LSR: Update.
[lilypond.git] / scripts /
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 import optparse
4 import sys
5 import re
6 import os
7 import string
8 import codecs
9 import zipfile
10 import StringIO
12 """
13 @relocate-preamble@
14 """
16 import lilylib as ly
17 _ = ly._
19 import musicxml
20 import musicexp
22 from rational import Rational
24 # Store command-line options in a global variable, so we can access them everythwere
25 options = None
27 class Conversion_Settings:
28 def __init__(self):
29 self.ignore_beaming = False
31 conversion_settings = Conversion_Settings ()
32 # Use a global variable to store the setting needed inside a \layout block.
33 # whenever we need to change a setting or add/remove an engraver, we can access
34 # this layout and add the corresponding settings
35 layout_information = musicexp.Layout ()
37 def progress (str):
38 ly.stderr_write (str + '\n')
39 sys.stderr.flush ()
41 def error_message (str):
42 ly.stderr_write (str + '\n')
43 sys.stderr.flush ()
45 needed_additional_definitions = []
46 additional_definitions = {
48 "tuplet-note-wrapper": """ % a formatter function, which is simply a wrapper around an existing
49 % tuplet formatter function. It takes the value returned by the given
50 % function and appends a note of given length.
51 #(define-public ((tuplet-number::append-note-wrapper function note) grob)
52 (let* ((txt (if function (function grob) #f)))
53 (if txt
54 (markup txt #:fontsize -5 #:note note UP)
55 (markup #:fontsize -5 #:note note UP)
58 )""",
60 "tuplet-non-default-denominator": """#(define ((tuplet-number::non-default-tuplet-denominator-text denominator) grob)
61 (number->string (if denominator
62 denominator
63 (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'denominator))))
64 """,
66 "tuplet-non-default-fraction": """#(define ((tuplet-number::non-default-tuplet-fraction-text denominator numerator) grob)
67 (let* ((ev (event-cause grob))
68 (den (if denominator denominator (ly:event-property ev 'denominator)))
69 (num (if numerator numerator (ly:event-property ev 'numerator))))
70 (format "~a:~a" den num)))
71 """,
73 "compound-time-signature": """%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
74 % Formatting of (possibly complex) compound time signatures
75 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
77 #(define-public (insert-markups l m)
78 (let* ((ll (reverse l)))
79 (let join-markups ((markups (list (car ll)))
80 (remaining (cdr ll)))
81 (if (pair? remaining)
82 (join-markups (cons (car remaining) (cons m markups)) (cdr remaining))
83 markups))))
85 % Use a centered-column inside a left-column, because the centered column
86 % moves its reference point to the center, which the left-column undoes.
87 % The center-column also aligns its contented centered, which is not undone...
88 #(define-public (format-time-fraction time-sig-fraction)
89 (let* ((revargs (reverse (map number->string time-sig-fraction)))
90 (den (car revargs))
91 (nums (reverse (cdr revargs))))
92 (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 0)
93 (make-number-markup
94 (make-left-column-markup (list
95 (make-center-column-markup (list
96 (make-line-markup (insert-markups nums "+"))
97 den))))))))
99 #(define-public (format-complex-compound-time time-sig)
100 (let* ((sigs (map format-time-fraction time-sig)))
101 (make-override-markup '(baseline-skip . 0)
102 (make-number-markup
103 (make-line-markup
104 (insert-markups sigs (make-vcenter-markup "+")))))))
106 #(define-public (format-compound-time time-sig)
107 (cond
108 ((not (pair? time-sig)) (null-markup))
109 ((pair? (car time-sig)) (format-complex-compound-time time-sig))
110 (else (format-time-fraction time-sig))))
113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
114 % Measure length calculation of (possibly complex) compound time signatures
115 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
117 #(define-public (calculate-time-fraction time-sig-fraction)
118 (let* ((revargs (reverse time-sig-fraction))
119 (den (car revargs))
120 (nums (cdr revargs)))
121 (ly:make-moment (apply + nums) den)))
123 #(define-public (calculate-complex-compound-time time-sig)
124 (let* ((sigs (map calculate-time-fraction time-sig)))
125 (let add-moment ((moment ZERO-MOMENT)
126 (remaining sigs))
127 (if (pair? remaining)
128 (add-moment (ly:moment-add moment (car remaining)) (cdr remaining))
129 moment))))
131 #(define-public (calculate-compound-measure-length time-sig)
132 (cond
133 ((not (pair? time-sig)) (ly:make-moment 4 4))
134 ((pair? (car time-sig)) (calculate-complex-compound-time time-sig))
135 (else (calculate-time-fraction time-sig))))
138 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
139 % Base beat lenth
140 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
142 #(define-public (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig)
143 (let* ((den (map last time-sig)))
144 (apply max den)))
146 #(define-public (calculate-compound-base-beat time-sig)
147 (ly:make-moment 1 (cond
148 ((not (pair? time-sig)) 4)
149 ((pair? (car time-sig)) (calculate-compound-base-beat-full time-sig))
150 (else (calculate-compound-base-beat-full (list time-sig))))))
153 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
154 % The music function to set the complex time signature
155 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
157 compoundMeter =
158 #(define-music-function (parser location args) (pair?)
159 (let ((mlen (calculate-compound-measure-length args))
160 (beat (calculate-compound-base-beat args)))
162 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
163 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'text = #(format-compound-time $args)
164 % \set Staff.beatGrouping = #(reverse (cdr (reverse $args)))
165 \set Timing.measureLength = $mlen
166 \set Timing.timeSignatureFraction = #(cons (ly:moment-main-numerator $mlen)
167 (ly:moment-main-denominator $mlen))
168 \set Timing.beatLength = $beat
170 % TODO: Implement beatGrouping and auto-beam-settings!!!
171 #} ))
175 def round_to_two_digits (val):
176 return round (val * 100) / 100
178 def extract_paper_information (tree):
179 paper = musicexp.Paper ()
180 defaults = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('defaults')
181 if not defaults:
182 return None
183 tenths = -1
184 scaling = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('scaling')
185 if scaling:
186 mm = scaling.get_named_child ('millimeters')
187 mm = string.atof (mm.get_text ())
188 tn = scaling.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('tenths')
189 tn = string.atof (tn.get_text ())
190 tenths = mm / tn
191 paper.global_staff_size = mm * 72.27 / 25.4
192 # We need the scaling (i.e. the size of staff tenths for everything!
193 if tenths < 0:
194 return None
196 def from_tenths (txt):
197 return round_to_two_digits (string.atof (txt) * tenths / 10)
198 def set_paper_variable (varname, parent, element_name):
199 el = parent.get_maybe_exist_named_child (element_name)
200 if el: # Convert to cm from tenths
201 setattr (paper, varname, from_tenths (el.get_text ()))
203 pagelayout = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('page-layout')
204 if pagelayout:
205 # TODO: How can one have different margins for even and odd pages???
206 set_paper_variable ("page_height", pagelayout, 'page-height')
207 set_paper_variable ("page_width", pagelayout, 'page-width')
209 pmargins = pagelayout.get_named_children ('page-margins')
210 for pm in pmargins:
211 set_paper_variable ("left_margin", pm, 'left-margin')
212 set_paper_variable ("right_margin", pm, 'right-margin')
213 set_paper_variable ("bottom_margin", pm, 'bottom-margin')
214 set_paper_variable ("top_margin", pm, 'top-margin')
216 systemlayout = defaults.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('system-layout')
217 if systemlayout:
218 sl = systemlayout.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('system-margins')
219 if sl:
220 set_paper_variable ("system_left_margin", sl, 'left-margin')
221 set_paper_variable ("system_right_margin", sl, 'right-margin')
222 set_paper_variable ("system_distance", systemlayout, 'system-distance')
223 set_paper_variable ("top_system_distance", systemlayout, 'top-system-distance')
225 stafflayout = defaults.get_named_children ('staff-layout')
226 for sl in stafflayout:
227 nr = getattr (sl, 'number', 1)
228 dist = sl.get_named_child ('staff-distance')
229 #TODO: the staff distance needs to be set in the Staff context!!!
231 # TODO: Finish appearance?, music-font?, word-font?, lyric-font*, lyric-language*
232 appearance = defaults.get_named_child ('appearance')
233 if appearance:
234 lws = appearance.get_named_children ('line-width')
235 for lw in lws:
236 # Possible types are: beam, bracket, dashes,
237 # enclosure, ending, extend, heavy barline, leger,
238 # light barline, octave shift, pedal, slur middle, slur tip,
239 # staff, stem, tie middle, tie tip, tuplet bracket, and wedge
240 tp = lw.type
241 w = from_tenths (lw.get_text ())
242 # TODO: Do something with these values!
243 nss = appearance.get_named_children ('note-size')
244 for ns in nss:
245 # Possible types are: cue, grace and large
246 tp = ns.type
247 sz = from_tenths (ns.get_text ())
248 # TODO: Do something with these values!
249 # <other-appearance> elements have no specified meaning
251 rawmusicfont = defaults.get_named_child ('music-font')
252 if rawmusicfont:
253 # TODO: Convert the font
254 pass
255 rawwordfont = defaults.get_named_child ('word-font')
256 if rawwordfont:
257 # TODO: Convert the font
258 pass
259 rawlyricsfonts = defaults.get_named_children ('lyric-font')
260 for lyricsfont in rawlyricsfonts:
261 # TODO: Convert the font
262 pass
264 return paper
268 # score information is contained in the <work>, <identification> or <movement-title> tags
269 # extract those into a hash, indexed by proper lilypond header attributes
270 def extract_score_information (tree):
271 header = musicexp.Header ()
272 def set_if_exists (field, value):
273 if value:
274 header.set_field (field, musicxml.escape_ly_output_string (value))
276 work = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('work')
277 if work:
278 set_if_exists ('title', work.get_work_title ())
279 set_if_exists ('worknumber', work.get_work_number ())
280 set_if_exists ('opus', work.get_opus ())
281 else:
282 movement_title = tree.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('movement-title')
283 if movement_title:
284 set_if_exists ('title', movement_title.get_text ())
286 identifications = tree.get_named_children ('identification')
287 for ids in identifications:
288 set_if_exists ('copyright', ids.get_rights ())
289 set_if_exists ('composer', ids.get_composer ())
290 set_if_exists ('arranger', ids.get_arranger ())
291 set_if_exists ('editor', ids.get_editor ())
292 set_if_exists ('poet', ids.get_poet ())
294 set_if_exists ('tagline', ids.get_encoding_software ())
295 set_if_exists ('encodingsoftware', ids.get_encoding_software ())
296 set_if_exists ('encodingdate', ids.get_encoding_date ())
297 set_if_exists ('encoder', ids.get_encoding_person ())
298 set_if_exists ('encodingdescription', ids.get_encoding_description ())
300 set_if_exists ('texidoc', ids.get_file_description ());
302 # Finally, apply the required compatibility modes
303 # Some applications created wrong MusicXML files, so we need to
304 # apply some compatibility mode, e.g. ignoring some features/tags
305 # in those files
306 software = ids.get_encoding_software_list ()
308 # Case 1: "Sibelius 5.1" with the "Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius" plugin
309 # is missing all beam ends => ignore all beaming information
310 if "Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius" in software:
311 conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = True
312 progress (_ ("Encountered file created by Dolet 3.4 for Sibelius, containing wrong beaming information. All beaming information in the MusicXML file will be ignored"))
313 # ditto for Dolet 3.5
314 if "Dolet 3.5 for Sibelius" in software:
315 conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = True
316 progress (_ ("Encountered file created by Dolet 3.5 for Sibelius, containing wrong beaming information. All beaming information in the MusicXML file will be ignored"))
317 if "Noteworthy Composer" in software:
318 conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = True
319 progress (_ ("Encountered file created by Noteworthy Composer's nwc2xml, containing wrong beaming information. All beaming information in the MusicXML file will be ignored"))
320 # TODO: Check for other unsupported features
322 return header
324 class PartGroupInfo:
325 def __init__ (self):
326 self.start = {}
327 self.end = {}
328 def is_empty (self):
329 return len (self.start) + len (self.end) == 0
330 def add_start (self, g):
331 self.start[getattr (g, 'number', "1")] = g
332 def add_end (self, g):
333 self.end[getattr (g, 'number', "1")] = g
334 def print_ly (self, printer):
335 error_message (_ ("Unprocessed PartGroupInfo %s encountered") % self)
336 def ly_expression (self):
337 error_message (_ ("Unprocessed PartGroupInfo %s encountered") % self)
338 return ''
340 def staff_attributes_to_string_tunings (mxl_attr):
341 details = mxl_attr.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('staff-details')
342 if not details:
343 return []
344 lines = 6
345 staff_lines = details.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('staff-lines')
346 if staff_lines:
347 lines = string.atoi (staff_lines.get_text ())
349 tunings = [0]*lines
350 staff_tunings = details.get_named_children ('staff-tuning')
351 for i in staff_tunings:
352 p = musicexp.Pitch()
353 line = 0
354 try:
355 line = string.atoi (i.line) - 1
356 except ValueError:
357 pass
358 tunings[line] = p
360 step = i.get_named_child (u'tuning-step')
361 step = step.get_text ().strip ()
362 p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily (step)
364 octave = i.get_named_child (u'tuning-octave')
365 octave = octave.get_text ().strip ()
366 p.octave = int (octave) - 4
368 alter = i.get_named_child (u'tuning-alter')
369 if alter:
370 p.alteration = int (alter.get_text ().strip ())
371 # lilypond seems to use the opposite ordering than MusicXML...
