Fixed some little errors with the drawing functions.
[luagame.git] / base / instrumentation.lua
1 --[[
2 Instrumentation Functions
4 Copyright (c) 2007 Brett Lajzer
6 See LICENSE for license information.
8 This is code to do instrumentation and profiling.
9 Call 'instr_begin' to start instrumentation, passing an identifier string
10 Call 'instr_end' to stop instrumentation, passing the same identifier
11 Call 'instr_track' where the first argument is an id and the second a value
12 to track the value of a variable across a number of arbitrary samples
13 'instr_stats' outputs gathered information to stdout.
15 For example:
16 instr_begin("sin")
17 sin(x)
18 instr_end("sin")
19 --]]
21 --keep vars in a local environment for cleanliness
23 local event_log = {}
24 local run_time = {}
25 local temp_time = {}
26 local call_count = {}
27 local var_track = {}
28 local temp_start = get_ticks()
30 --starts instrumentation for an id
31 function instr_begin(id)
32 --check to see that we're not trying to nest these calls
33 --and throw an error if we are
34 if temp_time[id] ~= nil then
35 error("ERROR: Attempt to nest instrumentations for same id: "
36 end
38 --increment call counter
39 if call_count[id] then
40 call_count[id] = call_count[id] + 1
41 else
42 call_count[id] = 1
43 end
45 --store current time in ms
46 temp_time[id] = get_ticks()
47 end
50 --end instrumentation for an id
51 function instr_end(id)
52 --check to make sure we're ending a running instrumentation
53 -- throw an error if not.
54 if temp_time[id] == nil then
55 error("ERROR: Can't end instrumentation on id: "". Instrumentation not started.",2)
56 end
58 --add current time delta to total for id
59 if run_time[id] then
60 run_time[id] = run_time[id] + (get_ticks() - temp_time[id])
61 else
62 run_time[id] = get_ticks() - temp_time[id]
63 end
65 --delete temp entry to enable error detection
66 temp_time[id] = nil
67 end
70 --track the value of a variable
71 function instr_track(id, val)
72 if var_track[id] == nil then
73 var_track[id] = {}
74 end
75 local pos = #var_track[id]+1
76 var_track[id][pos] = val
77 end
80 --prints out statistics for all ids
81 -- TODO: make printout of tracked values do min/max
82 function instr_stats()
83 local total_time = get_ticks() - temp_start
85 --print statistics
86 print(string.char(27).."[1;38;40m\nCALL STATISTICS")
87 print("==============="..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m")
88 for k,v in pairs(call_count) do
89 print(string.char(27).."[1;32m"..k..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m")
90 print("\tCalls: "..v)
91 print("\tAvg: "..string.format("%3.4f",(run_time[k] or 1)/v))
92 print("\t% total: "..string.format("%3.4f",(run_time[k] or 1)/total_time))
93 end
95 --variable statistics
96 print(string.char(27).."[1;38;40m\nVAR STATISTICS")
97 print("=============="..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m")
98 for k,v in pairs(var_track) do
99 local sum = 0
100 for i,j in pairs(v) do
101 sum = sum + j
103 print(string.char(27).."[1;32m"..k..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m: "..string.format("%3.4f",sum/#v))
105 print("")
107 --issue warnings about unended instrumentation runs
108 local unended = false
109 for k,v in pairs(temp_time) do
110 print(string.char(27).."[1;31mWARNING:"..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m Unended instrumentation: "..k)
111 unended = true
114 --issue big warning for unended instrumentations
115 if unended == true then
116 print("\t*******************************************")
117 print("\t* There were unended instrumentations *")
118 print("\t* These statistics will NOT be accurate *")
119 print("\t* *")
120 print("\t* Review the above warnings and fix the *")
121 print("\t* related code to ensure proper profiling *")
122 print("\t*******************************************")
127 --log event - log stores timestamp and message, along with list of "classes"
128 -- the classes are passed as the extra arguments to the function
129 function instr_log(msg,...)
130 local classes = ""
131 if arg.n ~= 0 then
132 for i,v in pairs(arg) do
133 if i ~= "n" then
134 classes = classes..v..",,"
138 event_log[#event_log+1] = {get_ticks(), classes, msg}
142 --prints out the log
143 function instr_print_log(...)
144 local classes = {}
145 local class_string
146 if arg.n == 0 then
147 classes = {".*"}
148 class_string = "All classes"
149 else
150 class_string = "Classes:"
151 for i,v in pairs(arg) do
152 if i ~= "n" then
153 classes[#classes+1] = v
154 class_string = class_string.." "..v
159 --print out entires that relate to the classes specified
160 print(string.char(27).."[1;38;40m\nEVENT LOG")
161 print("========="..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m")
162 print(string.char(27).."[1;32m"..class_string..string.char(27).."[0;38;40m")
163 for k,v in pairs(event_log) do
164 local matched = false
165 for i,j in pairs(classes) do
166 if string.match(v[2],j) then
167 matched = true
168 break
171 --print out if the classes match
172 if matched == true then
173 print(" "..v[1]..": "..v[3])