tufte layout files:
[lyx.git] / lib / ui / stdmenus.inc
1 # -*- text -*-
3 # file stdmenus.inc
4 # This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
5 # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
7 # author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
8 # author John Levon
9 # author Michael Gerz
11 # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
13 # The interface is designed (partially) following the KDE Human Interface
14 # Guidelines (http://usability.kde.org/hig/)
16 # Casing Rules:
17 # Capitalize all words in the element, with the following exceptions: 
18 # * Articles: a, an, the. 
19 # * Conjunctions: and, but, for, not, so, yet ...  
20 # * Prepositions of three or fewer letters: at, for, by, in, to ...
21 #   (except when the preposition is part of a verb phrase, such as "Check In")
22 # (http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/design-text-labels.html.en)
24 Menuset
26         Menubar
27 # Make the first 4 menus be as much as expected as possible
28                 Submenu "File|F" "file"
29                 Submenu "Edit|E" "edit"
30                 Submenu "View|V" "view"
31                 Submenu "Insert|I" "insert"
32                 Submenu "Navigate|N" "navigate"
33                 Submenu "Document|D" "document"
34                 Submenu "Tools|T" "tools"
35                 Submenu "Help|H" "help"
36         End
42         Menu "file"
43                 Item "New|N" "buffer-new"
44                 Item "New from Template...|m" "buffer-new-template"
45                 Item "Open...|O" "file-open"
46                 Submenu "Open Recent|t" "file_lastfiles"
47                 Separator
48                 Item "Close|C" "buffer-close"
49                 Item "Close All" "buffer-close-all"
50                 Item "Save|S" "buffer-write"
51                 Item "Save As...|A" "buffer-write-as"
52                 Item "Save All|l" "buffer-write-all"
53                 Item "Revert to Saved|R" "buffer-reload"
54                 Submenu "Version Control|V" "file_vc"
55                 Separator
56                 Submenu "Import|I" "file_import"
57                 Submenu "Export|E" "file_export"
58                 Item "Print...|P" "dialog-show print"
59                 OptItem "Fax...|F" "buffer-export fax"
60                 Separator
61                 Item "New Window|W" "window-new"
62                 Item "Close Window|d" "window-close"
63                 Separator
64                 Item "Exit|x" "lyx-quit"
65         End
67         Menu "file_lastfiles"
68                 Lastfiles
69         End
71         Menu "file_vc"
72                 OptItem "Register...|R" "vc-register"
73                 OptItem "Check In Changes...|I" "vc-check-in"
74                 OptItem "Check Out for Edit|O" "vc-check-out"
75                 OptItem "Update local directory from repository|d" "vc-repo-update"
76                 OptItem "Revert to Repository Version|v" "vc-revert"
77                 OptItem "Undo Last Check In|U" "vc-undo-last"
78                 OptItem "Show History...|H" "dialog-show vclog"
79                 OptItem "Use Locking Property|L" "vc-locking-toggle"
80         End
82         Menu "file_import"
83                 ImportFormats
84         End
86         Menu "file_export"
87                 ExportFormats
88                 Item "Custom...|C" "buffer-export custom"
89         End
95         Menu "edit"
96                 Item "Undo|U" "undo"
97                 Item "Redo|R" "redo"
98                 Separator
99                 Item "Cut" "cut"
100                 Item "Copy" "copy"
101                 Item "Paste" "paste"
102                 Submenu "Paste Recent|e" "edit_pasterecent"
103                 Submenu "Paste Special" "edit_paste"
104                 Separator
105                 Item "Select All" "command-sequence buffer-begin ; buffer-end-select"
106                 Separator
107                 Item "Find & Replace (Quick)...|F" "dialog-show findreplace"
108                 Item "Find & Replace (Advanced)..." "dialog-show findreplaceadv"
109                 Separator
110                 Item "Move Paragraph Up|o" "paragraph-move-up"
111                 Item "Move Paragraph Down|v" "paragraph-move-down"
112                 Separator
113                 Submenu "Text Style|S" "edit_textstyles"
114                 Item "Paragraph Settings...|P" "layout-paragraph"
115                 Separator
116 # Mathed b0rkage means these don't work properly
117                 OptSubmenu "Table|T" "edit_tabular"
118                 OptSubmenu "Math|M" "edit_math"
119                 OptSubmenu "Rows & Columns|C" "edit_tabular_features"
120                 Separator
121 # This is where the context-specific stuff is supposed to go.
