Changes the spanner-placement property of FootnoteSpanner to ly:dir
[lilypond/patrick.git] / input / regression /
1 \version "2.12.0"
2 \header {
3 texidoc = "Cross staff (kneed) beams do not cause extreme slopes."
6 \layout { ragged-right = ##t}
8 \context PianoStaff <<
9 \new Staff = "up"
10 \relative c'' <<
12 \stemDown
13 f16( d b \change Staff = down \stemUp
14 \clef treble g ~ < g e>8)
16 e[ \change Staff = up
17 \stemDown
18 e e]
19 \change Staff = down
20 \stemUp
21 e8.[
22 \change Staff = up
23 \stemDown
24 e8.]
26 } \\
28 \new Staff = "down" {
29 \time 3/8 \clef bass s4.*3 }