(OUT_POSTREMOVES): Reinclude install script
[lilypond/patrick.git] / python / convertrules.py
1 import string
2 import re
3 import sys
4 import lilylib
6 _ = lilylib._
9 NOT_SMART = _ ("Not smart enough to convert %s")
10 UPDATE_MANUALLY = _ ("Please refer to the manual for details, and update manually.")
11 FROM_TO = _ ( "%s has been replaced by %s")
14 class FatalConversionError:
15 pass
17 conversions = []
19 error_file = sys.stderr
20 lilypond_version_re_str = '\\\\version *\"([^"]+)\"'
21 lilypond_version_re = re.compile (lilypond_version_re_str)
25 if 1:
26 def conv(str):
27 if re.search ('\\\\multi', str):
28 error_file.write ('\n')
29 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\multi")
30 error_file.write ('\n')
31 return str
33 conversions.append (((0,1,9), conv, '\\header { key = concat + with + operator }'))
35 if 1:
36 def conv (str):
37 if re.search ('\\\\octave', str):
38 error_file.write ('\n')
39 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\octave")
40 error_file.write ('\n')
41 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
42 error_file.write ('\n')
43 # raise FatalConversionError ()
45 return str
47 conversions.append ((
48 ((0,1,19), conv, 'deprecated \\octave; cannot convert automatically')))
51 if 1:
52 def conv (str):
53 str = re.sub ('\\\\textstyle([^;]+);',
54 '\\\\property Lyrics . textstyle = \\1', str)
55 # harmful to current .lys
56 # str = re.sub ('\\\\key([^;]+);', '\\\\accidentals \\1;', str)
58 return str
60 conversions.append ((
61 ((0,1,20), conv, 'deprecated \\textstyle, new \\key syntax')))
64 if 1:
65 def conv (str):
66 str = re.sub ('\\\\musical_pitch', '\\\\musicalpitch',str)
67 str = re.sub ('\\\\meter', '\\\\time',str)
69 return str
71 conversions.append ((
72 ((0,1,21), conv, '\\musical_pitch -> \\musicalpitch, '+
73 '\\meter -> \\time')))
75 if 1:
76 def conv (str):
77 return str
79 conversions.append ((
80 ((1,0,0), conv, '0.1.21 -> 1.0.0 ')))
83 if 1:
84 def conv (str):
85 str = re.sub ('\\\\accidentals', '\\\\keysignature',str)
86 str = re.sub ('specialaccidentals *= *1', 'keyoctaviation = 0',str)
87 str = re.sub ('specialaccidentals *= *0', 'keyoctaviation = 1',str)
89 return str
91 conversions.append ((
92 ((1,0,1), conv, '\\accidentals -> \\keysignature, ' +
93 'specialaccidentals -> keyoctaviation')))
95 if 1:
96 def conv(str):
97 if re.search ('\\\\header', str):
98 error_file.write ('\n')
99 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "new \\header format")
100 error_file.write ('\n')
101 return str
103 conversions.append (((1,0,2), conv, '\\header { key = concat + with + operator }'))
105 if 1:
106 def conv(str):
107 str = re.sub ('\\\\melodic([^a-zA-Z])', '\\\\notes\\1',str)
108 return str
110 conversions.append (((1,0,3), conv, '\\melodic -> \\notes'))
112 if 1:
113 def conv(str):
114 str = re.sub ('default_paper *=', '',str)
115 str = re.sub ('default_midi *=', '',str)
116 return str
118 conversions.append (((1,0,4), conv, 'default_{paper,midi}'))
120 if 1:
121 def conv(str):
122 str = re.sub ('ChoireStaff', 'ChoirStaff',str)
123 str = re.sub ('\\\\output', 'output = ',str)
125 return str
127 conversions.append (((1,0,5), conv, 'ChoireStaff -> ChoirStaff'))
129 if 1:
130 def conv(str):
131 if re.search ('[a-zA-Z]+ = *\\translator',str):
132 error_file.write ('\n')
133 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\translator syntax")
134 error_file.write ('\n')
135 # raise FatalConversionError ()
136 return str
138 conversions.append (((1,0,6), conv, 'foo = \\translator {\\type .. } ->\\translator {\\type ..; foo; }'))
141 if 1:
142 def conv(str):
143 str = re.sub ('\\\\lyrics*', '\\\\lyrics',str)
145 return str
147 conversions.append (((1,0,7), conv, '\\lyric -> \\lyrics'))
149 if 1:
150 def conv(str):
151 str = re.sub ('\\\\\\[/3+', '\\\\times 2/3 { ',str)
152 str = re.sub ('\\[/3+', '\\\\times 2/3 { [',str)
153 str = re.sub ('\\\\\\[([0-9/]+)', '\\\\times \\1 {',str)
154 str = re.sub ('\\[([0-9/]+)', '\\\\times \\1 { [',str)
155 str = re.sub ('\\\\\\]([0-9/]+)', '}', str)
156 str = re.sub ('\\\\\\]', '}',str)
157 str = re.sub ('\\]([0-9/]+)', '] }', str)
158 return str
160 conversions.append (((1,0,10), conv, '[2/3 ]1/1 -> \\times 2/3 '))
162 if 1:
163 def conv(str):
164 return str
165 conversions.append (((1,0,12), conv, 'Chord syntax stuff'))
168 if 1:
169 def conv(str):
172 str = re.sub ('<([^>~]+)~([^>]*)>','<\\1 \\2> ~', str)
174 return str
176 conversions.append (((1,0,13), conv, '<a ~ b> c -> <a b> ~ c'))
178 if 1:
179 def conv(str):
180 str = re.sub ('<\\[','[<', str)
181 str = re.sub ('\\]>','>]', str)
183 return str
185 conversions.append (((1,0,14), conv, '<[a b> <a b]>c -> [<a b> <a b>]'))
188 if 1:
189 def conv(str):
190 str = re.sub ('\\\\type([^\n]*engraver)','\\\\TYPE\\1', str)
191 str = re.sub ('\\\\type([^\n]*performer)','\\\\TYPE\\1', str)
192 str = re.sub ('\\\\type','\\\\context', str)
193 str = re.sub ('\\\\TYPE','\\\\type', str)
194 str = re.sub ('textstyle','textStyle', str)
196 return str
198 conversions.append (((1,0,16), conv, '\\type -> \\context, textstyle -> textStyle'))
201 if 1:
202 def conv(str):
203 if re.search ('\\\\repeat',str):
204 error_file.write ('\n')
205 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\repeat")
206 error_file.write ('\n')
207 # raise FatalConversionError ()
208 return str
210 conversions.append (((1,0,18), conv,
211 '\\repeat NUM Music Alternative -> \\repeat FOLDSTR Music Alternative'))
213 if 1:
214 def conv(str):
215 str = re.sub ('SkipBars','skipBars', str)
216 str = re.sub ('fontsize','fontSize', str)
217 str = re.sub ('midi_instrument','midiInstrument', str)
219 return str
221 conversions.append (((1,0,19), conv,
222 'fontsize -> fontSize, midi_instrument -> midiInstrument, SkipBars -> skipBars'))
225 if 1:
226 def conv(str):
227 str = re.sub ('tieydirection','tieVerticalDirection', str)
228 str = re.sub ('slurydirection','slurVerticalDirection', str)
229 str = re.sub ('ydirection','verticalDirection', str)
231 return str
233 conversions.append (((1,0,20), conv,
234 '{,tie,slur}ydirection -> {v,tieV,slurV}erticalDirection'))
237 if 1:
238 def conv(str):
239 str = re.sub ('hshift','horizontalNoteShift', str)
241 return str
243 conversions.append (((1,0,21), conv,
244 'hshift -> horizontalNoteShift'))
247 if 1:
248 def conv(str):
249 str = re.sub ('\\\\grouping[^;]*;','', str)
251 return str
253 conversions.append (((1,1,52), conv,
254 'deprecate \\grouping'))
257 if 1:
258 def conv(str):
259 str = re.sub ('\\\\wheel','\\\\coda', str)
261 return str
263 conversions.append (((1,1,55), conv,
264 '\\wheel -> \\coda'))
266 if 1:
267 def conv(str):
268 str = re.sub ('keyoctaviation','keyOctaviation', str)
269 str = re.sub ('slurdash','slurDash', str)
271 return str
273 conversions.append (((1,1,65), conv,
274 'slurdash -> slurDash, keyoctaviation -> keyOctaviation'))
276 if 1:
277 def conv(str):
278 str = re.sub ('\\\\repeat *\"?semi\"?','\\\\repeat "volta"', str)
280 return str
282 conversions.append (((1,1,66), conv,
283 'semi -> volta'))
286 if 1:
287 def conv(str):
288 str = re.sub ('\"?beamAuto\"? *= *\"?0?\"?','noAutoBeaming = "1"', str)
290 return str
292 conversions.append (((1,1,67), conv,
293 'beamAuto -> noAutoBeaming'))
295 if 1:
296 def conv(str):
297 str = re.sub ('automaticMelismas', 'automaticMelismata', str)
299 return str
301 conversions.append (((1,2,0), conv,
302 'automaticMelismas -> automaticMelismata'))
304 if 1:
305 def conv(str):
306 str = re.sub ('dynamicDir\\b', 'dynamicDirection', str)
308 return str
310 conversions.append (((1,2,1), conv,
311 'dynamicDir -> dynamicDirection'))
313 if 1:
314 def conv(str):
315 str = re.sub ('\\\\cadenza *0 *;', '\\\\cadenzaOff', str)
316 str = re.sub ('\\\\cadenza *1 *;', '\\\\cadenzaOn', str)
318 return str
320 conversions.append (((1,3,4), conv,
321 '\\cadenza -> \\cadenza{On|Off}'))
323 if 1:
324 def conv (str):
325 str = re.sub ('"?beamAuto([^"=]+)"? *= *"([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)" *;*',
326 'beamAuto\\1 = #(make-moment \\2 \\3)',
327 str)
328 return str
330 conversions.append (((1,3,5), conv, 'beamAuto moment properties'))
332 if 1:
333 def conv (str):
334 str = re.sub ('stemStyle',
335 'flagStyle',
336 str)
337 return str
339 conversions.append (((1,3,17), conv, 'stemStyle -> flagStyle'))
341 if 1:
342 def conv (str):
343 str = re.sub ('staffLineLeading',
344 'staffSpace',
345 str)
346 return str
348 conversions.append (((1,3,18), conv, 'staffLineLeading -> staffSpace'))
351 if 1:
352 def conv(str):
353 if re.search ('\\\\repetitions',str):
354 error_file.write ('\n')
355 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\repetitions")
356 error_file.write ('\n')
357 # raise FatalConversionError ()
358 return str
360 conversions.append (((1,3,23), conv,
361 '\\\\repetitions feature dropped'))
364 if 1:
365 def conv (str):
366 str = re.sub ('textEmptyDimension *= *##t',
367 'textNonEmpty = ##f',
368 str)
369 str = re.sub ('textEmptyDimension *= *##f',
370 'textNonEmpty = ##t',
371 str)
372 return str
374 conversions.append (((1,3,35), conv, 'textEmptyDimension -> textNonEmpty'))
376 if 1:
377 def conv (str):
378 str = re.sub ("([a-z]+)[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\\\musicalpitch *{([- 0-9]+)} *\n",
379 "(\\1 . (\\2))\n", str)
380 str = re.sub ("\\\\musicalpitch *{([0-9 -]+)}",
381 "\\\\musicalpitch #'(\\1)", str)
382 if re.search ('\\\\notenames',str):
383 error_file.write ('\n')
384 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "new \\notenames format")
385 error_file.write ('\n')
386 return str
388 conversions.append (((1,3,38), conv, '\musicalpitch { a b c } -> #\'(a b c)'))
390 if 1:
391 def conv (str):
392 def replace (match):
393 return '\\key %s;' % string.lower (match.group (1))
395 str = re.sub ("\\\\key ([^;]+);", replace, str)
396 return str
398 conversions.append (((1,3,39), conv, '\\key A ; ->\\key a;'))
400 if 1:
401 def conv (str):
402 if re.search ('\\[:',str):
403 error_file.write ('\n')
404 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "new tremolo format")
405 error_file.write ('\n')
406 return str
408 conversions.append (((1,3,41), conv,
409 '[:16 c4 d4 ] -> \\repeat "tremolo" 2 { c16 d16 }'))
411 if 1:
412 def conv (str):
413 str = re.sub ('Staff_margin_engraver' , 'Instrument_name_engraver', str)
414 return str
416 conversions.append (((1,3,42), conv,
417 'Staff_margin_engraver deprecated, use Instrument_name_engraver'))
419 if 1:
420 def conv (str):
421 str = re.sub ('note[hH]eadStyle\\s*=\\s*"?(\\w+)"?' , "noteHeadStyle = #'\\1", str)
422 return str
424 conversions.append (((1,3,49), conv,
425 'noteHeadStyle value: string -> symbol'))
427 if 1:
428 def conv (str):
429 if re.search ('\\\\keysignature', str):
430 error_file.write ('\n')
431 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "new tremolo format")
432 error_file.write ('\n')
433 return str
436 conversions.append (((1,3,58), conv,
437 'noteHeadStyle value: string -> symbol'))
439 if 1:
440 def conv (str):
441 str = re.sub (r"""\\key *([a-z]+) *;""", r"""\\key \1 \major;""",str);
442 return str
443 conversions.append (((1,3,59), conv,
444 '\key X ; -> \key X major; '))
446 if 1:
447 def conv (str):
448 str = re.sub (r'latexheaders *= *"\\\\input ',
449 'latexheaders = "',
450 str)
451 return str
452 conversions.append (((1,3,68), conv, 'latexheaders = "\\input global" -> latexheaders = "global"'))
457 # TODO: lots of other syntax change should be done here as well
458 if 1:
459 def conv (str):
460 str = re.sub ('basicCollisionProperties', 'NoteCollision', str)
461 str = re.sub ('basicVoltaSpannerProperties' , "VoltaBracket", str)
462 str = re.sub ('basicKeyProperties' , "KeySignature", str)
464 str = re.sub ('basicClefItemProperties' ,"Clef", str)
467 str = re.sub ('basicLocalKeyProperties' ,"Accidentals", str)
468 str = re.sub ('basicMarkProperties' ,"Accidentals", str)
469 str = re.sub ('basic([A-Za-z_]+)Properties', '\\1', str)
471 str = re.sub ('Repeat_engraver' ,'Volta_engraver', str)
472 return str
474 conversions.append (((1,3,92), conv, 'basicXXXProperties -> XXX, Repeat_engraver -> Volta_engraver'))
476 if 1:
477 def conv (str):
478 # Ugh, but meaning of \stemup changed too
479 # maybe we should do \stemup -> \stemUp\slurUp\tieUp ?
