MIDI: fix regtest failure
[lilypond/patrick.git] / input / regression / les-nereides.ly
1 \version "2.13.29"
3 \header {
4 composer = "ARTHUR GRAY"
5 title = "LES NÉRÉIDES"
6 subtitle = "THE NEREIDS"
7 enteredby = "JCN"
8 piece = "Allegretto scherzando"
9 copyright = "public domain"
11 texidoc="Highly tweaked example of lilypond output"
16 Nastiest piece of competition at
17 http://www.orphee.com/comparison/study.html, see
18 http://www.orphee.com/comparison/gray.pdf
20 Lines that contain tweaks (10 currently, not counting reverts) are
21 marked with %tweak
23 possibly more impressive to render without tweaks?
25 grep -v tweak input/les-nereides.ly >> lnnt.ly
26 lilypond lnnt.ly
30 treble = \new Voice \relative c''{
31 \key a \major
33 | %2
34 \stemUp
35 r4 <cis eis a cis>\arpeggio r2
36 | %3
37 r4 <cis fis a cis>\arpeggio r8.
39 \change Staff=bass
41 cis,16^2(^\markup {\small \italic "m.d." }\sustainOff
42 <fis fis,>8 <e! e,!>
43 | %4
44 <dis, a' dis>4)\sustainOn
46 \change Staff=treble
48 \slurUp
49 \set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
51 \ottava #1
53 \tieUp
54 cis''''4^\markup { \small \italic "m.g." }\arpeggio~
55 \grace {
56 cis8
57 \revert Stem #'direction
59 a16[-5_( fis dis]
60 \ottava #0
62 cis32[ a-1 fis-4 dis] cis[ a fis)-2]
63 % the small grace in lower staff comes after us
64 s32
68 \stemUp
69 cis'4( bis)
71 | %5
72 r8 <a' a,>8(\mf <gis gis,> <fis fis,>
74 % \fingerUp
75 \override Fingering #'direction = #UP
77 <gis gis,> <fis fis,> e)-1-4-5 r
79 | %6
80 r <a a,>8(\mf <gis gis,> <fis fis,>
81 <gis gis,> <fis fis,> e) r
83 | %7
84 \bar "||"
87 trebleTwo = \new Voice \relative c''{
88 \stemDown
89 \slurDown
90 % \fingerDown
91 \override Fingering #'direction = #DOWN
93 | %1
94 s1*2
95 | %4
97 <cis' a fis dis>4\arpeggio
98 <e, gis, e d!>2
99 | %5
100 s8 cis4. d4
101 % fair to count as one tweak?
102 \override Fingering #'add-stem-support = ##t %tweak
103 \override Fingering #'padding = #0.15
104 \override Fingering #'slur-padding = #0.1
105 <cis e,>8[( <d,_3 b'_1>
106 | %6
107 <cis_1 a'_2>)] cis'4. d4
108 <cis e,>8[( <b d,>
109 | %7
110 <a cis,>)]
113 bass = \new Voice \relative c{
114 \partial 2
115 \key a \major
117 \slurDown
118 \dynamicUp
120 r8. e,16(\f_2 <a a,>8[ <b b,>]
121 | %2
122 %\override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #5 %tweak
124 <cis cis,>4\sustainOn
125 \change Staff=treble
126 \stemDown
127 <a'' eis cis>4)\arpeggio
129 \change Staff=bass
130 \stemNeutral
132 r8. cis,,16(\sustainOff <fis fis,>8 <gis gis,>
134 | %3
136 <a a,>4\sustainOn
137 \change Staff=treble
139 \stemNeutral
140 \stemDown
141 <a' fis cis>)\arpeggio
142 \change Staff=bass
143 \stemNeutral
146 | %4
147 \stemDown
148 <b,, b,>4
149 \clef treble
150 \stemNeutral
152 %urg: staff-change: ! on dis
153 <cis'' a fis dis!>\arpeggio
156 \grace {
157 \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace"
160 s16 s s
161 s32 s s
162 s s s
163 \clef bass
164 <e,,, e,>32(\sustainOff\sustainOn
166 \revert Stem #'stroke-style
168 <gis' e>2)
170 | %5
171 \slurUp
173 % \fingerDown
174 \override Fingering #'direction = #DOWN
177 %\override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #3.5 %tweak
178 \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
179 %%a,8 e'[-5(<a-2 cis-3>])
182 a,8\sustainOn e'[-5(<a cis>])-2-3
183 %%r b,-5 <e-3 gis-5 d'>4
184 r b,-5\sustainOff\sustainOn <e gis d'>4-3-5
185 \slurNeutral
186 e,8[-5(\sustainOff
188 | %6
189 a)-2]\sustainOn
190 \slurUp
191 e'[(<a cis>)] r b,\sustainOff\sustainOn <e gis d'>4
192 \slurNeutral
193 e,8[(\sustainOff
195 | %7
199 bassTwo = \new Voice \relative c{
200 \skip 2
201 \skip 1*2
202 \skip 2
204 \stemUp
205 \slurUp
207 cis'4( bis)
210 middleDynamics = {
211 %\override Dynamics.TextScript #'padding = #-1 %tweak
213 s1*2
214 | %4
216 \grace {
218 s16 s s
219 s32 s
220 s\> s
221 s32 s s\! s
224 \textLengthOn
225 s32 s-"rall." s s s8 s4
226 \textLengthOff
227 | %5
228 s2-"a tempo" s8
229 s \> s s
230 | %6
231 s8\!
232 s2 s8 s\> s
233 | %7
234 s8\!
237 theScore = \score{
238 \context PianoStaff <<
239 \new Staff = "treble" <<
240 \set beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (2 2 2 2))
241 ((1 . 32) . (4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4)))))
242 \treble
243 \trebleTwo
245 \new Dynamics <<
246 \middleDynamics
248 \new Staff = "bass" <<
249 \clef bass
250 \bass
251 \bassTwo
254 \layout {
255 \context {
256 \Score
257 pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
258 \remove Bar_number_engraver
263 \book{
264 \score { \theScore }
267 %%% Local variables:
268 %%% coding: utf-8
269 %%% LilyPond-indent-level:2
270 %%% End: