Run grand-replace on all sources. Updates (c) ....--2006 lines.
[lilypond/patrick.git] / scripts /
3 '''
4 Example usage:
6 test:
7 lilypond-book --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" BOOK
9 convert-ly on book:
10 lilypond-book --filter="convert-ly --no-version --from=1.6.11 -" BOOK
12 classic lilypond-book:
13 lilypond-book --process="lilypond" BOOK.tely
15 TODO:
17 * this script is too complex. Modularize.
19 * ly-options: intertext?
20 * --line-width?
21 * eps in latex / eps by lilypond -b ps?
22 * check latex parameters, twocolumn, multicolumn?
23 * use --png --ps --pdf for making images?
25 * Converting from lilypond-book source, substitute:
26 @mbinclude foo.itely -> @include foo.itely
27 \mbinput -> \input
29 '''
31 import stat
32 import string
33 import tempfile
34 import commands
35 import os
36 import sys
37 import re
38 import md5
40 """
41 @relocate-preamble@
42 """
44 import lilylib as ly
45 import fontextract
46 global _;_=ly._
49 # Lilylib globals.
50 program_version = '@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@'
51 program_name = os.path.basename (sys.argv[0])
53 original_dir = os.getcwd ()
54 backend = 'ps'
56 help_summary = (
57 _ ("Process LilyPond snippets in hybrid HTML, LaTeX, texinfo or DocBook document.")
58 + '\n\n'
59 + _ ("Examples:")
60 + '''
61 lilypond-book --filter="tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'" %(BOOK)s
62 lilypond-book --filter="convert-ly --no-version --from=2.0.0 -" %(BOOK)s
63 lilypond-book --process='lilypond -I include' %(BOOK)s
64 ''' % {'BOOK': _ ("BOOK")})
66 authors = ('Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>',
67 'Han-Wen Nienhuys <>')
69 ################################################################
70 def exit (i):
71 if global_options.verbose:
72 raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
73 else:
74 sys.exit (i)
76 def identify ():
77 sys.stdout.write ('%s (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % (program_name, program_version))
79 def progress (s):
80 sys.stderr.write (s)
82 def warning (s):
83 sys.stderr.write (program_name + ": " + _ ("warning: %s") % s + '\n')
85 def error (s):
86 sys.stderr.write (program_name + ": " + _ ("error: %s") % s + '\n')
88 def ps_page_count (ps_name):
89 header = open (ps_name).read (1024)
90 m = ('\n%%Pages: ([0-9]+)', header)
91 if m:
92 return string.atoi ( (1))
93 return 0
95 def warranty ():
96 identify ()
97 sys.stdout.write ('''
104 ''' % ( _ ('Copyright (c) %s by') % '2001--2007',
105 ' '.join (authors),
106 _ ("Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License."),
107 _ ("It comes with NO WARRANTY.")))
109 def get_option_parser ():
110 p = ly.get_option_parser (usage=_ ("%s [OPTION]... FILE") % 'lilypond-book',
111 version="@TOPLEVEL_VERSION@",
112 description=help_summary)
114 p.add_option ('-F', '--filter', metavar=_ ("FILTER"),
115 action="store",
116 dest="filter_cmd",
117 help=_ ("pipe snippets through FILTER [convert-ly -n -]"),
118 default=None)
119 p.add_option ('-f', '--format',
120 help=_ ("use output format FORMAT (texi [default], texi-html, latex, html, docbook)"),
121 action='store')
123 p.add_option ("-I", '--include', help=_ ("add DIR to include path"),
124 metavar=_ ("DIR"),
125 action='append', dest='include_path',
126 default=[os.path.abspath (os.getcwd ())])
128 p.add_option ('--left-padding',
129 metavar=_("PAD"),
130 dest="padding_mm",
131 help="Pad left side of music to align music inspite of uneven bar numbers. (in mm)",
132 type="float",
133 default=3.0)
135 p.add_option ("-o", '--output', help=_ ("write output to DIR"),
136 metavar=_ ("DIR"),
137 action='store', dest='output_name',
138 default='')
140 p.add_option ('-P', '--process', metavar=_ ("COMMAND"),
141 help = _ ("process ly_files using COMMAND FILE..."),
142 action='store',
143 dest='process_cmd', default='lilypond -dbackend=eps')
144 p.add_option ('--pdf',
145 action="store_true",
146 dest="create_pdf",
147 help=_ ("Create PDF files for use with PDFTeX"),
148 default=False)
149 p.add_option ('', '--psfonts', action="store_true", dest="psfonts",
150 help=_ ('''extract all PostScript fonts into INPUT.psfonts for LaTeX
151 must use this with dvips -h INPUT.psfonts'''),
152 default=None)
153 p.add_option ('-V', '--verbose', help=_ ("be verbose"),
154 action="store_true",
155 default=False,
156 dest="verbose")
157 p.add_option ('-w', '--warranty',
158 help=_ ("show warranty and copyright"),
159 action='store_true')
160 p.add_option_group ('bugs',
161 description=(_ ("Report bugs via")
162 + ''''''
163 '''?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs\n'''))
164 return p
166 lilypond_binary = os.path.join ('@bindir@', 'lilypond')
168 # Only use installed binary when we are installed too.
169 if '@bindir@' == ('@' + 'bindir@') or not os.path.exists (lilypond_binary):
170 lilypond_binary = 'lilypond'
172 global_options = None
175 default_ly_options = { 'alt': "[image of music]" }
178 # Is this pythonic? Personally, I find this rather #define-nesque. --hwn
180 AFTER = 'after'
181 BEFORE = 'before'
182 DOCBOOK = 'docbook'
183 EXAMPLEINDENT = 'exampleindent'
184 FILTER = 'filter'
185 FRAGMENT = 'fragment'
186 HTML = 'html'
187 INDENT = 'indent'
188 LATEX = 'latex'
189 LAYOUT = 'layout'
190 LINE_WIDTH = 'line-width'
191 NOFRAGMENT = 'nofragment'
192 NOINDENT = 'noindent'
193 NOQUOTE = 'noquote'
194 NOTES = 'body'
195 NOTIME = 'notime'
196 OUTPUT = 'output'
197 OUTPUTIMAGE = 'outputimage'
198 PACKED = 'packed'
199 PAPER = 'paper'
200 PREAMBLE = 'preamble'
201 PRINTFILENAME = 'printfilename'
202 QUOTE = 'quote'
203 RAGGED_RIGHT = 'ragged-right'
204 RELATIVE = 'relative'
205 STAFFSIZE = 'staffsize'
206 TEXIDOC = 'texidoc'
207 TEXINFO = 'texinfo'
208 VERBATIM = 'verbatim'
209 FONTLOAD = 'fontload'
210 FILENAME = 'filename'
211 ALT = 'alt'
214 # NOTIME has no opposite so it isn't part of this dictionary.