372 tunings.reverse ()
374 return tunings
377 def staff_attributes_to_lily_staff (mxl_attr):
378 if not mxl_attr:
379 return musicexp.Staff ()
381 (staff_id, attributes) = mxl_attr.items ()[0]
383 # distinguish by clef:
384 # percussion (percussion and rhythmic), tab, and everything else
385 clef_sign = None
386 clef = attributes.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('clef')
387 if clef:
388 sign = clef.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('sign')
389 if sign:
390 clef_sign = {"percussion": "percussion", "TAB": "tab"}.get (sign.get_text (), None)
392 lines = 5
393 details = attributes.get_named_children ('staff-details')
394 for d in details:
395 staff_lines = d.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('staff-lines')
396 if staff_lines:
397 lines = string.atoi (staff_lines.get_text ())
399 staff = None
400 if clef_sign == "percussion" and lines == 1:
401 staff = musicexp.RhythmicStaff ()
402 elif clef_sign == "percussion":
403 staff = musicexp.DrumStaff ()
404 # staff.drum_style_table = ???
405 elif clef_sign == "tab":
406 staff = musicexp.TabStaff ()
407 staff.string_tunings = staff_attributes_to_string_tunings (attributes)
408 # staff.tablature_format = ???
409 else:
410 # TODO: Handle case with lines <> 5!
411 staff = musicexp.Staff ()
413 return staff
416 def extract_score_structure (part_list, staffinfo):
417 score = musicexp.Score ()
418 structure = musicexp.StaffGroup (None)
419 score.set_contents (structure)
421 if not part_list:
422 return structure
424 def read_score_part (el):
425 if not isinstance (el, musicxml.Score_part):
426 return
427 # Depending on the attributes of the first measure, we create different
428 # types of staves (Staff, RhythmicStaff, DrumStaff, TabStaff, etc.)
429 staff = staff_attributes_to_lily_staff (staffinfo.get (, None))
430 if not staff:
431 return None
432 =
433 partname = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('part-name')
434 # Finale gives unnamed parts the name "MusicXML Part" automatically!
435 if partname and partname.get_text() != "MusicXML Part":
436 staff.instrument_name = partname.get_text ()
437 if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('part-abbreviation'):
438 staff.short_instrument_name = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('part-abbreviation').get_text ()
439 # TODO: Read in the MIDI device / instrument
440 return staff
442 def read_score_group (el):
443 if not isinstance (el, musicxml.Part_group):
444 return
445 group = musicexp.StaffGroup ()
446 if hasattr (el, 'number'):
447 id = el.number
448 = id
449 #currentgroups_dict[id] = group
450 #currentgroups.append (id)
451 if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-name'):
452 group.instrument_name = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-name').get_text ()
453 if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-abbreviation'):
454 group.short_instrument_name = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-abbreviation').get_text ()
455 if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-symbol'):
456 group.symbol = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-symbol').get_text ()
457 if el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-barline'):
458 group.spanbar = el.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('group-barline').get_text ()
459 return group
462 parts_groups = part_list.get_all_children ()
464 # the start/end group tags are not necessarily ordered correctly and groups
465 # might even overlap, so we can't go through the children sequentially!
467 # 1) Replace all Score_part objects by their corresponding Staff objects,
468 # also collect all group start/stop points into one PartGroupInfo object
469 staves = []
470 group_info = PartGroupInfo ()
471 for el in parts_groups:
472 if isinstance (el, musicxml.Score_part):
473 if not group_info.is_empty ():
474 staves.append (group_info)
475 group_info = PartGroupInfo ()
476 staff = read_score_part (el)
477 if staff:
478 staves.append (staff)
479 elif isinstance (el, musicxml.Part_group):
480 if el.type == "start":
481 group_info.add_start (el)
482 elif el.type == "stop":
483 group_info.add_end (el)
484 if not group_info.is_empty ():
485 staves.append (group_info)
487 # 2) Now, detect the groups:
488 group_starts = []
489 pos = 0
490 while pos < len (staves):
491 el = staves[pos]
492 if isinstance (el, PartGroupInfo):
493 prev_start = 0
494 if len (group_starts) > 0:
495 prev_start = group_starts[-1]
496 elif len (el.end) > 0: # no group to end here
497 el.end = {}
498 if len (el.end) > 0: # closes an existing group
499 ends = el.end.keys ()
500 prev_started = staves[prev_start].start.keys ()
501 grpid = None
502 intersection = filter(lambda x:x in ends, prev_started)
503 if len (intersection) > 0:
504 grpid = intersection[0]
505 else:
506 # Close the last started group
507 grpid = staves[prev_start].start.keys () [0]
508 # Find the corresponding closing tag and remove it!
509 j = pos + 1
510 foundclosing = False
511 while j < len (staves) and not foundclosing:
512 if isinstance (staves[j], PartGroupInfo) and staves[j].end.has_key (grpid):
513 foundclosing = True
514 del staves[j].end[grpid]
515 if staves[j].is_empty ():
516 del staves[j]
517 j += 1
518 grpobj = staves[prev_start].start[grpid]
519 group = read_score_group (grpobj)
520 # remove the id from both the start and end
521 if el.end.has_key (grpid):
522 del el.end[grpid]
523 del staves[prev_start].start[grpid]
524 if el.is_empty ():
525 del staves[pos]
526 # replace the staves with the whole group
527 for j in staves[(prev_start + 1):pos]:
528 group.append_staff (j)
529 del staves[(prev_start + 1):pos]
530 staves.insert (prev_start + 1, group)
531 # reset pos so that we continue at the correct position
532 pos = prev_start
533 # remove an empty start group
534 if staves[prev_start].is_empty ():
535 del staves[prev_start]
536 group_starts.remove (prev_start)
537 pos -= 1
538 elif len (el.start) > 0: # starts new part groups
539 group_starts.append (pos)
540 pos += 1
542 if len (staves) == 1:
543 return staves[0]
544 for i in staves:
545 structure.append_staff (i)
546 return score
549 def musicxml_duration_to_lily (mxl_note):
550 # if the note has no Type child, then that method returns None. In that case,
551 # use the <duration> tag instead. If that doesn't exist, either -> Error
552 dur = mxl_note.get_duration_info ()
553 if dur:
554 d = musicexp.Duration ()
555 d.duration_log = dur[0]
556 d.dots = dur[1]
557 # Grace notes by specification have duration 0, so no time modification
558 # factor is possible. It even messes up the output with *0/1
559 if not mxl_note.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Grace):
560 d.factor = mxl_note._duration / d.get_length ()
561 return d
563 else:
564 if mxl_note._duration > 0:
565 return rational_to_lily_duration (mxl_note._duration)
566 else:
567 mxl_note.message (_ ("Encountered note at %s without type and duration (=%s)") % (mxl_note.start, mxl_note._duration) )
568 return None
571 def rational_to_lily_duration (rational_len):
572 d = musicexp.Duration ()
574 rational_len.normalize_self ()
575 d_log = {1: 0, 2: 1, 4:2, 8:3, 16:4, 32:5, 64:6, 128:7, 256:8, 512:9}.get (rational_len.denominator (), -1)
577 # Duration of the form 1/2^n or 3/2^n can be converted to a simple lilypond duration
578 if (d_log >= 0 and rational_len.numerator() in (1,3,5,7) ):
579 # account for the dots!
580 d.dots = (rational_len.numerator()-1)/2
581 d.duration_log = d_log - d.dots
582 elif (d_log >= 0):
583 d.duration_log = d_log
584 d.factor = Rational (rational_len.numerator ())
585 else:
586 error_message (_ ("Encountered rational duration with denominator %s, "
587 "unable to convert to lilypond duration") %
588 rational_len.denominator ())
589 # TODO: Test the above error message
590 return None
592 return d
594 def musicxml_partial_to_lily (partial_len):
595 if partial_len > 0:
596 p = musicexp.Partial ()
597 p.partial = rational_to_lily_duration (partial_len)
598 return p
599 else:
600 return Null
602 # Detect repeats and alternative endings in the chord event list (music_list)
603 # and convert them to the corresponding musicexp objects, containing nested
604 # music
605 def group_repeats (music_list):
606 repeat_replaced = True
607 music_start = 0
608 i = 0
609 # Walk through the list of expressions, looking for repeat structure
610 # (repeat start/end, corresponding endings). If we find one, try to find the
611 # last event of the repeat, replace the whole structure and start over again.
612 # For nested repeats, as soon as we encounter another starting repeat bar,
613 # treat that one first, and start over for the outer repeat.
614 while repeat_replaced and i < 100:
615 i += 1
616 repeat_start = -1 # position of repeat start / end
617 repeat_end = -1 # position of repeat start / end
618 repeat_times = 0
619 ending_start = -1 # position of current ending start
620 endings = [] # list of already finished endings
621 pos = 0
622 last = len (music_list) - 1
623 repeat_replaced = False
624 final_marker = 0
625 while pos < len (music_list) and not repeat_replaced:
626 e = music_list[pos]
627 repeat_finished = False
628 if isinstance (e, RepeatMarker):
629 if not repeat_times and e.times:
630 repeat_times = e.times
631 if e.direction == -1:
632 if repeat_end >= 0:
633 repeat_finished = True
634 else:
635 repeat_start = pos
636 repeat_end = -1
637 ending_start = -1
638 endings = []
639 elif e.direction == 1:
640 if repeat_start < 0:
641 repeat_start = 0
642 if repeat_end < 0:
643 repeat_end = pos
644 final_marker = pos
645 elif isinstance (e, EndingMarker):
646 if e.direction == -1:
647 if repeat_start < 0:
648 repeat_start = 0
649 if repeat_end < 0:
650 repeat_end = pos
651 ending_start = pos
652 elif e.direction == 1:
653 if ending_start < 0:
654 ending_start = 0
655 endings.append ([ending_start, pos])
656 ending_start = -1
657 final_marker = pos
658 elif not isinstance (e, musicexp.BarLine):
659 # As soon as we encounter an element when repeat start and end
660 # is set and we are not inside an alternative ending,
661 # this whole repeat structure is finished => replace it
662 if repeat_start >= 0 and repeat_end > 0 and ending_start < 0:
663 repeat_finished = True
665 # Finish off all repeats without explicit ending bar (e.g. when
666 # we convert only one page of a multi-page score with repeats)
667 if pos == last and repeat_start >= 0:
668 repeat_finished = True
669 final_marker = pos
670 if repeat_end < 0:
671 repeat_end = pos
672 if ending_start >= 0:
673 endings.append ([ending_start, pos])
674 ending_start = -1
676 if repeat_finished:
677 # We found the whole structure replace it!
678 r = musicexp.RepeatedMusic ()
679 if repeat_times <= 0:
680 repeat_times = 2
681 r.repeat_count = repeat_times
682 # don't erase the first element for "implicit" repeats (i.e. no
683 # starting repeat bars at the very beginning)
684 start = repeat_start+1
685 if repeat_start == music_start:
686 start = music_start
687 r.set_music (music_list[start:repeat_end])
688 for (start, end) in endings:
689 s = musicexp.SequentialMusic ()
690 s.elements = music_list[start+1:end]
691 r.add_ending (s)
692 del music_list[repeat_start:final_marker+1]
693 music_list.insert (repeat_start, r)
694 repeat_replaced = True
695 pos += 1
696 # TODO: Implement repeats until the end without explicit ending bar
697 return music_list
700 # Extract the settings for tuplets from the <notations><tuplet> and the
701 # <time-modification> elements of the note:
702 def musicxml_tuplet_to_lily (tuplet_elt, time_modification):
703 tsm = musicexp.TimeScaledMusic ()
704 fraction = (1,1)
705 if time_modification:
706 fraction = time_modification.get_fraction ()
707 tsm.numerator = fraction[0]
708 tsm.denominator = fraction[1]
711 normal_type = tuplet_elt.get_normal_type ()
712 if not normal_type and time_modification:
713 normal_type = time_modification.get_normal_type ()
714 if not normal_type and time_modification:
715 note = time_modification.get_parent ()
716 if note:
717 normal_type = note.get_duration_info ()
718 if normal_type:
719 normal_note = musicexp.Duration ()
720 (normal_note.duration_log, normal_note.dots) = normal_type
721 tsm.normal_type = normal_note
723 actual_type = tuplet_elt.get_actual_type ()
724 if actual_type:
725 actual_note = musicexp.Duration ()
726 (actual_note.duration_log, actual_note.dots) = actual_type
727 tsm.actual_type = actual_note
729 # Obtain non-default nrs of notes from the tuplet object!