122 # The idea is that everything on here can disappear and should
123 # only appear when relevant (getStatus). Only stuff that needs
124 # a right-click to bring up the dialog should appear here (it is not
125 # obvious what the context is for the others)
126                 OptItem "Increase List Depth|I" "depth-increment"
127                 OptItem "Decrease List Depth|D" "depth-decrement"
128                 OptItem "Dissolve Inset|l" "inset-dissolve"
129                 OptItem "TeX Code Settings...|C" "inset-settings ert"
130 # 'a' shortcut to match Insert entry, shouldn't clash with Table Settings
131                 OptItem "Float Settings...|a" "inset-settings float"
132                 OptItem "Text Wrap Settings...|W" "inset-settings wrap"
133                 OptItem "Note Settings...|N" "inset-settings note"
134                 OptItem "Phantom Settings...|h" "inset-settings phantom"
135                 OptItem "Branch Settings...|B" "inset-settings branch"
136                 OptItem "Box Settings...|x" "inset-settings box"
137                 OptItem "Index Entry Settings...|y" "inset-settings index"
138                 OptItem "Index Settings...|x" "inset-settings index_print"
139                 OptItem "Listings Settings...|g" "inset-settings listings"
140 # Hey, guess what's broken ? Surprise surprise, it's tabular stuff
141 # This is in the Table submenu instead for now.
142 #       OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "inset-settings tabular"
143                 OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "layout-tabular"
144         End
146         Menu "edit_paste"
147                 Item "Plain Text|T" "clipboard-paste"
148                 Item "Plain Text, Join Lines|J" "clipboard-paste paragraph"
149                 Separator
150                 Item "Selection|S" "primary-selection-paste"
151                 Item "Selection, Join Lines|i" "primary-selection-paste paragraph"
152                 Separator
153                 Item "Paste as LinkBack PDF" "paste linkback"
154                 Item "Paste as PDF" "paste pdf"
155                 Item "Paste as PNG" "paste png"
156                 Item "Paste as JPEG" "paste jpeg"
157         End
159         Menu "edit_pasterecent"
160                 PasteRecent
161         End
163         Menu "edit_textstyles"
164                 Item "Dissolve Text Style" "inset-dissolve charstyle"
165                 CharStyles
166                 Elements
167                 Separator
168                 Item "Customized...|C" "dialog-show character"
169                 Separator
170                 Item "Capitalize|a" "word-capitalize"
171                 Item "Uppercase|U" "word-upcase"
172                 Item "Lowercase|L" "word-lowcase"
173         End
175 # not much we can do to help here
176         Menu "edit_tabular"
177                 Item "Multicolumn|M" "tabular-feature multicolumn"
178                 Separator
179                 Item "Top Line|T" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top"
180                 Item "Bottom Line|B" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom"
181                 Item "Left Line|L" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left"
182                 Item "Right Line|R" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right"
183                 Separator
184                 Item "Top|p" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-top"
185                 Item "Middle|i" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-middle"
186                 Item "Bottom|o" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-bottom" 
187         End
189         Menu "edit_tabular_features"
190                 Item "Left|L" "tabular-feature align-left"
191                 Item "Center|C" "tabular-feature align-center"
192                 Item "Right|R" "tabular-feature align-right"
193                 Separator
194                 Item "Top|T" "tabular-feature valign-top"
195                 Item "Middle|M" "tabular-feature valign-middle"
196                 Item "Bottom|B" "tabular-feature valign-bottom"
197                 Separator
198                 Item "Add Row|A" "tabular-feature append-row"
199                 Item "Delete Row|D" "tabular-feature delete-row"
200                 Item "Copy Row|o" "tabular-feature copy-row"
201                 # Item "Swap Rows|S" "tabular-feature swap-row" # currently broken
202                 Separator
203                 Item "Add Column|u" "tabular-feature append-column"