215 # NOQUOTE is used internally only.
216 no_options = {
222 # Recognize special sequences in the input.
224 # (?P<name>regex) -- Assign result of REGEX to NAME.
225 # *? -- Match non-greedily.
226 # (?m) -- Multiline regex: Make ^ and $ match at each line.
227 # (?s) -- Make the dot match all characters including newline.
228 # (?x) -- Ignore whitespace in patterns.
229 no_match = 'a\ba'
230 snippet_res = {
232 DOCBOOK: {
233 'include':
234 no_match,
236 'lilypond':
237 r'''(?smx)
238 (?P<match>
239 <(?P<inline>(inline)?)mediaobject>\s*<textobject.*?>\s*<programlisting\s+language="lilypond".*?(role="(?P<options>.*?)")?>(?P<code>.*?)</programlisting\s*>\s*</textobject\s*>\s*</(inline)?mediaobject>)''',
241 'lilypond_block':
242 r'''(?smx)
243 (?P<match>
244 <(?P<inline>(inline)?)mediaobject>\s*<textobject.*?>\s*<programlisting\s+language="lilypond".*?(role="(?P<options>.*?)")?>(?P<code>.*?)</programlisting\s*>\s*</textobject\s*>\s*</(inline)?mediaobject>)''',
246 'lilypond_file':
247 r'''(?smx)
248 (?P<match>
249 <(?P<inline>(inline)?)mediaobject>\s*<imageobject.*?>\s*<imagedata\s+fileref="(?P<filename>.*?\.ly)"\s*(role="(?P<options>.*?)")?\s*(/>|>\s*</imagedata>)\s*</imageobject>\s*</(inline)?mediaobject>)''',
251 'multiline_comment':
252 r'''(?smx)
253 (?P<match>
254 \s*(?!@c\s+)
255 (?P<code><!--\s.*?!-->)
256 \s)''',
258 'singleline_comment':
259 no_match,
261 'verb':
262 no_match,
264 'verbatim':
265 no_match,
269 HTML: {
270 'include':
271 no_match,
273 'lilypond':
274 r'''(?mx)
275 (?P<match>
276 <lilypond
277 (\s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*:)?\s*
278 (?P<code>.*?)
279 />)''',
281 'lilypond_block':
282 r'''(?msx)
283 (?P<match>
284 <lilypond
285 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
287 (?P<code>.*?)
288 </lilypond>)''',
290 'lilypond_file':
291 r'''(?mx)
292 (?P<match>
293 <lilypondfile
294 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
296 \s*(?P<filename>.*?)\s*
297 </lilypondfile>)''',
299 'multiline_comment':
300 r'''(?smx)
301 (?P<match>
302 \s*(?!@c\s+)
303 (?P<code><!--\s.*?!-->)
304 \s)''',
306 'singleline_comment':
307 no_match,
309 'verb':
310 r'''(?x)
311 (?P<match>
312 (?P<code><pre>.*?</pre>))''',
314 'verbatim':
315 r'''(?x)
316 (?s)
317 (?P<match>
318 (?P<code><pre>\s.*?</pre>\s))''',
322 LATEX: {
323 'include':
324 r'''(?smx)
325 ^[^%\n]*?
326 (?P<match>
327 \\input\s*{
328 (?P<filename>\S+?)
329 })''',
331 'lilypond':
332 r'''(?smx)
333 ^[^%\n]*?
334 (?P<match>
335 \\lilypond\s*(
337 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
338 \])?\s*{
339 (?P<code>.*?)
340 })''',
342 'lilypond_block':
343 r'''(?smx)
344 ^[^%\n]*?
345 (?P<match>
346 \\begin\s*(
348 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
349 \])?\s*{lilypond}
350 (?P<code>.*?)
351 ^[^%\n]*?
352 \\end\s*{lilypond})''',
354 'lilypond_file':
355 r'''(?smx)
356 ^[^%\n]*?
357 (?P<match>
358 \\lilypondfile\s*(
360 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
361 \])?\s*\{
362 (?P<filename>\S+?)
363 })''',
365 'multiline_comment':
366 no_match,
368 'singleline_comment':
369 r'''(?mx)
370 ^.*?
371 (?P<match>
372 (?P<code>
373 %.*$\n+))''',
375 'verb':
376 r'''(?mx)
377 ^[^%\n]*?
378 (?P<match>
379 (?P<code>
380 \\verb(?P<del>.)
382 (?P=del)))''',
384 'verbatim':
385 r'''(?msx)
386 ^[^%\n]*?
387 (?P<match>
388 (?P<code>
389 \\begin\s*{verbatim}
391 \\end\s*{verbatim}))''',
395 TEXINFO: {
396 'include':
397 r'''(?mx)
398 ^(?P<match>
399 @include\s+
400 (?P<filename>\S+))''',
402 'lilypond':
403 r'''(?smx)
404 ^[^\n]*?(?!@c\s+)[^\n]*?
405 (?P<match>
406 @lilypond\s*(
408 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
409 \])?\s*{
410 (?P<code>.*?)
411 })''',
413 'lilypond_block':
414 r'''(?msx)
415 ^(?P<match>
416 @lilypond\s*(
418 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
419 \])?\s+?
420 ^(?P<code>.*?)
421 ^@end\s+lilypond)\s''',
423 'lilypond_file':
424 r'''(?mx)
425 ^(?P<match>
426 @lilypondfile\s*(
428 \s*(?P<options>.*?)\s*
429 \])?\s*{
430 (?P<filename>\S+)
431 })''',
433 'multiline_comment':
434 r'''(?smx)
435 ^(?P<match>
436 (?P<code>
437 @ignore\s
439 @end\s+ignore))\s''',
441 'singleline_comment':
442 r'''(?mx)
444 (?P<match>
445 (?P<code>
446 @c([ \t][^\n]*|)\n))''',
448 # Don't do this: It interferes with @code{@{}.
449 # 'verb': r'''(?P<code>@code{.*?})''',
451 'verbatim':
452 r'''(?sx)
453 (?P<match>
454 (?P<code>
455 @example
456 \s.*?
457 @end\s+example\s))''',
464 format_res = {
465 DOCBOOK: {
466 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"',
467 'option_sep': '\s*',
469 HTML: {
470 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"',
471 'option_sep': '\s*',
474 LATEX: {
475 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"',
476 'option_sep': '\s*,\s*',
479 TEXINFO: {
480 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"',
481 'option_sep': '\s*,\s*',
485 # Options without a pattern in ly_options.
