enhance debug message.
[lyx.git] / po / lyx_pot.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # file lyx_pot.py
5 # This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
6 # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
8 # \author Bo Peng
10 # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
12 # Usage: use
13 # lyx_pot.py -h
14 # to get usage message
16 # This script will extract translatable strings from input files and write
17 # to output in gettext .pot format.
19 import sys, os, re, getopt
21 def relativePath(path, base):
22 '''return relative path from top source dir'''
23 # full pathname of path
24 path1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(path)).split(os.sep)
25 path2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(base)).split(os.sep)
26 if path1[:len(path2)] != path2:
27 print "Path %s is not under top source directory" % path
28 path3 = os.path.join(*path1[len(path2):]);
29 # replace all \ by / such that we get the same comments on Windows and *nix
30 path3 = path3.replace('\\', '/')
31 return path3
34 def writeString(outfile, infile, basefile, lineno, string):
35 string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '')
36 if string == "":
37 return
38 print >> outfile, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
39 (relativePath(infile, basefile), lineno, string)
42 def ui_l10n(input_files, output, base):
43 '''Generate pot file from lib/ui/*'''
44 output = open(output, 'w')
45 Submenu = re.compile(r'^[^#]*Submenu\s+"([^"]*)"')
46 Popupmenu = re.compile(r'^[^#]*PopupMenu\s+"[^"]+"\s+"([^"]*)"')
47 Toolbar = re.compile(r'^[^#]*Toolbar\s+"[^"]+"\s+"([^"]*)"')
48 Item = re.compile(r'[^#]*Item\s+"([^"]*)"')
49 TableInsert = re.compile(r'[^#]*TableInsert\s+"([^"]*)"')
50 for src in input_files:
51 input = open(src)
52 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
53 if Submenu.match(line):
54 (string,) = Submenu.match(line).groups()
55 string = string.replace('_', ' ')
56 elif Popupmenu.match(line):
57 (string,) = Popupmenu.match(line).groups()
58 elif Toolbar.match(line):
59 (string,) = Toolbar.match(line).groups()
60 elif Item.match(line):
61 (string,) = Item.match(line).groups()
62 elif TableInsert.match(line):
63 (string,) = TableInsert.match(line).groups()
64 else:
65 continue
66 string = string.replace('"', '')
67 if string != "":
68 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
69 (relativePath(src, base), lineno+1, string)
70 input.close()
71 output.close()
74 def layouts_l10n(input_files, output, base):
75 '''Generate pot file from lib/layouts/*.{layout,inc,module}'''
76 out = open(output, 'w')
77 Style = re.compile(r'^Style\s+(.*)')
78 # include ???LabelString???, but exclude comment lines
79 LabelString = re.compile(r'^[^#]*LabelString\S*\s+(.*)')
80 GuiName = re.compile(r'\s*GuiName\s+(.*)')
81 ListName = re.compile(r'\s*ListName\s+(.*)')
82 CategoryName = re.compile(r'\s*Category\s+(.*)')
83 NameRE = re.compile(r'DeclareLyXModule.*{(.*)}')
84 InsetLayout = re.compile(r'^InsetLayout\s+(.*)')
85 DescBegin = re.compile(r'#+\s*DescriptionBegin\s*$')
86 DescEnd = re.compile(r'#+\s*DescriptionEnd\s*$')
87 Category = re.compile(r'#Category: (.*)$')
88 I18nPreamble = re.compile(r'\s*(Lang)|(Babel)Preamble\s*$')
89 EndI18nPreamble = re.compile(r'\s*End(Lang)|(Babel)Preamble\s*$')
90 I18nString = re.compile(r'_\(([^\)]+)\)')
92 for src in input_files:
93 readingDescription = False
94 readingI18nPreamble = False
95 descStartLine = -1
96 descLines = []
97 lineno = 0
98 for line in open(src).readlines():
99 lineno += 1
100 if readingDescription:
101 res = DescEnd.search(line)
102 if res != None:
103 readingDescription = False
104 desc = " ".join(descLines)
105 writeString(out, src, base, lineno + 1, desc)
106 continue
107 descLines.append(line[1:].strip())
108 continue
109 res = DescBegin.search(line)
110 if res != None:
111 readingDescription = True
112 descStartLine = lineno
113 continue
114 if readingI18nPreamble:
115 res = EndI18nPreamble.search(line)
116 if res != None:
117 readingI18nPreamble = False
118 continue
119 res = I18nString.search(line)
120 if res != None:
121 string = res.group(1)
122 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
123 continue
124 res = I18nPreamble.search(line)
125 if res != None:
126 readingI18nPreamble = True
127 continue
128 res = NameRE.search(line)
129 if res != None:
130 string = res.group(1)