204                 Item "Delete Column|e" "tabular-feature delete-column"
205                 Item "Copy Column|p" "tabular-feature copy-column"
206                 # Item "Swap Columns|w" "tabular-feature swap-column" # currently broken
207         End
209         Menu "edit_math"
210                 Item "Number Whole Formula|N" "math-number-toggle"
211                 Item "Number This Line|u" "math-number-line-toggle"
212                 Submenu "Change Limits Type|L" "edit_math_limits"
213                 Submenu "Macro Definition" "edit_math_macro_definition"
214                 Separator
215                 Submenu "Change Formula Type|F" "edit_math_mutate"
216                 Separator
217                 Submenu "Text Style|T" "edit_math_fontstyles"
218                 Separator
219                 Submenu "Use Computer Algebra System|S" "edit_math_extern"
220                 Separator
221                 Item "Split Cell|C" "cell-split"
222                 Separator
223                 Item "Add Line Above|A" "tabular-feature add-hline-above"
224                 Item "Add Line Below|B" "tabular-feature add-hline-below"
225                 Item "Delete Line Above|D" "tabular-feature delete-hline-above"
226                 Item "Delete Line Below|e" "tabular-feature delete-hline-below"
227                 Separator
228                 Item "Add Line to Left" "tabular-feature add-vline-left"
229                 Item "Add Line to Right" "tabular-feature add-vline-right"
230                 Item "Delete Line to Left" "tabular-feature delete-vline-left"
231                 Item "Delete Line to Right" "tabular-feature delete-vline-right"
232         End
234         Menu "edit_math_macro_definition"
235                 Item "Append Argument" "math-macro-add-param"
236                 Item "Remove Last Argument" "math-macro-remove-param"
237                 Separator
238                 Item "Make First Non-Optional into Optional Argument" "math-macro-make-optional"
239                 Item "Make Last Optional into Non-Optional Argument" "math-macro-make-nonoptional"
240                 Item "Insert Optional Argument" "math-macro-add-optional-param"
241                 Item "Remove Optional Argument" "math-macro-remove-optional-param"
242                 Separator
243                 Item "Append Argument Eating From the Right" "math-macro-append-greedy-param"
244                 Item "Append Optional Argument Eating From the Right" "math-macro-add-greedy-optional-param"
245                 Item "Remove Last Argument Spitting Out to the Right" "math-macro-remove-greedy-param"
246         End
248         Menu "edit_math_limits"
249                  Item "Default|t"  "math-limits empty"
250                  Item "Display|D"  "math-limits limits"
251                  Item "Inline|I"  "math-limits nolimits"
252         End
254         Menu "edit_math_fontstyles"
255                 Item "Math Normal Font|N" "math-font-style mathnormal"
256                 Separator
257                 Item "Math Calligraphic Family|C" "math-font-style mathcal"
258                 Item "Math Fraktur Family|F" "math-font-style mathfrak"
259                 Item "Math Roman Family|R" "math-font-style mathrm"
260                 Item "Math Sans Serif Family|S" "math-font-style mathsf"
261                 Separator
262                 Item "Math Bold Series|B" "math-font-style mathbf"
263                 Separator
264                 Item "Text Normal Font|T" "math-font-style textnormal"
265                 Separator
266                 Item "Text Roman Family" "math-font-style textrm"
267                 Item "Text Sans Serif Family" "math-font-style textsf"
268                 Item "Text Typewriter Family" "math-font-style texttt"
269                 Separator
270                 Item "Text Bold Series" "math-font-style textbf"
271                 Item "Text Medium Series" "math-font-style textmd"
272                 Separator
273                 Item "Text Italic Shape" "math-font-style textit"
274                 Item "Text Small Caps Shape" "math-font-style textsc"
275                 Item "Text Slanted Shape" "math-font-style textsl"
276                 Item "Text Upright Shape" "math-font-style textup"
277         End
279         Menu "edit_math_extern"
280                 Item "Octave|O" "math-extern octave"
281                 Item "Maxima|M" "math-extern maxima"
282                 Item "Mathematica|a" "math-extern mathematica"
283                 Separator