486 simple_options = [
499 ly_options = {
501 NOTES: {
502 RELATIVE: r'''\relative c%(relative_quotes)s''',
506 PAPER: {
507 INDENT: r'''indent = %(indent)s''',
509 LINE_WIDTH: r'''line-width = %(line-width)s''',
511 QUOTE: r'''line-width = %(line-width)s - 2.0 * %(exampleindent)s''',
513 RAGGED_RIGHT: r'''ragged-right = ##t''',
515 PACKED: r'''packed = ##t''',
519 LAYOUT: {
520 NOTIME: r'''
521 \context {
522 \Score
523 timing = ##f
525 \context {
526 \Staff
527 \remove Time_signature_engraver
528 }''',
533 STAFFSIZE: r'''#(set-global-staff-size %(staffsize)s)''',
537 output = {
539 DOCBOOK: {
540 FILTER: r'''<mediaobject><textobject><programlisting language="lilypond" role="%(options)s">%(code)s</programlisting></textobject></mediaobject>''',
542 OUTPUT: r'''
543 <imageobject role="latex">
544 <imagedata fileref="%(base)s.pdf" format="PDF"/>
545 </imageobject>
546 <imageobject role="html">
547 <imagedata fileref="%(base)s.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>''',
549 VERBATIM: r'''<programlisting>%(verb)s</programlisting>''',
551 PRINTFILENAME: '<textobject><simpara><ulink url="%(base)"><filename>%(filename)s</filename></ulink></simpara></textobject>'
554 HTML: {
555 FILTER: r'''<lilypond %(options)s>
556 %(code)s
557 </lilypond>
558 ''',
560 AFTER: r'''
561 </a>
562 </p>''',
564 BEFORE: r'''<p>
565 <a href="%(base)">''',
567 OUTPUT: r'''
568 <img align="center" valign="center"
569 border="0" src="%(image)s" alt="%(alt)s">''',
571 PRINTFILENAME: '<p><tt><a href="%(base)">%(filename)s</a></tt></p>',
573 QUOTE: r'''<blockquote>
574 %(str)s
575 </blockquote>
576 ''',
578 VERBATIM: r'''<pre>
579 %(verb)s</pre>''',
583 LATEX: {
584 OUTPUT: r'''{%%
585 \parindent 0pt%%
586 \ifx\preLilyPondExample \undefined%%
587 \relax%%
588 \else%%
589 \preLilyPondExample%%
590 \fi%%
591 \def\lilypondbook{}%%
592 \input %(base)s-systems.tex%%
593 \ifx\postLilyPondExample \undefined%%
594 \relax%%
595 \else%%
596 \postLilyPondExample%%
597 \fi%%
598 }''',
600 PRINTFILENAME: '''\\texttt{%(filename)s}
601 ''',
603 QUOTE: r'''\begin{quotation}%(str)s
604 \end{quotation}''',
606 VERBATIM: r'''\noindent
607 \begin{verbatim}%(verb)s\end{verbatim}''',
609 FILTER: r'''\begin{lilypond}[%(options)s]
610 %(code)s
611 \end{lilypond}''',
615 TEXINFO: {
616 FILTER: r'''@lilypond[%(options)s]
617 %(code)s
618 @lilypond''',
620 OUTPUT: r'''
621 @iftex
622 @include %(base)s-systems.texi
623 @end iftex
624 ''',
626 OUTPUTIMAGE: r'''@noindent
627 @ifinfo
628 @image{%(base)s,,,%(alt)s,%(ext)s}
629 @end ifinfo
630 @html
632 <a href="%(base)">
633 <img align="center" valign="center"
634 border="0" src="%(image)s" alt="%(alt)s">
635 </a>
636 </p>
637 @end html
638 ''',
641 @html
642 <a href="%(base)">
643 @end html
644 @file{%(filename)s}
645 @html
646 </a>
647 @end html
648 ''',
650 QUOTE: r'''@quotation
651 %(str)s@end quotation
652 ''',
654 NOQUOTE: r'''@format
655 %(str)s@end format
656 ''',
658 VERBATIM: r'''@exampleindent 0
659 @verbatim
660 %(verb)s@end verbatim
661 ''',
666 # Maintain line numbers.
669 ## TODO
670 if 0:
671 for f in [HTML, LATEX]:
672 for s in (QUOTE, VERBATIM):
673 output[f][s] = output[f][s].replace("\n"," ")
676 PREAMBLE_LY = '''%%%% Generated by %(program_name)s
677 %%%% Options: [%(option_string)s]
678 \\include ""
679 %(preamble_string)s
686 %% ****************************************************************
687 %% Start cut-&-pastable-section
688 %% ****************************************************************
690 \paper {
691 #(define dump-extents #t)
692 %(font_dump_setting)s
693 %(paper_string)s
694 force-assignment = #""
695 line-width = #(- line-width (* mm %(padding_mm)f))
698 \layout {
699 %(layout_string)s
703 FRAGMENT_LY = r'''
704 %(notes_string)s
708 %% ****************************************************************
709 %% ly snippet contents follows:
710 %% ****************************************************************
711 %(code)s
714 %% ****************************************************************
715 %% end ly snippet
716 %% ****************************************************************
720 FULL_LY = '''
723 %% ****************************************************************
724 %% ly snippet:
725 %% ****************************************************************
726 %(code)s
729 %% ****************************************************************
730 %% end ly snippet
731 %% ****************************************************************
734 texinfo_line_widths = {
735 '@afourpaper': '160\\mm',
736 '@afourwide': '6.5\\in',
737 '@afourlatex': '150\\mm',
738 '@smallbook': '5\\in',
739 '@letterpaper': '6\\in',
742 def classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value):
743 if key == 'singleline' and value == None:
744 return (RAGGED_RIGHT, None)
746 m = ('relative\s*([-0-9])', key)
747 if m:
748 return ('relative', (1))
750 m = re.match ('([0-9]+)pt', key)
751 if m:
752 return ('staffsize', (1))
754 if key == 'indent' or key == 'line-width':
755 m = re.match ('([-.0-9]+)(cm|in|mm|pt|staffspace)', value)
756 if m:
757 f = float ( (1))
758 return (key, '%f\\%s' % (f, (2)))
760 return (None, None)
762 def find_file (name):
763 for i in global_options.include_path:
764 full = os.path.join (i, name)
765 if os.path.exists (full):
766 return full
768 error (_ ("file not found: %s") % name + '\n')
769 exit (1)
770 return ''
772 def verbatim_html (s):
773 return re.sub ('>', '&gt;',
774 re.sub ('<', '&lt;',
775 re.sub ('&', '&amp;', s)))
777 def split_options (option_string):
778 if option_string:
779 if global_options.format == HTML:
780 options = re.findall('[\w\.-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|\S+))?',option_string)
781 for i in range(len(options)):
782 options[i] = re.sub('^([^=]+=\s*)(?P<q>["\'])(.*)(?P=q)','\g<1>\g<3>',options[i])
783 return options
784 else:
785 return re.split (format_res[global_options.format]['option_sep'],
786 option_string)
787 return []
789 def set_default_options (source):
790 global default_ly_options
791 if not default_ly_options.has_key (LINE_WIDTH):
792 if global_options.format == LATEX:
793 textwidth = get_latex_textwidth (source)
794 default_ly_options[LINE_WIDTH] = \
795 '''%.0f\\pt''' % textwidth
796 elif global_options.format == TEXINFO:
797 for (k, v) in texinfo_line_widths.items ():
798 # FIXME: @layout is usually not in
799 # chunk #0:
801 # \input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
803 # Bluntly search first K items of
804 # source.
