MIDI: fix regtest failure
[lilypond/patrick.git] / input / regression / pdfmark-metadata.ly
1 \version "2.13.47"
3 \header {
4 texidoc = "The PDF backend uses several header fields to store metadata
5 in the resulting PDF file. Header fields with the prefix pdf override
6 those without the prefix for PDF creation (not for visual display on the page).
9 title = \markup { \italic "Title of " \bold \concat {"the" " " \abs-fontsize #27 "piece"} }
10 subtitle = \markup { \concat { "Subtitle" " of" " the" " " \natural "piece" }}
11 composer = \markup { \bold \concat {"The" " " "Genius" " " "Composer"}}
12 pdfcomposer = "Composer used for PDF"
13 arranger = \markup { The Arranger \circle f \draw-circle #3 #0.5 ##t }
14 copyright = "The Copyright"
15 keywords = "pdfmark, metadata, DOCINFO, lilypond"
17 \layout { ragged-right= ##t }
19 \relative c' { g4 }