284                 Item "Maple, Simplify|S" "math-extern maple simplify"
285                 Item "Maple, Factor|F" "math-extern maple factor"
286                 Item "Maple, Evalm|E" "math-extern maple evalm"
287                 Item "Maple, Evalf|v" "math-extern maple evalf"
288         End
290         Menu "edit_math_mutate"
291                 Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mutate simple"
292                 Item "Displayed Formula|D" "math-mutate equation"
293                 Item "Eqnarray Environment|E" "math-mutate eqnarray"
294                 Item "AMS align Environment|a" "math-mutate align"
295                 Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "math-mutate alignat"
296                 Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "math-mutate flalign"
297                 Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "math-mutate gather"
298                 Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "math-mutate multline"
299         End
305         Menu "view"
306                 Item "Open All Insets|O" "all-insets-toggle open"
307                 Item "Close All Insets|C" "all-insets-toggle close"
308                 Separator
309                 Item "Unfold Math Macro|n" "math-macro-unfold"
310                 Item "Fold Math Macro|d" "math-macro-fold"
311                 Separator
312                 Item "View Source|S" "dialog-toggle view-source"
313                 ViewFormats
314                 UpdateFormats
315                 OptItem "View Master Document|M" "master-buffer-view"
316                 OptItem "Update Master Document|a" "master-buffer-update"
317                 Separator
318                 Item "Split View Into Left and Right Half|i" "split-view horizontal"
319                 Item "Split View Into Upper and Lower Half|e" "split-view vertical"
320                 Item "Close Current View|w" "close-tab-group"
321                 Item "Fullscreen|l" "ui-toggle fullscreen"
322                 Submenu "Toolbars|b" "toolbars"
323                 Separator
324                 Documents
325         End
327         Menu "toolbars"
328                 Toolbars
329         End
333         Menu "insert"
334 # Try and group things a little better, and percolate the most
335 # commonly used to good positions (exception being mathed, but
336 # most people using mathed learn key shortcuts quite quickly anyway)
337                 Submenu "Math|h" "insert_math"
338                 Submenu "Special Character|p" "insert_special"
339                 Submenu "Formatting|o" "insert_formatting"
340                 Submenu "List / TOC|i" "insert_toc"
341                 Submenu "Float|a" "insert_float"
342                 Submenu "Note|N" "insert_note"
343                 Submenu "Branch|B" "insert_branches"
344                 Submenu "Custom Insets" "insert_custom"
345                 Submenu "File|e" "insert_file"
346                 Item "Box[[Menu]]" "box-insert Frameless"
347                 Separator
348                 Item "Citation...|C" "dialog-show-new-inset citation"
349                 Item "Cross-Reference...|R" "dialog-show-new-inset ref"
350                 Item "Label...|L" "label-insert"
351                 Item "Caption" "caption-insert"
352                 Indices
353                 Item "Nomenclature Entry...|y" "nomencl-insert"
354                 Separator
355                 Item "Table...|T" "tabular-insert"
356                 Item "Graphics...|G" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics"
357                 Item "URL|U" "flex-insert URL"
358                 Item "Hyperlink...|k" "href-insert"
359                 Item "Footnote|F" "footnote-insert"
360                 Item "Marginal Note|M" "marginalnote-insert"
361                 Item "Short Title|S" "optional-insert"
362                 Item "TeX Code|X" "ert-insert"
363                 Item "Program Listing[[Menu]]" "listing-insert"
364                 Item "Date" "date-insert"
365         End
367         Menu "insert_special"
368                 Item "Symbols...|b" "dialog-show symbols"
369                 Item "Ellipsis|i" "specialchar-insert dots"
370                 Item "End of Sentence|E" "specialchar-insert end-of-sentence"
371                 Item "Ordinary Quote|Q" "self-insert \""
372                 Item "Single Quote|S" "quote-insert single"
373                 Item "Protected Hyphen|y" "specialchar-insert nobreakdash"
374                 Item "Breakable Slash|a" "specialchar-insert slash"