805 # s = chunks[0].replacement_text ()
806 if (k, source[:1024]):
807 default_ly_options[LINE_WIDTH] = v
808 break
810 class Chunk:
811 def replacement_text (self):
812 return ''
814 def filter_text (self):
815 return self.replacement_text ()
817 def ly_is_outdated (self):
818 return 0
820 def png_is_outdated (self):
821 return 0
823 def is_plain (self):
824 return False
826 class Substring (Chunk):
827 def __init__ (self, source, start, end, line_number):
828 self.source = source
829 self.start = start
830 self.end = end
831 self.line_number = line_number
832 self.override_text = None
834 def is_plain (self):
835 return True
837 def replacement_text (self):
838 if self.override_text:
839 return self.override_text
840 else:
841 return self.source[self.start:self.end]
843 class Snippet (Chunk):
844 def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number):
845 self.type = type
846 self.match = match
847 self.hash = 0
848 self.option_dict = {}
849 self.format = format
850 self.line_number = line_number
852 def replacement_text (self):
853 return ('match')
855 def substring (self, s):
856 return (s)
858 def __repr__ (self):
859 return `self.__class__` + ' type = ' + self.type
861 class Include_snippet (Snippet):
862 def processed_filename (self):
863 f = self.substring ('filename')
864 return os.path.splitext (f)[0] + format2ext[global_options.format]
866 def replacement_text (self):
867 s = ('match')
868 f = self.substring ('filename')
870 return re.sub (f, self.processed_filename (), s)
872 class Lilypond_snippet (Snippet):
873 def __init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number):
874 Snippet.__init__ (self, type, match, format, line_number)
875 os = ('options')
876 self.do_options (os, self.type)
878 def ly (self):
879 contents = self.substring ('code')
880 return ('\\sourcefileline %d\n%s'
881 % (self.line_number - 1, contents))
883 def full_ly (self):
884 s = ()
885 if s:
886 return self.compose_ly (s)
887 return ''
889 def do_options (self, option_string, type):
890 self.option_dict = {}
892 options = split_options (option_string)
894 for i in options:
895 if '=' in i:
896 (key, value) = re.split ('\s*=\s*', i)
897 self.option_dict[key] = value
898 else:
899 if i in no_options.keys ():
900 if no_options[i] in self.option_dict.keys ():
901 del self.option_dict[no_options[i]]
902 else:
903 self.option_dict[i] = None
905 has_line_width = self.option_dict.has_key (LINE_WIDTH)
906 no_line_width_value = 0
908 # If LINE_WIDTH is used without parameter, set it to default.
909 if has_line_width and self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH] == None:
910 no_line_width_value = 1
911 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH]
913 for i in default_ly_options.keys ():
914 if i not in self.option_dict.keys ():
915 self.option_dict[i] = default_ly_options[i]
917 if not has_line_width:
918 if type == 'lilypond' or FRAGMENT in self.option_dict.keys ():
919 self.option_dict[RAGGED_RIGHT] = None
921 if type == 'lilypond':
922 if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict.keys ():
923 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH]
924 else:
925 if RAGGED_RIGHT in self.option_dict.keys ():
926 if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict.keys ():
927 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH]
929 if QUOTE in self.option_dict.keys () or type == 'lilypond':
930 if LINE_WIDTH in self.option_dict.keys ():
931 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH]
933 if not INDENT in self.option_dict.keys ():
934 self.option_dict[INDENT] = '0\\mm'
936 # The QUOTE pattern from ly_options only emits the `line-width'
937 # keyword.
938 if has_line_width and QUOTE in self.option_dict.keys ():
939 if no_line_width_value:
940 del self.option_dict[LINE_WIDTH]
941 else:
942 del self.option_dict[QUOTE]
944 def compose_ly (self, code):
945 if FRAGMENT in self.option_dict.keys ():
946 body = FRAGMENT_LY
947 else:
948 body = FULL_LY
950 # Defaults.
951 relative = 1
952 override = {}
953 # The original concept of the `exampleindent' option is broken.
954 # It is not possible to get a sane value for @exampleindent at all
955 # without processing the document itself. Saying
957 # @exampleindent 0
958 # @example
959 # ...
960 # @end example
961 # @exampleindent 5
963 # causes ugly results with the DVI backend of texinfo since the
964 # default value for @exampleindent isn't 5em but 0.4in (or a smaller
965 # value). Executing the above code changes the environment
966 # indentation to an unknown value because we don't know the amount
967 # of 1em in advance since it is font-dependent. Modifying
968 # @exampleindent in the middle of a document is simply not
969 # supported within texinfo.
971 # As a consequence, the only function of @exampleindent is now to
972 # specify the amount of indentation for the `quote' option.
974 # To set @exampleindent locally to zero, we use the @format
975 # environment for non-quoted snippets.
