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11 <div class="document" id="luabind">
12 <h1 class="title">luabind</h1>
13 <p>Note: This library is currently in public beta phase. This documentation
14 should be considered beta as well. Please report any grammatical
15 corrections/spelling corrections.</p>
16 <div class="contents topic" id="contents">
17 <p class="topic-title"><a name="contents">Contents</a></p>
18 <ul class="auto-toc simple">
19 <li><a class="reference" href="#introduction" id="id1" name="id1">1   Introduction</a></li>
20 <li><a class="reference" href="#features" id="id2" name="id2">2   Features</a></li>
21 <li><a class="reference" href="#portability" id="id3" name="id3">3   Portability</a></li>
22 <li><a class="reference" href="#building-luabind" id="id4" name="id4">4   Building luabind</a></li>
23 <li><a class="reference" href="#basic-usage" id="id5" name="id5">5   Basic usage</a><ul class="auto-toc">
24 <li><a class="reference" href="#hello-world" id="id6" name="id6">5.1   Hello world</a></li>
25 </ul>
26 </li>
27 <li><a class="reference" href="#scopes" id="id7" name="id7">6   Scopes</a></li>
28 <li><a class="reference" href="#binding-functions-to-lua" id="id8" name="id8">7   Binding functions to lua</a><ul class="auto-toc">
29 <li><a class="reference" href="#overloaded-functions" id="id9" name="id9">7.1   Overloaded functions</a></li>
30 <li><a class="reference" href="#signature-matching" id="id10" name="id10">7.2   Signature matching</a></li>
31 <li><a class="reference" href="#calling-lua-functions" id="id11" name="id11">7.3   Calling lua functions</a></li>
32 <li><a class="reference" href="#using-lua-threads" id="id12" name="id12">7.4   Using lua threads</a></li>
33 </ul>
34 </li>
35 <li><a class="reference" href="#binding-classes-to-lua" id="id13" name="id13">8   Binding classes to lua</a><ul class="auto-toc">
36 <li><a class="reference" href="#properties" id="id14" name="id14">8.1   Properties</a></li>
37 <li><a class="reference" href="#enums" id="id15" name="id15">8.2   Enums</a></li>
38 <li><a class="reference" href="#operators" id="id16" name="id16">8.3   Operators</a></li>
39 <li><a class="reference" href="#nested-scopes-and-static-functions" id="id17" name="id17">8.4   Nested scopes and static functions</a></li>
40 <li><a class="reference" href="#derived-classes" id="id18" name="id18">8.5   Derived classes</a></li>
41 <li><a class="reference" href="#smart-pointers" id="id19" name="id19">8.6   Smart pointers</a></li>
42 </ul>
43 </li>
44 <li><a class="reference" href="#object" id="id20" name="id20">9   Object</a><ul class="auto-toc">
45 <li><a class="reference" href="#iterators" id="id21" name="id21">9.1   Iterators</a></li>
46 <li><a class="reference" href="#related-functions" id="id22" name="id22">9.2   Related functions</a></li>
47 <li><a class="reference" href="#functor" id="id23" name="id23">9.3   Functor</a></li>
48 </ul>
49 </li>
50 <li><a class="reference" href="#defining-classes-in-lua" id="id24" name="id24">10   Defining classes in lua</a><ul class="auto-toc">
51 <li><a class="reference" href="#deriving-in-lua" id="id25" name="id25">10.1   Deriving in lua</a></li>
52 <li><a class="reference" href="#overloading-operators" id="id26" name="id26">10.2   Overloading operators</a></li>
53 <li><a class="reference" href="#finalizers" id="id27" name="id27">10.3   Finalizers</a></li>
54 </ul>
55 </li>
56 <li><a class="reference" href="#exceptions" id="id28" name="id28">11   Exceptions</a></li>
57 <li><a class="reference" href="#policies" id="id29" name="id29">12   Policies</a><ul class="auto-toc">
58 <li><a class="reference" href="#copy" id="id30" name="id30">12.1   Copy</a></li>
59 <li><a class="reference" href="#adopt" id="id31" name="id31">12.2   Adopt</a></li>
60 <li><a class="reference" href="#dependency" id="id32" name="id32">12.3   Dependency</a></li>
61 <li><a class="reference" href="#return-reference-to" id="id33" name="id33">12.4   Return reference to</a></li>
62 <li><a class="reference" href="#out-value" id="id34" name="id34">12.5   Out value</a></li>
63 <li><a class="reference" href="#pure-out-value" id="id35" name="id35">12.6   Pure out value</a></li>
64 <li><a class="reference" href="#discard-result" id="id36" name="id36">12.7   Discard result</a></li>
65 <li><a class="reference" href="#return-stl-iterator" id="id37" name="id37">12.8   Return STL iterator</a></li>
66 <li><a class="reference" href="#yield" id="id38" name="id38">12.9   Yield</a></li>
67 </ul>
68 </li>
69 <li><a class="reference" href="#splitting-up-the-registration" id="id39" name="id39">13   Splitting up the registration</a></li>
70 <li><a class="reference" href="#configuration" id="id40" name="id40">14   Configuration</a><ul class="auto-toc">
71 <li><a class="reference" href="#build-options" id="id41" name="id41">14.1   Build options</a></li>
72 </ul>
73 </li>
74 <li><a class="reference" href="#implementation-notes" id="id42" name="id42">15   Implementation notes</a></li>
75 <li><a class="reference" href="#error-messages" id="id43" name="id43">16   Error messages</a></li>
76 <li><a class="reference" href="#faq" id="id44" name="id44">17   FAQ</a></li>
77 <li><a class="reference" href="#known-issues" id="id45" name="id45">18   Known issues</a></li>
78 <li><a class="reference" href="#acknowledgments" id="id46" name="id46">19   Acknowledgments</a></li>
79 </ul>
80 </div>
81 <div class="section" id="introduction">
82 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id1" name="introduction">1   Introduction</a></h1>
83 <p>Luabind is a library that helps you create bindings between C++ and lua. It has
84 the ability to expose functions and classes, written in C++, to lua. It will
85 also supply the functionality to define classes in lua and let them derive from
86 other lua classes or C++ classes. Lua classes can override virtual functions
87 from their C++ base classes. It is written towards lua 5.0, and does not work
88 with lua 4.</p>
89 <p>It is implemented utilizing template meta programming. That means that you
90 don't need an extra preprocess pass to compile your project (it is done by the
91 compiler). It also means you don't (usually) have to know the exact signature of
92 each function you register, since the library will generate code depending on
93 the compile-time type of the function (which includes the signature). The main
94 drawback of this approach is that the compilation time will increase for the
95 file that does the registration, it is therefore recommended that you register
96 everything in the same cpp-file.</p>
97 <p>luabind is released under the terms of the <a class="reference" href="">MIT license</a>.</p>
98 <p>We are very interested in hearing about projects that use luabind, please let
99 us know about your project.</p>
100 </div>
101 <div class="section" id="features">
102 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id2" name="features">2   Features</a></h1>
103 <p>Luabind supports:</p>
104 <blockquote>
105 <ul class="simple">
106 <li>Overloaded free functions</li>
107 <li>C++ classes in lua</li>
108 <li>Overloaded member functions</li>
109 <li>Operators</li>
110 <li>Properties</li>
111 <li>Enums</li>
112 <li>Lua functions in C++</li>
113 <li>Lua classes in C++</li>
114 <li>Lua classes (single inheritance)</li>
115 <li>Derives from lua or C++ classes</li>
116 <li>O verride virtual functions from C++ classes</li>
117 <li>Implicit casts between registered types</li>
118 <li>Best match signature matching</li>
119 <li>Return value policies and parameter policies</li>
120 </ul>
121 </blockquote>
122 </div>
123 <div class="section" id="portability">
124 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id3" name="portability">3   Portability</a></h1>
125 <p>Luabind has been tested to work on the following compilers:</p>
126 <blockquote>
127 <ul class="simple">
128 <li>Visual Studio 7.1</li>
129 <li>Visual Studio 7.0</li>
130 <li>Visual Studio 6.0 (sp 5)</li>
131 <li>Intel C++ 6.0 (Windows)</li>
132 <li>GCC 2.95.3 (cygwin)</li>
133 <li>GCC 3.2 (Debian-x86)</li>
134 <li>GCC 3.3.1 (cygwin)</li>
135 </ul>
136 </blockquote>
137 <p>It has been confirmed not to work with:</p>
138 <blockquote>
139 <ul class="simple">
140 <li>GCC 2.95.2 (SunOS 5.8)</li>
141 <li>GCC 3.0.4 (Debian-x86)</li>
142 </ul>
143 </blockquote>
144 <p>Strange behaviors:</p>
145 <blockquote>
146 <ul class="simple">
147 <li>GCC 2.95.4 (Debian-x86) luabind builds, but not testsuit</li>
148 <li>GCC 3.1 (SunOS 5.8) luabind builds but testsuit gives segmentation fault</li>
149 <li>Metrowerks 8.3 (Windows)
150 compiles but fails the const-test. This means that const member
151 functions are treated as non-const member functions.</li>
152 </ul>
153 </blockquote>
154 <p>If you have tried luabind with a compiler not listed here, let us know
155 your result with it.</p>
156 </div>
157 <div class="section" id="building-luabind">
158 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id4" name="building-luabind">4   Building luabind</a></h1>
159 <p>To keep down the compilation-time luabind is built as a library. This means you
160 have to either build it and lika against it, or include its source files in
161 your project. You also have to make sure the luabind directory is somewhere in
162 your compiler's include path. It requires <a class="reference" href="">Boost</a> 1.31.0 to be installed (only
163 boost headers). It also requires that lua is installed.</p>
164 <p>The official way of building luabind is with <a class="reference" href="">Boost.Build V2</a>. To properly build
165 luabind with Boost.Build you need to set two environment variables:</p>
166 <dl>
167 <dt>BOOST_ROOT</dt>
168 <dd>Point this to your Boost installation.</dd>
169 <dt>LUA_PATH</dt>
170 <dd>Point this to your lua directory. The build system will assume that the
171 include and library files are located in <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">$(LUA_PATH)/include/</span></tt> and
172 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">$(LUA_PATH)/lib/.</span></tt></dd>
173 </dl>
174 <p>For backward compatibility, there is also a makefile in the root-directory that
175 will build the library and the test program. If you are using a UNIX-system (or
176 cygwin) they will make it easy to build luabind as a static library. If you are
177 using Visual Studio it may be easier to include the files in the src directory
178 in your project.</p>
179 <p>When building luabind you have several options that may streamline the library
180 to better suit your needs. It is extremely important that your application has
181 the same settings as the library was built with. The available options are
182 found in the <a class="reference" href="#configuration">Configuration</a> section.</p>
183 <p>If you want to change the settings to differ from the default, it's recommended
184 that you define the settings on the commandline of all your files (in the
185 project settings in visual studio).</p>
186 </div>
187 <div class="section" id="basic-usage">
188 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id5" name="basic-usage">5   Basic usage</a></h1>
189 <p>To use luabind, you must include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua.h</span></tt> and luabind's main header file:</p>
190 <pre class="literal-block">
191 extern &quot;C&quot;
193 #include &quot;lua.h&quot;
196 #include &lt;luabind/luabind.hpp&gt;
197 </pre>
198 <p>This includes support for both registering classes and functions. If you just
199 want to have support for functions or classes you can include
200 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/function.hpp</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/class.hpp</span></tt> separately:</p>
201 <pre class="literal-block">
202 #include &lt;luabind/function.hpp&gt;
203 #include &lt;luabind/class.hpp&gt;
204 </pre>
205 <p>The first thing you need to do is to call <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::open(lua_State*)</span></tt> which
206 will register the functions to create classes from lua, and initialize some
207 state-global structures used by luabind. If you don't call this function you
208 will hit asserts later in the library. There is no corresponding close function
209 because once a class has been registered in lua, there really isn't any good
210 way to remove it. Partly because any remaining instances of that class relies
211 on the class being there. Everything will be cleaned up when the state is
212 closed though.</p>
213 <!-- Isn't this wrong? Don't we include lua.h using lua_include.hpp ? -->
214 <p>Luabind's headers will never include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua.h``directly,</span> <span class="pre">but</span> <span class="pre">through</span>
215 <span class="pre">``&lt;luabind/lua_include.hpp&gt;</span></tt>. If you for some reason need to include another
216 lua header, you can modify this file.</p>
217 <div class="section" id="hello-world">
218 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id6" name="hello-world">5.1   Hello world</a></h2>
219 <pre class="literal-block">
220 #include &lt;iostream&gt;
221 #include &lt;luabind/luabind.hpp&gt;
223 void greet()
225 std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;hello world!\n&quot;;
228 extern &quot;C&quot; int init(lua_State* L)
230 using namespace luabind;
232 open(L);
234 module(L)
236 def(&quot;greet&quot;, &amp;greet)
239 return 0;
241 </pre>
242 <pre class="literal-block">
243 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
244 &gt; loadlib('hello_world.dll', 'init')()
245 &gt; greet()