730 tsm.display_numerator = tuplet_elt.get_normal_nr ()
731 tsm.display_denominator = tuplet_elt.get_actual_nr ()
734 if hasattr (tuplet_elt, 'bracket') and tuplet_elt.bracket == "no":
735 tsm.display_bracket = None
736 elif hasattr (tuplet_elt, 'line-shape') and getattr (tuplet_elt, 'line-shape') == "curved":
737 tsm.display_bracket = "curved"
738 else:
739 tsm.display_bracket = "bracket"
741 display_values = {"none": None, "actual": "actual", "both": "both"}
742 if hasattr (tuplet_elt, "show-number"):
743 tsm.display_number = display_values.get (getattr (tuplet_elt, "show-number"), "actual")
745 if hasattr (tuplet_elt, "show-type"):
746 tsm.display_type = display_values.get (getattr (tuplet_elt, "show-type"), None)
748 return tsm
751 def group_tuplets (music_list, events):
754 """Collect Musics from
755 MUSIC_LIST demarcated by EVENTS_LIST in TimeScaledMusic objects.
759 indices = []
760 brackets = {}
762 j = 0
763 for (ev_chord, tuplet_elt, time_modification) in events:
764 while (j < len (music_list)):
765 if music_list[j] == ev_chord:
766 break
767 j += 1
768 nr = 0
769 if hasattr (tuplet_elt, 'number'):
770 nr = getattr (tuplet_elt, 'number')
771 if tuplet_elt.type == 'start':
772 tuplet_object = musicxml_tuplet_to_lily (tuplet_elt, time_modification)
773 tuplet_info = [j, None, tuplet_object]
774 indices.append (tuplet_info)
775 brackets[nr] = tuplet_info
776 elif tuplet_elt.type == 'stop':
777 bracket_info = brackets.get (nr, None)
778 if bracket_info:
779 bracket_info[1] = j # Set the ending position to j
780 del brackets[nr]
782 new_list = []
783 last = 0
784 for (i1, i2, tsm) in indices:
785 if i1 > i2:
786 continue
788 new_list.extend (music_list[last:i1])
789 seq = musicexp.SequentialMusic ()
790 last = i2 + 1
791 seq.elements = music_list[i1:last]
793 tsm.element = seq
795 new_list.append (tsm)
796 #TODO: Handle nested tuplets!!!!
798 new_list.extend (music_list[last:])
799 return new_list
802 def musicxml_clef_to_lily (attributes):
803 change = musicexp.ClefChange ()
804 (change.type, change.position, change.octave) = attributes.get_clef_information ()
805 return change
807 def musicxml_time_to_lily (attributes):
808 sig = attributes.get_time_signature ()
809 if not sig:
810 return None
811 change = musicexp.TimeSignatureChange()
812 change.fractions = sig
813 if (len(sig) != 2) or isinstance (sig[0], list):
814 needed_additional_definitions.append ("compound-time-signature")
816 time_elm = attributes.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('time')
817 if time_elm and hasattr (time_elm, 'symbol'):
818 = { 'single-number': "'single-digit",
819 'cut': None,
820 'common': None,
821 'normal': "'()"}.get (time_elm.symbol, "'()")
822 else:
823 = "'()"
825 # TODO: Handle senza-misura measures
826 # TODO: Handle hidden time signatures (print-object="no")
827 # TODO: What shall we do if the symbol clashes with the sig? e.g. "cut"
828 # with 3/8 or "single-number" with (2+3)/8 or 3/8+2/4?
830 return change
832 def musicxml_key_to_lily (attributes):
833 key_sig = attributes.get_key_signature ()
834 if not key_sig or not (isinstance (key_sig, list) or isinstance (key_sig, tuple)):
835 error_message (_ ("Unable to extract key signature!"))
836 return None
838 change = musicexp.KeySignatureChange()
840 if len (key_sig) == 2 and not isinstance (key_sig[0], list):
841 # standard key signature, (fifths, mode)
842 (fifths, mode) = key_sig
843 change.mode = mode
845 start_pitch = musicexp.Pitch ()
846 start_pitch.octave = 0
847 try:
848 (n,a) = {
849 'major' : (0,0),
850 'minor' : (5,0),
851 'ionian' : (0,0),
852 'dorian' : (1,0),
853 'phrygian' : (2,0),
854 'lydian' : (3,0),
855 'mixolydian': (4,0),
856 'aeolian' : (5,0),
857 'locrian' : (6,0),
858 }[mode]
859 start_pitch.step = n
860 start_pitch.alteration = a
861 except KeyError:
862 error_message (_ ("unknown mode %s, expecting 'major' or 'minor' "
863 "or a church mode!") % mode)
865 fifth = musicexp.Pitch()
866 fifth.step = 4
867 if fifths < 0:
868 fifths *= -1
869 fifth.step *= -1
870 fifth.normalize ()
871 for x in range (fifths):
872 start_pitch = start_pitch.transposed (fifth)
873 change.tonic = start_pitch
875 else:
876 # Non-standard key signature of the form [[step,alter<,octave>],...]
877 change.non_standard_alterations = key_sig
878 return change
880 def musicxml_transpose_to_lily (attributes):
881 transpose = attributes.get_transposition ()
882 if not transpose:
883 return None
885 shift = musicexp.Pitch ()
886 octave_change = transpose.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('octave-change')
887 if octave_change:
888 shift.octave = string.atoi (octave_change.get_text ())
889 chromatic_shift = string.atoi (transpose.get_named_child ('chromatic').get_text ())
890 chromatic_shift_normalized = chromatic_shift % 12;
891 (shift.step, shift.alteration) = [
892 (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (2,-1), (2,0),
893 (3,0), (3,1), (4,0), (5,-1), (5,0),
894 (6,-1), (6,0)][chromatic_shift_normalized];
896 shift.octave += (chromatic_shift - chromatic_shift_normalized) / 12
898 diatonic = transpose.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('diatonic')
899 if diatonic:
900 diatonic_step = string.atoi (diatonic.get_text ()) % 7
901 if diatonic_step != shift.step:
902 # We got the alter incorrect!
903 old_semitones = shift.semitones ()
904 shift.step = diatonic_step
905 new_semitones = shift.semitones ()
906 shift.alteration += old_semitones - new_semitones
908 transposition = musicexp.Transposition ()
909 transposition.pitch = musicexp.Pitch ().transposed (shift)
910 return transposition
913 def musicxml_attributes_to_lily (attrs):
914 elts = []
915 attr_dispatch = {
916 'clef': musicxml_clef_to_lily,
917 'time': musicxml_time_to_lily,
918 'key': musicxml_key_to_lily,
919 'transpose': musicxml_transpose_to_lily,
921 for (k, func) in attr_dispatch.items ():
922 children = attrs.get_named_children (k)
923 if children:
924 ev = func (attrs)
925 if ev:
926 elts.append (ev)
928 return elts
930 class Marker (musicexp.Music):
931 def __init__ (self):
932 self.direction = 0
933 self.event = None
934 def print_ly (self, printer):
935 ly.stderr_write (_ ("Encountered unprocessed marker %s\n") % self)
936 pass
937 def ly_expression (self):
938 return ""
939 class RepeatMarker (Marker):
940 def __init__ (self):
941 Marker.__init__ (self)
942 self.times = 0
943 class EndingMarker (Marker):
944 pass
946 # Convert the <barline> element to musicxml.BarLine (for non-standard barlines)
947 # and to RepeatMarker and EndingMarker objects for repeat and
948 # alternatives start/stops
949 def musicxml_barline_to_lily (barline):
950 # retval contains all possible markers in the order:
951 # 0..bw_ending, 1..bw_repeat, 2..barline, 3..fw_repeat, 4..fw_ending
952 retval = {}
953 bartype_element = barline.get_maybe_exist_named_child ("bar-style")
954 repeat_element = barline.get_maybe_exist_named_child ("repeat")
955 ending_element = barline.get_maybe_exist_named_child ("ending")
957 bartype = None
958 if bartype_element:
959 bartype = bartype_element.get_text ()
961 if repeat_element and hasattr (repeat_element, 'direction'):
962 repeat = RepeatMarker ()
963 repeat.direction = {"forward": -1, "backward": 1}.get (repeat_element.direction, 0)
965 if ( (repeat_element.direction == "forward" and bartype == "heavy-light") or
966 (repeat_element.direction == "backward" and bartype == "light-heavy") ):
967 bartype = None
968 if hasattr (repeat_element, 'times'):
969 try:
970 repeat.times = int (repeat_element.times)
971 except ValueError:
972 repeat.times = 2
973 repeat.event = barline
974 if repeat.direction == -1:
975 retval[3] = repeat
976 else:
977 retval[1] = repeat
979 if ending_element and hasattr (ending_element, 'type'):
980 ending = EndingMarker ()
981 ending.direction = {"start": -1, "stop": 1, "discontinue": 1}.get (ending_element.type, 0)
982 ending.event = barline
983 if ending.direction == -1:
984 retval[4] = ending
985 else:
986 retval[0] = ending
988 if bartype:
989 b = musicexp.BarLine ()
990 b.type = bartype
991 retval[2] = b
993 return retval.values ()
995 spanner_event_dict = {
996 'beam' : musicexp.BeamEvent,
997 'dashes' : musicexp.TextSpannerEvent,
998 'bracket' : musicexp.BracketSpannerEvent,
999 'glissando' : musicexp.GlissandoEvent,
1000 'octave-shift' : musicexp.OctaveShiftEvent,
1001 'pedal' : musicexp.PedalEvent,
1002 'slide' : musicexp.GlissandoEvent,
1003 'slur' : musicexp.SlurEvent,
1004 'wavy-line' : musicexp.TrillSpanEvent,
1005 'wedge' : musicexp.HairpinEvent
1007 spanner_type_dict = {
1008 'start': -1,
1009 'begin': -1,
1010 'crescendo': -1,
1011 'decreschendo': -1,
1012 'diminuendo': -1,
1013 'continue': 0,
1014 'change': 0,
1015 'up': -1,
1016 'down': -1,
1017 'stop': 1,
1018 'end' : 1
1021 def musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1022 ev = None
1024 name = mxl_event.get_name()
1025 func = spanner_event_dict.get (name)
1026 if func:
1027 ev = func()
1028 else:
1029 error_message (_ ('unknown span event %s') % mxl_event)
1032 type = mxl_event.get_type ()
1033 span_direction = spanner_type_dict.get (type)
1034 # really check for None, because some types will be translated to 0, which
1035 # would otherwise also lead to the unknown span warning
1036 if span_direction != None:
1037 ev.span_direction = span_direction
1038 else:
1039 error_message (_ ('unknown span type %s for %s') % (type, name))
1041 ev.set_span_type (type)
1042 ev.line_type = getattr (mxl_event, 'line-type', 'solid')
1044 # assign the size, which is used for octave-shift, etc.
1045 ev.size = mxl_event.get_size ()
1047 return ev
1049 def musicxml_direction_to_indicator (direction):
1050 return { "above": 1, "upright": 1, "up": 1, "below": -1, "downright": -1, "down": -1, "inverted": -1 }.get (direction, 0)
1052 def musicxml_fermata_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1053 ev = musicexp.ArticulationEvent ()
1054 txt = mxl_event.get_text ()
1055 # The contents of the element defined the shape, possible are normal, angled and square
1056 ev.type = { "angled": "shortfermata", "square": "longfermata" }.get (txt, "fermata")
1057 if hasattr (mxl_event, 'type'):
1058 dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (mxl_event.type)
1059 if dir and options.convert_directions:
1060 ev.force_direction = dir
1061 return ev
1063 def musicxml_arpeggiate_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1064 ev = musicexp.ArpeggioEvent ()
1065 ev.direction = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (getattr (mxl_event, 'direction', None))
1066 return ev
1068 def musicxml_nonarpeggiate_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1069 ev = musicexp.ArpeggioEvent ()
1070 ev.non_arpeggiate = True
1071 ev.direction = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (getattr (mxl_event, 'direction', None))
1072 return ev
1074 def musicxml_tremolo_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1075 ev = musicexp.TremoloEvent ()
1076 txt = mxl_event.get_text ()
1077 if txt:
1078 ev.bars = txt
1079 else:
1080 ev.bars = "3"
1081 return ev
1083 def musicxml_falloff_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1084 ev = musicexp.BendEvent ()
1085 ev.alter = -4
1086 return ev
1088 def musicxml_doit_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1089 ev = musicexp.BendEvent ()
1090 ev.alter = 4
1091 return ev
1093 def musicxml_bend_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1094 ev = musicexp.BendEvent ()
1095 ev.alter = mxl_event.bend_alter ()
1096 return ev
1098 def musicxml_caesura_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1099 ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent ()
1100 # FIXME: default to straight or curved caesura?