480 str = re.sub ('\\\\stemup', '\\\\stemUp', str)
481 str = re.sub ('\\\\stemdown', '\\\\stemDown', str)
482 str = re.sub ('\\\\stemboth', '\\\\stemBoth', str)
484 str = re.sub ('\\\\slurup', '\\\\slurUp', str)
485 str = re.sub ('\\\\slurboth', '\\\\slurBoth', str)
486 str = re.sub ('\\\\slurdown', '\\\\slurDown', str)
487 str = re.sub ('\\\\slurdotted', '\\\\slurDotted', str)
488 str = re.sub ('\\\\slurnormal', '\\\\slurNoDots', str)
490 str = re.sub ('\\\\shiftoff', '\\\\shiftOff', str)
491 str = re.sub ('\\\\shifton', '\\\\shiftOn', str)
492 str = re.sub ('\\\\shiftonn', '\\\\shiftOnn', str)
493 str = re.sub ('\\\\shiftonnn', '\\\\shiftOnnn', str)
495 str = re.sub ('\\\\onevoice', '\\\\oneVoice', str)
496 str = re.sub ('\\\\voiceone', '\\\\voiceOne', str)
497 str = re.sub ('\\\\voicetwo', '\\\\voiceTwo', str)
498 str = re.sub ('\\\\voicethree', '\\\\voiceThree', str)
499 str = re.sub ('\\\\voicefour', '\\\\voiceFour', str)
501 # I don't know exactly when these happened...
502 # ugh, we loose context setting here...
503 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ ]*verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(1|(\\\\up))"?', '\\\\stemUp\\\\slurUp\\\\tieUp', str)
504 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ ]*verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?((-1)|(\\\\down))"?', '\\\\stemDown\\\\slurDown\\\\tieDown', str)
505 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ ]*verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(\\\\center))"?', '\\\\stemBoth\\\\slurBoth\\\\tieBoth', str)
507 str = re.sub ('verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(1|(\\\\up))"?', 'Stem \\\\override #\'direction = #0\nSlur \\\\override #\'direction = #0\n Tie \\\\override #\'direction = #1', str)
508 str = re.sub ('verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?((-1)|(\\\\down))"?', 'Stem \\\\override #\'direction = #0\nSlur \\\\override #\'direction = #0\n Tie \\\\override #\'direction = #-1', str)
509 str = re.sub ('verticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(\\\\center))"?', 'Stem \\\\override #\'direction = #0\nSlur \\\\override #\'direction = #0\n Tie \\\\override #\'direction = #0', str)
511 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(1|(\\\\up))"?', '\\\\\\1Up', str)
512 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?((-1)|(\\\\down))"?', '\\\\\\1Down', str)
513 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(\\\\center))"?', '\\\\\\1Both', str)
515 # (lacks capitalisation slur -> Slur)
516 str = re.sub ('([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(1|(\\\\up))"?', '\\1 \\\\override #\'direction = #1', str)
517 str = re.sub ('([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?((-1)|(\\\\down))"?', '\\1 \\override #\'direction = #-1', str)
518 str = re.sub ('([a-z]+)VerticalDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(\\\\center))"?', '\\1 \\\\override #\'direction = #0', str)
520 ## dynamic..
521 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?dynamicDirection[^=]*= *#?"?(1|(\\\\up))"?', '\\\\dynamicUp', str)
522 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?dyn[^=]*= *#?"?((-1)|(\\\\down))"?', '\\\\dynamicDown', str)
523 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?dyn[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(\\\\center))"?', '\\\\dynamicBoth', str)
525 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?([a-z]+)Dash[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(""))"?', '\\\\\\1NoDots', str)
526 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?([a-z]+)Dash[^=]*= *#?"?([1-9]+)"?', '\\\\\\1Dotted', str)
528 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?noAutoBeaming[^=]*= *#?"?(0|(""))"?', '\\\\autoBeamOn', str)
529 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *[^ .]*[.]?noAutoBeaming[^=]*= *#?"?([1-9]+)"?', '\\\\autoBeamOff', str)
533 return str
535 conversions.append (((1,3,93), conv,
536 'property definiton case (eg. onevoice -> oneVoice)'))
539 if 1:
540 def conv (str):
541 str = re.sub ('ChordNames*', 'ChordNames', str)
542 if re.search ('\\\\textscript "[^"]* *"[^"]*"', str):
543 error_file.write ('\n')
544 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "new \\textscript markup text")
545 error_file.write ('\n')
547 str = re.sub ('\\textscript +("[^"]*")', '\\textscript #\\1', str)
549 return str
551 conversions.append (((1,3,97), conv, 'ChordName -> ChordNames'))
554 # TODO: add lots of these
556 if 1:
557 def conv (str):
558 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?Voice"? *[.] *"?textStyle"? *= *"([^"]*)"', '\\\\property Voice.TextScript \\\\set #\'font-style = #\'\\1', str)
559 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?Lyrics"? *[.] *"?textStyle"? *= *"([^"]*)"', '\\\\property Lyrics.LyricText \\\\set #\'font-style = #\'\\1', str)
561 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?([^.]+)"? *[.] *"?timeSignatureStyle"? *= *"([^"]*)"', '\\\\property \\1.TimeSignature \\\\override #\'style = #\'\\2', str)
563 str = re.sub ('"?timeSignatureStyle"? *= *#?""', 'TimeSignature \\\\override #\'style = ##f', str)
565 str = re.sub ('"?timeSignatureStyle"? *= *#?"([^"]*)"', 'TimeSignature \\\\override #\'style = #\'\\1', str)
567 str = re.sub ('#\'style *= #*"([^"])"', '#\'style = #\'\\1', str)
569 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?([^.]+)"? *[.] *"?horizontalNoteShift"? *= *"?#?([-0-9]+)"?', '\\\\property \\1.NoteColumn \\\\override #\'horizontal-shift = #\\2', str)
571 # ugh
572 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?([^.]+)"? *[.] *"?flagStyle"? *= *""', '\\\\property \\1.Stem \\\\override #\'flag-style = ##f', str)
574 str = re.sub ('\\\\property *"?([^.]+)"? *[.] *"?flagStyle"? *= *"([^"]*)"', '\\\\property \\1.Stem \\\\override #\'flag-style = #\'\\2', str)
575 return str
577 conversions.append (((1,3,98), conv, 'CONTEXT.textStyle -> GROB.#font-style '))
579 if 1:
580 def conv (str):
581 str = re.sub ('"?beamAutoEnd_([0-9]*)"? *= *(#\\([^)]*\\))', 'autoBeamSettings \\push #\'(end 1 \\1 * *) = \\2', str)
582 str = re.sub ('"?beamAutoBegin_([0-9]*)"? *= *(#\\([^)]*\))', 'autoBeamSettings \\push #\'(begin 1 \\1 * *) = \\2', str)
583 str = re.sub ('"?beamAutoEnd"? *= *(#\\([^)]*\\))', 'autoBeamSettings \\push #\'(end * * * *) = \\1', str)
584 str = re.sub ('"?beamAutoBegin"? *= *(#\\([^)]*\\))', 'autoBeamSettings \\push #\'(begin * * * *) = \\1', str)
587 return str
589 conversions.append (((1,3,102), conv, 'beamAutoEnd -> autoBeamSettings \\push (end * * * *)'))
592 if 1:
593 def conv (str):
594 str = re.sub ('\\\\push', '\\\\override', str)
595 str = re.sub ('\\\\pop', '\\\\revert', str)
597 return str
599 conversions.append (((1,3,111), conv, '\\push -> \\override, \\pop -> \\revert'))
601 if 1:
602 def conv (str):
603 str = re.sub ('LyricVoice', 'LyricsVoice', str)
604 # old fix
605 str = re.sub ('Chord[Nn]ames*.Chord[Nn]ames*', 'ChordNames.ChordName', str)
606 str = re.sub ('Chord[Nn]ames([ \t\n]+\\\\override)', 'ChordName\\1', str)
607 return str
609 conversions.append (((1,3,113), conv, 'LyricVoice -> LyricsVoice'))
611 def regularize_id (str):
612 s = ''
613 lastx = ''
614 for x in str:
615 if x == '_':
616 lastx = x
617 continue
618 elif x in string.digits:
619 x = chr(ord (x) - ord ('0') +ord ('A'))
620 elif x not in string.letters:
621 x = 'x'
622 elif x in string.lowercase and lastx == '_':
623 x = string.upper (x)
624 s = s + x
625 lastx = x
626 return s
628 if 1:
629 def conv (str):
631 def regularize_dollar_reference (match):
632 return regularize_id (match.group (1))
633 def regularize_assignment (match):
634 return '\n' + regularize_id (match.group (1)) + ' = '
635 str = re.sub ('\$([^\t\n ]+)', regularize_dollar_reference, str)
636 str = re.sub ('\n([^ \t\n]+)[ \t]*= *', regularize_assignment, str)
637 return str
639 conversions.append (((1,3,117), conv, 'identifier names: $!foo_bar_123 -> xfooBarABC'))
642 if 1:
643 def conv (str):
644 def regularize_paper (match):
645 return regularize_id (match.group (1))
647 str = re.sub ('(paper_[a-z]+)', regularize_paper, str)
648 str = re.sub ('sustainup', 'sustainUp', str)
649 str = re.sub ('nobreak', 'noBreak', str)
650 str = re.sub ('sustaindown', 'sustainDown', str)
651 str = re.sub ('sostenutoup', 'sostenutoUp', str)
652 str = re.sub ('sostenutodown', 'sostenutoDown', str)
653 str = re.sub ('unachorda', 'unaChorda', str)
654 str = re.sub ('trechorde', 'treChorde', str)
656 return str
658 conversions.append (((1,3,120), conv, 'paper_xxx -> paperXxxx, pedalup -> pedalUp.'))