246 Hello world!
247 &gt;
248 </pre>
249 </div>
250 </div>
251 <div class="section" id="scopes">
252 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id7" name="scopes">6   Scopes</a></h1>
253 <p>Everything that gets registered in lua is registered in a namespace (lua
254 tables) or in the global scope (called module). All registrations must be
255 surrounded by its scope. To define a module, the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::module</span></tt> class is
256 used. It is used like this:</p>
257 <pre class="literal-block">
258 module(L)
260 // declarations
262 </pre>
263 <p>This will register all declared functions or classes in the global namespace in
264 lua. If you want to have a namespace for your module (like the standard
265 libraries) you can give a name to the constructor, like this:</p>
266 <pre class="literal-block">
267 module(L, &quot;my_library&quot;)
269 // declarations
271 </pre>
272 <p>Here all declarations will be put in the my_library table.</p>
273 <p>If you want nested namespaces you can use the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::namespace_</span></tt> class. It
274 works exactly as <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::module</span></tt> except that it doesn't take a lua_State*
275 in it's constructor. An example of its usage could look like this:</p>
276 <pre class="literal-block">
277 module(L, &quot;my_library&quot;)
279 // declarations
281 namespace_(&quot;detail&quot;)
283 // library-private declarations
286 </pre>
287 <p>As you might have figured out, the following declarations are equivalent:</p>
288 <pre class="literal-block">
289 module(L)
291 namespace_(&quot;my_library&quot;)
293 // declarations
297 </pre>
298 <pre class="literal-block">
299 module(L, &quot;my_library&quot;)
301 // declarations
303 </pre>
304 <p>Each declaration must be separated by a comma, like this:</p>
305 <pre class="literal-block">
306 module(L)
308 def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;f),
309 def(&quot;g&quot;, &amp;g),
310 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
311 .def(constructor&lt;int, int&gt;),
312 def(&quot;h&quot;, &amp;h)
314 </pre>
315 <p>More about the actual declarations in the <a class="reference" href="#binding-functions-to-lua">Binding functions to lua</a> and
316 <a class="reference" href="#binding-classes-to-lua">Binding classes to lua</a> sections.</p>
317 <p>A word of caution, if you are in really bad need for performance, putting your
318 functions in tables will increase the lookup time.</p>
319 </div>
320 <div class="section" id="binding-functions-to-lua">
321 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id8" name="binding-functions-to-lua">7   Binding functions to lua</a></h1>
322 <p>To bind functions to lua you use the function <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::def()</span></tt>. It has the
323 following synopsis:</p>
324 <pre class="literal-block">
325 template&lt;class F, class policies&gt;
326 void def(const char* name, F f, const Policies&amp;);
327 </pre>
328 <ul class="simple">
329 <li>name is the name the function will have within lua.</li>
330 <li>F is the function pointer you want to register.</li>
331 <li>The Policies parameter is used to describe how parameters and return values
332 are treated by the function, this is an optional parameter. More on this in
333 the <a class="reference" href="#policies">policies</a> section.</li>
334 </ul>
335 <p>An example usage could be if you want to register the function <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">float</span>
336 <span class="pre">std::sin(float)</span></tt>:</p>
337 <pre class="literal-block">
338 module(L)
340 def(&quot;sin&quot;, &amp;std::sin)
342 </pre>
343 <div class="section" id="overloaded-functions">
344 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id9" name="overloaded-functions">7.1   Overloaded functions</a></h2>
345 <p>If you have more than one function with the same name, and want to register
346 them in lua, you have to explicitly give the signature. This is to let C++ know
347 which function you refer to. For example, if you have two functions, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">int</span>
348 <span class="pre">f(const</span> <span class="pre">char*)</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">void</span> <span class="pre">f(int)</span></tt>.</p>
349 <pre class="literal-block">
350 module(L)
352 def(&quot;f&quot;, (int(*)(const char*)) &amp;f),
353 def(&quot;f&quot;, (void(*)(int)) &amp;f)
355 </pre>
356 </div>
357 <div class="section" id="signature-matching">
358 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id10" name="signature-matching">7.2   Signature matching</a></h2>
359 <p>luabind will generate code that checks the lua stack to see if the values there
360 can match your functions' signatures. It will handle implicit typecasts between
361 derived classes, and it will prefer matches with the least number of implicit
362 casts. In a function call, if the function is overloaded and there's no
363 overload that match the parameters better than the other, you have an
364 ambiguity. This will spawn a run-time error, stating that the function call is
365 ambiguous. A simple example of this is to register one function that takes an
366 int and one that takes a float. Since lua don't distinguish between floats and
367 integers, both will always match.</p>
368 <p>Since all overloads are tested, it will always find the best match (not the
369 first match). This also means that it can handle situations where the only
370 difference in the signature is that one member function is const and the other
371 isn't.</p>
372 <div class="sidebar">
373 <p class="sidebar-title">Ownership transfer</p>
374 <p>To correctly handle ownership transfer, create_a() would need an adopt
375 return value policy. More on this in the <a class="reference" href="#policies">Policies</a> section.</p>
376 </div>
377 <p>For example, if the following function and class is registered:</p>
378 <pre class="literal-block">
379 struct A
381 void f();
382 void f() const;
385 const A* create_a();
387 struct B: A {};
388 struct C: B {};
390 void g(A*);
391 void g(B*);
392 </pre>
393 <p>And the following lua code is executed:</p>
394 <pre class="literal-block">
395 a1 = create_a()
396 a1:f() -- the const version is called
398 a2 = A()
399 a2:f() -- the non-const version is called
401 a = A()
402 b = B()
403 c = C()
405 g(a) -- calls g(A*)
406 g(b) -- calls g(B*)
407 g(c) -- calls g(B*)
408 </pre>
409 </div>
410 <div class="section" id="calling-lua-functions">
411 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id11" name="calling-lua-functions">7.3   Calling lua functions</a></h2>
412 <p>To call a lua function, you can either use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_function()</span></tt>,
413 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_member()</span></tt>, an <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object</span></tt> or <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">functor</span></tt>.</p>
414 <pre class="literal-block">
415 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
416 Ret call_function(lua_State* L, const char* name, ...)
417 </pre>
418 <p>This calls the global function called name. This function can only call global
419 lua functions. The ... represents a variable number of parameters that are sent
420 to the lua function. This function call may throw <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::error</span></tt> if the
421 function call fails.</p>
422 <p>The return value isn't actually Ret (the template parameter), but a proxy
423 object that will do the function call. This enables you to give policies to the
424 call. You do this with the operator[]. You give the policies within the
425 brackets, like this:</p>
426 <pre class="literal-block">
427 int ret = call_function&lt;int&gt;(
429 , &quot;a_lua_function&quot;
430 , new complex_class()
431 )[ adopt(_1) ];
432 </pre>
433 <pre class="literal-block">
434 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
435 Ret call_member(object const&amp;, const char* name, ...)
437 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
438 Ret call_member(weak_ref, const char* name, ...)
439 </pre>
440 <p>This treats the given object as an instance of a class. The given name is the
441 name of a member function to call. The ... represents a variable number of
442 parameters given to the function. This function may throw <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::error</span></tt> if
443 the function call fails.</p>
444 <p>You can give policies to a member function call the same way as you do with
445 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_function</span></tt>.</p>
446 </div>
447 <div class="section" id="using-lua-threads">
448 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id12" name="using-lua-threads">7.4   Using lua threads</a></h2>
449 <p>To start a lua thread, you have to call <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_resume()</span></tt>, this means that you
450 cannot use the previous function <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_function()</span></tt> to start a thread. You have
451 to use</p>
452 <pre class="literal-block">
453 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
454 Ret resume_function(lua_State* L, const char* name, ...)
455 </pre>
456 <p>and</p>
457 <pre class="literal-block">
458 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
459 Ret resume(lua_State* L, ...)
460 </pre>
461 <p>The first time you start the thread, you have to give it a function to execute. i.e. you
462 have to use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">resume_function</span></tt>, when the lua function yeilds, it will return the first
463 value passed in to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_yield()</span></tt>. When you want to continue the execution, you just call
464 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">resume()</span></tt> on your <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_State</span></tt>, since it's already executing a function, you don't pass
465 it one. The parameters to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">resume()</span></tt> will be returned by <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">yield()</span></tt> on the lua side.</p>
466 <p>For yielding C++-functions (without the support of passing data back and forth between the
467 lua side and the c++ side), you can use the <a class="reference" href="#yield">Yield</a> policy.</p>
468 </div>
469 </div>
470 <div class="section" id="binding-classes-to-lua">
471 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id13" name="binding-classes-to-lua">8   Binding classes to lua</a></h1>
472 <p>To register classes you use a class called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">class_</span></tt>. Its name is supposed to
473 resemble the C++ keyword, to make it look more intuitive. It has an overloaded
474 member function <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">def()</span></tt> that is used to register member functions, operators,
475 constructors, enums and properties on the class. It will return its
476 this-pointer, to let you register more members directly.</p>
477 <p>Let's start with a simple example. Consider the following C++ class:</p>
478 <pre class="literal-block">
479 class testclass
481 public:
482 testclass(const std::string&amp; s): m_string(s) {}
483 void print_string() { std::cout &lt;&lt; m_string &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;; }
485 private:
486 std::string m_string;
488 </pre>
489 <p>To register it with a lua environment, write as follows (assuming you are using
490 namespace luabind):</p>
491 <pre class="literal-block">
492 module(L)
494 class_&lt;testclass&gt;(&quot;testclass&quot;)
495 .def(constructor&lt;const std::string&amp;&gt;())
496 .def(&quot;print_string&quot;, &amp;testclass::print_string)
498 </pre>
499 <p>This will register the class with the name testclass and constructor that takes
500 a string as argument and one member function with the name <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">print_string</span></tt>.</p>
501 <pre class="literal-block">
502 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
503 &gt; a = testclass('a string')
504 &gt; a:print_string()
505 a string
506 </pre>
507 <p>It is also possible to register free functions as member functions. The
508 requirement on the function is that it takes a pointer, const pointer,
509 reference or const reference to the class type as the first parameter. The rest
510 of the parameters are the ones that are visible in lua, while the object
511 pointer is given as the first parameter. If we have the following C++ code:</p>
512 <pre class="literal-block">
513 struct A
515 int a;
518 int plus(A* o, int v) { return o-&gt;a + v; }
519 </pre>
520 <p>You can register <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">plus()</span></tt> as if it was a member function of A like this:</p>
521 <pre class="literal-block">
522 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
523 .def(&quot;plus&quot;, &amp;plus)
524 </pre>
525 <p><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">plus()</span></tt> can now be called as a member function on A with one parameter, int.
