MIDI: fix regtest failure
[lilypond/patrick.git] / input / regression / tablature-letter.ly
1 \version "2.13.46"
3 \header {
4 texidoc = "
5 A sample tablature with lettered tab,
6 using fretLabels to modify the fret letters.
8 By default, letters are drawn sequentially from the alphabet,
9 but if the context property fretLabels is defined, these are
10 substituted. If specified, the length of fretLabels must be
11 sufficient to label all the frets used. A warning is issued
12 if the length is too short.
16 notes = \relative c' {
17 \time 3/4
18 <f d>4. <bes>8 <g e>4
19 \set fretLabels = #`("a" "b" ,(markup #:italic #:smaller "c"))
20 <f d>4. <bes>8 <g e>4
21 \set fretLabels = #`(,(markup #:with-color red "a")
22 "b"
23 ,(markup #:italic #:smaller "c"))
24 <f d>4. <bes>8 <g e>4
25 \set fretLabels = #'("α" "β" "γ")
26 <f d>4. <bes>8 <g e>4
29 \score {
30 \new TabStaff
31 \with {
32 stringTunings = #`(,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 0)
33 ,(ly:make-pitch 1 1 0)
34 ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 0)
35 ,(ly:make-pitch 0 3 0)
36 ,(ly:make-pitch 0 1 0)
37 ,(ly:make-pitch -1 5 0))
38 tablatureFormat = #fret-letter-tablature-format
40 \new TabVoice {
41 \notes