tufte layout files:
[lyx.git] / lib / doc / es / Formula-numbering.lyx
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84 Este documento muestra el uso de dos categorías diferentes de ecuaciones.
85  Una está numerada en arábigos, la otra en romanos.
86 \end_layout
88 \begin_layout Standard
89 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
90 A=B\label{eq:B}\end{equation}
92 \end_inset
95 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
96 A=C\label{eq:C}\end{equation}
98 \end_inset
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107 \backslash
108 setrom
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114 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
115 A=D\label{eq:D}\end{equation}
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120 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
121 A=E\label{eq:E}\end{equation}
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132 \backslash
133 setarab
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139 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
140 A=F\label{eq:F}\end{equation}
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145 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
146 A=G\label{eq:G}\end{equation}
148 \end_inset
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157 \backslash
158 setrom
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164 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
165 A=H\label{eq:H}\end{equation}
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170 \begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
171 A=I\label{eq:I}\end{equation}
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179 Referencias cruzadas: 
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181 LatexCommand eqref
182 reference "eq:B"
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196 reference "eq:F"
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200  , 
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203 reference "eq:G"
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207  , 
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210 reference "eq:D"
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214  , 
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216 LatexCommand eqref
217 reference "eq:E"
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221  , 
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223 LatexCommand eqref
224 reference "eq:H"
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228  , 
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230 LatexCommand eqref
231 reference "eq:I"
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245 Para escribir este ejemplo, primero hay que definir un contador para las
246  fórmulas numeradas en romanos.
247  Para ello se inserta lo siguiente en el preámbulo LaTeX:
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272 Para guardar el valor del contador arábigo 
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274 equation
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276 , se añade al preámbulo lo siguiente
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279 \begin_layout Standard
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283 \backslash
284 newcommand{
285 \backslash
286 c@org@eq}{}
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293 \backslash
294 c@org@eq
295 \backslash
296 c@equation
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304 org@theeq}{}
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309 \backslash
311 \backslash
312 org@theeq
313 \backslash
314 theequation
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317 \begin_layout Standard
318 Para poder alternar en el documento entre ambos esquemas de numeración,
319  se definen los siguientes comandos en el preámbulo:
320 \end_layout
322 \begin_layout Standard
324 \series bold
326 \backslash
327 newcommand{
328 \backslash
329 setrom}{
330 \backslash
332 \backslash
333 c@equation
334 \backslash
335 c@rom
336 \backslash
338 \backslash
339 theequation
340 \backslash
341 therom}
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344 \begin_layout Standard
345 para la numeración romana y
346 \end_layout
348 \begin_layout Standard
350 \series bold
352 \backslash
353 newcommand{
354 \backslash
355 setarab}{
356 \backslash
358 \backslash
359 c@equation
360 \backslash
361 c@org@eq
362 \backslash
364 \backslash
365 theequation
366 \backslash
367 org@theeq}
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370 \begin_layout Standard
371 para la numeración arábiga.
372 \end_layout
374 \begin_layout Standard
375 Cada fórmula será numerada en arábigos por defecto.
376  Para cambiar a numeración en romanos, se inserta el comando 
377 \series bold
379 \backslash
380 setrom
381 \series default
382  en modo TeX.
383  Con el comando 
384 \series bold
386 \backslash
387 setarab
388 \series default
389  la numeración retorna a números arábigos.
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