660 if 1:
661 def conv (str):
662 str = re.sub ('drarnChords', 'chordChanges', str)
663 str = re.sub ('\\musicalpitch', '\\pitch', str)
664 return str
666 conversions.append (((1,3,122), conv, 'drarnChords -> chordChanges, \\musicalpitch -> \\pitch'))
668 if 1:
669 def conv (str):
670 str = re.sub ('ly-([sg])et-elt-property', 'ly-\\1et-grob-property', str)
671 return str
673 conversions.append (((1,3,136), conv, 'ly-X-elt-property -> ly-X-grob-property'))
675 if 1:
676 def conv (str):
677 str = re.sub ('point-and-click +#t', 'point-and-click line-column-location', str)
678 return str
680 conversions.append (((1,3,138), conv, 'point-and-click argument changed to procedure.'))
682 if 1:
683 def conv (str):
684 str = re.sub ('followThread', 'followVoice', str)
685 str = re.sub ('Thread.FollowThread', 'Voice.VoiceFollower', str)
686 str = re.sub ('FollowThread', 'VoiceFollower', str)
687 return str
689 conversions.append (((1,3,138), conv, 'followThread -> followVoice.'))
691 if 1:
692 def conv (str):
693 str = re.sub ('font-point-size', 'font-design-size', str)
694 return str
696 conversions.append (((1,3,139), conv, 'font-point-size -> font-design-size.'))
698 if 1:
699 def conv (str):
700 str = re.sub ('([a-zA-Z]*)NoDots', '\\1Solid', str)
701 return str
703 conversions.append (((1,3,141), conv, 'xNoDots -> xSolid'))
705 if 1:
706 def conv (str):
707 str = re.sub ('([Cc])hord([ea])', '\\1ord\\2', str)
708 return str
710 conversions.append (((1,3,144), conv, 'Chorda -> Corda'))
713 if 1:
714 def conv (str):
715 str = re.sub ('([A-Za-z]+)MinimumVerticalExtent', 'MinimumV@rticalExtent', str)
716 str = re.sub ('([A-Za-z]+)ExtraVerticalExtent', 'ExtraV@rticalExtent', str)
717 str = re.sub ('([A-Za-z]+)VerticalExtent', 'VerticalExtent', str)
718 str = re.sub ('ExtraV@rticalExtent', 'ExtraVerticalExtent', str)
719 str = re.sub ('MinimumV@rticalExtent', 'MinimumVerticalExtent', str)
720 return str
722 conversions.append (((1,3,145), conv,
723 'ContextNameXxxxVerticalExtent -> XxxxVerticalExtent'))
725 if 1:
726 def conv (str):
727 str = re.sub ('\\\\key[ \t]*;', '\\key \\default;', str)
728 str = re.sub ('\\\\mark[ \t]*;', '\\mark \\default;', str)
730 # Make sure groups of more than one ; have space before
731 # them, so that non of them gets removed by next rule
732 str = re.sub ("([^ \n\t;]);(;+)", "\\1 ;\\2", str)
734 # Only remove ; that are not after spaces, # or ;
735 # Otherwise we interfere with Scheme comments,
736 # which is badbadbad.
737 str = re.sub ("([^ \t;#]);", "\\1", str)
739 return str
740 conversions.append (((1,3,146), conv, 'semicolons removed'))
742 if 1:
743 def conv (str):
744 str = re.sub ('default-neutral-direction', 'neutral-direction',str)
745 return str
746 conversions.append (((1,3,147), conv, 'default-neutral-direction -> neutral-direction'))
748 if 1:
749 def conv (str):
750 str = re.sub ('\(align', '(axis', str)
751 str = re.sub ('\(rows', '(columns', str)
752 return str
753 conversions.append (((1,3,148), conv, '"(align" -> "(axis", "(rows" -> "(columns"'))
756 if 1:
757 def conv (str):
758 str = re.sub ('SystemStartDelimiter', 'systemStartDelimiter', str)
759 return str
760 conversions.append (((1,5,33), conv, 'SystemStartDelimiter -> systemStartDelimiter'))
762 if 1:
763 def conv (str):
764 str = re.sub ('arithmetic-multiplier', 'spacing-increment', str)
765 str = re.sub ('arithmetic-basicspace', 'shortest-duration-space', str)
766 return str
768 conversions.append (((1,5,38), conv, 'SystemStartDelimiter -> systemStartDelimiter'))
771 if 1:
772 def conv (str):
774 def func(match):
775 break_dict = {
776 "Instrument_name": "instrument-name",
777 "Left_edge_item": "left-edge",
778 "Span_bar": "span-bar",
779 "Breathing_sign": "breathing-sign",
780 "Staff_bar": "staff-bar",
781 "Clef_item": "clef",
782 "Key_item": "key-signature",
783 "Time_signature": "time-signature",
784 "Custos": "custos"
786 props = match.group (1)
787 for (k,v) in break_dict.items():
788 props = re.sub (k, v, props)
789 return "breakAlignOrder = #'(%s)" % props
791 str = re.sub ("breakAlignOrder *= *#'\\(([a-z_\n\tA-Z ]+)\\)",
792 func, str)
793 return str
795 # 40 ?
796 conversions.append (((1,5,40), conv, 'breakAlignOrder property names'))
799 if 1:
800 def conv (str):
801 str = re.sub ('noAutoBeaming *= *##f', 'autoBeaming = ##t', str)
802 str = re.sub ('noAutoBeaming *= *##t', 'autoBeaming = ##f', str)
803 return str
805 conversions.append (((1,5,49), conv, 'noAutoBeaming -> autoBeaming'))
807 if 1:
808 def conv (str):
809 str = re.sub ('tuplet-bracket-visibility', 'bracket-visibility', str)
810 str = re.sub ('tuplet-number-visibility', 'number-visibility', str)
811 return str
813 conversions.append (((1,5,52), conv, 'tuplet-X-visibility -> X-visibility'))
815 if 1:
816 def conv (str):
817 str = re.sub ('Pitch::transpose', 'ly-transpose-pitch', str)
819 return str
821 conversions.append (((1,5,56), conv, 'Pitch::transpose -> ly-transpose-pitch'))
823 if 1:
824 def conv (str):
825 str = re.sub ('textNonEmpty *= *##t', "TextScript \\set #'no-spacing-rods = ##f", str)
826 str = re.sub ('textNonEmpty *= *##f', "TextScript \\set #'no-spacing-rods = ##t", str)
827 return str
829 conversions.append (((1,5,58), conv, 'deprecate textNonEmpty'))
832 if 1:
833 def conv (str):
834 str = re.sub ('MinimumVerticalExtent', 'minimumV@rticalExtent', str)
835 str = re.sub ('minimumVerticalExtent', 'minimumV@rticalExtent', str)
836 str = re.sub ('ExtraVerticalExtent', 'extraV@rticalExtent', str)
837 str = re.sub ('extraVerticalExtent', 'extraV@rticalExtent', str)
838 str = re.sub ('VerticalExtent', 'verticalExtent', str)
839 str = re.sub ('extraV@rticalExtent', 'extraVerticalExtent', str)
840 str = re.sub ('minimumV@rticalExtent', 'minimumVerticalExtent', str)
841 return str
843 conversions.append (((1,5,59), conv,
844 'XxxxVerticalExtent -> xxxVerticalExtent'))
846 if 1:
847 def conv (str):
848 str = re.sub ('visibility-lambda', 'break-visibility', str)
849 return str
851 conversions.append (((1,5,62), conv,
852 'visibility-lambda -> break-visibility'))
855 if 1:
856 def conv (str):
857 if re.search (r'\addlyrics',str) \
858 and re.search ('automaticMelismata', str) == None:
859 error_file.write ('\n')
860 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "automaticMelismata; turned on by default since 1.5.67.")
861 error_file.write ('\n')
862 raise FatalConversionError ()
863 return str
865 conversions.append (((1,5,67), conv,
866 'automaticMelismata turned on by default'))
868 if 1:
869 def conv (str):
870 str = re.sub ('ly-set-grob-property([^!])', 'ly-set-grob-property!\1', str)
871 str = re.sub ('ly-set-mus-property([^!])', 'ly-set-mus-property!\1', str)
872 return str
874 conversions.append (((1,5,68), conv, 'ly-set-X-property -> ly-set-X-property!'))
876 if 1:
877 def conv (str):
878 str = re.sub ('extent-X', 'X-extent', str)
879 str = re.sub ('extent-Y', 'Y-extent', str)
880 return str
882 conversions.append (((1,5,71), conv, 'extent-[XY] -> [XY]-extent'))
885 if 1:
886 def conv (str):
887 str = re.sub ("""#\(set! +point-and-click +line-column-location\)""",
888 """#(set-point-and-click! \'line-column)""", str)
889 str = re.sub ("""#\(set![ \t]+point-and-click +line-location\)""",
890 '#(set-point-and-click! \'line)', str)
891 str = re.sub ('#\(set! +point-and-click +#f\)',
892 '#(set-point-and-click! \'none)', str)
893 return str
895 conversions.append (((1,5,72), conv, 'set! point-and-click -> set-point-and-click!'))
898 if 1:
899 def conv (str):
900 str = re.sub ('flag-style', 'stroke-style', str)
901 str = re.sub (r"""Stem([ ]+)\\override #'style""", r"""Stem \\override #'flag-style""", str);
902 str = re.sub (r"""Stem([ ]+)\\set([ ]+)#'style""", r"""Stem \\set #'flag-style""", str);
903 return str
905 conversions.append (((1,6,5), conv, 'Stems: flag-style -> stroke-style; style -> flag-style'))
908 if 1:
909 def subst_req_name (match):
910 return "(make-music-by-name \'%sEvent)" % regularize_id (match.group(1))
912 def conv (str):
913 str = re.sub ('\\(ly-make-music *\"([A-Z][a-z_]+)_req\"\\)', subst_req_name, str)
914 str = re.sub ('Request_chord', 'EventChord', str)
915 return str
917 conversions.append (((1,7,1), conv, 'ly-make-music foo_bar_req -> make-music-by-name FooBarEvent'))
920 if 1:
921 spanner_subst ={
922 "text" : 'TextSpanEvent',
923 "decrescendo" : 'DecrescendoEvent',
924 "crescendo" : 'CrescendoEvent',
925 "Sustain" : 'SustainPedalEvent',
926 "slur" : 'SlurEvent',
927 "UnaCorda" : 'UnaCordaEvent',
928 "Sostenuto" : 'SostenutoEvent',
930 def subst_ev_name (match):
931 stype = 'STOP'
932 if re.search ('start', match.group(1)):
933 stype= 'START'
935 mtype = spanner_subst[match.group(2)]
936 return "(make-span-event '%s %s)" % (mtype , stype)
938 def subst_definition_ev_name(match):
939 return ' = #%s' % subst_ev_name (match)
940 def subst_inline_ev_name (match):
941 s = subst_ev_name (match)
942 return '#(ly-export %s)' % s
943 def subst_csp_definition (match):
944 return ' = #(make-event-chord (list %s))' % subst_ev_name (match)
945 def subst_csp_inline (match):
946 return '#(ly-export (make-event-chord (list %s)))' % subst_ev_name (match)
948 def conv (str):
949 str = re.sub (r' *= *\\spanrequest *([^ ]+) *"([^"]+)"', subst_definition_ev_name, str)
950 str = re.sub (r'\\spanrequest *([^ ]+) *"([^"]+)"', subst_inline_ev_name, str)
951 str = re.sub (r' *= *\\commandspanrequest *([^ ]+) *"([^"]+)"', subst_csp_definition, str)
952 str = re.sub (r'\\commandspanrequest *([^ ]+) *"([^"]+)"', subst_csp_inline, str)
953 str = re.sub (r'ly-id ', 'ly-import ', str)
955 str = re.sub (r' *= *\\script "([^"]+)"', ' = #(make-articulation "\\1")', str)
956 str = re.sub (r'\\script "([^"]+)"', '#(ly-export (make-articulation "\\1"))', str)
957 return str
959 conversions.append (((1,7,2), conv, '\\spanrequest -> #(make-span-event .. ), \script -> #(make-articulation .. )'))
961 if 1:
962 def conv(str):
963 str = re.sub (r'\(ly-', '(ly:', str)
965 changed = [
966 r'duration\?',
967 r'font-metric\?',
968 r'molecule\?',
969 r'moment\?',
970 r'music\?',
971 r'pitch\?',
972 'make-duration',
973 'music-duration-length',
974 'duration-log',
975 'duration-dotcount',
976 'intlog2',
977 'duration-factor',
978 'transpose-key-alist',
979 'get-system',
980 'get-broken-into',
981 'get-original',
982 'set-point-and-click!',
983 'make-moment',
984 'make-pitch',
985 'pitch-octave',
986 'pitch-alteration',
987 'pitch-notename',
988 'pitch-semitones',
989 r'pitch<\?',
990 r'dir\?',
991 'music-duration-compress',
992 'set-point-and-click!'
