move LyXerr QString specialisation to support/qstring_helpers
[lyx.git] / lib / layouts /
2 # Standard textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
3 # Author : Matthias Ettrich <>
4 # Transposed by Pascal AndrĂ© <>
5 # Heavily modifed and enhanced by several developers.
7 # This include files contains various standard environments for lists.
10 Format 7
11 Style Itemize
12         Category              List
13         Margin                Static
14         LatexType             Item_Environment
15         LatexName             itemize
16         NextNoIndent          1
17         LeftMargin            MMN
18         LabelSep              xx
19         ItemSep               0.2
20         TopSep                0.7
21         BottomSep             0.7
22         ParSep                0.3
23         Align                 Block
24         AlignPossible         Block, Left
25         LabelType             Itemize
26         LabelString           "*"
27 End
30 Style Enumerate
31         Category              List
32         Margin                Static
33         LatexType             Item_Environment
34         LatexName             enumerate
35         NextNoIndent          1
36         LeftMargin            MMN
37         LabelSep              xx
38         ParSkip               0.0
39         ItemSep               0.2
40         TopSep                0.7
41         BottomSep             0.7
42         ParSep                0.3
43         Align                 Block
44         AlignPossible         Block, Left
45         LabelType             Enumerate
46 End
49 Style Description
50         Category              List
51         Margin                First_Dynamic
52         LatexType             Item_environment
53         LatexName             description
54         NextNoIndent          1
55         LeftMargin            MM
56         LabelSep              xxx
57         ParSkip               0.4
58         ItemSep               0.2
59         TopSep                0.7
60         BottomSep             0.7
61         ParSep                0.3
62         Align                 Block
63         AlignPossible         Block, Left
64         LabelType             Manual
65         LabelString           "MM"
66         LabelFont
67           Series              Bold
68         EndFont
69 End
72 Style List
73         Category              List
74         Margin                Manual
75         LatexType             List_Environment
76         LatexName             lyxlist
77         NextNoindent          1
78         LabelSep              xxx
79         ParSkip               0.4
80         TopSep                0.7
81         BottomSep             0.7
82         ParSep                0.5
83         Align                 Block
84         AlignPossible         Block, Left
85         LabelType             Manual
86         LabelString           "00.00.0000"
88         #define the environment lyxlist
89         Preamble
90                 \newenvironment{lyxlist}[1]
91                         {\begin{list}{}
92                                 {\settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1}
93                                  \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}
94                                  \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}
95                                  \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1\hfil}}}
96                         {\end{list}}
97         EndPreamble
98 End
102 # New environments (not active yet)
104 #Environment Itemize
105 #       LaTeXHeader "\begin{itemize}"
106 #       LaTeXFooter "\end{itemize}"
107 #  LabelString          "*"
108 #  Margin               Static
109 #  LatexType            Item_Environment
110 #  NextNoIndent         1
111 #  LeftMargin           MMN
112 #  LabelSep             xx
113 #  ItemSep              0.2
114 #  TopSep               0.7
115 #  BottomSep            0.7
116 #  ParSep               0.3
117 #  Align                Block
118 #  AlignPossible        Block, Left
119 #  LabelType            Static
120 #End
122 #Environment Enumerate
123 #  Margin               Static
124 #  LatexType            Item_Environment
125 #  LatexName            enumerate
126 #  NextNoIndent         1
127 #  LeftMargin           MMN
128 #  LabelSep             xx
129 #  ParSkip              0.0
130 #  ItemSep              0.2
131 #  TopSep               0.7
132 #  BottomSep            0.7
133 #  ParSep               0.3
134 #  Align                Block
135 #  AlignPossible        Block, Left
136 #  LabelType            Enumerate
137 #End