976 override[EXAMPLEINDENT] = r'0.4\in'
977 override[LINE_WIDTH] = texinfo_line_widths['@smallbook']
978 override.update (default_ly_options)
980 option_list = []
981 for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items ():
982 if value == None:
983 option_list.append (key)
984 else:
985 option_list.append (key + '=' + value)
986 option_string = string.join (option_list, ',')
988 compose_dict = {}
989 compose_types = [NOTES, PREAMBLE, LAYOUT, PAPER]
990 for a in compose_types:
991 compose_dict[a] = []
993 for (key, value) in self.option_dict.items ():
994 (c_key, c_value) = \
995 classic_lilypond_book_compatibility (key, value)
996 if c_key:
997 if c_value:
998 warning \
999 (_ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s=%s" \
1000 % (key, value)))
1001 warning \
1002 (_ ("compatibility mode translation: %s=%s" \
1003 % (c_key, c_value)))
1004 else:
1005 warning \
1006 (_ ("deprecated ly-option used: %s" \
1007 % key))
1008 warning \
1009 (_ ("compatibility mode translation: %s" \
1010 % c_key))
1012 (key, value) = (c_key, c_value)
1014 if value:
1015 override[key] = value
1016 else:
1017 if not override.has_key (key):
1018 override[key] = None
1020 found = 0
1021 for type in compose_types:
1022 if ly_options[type].has_key (key):
1023 compose_dict[type].append (ly_options[type][key])
1024 found = 1
1025 break
1027 if not found and key not in simple_options:
1028 warning (_ ("ignoring unknown ly option: %s") % key)
1030 # URGS
1031 if RELATIVE in override.keys () and override[RELATIVE]:
1032 relative = int (override[RELATIVE])
1034 relative_quotes = ''
1036 # 1 = central C
1037 if relative < 0:
1038 relative_quotes += ',' * (- relative)
1039 elif relative > 0:
1040 relative_quotes += "'" * relative
1042 paper_string = string.join (compose_dict[PAPER],
1043 '\n ') % override
1044 layout_string = string.join (compose_dict[LAYOUT],
1045 '\n ') % override
1046 notes_string = string.join (compose_dict[NOTES],
1047 '\n ') % vars ()
1048 preamble_string = string.join (compose_dict[PREAMBLE],
1049 '\n ') % override
1050 padding_mm = global_options.padding_mm
1051 font_dump_setting = ''
1052 if FONTLOAD in self.option_dict:
1053 font_dump_setting = '#(define-public force-eps-font-include #t)\n'
1055 d = globals().copy()
1056 d.update (locals())
1057 return (PREAMBLE_LY + body) % d
1059 def get_hash (self):
1060 if not self.hash:
1061 hash = md5.md5 (self.relevant_contents (self.full_ly ()))
1063 ## let's not create too long names.
1064 self.hash = hash.hexdigest ()[:10]
1066 return self.hash
1068 def basename (self):
1069 if FILENAME in self.option_dict:
1070 return self.option_dict[FILENAME]
1071 if global_options.use_hash:
1072 return 'lily-%s' % self.get_hash ()
1073 raise 'to be done'
1075 def write_ly (self):
1076 outf = open (self.basename () + '.ly', 'w')
1077 outf.write (self.full_ly ())
1078 open (self.basename () + '.txt', 'w').write ('image of music')
1080 def relevant_contents (self, ly):
1081 return re.sub (r'\\(version|sourcefileline)[^\n]*\n', '', ly)
1083 def ly_is_outdated (self):
1084 base = self.basename ()
1085 ly_file = base + '.ly'
1086 tex_file = base + '.tex'
1087 eps_file = base + '.eps'
1088 systems_file = base + '-systems.tex'
1090 if (os.path.exists (ly_file)
1091 and os.path.exists (systems_file)
1092 and os.stat (systems_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
1093 and re.match ('% eof', open (systems_file).readlines ()[-1])
1094 and (global_options.use_hash or FILENAME in self.option_dict)
1095 and (self.relevant_contents (self.full_ly ())
1096 == self.relevant_contents (open (ly_file).read ()))):
1097 return None
1099 return self
1101 def png_is_outdated (self):
1102 base = self.basename ()
1103 # FIXME: refactor stupid OK stuff
1104 ok = not self.ly_is_outdated ()
1105 if global_options.format in (HTML, TEXINFO):
1106 ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '.eps')
1108 page_count = 0
1109 if ok:
1110 page_count = ps_page_count (base + '.eps')
1112 if page_count <= 1:
1113 ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '.png')
1115 elif page_count > 1:
1116 for a in range (1, page_count + 1):
1117 ok = ok and os.path.exists (base + '-page%d.png' % a)
1119 return not ok
1121 def texstr_is_outdated (self):
1122 if backend == 'ps':
1123 return 0
1125 # FIXME: refactor stupid OK stuff
1126 base = self.basename ()
1127 ok = self.ly_is_outdated ()
1128 ok = ok and (os.path.exists (base + '.texstr'))
1129 return not ok
1131 def filter_text (self):
1132 code = self.substring ('code')
1133 s = run_filter (code)
1134 d = {
1135 'code': s,
1136 'options': ('options')
1138 # TODO
1139 return output[self.format][FILTER] % d
1141 def replacement_text (self):
1142 func = Lilypond_snippet.__dict__['output_' + self.format]
1143 return func (self)
1145 def get_images (self):
1146 base = self.basename ()
1148 single = '%(base)s.png' % vars ()
1149 multiple = '%(base)s-page1.png' % vars ()
1150 images = (single,)
1151 if os.path.exists (multiple) \
1152 and (not os.path.exists (single) \
1153 or (os.stat (multiple)[stat.ST_MTIME] \
1154 > os.stat (single)[stat.ST_MTIME])):
1155 count = ps_page_count ('%(base)s.eps' % vars ())
1156 images = ['%s-page%d.png' % (base, a) for a in range (1, count+1)]
1157 images = tuple (images)
1158 return images
1160 def output_docbook (self):
1161 str = ''
1162 base = self.basename ()
1163 for image in self.get_images ():
1164 (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image)
1165 str += output[DOCBOOK][OUTPUT] % vars ()
1166 str += self.output_print_filename (DOCBOOK)
1167 if (self.substring('inline') == 'inline'):
1168 str = '<inlinemediaobject>' + str + '</inlinemediaobject>'
1169 else:
1170 str = '<mediaobject>' + str + '</mediaobject>'
1171 if VERBATIM in self.option_dict:
1172 verb = verbatim_html (self.substring ('code'))
1173 str = output[DOCBOOK][VERBATIM] % vars () + str
1174 return str
1176 def output_html (self):
1177 str = ''
1178 base = self.basename ()
1179 if global_options.format == HTML:
1180 str += self.output_print_filename (HTML)
1181 if VERBATIM in self.option_dict:
1182 verb = verbatim_html (self.substring ('code'))
1183 str += output[HTML][VERBATIM] % vars ()
1184 if QUOTE in self.option_dict:
1185 str = output[HTML][QUOTE] % vars ()
1187 str += output[HTML][BEFORE] % vars ()
1188 for image in self.get_images ():
1189 (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image)
1190 alt = self.option_dict[ALT]
1191 str += output[HTML][OUTPUT] % vars ()
1192 str += output[HTML][AFTER] % vars ()
1193 return str
1195 def output_info (self):
1196 str = ''
1197 for image in self.get_images ():
1198 (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (image)
1200 # URG, makeinfo implicitly prepends dot to extension.
1201 # Specifying no extension is most robust.
