tufte layout files:
[lyx.git] / development / tools / gen_lfuns.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # file gen_lfuns.py
5 # This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
6 # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
8 # author Ewan Davies
10 # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
12 # Usage:
13 # gen_lfuns.py <path/to/LyXAction.cpp> <where/to/save/LFUNs.lyx>
15 import sys
16 import os.path
17 from datetime import date
19 def error(message):
20 sys.stderr.write(message + '\n')
21 sys.exit(1)
23 def usage(prog_name):
24 return "Usage: %s <path/to/LyXAction.cpp> [<where/to/save/LFUNs.lyx>]" % prog_name
26 DOXYGEN_START = "/*!"
27 DOXYGEN_END = "*/"
29 LYX_NEWLINE = "\n\\begin_inset Newline newline\n\\end_inset\n\n"
30 LYX_BACKSLASH = "\n\\backslash\n"
32 HTMLONLY_START = "\\htmlonly"
33 HTMLONLY_END = "\\endhtmlonly"
34 LFUN_NAME_ID = "\\var lyx::FuncCode lyx::"
35 LFUN_ACTION_ID = "\\li Action: "
36 LFUN_NOTION_ID = "\\li Notion: "
37 LFUN_SYNTAX_ID = "\\li Syntax: "
38 LFUN_PARAMS_ID = "\\li Params: "
39 LFUN_SAMPLE_ID = "\\li Sample: "
40 LFUN_ORIGIN_ID = "\\li Origin: "
41 LFUN_ENDVAR = "\\endvar"
43 ID_DICT = dict(name=LFUN_NAME_ID, action=LFUN_ACTION_ID, notion=LFUN_NOTION_ID,
46 LFUNS_HEADER = """# gen_lfuns.py generated this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
47 \\lyxformat 345
48 \\begin_document
49 \\begin_header
50 \\textclass article
51 \\begin_preamble
52 \\renewcommand{\\descriptionlabel}[1]{\\hspace\\labelsep\\upshape\\bfseries #1:}
53 \\renewenvironment{description}{\\list{}{%
54 \\setlength{\\itemsep}{-2pt}
55 \\advance\\leftmargini6\\p@ \\itemindent-12\\p@
56 \\labelwidth\\z@ \\let\\makelabel\\descriptionlabel}%
58 \\endlist
60 \\end_preamble
61 \\use_default_options false
62 \\language english
63 \\inputencoding auto
64 \\font_roman default
65 \\font_sans default
66 \\font_typewriter default
67 \\font_default_family default
68 \\font_sc false
69 \\font_osf false
70 \\font_sf_scale 100
71 \\font_tt_scale 100
73 \\graphics default
74 \\paperfontsize default
75 \\spacing single
76 \\use_hyperref false
77 \\papersize default
78 \\use_geometry true
79 \\use_amsmath 1
80 \\use_esint 1
81 \\cite_engine basic
82 \\use_bibtopic false
83 \\paperorientation portrait
84 \\leftmargin 2.5cm
85 \\topmargin 2cm
86 \\rightmargin 3cm
87 \\bottommargin 1cm
88 \\secnumdepth 3
89 \\tocdepth 3
90 \\paragraph_separation indent
91 \\defskip medskip
92 \\quotes_language english
93 \\papercolumns 1
94 \\papersides 1
95 \\paperpagestyle default
96 \\tracking_changes false
97 \\output_changes false
98 \\author ""
99 \\author ""
100 \\end_header
102 \\begin_body
104 \\begin_layout Section*""" + "\nLFUNs documentation automatically generated " + str(date.today()) + """
105 \\end_layout
107 \\begin_layout Standard
108 \\begin_inset ERT
109 status collapsed
111 \\begin_layout Plain Layout
114 \\backslash
115 thispagestyle{empty}
116 \\end_layout
118 \\end_inset
121 \\begin_inset VSpace 1cm
122 \\end_inset
125 \\end_layout
127 LFUNS_FOOTER = """\\end_body
128 \\end_document
131 def parse_lfun(str):
132 """Takes a comment block (str) and parses it for fields describing the LFUN. Returns a dict containing the fields."""