995 origre = r'\b(%s)' % string.join (changed, '|')
997 str = re.sub (origre, r'ly:\1',str)
998 str = re.sub ('set-point-and-click!', 'set-point-and-click', str)
1000 return str
1002 conversions.append (((1,7,3), conv, 'ly- -> ly:'))
1004 if 1:
1005 def conv(str):
1006 if re.search ('new-chords-done',str):
1007 return str
1009 str = re.sub (r'<<', '< <', str)
1010 str = re.sub (r'>>', '> >', str)
1011 return str
1013 conversions.append (((1,7,4), conv, '<< >> -> < < > >'))
1015 if 1:
1016 def conv(str):
1017 str = re.sub (r"\\transpose", r"\\transpose c'", str)
1018 str = re.sub (r"\\transpose c' *([a-z]+)'", r"\\transpose c \1", str)
1019 return str
1020 conversions.append (((1,7,5), conv, '\\transpose TO -> \\transpose FROM TO'))
1022 if 1:
1023 def conv(str):
1024 kws = ['arpeggio',
1025 'sustainDown',
1026 'sustainUp',
1027 'f',
1028 'p',
1029 'pp',
1030 'ppp',
1031 'fp',
1032 'ff',
1033 'mf',
1034 'mp',
1035 'sfz',
1038 origstr = string.join (kws, '|')
1039 str = re.sub (r'([^_^-])\\(%s)\b' % origstr, r'\1-\\\2', str)
1040 return str
1041 conversions.append (((1,7,6), conv, 'note\\script -> note-\script'))
1044 if 1:
1045 def conv(str):
1046 str = re.sub (r"\\property *ChordNames *\. *ChordName *\\(set|override) *#'style *= *#('[a-z]+)",
1047 r"#(set-chord-name-style \2)", str)
1048 str = re.sub (r"\\property *ChordNames *\. *ChordName *\\revert *#'style",
1049 r"", str)
1050 return str
1051 conversions.append (((1,7,10), conv, "\property ChordName #'style -> #(set-chord-name-style 'style)"))
1055 if 1:
1056 def conv(str):
1057 str = re.sub (r"ly:transpose-pitch", "ly:pitch-transpose", str)
1059 return str
1060 conversions.append (((1,7,11), conv, "transpose-pitch -> pitch-transpose"))
1062 if 1:
1063 def conv(str):
1064 str = re.sub (r"ly:get-molecule-extent", "ly:molecule-get-extent", str)
1065 str = re.sub (r"ly:set-molecule-extent!", "ly:molecule-set-extent!", str)
1066 str = re.sub (r"ly:add-molecule", "ly:molecule-add", str)
1067 str = re.sub (r"ly:combine-molecule-at-edge", "ly:molecule-combine-at-edge", str)
1068 str = re.sub (r"ly:align-to!", "ly:molecule-align-to!", str)
1070 return str
1072 conversions.append (((1,7,13), conv, "ly:XX-molecule-YY -> ly:molecule-XX-YY"))
1074 if 1:
1075 def conv(str):
1076 str = re.sub (r"linewidth *= *-[0-9.]+ *(\\mm|\\cm|\\in|\\pt)?", 'raggedright = ##t', str )
1077 return str
1079 conversions.append (((1,7,15), conv, "linewidth = -1 -> raggedright = ##t"))
1081 if 1:
1082 def conv(str):
1083 str = re.sub ("divisiomaior",
1084 "divisioMaior", str)
1085 str = re.sub ("divisiominima",
1086 "divisioMinima", str)
1087 str = re.sub ("divisiomaxima",
1088 "divisioMaxima", str)
1089 return str
1091 conversions.append (((1,7,16), conv, "divisiomaior -> divisioMaior"))
1093 if 1:
1094 def conv(str):
1095 str = re.sub ("Skip_req_swallow_translator",
1096 "Skip_event_swallow_translator", str)
1097 return str
1099 conversions.append (((1,7,17), conv, "Skip_req -> Skip_event"))
1101 if 1:
1102 def conv(str):
1103 str = re.sub ("groupOpen",
1104 "startGroup", str)
1105 str = re.sub ("groupClose",
1106 "stopGroup", str)
1107 str = re.sub ("#'outer",
1108 "#'enclose-bounds", str)
1110 return str
1112 conversions.append (((1,7,18), conv,
1113 """groupOpen/Close -> start/stopGroup,
1114 #'outer -> #'enclose-bounds
1115 """))
1117 if 1:
1118 def conv(str):
1119 if re.search( r'\\GraceContext', str):
1120 error_file.write ('\n')
1121 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "GraceContext")
1122 error_file.write (FROM_TO \
1123 % ("GraceContext", "#(add-to-grace-init .. )"))
1124 error_file.write ('\n')
1125 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1126 error_file.write ('\n')
1127 raise FatalConversionError ()
1129 str = re.sub ('HaraKiriStaffContext', 'RemoveEmptyStaffContext', str)
1130 return str
1132 conversions.append (((1,7,19), conv,"remove GraceContext"))
1136 if 1:
1137 def conv(str):
1138 str = re.sub (
1139 r"(set|override|revert) *#'type",
1140 r"\1 #'style",
1141 str)
1142 return str
1144 conversions.append (((1,7,22), conv,"#'type -> #'style"))
1146 if 1:
1147 def conv(str):
1148 str = re.sub (
1149 "barNonAuto *= *##t",
1150 "automaticBars = ##f",
1151 str)
1152 str = re.sub (
1153 "barNonAuto *= *##f",
1154 "automaticBars = ##t",
1155 str)
1156 return str
1158 conversions.append (((1,7,23), conv,"barNonAuto -> automaticBars"))
1161 if 1:
1162 def conv(str):
1163 if re.search( r'-(start|stop)Cluster', str):
1164 error_file.write ('\n')
1165 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "Cluster syntax")
1166 error_file.write ('\n')
1167 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1168 error_file.write ('\n')
1170 raise FatalConversionError ()
1172 return str
1174 conversions.append (((1,7,24), conv,"cluster syntax"))
1176 if 1:
1177 def conv(str):
1178 str = re.sub (r"\\property *Staff\.(Sustain|Sostenuto|UnaCorda)Pedal *\\(override|set) *#'pedal-type *",
1179 r"\property Staff.pedal\1Style ", str)
1180 str = re.sub (r"\\property *Staff\.(Sustain|Sostenuto|UnaCorda)Pedal *\\revert *#'pedal-type", '', str)
1181 return str
1183 conversions.append (((1,7,28), conv,"new Pedal style syntax"))
1187 if 1:
1189 def sub_chord (m):
1190 str = m.group(1)
1192 origstr = '<%s>' % str
1193 if re.search (r'\\\\', str):
1194 return origstr
1196 if re.search (r'\\property', str):
1197 return origstr
1199 if re.match (r'^\s*\)?\s*\\[a-zA-Z]+', str):
1200 return origstr
1202 durs = []
1203 def sub_durs (m, durs = durs):
1204 durs.append(m.group(2))
1205 return m.group (1)
1207 str = re.sub (r"([a-z]+[,'!? ]*)([0-9]+\.*)", sub_durs, str)
1208 dur_str = ''
1210 for d in durs:
1211 if dur_str == '':
1212 dur_str = d
1213 if dur_str <> d:
1214 return '<%s>' % m.group (1)
1216 pslur_strs = ['']
1217 dyns = ['']
1218 slur_strs = ['']
1220 last_str = ''
1221 while last_str <> str:
1222 last_str = str
1224 def sub_tremolos (m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1225 tr = m.group (2)
1226 if tr not in slur_strs:
1227 slur_strs.append (tr)
1228 return m.group (1)
1230 str = re.sub (r"([a-z]+[',!? ]*)(:[0-9]+)",
1231 sub_tremolos, str)
1233 def sub_dyn_end (m, dyns = dyns):
1234 dyns.append (' \!')
1235 return ' ' + m.group(2)
1237 str = re.sub (r'(\\!)\s*([a-z]+)', sub_dyn_end, str)
1238 def sub_slurs(m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1239 if '-)' not in slur_strs:
1240 slur_strs.append (')')
1241 return m.group(1)
1243 def sub_p_slurs(m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1244 if '-\)' not in slur_strs:
1245 slur_strs.append ('\)')
1246 return m.group(1)
1248 str = re.sub (r"\)[ ]*([a-z]+)", sub_slurs, str)
1249 str = re.sub (r"\\\)[ ]*([a-z]+)", sub_p_slurs, str)
1250 def sub_begin_slurs(m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1251 if '-(' not in slur_strs:
1252 slur_strs.append ('(')
1253 return m.group(1)
1255 str = re.sub (r"([a-z]+[,'!?0-9 ]*)\(",
1256 sub_begin_slurs, str)
1257 def sub_begin_p_slurs(m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1258 if '-\(' not in slur_strs:
1259 slur_strs.append ('\(')
1260 return m.group(1)
1262 str = re.sub (r"([a-z]+[,'!?0-9 ]*)\\\(",
1263 sub_begin_p_slurs, str)
1265 def sub_dyns (m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1266 s = m.group(0)
1267 if s == '@STARTCRESC@':
1268 slur_strs.append ("\\<")
1269 elif s == '@STARTDECRESC@':
1270 slur_strs.append ("\\>")
1271 elif s == r'-?\\!':
1272 slur_strs.append ('\\!')