131 string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '')
132 if string != "":
133 print >> out, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
134 (relativePath(src, base), lineno + 1, string)
135 continue
136 res = Style.search(line)
137 if res != None:
138 string = res.group(1)
139 string = string.replace('_', ' ')
140 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
141 continue
142 res = LabelString.search(line)
143 if res != None:
144 string = res.group(1)
145 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
146 continue
147 res = GuiName.search(line)
148 if res != None:
149 string = res.group(1)
150 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
151 continue
152 res = CategoryName.search(line)
153 if res != None:
154 string = res.group(1)
155 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
156 continue
157 res = ListName.search(line)
158 if res != None:
159 string = res.group(1)
160 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
161 continue
162 res = InsetLayout.search(line)
163 if res != None:
164 string = res.group(1)
165 string = string.replace('_', ' ')
166 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
167 continue
168 res = Category.search(line)
169 if res != None:
170 string = res.group(1)
171 writeString(out, src, base, lineno, string)
172 continue
173 out.close()
176 def qt4_l10n(input_files, output, base):
177 '''Generate pot file from src/frontends/qt4/ui/*.ui'''
178 output = open(output, 'w')
179 pat = re.compile(r'\s*<string>(.*)</string>')
180 prop = re.compile(r'\s*<property.*name.*=.*shortcut')
181 for src in input_files:
182 input = open(src)
183 skipNextLine = False
184 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
185 # skip the line after <property name=shortcut>
186 if skipNextLine:
187 skipNextLine = False
188 continue
189 if prop.match(line):
190 skipNextLine = True
191 continue
192 # get lines that match <string>...</string>
193 if pat.match(line):
194 (string,) = pat.match(line).groups()
195 string = string.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>')
196 string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', r'\"')
197 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
198 (relativePath(src, base), lineno+1, string)
199 input.close()
200 output.close()
203 def languages_l10n(input_files, output, base):
204 '''Generate pot file from lib/language'''
205 output = open(output, 'w')
206 # assuming only one language file
207 reg = re.compile('[\w-]+\s+[\w"]+\s+"([\w \-\(\),]+)"\s+(true|false)\s+[\w-]+\s+\w+\s+"[^"]*"')
208 input = open(input_files[0])
209 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
210 if line[0] == '#':
211 continue
212 # From:
213 # afrikaans afrikaans "Afrikaans" false iso8859-15 af_ZA ""
214 # To:
215 # #: lib/languages:2
216 # msgid "Afrikaans"
217 # msgstr ""
218 if reg.match(line):
219 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
220 (relativePath(input_files[0], base), lineno+1, reg.match(line).groups()[0])
221 else:
222 print "Error: Unable to handle line:"
223 print line
224 # No need to abort if the parsing fails (e.g. "ignore" language has no encoding)
225 # sys.exit(1)
226 input.close()
227 output.close()
230 def external_l10n(input_files, output, base):
231 '''Generate pot file from lib/external_templates'''
232 output = open(output, 'w')
233 Template = re.compile(r'^Template\s+(.*)')
234 GuiName = re.compile(r'\s*GuiName\s+(.*)')
235 HelpTextStart = re.compile(r'\s*HelpText\s')
236 HelpTextSection = re.compile(r'\s*(\S.*)\s*$')
237 HelpTextEnd = re.compile(r'\s*HelpTextEnd\s')
238 i = -1
239 for src in input_files:
240 input = open(src)
241 inHelp = False
242 hadHelp = False
243 prev_help_string = ''
244 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
245 if Template.match(line):
246 (string,) = Template.match(line).groups()
247 elif GuiName.match(line):
248 (string,) = GuiName.match(line).groups()
249 elif inHelp:
250 if HelpTextEnd.match(line):
251 if hadHelp:
252 print >> output, '\nmsgstr ""\n'
253 inHelp = False
254 hadHelp = False
255 prev_help_string = ''
256 elif HelpTextSection.match(line):
257 (help_string,) = HelpTextSection.match(line).groups()
258 help_string = help_string.replace('"', '')
259 if help_string != "" and prev_help_string == '':
260 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid ""\n"%s\\n"' % \
261 (relativePath(src, base), lineno+1, help_string)
