*** empty log message ***
[lilypond/patrick.git] / cygwin / bug-lilypond-cygwin.sh
1 #!@SHELL@
2 # /usr/bin/bug-lilypond-cygwin.sh -- harvest relevant info for bugreport
4 # Ideas
5 # * add some kpathsea tricks
6 # * distribute for other platforms too
7 # * failure/success tracking and indication (-> rewrite in python)
9 set -x
11 name="$(basename $0)"
12 # Running this in new shell may yield deceptive results
13 if [ "$name" = "bug-lilypond-cygwin" ]; then
14 # HMM
15 cat <<EOF
16 Please source this script, ie do:
18 . /usr/bin/bug-lilypond-cygwin > bug.txt
20 EOF
23 docdir=@prefix@/share/doc/lilypond-@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@
24 [ ! -d $docdir ] && docdir=@prefix@/doc/lilypond-@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@-1
25 [ ! -d $docdir ] && docdir=$(echo @prefix@/share/doc/lilypond-[.-0-9]*)
26 [ ! -d $docdir ] && docdir=$(echo @prefix@/doc/lilypond-[.-0-9]*)
28 echo
29 echo Availability of executables
30 echo ===========================
31 type -p tex
32 type -p latex
33 type -p kpsewhich
34 type -p lilypond-bin
35 type -p python
36 type -p lilypond
38 type -p tex.exe
39 type -p latex.exe
40 type -p kpsewhich.exe
41 type -p lilypond-bin.exe
42 type -p python.exe
44 lilypond-bin --version
45 python -V
46 lilypond --version
49 echo
50 echo Test runs
51 echo =========
52 mkdir -p /tmp/lily
53 cd /tmp/lily
54 rm -f example-1.* sample2e.*
55 ls -l
56 latex \\nonstopmode \\input sample2e
57 kpsewhich feta20.mf
58 kpsewhich feta20.pk
59 cp $docdir/input/example-1.ly .
60 cp $docdir/input/example-2.ly .
61 lilypond example-1.ly
62 latex \\nonstopmode \\input example-1.tex
63 dvips -o example-1.ps example-1.dvi
64 ls -l
65 lilypond --verbose example-2
66 ls -l
68 echo
69 echo Environment settings
70 echo ====================
71 # If python is ok and lilypond runs, this all is not really necessary.
72 echo HOME="<$HOME>"
73 echo SHELL="<$SHELL>"
75 echo TEXMF="<$TEXMF>"
79 # do we want to know all?
80 #set
82 echo
83 echo Registry settings
84 echo =================
85 regtool get /root/.ly/
86 regtool get /root/LilyPond/
87 regtool get /root/LilyPond/shell/open/command/
88 regtool get /root/.pdf/
89 pdfname=$(regtool get /root/.pdf/)
90 regtool get /root/$pdfname/shell/open/command/
91 regtool get /root/AcroExch.Document/shell/open/command/
93 echo
94 echo System information
95 echo ==================
96 uname -a
97 cygcheck -s
99 if false; then
100 cat /var/log/setup.log
101 # cat /var/log/setup.log.full