1273 return ''
1275 str = re.sub (r'@STARTCRESC@', sub_dyns, str)
1276 str = re.sub (r'-?\\!', sub_dyns, str)
1278 def sub_articulations (m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1279 a = m.group(1)
1280 if a not in slur_strs:
1281 slur_strs.append (a)
1282 return ''
1284 str = re.sub (r"([_^-]\@ACCENT\@)", sub_articulations,
1285 str)
1286 str = re.sub (r"([_^-]\\[a-z]+)", sub_articulations,
1287 str)
1288 str = re.sub (r"([_^-][>_.+|^-])", sub_articulations,
1289 str)
1290 str = re.sub (r'([_^-]"[^"]+")', sub_articulations,
1291 str)
1293 def sub_pslurs(m, slur_strs = slur_strs):
1294 slur_strs.append (' \\)')
1295 return m.group(1)
1296 str = re.sub (r"\\\)[ ]*([a-z]+)", sub_pslurs, str)
1298 ## end of while <>
1300 suffix = string.join (slur_strs, '') + string.join (pslur_strs,
1301 '') \
1302 + string.join (dyns, '')
1304 return '@STARTCHORD@%s@ENDCHORD@%s%s' % (str , dur_str, suffix)
1308 def sub_chords (str):
1309 simend = '>'
1310 simstart = '<'
1311 chordstart = '<<'
1312 chordend = '>>'
1313 marker_str = '%% new-chords-done %%'
1315 if re.search (marker_str,str):
1316 return str
1317 str = re.sub ('<<', '@STARTCHORD@', str)
1318 str = re.sub ('>>', '@ENDCHORD@', str)
1320 str = re.sub (r'\\<', '@STARTCRESC@', str)
1321 str = re.sub (r'\\>', '@STARTDECRESC@', str)
1322 str = re.sub (r'([_^-])>', r'\1@ACCENT@', str)
1323 str = re.sub (r'<([^<>{}]+)>', sub_chord, str)
1325 # add dash: -[, so that [<<a b>> c d] becomes
1326 # <<a b>>-[ c d]
1327 # and gets skipped by articulation_substitute
1328 str = re.sub (r'\[ *(@STARTCHORD@[^@]+@ENDCHORD@[0-9.]*)',
1329 r'\1-[', str)
1330 str = re.sub (r'\\! *(@STARTCHORD@[^@]+@ENDCHORD@[0-9.]*)',
1331 r'\1-\\!', str)
1333 str = re.sub (r'<([^?])', r'%s\1' % simstart, str)
1334 str = re.sub (r'>([^?])', r'%s\1' % simend, str)
1335 str = re.sub ('@STARTCRESC@', r'\\<', str)
1336 str = re.sub ('@STARTDECRESC@', r'\\>' ,str)
1337 str = re.sub (r'\\context *Voice *@STARTCHORD@',
1338 '@STARTCHORD@', str)
1339 str = re.sub ('@STARTCHORD@', chordstart, str)
1340 str = re.sub ('@ENDCHORD@', chordend, str)
1341 str = re.sub (r'@ACCENT@', '>', str)
1342 return str
1344 markup_start = re.compile(r"([-^_]|\\mark)\s*(#\s*'\s*)\(")
1345 musicglyph = re.compile(r"\(\s*music\b")
1346 columns = re.compile(r"\(\s*columns\b")
1347 submarkup_start = re.compile(r"\(\s*([a-zA-Z]+)")
1348 leftpar = re.compile(r"\(")
1349 rightpar = re.compile(r"\)")
1351 def text_markup (str):
1352 result = ''
1353 # Find the beginning of each markup:
1354 match = markup_start.search (str)
1355 while match:
1356 result = result + str[:match.end (1)] + " \markup"
1357 str = str[match.end( 2):]
1358 # Count matching parentheses to find the end of the
1359 # current markup:
1360 nesting_level = 0
1361 pars = re.finditer(r"[()]",str)
1362 for par in pars:
1363 if par.group () == '(':
1364 nesting_level = nesting_level + 1
1365 else:
1366 nesting_level = nesting_level - 1
1367 if nesting_level == 0:
1368 markup_end = par.end ()
1369 break
1370 # The full markup in old syntax:
1371 markup = str[:markup_end]
1372 # Modify to new syntax:
1373 markup = musicglyph.sub (r"{\\musicglyph", markup)
1374 markup = columns.sub (r"{", markup)
1375 markup = submarkup_start.sub (r"{\\\1", markup)
1376 markup = leftpar.sub ("{", markup)
1377 markup = rightpar.sub ("}", markup)
1379 result = result + markup
1380 # Find next markup
1381 str = str[markup_end:]
1382 match = markup_start.search(str)
1383 result = result + str
1384 return result
1386 def articulation_substitute (str):
1387 str = re.sub (r"""([^-])\[ *(\\?\)?[a-z]+[,']*[!?]?[0-9:]*\.*)""",
1388 r"\1 \2[", str)
1389 str = re.sub (r"""([^-])\\\) *([a-z]+[,']*[!?]?[0-9:]*\.*)""",
1390 r"\1 \2\\)", str)
1391 str = re.sub (r"""([^-\\])\) *([a-z]+[,']*[!?]?[0-9:]*\.*)""",
1392 r"\1 \2)", str)
1393 str = re.sub (r"""([^-])\\! *([a-z]+[,']*[!?]?[0-9:]*\.*)""",
1394 r"\1 \2\\!", str)
1395 return str
1397 string_or_scheme = re.compile ('("(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*")|(#\\s*\'?\\s*\\()')
1399 # Only apply articulation_substitute () outside strings and
1400 # Scheme expressions:
1401 def smarter_articulation_subst (str):
1402 result = ''
1403 # Find the beginning of next string or Scheme expr.:
1404 match = string_or_scheme.search (str)
1405 while match:
1406 # Convert the preceding LilyPond code:
1407 previous_chunk = str[:match.start()]
1408 result = result + articulation_substitute (previous_chunk)
1409 if match.group (1): # Found a string
1410 # Copy the string to output:
1411 result = result + match.group (1)
1412 str = str[match.end(1):]
1413 else: # Found a Scheme expression. Count
1414 # matching parentheses to find its end
1415 str = str[match.start ():]
1416 nesting_level = 0
1417 pars = re.finditer(r"[()]",str)
1418 for par in pars:
1419 if par.group () == '(':
1420 nesting_level = nesting_level + 1
1421 else:
1422 nesting_level = nesting_level - 1
1423 if nesting_level == 0:
1424 scheme_end = par.end ()
1425 break
1426 # Copy the Scheme expression to output:
1427 result = result + str[:scheme_end]
1428 str = str[scheme_end:]
1429 # Find next string or Scheme expression:
1430 match = string_or_scheme.search (str)
1431 # Convert the remainder of the file
1432 result = result + articulation_substitute (str)
1433 return result
1435 def conv_relative(str):
1436 if re.search (r"\\relative", str):
1437 str= "#(ly:set-option 'old-relative)\n" + str
1439 return str
1441 def conv (str):
1442 str = re.sub (r"#'\(\)", "@SCM_EOL@", str)
1443 str = conv_relative (str)
1444 str = sub_chords (str)
1446 str = text_markup (str)
1447 str = smarter_articulation_subst (str)
1448 str = re.sub ("@SCM_EOL@", "#'()", str)
1450 return str
1452 conversions.append (((1,9,0), conv, """New relative mode,
1453 Postfix articulations, new text markup syntax, new chord syntax."""))
1455 if 1:
1456 def conv (str):
1457 if re.search ("font-style",str):
1458 error_file.write ('\n')
1459 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "font-sytle")
1460 error_file.write ('\n')
1461 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1462 error_file.write ('\n')
1464 raise FatalConversionError ()
1466 str = re.sub (r'-\\markup', r'@\\markup', str)
1467 str = re.sub (r'-\\', r'\\', str)
1468 str = re.sub (r'-\)', ')', str)
1469 str = re.sub (r'-\(', '(', str)
1470 str = re.sub ('-\[', '[', str)
1471 str = re.sub ('-\]', ']', str)
1472 str = re.sub ('-~', '~', str)
1473 str = re.sub (r'@\\markup', r'-\\markup', str)
1474 return str
1476 conversions.append (((1,9,1), conv, """Remove - before articulation"""))
1477 if 1:
1478 def conv (str):
1479 str = re.sub ('ly:set-context-property',
1480 'ly:set-context-property!', str)
1481 str = re.sub ('\\\\newcontext', '\\\\new', str)
1482 str = re.sub ('\\\\grace[\t\n ]*([^{ ]+)',
1483 r'\\grace { \1 }', str)
1484 str = re.sub ("\\\\grace[\t\n ]*{([^}]+)}",
1485 r"""\\grace {
1486 \\property Voice.Stem \\override #'stroke-style = #"grace"
1488 \\property Voice.Stem \\revert #'stroke-style }
1489 """, str)
1491 return str
1493 conversions.append (((1,9,2), conv, """\\newcontext -> \\new"""))
1495 if 1:
1496 def conv (str):
1497 str = re.sub ('accacciatura',
1498 'acciaccatura', str)
1500 if re.search ("context-spec-music", str):
1501 error_file.write ('\n')
1502 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "context-spec-music")
1503 error_file.write ('\n')
1504 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1505 error_file.write ('\n')
1507 raise FatalConversionError ()
1509 str = re.sub ('fingerHorizontalDirection *= *#(LEFT|-1)',
1510 "fingeringOrientations = #'(up down left)", str)
1511 str = re.sub ('fingerHorizontalDirection *= *#(RIGHT|1)',
1512 "fingeringOrientations = #'(up down right)", str)
1514 return str
1516 conversions.append (((1,9,3), conv,
1517 """\\acciaccatura misspelling, fingerHorizontalDirection -> fingeringOrientations"""))
1520 def conv (str):
1521 if re.search ('\\figures', str):
1522 error_file.write ("Warning: attempting automatic \\figures conversion. Check results!");
1525 def figures_replace (m):
1526 s = m.group (1)
1527 s = re.sub ('<', '@FIGOPEN@',s)
1528 s = re.sub ('>', '@FIGCLOSE@',s)
1529 return '\\figures { %s }' % s
1531 str = re.sub (r'\\figures[ \t\n]*{([^}]+)}', figures_replace, str)
1532 str = re.sub (r'\\<', '@STARTCRESC@', str)
1533 str = re.sub (r'\\>', '@STARTDECRESC@', str)
1534 str = re.sub (r'([-^_])>', r'\1@ACCENT@', str)
1535 str = re.sub (r'<<', '@STARTCHORD@', str)
1536 str = re.sub (r'>>', '@ENDCHORD@', str)
1537 str = re.sub (r'>', '@ENDSIMUL@', str)
1538 str = re.sub (r'<', '@STARTSIMUL@', str)
1539 str = re.sub ('@STARTDECRESC@', '\\>', str)
1540 str = re.sub ('@STARTCRESC@', '\\<', str)
1541 str = re.sub ('@ACCENT@', '>', str)
1542 str = re.sub ('@ENDCHORD@', '>', str)
1543 str = re.sub ('@STARTCHORD@', '<', str)
1544 str = re.sub ('@STARTSIMUL@', '<<', str)
1545 str = re.sub ('@ENDSIMUL@', '>>', str)
1546 str = re.sub ('@FIGOPEN@', '<', str)
1547 str = re.sub ('@FIGCLOSE@', '>', str)
1549 return str
1551 conversions.append (((1,9,4), conv, 'Swap < > and << >>'))
1554 def conv (str):
1555 str = re.sub ('HaraKiriVerticalGroup', 'RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup', str)
1557 return str
1559 conversions.append (((1,9,5), conv, 'HaraKiriVerticalGroup -> RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup'))
1561 def conv (str):
1562 if re.search ("ly:get-font", str) :
1563 error_file.write ('\n')
1564 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "(ly:-get-font")
1565 error_file.write ('\n')
1566 error_file.write (FROM_TO \
1567 % ("(ly:paper-get-font (ly:grob-get-paper foo) .. )",
1568 "(ly:paper-get-font (ly:grob-get-paper foo) .. )"))
1569 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1570 error_file.write ('\n')
1571 raise FatalConversionError ()
1573 if re.search ("\\pitch *#", str) :
1574 error_file.write ('\n')
1575 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\pitch")
1576 error_file.write ('\n')
1577 error_file.write ("Use Scheme code to construct arbitrary note events.")
1578 error_file.write ('\n')
1580 raise FatalConversionError ()
1582 return str
1585 conversions.append (((1,9,6), conv, 'ly:get-font deprecated.'))