1202 ext = ''
1203 alt = self.option_dict[ALT]
1204 str += output[TEXINFO][OUTPUTIMAGE] % vars ()
1206 base = self.basename ()
1207 str += output[global_options.format][OUTPUT] % vars ()
1208 return str
1210 def output_latex (self):
1211 str = ''
1212 base = self.basename ()
1213 if global_options.format == LATEX:
1214 str += self.output_print_filename (LATEX)
1215 if VERBATIM in self.option_dict:
1216 verb = self.substring ('code')
1217 str += (output[LATEX][VERBATIM] % vars ())
1219 str += (output[LATEX][OUTPUT] % vars ())
1221 ## todo: maintain breaks
1222 if 0:
1223 breaks = ().count ("\n")
1224 str += "".ljust (breaks, "\n").replace ("\n","%\n")
1226 if QUOTE in self.option_dict:
1227 str = output[LATEX][QUOTE] % vars ()
1228 return str
1230 def output_print_filename (self, format):
1231 str = ''
1232 if PRINTFILENAME in self.option_dict:
1233 base = self.basename ()
1234 filename = self.substring ('filename')
1235 str = output[global_options.format][PRINTFILENAME] % vars ()
1237 return str
1239 def output_texinfo (self):
1240 str = ''
1241 if self.output_print_filename (TEXINFO):
1242 str += ('@html\n'
1243 + self.output_print_filename (HTML)
1244 + '\n@end html\n')
1245 str += ('@tex\n'
1246 + self.output_print_filename (LATEX)
1247 + '\n@end tex\n')
1248 base = self.basename ()
1249 if TEXIDOC in self.option_dict:
1250 texidoc = base + '.texidoc'
1251 if os.path.exists (texidoc):
1252 str += '@include %(texidoc)s\n\n' % vars ()
1254 if VERBATIM in self.option_dict:
1255 verb = self.substring ('code')
1256 str += (output[TEXINFO][VERBATIM] % vars ())
1257 if not QUOTE in self.option_dict:
1258 str = output[TEXINFO][NOQUOTE] % vars ()
1260 str += self.output_info ()
1262 # str += ('@ifinfo\n' + self.output_info () + '\n@end ifinfo\n')
1263 # str += ('@tex\n' + self.output_latex () + '\n@end tex\n')
1264 # str += ('@html\n' + self.output_html () + '\n@end html\n')
1266 if QUOTE in self.option_dict:
1267 str = output[TEXINFO][QUOTE] % vars ()
1269 # need par after image
1270 str += '\n'
1272 return str
1274 class Lilypond_file_snippet (Lilypond_snippet):
1275 def ly (self):
1276 name = self.substring ('filename')
1277 contents = open (find_file (name)).read ()
1278 return ('\\sourcefilename \"%s\"\n\\sourcefileline 0\n%s'
1279 % (name, contents))
1281 snippet_type_to_class = {
1282 'lilypond_file': Lilypond_file_snippet,
1283 'lilypond_block': Lilypond_snippet,
1284 'lilypond': Lilypond_snippet,
1285 'include': Include_snippet,
1288 def find_linestarts (s):
1289 nls = [0]
1290 start = 0
1291 end = len (s)
1292 while 1:
1293 i = s.find ('\n', start)
1294 if i < 0:
1295 break
1297 i = i + 1
1298 nls.append (i)
1299 start = i
1301 nls.append (len (s))
1302 return nls
1304 def find_toplevel_snippets (s, types):
1305 res = {}
1306 for i in types:
1307 res[i] = (snippet_res[global_options.format][i])
1309 snippets = []
1310 index = 0
1311 found = dict ([(t, None) for t in types])
1313 line_starts = find_linestarts (s)
1314 line_start_idx = 0
1315 # We want to search for multiple regexes, without searching
1316 # the string multiple times for one regex.
1317 # Hence, we use earlier results to limit the string portion
1318 # where we search.
1319 # Since every part of the string is traversed at most once for
1320 # every type of snippet, this is linear.
1322 while 1:
1323 first = None
1324 endex = 1 << 30
1325 for type in types:
1326 if not found[type] or found[type][0] < index:
1327 found[type] = None
1329 m = res[type].search (s[index:endex])
1330 if not m:
1331 continue
1333 cl = Snippet
1334 if snippet_type_to_class.has_key (type):
1335 cl = snippet_type_to_class[type]
1338 start = index + m.start ('match')
1339 line_number = line_start_idx
1340 while (line_starts[line_number] < start):
1341 line_number += 1
1343 line_number += 1
1344 snip = cl (type, m, global_options.format, line_number)
1346 found[type] = (start, snip)
1348 if found[type] \
1349 and (not first \
1350 or found[type][0] < found[first][0]):
1351 first = type
1353 # FIXME.
1355 # Limiting the search space is a cute
1356 # idea, but this *requires* to search
1357 # for possible containing blocks
1358 # first, at least as long as we do not
1359 # search for the start of blocks, but
1360 # always/directly for the entire
1361 # @block ... @end block.
1363 endex = found[first][0]
1365 if not first:
1366 snippets.append (Substring (s, index, len (s), line_start_idx))
1367 break
1369 while (start > line_starts[line_start_idx+1]):
1370 line_start_idx += 1
1372 (start, snip) = found[first]
1373 snippets.append (Substring (s, index, start, line_start_idx + 1))
1374 snippets.append (snip)
1375 found[first] = None
1376 index = start + len ( ('match'))
1378 return snippets
1380 def filter_pipe (input, cmd):
1381 if global_options.verbose:
1382 progress (_ ("Opening filter `%s'") % cmd)
1384 (stdin, stdout, stderr) = os.popen3 (cmd)
1385 stdin.write (input)
1386 status = stdin.close ()
1388 if not status:
1389 status = 0
1390 output = ()
1391 status = stdout.close ()
1392 error = ()
1394 if not status:
1395 status = 0
1396 signal = 0x0f & status
1397 if status or (not output and error):
1398 exit_status = status >> 8
1399 error (_ ("`%s' failed (%d)") % (cmd, exit_status))
1400 error (_ ("The error log is as follows:"))
1401 sys.stderr.write (error)
1402 sys.stderr.write ( ())
1403 exit (status)
1405 if global_options.verbose:
1406 progress ('\n')
1408 return output
1410 def run_filter (s):
1411 return filter_pipe (s, global_options.filter_cmd)
1413 def is_derived_class (cl, baseclass):
1414 if cl == baseclass:
1415 return 1
1416 for b in cl.__bases__:
1417 if is_derived_class (b, baseclass):
1418 return 1
1419 return 0
1421 def process_snippets (cmd, ly_snippets, texstr_snippets, png_snippets):
1422 ly_names = filter (lambda x: x,
1423 map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, ly_snippets))
1424 texstr_names = filter (lambda x: x,
1425 map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, texstr_snippets))
1427 png_names = filter (lambda x: x,
1428 map (Lilypond_snippet.basename, png_snippets))
1430 status = 0
1431 def my_system (cmd):
1432 status = ly.system (cmd,
1433 be_verbose=global_options.verbose,
1434 progress_p=1)
1436 if global_options.format in (HTML, TEXINFO) and '--formats' not in cmd:
1437 cmd += ' --formats=png '
1438 elif global_options.format in (DOCBOOK) and '--formats' not in cmd:
1439 cmd += ' --formats=png,pdf '
1442 # UGH
1443 # the --process=CMD switch is a bad idea
1444 # it is too generic for lilypond-book.