1101 ev.contents = "\\musicglyph #\"scripts.caesura.straight\""
1102 ev.force_direction = 1
1103 return ev
1105 def musicxml_fingering_event (mxl_event):
1106 ev = musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent ()
1107 ev.type = mxl_event.get_text ()
1108 return ev
1110 def musicxml_string_event (mxl_event):
1111 ev = musicexp.NoDirectionArticulationEvent ()
1112 ev.type = mxl_event.get_text ()
1113 return ev
1115 def musicxml_accidental_mark (mxl_event):
1116 ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent ()
1117 contents = { "sharp": "\\sharp",
1118 "natural": "\\natural",
1119 "flat": "\\flat",
1120 "double-sharp": "\\doublesharp",
1121 "sharp-sharp": "\\sharp\\sharp",
1122 "flat-flat": "\\flat\\flat",
1123 "flat-flat": "\\doubleflat",
1124 "natural-sharp": "\\natural\\sharp",
1125 "natural-flat": "\\natural\\flat",
1126 "quarter-flat": "\\semiflat",
1127 "quarter-sharp": "\\semisharp",
1128 "three-quarters-flat": "\\sesquiflat",
1129 "three-quarters-sharp": "\\sesquisharp",
1130 }.get (mxl_event.get_text ())
1131 if contents:
1132 ev.contents = contents
1133 return ev
1134 else:
1135 return None
1137 # translate articulations, ornaments and other notations into ArticulationEvents
1138 # possible values:
1139 # -) string (ArticulationEvent with that name)
1140 # -) function (function(mxl_event) needs to return a full ArticulationEvent-derived object
1141 # -) (class, name) (like string, only that a different class than ArticulationEvent is used)
1142 # TODO: Some translations are missing!
1143 articulations_dict = {
1144 "accent": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, ">"), # or "accent"
1145 "accidental-mark": musicxml_accidental_mark,
1146 "bend": musicxml_bend_to_lily_event,
1147 "breath-mark": (musicexp.NoDirectionArticulationEvent, "breathe"),
1148 "caesura": musicxml_caesura_to_lily_event,
1149 #"delayed-turn": "?",
1150 "detached-legato": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "_"), # or "portato"
1151 "doit": musicxml_doit_to_lily_event,
1152 #"double-tongue": "?",
1153 "down-bow": "downbow",
1154 "falloff": musicxml_falloff_to_lily_event,
1155 "fingering": musicxml_fingering_event,
1156 #"fingernails": "?",
1157 #"fret": "?",
1158 #"hammer-on": "?",
1159 "harmonic": "flageolet",
1160 #"heel": "?",
1161 "inverted-mordent": "prall",
1162 "inverted-turn": "reverseturn",
1163 "mordent": "mordent",
1164 "open-string": "open",
1165 #"plop": "?",
1166 #"pluck": "?",
1167 #"pull-off": "?",
1168 #"schleifer": "?",
1169 #"scoop": "?",
1170 #"shake": "?",
1171 "snap-pizzicato": "snappizzicato",
1172 #"spiccato": "?",
1173 "staccatissimo": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "|"), # or "staccatissimo"
1174 "staccato": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "."), # or "staccato"
1175 "stopped": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "+"), # or "stopped"
1176 #"stress": "?",
1177 "string": musicxml_string_event,
1178 "strong-accent": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "^"), # or "marcato"
1179 #"tap": "?",
1180 "tenuto": (musicexp.ShortArticulationEvent, "-"), # or "tenuto"
1181 "thumb-position": "thumb",
1182 #"toe": "?",
1183 "turn": "turn",
1184 "tremolo": musicxml_tremolo_to_lily_event,
1185 "trill-mark": "trill",
1186 #"triple-tongue": "?",
1187 #"unstress": "?"
1188 "up-bow": "upbow",
1189 #"wavy-line": "?",
1191 articulation_spanners = [ "wavy-line" ]
1193 def musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event (mxl_event):
1194 # wavy-line elements are treated as trill spanners, not as articulation ornaments
1195 if mxl_event.get_name () in articulation_spanners:
1196 return musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (mxl_event)
1198 tmp_tp = articulations_dict.get (mxl_event.get_name ())
1199 if not tmp_tp:
1200 return
1202 if isinstance (tmp_tp, str):
1203 ev = musicexp.ArticulationEvent ()
1204 ev.type = tmp_tp
1205 elif isinstance (tmp_tp, tuple):
1206 ev = tmp_tp[0] ()
1207 ev.type = tmp_tp[1]
1208 else:
1209 ev = tmp_tp (mxl_event)
1211 # Some articulations use the type attribute, other the placement...
1212 dir = None
1213 if hasattr (mxl_event, 'type') and options.convert_directions:
1214 dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (mxl_event.type)
1215 if hasattr (mxl_event, 'placement') and options.convert_directions:
1216 dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (mxl_event.placement)
1217 if dir:
1218 ev.force_direction = dir
1219 return ev
1223 def musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event (dynentry):
1224 dynamics_available = (
1225 "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp", "mf",
1226 "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff", "fp", "sf", "sff", "sp", "spp", "sfz", "rfz" )
1227 dynamicsname = dynentry.get_name ()
1228 if dynamicsname == "other-dynamics":
1229 dynamicsname = dynentry.get_text ()
1230 if not dynamicsname or dynamicsname=="#text":
1231 return
1233 if not dynamicsname in dynamics_available:
1234 # Get rid of - in tag names (illegal in ly tags!)
1235 dynamicstext = dynamicsname
1236 dynamicsname = string.replace (dynamicsname, "-", "")
1237 additional_definitions[dynamicsname] = dynamicsname + \
1238 " = #(make-dynamic-script \"" + dynamicstext + "\")"
1239 needed_additional_definitions.append (dynamicsname)
1240 event = musicexp.DynamicsEvent ()
1241 event.type = dynamicsname
1242 return event
1244 # Convert single-color two-byte strings to numbers 0.0 - 1.0
1245 def hexcolorval_to_nr (hex_val):
1246 try:
1247 v = int (hex_val, 16)
1248 if v == 255:
1249 v = 256
1250 return v / 256.
1251 except ValueError:
1252 return 0.
1254 def hex_to_color (hex_val):
1255 res = re.match (r'#([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|)([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])$', hex_val, re.IGNORECASE)
1256 if res:
1257 return map (lambda x: hexcolorval_to_nr (x), (2,3,4))
1258 else:
1259 return None
1261 def musicxml_words_to_lily_event (words):
1262 event = musicexp.TextEvent ()
1263 text = words.get_text ()
1264 text = re.sub ('^ *\n? *', '', text)
1265 text = re.sub (' *\n? *$', '', text)
1266 event.text = text
1268 if hasattr (words, 'default-y') and options.convert_directions:
1269 offset = getattr (words, 'default-y')
1270 try:
1271 off = string.atoi (offset)
1272 if off > 0:
1273 event.force_direction = 1
1274 else:
1275 event.force_direction = -1
1276 except ValueError:
1277 event.force_direction = 0
1279 if hasattr (words, 'font-weight'):
1280 font_weight = { "normal": '', "bold": '\\bold' }.get (getattr (words, 'font-weight'), '')
1281 if font_weight:
1282 event.markup += font_weight
1284 if hasattr (words, 'font-size'):
1285 size = getattr (words, 'font-size')
1286 font_size = {
1287 "xx-small": '\\teeny',
1288 "x-small": '\\tiny',
1289 "small": '\\small',
1290 "medium": '',
1291 "large": '\\large',
1292 "x-large": '\\huge',
1293 "xx-large": '\\larger\\huge'
1294 }.get (size, '')
1295 if font_size:
1296 event.markup += font_size
1298 if hasattr (words, 'color'):
1299 color = getattr (words, 'color')
1300 rgb = hex_to_color (color)
1301 if rgb:
1302 event.markup += "\\with-color #(rgb-color %s %s %s)" % (rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
1304 if hasattr (words, 'font-style'):
1305 font_style = { "italic": '\\italic' }.get (getattr (words, 'font-style'), '')
1306 if font_style:
1307 event.markup += font_style
1309 # TODO: How should I best convert the font-family attribute?
1311 # TODO: How can I represent the underline, overline and line-through
1312 # attributes in Lilypond? Values of these attributes indicate
1313 # the number of lines
1315 return event
1318 # convert accordion-registration to lilypond.
1319 # Since lilypond does not have any built-in commands, we need to create
1320 # the markup commands manually and define our own variables.
1321 # Idea was taken from:
1322 def musicxml_accordion_to_markup (mxl_event):
1323 commandname = "accReg"
1324 command = ""
1326 high = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('accordion-high')
1327 if high:
1328 commandname += "H"
1329 command += """\\combine
1330 \\raise #2.5 \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1332 middle = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('accordion-middle')
1333 if middle:
1334 # By default, use one dot (when no or invalid content is given). The
1335 # MusicXML spec is quiet about this case...
1336 txt = 1
1337 try:
1338 txt = string.atoi (middle.get_text ())
1339 except ValueError:
1340 pass
1341 if txt == 3:
1342 commandname += "MMM"
1343 command += """\\combine
1344 \\raise #1.5 \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1345 \\combine
1346 \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons 1 0) \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1347 \\combine
1348 \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons -1 0) \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1350 elif txt == 2:
1351 commandname += "MM"
1352 command += """\\combine
1353 \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons 0.5 0) \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1354 \\combine
1355 \\raise #1.5 \\translate #(cons -0.5 0) \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1357 elif not txt <= 0:
1358 commandname += "M"
1359 command += """\\combine
1360 \\raise #1.5 \\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1362 low = mxl_event.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('accordion-low')
1363 if low:
1364 commandname += "L"
1365 command += """\\combine
1366 \\raise #0.5 \musicglyph #\"accordion.accDot\"
1369 command += "\musicglyph #\"accordion.accDiscant\""
1370 command = "\\markup { \\normalsize %s }" % command
1371 # Define the newly built command \accReg[H][MMM][L]
1372 additional_definitions[commandname] = "%s = %s" % (commandname, command)
1373 needed_additional_definitions.append (commandname)
1374 return "\\%s" % commandname
1376 def musicxml_accordion_to_ly (mxl_event):
1377 txt = musicxml_accordion_to_markup (mxl_event)
1378 if txt:
1379 ev = musicexp.MarkEvent (txt)
1380 return ev
1381 return
1384 def musicxml_rehearsal_to_ly_mark (mxl_event):
1385 text = mxl_event.get_text ()
1386 if not text:
1387 return
1388 # default is boxed rehearsal marks!
1389 encl = "box"
1390 if hasattr (mxl_event, 'enclosure'):
1391 encl = {"none": None, "square": "box", "circle": "circle" }.get (mxl_event.enclosure, None)
1392 if encl:
1393 text = "\\%s { %s }" % (encl, text)
1394 ev = musicexp.MarkEvent ("\\markup { %s }" % text)
1395 return ev
1397 def musicxml_harp_pedals_to_ly (mxl_event):
1398 count = 0
1399 result = "\\harp-pedal #\""
1400 for t in mxl_event.get_named_children ('pedal-tuning'):
1401 alter = t.get_named_child ('pedal-alter')
1402 if alter:
1403 val = int (alter.get_text ().strip ())
1404 result += {1: "v", 0: "-", -1: "^"}.get (val, "")
1405 count += 1
1406 if count == 3:
1407 result += "|"
1408 ev = musicexp.MarkupEvent ()
1409 ev.contents = result + "\""
1410 return ev
1412 def musicxml_eyeglasses_to_ly (mxl_event):
1413 needed_additional_definitions.append ("eyeglasses")
1414 return musicexp.MarkEvent ("\\markup { \\eyeglasses }")
1416 def next_non_hash_index (lst, pos):
1417 pos += 1
1418 while pos < len (lst) and isinstance (lst[pos], musicxml.Hash_text):
1419 pos += 1
1420 return pos
1422 def musicxml_metronome_to_ly (mxl_event):
1423 children = mxl_event.get_all_children ()
1424 if not children:
1425 return
1427 index = -1
1428 index = next_non_hash_index (children, index)
1429 if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnit):
1430 # first form of metronome-mark, using unit and beats/min or other unit
1431 ev = musicexp.TempoMark ()
1432 if hasattr (mxl_event, 'parentheses'):
1433 ev.set_parentheses (mxl_event.parentheses == "yes")
1435 d = musicexp.Duration ()
1436 d.duration_log = musicxml.musicxml_duration_to_log (children[index].get_text ())
1437 index = next_non_hash_index (children, index)
1438 if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
1439 d.dots = 1
1440 index = next_non_hash_index (children, index)
1441 ev.set_base_duration (d)
1442 if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnit):
1443 # Form "note = newnote"
1444 newd = musicexp.Duration ()
1445 newd.duration_log = musicxml.musicxml_duration_to_log (children[index].get_text ())
1446 index = next_non_hash_index (children, index)
1447 if isinstance (children[index], musicxml.BeatUnitDot):
1448 newd.dots = 1
1449 index = next_non_hash_index (children, index)
1450 ev.set_new_duration (newd)
1451 elif isinstance (children[index], musicxml.PerMinute):
1452 # Form "note = bpm"
1453 try:
1454 beats = int (children[index].get_text ())
1455 ev.set_beats_per_minute (beats)
1456 except ValueError:
1457 pass
1458 else:
1459 error_message (_ ("Unknown metronome mark, ignoring"))
1460 return
1461 return ev
1462 else:
1463 #TODO: Implement the other (more complex) way for tempo marks!
