otherwise known as The Dreaded Miscellaneous! It'll be a
23462  pain to maintain, since I'll probably be splitting it every few months!
23463  -jw
23464 \end_layout
23466 \begin_layout Section*
23467 Reserved for Future Use.
23468 \end_layout
23470 \end_body
23471 \end_document