526 If the object pointer parameter is const, the function will act as if it was a
527 const member function (it can be called on const objects).</p>
528 <div class="section" id="properties">
529 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id14" name="properties">8.1   Properties</a></h2>
530 <p>To register a global data member with a class is easily done. Consider the
531 following class:</p>
532 <pre class="literal-block">
533 struct A
535 int a;
537 </pre>
538 <p>This class is registered like this:</p>
539 <pre class="literal-block">
540 module(L)
542 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
543 .def_readwrite(&quot;a&quot;, &amp;A::a)
545 </pre>
546 <p>This gives read and write access to the member variable <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">A::a</span></tt>. It is also
547 possible to register attributes with read-only access:</p>
548 <pre class="literal-block">
549 module(L)
551 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
552 .def_readonly(&quot;a&quot;, &amp;A::a)
554 </pre>
555 <p>You can also register getter and setter functions and make them look as if they
556 were a public data member. Consider the following class:</p>
557 <pre class="literal-block">
558 class A
560 public:
561 void set_a(int x) { a = x; }
562 int get_a() const { return a; }
564 private:
565 int a;
567 </pre>
568 <p>It can be registered as if it had a public data member a like this:</p>
569 <pre class="literal-block">
570 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
571 .property(&quot;a&quot;, &amp;A::get_a, &amp;A::set_a)
572 </pre>
573 <p>This way the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">get_a()</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_a()</span></tt> functions will be called instead of
574 just writing to the data member. If you want to make it read only you can just
575 omit the last parameter.</p>
576 </div>
577 <div class="section" id="enums">
578 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id15" name="enums">8.2   Enums</a></h2>
579 <p>If your class contains enumerated constants (enums), you can register them as
580 well to make them available in lua. Note that they will not be type safe, all
581 enums are integers in lua, and all functions that takes an enum, will accept
582 any integer. You register them like this:</p>
583 <pre class="literal-block">
584 module(L)
586 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
587 .enum_(&quot;constants&quot;)
589 value(&quot;my_enum&quot;, 4),
590 value(&quot;my_2nd_enum&quot;, 7),
591 value(&quot;another_enum&quot;, 6)
594 </pre>
595 <p>In lua they are accessed like any data member, except that they are read-only
596 and reached on the class itself rather than on an instance of the class.</p>
597 <pre class="literal-block">
598 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
599 &gt; print(A.my_enum)
601 &gt; print(A.another_enum)
603 </pre>
604 </div>
605 <div class="section" id="operators">
606 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id16" name="operators">8.3   Operators</a></h2>
607 <p>The mechanism for registering operators on your class is pretty simple. You use
608 a global name <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::self</span></tt> to refer to the class itself and then you just
609 write the operator expression inside the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">def()</span></tt> call. This class:</p>
610 <pre class="literal-block">
611 struct vec
613 vec operator+(int s);
615 </pre>
616 <p>Is registered like this:</p>
617 <pre class="literal-block">
618 module(L)
620 class_&lt;vec&gt;(&quot;vec&quot;)
621 .def(self + int())
623 </pre>
624 <p>This will work regardless if your plus operator is defined inside your class or
625 as a free function.</p>
626 <p>If you operator is const (or, when defined as a free function, takes a const
627 reference to the class itself) you have to use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">const_self</span></tt> instead of
628 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">self</span></tt>. Like this:</p>
629 <pre class="literal-block">
630 module(L)
632 class_&lt;vec&gt;(&quot;vec&quot;)
633 .def(const_self + int())
635 </pre>
636 <p>The operators supported are those available in lua:</p>
637 <blockquote>
638 <ul class="simple">
639 <li>+</li>
640 <li>-</li>
641 <li>*</li>
642 <li>/</li>
643 </ul>
644 <!-- more -->
645 </blockquote>
646 <p>This means, no in-place operators. The equality operator (==) has a little
647 hatch, it will not be called if the references are equal. This means that the
648 == operator has to do pretty much what's it's expected to do.</p>
649 <p>In the above example the other operand type is instantiated by writing
650 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">int()</span></tt>. If the operand type is a complex type that cannot easily be
651 instantiated you can wrap the type in a class called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">other&lt;&gt;</span></tt>. For example:</p>
652 <p>To register this class, we don't want to instantiate a string just to register
653 the operator.</p>
654 <pre class="literal-block">
655 struct vec
657 vec operator+(std::string);
659 </pre>
660 <p>Instead we use the other <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">wrapper</span></tt> like this:</p>
661 <pre class="literal-block">
662 module(L)
664 class_&lt;vec&gt;(&quot;vec&quot;)
665 .def(self + other&lt;std::string&gt;())
667 </pre>
668 <p>To register an application operator:</p>
669 <pre class="literal-block">
670 module(L)
672 class_&lt;vec&gt;(&quot;vec&quot;)
673 .def( self(int()) )
675 </pre>
676 <p>There's one special operator. In lua it's called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__tostring</span></tt>, it's not
677 really an operator. It is used for converting objects to strings in a standard
678 way in lua. If you register this functionality, you will be able to use the lua
679 standard function <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">tostring()</span></tt> for converting you object to a string.</p>
680 <p>To implement this operator in C++ you should supply an <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">operator&lt;&lt;</span></tt> for
681 ostream. Like this example:</p>
682 <pre class="literal-block">
683 class number {};
684 std::ostream&amp; operator&lt;&lt;(std::ostream&amp;, number&amp;);
688 module(L)
690 class_&lt;number&gt;(&quot;number&quot;)
691 .def(tostring(self))
693 </pre>
694 </div>
695 <div class="section" id="nested-scopes-and-static-functions">
696 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id17" name="nested-scopes-and-static-functions">8.4   Nested scopes and static functions</a></h2>
697 <p>It is possible to add nested scopes to a class. This is useful when you need
698 to wrap a nested class, or a static function.</p>
699 <pre class="literal-block">
700 class_&lt;foo&gt;(&quot;foo&quot;)
701 .def(constructor&lt;&gt;()
703 .scope
705 class_&lt;inner&gt;(&quot;nested&quot;),
706 def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;f)
708 </pre>
709 <p>It's also possible to add namespaces to classes using the same syntax.</p>
710 </div>
711 <div class="section" id="derived-classes">
712 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id18" name="derived-classes">8.5   Derived classes</a></h2>
713 <p>If you want to register classes that derives from other classes, you can
714 specify a template parameter <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">bases&lt;&gt;</span></tt> to the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">class_</span></tt> instantiation. The
715 following hierarchy:</p>
716 <pre class="literal-block">
717 struct A {};
718 struct B : A {};
719 </pre>
720 <p>Would be registered like this:</p>
721 <pre class="literal-block">
722 module(L)
724 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;),
725 class_&lt;B, A&gt;(&quot;B&quot;)
727 </pre>
728 <p>If you have multiple inheritance you can specify more than one base. If B would
729 also derive from a class C, it would be registered like this:</p>
730 <pre class="literal-block">
731 module(L)
733 class_&lt;B, bases&lt;A, C&gt; &gt;(&quot;B&quot;)
735 </pre>
736 <p>Note that you can omit <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">bases&lt;&gt;</span></tt> when using single inheritance.</p>
737 <div class="note">
738 <p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
739 If you don't specify that classes derive from each other, luabind will not
740 be able to implicitly cast pointers between the types.</div>
741 </div>
742 <div class="section" id="smart-pointers">
743 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id19" name="smart-pointers">8.6   Smart pointers</a></h2>
744 <p>When you register a class you can tell luabind that all instances of that class
745 should be held by some kind of smart pointer (boost::shared_ptr for instance).
