Changes the spanner-placement property of FootnoteSpanner to ly:dir
[lilypond/patrick.git] / input / regression /
1 \version "2.13.45"
3 \header {
4 texidoc = "Clefs for cue notes at the start of a score should print the
5 standard clef plus a small cue clef after the time/key signature."
8 vI = \relative c'' { \clef "treble" \repeat unfold 40 g4 }
9 \addQuote vIQuote { \vI }
11 Solo = \relative c'' {
12 \clef "bass"
13 \cueDuringWithClef #"vIQuote" #DOWN #"treble" { r2 } d,,4 d4 |
16 \score {
18 \new Staff \new Voice \Solo