1464 error_message (_ ("Metronome marks with complex relations (<metronome-note> in MusicXML) are not yet implemented."))
1465 return
1467 # translate directions into Events, possible values:
1468 # -) string (MarkEvent with that command)
1469 # -) function (function(mxl_event) needs to return a full Event-derived object
1470 # -) (class, name) (like string, only that a different class than MarkEvent is used)
1471 directions_dict = {
1472 'accordion-registration' : musicxml_accordion_to_ly,
1473 'coda' : (musicexp.MusicGlyphMarkEvent, "coda"),
1474 # 'damp' : ???
1475 # 'damp-all' : ???
1476 'eyeglasses': musicxml_eyeglasses_to_ly,
1477 'harp-pedals' : musicxml_harp_pedals_to_ly,
1478 # 'image' : ???
1479 'metronome' : musicxml_metronome_to_ly,
1480 'rehearsal' : musicxml_rehearsal_to_ly_mark,
1481 # 'scordatura' : ???
1482 'segno' : (musicexp.MusicGlyphMarkEvent, "segno"),
1483 'words' : musicxml_words_to_lily_event,
1485 directions_spanners = [ 'octave-shift', 'pedal', 'wedge', 'dashes', 'bracket' ]
1487 def musicxml_direction_to_lily (n):
1488 # TODO: Handle the <staff> element!
1489 res = []
1490 # placement applies to all children!
1491 dir = None
1492 if hasattr (n, 'placement') and options.convert_directions:
1493 dir = musicxml_direction_to_indicator (n.placement)
1494 dirtype_children = []
1495 # TODO: The direction-type is used for grouping (e.g. dynamics with text),
1496 # so we can't simply flatten them out!
1497 for dt in n.get_typed_children (musicxml.DirType):
1498 dirtype_children += dt.get_all_children ()
1500 for entry in dirtype_children:
1501 # backets, dashes, octave shifts. pedal marks, hairpins etc. are spanners:
1502 if entry.get_name() in directions_spanners:
1503 event = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (entry)
1504 if event:
1505 res.append (event)
1506 continue
1508 # now treat all the "simple" ones, that can be translated using the dict
1509 ev = None
1510 tmp_tp = directions_dict.get (entry.get_name (), None)
1511 if isinstance (tmp_tp, str): # string means MarkEvent
1512 ev = musicexp.MarkEvent (tmp_tp)
1513 elif isinstance (tmp_tp, tuple): # tuple means (EventClass, "text")
1514 ev = tmp_tp[0] (tmp_tp[1])
1515 elif tmp_tp:
1516 ev = tmp_tp (entry)
1517 if ev:
1518 # TODO: set the correct direction! Unfortunately, \mark in ly does
1519 # not seem to support directions!
1520 res.append (ev)
1521 continue
1523 if entry.get_name () == "dynamics":
1524 for dynentry in entry.get_all_children ():
1525 ev = musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event (dynentry)
1526 if ev:
1527 res.append (ev)
1529 return res
1531 def musicxml_frame_to_lily_event (frame):
1532 ev = musicexp.FretEvent ()
1533 ev.strings = frame.get_strings ()
1534 ev.frets = frame.get_frets ()
1535 #offset = frame.get_first_fret () - 1
1536 barre = []
1537 for fn in frame.get_named_children ('frame-note'):
1538 fret = fn.get_fret ()
1539 if fret <= 0:
1540 fret = "o"
1541 el = [ fn.get_string (), fret ]
1542 fingering = fn.get_fingering ()
1543 if fingering >= 0:
1544 el.append (fingering)
1545 ev.elements.append (el)
1546 b = fn.get_barre ()
1547 if b == 'start':
1548 barre[0] = el[0] # start string
1549 barre[2] = el[1] # fret
1550 elif b == 'stop':
1551 barre[1] = el[0] # end string
1552 if barre:
1553 ev.barre = barre
1554 return ev
1556 def musicxml_harmony_to_lily (n):
1557 res = []
1558 for f in n.get_named_children ('frame'):
1559 ev = musicxml_frame_to_lily_event (f)
1560 if ev:
1561 res.append (ev)
1562 return res
1565 notehead_styles_dict = {
1566 'slash': '\'slash',
1567 'triangle': '\'triangle',
1568 'diamond': '\'diamond',
1569 'square': '\'la', # TODO: Proper squared note head
1570 'cross': None, # TODO: + shaped note head
1571 'x': '\'cross',
1572 'circle-x': '\'xcircle',
1573 'inverted triangle': None, # TODO: Implement
1574 'arrow down': None, # TODO: Implement
1575 'arrow up': None, # TODO: Implement
1576 'slashed': None, # TODO: Implement
1577 'back slashed': None, # TODO: Implement
1578 'normal': None,
1579 'cluster': None, # TODO: Implement
1580 'none': '#f',
1581 'do': '\'do',
1582 're': '\'re',
1583 'mi': '\'mi',
1584 'fa': '\'fa',
1585 'so': None,
1586 'la': '\'la',
1587 'ti': '\'ti',
1590 def musicxml_notehead_to_lily (nh):
1591 styles = []
1593 # Notehead style
1594 style = notehead_styles_dict.get (nh.get_text ().strip (), None)
1595 style_elm = musicexp.NotestyleEvent ()
1596 if style:
1597 = style
1598 if hasattr (nh, 'filled'):
1599 style_elm.filled = (getattr (nh, 'filled') == "yes")
1600 if or (style_elm.filled != None):
1601 styles.append (style_elm)
1603 # parentheses
1604 if hasattr (nh, 'parentheses') and (nh.parentheses == "yes"):
1605 styles.append (musicexp.ParenthesizeEvent ())
1607 return styles
1609 def musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily (mxl_cpitch):
1610 r = musicexp.ChordPitch ()
1611 r.alteration = mxl_cpitch.get_alteration ()
1612 r.step = musicxml_step_to_lily (mxl_cpitch.get_step ())
1613 return r
1615 chordkind_dict = {
1616 'major': '5',
1617 'minor': 'm5',
1618 'augmented': 'aug5',
1619 'diminished': 'dim5',
1620 # Sevenths:
1621 'dominant': '7',
1622 'major-seventh': 'maj7',
1623 'minor-seventh': 'm7',
1624 'diminished-seventh': 'dim7',
1625 'augmented-seventh': 'aug7',
1626 'half-diminished': 'dim5m7',
1627 'major-minor': 'maj7m5',
1628 # Sixths:
1629 'major-sixth': '6',
1630 'minor-sixth': 'm6',
1631 # Ninths:
1632 'dominant-ninth': '9',
1633 'major-ninth': 'maj9',
1634 'minor-ninth': 'm9',
1635 # 11ths (usually as the basis for alteration):
1636 'dominant-11th': '11',
1637 'major-11th': 'maj11',
1638 'minor-11th': 'm11',
1639 # 13ths (usually as the basis for alteration):
1640 'dominant-13th': '13.11',
1641 'major-13th': 'maj13.11',
1642 'minor-13th': 'm13',
1643 # Suspended:
1644 'suspended-second': 'sus2',
1645 'suspended-fourth': 'sus4',
1646 # Functional sixths:
1647 # TODO
1648 #'Neapolitan': '???',
1649 #'Italian': '???',
1650 #'French': '???',
1651 #'German': '???',
1652 # Other:
1653 #'pedal': '???',(pedal-point bass)
1654 'power': '5^3',
1655 #'Tristan': '???',
1656 'other': '1',
1657 'none': None,
1660 def musicxml_chordkind_to_lily (kind):
1661 res = chordkind_dict.get (kind, None)
1662 # Check for None, since a major chord is converted to ''
1663 if res == None:
1664 error_message (_ ("Unable to convert chord type %s to lilypond.") % kind)
1665 return res
1667 def musicxml_harmony_to_lily_chordname (n):
1668 res = []
1669 root = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('root')
1670 if root:
1671 ev = musicexp.ChordNameEvent ()
1672 ev.root = musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily (root)
1673 kind = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('kind')
1674 if kind:
1675 ev.kind = musicxml_chordkind_to_lily (kind.get_text ())
1676 if not ev.kind:
1677 return res
1678 bass = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('bass')
1679 if bass:
1680 ev.bass = musicxml_chordpitch_to_lily (bass)
1681 inversion = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('inversion')
1682 if inversion:
1683 # TODO: Lilypond does not support inversions, does it?
1685 # Mail from Carl Sorensen on lilypond-devel, June 11, 2008:
1686 # 4. LilyPond supports the first inversion in the form of added
1687 # bass notes. So the first inversion of C major would be c:/g.
1688 # To get the second inversion of C major, you would need to do
1689 # e:6-3-^5 or e:m6-^5. However, both of these techniques
1690 # require you to know the chord and calculate either the fifth
1691 # pitch (for the first inversion) or the third pitch (for the
1692 # second inversion) so they may not be helpful for musicxml2ly.
1693 inversion_count = string.atoi (inversion.get_text ())
1694 if inversion_count == 1:
1695 # TODO: Calculate the bass note for the inversion...
1696 pass
1697 pass
1698 for deg in n.get_named_children ('degree'):
1699 d = musicexp.ChordModification ()
1700 d.type = deg.get_type ()
1701 d.step = deg.get_value ()
1702 d.alteration = deg.get_alter ()
1703 ev.add_modification (d)
1704 #TODO: convert the user-symbols attribute:
1705 #major: a triangle, like Unicode 25B3
1706 #minor: -, like Unicode 002D
1707 #augmented: +, like Unicode 002B
1708 #diminished: (degree), like Unicode 00B0
1709 #half-diminished: (o with slash), like Unicode 00F8
1710 if ev and ev.root:
1711 res.append (ev)
1713 return res
1715 def musicxml_figured_bass_note_to_lily (n):
1716 res = musicexp.FiguredBassNote ()
1717 suffix_dict = { 'sharp' : "+",
1718 'flat' : "-",
1719 'natural' : "!",
1720 'double-sharp' : "++",
1721 'flat-flat' : "--",
1722 'sharp-sharp' : "++",
1723 'slash' : "/" }
1724 prefix = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('prefix')
1725 if prefix:
1726 res.set_prefix (suffix_dict.get (prefix.get_text (), ""))
1727 fnumber = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('figure-number')
1728 if fnumber:
1729 res.set_number (fnumber.get_text ())
1730 suffix = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('suffix')
1731 if suffix:
1732 res.set_suffix (suffix_dict.get (suffix.get_text (), ""))
1733 if n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('extend'):
1734 # TODO: Implement extender lines (unfortunately, in lilypond you have
1735 # to use \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t, which turns them on
1736 # globally, while MusicXML has a property for each note...