746 You do this by giving the holder type as an extra template parameter to
747 the``class_``your constructing, like this:</p>
748 <pre class="literal-block">
749 module(L)
751 class_&lt;A, boost::shared_ptr&lt;A&gt; &gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
753 </pre>
754 <p>You also have to supply two functions for your smart pointer. One that returns
755 the type of const version of the smart pointer type (boost::shared_ptr&lt;const A&gt;
756 in this case). And one function that extracts the raw pointer from the smart
757 pointer. The first function is needed because luabind has to allow the
758 non-const -&gt; conversion when passing values from lua to C++. The second
759 function is needed when lua calls member functions on held types, the this
760 pointer must be a raw pointer, it is also needed to allow the smart_pointer -&gt;
761 raw_pointer conversion from lua to C++. They look like this:</p>
762 <pre class="literal-block">
763 namespace luabind {
765 template&lt;class T&gt;
766 T* get_pointer(boost::shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;&amp; p)
768 return p.get();
771 template&lt;class A&gt;
772 boost::shared_ptr&lt;const A&gt;*
773 get_const_holder(boost::shared_ptr&lt;A&gt;*)
775 return 0;
778 </pre>
779 <p>The conversion that works are (given that B is a base class of A):</p>
780 <table border class="table">
781 <colgroup>
782 <col width="49%" />
783 <col width="51%" />
784 </colgroup>
785 <thead valign="bottom">
786 <tr><th colspan="2">From lua to C++</th>
787 </tr>
788 </thead>
789 <tbody valign="top">
790 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
791 <td>A*</td>
792 </tr>
793 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
794 <td>A*</td>
795 </tr>
796 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
797 <td>const A*</td>
798 </tr>
799 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
800 <td>const B*</td>
801 </tr>
802 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
803 <td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
804 </tr>
805 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
806 <td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
807 </tr>
808 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
809 <td>const A*</td>
810 </tr>
811 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
812 <td>const B*</td>
813 </tr>
814 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
815 <td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
816 </tr>
817 </tbody>
818 </table>
819 <table border class="table">
820 <colgroup>
821 <col width="56%" />
822 <col width="44%" />
823 </colgroup>
824 <thead valign="bottom">
825 <tr><th colspan="2">From C++ to lua</th>
826 </tr>
827 </thead>
828 <tbody valign="top">
829 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
830 <td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
831 </tr>
832 <tr><td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
833 <td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
834 </tr>
835 <tr><td>const holder_type&lt;A&gt;&amp;</td>
836 <td>holder_type&lt;A&gt;</td>
837 </tr>
838 <tr><td>const holder_type&lt;const A&gt;&amp;</td>
839 <td>holder_type&lt;const A&gt;</td>
840 </tr>
841 </tbody>
842 </table>
843 <p>When using a holder type, it can be useful to know if the pointer is valid. For
844 example when using std::auto_ptr, the holder will be invalidated when passed as
845 a parameter to a function. For this purpose there is a member of all object
846 instances in luabind: <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__ok</span></tt>.</p>
847 <pre class="literal-block">
848 struct test {};
849 void f(std::auto_ptr&lt;test&gt;);
851 module(L)
853 class_&lt;test&gt;(&quot;test&quot;)
854 .def(constructor&lt;&gt;()),
856 def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;f)
858 </pre>
859 <pre class="literal-block">
860 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
861 &gt; a = test()
862 &gt; f(a)
863 &gt; print a.__ok
864 false
865 </pre>
866 </div>
867 </div>
868 <div class="section" id="object">
869 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id20" name="object">9   Object</a></h1>
870 <p>Since functions have to be able to take lua values (of variable type) we need a
871 wrapper around them. This wrapper is called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::object</span></tt>. If the
872 function you register takes an object, it will match any lua value. To use it,
873 you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/object.hpp</span></tt>. The object class has the following
874 synopsis:</p>
875 <pre class="literal-block">
876 class object
878 public:
879 class iterator;
880 class raw_iterator;
881 class array_iterator;
883 template&lt;class T&gt;
884 object(lua_State*, const T&amp; value);
885 object(const object&amp;);
886 object(lua_State*);
887 object();
889 ~object();
891 iterator begin() const;
892 iterator end() const;
893 raw_iterator raw_begin() const;
894 raw_iterator raw_end() const;
895 array_iterator abegin() const;
896 array_iterator aend() const;
898 void set();
899 lua_State* lua_state() const;
900 void pushvalue() const;
901 bool is_valid() const;
902 operator safe_bool_type() const;
904 template&lt;class Key&gt;
905 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator[](const Key&amp;);
907 template&lt;class Key&gt;
908 object at(const Key&amp;) const;
910 template&lt;class Key&gt;
911 object raw_at(const Key&amp;) const;
913 template&lt;class T&gt;
914 object&amp; operator=(const T&amp;);
915 object&amp; operator=(const object&amp;);
917 template&lt;class T&gt;
918 bool operator==(const T&amp;) const;
919 bool operator==(const object&amp;) const;
920 bool operator&lt;(const object&amp;) const;
921 bool operator&lt;=(const object&amp;) const;
922 bool operator&gt;(const object&amp;) const;
923 bool operator&gt;=(const object&amp;) const;
924 bool operator!=(const object&amp;) const;
926 void swap(object&amp;);
927 int type() const;
929 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()();
931 template&lt;class A0&gt;
932 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()(const A0&amp; a0);
934 template&lt;class A0, class A1&gt;
935 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()(const A0&amp; a0, const A1&amp; a1);
937 /* ... */
940 </pre>
941 <p>When you have a lua object, you can assign it a new value with the assignment
942 operator (=). When you do this, the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">default_policy</span></tt> will be used to make the
943 conversion from C++ value to lua. If your <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::object</span></tt> is a table you
944 can access its members through the operator[] or the iterators. The value
945 returned from the operator[] is a proxy object that can be used both for
946 reading and writing values into the table (using operator=). Note that it is
947 impossible to know if a lua value is indexable or not (lua_gettable doesn't
948 fail, it succeeds or crashes). This means that if you're trying to index
949 something that cannot be indexed, you're on your own. Lua will call its
950 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">panic()</span></tt> function (you can define your own panic function using
951 lua_setpanicf). The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">at()</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">raw_at()</span></tt> functions returns the value at
952 the given table position (like operator[] but only for reading).</p>
953 <p>The ordinary <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object::iterator</span></tt> uses lua_gettable to extract the values from
954 the table, the standard way that will invoke metamethods if any. The
955 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object::raw_iterator</span></tt> uses lua_rawget and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object::array_iterator</span></tt> uses
956 lua_rawgeti. The latter will only iterate over numberical keys starting at 1
957 and continue until the first nil value.</p>
958 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_state()</span></tt> function returns the lua state where this object is stored.
959 If you want to manipulate the object with lua functions directly you can push
960 it onto the lua stack by calling <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">pushvalue()</span></tt>. And set the object's value by
961 calling <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set()</span></tt>, which will pop the top value from the lua stack and assign
962 it to the object.</p>
963 <p>The operator== will call lua_equal() on the operands and return its result.</p>
964 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">type()</span></tt> member function will return the lua type of the object. It will
965 return the same values as lua_type().</p>
966 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">is_valid()</span></tt> function tells you whether the object has been initialized
967 or not. When created with its default constructor, objects are invalid. To make
968 an object valid, you can assign it a value. If you want to invalidate an object
969 you can simply assign it an invalid object.</p>
970 <!-- So what? implementation detail, leave out of docs
971 isn't really an implicit cast to bool, but an implicit cast
972 to a member pointer, since member pointers don't have any arithmetic operators
973 on them (which can cause hard to find errors). The functionality of the cast
974 operator -->
975 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">operator</span> <span class="pre">safe_bool_type()</span></tt> is equivalent to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">is_valid()</span></tt>. This means
976 that these snippets are equivalent:</p>
977 <pre class="literal-block">
978 object o;
979 // ...
980 if (o)
982 // ...
987 object o;
988 // ...
989 if (o.is_valid())
991 // ...
993 </pre>
994 <p>The application operator will call the value as if it was a function. You can
995 give it any number of parameters (currently the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">default_policy</span></tt> will be used
996 for the conversion). The returned object refers to the return value (currently
997 only one return value is supported). This operator may throw <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::error</span></tt>
998 if the function call fails. If you want to specify policies to your function
999 call, you can use index-operator (operator[]) on the function call, and give
1000 the policies within the [ and ]. Like this:</p>
1001 <pre class="literal-block">
1002 my_function_object(
1005 , new my_complex_structure(6)
1006 ) [ adopt(_3) ];
1007 </pre>
1008 <p>This tells luabind to make lua adopt the ownership and responsibility for the
1009 pointer passed in to the lua-function.</p>
1010 <p>It's important that all instances of object have been destructed by the time
1011 the lua state is closed. The object will keep a pointer to the lua state and
1012 release its lua object in its destructor.</p>
1013 <p>Here's an example of how a function can use a table:</p>
1014 <pre class="literal-block">
1015 void my_function(const object&amp; table)
1017 if (table.type() == LUA_TTABLE)
1019 table[&quot;time&quot;] = std::clock();
1020 table[&quot;name&quot;] = std::rand() &lt; 500 ? &quot;unusual&quot; : &quot;usual&quot;;
1022 std::cout &lt;&lt; object_cast&lt;std::string&gt;(table[5]) &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;;
1025 </pre>
1026 <p>If you take a <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::object</span></tt> as a parameter to a function, any lua value
1027 will match that parameter. That's why we have to make sure it's a table before
1028 we index into it.</p>
1029 <div class="section" id="iterators">
1030 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id21" name="iterators">9.1   Iterators</a></h2>
1031 <p>The iterators, that are returned by <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">begin()</span> <span class="pre">and</span> <span class="pre">``end()</span></tt> (and their
1032 variants) are (almost) models of the ForwardIterator concept. The exception
1033 is that post increment doesn't exist on them.</p>
1034 <p>They look like this:</p>
1035 <pre class="literal-block">
1036 class object::iterator
1038 iterator();
1039 iterator(const iterator&amp;);
1041 iterator&amp; operator++();
1042 bool operator!=(const iterator&amp;) const;
1043 iterator&amp; operator=(const iterator&amp;);
1045 object key() const;
1047 implementation-defined operator*();
1049 </pre>
1050 <p>The implementation defined return value from the dereference operator is a
1051 proxy object that can be used as if it was an object, it can also be used to
1052 assign the specific table entry with a new value. If you want to assign a value
1053 to an entry pointed to by an iterator, just use the assignment operator on the
1054 dereferenced iterator:</p>
1055 <pre class="literal-block">
1056 *iter = 5;
1057 </pre>
1058 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">key()</span></tt> member returns the key used by the iterator when indexing the
1059 associated lua table.</p>
1060 </div>
1061 <div class="section" id="related-functions">
1062 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id22" name="related-functions">9.2   Related functions</a></h2>
1063 <p>There are a couple of functions related to objects and tables.</p>
1064 <pre class="literal-block">
1065 T object_cast&lt;T&gt;(const object&amp;);
1066 T object_cast&lt;T&gt;(const object&amp;, const Policies&amp;);
1068 boost::optional&lt;T&gt;
1069 object_cast_nothrow&lt;T&gt;(const object&amp;);
1071 boost::optional&lt;T&gt;
1072 object_cast_nothrow&lt;T&gt;(const object&amp;, const Policies&amp;);
1073 </pre>
1074 </div>
1075 <div class="section" id="functor">
1076 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id23" name="functor">9.3   Functor</a></h2>
1077 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">functor</span></tt> class is similar to object, with the exception that it can only
1078 be used to store functions. If you take it as a parameter, it will only match
1079 functions.</p>
1080 <p>To use it you need to include its header:</p>
1081 <pre class="literal-block">
1082 #include &lt;luabind/functor.hpp&gt;
1083 </pre>
1084 <p>It takes one template parameter, the return value of the lua function it
1085 represents. Currently the functor can have at most one return value (unlike lua
1086 functions). It has the following synopsis:</p>
1087 <pre class="literal-block">
1088 template&lt;class Ret&gt;
1089 class functor
1091 public:
1093 functor(lua_State*, const char* name);
1094 functor(const functor&amp;);
1096 ~functor();
1098 bool is_valid() const;
1099 operator safe_bool_type() const;
1100 void reset();
1102 lua_State* lua_state() const;
1103 void pushvalue() const;
1105 bool operator==(const functor&lt;Ret&gt;&amp;);
1106 bool operator!=(const functor&lt;Ret&gt;&amp;);
1108 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()() const;
1110 template&lt;class A0&gt;
1111 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()(const A0&amp;) const;
1113 template&lt;class A0, class A1&gt;
1114 &lt;implementation-defined&gt; operator()(const A0&amp;, const A1&amp;) const;
1116 /* ... */
1118 </pre>
1119 <p>The application operator takes any parameters. The parameters are converted
1120 into lua and the function is called. The return value will act as if it was the
1121 type Ret, with the exception that you can use the return value to give policies
1122 to the call. You do this the same way as you do with objects, using the
1123 operator[], and giving the policies inside the brackets.</p>