1445 if texstr_names:
1446 my_system (string.join ([cmd, '--backend texstr',
1447 ''] + texstr_names))
1448 for l in texstr_names:
1449 my_system ('latex %s.texstr' % l)
1451 if ly_names:
1452 open ('snippet-names', 'wb').write ('\n'.join (['']
1453 + ly_names))
1455 my_system (string.join ([cmd, 'snippet-names']))
1459 \nonstopmode
1460 %(preamble)s
1461 \begin{document}
1462 \typeout{textwidth=\the\textwidth}
1463 \typeout{columnsep=\the\columnsep}
1464 \makeatletter\if@twocolumn\typeout{columns=2}\fi\makeatother
1465 \end{document}
1468 # Do we need anything else besides `textwidth'?
1469 def get_latex_textwidth (source):
1470 m = (r'''(?P<preamble>\\begin\s*{document})''', source)
1471 if m == None:
1472 warning (_ ("cannot find \\begin{document} in LaTeX document"))
1474 ## what's a sensible default?
1475 return 550.0
1477 preamble = source[:m.start (0)]
1478 latex_document = LATEX_INSPECTION_DOCUMENT % vars ()
1480 (handle, tmpfile) = tempfile.mkstemp('.tex')
1481 logfile = os.path.splitext (tmpfile)[0] + '.log'
1482 logfile = os.path.split (logfile)[1]
1484 tmp_handle = os.fdopen (handle,'w')
1485 tmp_handle.write (latex_document)
1486 tmp_handle.close ()
1488 ly.system ('latex %s' % tmpfile, be_verbose=global_options.verbose)
1489 parameter_string = open (logfile).read()
1491 os.unlink (tmpfile)
1492 os.unlink (logfile)
1494 columns = 0
1495 m = ('columns=([0-9.]*)', parameter_string)
1496 if m:
1497 columns = int ( (1))
1499 columnsep = 0
1500 m = ('columnsep=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string)
1501 if m:
1502 columnsep = float ( (1))
1504 textwidth = 0
1505 m = ('textwidth=([0-9.]*)pt', parameter_string)
1506 if m:
1507 textwidth = float ( (1))
1508 if columns:
1509 textwidth = (textwidth - columnsep) / columns
1511 return textwidth
1513 def modify_preamble (chunk):
1514 str = chunk.replacement_text ()
1515 if ( (r"\\begin *{document}", str)
1516 and not ("{graphic[sx]", str)):
1517 str = re.sub (r"\\begin{document}",
1518 r"\\usepackage{graphics}" + '\n'
1519 + r"\\begin{document}",
1520 str)
1521 chunk.override_text = str
1525 ext2format = {
1526 '.html': HTML,
1527 '.itely': TEXINFO,
1528 '.latex': LATEX,
1529 '.lytex': LATEX,
1530 '.tely': TEXINFO,
1531 '.tex': LATEX,
1532 '.texi': TEXINFO,
1533 '.texinfo': TEXINFO,
1534 '.xml': HTML,
1535 '.lyxml': DOCBOOK
1538 format2ext = {
1539 HTML: '.html',
1540 # TEXINFO: '.texinfo',
1541 TEXINFO: '.texi',
1542 LATEX: '.tex',
1543 DOCBOOK: '.xml'
1546 class Compile_error:
1547 pass
1549 def write_file_map (lys, name):
1550 snippet_map = open ('', 'w')
1551 snippet_map.write ("""
1552 #(define version-seen #t)
1553 #(define output-empty-score-list #f)
1554 #(ly:add-file-name-alist '(
1555 """)
1556 for ly in lys:
1557 snippet_map.write ('("" . "%s")\n'
1558 % (ly.basename (),
1559 name))
1561 snippet_map.write ('))\n')
1563 def do_process_cmd (chunks, input_name):
1564 all_lys = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1565 Lilypond_snippet),
1566 chunks)
1568 write_file_map (all_lys, input_name)
1569 ly_outdated = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1570 Lilypond_snippet)
1571 and x.ly_is_outdated (), chunks)
1572 texstr_outdated = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1573 Lilypond_snippet)
1574 and x.texstr_is_outdated (),
1575 chunks)
1576 png_outdated = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1577 Lilypond_snippet)
1578 and x.png_is_outdated (),
1579 chunks)
1581 outdated = png_outdated + texstr_outdated + ly_outdated
1583 progress (_ ("Writing snippets..."))
1584 map (Lilypond_snippet.write_ly, ly_outdated)
1585 progress ('\n')
1587 if outdated:
1588 progress (_ ("Processing..."))
1589 progress ('\n')
1590 process_snippets (global_options.process_cmd, ly_outdated, texstr_outdated, png_outdated)
1591 else:
1592 progress (_ ("All snippets are up to date..."))
1593 progress ('\n')
1595 def guess_format (input_filename):
1596 format = None
1597 e = os.path.splitext (input_filename)[1]
1598 if e in ext2format.keys ():
1599 # FIXME
1600 format = ext2format[e]
1601 else:
1602 error (_ ("cannot determine format for: %s" \
1603 % input_filename))
1604 exit (1)
1605 return format
1607 def write_if_updated (file_name, lines):
1608 try:
1609 f = open (file_name)
1610 oldstr = ()
1611 new_str = string.join (lines, '')
1612 if oldstr == new_str:
1613 progress (_ ("%s is up to date.") % file_name)
1614 progress ('\n')
1615 return
1616 except:
1617 pass
1619 progress (_ ("Writing `%s'...") % file_name)
1620 open (file_name, 'w').writelines (lines)
1621 progress ('\n')
1623 def note_input_file (name, inputs=[]):
1624 ## hack: inputs is mutable!
1625 inputs.append (name)
1626 return inputs
1628 def samefile (f1, f2):
1629 try:
1630 return os.path.samefile (f1, f2)
1631 except AttributeError: # Windoze
1632 f1 = re.sub ("//*", "/", f1)
1633 f2 = re.sub ("//*", "/", f2)
1634 return f1 == f2
1636 def do_file (input_filename):
1637 # Ugh.