1587 def conv (str):
1588 def sub_alteration (m):
1589 alt = m.group (3)
1590 alt = {
1591 '-1': 'FLAT',
1592 '-2': 'DOUBLE-FLAT',
1593 '0': 'NATURAL',
1594 '1': 'SHARP',
1595 '2': 'DOUBLE-SHARP',
1596 }[alt]
1598 return '(ly:make-pitch %s %s %s)' % (m.group(1), m.group (2),
1599 alt)
1601 str =re.sub ("\\(ly:make-pitch *([0-9-]+) *([0-9-]+) *([0-9-]+) *\\)",
1602 sub_alteration, str)
1605 str = re.sub ("ly:verbose", "ly:get-option 'verbose", str)
1607 m= re.search ("\\\\outputproperty #([^#]+)[\t\n ]*#'([^ ]+)", str)
1608 if m:
1609 error_file.write (\
1610 r"""\outputproperty found,
1611 Please hand-edit, using
1613 \applyoutput #(outputproperty-compatibility %s '%s <GROB PROPERTY VALUE>)
1615 as a substitution text.""" % (m.group (1), m.group (2)) )
1616 raise FatalConversionError ()
1618 if re.search ("ly:(make-pitch|pitch-alteration)", str) \
1619 or re.search ("keySignature", str):
1620 error_file.write ('\n')
1621 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "pitches")
1622 error_file.write ('\n')
1623 error_file.write (
1624 """The alteration field of Scheme pitches was multiplied by 2
1625 to support quarter tone accidentals. You must update the following constructs by manually:
1627 * calls of ly:make-pitch and ly:pitch-alteration
1628 * keySignature settings made with \property
1629 """)
1630 raise FatalConversionError ()
1632 return str
1633 conversions.append (((1,9,7), conv,
1634 '''use symbolic constants for alterations,
1635 remove \\outputproperty, move ly:verbose into ly:get-option'''))
1638 def conv (str):
1639 if re.search ("dash-length",str):
1640 error_file.write ('\n')
1641 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "dash-length")
1642 error_file.write ('\n')
1643 error_file.write (FROM_TO % ("dash-length", "dash-fraction"))
1644 error_file.write ('\n')
1645 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1646 error_file.write ('\n')
1647 raise FatalConversionError ()
1648 return str
1650 conversions.append (((1,9,8), conv, """dash-length -> dash-fraction"""))
1653 def conv (str):
1654 def func(match):
1655 return "#'font-size = #%d" % (2*string.atoi (match.group (1)))
1657 str =re.sub (r"#'font-relative-size\s*=\s*#\+?([0-9-]+)", func, str)
1658 str =re.sub (r"#'font-family\s*=\s*#'ancient",
1659 r"#'font-family = #'music", str)
1661 return str
1663 conversions.append (((2,1,1), conv, """font-relative-size -> font-size"""))
1665 def conv (str):
1666 str =re.sub (r"ly:get-music-length", "ly:music-length", str)
1667 return str
1669 conversions.append (((2,1,2), conv, """ly:get-music-length -> ly:music-length"""))
1671 def conv (str):
1672 str =re.sub (r"\.\s+stz=", ". instr ", str)
1673 return str
1675 conversions.append (((2,1,3), conv, """stanza -> instrument"""))
1677 def conv (str):
1678 def func (match):
1679 c = match.group (1)
1680 b = match.group (2)
1682 if b == 't':
1683 if c == 'Score':
1684 return ''
1685 else:
1686 return r" \property %s.melismaBusyProperties \unset" % c
1687 elif b == 'f':
1688 return r"\property %s.melismaBusyProperties = #'(melismaBusy)" % c
1690 str = re.sub (r"\\property ([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\.\s*automaticMelismata\s*=\s*##([ft])", func, str)
1691 return str
1693 conversions.append (((2,1,4), conv, """removal of automaticMelismata; use melismaBusyProperties instead."""))
1697 def conv (str):
1698 str =re.sub (r"\\translator\s+([a-zA-Z]+)", r"\\change \1", str)
1699 return str
1701 conversions.append (((2,1,7), conv, """\\translator Staff -> \\change Staff"""))
1703 def conv (str):
1704 str =re.sub (r"\\newaddlyrics", r"\\lyricsto", str)
1705 return str
1707 conversions.append (((2,1,10), conv, """\\newaddlyrics -> \\lyricsto"""))
1709 def conv (str):
1710 str = re.sub (r'\\include\s*"paper([0-9]+)(-init)?.ly"',
1711 r"#(set-staff-size \1)", str)
1713 def sub_note (match):
1714 dur = ''
1715 log = string.atoi (match.group (1))
1716 dots = string.atoi (match.group (2))
1718 if log >= 0:
1719 dur = '%d' % (1 << log)
1720 else:
1721 dur = { -1 : 'breve',
1722 -2 : 'longa',
1723 -3 : 'maxima'}[log]
1725 dur += ('.' * dots)
1727 return r'\note #"%s" #%s' % (dur, match.group (3))
1729 str = re.sub (r'\\note\s+#([0-9-]+)\s+#([0-9]+)\s+#([0-9.-]+)',
1730 sub_note, str)
1731 return str
1733 conversions.append (((2,1,11), conv, """\\include "paper16.ly" -> #(set-staff-size 16)
1734 \\note #3 #1 #1 -> \\note #"8." #1
1735 """))
1738 def conv (str):
1739 str =re.sub (r"OttavaSpanner", r"OttavaBracket", str)
1740 return str
1742 conversions.append (((2,1,12), conv, """OttavaSpanner -> OttavaBracket"""))
1745 def conv (str):
1746 str =re.sub (r"\(set-staff-size ", r"(set-global-staff-size ", str)
1747 return str
1749 conversions.append (((2,1,13), conv, """set-staff-size -> set-global-staff-size"""))
1751 def conv (str):
1752 str =re.sub (r"#'style\s*=\s*#'dotted-line",
1753 r"#'dash-fraction = #0.0 ", str)
1754 return str
1756 conversions.append (((2,1,14), conv, """style = dotted -> dash-fraction = 0"""))
1758 def conv (str):
1759 str =re.sub (r'LyricsVoice\s*\.\s*instrument\s*=\s*("[^"]*")',
1760 r'LyricsVoice . vocalName = \1', str)
1762 str =re.sub (r'LyricsVoice\s*\.\s*instr\s*=\s*("[^"]*")',
1763 r'LyricsVoice . vocNam = \1', str)
1764 return str
1766 conversions.append (((2,1,15), conv, """LyricsVoice . instr(ument) -> vocalName"""))
1768 def conv (str):
1769 def sub_acc (m):
1770 d = {
1771 '4': 'doublesharp',
1772 '3': 'threeqsharp',
1773 '2': 'sharp',
1774 '1': 'semisharp',
1775 '0': 'natural',
1776 '-1': 'semiflat',
1777 '-2': 'flat',
1778 '-3': 'threeqflat',
1779 '-4': 'doubleflat'}
1780 return '\\%s' % d[m.group (1)]
1782 str = re.sub (r'\\musicglyph\s*#"accidentals-([0-9-]+)"',
1783 sub_acc, str)
1784 return str
1786 conversions.append (((2,1,16), conv, """\\musicglyph #"accidentals-NUM" -> \\sharp/flat/etc."""))
1789 def conv (str):
1791 if re.search (r'\\partcombine', str):
1792 error_file.write ('\n')
1793 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "\\partcombine")
1794 error_file.write ('\n')
1795 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
1796 error_file.write ('\n')
1797 raise FatalConversionError ()
1799 # this rule doesn't really work,
1800 # too lazy to figure out why.
1801 str = re.sub (r'\\context\s+Voice\s*=\s*one\s*\\partcombine\s+Voice\s*\\context\s+Thread\s*=\s*one(.*)\s*'
1802 + r'\\context\s+Thread\s*=\s*two',
1803 '\\\\newpartcombine\n\\1\n', str)
1806 return str
1808 conversions.append (((2,1,17), conv, """\\partcombine syntax change to \\newpartcombine"""))
1811 def conv (str):
1812 str = re.sub (r'\\newpartcombine', r'\\partcombine', str)
1813 str = re.sub (r'\\autochange\s+Staff', r'\\autochange ', str)
1814 return str
1816 conversions.append (((2,1,18), conv, """\\newpartcombine -> \\partcombine,
1817 \\autochange Staff -> \\autochange
1818 """))
1823 def conv (str):
1824 str = re.sub (r'\\include "drumpitch-init.ly"','', str)
1825 str = re.sub (r'\\pitchnames ','pitchnames = ', str)
1826 str = re.sub (r'\\chordmodifiers ','chordmodifiers = ', str)
1827 str = re.sub (r'\bdrums\b\s*=','drumContents = ', str)
1828 str = re.sub (r'\\drums\b','\\drumContents ', str)
1831 if re.search ('drums->paper', str):
1832 error_file.write ("\nDrum notation found. Check file manually!")
1834 str = re.sub (r"""\\apply\s+#\(drums->paper\s+'([a-z]+)\)""",
1835 r"""\property DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #\1-style""",
1836 str)
1838 if re.search ('Thread', str):
1839 error_file.write ("\nThread found. Check file manually!\n");
1841 str = re.sub (r"""(\\once\s*)?\\property\s+Thread\s*\.\s*NoteHead\s*"""
1842 + r"""\\(set|override)\s*#'style\s*=\s*#'harmonic"""
1843 + r"""\s+([a-z]+[,'=]*)([0-9]*\.*)"""
1844 ,r"""<\3\\harmonic>\4""", str)
1846 str = re.sub (r"""\\new Thread""", """\context Voice""", str)
1847 str = re.sub (r"""Thread""", """Voice""", str)
1849 if re.search ('\bLyrics\b', str):
1850 error_file.write ("\nLyrics found. Check file manually!\n");
1852 str = re.sub (r"""LyricsVoice""", r"""L@ricsVoice""", str)
1853 str = re.sub (r"""\bLyrics\b""", r"""LyricsVoice""", str)
1854 str = re.sub (r"""LyricsContext""", r"""LyricsVoiceContext""", str)
1855 str = re.sub (r"""L@ricsVoice""", r"""LyricsVoice""",str)
1858 return str
1860 conversions.append (((2,1,19), conv, """Drum notation changes, Removing \\chordmodifiers, \\notenames.
1861 Harmonic notes. Thread context removed. Lyrics context removed."""))
1863 def conv (str):
1864 str = re.sub (r'nonevent-skip', 'skip-music', str)
1865 return str
1867 conversions.append (((2,1,20), conv, """nonevent-skip -> skip-music""" ))
1869 def conv (str):
1870 str = re.sub (r'molecule-callback', 'print-function', str)
1871 str = re.sub (r'brew_molecule', 'print', str)
1872 str = re.sub (r'brew-new-markup-molecule', 'Text_item::print', str)
1873 str = re.sub (r'LyricsVoice', 'Lyrics', str)
1874 str = re.sub (r'tupletInvisible',
1875 r"TupletBracket \\set #'transparent", str)
1876 # str = re.sub (r'molecule', 'collage', str)
1877 #molecule -> collage
1878 str = re.sub (r"\\property\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s*\.\s*[a-zA-Z]+\s*"
1879 + r"\\set\s*#'X-extent-callback\s*=\s*#Grob::preset_extent",
1880 "", str)
1882 return str
1884 conversions.append (((2,1,21), conv, """molecule-callback -> print-function,
1885 brew_molecule -> print
1886 brew-new-markup-molecule -> Text_item::print
1887 LyricsVoice -> Lyrics
1888 tupletInvisible -> TupletBracket \set #'transparent
1889 Grob::preset_extent removed.
1890 """ ))
1893 def conv (str):
1894 str = re.sub (r'(\\property[^=]+)=\s*([-0-9]+)',
1895 r'\1= #\2', str)
1896 str = re.sub (r'\\property\s+([^. ]+)\s*\.\s*([^\\=]+)\s*\\(set|override)',
1897 r"\\overrid@ \1.\2 ", str)
1898 str = re.sub (r'\\property\s+([^. ]+)\s*\.\s*([^\\= ]+)\s*=\s*',
1899 r'\\s@t \1.\2 = ', str)
1900 str = re.sub (r'\\property\s+([^. ]+)\s*\.\s*([^\\= ]+)\s*\\unset',
1901 r'\\uns@t \1.\2 ', str)
1902 str = re.sub (r'\\property\s+([^. ]+)\s*\.\s*([^\\= ]+)\s*\\revert'
1903 + r"\s*#'([-a-z0-9_]+)",
1904 r"\\rev@rt \1.\2 #'\3", str)
1905 str = re.sub (r'Voice\.', '', str)
1906 str = re.sub (r'Lyrics\.', '', str)
1907 str = re.sub (r'ChordNames\.', '', str)
1909 str = re.sub ('rev@rt', 'revert',str)
1910 str = re.sub ('s@t', 'set',str)
1911 str = re.sub ('overrid@', 'override',str)
1913 str = re.sub ('molecule', 'stencil', str)
1914 str = re.sub ('Molecule', 'Stencil', str)
1915 return str
1917 conversions.append (((2,1,22), conv, """new syntax for property settings:
1918 \\set A.B = #C , \\unset A.B
1919 \\override A.B #C = #D, \\revert A.B #C
1921 """))
1923 def conv (str):
1924 def subst_in_trans (match):
1925 s = match.group (0)
1926 s = re.sub (r'\s([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\\override',
1927 r' \\override \1', s)
1928 s = re.sub (r'\s([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\\set',
1929 r' \\override \1', s)
1930 s = re.sub (r'\s([a-zA-Z]+)\s*\\revert',
1931 r' \\revert \1', s)
1932 return s
1933 str = re.sub (r'\\(translator|with)\s*{[^}]+}', subst_in_trans, str)
1935 def sub_abs (m):
1937 context = m.group ('context')
1938 d = m.groupdict ()
1939 if context:
1940 context = " '%s" % context[:-1] # -1: remove .