1124 <p>The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">is_valid()</span></tt> function works just like the one on object, it tells you if
1125 the functor has been assigned with a valid lua function. The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">operator</span>
1126 <span class="pre">safe_bool_type()</span></tt> is an alias for this member function and also works just as
1127 the one found in object.</p>
1128 <p>For example, if you have the following lua function:</p>
1129 <pre class="literal-block">
1130 function f(a, b)
1131 return a + b
1133 </pre>
1134 <p>You can expose it to C++ like this:</p>
1135 <pre class="literal-block">
1136 functor&lt;int&gt; f(L, &quot;f&quot;);
1138 std::cout &lt;&lt; f(3, 5) &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;;
1139 </pre>
1140 <p>This will print out the sum of 3 and 5. Note that you can pass any parameters
1141 to the application operator of <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::functor</span></tt>, this is because lua
1142 doesn't have signatures for its functions. All lua functions take any number of
1143 parameters of any type.</p>
1144 <p>If we have a C++ function that takes a <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::functor</span></tt> and registers it,
1145 it will accept lua functions passed to it. This enables us to expose APIs that
1146 requires you to register callbacks. For example, if your C++ API looks like
1147 this:</p>
1148 <pre class="literal-block">
1149 void set_callback(void(*)(int, int));
1150 </pre>
1151 <p>And you want to expose it to lua, you have to wrap the call to the lua
1152 function inside a real C++ function, like this:</p>
1153 <pre class="literal-block">
1154 functor&lt;void&gt; lua_callback;
1156 void callback_wrapper(int a, int b)
1158 lua_callback(a, b);
1161 void set_callback_wrapper(const functor&lt;void&gt;&amp; f)
1163 lua_callback = f;
1164 set_callback(&amp;callback_wrapper);
1166 </pre>
1167 <p>And then register <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_callback_wrapper</span></tt> instead of registering
1168 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_callback</span></tt>. This will have the effect that when one tries to register the
1169 callback from lua, your <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_callback_wrapper</span></tt> will be called instead and
1170 first set the lua functor to the given function. It will then call the real
1171 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_callback</span></tt> with the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">callback_wrapper</span></tt>. The <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">callback_wrapper</span></tt> will
1172 be called whenever the callback should be called, and it will simply call the
1173 lua function that we registered.</p>
1174 <p>You can also use <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object_cast</span></tt> to cast an object to a functor.</p>
1175 <p><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">reset</span></tt> on <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">functor</span></tt> will invalidate the functor (and remove any references
1176 to its lua value). If the functor object has longer lifetime than the lua state
1177 (e.g. if it's a global).</p>
1178 </div>
1179 </div>
1180 <div class="section" id="defining-classes-in-lua">
1181 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id24" name="defining-classes-in-lua">10   Defining classes in lua</a></h1>
1182 <p>In addition to binding C++ functions and classes with lua, luabind also provide
1183 an OO-system in lua.</p>
1184 <pre class="literal-block">
1185 class 'lua_testclass'
1187 function lua_testclass:__init(name)
1188 = name
1191 function lua_testclass:print()
1192 print(
1195 a = lua_testclass('example')
1196 a:print()
1197 </pre>
1198 <p>Inheritance can be used between lua-classes:</p>
1199 <pre class="literal-block">
1200 class 'derived' (lua_testclass)
1202 function derived:__init() super('derived name')
1205 function derived:print()
1206 print('Derived:print() -&gt; ')
1207 lua_testclass.print(self)
1209 </pre>
1210 <p>Here the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">super</span></tt> keyword is used in the constructor to initialize the base
1211 class. The user is required to call <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">super</span></tt> first in the constructor.</p>
1212 <p>As you can see in this example, you can call the base class member functions.
1213 You can find all member functions in the base class, but you will have to give
1214 the this-pointer (<tt class="literal"><span class="pre">self</span></tt>) as first argument.</p>
1215 <div class="section" id="deriving-in-lua">
1216 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id25" name="deriving-in-lua">10.1   Deriving in lua</a></h2>
1217 <p>It is also possible to derive lua classes from C++ classes, and override
1218 virtual functions with lua functions. To do this we have to create a wrapper
1219 class for our C++ base class. This is the class that will hold the lua object
1220 when we instantiate a lua class.</p>
1221 <p>The wrapper class has to provide the same constructors as the base class, with
1222 the addition of one extra parameter: <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::weak_ref</span></tt>. This is the reference
1223 to the lua object that should be held by the wrapper, and should be stored in a
1224 member variable as done in the sample below.</p>
1225 <pre class="literal-block">
1226 class base
1228 public:
1229 base(const char* s)
1230 { std::cout &lt;&lt; s &lt;&lt; &quot;\n&quot;; }
1232 virtual void f(int a)
1233 { std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;f(&quot; &lt;&lt; a &lt;&lt; &quot;)\n&quot;; }
1236 struct base_wrapper : base
1238 weak_ref self;
1239 base_wrapper(weak_ref self_, const char* s)
1240 : base(s), self(self_)
1243 virtual void f(int a)
1245 call_member&lt;void&gt;(self, &quot;f&quot;, a);
1248 static void f_static(base* ptr, int a)
1250 return ptr-&gt;base::f(a);
1256 module(L)
1258 class_&lt;base, base_wrapper&gt;(&quot;base&quot;)
1259 .def(constructor&lt;const char*&gt;())
1260 .def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;base_wrapper::f_static)
1262 </pre>
1263 <p>Note that if you have both base classes and a base class wrapper, you must give
1264 both bases and the base class wrapper type as template parameter to
1265 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">class_</span></tt>. The order in which you specify them is not important.</p>
1266 <p>If we didn't have a class wrapper, it would not be possible to pass a lua class
1267 back to C++. Since the entry points of the virtual functions would still point
1268 to the C++ base class, and not to the functions defined in lua. That's why we
1269 need one function that calls the base class' real function (used if the lua
1270 class doesn't redefine it) and one virtual function that dispatches the call
1271 into luabind, to allow it to select if a lua function should be called, or if
1272 the original function should be called. If you don't intend to derive from a
1273 C++ class, or if it doesn't have any virtual member functions, you can register
1274 it without a class wrapper.</p>
1275 <p>You don't need to have a class wrapper in order to derive from a class, but if
1276 it has virtual functions you may have silent errors.</p>
1277 <!-- Unnecessary? The rule of thumb is:
1278 If your class has virtual functions, create a wrapper type, if it doesn't
1279 don't create a wrapper type. -->
1280 </div>
1281 <div class="section" id="overloading-operators">
1282 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id26" name="overloading-operators">10.2   Overloading operators</a></h2>
1283 <p>You can overload most operators in lua for your classes. You do this by simply
1284 declaring a member function with the same name as an operator (the name of the
1285 metamethods in lua). The operators you can overload are:</p>
1286 <blockquote>
1287 <ul class="simple">
1288 <li>__add</li>
1289 <li>__sub</li>
1290 <li>__mul</li>
1291 <li>__div</li>
1292 <li>__pow</li>
1293 <li>__lt</li>
1294 <li>__le</li>
1295 <li>__eq</li>
1296 <li>__call</li>
1297 <li>__unm</li>
1298 <li>__tostring</li>
1299 </ul>
1300 </blockquote>
1301 <p><tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__tostring</span></tt> isn't really an operator, but it's the metamethod that is called
1302 by the standard library's <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">tostring()</span></tt> function. There's one strange behavior
1303 regarding binary operators. You are not guaranteed that the self pointer you
1304 get actually refers to an instance of your class. This is because lua doesn't
1305 distinguish the two cases where you get the other operand as left hand value or
1306 right hand value. Consider the following examples:</p>
1307 <pre class="literal-block">
1308 class 'my_class'
1310 function my_class:__init(v)
1311 self.val = v
1314 function my_class:__sub(v)
1315 return my_class(self.val - v.val)
1318 function my_class:__tostring()
1319 return self.val
1321 </pre>
1322 <p>This will work well as long as you only subtracts instances of my_class with
1323 each other. But If you want to be able to subtract ordinary numbers from your
1324 class too, you have to manually check the type of both operands, including the
1325 self object.</p>
1326 <pre class="literal-block">
1327 function my_class:__sub(v)
1328 if (type(self) == 'number') then
1329 return my_class(self - v.val)
1331 elseif (type(v) == 'number') then
1332 return my_class(self.val - v)
1334 else
1335 -- assume both operands are instances of my_class
1336 return my_class(self.val - v.val)
1340 </pre>
1341 <p>The reason why <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__sub</span></tt> is used as an example is because subtraction is not
1342 commutative (the order of the operands matter). That's why luabind cannot
1343 change order of the operands to make the self reference always refer to the
1344 actual class instance.</p>
1345 <p>If you have two different lua classes with an overloaded operator, the operator
1346 of the right hand side type will be called. If the other operand is a C++ class
1347 with the same operator overloaded, it will be prioritized over the lua class'
1348 operator. If none of the C++ overloads matches, the lua class operator will be
1349 called.</p>
1350 </div>
1351 <div class="section" id="finalizers">
1352 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id27" name="finalizers">10.3   Finalizers</a></h2>
1353 <p>If an object needs to perform actions when it's collected we provide a
1354 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__finalize</span></tt> function that can be overridden in lua-classes. The
1355 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__finalize</span></tt> functions will be called on all classes in the inheritance
1356 chain, starting with the most derived type.</p>
1357 <pre class="literal-block">
1360 function lua_testclass:__finalize()
1361 -- called when the an object is collected
1363 </pre>
1364 </div>
1365 </div>
1366 <div class="section" id="exceptions">
1367 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id28" name="exceptions">11   Exceptions</a></h1>
1368 <p>If any of the functions you register throws an exception when called, that
1369 exception will be caught by luabind and converted to an error string and
1370 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_error()</span></tt> will be invoked. If the exception is a <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">std::exception</span></tt> or a
1371 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">const</span> <span class="pre">char*</span></tt> the string that is pushed on the lua stack, as error message,
1372 will be the string returned by <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">std::exception::what()</span></tt> or the string itself
1373 respectively. If the exception is unknown, a generic string saying that the
1374 function threw an exception will be pushed.</p>
1375 <p>Exceptions thrown from user defined functions have to be caught by luabind. If
1376 they weren't they would be thrown through lua itself, which is usually compiled
1377 as C code and doesn't support the stack-unwinding that exceptions imply.</p>
1378 <p>Any function that invokes lua code may throw <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::error</span></tt>. This exception
1379 means that a lua run-time error occurred. The error message is found on top of
1380 the lua stack. The reason why the exception doesn't contain the error string
1381 itself is because it would then require heap allocation which may fail. If an
1382 exception class throws an exception while it is being thrown itself, the
1383 application will be terminated.</p>
1384 <p>Error's synopsis is:</p>
1385 <pre class="literal-block">
1386 class error : public std::exception
1388 public:
1389 error(lua_State*);
1390 lua_State* state() const throw();
1391 virtual const char* what() const throw();
1393 </pre>
1394 <p>The state function returns a pointer to the lua state in which the error was
1395 thrown. This pointer may be invalid if you catch this exception after the lua
1396 state is destructed. If the lua state is valid you can use it to retrieve the
1397 error message from the top of the lua stack.</p>
1398 <p>An example of where the lua state pointer may point to an invalid state
1399 follows:</p>
1400 <pre class="literal-block">
1401 struct lua_state
1403 lua_state(lua_State* L): m_L(L) {}
1404 ~lua_state() { lua_close(m_L); }
1405 operator lua_State*() { return m_L; }
1406 lua_State* m_L;
1409 int main()
1413 lua_state L = lua_open();
1414 /* ... */
1416 catch(luabind::error&amp; e)
1418 lua_State* L = e.state();
1419 // L will now point to the destructed
1420 // lua state and be invalid
1421 /* ... */
1424 </pre>
1425 <p>There's another exception that luabind may throw: <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::cast_failed</span></tt>,
1426 this exception is thrown from <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_function&lt;&gt;</span></tt>, <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">call_member&lt;&gt;</span></tt> or when
1427 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">functor&lt;&gt;</span></tt> is invoked. It means that the return value from the lua function
1428 couldn't be converted to a C++ value. It is also thrown from <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">object_cast&lt;&gt;</span></tt>
1429 if the cast cannot be made.</p>
1430 <p>The synopsis for <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind::cast_failed</span></tt> is:</p>
1431 <pre class="literal-block">
1432 class cast_failed : public std::exception
1434 public:
1435 cast_failed(lua_State*);
1436 lua_State* state() const throw();
1437 LUABIND_TYPE_INFO info() const throw();
1438 virtual const char* what() const throw();
1440 </pre>
1441 <p>Again, the state member function returns a pointer to the lua state where the
1442 error occurred. See the example above to see where this pointer may be invalid.</p>
1443 <p>The info member function returns the user defined <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_TYPE_INFO</span></tt>, which
1444 defaults to a <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">const</span> <span class="pre">std::type_info*</span></tt>. This type info describes the type that
1445 we tried to cast a lua value to.</p>
1446 <p>If you have defined <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS</span></tt> none of these exceptions will be
1447 thrown, instead you can set two callback functions that are called instead.