262 hadHelp = True
263 elif help_string != "":
264 print >> output, '"%s\\n"' % help_string
265 prev_help_string = help_string
266 elif HelpTextStart.match(line):
267 inHelp = True
268 prev_help_string = ''
269 else:
270 continue
271 string = string.replace('"', '')
272 if string != "" and not inHelp:
273 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
274 (relativePath(src, base), lineno+1, string)
275 input.close()
276 output.close()
279 def formats_l10n(input_files, output, base):
280 '''Generate pot file from configure.py'''
281 output = open(output, 'w')
282 GuiName = re.compile(r'.*\Format\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+"([^"]*)"\s+(\S*)\s+.*')
283 GuiName2 = re.compile(r'.*\Format\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+([^"]\S+)\s+(\S*)\s+.*')
284 input = open(input_files[0])
285 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
286 label = ""
287 labelsc = ""
288 if GuiName.match(line):
289 label = GuiName.match(line).group(1)
290 shortcut = GuiName.match(line).group(2).replace('"', '')
291 elif GuiName2.match(line):
292 label = GuiName2.match(line).group(1)
293 shortcut = GuiName2.match(line).group(2).replace('"', '')
294 else:
295 continue
296 label = label.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '')
297 if shortcut != "":
298 labelsc = label + "|" + shortcut
299 if label != "":
300 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
301 (relativePath(input_files[0], base), lineno+1, label)
302 if labelsc != "":
303 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
304 (relativePath(input_files[0], base), lineno+1, labelsc)
305 input.close()
306 output.close()
309 def encodings_l10n(input_files, output, base):
310 '''Generate pot file from lib/encodings'''
311 output = open(output, 'w')
312 # assuming only one encodings file
313 # Encoding utf8 utf8 "Unicode (utf8)" UTF-8 variable inputenc
314 reg = re.compile('Encoding [\w-]+\s+[\w-]+\s+"([\w \-\(\)]+)"\s+[\w-]+\s+(fixed|variable)\s+\w+.*')
315 input = open(input_files[0])
316 for lineno, line in enumerate(input.readlines()):
317 if not line.startswith('Encoding'):
318 continue
319 if reg.match(line):
320 print >> output, '#: %s:%d\nmsgid "%s"\nmsgstr ""\n' % \
321 (relativePath(input_files[0], base), lineno+1, reg.match(line).groups()[0])
322 else:
323 print "Error: Unable to handle line:"
324 print line
325 # No need to abort if the parsing fails
326 # sys.exit(1)
327 input.close()
328 output.close()
332 Usage = '''
333 lyx_pot.py [-b|--base top_src_dir] [-o|--output output_file] [-h|--help] [-s|src_file filename] -t|--type input_type input_files
335 where
336 --base:
337 path to the top source directory. default to '.'
338 --output:
339 output pot file, default to './lyx.pot'
340 --src_file
341 filename that contains a list of input files in each line
342 --input_type can be
343 ui: lib/ui/*
344 layouts: lib/layouts/*
345 qt4: qt4 ui files
346 languages: file lib/languages
347 encodings: file lib/encodings
348 external: external templates file
349 formats: formats predefined in lib/configure.py
352 if __name__ == '__main__':
353 input_type = None
354 output = 'lyx.pot'
355 base = '.'
356 input_files = []
358 optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ht:o:b:s:',
359 ['help', 'type=', 'output=', 'base=', 'src_file='])
360 for (opt, value) in optlist:
361 if opt in ['-h', '--help']:
362 print Usage
363 sys.exit(0)
364 elif opt in ['-o', '--output']:
365 output = value
366 elif opt in ['-b', '--base']:
367 base = value
368 elif opt in ['-t', '--type']:
369 input_type = value
370 elif opt in ['-s', '--src_file']:
371 input_files = [f.strip() for f in open(value)]
373 if input_type not in ['ui', 'layouts', 'modules', 'qt4', 'languages', 'encodings', 'external', 'formats'] or output is None:
374 print 'Wrong input type or output filename.'
375 sys.exit(1)
377 input_files += args
379 if input_type == 'ui':
380 ui_l10n(input_files, output, base)
381 elif input_type == 'layouts':
382 layouts_l10n(input_files, output, base)
383 elif input_type == 'qt4':
384 qt4_l10n(input_files, output, base)
385 elif input_type == 'external':
386 external_l10n(input_files, output, base)
387 elif input_type == 'formats':
388 formats_l10n(input_files, output, base)
389 elif input_type == 'encodings':
390 encodings_l10n(input_files, output, base)
391 else:
392 languages_l10n(input_files, output, base)