1941 else:
1942 context = ''
1944 d['context'] = context
1946 return r"""#(override-auto-beam-setting %(prop)s %(num)s %(den)s%(context)s)""" % d
1948 str = re.sub (r"""\\override\s*(?P<context>[a-zA-Z]+\s*\.\s*)?autoBeamSettings"""
1949 +r"""\s*#(?P<prop>[^=]+)\s*=\s*#\(ly:make-moment\s+(?P<num>\d+)\s+(?P<den>\d)\s*\)""",
1950 sub_abs, str)
1952 return str
1954 conversions.append (((2,1,23), conv, """Property setting syntax in \\translator{ }"""))
1955 def conv (str):
1956 str = re.sub (r'music-list\?', 'ly:music-list?', str)
1957 str = re.sub (r'\|\s*~', '~ |', str)
1958 return str
1960 conversions.append (((2,1,24), conv, """music-list? -> ly:music-list?"""))
1962 def conv (str):
1963 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-spanner-bound', 'ly:spanner-get-bound', str)
1964 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-extent', 'ly:grob-extent', str)
1965 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-system', 'ly:grob-system', str)
1966 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-original', 'ly:grob-original', str)
1967 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-parent', 'ly:grob-parent', str)
1968 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-broken-into', 'ly:spanner-broken-into', str)
1969 str = re.sub (r'Melisma_engraver', 'Melisma_translator', str)
1970 if re.search ("ly:get-paper-variable", str):
1971 error_file.write ('\n')
1972 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "ly:paper-get-variable")
1973 error_file.write ('\n')
1974 error_file.write ('use (ly:paper-lookup (ly:grob-paper ))')
1975 error_file.write ('\n')
1976 raise FatalConversionError ()
1978 str = re.sub (r'\\defaultAccidentals', "#(set-accidental-style 'default)", str)
1979 str = re.sub (r'\\voiceAccidentals', "#(set-accidental-style 'voice)", str)
1980 str = re.sub (r'\\modernAccidentals', "#(set-accidental-style 'modern)", str)
1981 str = re.sub (r'\\modernCautionaries', "#(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)", str)
1982 str = re.sub (r'\\modernVoiceAccidental', "#(set-accidental-style 'modern-voice)", str)
1983 str = re.sub (r'\\modernVoiceCautionaries', "#(set-accidental-style 'modern-voice-cautionary)", str)
1984 str = re.sub (r'\\pianoAccidentals', "#(set-accidental-style 'piano)", str)
1985 str = re.sub (r'\\pianoCautionaries', "#(set-accidental-style 'piano-cautionary)", str)
1986 str = re.sub (r'\\forgetAccidentals', "#(set-accidental-style 'forget)", str)
1987 str = re.sub (r'\\noResetKey', "#(set-accidental-style 'no-reset)", str)
1989 return str
1991 conversions.append (((2,1,25), conv, """Scheme grob function renaming"""))
1994 def conv (str):
1995 str = re.sub ('ly:set-grob-property!', 'ly:grob-set-property!',str)
1996 str = re.sub ('ly:set-mus-property!', 'ly:music-set-property!',str)
1997 str = re.sub ('ly:set-context-property!', 'ly:context-set-property!', str)
1998 str = re.sub ('ly:get-grob-property', 'ly:grob-property',str)
1999 str = re.sub ('ly:get-mus-property', 'ly:music-property',str)
2000 str = re.sub ('ly:get-context-property', 'ly:context-property',str)
2002 return str
2004 conversions.append (((2,1,26), conv, """More Scheme function renaming"""))
2006 def conv (str):
2007 def subst (m):
2008 g = string.atoi (m.group (2))
2009 o = g / 12
2010 g -= o * 12
2011 if g < 0:
2012 g += 12
2013 o -= 1
2016 lower_pitches = filter (lambda x : x <= g, [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12])
2017 s = len (lower_pitches) -1
2018 a = g - lower_pitches [-1]
2021 print s , lower_pitches, g, a, s
2022 str = 'cdefgab' [s]
2023 str += ['eses', 'es', '', 'is', 'isis'][a + 2]
2024 if o < 0:
2025 str += ',' * (-o - 1)
2026 elif o >= 0:
2027 str += "'" * (o + 1)
2029 return '\\transposition %s ' % str
2032 str = re.sub (r"\\set ([A-Za-z]+\s*\.\s*)?transposing\s*=\s*#([-0-9]+)",
2033 subst, str)
2034 return str
2036 conversions.append (((2,1,27), conv, """property transposing -> tuning"""))
2038 def conv (str):
2039 str = re.sub (r'make-music-by-name', 'make-music', str)
2040 str = re.sub (r"\\override\s+.*Arpeggio\s+#.print-function\s+=\s+\\arpeggioBracket", r"\\arpeggioBracket", str)
2041 return str
2043 conversions.append (((2,1,28), conv,
2044 """make-music-by-name -> make-music,
2045 new syntax for setting \\arpeggioBracket"""))
2047 def conv (str):
2048 str = re.sub (r'\\center([^-])', '\\center-align\\1', str)
2049 str = re.sub (r'\\translator', '\\context', str)
2050 return str
2052 conversions.append (((2,1,29), conv,
2053 '\\center -> \\center-align, \\translator -> \\context'))
2056 def conv (str):
2057 str = re.sub (r'\\threeq(flat|sharp)', r'\\sesqui\1', str)
2058 str = re.sub (r'ly:stencil-get-extent',
2059 'ly:stencil-extent', str)
2060 str = re.sub (r'ly:translator-find',
2061 'ly:context-find', str)
2062 str = re.sub ('ly:unset-context-property','ly:context-unset-property',
2063 str)
2065 str = re.sub (r'ly:get-mutable-properties',
2066 'ly:mutable-music-properties',str)
2067 str = re.sub (r'centralCPosition',
2068 'middleCPosition',str)
2069 return str
2071 conversions.append (((2,1,30), conv,
2072 '''\\threeq{flat,sharp} -> \\sesqui{flat,sharp}
2073 ly:get-mutable-properties -> ly:mutable-music-properties
2074 centralCPosition -> middleCPosition
2075 ly:unset-context-property -> ly:context-unset-property
2076 ly:translator-find -> ly:context-find
2077 ly:get-stencil-extent -> ly:stencil-extent
2078 '''))
2081 def conv (str):
2082 str = re.sub (r'\\alias\s*"?Timing"?', '', str)
2083 return str
2085 conversions.append (((2,1,31), conv,
2086 '''remove \\alias Timing'''))
2088 def conv (str):
2089 str = re.sub (r"(\\set\s+)?(?P<context>(Score\.)?)breakAlignOrder\s*=\s*#'(?P<list>[^\)]+)",
2090 r"\n\\override \g<context>BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders = "
2091 + "#(make-vector 3 '\g<list>)", str)
2093 return str
2095 conversions.append (((2,1,33), conv,
2096 '''breakAlignOrder -> break-align-orders.'''))
2098 def conv (str):
2099 str = re.sub (r"\(set-paper-size",
2100 "(set-default-paper-size",str)
2101 return str
2103 conversions.append (((2,1,34), conv,
2104 '''set-paper-size -> set-default-paper-size.'''))
2106 def conv (str):
2107 str = re.sub (r"ly:mutable-music-properties",
2108 "ly:music-mutable-properties", str)
2109 return str
2111 conversions.append (((2,1, 36), conv,
2112 '''ly:mutable-music-properties -> ly:music-mutable-properties'''))
2116 def conv (str):
2117 return str
2119 conversions.append (((2, 2, 0), conv,
2120 '''clean up version. '''))
2122 def conv (str):
2123 return re.sub (r'\\apply\b', r'\\applymusic', str)
2125 conversions.append (((2, 3, 1), conv,
2126 '''\\apply -> \\applymusic'''))
2128 def conv (str):
2129 if re.search ('textheight', str):
2130 error_file.write ('\n')
2131 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "textheight")
2132 error_file.write ('\n')
2133 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
2134 error_file.write ('\n')
2135 error_file.write (
2136 """Page layout has been changed, using paper size and margins.
2137 textheight is no longer used.
2138 """)
2139 str = re.sub (r'\\OrchestralScoreContext', '\\Score', str)
2140 def func(m):
2141 if m.group(1) not in ['RemoveEmptyStaff',
2142 'AncientRemoveEmptyStaffContext',
2143 'EasyNotation']:
2144 return '\\' + m.group (1)
2145 else:
2146 return m.group (0)
2149 str = re.sub (r'\\([a-zA-Z]+)Context\b', func, str)
2150 str = re.sub ('ly:paper-lookup', 'ly:output-def-lookup', str)
2151 return str
2153 conversions.append (((2, 3, 2), conv,
2154 '''\\FooContext -> \\Foo'''))
2156 def conv (str):
2157 str = re.sub (r'\\notes\b', '', str)
2159 return str
2161 conversions.append (((2, 3, 4), conv,
2162 '''remove \\notes'''))
2166 def conv (str):
2167 str = re.sub (r'lastpagefill\s*=\s*"?1"', 'raggedlastbottom = ##t', str)
2168 return str
2170 conversions.append (((2, 3, 6), conv,
2171 '''lastpagefill -> raggedlastbottom'''))
2175 def conv (str):
2176 str = re.sub (r'\\consistsend', '\\consists', str)
2177 str = re.sub (r'\\lyricsto\s+("?[a-zA-Z]+"?)(\s*\\new Lyrics\s*)?\\lyrics',
2178 r'\\lyricsto \1 \2', str)
2179 return str
2181 conversions.append (((2, 3, 8), conv,
2182 '''remove \\consistsend, strip \\lyrics from \\lyricsto.'''))
2184 def conv (str):
2185 str = re.sub (r'neo_mensural', 'neomensural', str)
2186 str = re.sub (r'if-text-padding', 'bound-padding', str)
2187 return str
2189 conversions.append (((2, 3, 9), conv,
2190 '''neo_mensural -> neomensural, if-text-padding -> bound-padding'''))
2194 def conv (str):
2195 str = re.sub (r'\\addlyrics', r'\\oldaddlyrics', str)
2196 str = re.sub (r'\\newlyrics', r'\\addlyrics', str)
2197 if re.search (r"\\override\s*TextSpanner", str):
2198 error_file.write ("\nWarning: TextSpanner has been split into DynamicTextSpanner and TextSpanner\n")
2199 return str
2201 conversions.append (((2, 3, 10), conv,
2202 '''\\addlyrics -> \\oldaddlyrics, \\newlyrics -> \\addlyrics'''))
2204 def conv (str):
2205 str = re.sub (r'\\setMmRestFermata\s+(R[0-9.*/]*)',
2206 r'\1^\\fermataMarkup', str)
2207 return str
2209 conversions.append (((2, 3, 11), conv,
2210 '''\\setMmRestFermata -> ^\\fermataMarkup'''))
2212 def conv (str):
2213 str = re.sub (r'\\newpage', r'\\pageBreak', str)
2214 str = re.sub (r'\\scriptUp', r"""{
2215 \\override TextScript #'direction = #1
2216 \\override Script #'direction = #1
2217 }""", str)
2218 str = re.sub (r'\\scriptDown', r"""{
2219 \\override TextScript #'direction = #-1
2220 \\override Script #'direction = #-1
2221 }""", str)
2222 str = re.sub (r'\\scriptBoth', r"""{
2223 \\revert TextScript #'direction
2224 \\revert Script #'direction
2225 }""", str)
2226 str = re.sub ('soloADue', 'printPartCombineTexts', str)
2227 str = re.sub (r'\\applymusic\s*#notes-to-clusters',
2228 '\\makeClusters', str)
2230 str = re.sub (r'pagenumber\s*=', 'firstpagenumber = ', str)
2231 return str
2233 conversions.append (((2, 3, 12), conv,
2234 '''\\newpage -> \\pageBreak, junk \\script{up,down,both},
2235 soloADue -> printPartCombineTexts, #notes-to-clusters -> \\makeClusters
2236 '''))
2239 def conv (str):
2240 str = re.sub (r'\\chords\b', r'\\chordmode', str)
2241 str = re.sub (r'\\lyrics\b', r'\\lyricmode', str)
2242 str = re.sub (r'\\figures\b', r'\\figuremode', str)
2243 str = re.sub (r'\\notes\b', r'\\notemode', str)
2244 str = re.sub (r'\\drums\b', r'\\drummode', str)
2245 str = re.sub (r'\\chordmode\s*\\new ChordNames', r'\\chords', str)
2246 str = re.sub (r'\\new ChordNames\s*\\chordmode', r'\\chords', str)
2247 str = re.sub (r'\\new FiguredBass\s*\\figuremode', r'\\figures', str)
2248 str = re.sub (r'\\figuremode\s*\new FiguredBass', r'\\figures', str)
2249 str = re.sub (r'\\new DrumStaff\s*\\drummode', r'\\drums', str)
2250 str = re.sub (r'\\drummode\s*\\new DrumStaff', r'\\drums', str)
2252 return str
2254 conversions.append (((2, 3, 16), conv,
2255 '''\foo -> \foomode (for chords, notes, etc.)