1448 These two functions are only defined if <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_NO_EXCEPTIONS</span></tt> are defined.</p>
1449 <pre class="literal-block">
1450 luabind::set_error_callback(void(*)(lua_State*))
1451 </pre>
1452 <p>The function you set will be called when a runtime-error occur in lua code. You
1453 can find an error message on top of the lua stack. This function is not
1454 expected to return, if it does luabind will call <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">std::terminate()</span></tt>.</p>
1455 <pre class="literal-block">
1456 luabind::set_cast_failed_callback(void(*)(lua_State*, LUABIND_TYPE_INFO))
1457 </pre>
1458 <p>The function you set is called instead of throwing <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">cast_failed</span></tt>. This function
1459 is not expected to return, if it does luabind will call <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">std::terminate()</span></tt>.</p>
1460 </div>
1461 <div class="section" id="policies">
1462 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id29" name="policies">12   Policies</a></h1>
1463 <p>Sometimes it is necessary to control how luabind passes arguments and return
1464 value, to do this we have policies. These are the policies that can be used:</p>
1465 <div class="section" id="copy">
1466 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id30" name="copy">12.1   Copy</a></h2>
1467 <p>This will make a copy of the parameter. This is the default behavior when
1468 passing parameters by-value. Note that this can only be used when passing from
1469 C++ to lua. This policy requires that the parameter type has a copy
1470 constructor.</p>
1471 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/copy_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1472 </div>
1473 <div class="section" id="adopt">
1474 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id31" name="adopt">12.2   Adopt</a></h2>
1475 <p>This will transfer ownership of the parameter.</p>
1476 <p>Consider making a factory function in C++ and exposing it to lua:</p>
1477 <pre class="literal-block">
1478 base* create_base()
1480 return new base();
1485 module(L)
1487 def(&quot;create_base&quot;, create_base)
1489 </pre>
1490 <p>Here we need to make sure lua understands that it should adopt the pointer
1491 returned by the factory-function. This can be done using the adopt-policy.</p>
1492 <pre class="literal-block">
1493 module(L)
1495 def(L, &quot;create_base&quot;, adopt(return_value))
1497 </pre>
1498 <p>To specify multiple policies we just separate them with '+'.</p>
1499 <pre class="literal-block">
1500 base* set_and_get_new(base* ptr)
1502 base_ptrs.push_back(ptr);
1503 return new base();
1506 module(L)
1508 def(&quot;set_and_get_new&quot;, &amp;set_and_get_new,
1509 adopt(return_value) + adopt(_1))
1511 </pre>
1512 <p>When lua adopts a pointer, it will call delete on it. This means that it cannot
1513 adopt pointers allocated with another allocator than new (no malloc for
1514 example).</p>
1515 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/adopt_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1516 </div>
1517 <div class="section" id="dependency">
1518 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id32" name="dependency">12.3   Dependency</a></h2>
1519 <p>The dependency policy is used to create life-time dependencies between values.
1520 Consider the following example:</p>
1521 <pre class="literal-block">
1522 struct A
1524 B member;
1526 const B&amp; get_member()
1528 return member;
1531 </pre>
1532 <p>When wrapping this class, we would do something like:</p>
1533 <pre class="literal-block">
1534 module(L)
1536 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
1537 .def(constructor&lt;&gt;())
1538 .def(&quot;get_member&quot;, &amp;A::get_member)
1540 </pre>
1541 <p>However, since the return value of get_member is a reference to a member of A,
1542 this will create some life-time issues. For example:</p>
1543 <pre class="literal-block">
1544 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
1545 a = A()
1546 b = a:get_member() -- b points to a member of a
1547 a = nil
1548 collectgarbage(0) -- since there are no references left to a, it is
1549 -- removed
1550 -- at this point, b is pointing into a removed object
1551 </pre>
1552 <p>When using the dependency-policy, it is possible to tell luabind to tie the
1553 lifetime of one object to another, like this:</p>
1554 <pre class="literal-block">
1555 module(L)
1557 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
1558 .def(constructor&lt;&gt;())
1559 .def(&quot;get_member&quot;, &amp;A::get_member, dependency(result, self))
1561 </pre>
1562 <p>This will create a dependency between the return-value of the function, and the
1563 self-object. This means that the self-object will be kept alive as long as the
1564 result is still alive.</p>
1565 <pre class="literal-block">
1566 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
1567 a = A()
1568 b = a:get_member() -- b points to a member of a
1569 a = nil
1570 collectgarbage(0) -- a is dependent on b, so it isn't removed
1571 b = nil
1572 collectgarbage(0) -- all dependencies to a gone, a is removed
1573 </pre>
1574 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/dependency_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1575 </div>
1576 <div class="section" id="return-reference-to">
1577 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id33" name="return-reference-to">12.4   Return reference to</a></h2>
1578 <p>It is very common to return references to arguments or the this-pointer to
1579 allow for chaining in C++.</p>
1580 <pre class="literal-block">
1581 struct A
1583 float val;
1585 A&amp; set(float v)
1587 val = v;
1588 return *this;
1591 </pre>
1592 <p>When luabind generates code for this, it will create a new object for the
1593 return-value, pointing to the self-object. This isn't a problem, but could be a
1594 bit inefficient. When using the return_reference_to-policy we have the ability
1595 to tell luabind that the return-value is already on the lua stack.</p>
1596 <pre class="literal-block">
1597 module(L)
1599 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
1600 .def(constructor&lt;&gt;())
1601 .def(&quot;set&quot;, &amp;A::set, return_reference_to(self))
1603 </pre>
1604 <p>Instead of creating a new object, luabind will just copy the object that is
1605 already on the stack.</p>
1606 <div class="warning">
1607 <p class="admonition-title">Warning</p>
1608 This policy ignores all type information and should be used only it
1609 situations where the parameter type is a perfect match to the
1610 return-type (such as in the example).</div>
1611 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/return_reference_to_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1612 </div>
1613 <div class="section" id="out-value">
1614 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id34" name="out-value">12.5   Out value</a></h2>
1615 <p>This policy makes it possible to wrap functions that take non const references
1616 as its parameters with the intention to write return values to them.</p>
1617 <pre class="literal-block">
1618 void f(float&amp; val) { val = val + 10.f; }
1619 </pre>
1620 <p>or</p>
1621 <pre class="literal-block">
1622 void f(float* val) { *val = *val + 10.f; }
1623 </pre>
1624 <p>Can be wrapped by doing:</p>
1625 <pre class="literal-block">
1626 module(L)
1628 def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;f, out_value(_1))
1630 </pre>
1631 <p>When invoking this function from lua it will return the value assigned to its
1632 parameter.</p>
1633 <pre class="literal-block">
1634 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
1635 &gt; a = f(10)
1636 &gt; print(a)
1638 </pre>
1639 <p>When this policy is used in conjunction with user define types we often need
1640 to do ownership transfers.</p>
1641 <pre class="literal-block">
1642 struct A;
1644 void f1(A*&amp; obj) { obj = new A(); }
1645 void f2(A** obj) { *obj = new A(); }
1646 </pre>
1647 <p>Here we need to make sure luabind takes control over object returned, for
1648 this we use the adopt policy:</p>
1649 <pre class="literal-block">
1650 module(L)
1652 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;),
1653 def(&quot;f1&quot;, &amp;f1, out_value(_1, adopt(_2)))
1654 def(&quot;f2&quot;, &amp;f2, out_value(_1, adopt(_2)))
1656 </pre>
1657 <p>Here we are using adopt as an internal policy to out_value. The index
1658 specified, _2, means adopt will be used to convert the value back to lua.