1638 if not input_filename or input_filename == '-':
1639 in_handle = sys.stdin
1640 input_fullname = '<stdin>'
1641 else:
1642 if os.path.exists (input_filename):
1643 input_fullname = input_filename
1644 elif global_options.format == LATEX and ly.search_exe_path ('kpsewhich'):
1645 input_fullname = os.popen ('kpsewhich ' + input_filename).read()[:-1]
1646 else:
1647 input_fullname = find_file (input_filename)
1649 note_input_file (input_fullname)
1650 in_handle = open (input_fullname)
1652 if input_filename == '-':
1653 input_base = 'stdin'
1654 else:
1655 input_base = os.path.basename \
1656 (os.path.splitext (input_filename)[0])
1658 # Only default to stdout when filtering.
1659 if global_options.output_name == '-' or (not global_options.output_name and global_options.filter_cmd):
1660 output_filename = '-'
1661 output_file = sys.stdout
1662 else:
1663 # don't complain when global_options.output_name is existing
1664 output_filename = input_base + format2ext[global_options.format]
1665 if global_options.output_name:
1666 if not os.path.isdir (global_options.output_name):
1667 os.mkdir (global_options.output_name, 0777)
1668 os.chdir (global_options.output_name)
1669 else:
1670 if (os.path.exists (input_filename)
1671 and os.path.exists (output_filename)
1672 and samefile (output_filename, input_fullname)):
1673 error (
1674 _ ("Output would overwrite input file; use --output."))
1675 exit (2)
1677 try:
1678 progress (_ ("Reading %s...") % input_fullname)
1679 source = ()
1680 progress ('\n')
1682 set_default_options (source)
1685 # FIXME: Containing blocks must be first, see
1686 # find_toplevel_snippets.
1687 snippet_types = (
1688 'multiline_comment',
1689 'verbatim',
1690 'lilypond_block',
1691 # 'verb',
1692 'singleline_comment',
1693 'lilypond_file',
1694 'include',
1695 'lilypond',
1697 progress (_ ("Dissecting..."))
1698 chunks = find_toplevel_snippets (source, snippet_types)
1700 if global_options.format == LATEX:
1701 for c in chunks:
1702 if (c.is_plain () and
1703 (r"\\begin *{document}", c.replacement_text())):
1704 modify_preamble (c)
1705 break
1706 progress ('\n')
1708 if global_options.filter_cmd:
1709 write_if_updated (output_filename,
1710 [c.filter_text () for c in chunks])
1711 elif global_options.process_cmd:
1712 do_process_cmd (chunks, input_fullname)
1713 progress (_ ("Compiling %s...") % output_filename)
1714 progress ('\n')
1715 write_if_updated (output_filename,
1716 [s.replacement_text ()
1717 for s in chunks])
1719 def process_include (snippet):
1720 os.chdir (original_dir)
1721 name = snippet.substring ('filename')
1722 progress (_ ("Processing include: %s") % name)
1723 progress ('\n')
1724 return do_file (name)
1726 include_chunks = map (process_include,
1727 filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1728 Include_snippet),
1729 chunks))
1732 return chunks + reduce (lambda x,y: x + y, include_chunks, [])
1734 except Compile_error:
1735 os.chdir (original_dir)
1736 progress (_ ("Removing `%s'") % output_filename)
1737 progress ('\n')
1738 raise Compile_error
1740 def do_options ():
1742 global global_options
1744 opt_parser = get_option_parser()
1745 (global_options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args ()
1747 if global_options.format in ('texi-html', 'texi'):
1748 global_options.format = TEXINFO
1749 global_options.use_hash = True
1751 global_options.include_path = map (os.path.abspath, global_options.include_path)
1753 if global_options.warranty:
1754 warranty ()
1755 exit (0)
1756 if not args or len (args) > 1:
1757 opt_parser.print_help ()
1758 exit (2)
1760 return args
1762 def psfonts_warning (options, basename):
1763 if options.format in (TEXINFO, LATEX):
1764 psfonts_file = os.path.join (options.output_name, basename + '.psfonts')
1765 output = os.path.join (options.output_name, basename + '.dvi' )
1767 if not options.create_pdf:
1768 if not options.psfonts:
1769 warning (_ ("option --psfonts not used"))
1770 warning (_ ("processing with dvips will have no fonts"))
1771 else:
1772 progress ('\n')
1773 progress (_ ("DVIPS usage:"))
1774 progress ('\n')
1775 progress (" dvips -h %(psfonts_file)s %(output)s" % vars ())
1776 progress ('\n')
1778 def main ():
1779 # FIXME: 85 lines of `main' macramee??
1780 files = do_options ()
1782 file = files[0]
1784 basename = os.path.splitext (file)[0]
1785 basename = os.path.split (basename)[1]
1787 if not global_options.format:
1788 global_options.format = guess_format (files[0])
1790 formats = 'ps'
1791 if global_options.format in (TEXINFO, HTML, DOCBOOK):
1792 formats += ',png'
1795 if global_options.process_cmd == '':
1796 global_options.process_cmd = (lilypond_binary
1797 + ' --formats=%s --backend eps ' % formats)
1799 if global_options.process_cmd:
1800 global_options.process_cmd += string.join ([(' -I %s' % ly.mkarg (p))
1801 for p in global_options.include_path])
1803 if global_options.format in (TEXINFO, LATEX):
1804 ## prevent PDF from being switched on by default.
1805 global_options.process_cmd += ' --formats=eps '
1806 if global_options.create_pdf:
1807 global_options.process_cmd += "--pdf -dinclude-eps-fonts -dgs-load-fonts "
1809 if global_options.verbose:
1810 global_options.process_cmd += " --verbose "
1812 if global_options.padding_mm:
1813 global_options.process_cmd += " -deps-box-padding=%f " % global_options.padding_mm
1815 global_options.process_cmd += " -dread-file-list "
1817 identify ()
1819 try:
1820 chunks = do_file (file)
1821 if global_options.psfonts:
1822 fontextract.verbose = global_options.verbose
1823 snippet_chunks = filter (lambda x: is_derived_class (x.__class__,
1824 Lilypond_snippet),
1825 chunks)
1827 psfonts_file = basename + '.psfonts'
1828 if not global_options.verbose:
1829 progress (_ ("Writing fonts to %s...") % psfonts_file)
1830 fontextract.extract_fonts (psfonts_file,
1831 [x.basename() + '.eps'
1832 for x in snippet_chunks])
1833 if not global_options.verbose:
1834 progress ('\n')
1836 except Compile_error:
1837 exit (1)
1839 psfonts_warning (global_options, basename)
1841 inputs = note_input_file ('')
1842 inputs.pop ()
1844 base_file_name = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (file))[0]
1845 dep_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_name, base_file_name + '.dep')
1846 final_output_file = os.path.join (global_options.output_name,
1847 base_file_name
1848 + '.%s' % global_options.format)
1850 os.chdir (original_dir)
1851 open (dep_file, 'w').write ('%s: %s' % (final_output_file, ' '.join (inputs)))
1853 if __name__ == '__main__':
1854 main ()