2256 fold \new FooContext \foomode into \foo.'''))
2258 def conv (str):
2259 str = re.sub (r'(slur|stem|phrasingSlur|tie|dynamic|dots|tuplet|arpeggio|)Both', r'\1Neutral', str)
2260 str = re.sub (r"\\applymusic\s*#\(remove-tag\s*'([a-z-0-9]+)\)",
2261 r"\\removeWithTag #'\1", str)
2262 return str
2264 conversions.append (((2, 3, 17), conv,
2265 '''\foo -> \foomode (for chords, notes, etc.)
2266 fold \new FooContext \foomode into \foo.'''))
2269 def conv (str):
2270 str = re.sub (r'Text_item', 'Text_interface', str)
2271 return str
2273 conversions.append (((2, 3, 18),
2274 conv,
2275 '''Text_item -> Text_interface''' ))
2277 def conv (str):
2278 str = re.sub (r'\\paper', r'\\layout', str)
2279 str = re.sub (r'\\bookpaper', r'\\paper', str)
2280 if re.search ('paper-set-staff-size', str):
2281 error_file.write ('''\nWarning: staff size should be changed at top-level
2282 with
2284 #(set-global-staff-size <STAFF-HEIGHT-IN-POINT>)
2286 ''')
2289 str = re.sub (r'#\(paper-set-staff-size', '%Use set-global-staff-size at toplevel\n% #(layout-set-staff-size', str)
2290 return str
2292 conversions.append (((2, 3, 22),
2293 conv,
2294 '''paper -> layout
2295 bookpaper -> paper''' ))
2298 def conv (str):
2299 str = re.sub (r'\\context\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\s*=\s*([a-z]+)\s',
2300 r'\\context \1 = "\2" ',
2301 str )
2302 return str
2304 conversions.append (((2, 3, 23),
2305 conv,
2306 '''\context Foo = NOTENAME -> \context Foo = "NOTENAME"'''))
2308 def conv (str):
2309 def sub(m):
2310 return regularize_id (m.group (1))
2311 str = re.sub (r'(maintainer_email|maintainer_web|midi_stuff|gourlay_maxmeasures)',
2312 sub, str)
2313 return str
2315 conversions.append (((2, 3, 24),
2316 conv,
2317 '''regularize other identifiers.'''))
2320 def conv (str):
2321 return str
2323 conversions.append (((2, 4, 0),
2324 conv,
2325 ''))
2328 def conv (str):
2329 str = re.sub (r'\\quote\s+"?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"?\s+([0-9.*/]+)',
2330 r'\\quoteDuring #"\1" { \skip \2 }',
2333 return str
2335 conversions.append (((2, 5, 0),
2336 conv,
2337 ''))
2340 def conv (str):
2341 str = re.sub (r'ly:import-module',
2342 r'ly:module-copy', str)
2343 return str
2345 conversions.append (((2, 5, 1),
2346 conv,
2347 'ly:import-module -> ly:module-copy'))
2349 def conv (str):
2350 str = re.sub (r'\\(column|fill-line|dir-column|center-align|right-align|left-align|bracketed-y-column)\s*<(([^>]|<[^>]*>)*)>',
2351 r'\\\1 {\2}', str)
2352 str = re.sub (r'\\(column|fill-line|dir-column|center-align|right-align|left-align|bracketed-y-column)\s*<(([^>]|<[^>]*>)*)>',
2353 r'\\\1 {\2}', str)
2354 str = re.sub (r'\\(column|fill-line|dir-column|center-align|right-align|left-align|bracketed-y-column)\s*<(([^>]|<[^>]*>)*)>',
2355 r'\\\1 {\2}', str)
2356 def get_markup (m):
2357 s = m.group (0)
2358 s = re.sub (r'''((\\"|})\s*){''', '\2 \\line {', s)
2359 return s
2360 str = re.sub (r'\\markup\s*{([^}]|{[^}]*})*}', get_markup, str)
2361 return str
2363 conversions.append (((2, 5, 2),
2364 conv,
2365 '\markup .. < .. > .. -> \markup .. { .. } ..'))
2367 def conv (str):
2368 str = re.sub ('ly:find-glyph-by-name', 'ly:font-get-glyph', str)
2369 str = re.sub ('"(scripts|clefs|accidentals)-', r'"\1.', str)
2370 str = re.sub ("'hufnagel-do-fa", "'hufnagel.do.fa", str)
2371 str = re.sub ("'(vaticana|hufnagel|medicaea|petrucci|neomensural|mensural)-", r"'\1.", str)
2372 return str
2374 conversions.append (((2, 5, 3),
2375 conv,
2376 'ly:find-glyph-by-name -> ly:font-get-glyph, remove - from glyphnames.'))
2379 def conv (str):
2380 str = re.sub (r"\\override\s+(Voice\.)?Slur #'dashed\s*=\s*#\d*(\.\d+)?",
2381 r"\\slurDashed", str)
2382 return str
2384 conversions.append (((2, 5, 12),
2385 conv,
2386 '\set Slur #\'dashed = #X -> \slurDashed'))
2388 def conv (str):
2389 input_encoding = 'latin1'
2390 def func (match):
2391 encoding = match.group (1)
2393 # FIXME: automatic recoding of other than latin1?
2394 if encoding == 'latin1':
2395 return match.group (2)
2397 error_file.write ('\n')
2398 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % ("\\encoding: %s" % encoding))
2399 error_file.write ('\n')
2400 error_file.write (_ ("LilyPond source must be UTF-8"))
2401 error_file.write ('\n')
2402 if encoding == 'TeX':
2403 error_file.write (_ ("Try the texstrings backend"))
2404 error_file.write ('\n')
2405 else:
2406 error_file.write ( _("Do something like: %s") % \
2407 ("recode %s..utf-8 FILE" % encoding))
2408 error_file.write ('\n')
2409 error_file.write (_ ("Or save as UTF-8 in your editor"))
2410 error_file.write ('\n')
2411 raise FatalConversionError ()
2413 return match.group (0)
2415 str = re.sub (r'\\encoding\s+"?([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"?(\s+)', func, str)
2417 import codecs
2418 de_ascii = codecs.getdecoder ('ascii')
2419 de_utf_8 = codecs.getdecoder ('utf_8')
2420 de_input = codecs.getdecoder (input_encoding)
2421 en_utf_8 = codecs.getencoder ('utf_8')
2422 try:
2423 de_ascii (str)
2424 # only in python >= 2.3
2425 # except UnicodeDecodeError:
2426 except UnicodeError:
2427 # do not re-recode UTF-8 input
2428 try:
2429 de_utf_8 (str)
2430 #except UnicodeDecodeError:
2431 except UnicodeError:
2432 str = en_utf_8 (de_input (str)[0])[0]
2436 str = re.sub (r"#\(ly:set-point-and-click '[a-z-]+\)", '', str)
2437 return str
2439 conversions.append (((2, 5, 13),
2440 conv,
2441 '\\encoding: smart recode latin1..utf-8. Remove ly:point-and-click'))
2444 def conv (str):
2445 if re.search ("ly:stencil-set-extent!", str):
2446 error_file.write ('\n')
2447 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "ly:stencil-set-extent!")
2448 error_file.write ('\n')
2449 error_file.write ('use (set! VAR (ly:make-stencil (ly:stencil-expr VAR) X-EXT Y-EXT))\n')
2450 raise FatalConversionError ()
2451 if re.search ("ly:stencil-align-to!", str):
2452 error_file.write ('\n')
2453 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "ly:stencil-align-to!")
2454 error_file.write ('\n')
2455 error_file.write ('use (set! VAR (ly:stencil-aligned-to VAR AXIS DIR))\n')
2456 raise FatalConversionError ()
2457 return str
2459 conversions.append (((2, 5, 17),
2460 conv,
2461 'ly:stencil-set-extent! removed'))
2463 def conv (str):
2464 str = re.sub (r"ly:warn\b", 'ly:warning', str)
2465 return str
2467 conversions.append (((2, 5, 18),
2468 conv,
2469 'ly:warn -> ly:warning'))
2470 def conv (str):
2471 if re.search ("(override-|revert-)auto-beam-setting", str)\
2472 or re.search ("autoBeamSettings", str):
2473 error_file.write ('\n')
2474 error_file.write (NOT_SMART % "auto beam settings")
2475 error_file.write ('\n')
2476 error_file.write ('''
2477 Auto beam settings must now specify each interesting moment in a measure
2478 explicitely; 1/4 is no longer multiplied to cover moments 1/2 and 3/4 too.
2479 ''')
2480 error_file.write (UPDATE_MANUALLY)
2481 error_file.write ('\n')
2482 raise FatalConversionError ()
2483 return str
2485 conversions.append (((2, 5, 21),
2486 conv,
2487 'warn about auto beam settings'))
2489 def conv (str):
2490 str = re.sub (r"unfoldrepeats", 'unfoldRepeats', str)
2491 str = re.sub (r"compressmusic", 'compressMusic', str)
2492 return str
2494 conversions.append (((2, 5, 25), conv,
2496 'unfoldrepeats -> unfoldRepeats,'
2497 + 'compressmusic -> compressMusic'))
2499 def conv (str):
2500 return str
2502 conversions.append (((2, 6, 0), conv,
2504 'dummy rule for 2.6'))
2506 ################################################################
2508 def str_to_tuple (s):
2509 return tuple (map (string.atoi, string.split (s, '.')))
2511 def tup_to_str (t):
2512 return string.join (map (lambda x: '%s' % x, list (t)), '.')
2514 def version_cmp (t1, t2):
2515 for x in [0, 1, 2]:
2516 if t1[x] - t2[x]:
2517 return t1[x] - t2[x]
2518 return 0
2520 def get_conversions (from_version, to_version):
2521 def is_applicable (v, f = from_version, t = to_version):
2522 return version_cmp (v[0], f) > 0 and version_cmp (v[0], t) <= 0
2523 return filter (is_applicable, conversions)
2525 def latest_version ():
2526 return conversions[-1][0]
2528 def show_rules (file, from_version, to_version):
2529 for x in conversions:
2530 if (not from_version or x[0] > from_version) \
2531 and (not to_version or x[0] <= to_version):
2532 file.write ('%s: %s\n' % (tup_to_str (x[0]), x[2]))
2535 def do_conversion (str, from_version, to_version):
2537 """Apply conversions from FROM_VERSION to TO_VERSION. Return
2538 tuple (LAST,STR), with the last succesful conversion and the resulting
2539 string."""
2542 conv_list = get_conversions (from_version, to_version)
2544 if error_file:
2545 error_file.write (_ ("Applying conversion: "))
2547 last_conversion = ()
2548 try:
2549 for x in conv_list:
2550 error_file.write (tup_to_str (x[0]))
2551 if x != conv_list[-1]:
2552 error_file.write (', ')
2553 str = x[1] (str)
2554 last_conversion = x[0]
2556 except FatalConversionError:
2557 error_file.write (_ ("error while converting"))
2558 error_file.write ('\n')
2559 error_file.write (_ ("Aborting"))
2560 error_file.write ('\n')
2564 return (last_conversion, str)