1659 Using _1 means the policy will be used when converting from lua to C++.</p>
1660 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/out_value_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1661 </div>
1662 <div class="section" id="pure-out-value">
1663 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id35" name="pure-out-value">12.6   Pure out value</a></h2>
1664 <p>This policy works in exactly the same way as out_value, except that it
1665 replaces the parameters with default-constructed objects.</p>
1666 <pre class="literal-block">
1667 void get(float&amp; x, float&amp; y)
1669 x = 3.f;
1670 y = 4.f;
1675 module(L)
1677 def(&quot;get&quot;, &amp;get,
1678 pure_out_value(_1) + pure_out_value(_2))
1680 </pre>
1681 <pre class="literal-block">
1682 Lua 5.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2003 Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
1683 &gt; x, y = get()
1684 &gt; print(x, y)
1686 </pre>
1687 <p>Like out_value, it is possible to specify an internal policy used then
1688 converting the values back to lua.</p>
1689 <pre class="literal-block">
1690 void get(test_class*&amp; obj)
1692 obj = new test_class();
1697 module(L)
1699 def(&quot;get&quot;, &amp;get, pure_out_value(_1, adopt(_1)))
1701 </pre>
1702 </div>
1703 <div class="section" id="discard-result">
1704 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id36" name="discard-result">12.7   Discard result</a></h2>
1705 <p>This is a very simple policy which makes it possible to throw away
1706 the value returned by a C++ function, instead of converting it to
1707 lua. This example makes sure the this reference never gets converted
1708 to lua.</p>
1709 <pre class="literal-block">
1710 struct simple
1712 simple&amp; set_name(const std::string&amp; n)
1714 name = n;
1715 return *this;
1718 std::string name;
1723 module(L)
1725 class_&lt;simple&gt;(&quot;simple&quot;)
1726 .def(&quot;set_name&quot;, &amp;simple::set_name, discard_result)
1728 </pre>
1729 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/discard_result_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1730 </div>
1731 <div class="section" id="return-stl-iterator">
1732 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id37" name="return-stl-iterator">12.8   Return STL iterator</a></h2>
1733 <p>This policy converts an STL container to a generator function that can be used
1734 in lua to iterate over the container. It works on any container that defines
1735 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">begin()</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">end()</span></tt> member functions (they have to return iterators). It
1736 can be used like this:</p>
1737 <pre class="literal-block">
1738 struct A
1740 std::vector&lt;std::string&gt; names;
1744 module(L)
1746 class_&lt;A&gt;(&quot;A&quot;)
1747 .def_readwrite(&quot;names&quot;, &amp;A::names, return_stl_iterator)
1749 </pre>
1750 <p>The lua code to iterate over the container:</p>
1751 <pre class="literal-block">
1752 a = A()
1754 for name in a.names do
1755 print(name)
1757 </pre>
1758 <p>To use this policy you need to include <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/iterator_policy.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1759 </div>
1760 <div class="section" id="yield">
1761 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id38" name="yield">12.9   Yield</a></h2>
1762 <p>This policy will cause the function to always yield the current thread when
1763 returning. See the lua manual for restrictions on yield.</p>
1764 </div>
1765 </div>
1766 <div class="section" id="splitting-up-the-registration">
1767 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id39" name="splitting-up-the-registration">13   Splitting up the registration</a></h1>
1768 <p>a.cpp:</p>
1769 <pre class="literal-block">
1770 luabind::scope register_a()
1772 return
1773 class_&lt;a&gt;(&quot;a&quot;)
1774 .def(&quot;f&quot;, &amp;a::f)
1777 </pre>
1778 <p>b.cpp:</p>
1779 <pre class="literal-block">
1780 luabind::scope register_b()
1782 return
1783 class_&lt;b&gt;(&quot;b&quot;)
1784 .def(&quot;g&quot;, &amp;b::g)
1787 </pre>
1788 <p>module_ab.cpp:</p>
1789 <pre class="literal-block">
1790 luabind::scope register_a();
1791 luabind::scope register_b();
1793 void register_module(lua_State* L)
1795 module(&quot;b&quot;, L)
1797 register_a(),
1798 register_b()
1801 </pre>
1802 </div>
1803 <div class="section" id="configuration">
1804 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id40" name="configuration">14   Configuration</a></h1>
1805 <p>As mentioned in the <a class="reference" href="">Lua documentation</a>, it is possible to pass an
1806 error handler function to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_pcall()</span></tt>. Luabind makes use of
1807 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_pcall()</span></tt> internally when calling methods and functions. It is
1808 possible to set the error handler function that Luabind will use
1809 globally:</p>
1810 <pre class="literal-block">
1811 typedef void(*pcall_callback_fun)(lua_State*);
1812 void set_pcall_callback(pcall_callback_fun fn);
1813 </pre>
1814 <p>This is primarily useful for adding more information to the error message
1815 returned by a failed protected call.</p>
1816 <div class="section" id="build-options">
1817 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id41" name="build-options">14.1   Build options</a></h2>
1818 <p>There are a number of configuration options available when building luabind.
1819 It is very important that your project has the exact same conmfiguration
1820 options as the ones given when the library was build! The exceptions are the
1821 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_MAX_ARITY</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_MAX_BASES</span></tt> which are template-based
1822 options and only matters when you use the library (which means they can
1823 differ from the settings of the library).</p>
1824 <p>The default settings which will be used if no other settings are given
1825 can be found in <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">luabind/config.hpp</span></tt>.</p>
1826 <p>If you want to change the settings of the library, you can modify the
1827 config file. It is included and used by all makefiles. You can change paths
1828 to lua and boost in there as well.</p>
1829 <dl>
1830 <dt>LUABIND_MAX_ARITY</dt>
1831 <dd>Controls the maximum arity of functions that are registered with luabind.
1832 You can't register functions that takes more parameters than the number
1833 this macro is set to. It defaults to 5, so, if your functions have greater
1834 arity you have to redefine it. A high limit will increase compilation time.</dd>
1835 <dt>LUABIND_MAX_BASES</dt>
1836 <dd>Controls the maximum number of classes one class can derive from in
1837 luabind (the number of classes specified within <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">bases&lt;&gt;</span></tt>).
1838 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_MAX_BASES</span></tt> defaults to 4. A high limit will increase
1839 compilation time.</dd>
1841 <dd><p class="first">If this macro is defined, all the lua code is expected only to make legal
1842 calls. If illegal function calls are made (e.g. giving parameters that
1843 doesn't match the function signature) they will not be detected by luabind
1844 and the application will probably crash. Error checking could be disabled
1845 when shipping a release build (given that no end-user has access to write
1846 custom lua code). Note that function parameter matching will be done if a
1847 function is overloaded, since otherwise it's impossible to know which one
1848 was called. Functions will still be able to throw exceptions when error
1849 checking is disabled.</p>
1850 <p class="last">If a functions throws an exception it will be caught by luabind and
1851 propagated with <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">lua_error()</span></tt>.</p>
1852 </dd>
1854 <dd><p class="first">This define will disable all usage of try, catch and throw in luabind.
1855 This will in many cases disable run-time errors, when performing invalid
1856 casts or calling lua functions that fails or returns values that cannot
1857 be converted by the given policy. luabind requires that no function called
1858 directly or indirectly by luabind throws an exception (throwing exceptions
1859 through lua has undefined behavior).</p>
1860 <p class="last">Where exceptions are the only way to get an error report from luabind,
1861 they will be replaced with calls to the callback functions set with
1862 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_error_callback()</span></tt> and <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">set_cast_failed_callback()</span></tt>.</p>
1863 </dd>
1864 <dt>LUA_API</dt>
1865 <dd>If you want to link dynamically against lua, you can set this define to
1866 the import-keyword on your compiler and platform. On windows in devstudio
1867 this should be <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__declspec(dllimport)</span></tt> if you want to link against lua
1868 as a dll.</dd>
1870 <dd>If you want to link against luabind as a dll (in devstudio), you can
1871 define <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_EXPORT</span></tt> to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__declspec(dllexport)</span></tt> and
1872 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_IMPORT</span></tt> to <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__declspec(dllimport)</span></tt>.
1873 Note that you have to link against lua as a dll aswell, to make it work.</dd>
1875 <dd><p class="first">If you don't want to use the RTTI supplied by C++ you can supply your own
1876 type-info structure with the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_TYPE_INFO</span></tt> define. Your type-info
1877 structure must be copyable and must be able to compare itself against
1878 other type-info structures. You supply the compare function through the
1879 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_TYPE_INFO_EQUAL()</span></tt> define. It should compare the two type-info
1880 structures it is given and return true if they represent the same type and
1881 false otherwise. You also have to supply a function to generate your
1882 type-info structure. You do this through the <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_TYPEID()</span></tt> define.
1883 It should return your type-info structure and it takes a type as its
1884 parameter. That is, a compile time parameter.
1885 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_INVALID_TYPE_INFO</span></tt> macro should be defined to an invalid type.
1886 No other type should be able to produce this type info. To use it you
1887 probably have to make a traits class with specializations for all classes
1888 that you have type-info for. Like this:</p>
1889 <pre class="literal-block">
1890 class A;
1891 class B;
1892 class C;
1894 template&lt;class T&gt; struct typeinfo_trait;
1896 template&lt;&gt; struct typeinfo_trait&lt;A&gt; { enum { type_id = 0 }; };
1897 template&lt;&gt; struct typeinfo_trait&lt;B&gt; { enum { type_id = 1 }; };
1898 template&lt;&gt; struct typeinfo_trait&lt;C&gt; { enum { type_id = 2 }; };
1899 </pre>
1900 <p>If you have set up your own RTTI system like this (by using integers to
1901 identify types) you can have luabind use it with the following defines:</p>
1902 <pre class="literal-block">
1903 #define LUABIND_TYPE_INFO const std::type_info*
1904 #define LUABIND_TYPEID(t) &amp;typeid(t)
1905 #define LUABIND_TYPE_INFO_EQUAL(i1, i2) *i1 == *i2
1906 #define LUABIND_INVALID_TYPE_INFO &amp;typeid(detail::null_type)
1907 </pre>
1908 <p class="last">Currently the type given through <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">LUABIND_TYPE_INFO</span></tt> must be less-than
1909 comparable!</p>
1910 </dd>
1911 <dt>NDEBUG</dt>
1912 <dd>This define will disable all asserts and should be defined in a release
1913 build.</dd>
1914 </dl>
1915 </div>
1916 </div>
1917 <div class="section" id="implementation-notes">
1918 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id42" name="implementation-notes">15   Implementation notes</a></h1>
1919 <p>The classes and objects are implemented as user data in lua. To make sure that
1920 the user data really is the internal structure it is supposed to be, we tag
1921 their metatables. A user data who's metatable contains a boolean member named
1922 <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__luabind_classrep</span></tt> is expected to be a class exported by luabind. A user
1923 data who's metatable contains a boolean member named <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__luabind_class</span></tt> is
1924 expected to be an instantiation of a luabind class.</p>
1925 <p>This means that if you make your own user data and tags its metatable with the
1926 exact same names, you can very easily fool luabind and crash the application.</p>
1927 <p>In the lua registry, luabind keeps an entry called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">__luabind_classes</span></tt>. It
1928 should not be removed or overwritten.</p>
1929 <p>In the global table, a variable called <tt class="literal"><span class="pre">super</span></tt> is used every time a
1930 constructor in a lua-class is called. This is to make it easy for that
1931 constructor to call its base class' constructor. So, if you have a global
1932 variable named super it may very well be overwritten. This is probably not the
1933 best solution, and this restriction may very well be removed in the future.</p>
1934 <p>Luabind uses two upvalues for functions that it registers. The first is a
1935 userdata containing a list of overloads for the function, the other is a light
1936 userdata with the value 0x1337, this last value is used to identify functions
1937 registered by luabind. It should be virtually impossible to have such a pointer
1938 as secondary upvalue by pure chance. This means, if you are trying to replace
1939 an existing function with a luabind function, luabind will see that the
1940 secondary upvalue isn't the magic id number and replace it. If it can identify
1941 the function to be a luabind function, it won't replace it, but rather add
1942 another overload to it.</p>
1943 <p>Inside the luabind namespace, there's another namespace called detail. This
1944 namespace contains non-public classes and are not supposed to be used directly.</p>
1945 </div>
1946 <div class="section" id="error-messages">
1947 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id43" name="error-messages">16   Error messages</a></h1>
1948 <ul>
1949 <li><p class="first"><cite>the attribute '&lt;class-name&gt;.&lt;attribute-name&gt;' is read only</cite></p>
1950 <blockquote>
1951 <p>There is no data member named &lt;attribute-name&gt; in the class &lt;class-name&gt;,
1952 or there's no setter-method registered on that property name. See the
1953 properties section.</p>
1954 </blockquote>
1955 </li>
1956 <li><p class="first"><cite>the attribute '&lt;class-name&gt;.&lt;attribute-name&gt;' is of type: (&lt;class-name&gt;)
1957 and does not match (&lt;class_name&gt;)</cite></p>
1958 <blockquote>
1959 <p>This error is generated if you try to assign an attribute with a value
1960 of a type that cannot be converted to the attribute's type.</p>
1961 </blockquote>
1962 </li>
1963 <li><p class="first"><cite>&lt;class-name&gt;() threw an exception, &lt;class-name&gt;:&lt;function-name&gt;() threw an
1964 exception</cite></p>
1965 <blockquote>
1966 <p>The class' constructor or member function threw an unknown exception.