1737 # I'm not sure there is a proper way to implement this cleanly
1738 #n.extend
1739 pass
1740 return res
1744 def musicxml_figured_bass_to_lily (n):
1745 if not isinstance (n, musicxml.FiguredBass):
1746 return
1747 res = musicexp.FiguredBassEvent ()
1748 for i in n.get_named_children ('figure'):
1749 note = musicxml_figured_bass_note_to_lily (i)
1750 if note:
1751 res.append (note)
1752 dur = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('duration')
1753 if dur:
1754 # apply the duration to res
1755 length = Rational(int(dur.get_text()), n._divisions)*Rational(1,4)
1756 res.set_real_duration (length)
1757 duration = rational_to_lily_duration (length)
1758 if duration:
1759 res.set_duration (duration)
1760 if hasattr (n, 'parentheses') and n.parentheses == "yes":
1761 res.set_parentheses (True)
1762 return res
1764 instrument_drumtype_dict = {
1765 'Acoustic Snare Drum': 'acousticsnare',
1766 'Side Stick': 'sidestick',
1767 'Open Triangle': 'opentriangle',
1768 'Mute Triangle': 'mutetriangle',
1769 'Tambourine': 'tambourine',
1770 'Bass Drum': 'bassdrum',
1773 def musicxml_note_to_lily_main_event (n):
1774 pitch = None
1775 duration = None
1776 event = None
1778 mxl_pitch = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Pitch)
1779 if mxl_pitch:
1780 pitch = musicxml_pitch_to_lily (mxl_pitch)
1781 event = musicexp.NoteEvent ()
1782 event.pitch = pitch
1784 acc = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('accidental')
1785 if acc:
1786 # let's not force accs everywhere.
1787 event.cautionary = acc.editorial
1789 elif n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Unpitched):
1790 # Unpitched elements have display-step and can also have
1791 # display-octave.
1792 unpitched = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Unpitched)
1793 event = musicexp.NoteEvent ()
1794 event.pitch = musicxml_unpitched_to_lily (unpitched)
1796 elif n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Rest):
1797 # rests can have display-octave and display-step, which are
1798 # treated like an ordinary note pitch
1799 rest = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Rest)
1800 event = musicexp.RestEvent ()
1801 if options.convert_rest_positions:
1802 pitch = musicxml_restdisplay_to_lily (rest)
1803 event.pitch = pitch
1805 elif n.instrument_name:
1806 event = musicexp.NoteEvent ()
1807 drum_type = instrument_drumtype_dict.get (n.instrument_name)
1808 if drum_type:
1809 event.drum_type = drum_type
1810 else:
1811 n.message (_ ("drum %s type unknown, please add to instrument_drumtype_dict") % n.instrument_name)
1812 event.drum_type = 'acousticsnare'
1814 else:
1815 n.message (_ ("cannot find suitable event"))
1817 if event:
1818 event.duration = musicxml_duration_to_lily (n)
1820 noteheads = n.get_named_children ('notehead')
1821 for nh in noteheads:
1822 styles = musicxml_notehead_to_lily (nh)
1823 for s in styles:
1824 event.add_associated_event (s)
1826 return event
1828 def musicxml_lyrics_to_text (lyrics):
1829 # TODO: Implement text styles for lyrics syllables
1830 continued = False
1831 extended = False
1832 text = ''
1833 for e in lyrics.get_all_children ():
1834 if isinstance (e, musicxml.Syllabic):
1835 continued = e.continued ()
1836 elif isinstance (e, musicxml.Text):
1837 # We need to convert soft hyphens to -, otherwise the ascii codec as well
1838 # as lilypond will barf on that character
1839 text += string.replace( e.get_text(), u'\xad', '-' )
1840 elif isinstance (e, musicxml.Elision):
1841 if text:
1842 text += " "
1843 continued = False
1844 extended = False
1845 elif isinstance (e, musicxml.Extend):
1846 if text:
1847 text += " "
1848 extended = True
1850 if text == "-" and continued:
1851 return "--"
1852 elif text == "_" and extended:
1853 return "__"
1854 elif continued and text:
1855 return musicxml.escape_ly_output_string (text) + " --"
1856 elif continued:
1857 return "--"
1858 elif extended and text:
1859 return musicxml.escape_ly_output_string (text) + " __"
1860 elif extended:
1861 return "__"
1862 elif text:
1863 return musicxml.escape_ly_output_string (text)
1864 else:
1865 return ""
1867 ## TODO
1868 class NegativeSkip:
1869 def __init__ (self, here, dest):
1870 = here
1871 self.dest = dest
1873 class LilyPondVoiceBuilder:
1874 def __init__ (self):
1875 self.elements = []
1876 self.pending_dynamics = []
1877 self.end_moment = Rational (0)
1878 self.begin_moment = Rational (0)
1879 self.pending_multibar = Rational (0)
1880 self.ignore_skips = False
1881 self.has_relevant_elements = False
1882 self.measure_length = Rational (4, 4)
1884 def _insert_multibar (self):
1885 layout_information.set_context_item ('Score', 'skipBars = ##t')
1886 r = musicexp.MultiMeasureRest ()
1887 lenfrac = self.measure_length
1888 r.duration = rational_to_lily_duration (lenfrac)
1889 r.duration.factor *= self.pending_multibar / lenfrac
1890 self.elements.append (r)
1891 self.begin_moment = self.end_moment
1892 self.end_moment = self.begin_moment + self.pending_multibar
1893 self.pending_multibar = Rational (0)
1895 def set_measure_length (self, mlen):
1896 if (mlen != self.measure_length) and self.pending_multibar:
1897 self._insert_multibar ()
1898 self.measure_length = mlen
1900 def add_multibar_rest (self, duration):
1901 self.pending_multibar += duration
1903 def set_duration (self, duration):
1904 self.end_moment = self.begin_moment + duration
1905 def current_duration (self):
1906 return self.end_moment - self.begin_moment
1908 def add_music (self, music, duration):
1909 assert isinstance (music, musicexp.Music)
1910 if self.pending_multibar > Rational (0):
1911 self._insert_multibar ()
1913 self.has_relevant_elements = True
1914 self.elements.append (music)
1915 self.begin_moment = self.end_moment
1916 self.set_duration (duration)
1918 # Insert all pending dynamics right after the note/rest:
1919 if isinstance (music, musicexp.ChordEvent) and self.pending_dynamics:
1920 for d in self.pending_dynamics:
1921 music.append (d)
1922 self.pending_dynamics = []
1924 # Insert some music command that does not affect the position in the measure
1925 def add_command (self, command):
1926 assert isinstance (command, musicexp.Music)
1927 if self.pending_multibar > Rational (0):
1928 self._insert_multibar ()
1929 self.has_relevant_elements = True
1930 self.elements.append (command)
1931 def add_barline (self, barline):
1932 # TODO: Implement merging of default barline and custom bar line
1933 self.add_music (barline, Rational (0))
1934 def add_partial (self, command):
1935 self.ignore_skips = True
1936 self.add_command (command)
1938 def add_dynamics (self, dynamic):
1939 # store the dynamic item(s) until we encounter the next note/rest:
1940 self.pending_dynamics.append (dynamic)
1942 def add_bar_check (self, number):
1943 # re/store has_relevant_elements, so that a barline alone does not
1944 # trigger output for figured bass, chord names
1945 has_relevant = self.has_relevant_elements
1946 b = musicexp.BarLine ()
1947 b.bar_number = number
1948 self.add_barline (b)
1949 self.has_relevant_elements = has_relevant
1951 def jumpto (self, moment):
1952 current_end = self.end_moment + self.pending_multibar
1953 diff = moment - current_end
1955 if diff < Rational (0):
1956 error_message (_ ('Negative skip %s (from position %s to %s)') %
1957 (diff, current_end, moment))
1958 diff = Rational (0)
1960 if diff > Rational (0) and not (self.ignore_skips and moment == 0):
1961 skip = musicexp.SkipEvent()
1962 duration_factor = 1
1963 duration_log = {1: 0, 2: 1, 4:2, 8:3, 16:4, 32:5, 64:6, 128:7, 256:8, 512:9}.get (diff.denominator (), -1)
1964 duration_dots = 0
1965 # TODO: Use the time signature for skips, too. Problem: The skip
1966 # might not start at a measure boundary!
1967 if duration_log > 0: # denominator is a power of 2...
1968 if diff.numerator () == 3:
1969 duration_log -= 1
1970 duration_dots = 1
1971 else:
1972 duration_factor = Rational (diff.numerator ())
1973 else:
1974 # for skips of a whole or more, simply use s1*factor
1975 duration_log = 0
1976 duration_factor = diff
1977 skip.duration.duration_log = duration_log
1978 skip.duration.factor = duration_factor
1979 skip.duration.dots = duration_dots
1981 evc = musicexp.ChordEvent ()
1982 evc.elements.append (skip)
1983 self.add_music (evc, diff)
1985 if diff > Rational (0) and moment == 0:
1986 self.ignore_skips = False
1988 def last_event_chord (self, starting_at):
1990 value = None
1992 # if the position matches, find the last ChordEvent, do not cross a bar line!
1993 at = len( self.elements ) - 1
1994 while (at >= 0 and
1995 not isinstance (self.elements[at], musicexp.ChordEvent) and
1996 not isinstance (self.elements[at], musicexp.BarLine)):
1997 at -= 1
1999 if (self.elements
2000 and at >= 0
2001 and isinstance (self.elements[at], musicexp.ChordEvent)
2002 and self.begin_moment == starting_at):
2003 value = self.elements[at]
2004 else:
2005 self.jumpto (starting_at)
2006 value = None
2007 return value
2009 def correct_negative_skip (self, goto):
2010 self.end_moment = goto
2011 self.begin_moment = goto
2012 evc = musicexp.ChordEvent ()
2013 self.elements.append (evc)
2016 class VoiceData:
2017 def __init__ (self):
2018 self.voicename = None
2019 self.voicedata = None
2020 self.ly_voice = None
2021 self.figured_bass = None
2022 self.chordnames = None
2023 self.lyrics_dict = {}
2024 self.lyrics_order = []
2026 def musicxml_step_to_lily (step):
2027 if step:
2028 return (ord (step) - ord ('A') + 7 - 2) % 7
2029 else:
2030 return None
2032 def measure_length_from_attributes (attr, current_measure_length):
2033 len = attr.get_measure_length ()
2034 if not len:
2035 len = current_measure_length
2036 return len
2038 def musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice (voice):
2039 tuplet_events = []
2040 modes_found = {}
2041 lyrics = {}
2042 return_value = VoiceData ()
2043 return_value.voicedata = voice
2045 # First pitch needed for relative mode (if selected in command-line options)
2046 first_pitch = None
2048 # Needed for melismata detection (ignore lyrics on those notes!):
2049 inside_slur = False
2050 is_tied = False
2051 is_chord = False
2052 is_beamed = False
2053 ignore_lyrics = False
2055 current_staff = None
2057 pending_figured_bass = []
2058 pending_chordnames = []
2060 # Make sure that the keys in the dict don't get reordered, since
2061 # we need the correct ordering of the lyrics stanzas! By default,
2062 # a dict will reorder its keys
2063 return_value.lyrics_order = voice.get_lyrics_numbers ()
2064 for k in return_value.lyrics_order:
2065 lyrics[k] = []
2067 voice_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder ()
2068 figured_bass_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder ()
2069 chordnames_builder = LilyPondVoiceBuilder ()
2070 current_measure_length = Rational (4, 4)
2071 voice_builder.set_measure_length (current_measure_length)
2073 for n in voice._elements:
2074 if n.get_name () == 'forward':
2075 continue
2076 staff = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('staff')
2077 if staff:
2078 staff = staff.get_text ()
2079 if current_staff and staff <> current_staff and not n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('chord'):
2080 voice_builder.add_command (musicexp.StaffChange (staff))
2081 current_staff = staff
2083 if isinstance (n, musicxml.Partial) and n.partial > 0:
2084 a = musicxml_partial_to_lily (n.partial)
2085 if a:
2086 voice_builder.add_partial (a)
2087 continue
2089 is_chord = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('chord')
2090 is_after_grace = (isinstance (n, musicxml.Note) and n.is_after_grace ());
2091 if not is_chord and not is_after_grace:
2092 try:
2093 voice_builder.jumpto (n._when)
2094 except NegativeSkip, neg:
2095 voice_builder.correct_negative_skip (n._when)
2096 n.message (_ ("Negative skip found: from %s to %s, difference is %s") % (, neg.dest, neg.dest -
2098 if isinstance (n, musicxml.Barline):
2099 barlines = musicxml_barline_to_lily (n)
2100 for a in barlines:
2101 if isinstance (a, musicexp.BarLine):
2102 voice_builder.add_barline (a)
2103 elif isinstance (a, RepeatMarker) or isinstance (a, EndingMarker):
2104 voice_builder.add_command (a)
2105 continue
2107 # Continue any multimeasure-rests before trying to add bar checks!
2108 # Don't handle new MM rests yet, because for them we want bar checks!
2109 rest = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Rest)
2110 if (rest and rest.is_whole_measure ()
2111 and voice_builder.pending_multibar > Rational (0)):
2112 voice_builder.add_multibar_rest (n._duration)
2113 continue
2116 # print a bar check at the beginning of each measure!