134 lfun = dict(name="", action="", notion="", syntax="", params="", sample="", origin="")
135 field = ""
136 lines = str.splitlines()
137 # strip leading whitespace and * from the lines of the comment to get
138 # rid of unimportant characters
139 for i in range(0, len(lines)):
140 lines[i] = lines[i].strip(" *")
142 for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
143 # work out what field is being read if none of these is found, the line will be added
144 # to the last field edited
145 # since the field identifier is not included skip it out if it's found, otherwise skip
146 # nothing as an existing field is being added to
147 # if a field id is found, then its the first line of the field so set the pre_space to ""
148 # so that the first line isn't prespaced
149 if lines[i].startswith(LFUN_NAME_ID):
150 field = "name"
151 pre_space = ""
152 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
153 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ACTION_ID):
154 field = "action"
155 pre_space = ""
156 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
157 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_NOTION_ID):
158 field = "notion"
159 pre_space = ""
160 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
161 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_SYNTAX_ID):
162 field = "syntax"
163 pre_space = ""
164 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
165 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_PARAMS_ID):
166 field = "params"
167 pre_space = ""
168 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
169 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_SAMPLE_ID):
170 field = "sample"
171 pre_space = ""
172 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
173 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ORIGIN_ID):
174 field = "origin"
175 pre_space = ""
176 skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
177 elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ENDVAR):
178 break
179 else:
180 skip = 0
181 # if a manual line break was found last line, don't prespace this line
182 if i > 1 and lines[i-1].endswith("\\n"):
183 pre_space = ""
184 else:
185 pre_space = " "
187 # add the line to the field, processing it for \ characters and \n
188 # which, if occurring at the end of a line, must become a LYX_NEWLINE
189 line = lines[i][skip:]
191 # deal with \htmlonly
192 # TODO: convert chars found in htmlonly to unicode
193 start = line.find(HTMLONLY_START)
194 if start > 0:
195 # if removing the htmlonly element leaves a double space, go back one to remove it
196 if line[start-1] == " ":
197 start = start - 1
198 end = line.find(HTMLONLY_END)
199 if end > start:
200 end = line.find(HTMLONLY_END) + len(HTMLONLY_END)
201 line = line[:start] + line[end:]
202 #else:
203 # TODO: if HTMLONLY_END is not found, look on the next line
204 # TODO: in the current LyXAction.cpp there are no htmlonly fields which go over a line break
206 # deal with \ but leave \n if at the end of the line
207 slash_idx = line.find("\\")
208 while slash_idx >= 0:
209 if slash_idx < len(line)-2 \
210 or slash_idx == len(line)-1:
211 # true when the \ is not the last or second last char
212 # or when the slash is the last char of the line
214 # slash must be interpreted literaly so swap it for a LYX_BACKSLASH
215 line = line[:slash_idx] + LYX_BACKSLASH + line[slash_idx+1:]
216 # skip the index ahead beyond the added text
217 slash_idx = slash_idx + len(LYX_BACKSLASH)
218 elif line[slash_idx+1] != "n": # only evaluated if the line ends "\x" where 'x' != 'n'
219 line = line[:slash_idx] + LYX_BACKSLASH + line[slash_idx+1:]
220 # skip the index ahead beyond the added text
221 slash_idx = slash_idx + len(LYX_BACKSLASH)
222 # look for the next \
223 slash_idx = line.find("\\", slash_idx+1)
225 # \n at the end of lines will not be processed by the above while loop
226 # so sort those out now
227 # sometime lines end " \n" so chop the space if its there
228 if line.endswith(" \\n"):
229 line = line[:len(line)-3] + LYX_NEWLINE
230 elif line.endswith("\\n"):
231 line = line[:len(line)-2] + LYX_NEWLINE
233 # any references to other LFUNs need the # removing