1967 Known exceptions are const char*, std::exception. See the
1968 <a class="reference" href="#exceptions">exceptions</a> section.</p>
1969 </blockquote>
1970 </li>
1971 <li><p class="first"><cite>no overload of '&lt;class-name&gt;:&lt;function-name&gt;' matched the arguments
1972 (&lt;parameter-types&gt;)</cite></p>
1973 </li>
1974 <li><p class="first"><cite>no match for function call '&lt;function-name&gt;' with the parameters
1975 (&lt;parameter-types&gt;)</cite></p>
1976 </li>
1977 <li><p class="first"><cite>no constructor of &lt;class-name&gt; matched the arguments (&lt;parameter-types&gt;)</cite></p>
1978 </li>
1979 <li><p class="first"><cite>no operator &lt;operator-name&gt; matched the arguments (&lt;parameter-types&gt;)</cite></p>
1980 <blockquote>
1981 <p>No function/operator with the given name takes the parameters you gave
1982 it. You have either misspelled the function name, or given it incorrect
1983 parameters. This error is followed by a list of possible candidate
1984 functions to help you figure out what parameter has the wrong type. If
1985 the candidate list is empty there's no function at all with that name.
1986 See the signature matching section.</p>
1987 </blockquote>
1988 </li>
1989 <li><p class="first"><cite>call of overloaded '&lt;class-name&gt;:&lt;function-name&gt;(&lt;parameter-types&gt;)' is
1990 ambiguous</cite></p>
1991 </li>
1992 <li><p class="first"><cite>ambiguous match for function call '&lt;function-name&gt;' with the parameters
1993 (&lt;parameter-types&gt;)</cite></p>
1994 </li>
1995 <li><p class="first"><cite>call of overloaded constructor '&lt;class-name&gt;(&lt;parameter-types&gt;)' is
1996 ambiguous</cite></p>
1997 </li>
1998 <li><p class="first"><cite>call of overloaded operator &lt;operator-name&gt; (&lt;parameter-types&gt;) is
1999 ambiguous</cite></p>
2000 <blockquote>
2001 <p>This means that the function/operator you are trying to call has at least
2002 one other overload that matches the arguments just as good as the first
2003 overload.</p>
2004 </blockquote>
2005 </li>
2006 <li><p class="first"><cite>cannot derive from C++ class '&lt;class-name&gt;'. It does not have a wrapped
2007 type.</cite></p>
2008 <blockquote>
2009 <p>You are trying to derive a lua class from a C++ class that doesn't have a
2010 wrapped type. You have to give your C++ class a wrapped type when you
2011 register it with lua. See the deriving in lua section.</p>
2012 </blockquote>
2013 </li>
2014 <li><p class="first"><cite>derived class must call super on base</cite></p>
2015 </li>
2016 <li><p class="first"><cite>cannot set property '&lt;class-name&gt;.&lt;attribute_name&gt;' because it's read only</cite></p>
2017 <blockquote>
2018 <p>The attribute you are trying to set is registered as read only. If you want
2019 it to be writeable you have to change your class registration and use
2020 def_readwrite() instead of def_readonly(). Alternatively (if your
2021 attribute is a property with getter and setter functions), you have to
2022 give a setter function when declaring your attribute. See the properties section.</p>
2023 </blockquote>
2024 </li>
2025 <li><p class="first"><cite>no static '&lt;enum-name&gt;' in class '&lt;class-name&gt;'</cite></p>
2026 <blockquote>
2027 <p>You will get this error message if you are trying to access an enum that
2028 doesn't exist. Read about how to declare enums.</p>
2029 </blockquote>
2030 </li>
2031 <li><p class="first"><cite>expected base class</cite></p>
2032 <blockquote>
2033 <p>You have written a malformed class definition in lua. The format is: class
2034 '&lt;class-name&gt;' [&lt;base-class&gt;]. If you don't want to derive from a base
2035 class, you have to break the line directly after the class declaration.</p>
2036 </blockquote>
2037 </li>
2038 <li><p class="first"><cite>invalid construct, expected class name</cite></p>
2039 <blockquote>
2040 <p>You have written a malformed class definition in lua. The class function
2041 expects a string as argument. That string is the name of the lua class to
2042 define.</p>
2043 </blockquote>
2044 </li>
2045 </ul>
2046 </div>
2047 <div class="section" id="faq">
2048 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id44" name="faq">17   FAQ</a></h1>
2049 <dl>
2050 <dt>What's up with __cdecl and __stdcall? </dt>
2051 <dd>If you're having problem with functions
2052 that cannot be converted from 'void (__stdcall <em>)(int,int)' to 'void
2053 (__cdecl</em>)(int,int)'. You can change the project settings to make the
2054 compiler generate functions with __cdecl calling conventions. This is
2055 a problem in developer studio.</dd>
2056 <dt>What's wrong with functions taking variable number of arguments?</dt>
2057 <dd>You cannot register a function with ellipses in its signature. Since
2058 ellipses don't preserve type safety, those should be avoided anyway.</dd>
2059 <dt>Internal structure overflow in VC</dt>
2060 <dd>If you, in visual studio, get fatal error C1204: compiler limit :
2061 internal structure overflow. You should try to split that compilation
2062 unit up in smaller ones.</dd>
2063 <dt>What's wrong with precompiled headers in VC?</dt>
2064 <dd>Visual Studio doesn't like anonymous namespaces in its precompiled
2065 headers. If you encounter this problem you can disable precompiled
2066 headers for the compilation unit (cpp-file) that uses luabind.</dd>
2067 <dt>error C1076: compiler limit - internal heap limit reached in VC</dt>
2068 <dd>In visual studio you will probably hit this error. To fix it you have to
2069 increase the internal heap with a command-line option. We managed to
2070 compile the test suit with /Zm300, but you may need a larger heap then
2071 that.</dd>
2072 <dt>error C1055: compiler limit <span class="classifier-delimiter">:</span> <span class="classifier">out of keys in VC</span></dt>
2073 <dd>It seems that this error occurs when too many assert() are used in a
2074 program, or more specifically, the __LINE__ macro. It seems to be fixed by
2075 changing /ZI (Program database for edit and continue) to /Zi
2076 (Program database).</dd>
2077 <dt>How come my executable is huge?</dt>
2078 <dd><p class="first">If you're compiling in debug mode, you will probably have a lot of
2079 debug-info and symbols (luabind consists of a lot of functions). Also,
2080 if built in debug mode, no optimizations were applied, luabind relies on
2081 that the compiler is able to inline functions. If you built in release
2082 mode, try running strip on your executable to remove export-symbols,
2083 this will trim down the size.</p>
2084 <p class="last">Our tests suggests that cygwin's gcc produces much bigger executables
2085 compared to gcc on other platforms and other compilers.</p>
2086 </dd>
2087 </dl>
2088 <!-- HUH?! // check the magic number that identifies luabind's functions -->
2089 <dl>
2090 <dt>Can I register class templates with luabind?</dt>
2091 <dd><p class="first">Yes you can, but you can only register explicit instantiations of the
2092 class. Because there's no lua counterpart to C++ templates. For example,
2093 you can register an explicit instantiation of std::vector&lt;&gt; like this:</p>
2094 <pre class="last literal-block">
2095 module(L)
2097 class_&lt;std::vector&lt;int&gt; &gt;(&quot;vector&quot;)
2098 .def(constructor&lt;int&gt;)
2099 .def(&quot;push_back&quot;, &amp;std::vector&lt;int&gt;::push_back)
2101 </pre>
2102 </dd>
2103 </dl>
2104 <!-- Again, irrelevant to docs: Note that the space between the two > is required by C++. -->
2105 <dl>
2106 <dt>Do I have to register destructors for my classes?</dt>
2107 <dd><p class="first">No, the destructor of a class is always called by luabind when an
2108 object is collected. Note that lua has to own the object to collect it.
2109 If you pass it to C++ and gives up ownership (with adopt policy) it will
2110 no longer be owned by lua, and not collected.</p>
2111 <p class="last">If you have a class hierarchy, you should make the destructor virtual if
2112 you want to be sure that the correct destructor is called (this apply to C++
2113 in general).</p>
2114 </dd>
2115 </dl>
2116 <!-- And again, the above is irrelevant to docs. This isn't a general C++ FAQ. -->
2117 <dl>
2118 <dt>Fatal Error C1063 compiler limit <span class="classifier-delimiter">:</span> <span class="classifier">compiler stack overflow in VC</span></dt>
2119 <dd>VC6.5 chokes on warnings, if you are getting alot of warnings from your
2120 code try suppressing them with a pragma directive, this should solve the
2121 problem.</dd>
2122 <dt>Crashes when linking against luabind as a dll in windows</dt>
2123 <dd>When you build luabind, lua and you project, make sure you link against
2124 the runtime dynamically (as a dll).</dd>
2125 <dt>I cannot register a function with a non-const parameter</dt>
2126 <dd>This is because there is no way to get a reference to a lua value. Have
2127 a look at out_value and pure_out_value policies.</dd>
2128 </dl>
2129 </div>
2130 <div class="section" id="known-issues">
2131 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id45" name="known-issues">18   Known issues</a></h1>
2132 <ul class="simple">
2133 <li>You cannot use strings with extra nulls in them as member names that refers
2134 to C++ members.</li>
2135 <li>If one class registers two functions with the same name and the same
2136 signature, there's currently no error. The last registered function will
2137 be the one that's used.</li>
2138 <li>In vc7, classes can not be called test.</li>
2139 </ul>
2140 <!-- remove? - Visual studio have problems selecting the correct overload of std::swap()
2141 for luabind::object. -->
2142 <ul class="simple">
2143 <li>If you register a function and later rename it, error messages will use the
2144 original function name.</li>
2145 </ul>
2146 </div>
2147 <div class="section" id="acknowledgments">
2148 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id46" name="acknowledgments">19   Acknowledgments</a></h1>
2149 <p>This library was written by Daniel Wallin and Arvid Norberg. © Copyright 2003.
2150 All rights reserved.</p>
2151 <p>This library was inspired by Dave Abrahams' Boost.Python library which can be
2152 found in the <a class="reference" href="">boost</a> library.</p>
2153 <p>Evan Wies has contributed with thorough testing and countless bug reports and
2154 feature ideas.</p>
2155 <p>Thanks to Umeå university for providing development and testing hardware.</p>
2156 </div>
2157 </div>
2158 <hr class="footer" />
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2160 <a class="reference" href="docs.rst">View document source</a>.
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