2117 if n.is_first () and n._measure_position == Rational (0) and n != voice._elements[0]:
2118 try:
2119 num = int (n.get_parent ().number)
2120 except ValueError:
2121 num = 0
2122 if num > 0:
2123 voice_builder.add_bar_check (num)
2124 figured_bass_builder.add_bar_check (num)
2125 chordnames_builder.add_bar_check (num)
2127 # Start any new multimeasure rests
2128 if (rest and rest.is_whole_measure ()):
2129 voice_builder.add_multibar_rest (n._duration)
2130 continue
2133 if isinstance (n, musicxml.Direction):
2134 for a in musicxml_direction_to_lily (n):
2135 if a.wait_for_note ():
2136 voice_builder.add_dynamics (a)
2137 else:
2138 voice_builder.add_command (a)
2139 continue
2141 if isinstance (n, musicxml.Harmony):
2142 for a in musicxml_harmony_to_lily (n):
2143 if a.wait_for_note ():
2144 voice_builder.add_dynamics (a)
2145 else:
2146 voice_builder.add_command (a)
2147 for a in musicxml_harmony_to_lily_chordname (n):
2148 pending_chordnames.append (a)
2149 continue
2151 if isinstance (n, musicxml.FiguredBass):
2152 a = musicxml_figured_bass_to_lily (n)
2153 if a:
2154 pending_figured_bass.append (a)
2155 continue
2157 if isinstance (n, musicxml.Attributes):
2158 for a in musicxml_attributes_to_lily (n):
2159 voice_builder.add_command (a)
2160 measure_length = measure_length_from_attributes (n, current_measure_length)
2161 if current_measure_length != measure_length:
2162 current_measure_length = measure_length
2163 voice_builder.set_measure_length (current_measure_length)
2164 continue
2166 if not n.__class__.__name__ == 'Note':
2167 n.message (_ ('unexpected %s; expected %s or %s or %s') % (n, 'Note', 'Attributes', 'Barline'))
2168 continue
2170 main_event = musicxml_note_to_lily_main_event (n)
2171 if main_event and not first_pitch:
2172 first_pitch = main_event.pitch
2173 # ignore lyrics for notes inside a slur, tie, chord or beam
2174 ignore_lyrics = inside_slur or is_tied or is_chord or is_beamed
2176 if main_event and hasattr (main_event, 'drum_type') and main_event.drum_type:
2177 modes_found['drummode'] = True
2179 ev_chord = voice_builder.last_event_chord (n._when)
2180 if not ev_chord:
2181 ev_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent()
2182 voice_builder.add_music (ev_chord, n._duration)
2184 # For grace notes:
2185 grace = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Grace)
2186 if n.is_grace ():
2187 is_after_grace = ev_chord.has_elements () or n.is_after_grace ();
2188 is_chord = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Chord)
2190 grace_chord = None
2192 # after-graces and other graces use different lists; Depending on
2193 # whether we have a chord or not, obtain either a new ChordEvent or
2194 # the previous one to create a chord
2195 if is_after_grace:
2196 if ev_chord.after_grace_elements and n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Chord):
2197 grace_chord = ev_chord.after_grace_elements.get_last_event_chord ()
2198 if not grace_chord:
2199 grace_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent ()
2200 ev_chord.append_after_grace (grace_chord)
2201 elif n.is_grace ():
2202 if ev_chord.grace_elements and n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Chord):
2203 grace_chord = ev_chord.grace_elements.get_last_event_chord ()
2204 if not grace_chord:
2205 grace_chord = musicexp.ChordEvent ()
2206 ev_chord.append_grace (grace_chord)
2208 if hasattr (grace, 'slash') and not is_after_grace:
2209 # TODO: use grace_type = "appoggiatura" for slurred grace notes
2210 if grace.slash == "yes":
2211 ev_chord.grace_type = "acciaccatura"
2212 # now that we have inserted the chord into the grace music, insert
2213 # everything into that chord instead of the ev_chord
2214 ev_chord = grace_chord
2215 ev_chord.append (main_event)
2216 ignore_lyrics = True
2217 else:
2218 ev_chord.append (main_event)
2219 # When a note/chord has grace notes (duration==0), the duration of the
2220 # event chord is not yet known, but the event chord was already added
2221 # with duration 0. The following correct this when we hit the real note!
2222 if voice_builder.current_duration () == 0 and n._duration > 0:
2223 voice_builder.set_duration (n._duration)
2225 # if we have a figured bass, set its voice builder to the correct position
2226 # and insert the pending figures
2227 if pending_figured_bass:
2228 try:
2229 figured_bass_builder.jumpto (n._when)
2230 except NegativeSkip, neg:
2231 pass
2232 for fb in pending_figured_bass:
2233 # if a duration is given, use that, otherwise the one of the note
2234 dur = fb.real_duration
2235 if not dur:
2236 dur = ev_chord.get_length ()
2237 if not fb.duration:
2238 fb.duration = ev_chord.get_duration ()
2239 figured_bass_builder.add_music (fb, dur)
2240 pending_figured_bass = []
2242 if pending_chordnames:
2243 try:
2244 chordnames_builder.jumpto (n._when)
2245 except NegativeSkip, neg:
2246 pass
2247 for cn in pending_chordnames:
2248 # Assign the duration of the EventChord
2249 cn.duration = ev_chord.get_duration ()
2250 chordnames_builder.add_music (cn, ev_chord.get_length ())
2251 pending_chordnames = []
2253 notations_children = n.get_typed_children (musicxml.Notations)
2254 tuplet_event = None
2255 span_events = []
2257 # The <notation> element can have the following children (+ means implemented, ~ partially, - not):
2258 # +tied | +slur | +tuplet | glissando | slide |
2259 # ornaments | technical | articulations | dynamics |
2260 # +fermata | arpeggiate | non-arpeggiate |
2261 # accidental-mark | other-notation
2262 for notations in notations_children:
2263 for tuplet_event in notations.get_tuplets():
2264 time_mod = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Time_modification)
2265 tuplet_events.append ((ev_chord, tuplet_event, time_mod))
2267 # First, close all open slurs, only then start any new slur
2268 # TODO: Record the number of the open slur to dtermine the correct
2269 # closing slur!
2270 endslurs = [s for s in notations.get_named_children ('slur')
2271 if s.get_type () in ('stop')]
2272 if endslurs and not inside_slur:
2273 endslurs[0].message (_ ('Encountered closing slur, but no slur is open'))
2274 elif endslurs:
2275 if len (endslurs) > 1:
2276 endslurs[0].message (_ ('Cannot have two simultaneous (closing) slurs'))
2277 # record the slur status for the next note in the loop
2278 inside_slur = False
2279 lily_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (endslurs[0])
2280 ev_chord.append (lily_ev)
2282 startslurs = [s for s in notations.get_named_children ('slur')
2283 if s.get_type () in ('start')]
2284 if startslurs and inside_slur:
2285 startslurs[0].message (_ ('Cannot have a slur inside another slur'))
2286 elif startslurs:
2287 if len (startslurs) > 1:
2288 startslurs[0].message (_ ('Cannot have two simultaneous slurs'))
2289 # record the slur status for the next note in the loop
2290 inside_slur = True
2291 lily_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (startslurs[0])
2292 ev_chord.append (lily_ev)
2295 if not grace:
2296 mxl_tie = notations.get_tie ()
2297 if mxl_tie and mxl_tie.type == 'start':
2298 ev_chord.append (musicexp.TieEvent ())
2299 is_tied = True
2300 else:
2301 is_tied = False
2303 fermatas = notations.get_named_children ('fermata')
2304 for a in fermatas:
2305 ev = musicxml_fermata_to_lily_event (a)
2306 if ev:
2307 ev_chord.append (ev)
2309 arpeggiate = notations.get_named_children ('arpeggiate')
2310 for a in arpeggiate:
2311 ev = musicxml_arpeggiate_to_lily_event (a)
2312 if ev:
2313 ev_chord.append (ev)
2315 arpeggiate = notations.get_named_children ('non-arpeggiate')
2316 for a in arpeggiate:
2317 ev = musicxml_nonarpeggiate_to_lily_event (a)
2318 if ev:
2319 ev_chord.append (ev)
2321 glissandos = notations.get_named_children ('glissando')
2322 glissandos += notations.get_named_children ('slide')
2323 for a in glissandos:
2324 ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (a)
2325 if ev:
2326 ev_chord.append (ev)
2328 # accidental-marks are direct children of <notation>!
2329 for a in notations.get_named_children ('accidental-mark'):
2330 ev = musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event (a)
2331 if ev:
2332 ev_chord.append (ev)
2334 # Articulations can contain the following child elements:
2335 # accent | strong-accent | staccato | tenuto |
2336 # detached-legato | staccatissimo | spiccato |
2337 # scoop | plop | doit | falloff | breath-mark |
2338 # caesura | stress | unstress
2339 # Technical can contain the following child elements:
2340 # up-bow | down-bow | harmonic | open-string |
2341 # thumb-position | fingering | pluck | double-tongue |
2342 # triple-tongue | stopped | snap-pizzicato | fret |
2343 # string | hammer-on | pull-off | bend | tap | heel |
2344 # toe | fingernails | other-technical
2345 # Ornaments can contain the following child elements:
2346 # trill-mark | turn | delayed-turn | inverted-turn |
2347 # shake | wavy-line | mordent | inverted-mordent |
2348 # schleifer | tremolo | other-ornament, accidental-mark
2349 ornaments = notations.get_named_children ('ornaments')
2350 ornaments += notations.get_named_children ('articulations')
2351 ornaments += notations.get_named_children ('technical')
2353 for a in ornaments:
2354 for ch in a.get_all_children ():
2355 ev = musicxml_articulation_to_lily_event (ch)
2356 if ev:
2357 ev_chord.append (ev)
2359 dynamics = notations.get_named_children ('dynamics')
2360 for a in dynamics:
2361 for ch in a.get_all_children ():
2362 ev = musicxml_dynamics_to_lily_event (ch)
2363 if ev:
2364 ev_chord.append (ev)
2367 mxl_beams = [b for b in n.get_named_children ('beam')
2368 if (b.get_type () in ('begin', 'end')
2369 and b.is_primary ())]
2370 if mxl_beams and not conversion_settings.ignore_beaming:
2371 beam_ev = musicxml_spanner_to_lily_event (mxl_beams[0])
2372 if beam_ev:
2373 ev_chord.append (beam_ev)
2374 if beam_ev.span_direction == -1: # beam and thus melisma starts here
2375 is_beamed = True
2376 elif beam_ev.span_direction == 1: # beam and thus melisma ends here
2377 is_beamed = False
2379 # Extract the lyrics
2380 if not rest and not ignore_lyrics:
2381 note_lyrics_processed = []
2382 note_lyrics_elements = n.get_typed_children (musicxml.Lyric)
2383 for l in note_lyrics_elements:
2384 if l.get_number () < 0:
2385 for k in lyrics.keys ():
2386 lyrics[k].append (musicxml_lyrics_to_text (l))
2387 note_lyrics_processed.append (k)
2388 else:
2389 lyrics[l.number].append(musicxml_lyrics_to_text (l))
2390 note_lyrics_processed.append (l.number)
2391 for lnr in lyrics.keys ():
2392 if not lnr in note_lyrics_processed:
2393 lyrics[lnr].append ("\skip4")
2395 ## force trailing mm rests to be written out.
2396 voice_builder.add_music (musicexp.ChordEvent (), Rational (0))
2398 ly_voice = group_tuplets (voice_builder.elements, tuplet_events)
2399 ly_voice = group_repeats (ly_voice)
2401 seq_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic ()
2403 if 'drummode' in modes_found.keys ():
2404 ## \key <pitch> barfs in drummode.