375                 Item "Menu Separator|M" "specialchar-insert menu-separator"
376                 Item "Phonetic Symbols|P" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \text\textipa ; char-forward ;"
377         End
379         Menu "insert_formatting"
380                 Item "Superscript|S" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-superscript; math-insert \text;"
381                 Item "Subscript|u" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-subscript; math-insert \text;"
382                 Separator
383                 Item "Protected Space|P" "space-insert protected"
384                 Item "Inter-word Space|w" "space-insert normal"
385                 Item "Thin Space|T" "space-insert thin"
386                 Item "Horizontal Space...|o" "dialog-show-new-inset space"
387                 Item "Horizontal Line|L" "line-insert"
388                 Item "Vertical Space...|V" "dialog-show-new-inset vspace"
389                 Submenu "Phantom" "insert_phantom"
390                 Separator
391                 Item "Hyphenation Point|H" "specialchar-insert hyphenation"
392                 Item "Ligature Break|k" "specialchar-insert ligature-break"
393                 Item "Ragged Line Break|R" "newline-insert newline"
394                 Item "Justified Line Break|J" "newline-insert linebreak"
395                 Separator
396                 Item "New Page|N" "newpage-insert newpage"
397                 Item "Page Break|a" "newpage-insert pagebreak"
398                 Item "Clear Page|C" "newpage-insert clearpage"
399                 Item "Clear Double Page|D" "newpage-insert cleardoublepage"
400         End
402         Menu "insert_math"
403                 Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mode"
404                 Item "Display Formula|D" "math-display"
405                 Item "Numbered Formula|N" "command-sequence math-display; math-number-toggle;"
406                 Item "Eqnarray Environment|E" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate eqnarray;"
407                 Item "AMS align Environment|a" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate align;"
408                 Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate alignat;"
409                 Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate flalign;"
410                 Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate gather;"
411                 Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate multline;"
412                 Separator
413                 Item "Array Environment|y" "math-matrix 2 2"
414                 Item "Cases Environment|C" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \cases"
415                 Item "Aligned Environment|l" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \aligned; tabular-feature append-column"
416                 Item "AlignedAt Environment|v" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \alignedat; tabular-feature append-column"
417                 Item "Gathered Environment|h" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \gathered"
418                 Item "Split Environment|S" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \split; tabular-feature append-column"
419                 Separator
420                 Item "Delimiters...|r" "dialog-show mathdelimiter"
421                 Item "Matrix...|x" "dialog-show mathmatrix"
422                 Item "Macro|o" "math-macro newmacroname newcommand"
423         End
425         Menu "insert_float"
426                 FloatInsert
427 # This has got to be better than "Wrap", anyway
428                 Item "Figure Wrap Float|F" "wrap-insert figure"
429                 Item "Table Wrap Float|T" "wrap-insert table"
430         End
432         Menu "insert_toc"
433                 Item "Table of Contents|C" "toc-insert"
434                 FloatListInsert
435                 IndicesLists
436                 Item "Nomenclature|N" "nomencl-print"
437                 Item "BibTeX Bibliography...|B" "dialog-show-new-inset bibtex"
438         End
440         Menu "insert_file"
441                 Item "LyX Document...|X" "file-insert"
442                 Item "Plain Text...|T" "file-insert-plaintext"
443                 Item "Plain Text, Join Lines...|J" "file-insert-plaintext-para"
444                 Separator
445                 Item "External Material...|M" "dialog-show-new-inset external"
446                 Item "Child Document...|d" "dialog-show-new-inset include"
447         End
449         Menu "insert_note"