234 # TODO: actually insert a cross-reference here
235 line = line.replace("#LFUN", "LFUN")
237 # handle the few #lyx:: cases
238 line = line.replace("#lyx::", "lyx::")
240 # the first line might not have a field in it in which
241 # case the variable field won't have a value, so check
242 # to avoid an error
243 if field != "":
244 lfun[field] = lfun[field] + pre_space + line
246 # TODO: sort out chopping lines of more that 80 chars in length
248 return lfun
250 def write_fields(file, lfun):
251 """Writes the LFUN contained in the dict lfun to the file. Does not write a the file header or footer"""
252 # add lfun to LFUNs.lyx
253 file.write("\\begin_layout Subsection*\n")
254 file.write(lfun["name"] + "\n")
255 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
256 #file.write("\n")
257 if lfun["action"] != "":
258 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
259 file.write("Action " + lfun["action"] + "\n")
260 #file.write("\n")
261 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
262 #file.write("\n")
263 if lfun["notion"] != "":
264 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
265 file.write("Notion " + lfun["notion"] + "\n")
266 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
267 #file.write("\n")
268 if lfun["syntax"] != "":
269 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
270 file.write("Syntax " + lfun["syntax"] + "\n")
271 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
272 #file.write("\n")
273 if lfun["params"] != "":
274 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
275 file.write("Params " + lfun["params"] + "\n")
276 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
277 #file.write("\n")
278 if lfun["sample"] != "":
279 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
280 file.write("Sample " + lfun["sample"] + "\n")
281 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
282 #file.write("\n")
283 if lfun["origin"] != "":
284 file.write("\\begin_layout Description\n")
285 file.write("Origin " + lfun["origin"] + "\n")
286 file.write("\\end_layout\n")
287 #file.write("\n")
288 file.write("\n")
290 def main(argv):
291 # parse command line arguments
292 script_path, script_name = os.path.split(argv[0])
293 if len(argv) < 2:
294 error(usage(script_name))
295 # input file
296 lyxaction_path = argv[1]
297 if not os.path.exists(lyxaction_path):
298 error(script_name + ": %s is not a valid path" % lyxaction_path, usage(argv[0]))
300 # output file
301 if len(argv) == 3:
302 lfuns_path = argv[2]
303 if os.path.isdir(lfuns_path):
304 lfuns_path = lfuns_path + "LFUNs.lyx"
305 elif os.path.exists(lfuns_path):
306 error(script_name + ": %s already exists, delete it and rerun the script" % lfuns_path)
307 lfuns_file = open(lfuns_path, 'wb')
308 else:
309 lfuns_file = sys.stdout
311 sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Start processing " + argv[1] + '\n')
312 # Read the input file and write the output file
313 lyxaction_file = open(lyxaction_path, 'rb')
315 lyxaction_text = lyxaction_file.read()
317 lfuns_file.write(LFUNS_HEADER)
319 # seek to the important bit of LyXAction.cpp
320 try:
321 start = lyxaction_text.index("ev_item const items[] = {")
322 except ValueError:
323 lyxaction_file.close()
324 lfuns_file.close()
325 error(script_name + ": LFUNs not found in " + lyxaction_file)
327 done = count = 0
329 while done == 0:
330 # look for a doxygen comment
331 start = lyxaction_text.find(DOXYGEN_START, start)
332 end = lyxaction_text.find(DOXYGEN_END, start) + len(DOXYGEN_END)
333 # parse the lfun if it is found
334 if start > 0:
335 count = count + 1
336 lfun = parse_lfun(lyxaction_text[start:end])
337 # write the lfun to the file
338 write_fields(lfuns_file, lfun)
339 # done adding current lfun to LFUNs.lyx so get the next one
340 start = end
341 else:
342 # if no more lfuns are found, EOF reached
343 done = 1
345 sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Created documentation for " + str(count) + " LFUNs\n")
347 # write the last part of LFUNs.lyx
348 lfuns_file.write(LFUNS_FOOTER)
350 lyxaction_file.close()
351 lfuns_file.close()
353 sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Finished\n")
355 if __name__ == "__main__":
356 main(sys.argv)