450                 Item "LyX Note|N" "note-insert Note"
451                 Item "Comment|C" "note-insert Comment"
452                 Item "Greyed Out|G" "note-insert Greyedout"
453         End
455         Menu "insert_branches"
456                 Branches
457                 Separator
458                 Item "Insert New Branch...|I" "branch-add-insert"
459         End
461         Menu "insert_phantom"
462                 Item "Phantom" "phantom-insert Phantom"
463                 Item "Horizontal Phantom" "phantom-insert HPhantom"
464                 Item "Vertical Phantom" "phantom-insert VPhantom"
465         End
467         Menu "insert_custom"
468                 Custom
469         End
475         Menu "document"
476                 Submenu "Change Tracking|C" "document_change"
477                 OptItem "Build Program|B" "build-program"
478                 Item "LaTeX Log|L" "dialog-show latexlog"
479                 Item "Outline|O" "dialog-toggle toc"
480                 Item "Start Appendix Here|A" "appendix"
481                 Separator
482                 Item "Save in Bundled Format|F" "buffer-toggle-embedding"
483                 Item "Compressed|m" "buffer-toggle-compression"
484                 Item "Settings...|S" "dialog-show document"
485         End
487         Menu "document_change"
488                 Item "Track Changes|T" "changes-track"
489                 Item "Merge Changes...|M" "changes-merge"
490                 Item "Accept Change|A" "change-accept"
491                 Item "Reject Change|R" "change-reject"
492                 Item "Accept All Changes|c" "all-changes-accept"
493                 Item "Reject All Changes|e" "all-changes-reject"
494                 Item "Show Changes in Output|S" "changes-output"
495         End
500         Menu "navigate"
501                 Submenu "Bookmarks|B" "navigate_bookmarks"
502                 Item "Next Note|N" "note-next"
503                 Item "Next Change|C" "change-next"
504                 Item "Next Cross-Reference|R" "reference-next"
505                 OptItem "Go to Label|L" "label-goto"
506                 Separator
507                 Toc
508         End
510         Menu "navigate_bookmarks"
511                 Item "Save Bookmark 1|S" "bookmark-save 1"
512                 Item "Save Bookmark 2" "bookmark-save 2"
513                 Item "Save Bookmark 3" "bookmark-save 3"
514                 Item "Save Bookmark 4" "bookmark-save 4"
515                 Item "Save Bookmark 5" "bookmark-save 5"
516                 Item "Clear Bookmarks|C" "bookmark-clear"
517                 Separator
518                 Item "Navigate Back|B" "bookmark-goto 0"
520         End
526         Menu "tools"
527                 Item "Spellchecker...|S" "dialog-show spellchecker"
528                 OptItem "Thesaurus...|T" "thesaurus-entry"
529                 Item "Statistics...|a" "statistics"
530                 OptItem "Check TeX|h" "buffer-chktex"
531                 Item "TeX Information|I" "dialog-show texinfo"
532                 Item "Compare...|C" "dialog-show compare"
533                 Separator
534 # A LOT of applications have Tools->Prefs. Remember this
535 # should be rarely used - Edit menu is not a good place to
536 # have it.
537                 Item "Reconfigure|R" "reconfigure"
538                 Item "Preferences...|P" "dialog-show prefs"
539         End
544         Menu "help"
545                 Item "Introduction|I" "help-open Intro"
546                 Item "Tutorial|T" "help-open Tutorial"
547                 Item "User's Guide|U" "help-open UserGuide"
548                 Item "Additional Features|F" "help-open Additional"
549                 Item "Embedded Objects|O" "help-open EmbeddedObjects"
550                 Item "Math|M" "help-open Math"
551                 Item "Customization|C" "help-open Customization"
552                 Item "Shortcuts|S" "help-open Shortcuts"
553                 Item "LyX Functions|y" "help-open LFUNs"
554                 Item "LaTeX Configuration|L" "help-open LaTeXConfig"
555                 Submenu "Specific Manuals|p" "examples"
556                 Separator
557                 Item "About LyX|X" "dialog-show aboutlyx"
558         End
560         Menu "examples"
561                 Item "Linguistics Manual|L" "help-open linguistics"
562                 Item "Braille Manual|B" "help-open Braille"
563                 Item "XY-pic Manual|X" "help-open xypic"
564                 Item "Multicolumn Manual|M" "help-open multicol"
565         End