2405 ly_voice = [e for e in ly_voice
2406 if not isinstance(e, musicexp.KeySignatureChange)]
2408 seq_music.elements = ly_voice
2409 for k in lyrics.keys ():
2410 return_value.lyrics_dict[k] = musicexp.Lyrics ()
2411 return_value.lyrics_dict[k].lyrics_syllables = lyrics[k]
2414 if len (modes_found) > 1:
2415 error_message (_ ('cannot simultaneously have more than one mode: %s') % modes_found.keys ())
2417 if options.relative:
2418 v = musicexp.RelativeMusic ()
2419 v.element = seq_music
2420 v.basepitch = first_pitch
2421 seq_music = v
2423 return_value.ly_voice = seq_music
2424 for mode in modes_found.keys ():
2425 v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
2426 v.element = seq_music
2427 v.mode = mode
2428 return_value.ly_voice = v
2430 # create \figuremode { figured bass elements }
2431 if figured_bass_builder.has_relevant_elements:
2432 fbass_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic ()
2433 fbass_music.elements = figured_bass_builder.elements
2434 v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
2435 v.mode = 'figuremode'
2436 v.element = fbass_music
2437 return_value.figured_bass = v
2439 # create \chordmode { chords }
2440 if chordnames_builder.has_relevant_elements:
2441 cname_music = musicexp.SequentialMusic ()
2442 cname_music.elements = chordnames_builder.elements
2443 v = musicexp.ModeChangingMusicWrapper()
2444 v.mode = 'chordmode'
2445 v.element = cname_music
2446 return_value.chordnames = v
2448 return return_value
2450 def musicxml_id_to_lily (id):
2451 digits = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five',
2452 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten']
2454 for digit in digits:
2455 d = digits.index (digit)
2456 id = re.sub ('%d' % d, digit, id)
2458 id = re.sub ('[^a-zA-Z]', 'X', id)
2459 return id
2461 def musicxml_pitch_to_lily (mxl_pitch):
2462 p = musicexp.Pitch ()
2463 p.alteration = mxl_pitch.get_alteration ()
2464 p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily (mxl_pitch.get_step ())
2465 p.octave = mxl_pitch.get_octave () - 4
2466 return p
2468 def musicxml_unpitched_to_lily (mxl_unpitched):
2469 p = None
2470 step = mxl_unpitched.get_step ()
2471 if step:
2472 p = musicexp.Pitch ()
2473 p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily (step)
2474 octave = mxl_unpitched.get_octave ()
2475 if octave and p:
2476 p.octave = octave - 4
2477 return p
2479 def musicxml_restdisplay_to_lily (mxl_rest):
2480 p = None
2481 step = mxl_rest.get_step ()
2482 if step:
2483 p = musicexp.Pitch ()
2484 p.step = musicxml_step_to_lily (step)
2485 octave = mxl_rest.get_octave ()
2486 if octave and p:
2487 p.octave = octave - 4
2488 return p
2490 def voices_in_part (part):
2491 """Return a Name -> Voice dictionary for PART"""
2492 part.interpret ()
2493 part.extract_voices ()
2494 voices = part.get_voices ()
2495 part_info = part.get_staff_attributes ()
2497 return (voices, part_info)
2499 def voices_in_part_in_parts (parts):
2500 """return a Part -> Name -> Voice dictionary"""
2501 return dict([(, voices_in_part (p)) for p in parts])
2504 def get_all_voices (parts):
2505 all_voices = voices_in_part_in_parts (parts)
2507 all_ly_voices = {}
2508 all_ly_staffinfo = {}
2509 for p, (name_voice, staff_info) in all_voices.items ():
2511 part_ly_voices = {}
2512 for n, v in name_voice.items ():
2513 progress (_ ("Converting to LilyPond expressions..."))
2514 # musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice returns (lily_voice, {nr->lyrics, nr->lyrics})
2515 part_ly_voices[n] = musicxml_voice_to_lily_voice (v)
2517 all_ly_voices[p] = part_ly_voices
2518 all_ly_staffinfo[p] = staff_info
2520 return (all_ly_voices, all_ly_staffinfo)
2523 def option_parser ():
2524 p = ly.get_option_parser (usage = _ ("musicxml2ly [OPTION]... FILE.xml"),
2525 description =
2526 _ ("""Convert MusicXML from FILE.xml to LilyPond input.
2527 If the given filename is -, musicxml2ly reads from the command line.
2528 """), add_help_option=False)
2530 p.add_option("-h", "--help",
2531 action="help",
2532 help=_ ("show this help and exit"))
2534 p.version = ('''%prog (LilyPond) @TOPLEVEL_VERSION@\n\n'''
2536 _ ("""Copyright (c) 2005--2009 by
2537 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>,
2538 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> and
2539 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
2543 This program is free software. It is covered by the GNU General Public
2544 License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
2545 under certain conditions. Invoke as `%s --warranty' for more
2546 information.""") % 'lilypond')
2548 p.add_option("--version",
2549 action="version",
2550 help=_ ("show version number and exit"))
2552 p.add_option ('-v', '--verbose',
2553 action = "store_true",
2554 dest = 'verbose',
2555 help = _ ("be verbose"))
2557 p.add_option ('', '--lxml',
2558 action = "store_true",
2559 default = False,
2560 dest = "use_lxml",
2561 help = _ ("use lxml.etree; uses less memory and cpu time"))
2563 p.add_option ('-z', '--compressed',
2564 action = "store_true",
2565 dest = 'compressed',
2566 default = False,
2567 help = _ ("input file is a zip-compressed MusicXML file"))
2569 p.add_option ('-r', '--relative',
2570 action = "store_true",
2571 default = True,
2572 dest = "relative",
2573 help = _ ("convert pitches in relative mode (default)"))
2575 p.add_option ('-a', '--absolute',
2576 action = "store_false",
2577 dest = "relative",
2578 help = _ ("convert pitches in absolute mode"))
2580 p.add_option ('-l', '--language',
2581 metavar = _ ("LANG"),
2582 action = "store",
2583 help = _ ("use a different language file '' and corresponding pitch names, e.g. 'deutsch' for"))
2585 p.add_option ('--nd', '--no-articulation-directions',
2586 action = "store_false",
2587 default = True,
2588 dest = "convert_directions",
2589 help = _ ("do not convert directions (^, _ or -) for articulations, dynamics, etc."))
2591 p.add_option ('--nrp', '--no-rest-positions',
2592 action = "store_false",
2593 default = True,
2594 dest = "convert_rest_positions",
2595 help = _ ("do not convert exact vertical positions of rests"))
2597 p.add_option ('--no-beaming',
2598 action = "store_false",
2599 default = True,
2600 dest = "convert_beaming",
2601 help = _ ("do not convert beaming information, use lilypond's automatic beaming instead"))
2603 p.add_option ('-o', '--output',
2604 metavar = _ ("FILE"),
2605 action = "store",
2606 default = None,
2607 type = 'string',
2608 dest = 'output_name',
2609 help = _ ("set output filename to FILE, stdout if -"))
2610 p.add_option_group ('',
2611 description = (
2612 _ ("Report bugs via %s")
2613 % ''
2614 '?group=gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs') + '\n')
2615 return p
2617 def music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name):
2618 str = "Part%sVoice%s" % (part_id, name)
2619 return musicxml_id_to_lily (str)
2621 def music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name, lyricsnr):
2622 str = "Part%sVoice%sLyrics%s" % (part_id, name, lyricsnr)
2623 return musicxml_id_to_lily (str)
2625 def music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name (part_id, voicename):
2626 str = "Part%sVoice%sFiguredBass" % (part_id, voicename)
2627 return musicxml_id_to_lily (str)
2629 def music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name (part_id, voicename):
2630 str = "Part%sVoice%sChords" % (part_id, voicename)
2631 return musicxml_id_to_lily (str)
2633 def print_voice_definitions (printer, part_list, voices):
2634 for part in part_list:
2635 part_id =
2636 nv_dict = voices.get (part_id, {})
2637 for (name, voice) in nv_dict.items ():
2638 k = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
2639 printer.dump ('%s = ' % k)
2640 voice.ly_voice.print_ly (printer)
2641 printer.newline()
2642 if voice.chordnames:
2643 cnname = music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
2644 printer.dump ('%s = ' % cnname )
2645 voice.chordnames.print_ly (printer)
2646 printer.newline()
2647 for l in voice.lyrics_order:
2648 lname = music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name, l)
2649 printer.dump ('%s = ' % lname )
2650 voice.lyrics_dict[l].print_ly (printer)
2651 printer.newline()
2652 if voice.figured_bass:
2653 fbname = music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name (part_id, name)
2654 printer.dump ('%s = ' % fbname )
2655 voice.figured_bass.print_ly (printer)
2656 printer.newline()
2659 def uniq_list (l):
2660 return dict ([(elt,1) for elt in l]).keys ()
2662 # format the information about the staff in the form
2663 # [staffid,
2665 # [voiceid1, [lyricsid11, lyricsid12,...], figuredbassid1],
2666 # [voiceid2, [lyricsid21, lyricsid22,...], figuredbassid2],
2667 # ...
2670 # raw_voices is of the form [(voicename, lyricsids, havefiguredbass)*]
2671 def format_staff_info (part_id, staff_id, raw_voices):
2672 voices = []
2673 for (v, lyricsids, figured_bass, chordnames) in raw_voices:
2674 voice_name = music_xml_voice_name_to_lily_name (part_id, v)
2675 voice_lyrics = [music_xml_lyrics_name_to_lily_name (part_id, v, l)
2676 for l in lyricsids]
2677 figured_bass_name = ''
2678 if figured_bass:
2679 figured_bass_name = music_xml_figuredbass_name_to_lily_name (part_id, v)
2680 chordnames_name = ''
2681 if chordnames:
2682 chordnames_name = music_xml_chordnames_name_to_lily_name (part_id, v)
2683 voices.append ([voice_name, voice_lyrics, figured_bass_name, chordnames_name])
2684 return [staff_id, voices]
2686 def update_score_setup (score_structure, part_list, voices):
2688 for part_definition in part_list:
2689 part_id =
2690 nv_dict = voices.get (part_id)
2691 if not nv_dict:
2692 error_message (_ ('unknown part in part-list: %s') % part_id)
2693 continue
2695 staves = reduce (lambda x,y: x+ y,
2696 [voice.voicedata._staves.keys ()
2697 for voice in nv_dict.values ()],
2699 staves_info = []
2700 if len (staves) > 1:
2701 staves_info = []
2702 staves = uniq_list (staves)
2703 staves.sort ()
2704 for s in staves:
2705 thisstaff_raw_voices = [(voice_name, voice.lyrics_order, voice.figured_bass, voice.chordnames)
2706 for (voice_name, voice) in nv_dict.items ()
2707 if voice.voicedata._start_staff == s]
2708 staves_info.append (format_staff_info (part_id, s, thisstaff_raw_voices))
2709 else:
2710 thisstaff_raw_voices = [(voice_name, voice.lyrics_order, voice.figured_bass, voice.chordnames)
2711 for (voice_name, voice) in nv_dict.items ()]
2712 staves_info.append (format_staff_info (part_id, None, thisstaff_raw_voices))
2713 score_structure.set_part_information (part_id, staves_info)
2715 # Set global values in the \layout block, like auto-beaming etc.
2716 def update_layout_information ():
2717 if not conversion_settings.ignore_beaming and layout_information:
2718 layout_information.set_context_item ('Score', 'autoBeaming = ##f')
2720 def print_ly_preamble (printer, filename):
2721 printer.dump_version ()
2722 printer.print_verbatim ('%% automatically converted from %s\n' % filename)
2724 def print_ly_additional_definitions (printer, filename):
2725 if needed_additional_definitions:
2726 printer.newline ()
2727 printer.print_verbatim ('%% additional definitions required by the score:')
2728 printer.newline ()
2729 for a in set(needed_additional_definitions):
2730 printer.print_verbatim (additional_definitions.get (a, ''))
2731 printer.newline ()
2732 printer.newline ()
2734 # Read in the tree from the given I/O object (either file or string) and
2735 # demarshall it using the classes from the file
2736 def read_xml (io_object, use_lxml):
2737 if use_lxml:
2738 import lxml.etree
2739 tree = lxml.etree.parse (io_object)
2740 mxl_tree = musicxml.lxml_demarshal_node (tree.getroot ())
2741 return mxl_tree
2742 else:
2743 from xml.dom import minidom, Node
2744 doc = minidom.parse(io_object)
2745 node = doc.documentElement
2746 return musicxml.minidom_demarshal_node (node)
2747 return None
2750 def read_musicxml (filename, compressed, use_lxml):
2751 raw_string = None
2752 if compressed:
2753 if filename == "-":
2754 progress (_ ("Input is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML data from stdin") )
2755 z = zipfile.ZipFile (sys.stdin)
2756 else:
2757 progress (_ ("Input file %s is compressed, extracting raw MusicXML data") % filename)
2758 z = zipfile.ZipFile (filename, "r")
2759 container_xml = ("META-INF/container.xml")
2760 if not container_xml:
2761 return None
2762 container = read_xml (StringIO.StringIO (container_xml), use_lxml)
2763 if not container:
2764 return None
2765 rootfiles = container.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('rootfiles')
2766 if not rootfiles:
2767 return None
2768 rootfile_list = rootfiles.get_named_children ('rootfile')
2769 mxml_file = None
2770 if len (rootfile_list) > 0:
2771 mxml_file = getattr (rootfile_list[0], 'full-path', None)
2772 if mxml_file:
2773 raw_string = (mxml_file)
2775 if raw_string:
2776 io_object = StringIO.StringIO (raw_string)
2777 elif filename == "-":
2778 io_object = sys.stdin
2779 else:
2780 io_object = filename
2782 return read_xml (io_object, use_lxml)
2785 def convert (filename, options):
2786 if filename == "-":
2787 progress (_ ("Reading MusicXML from Standard input ...") )
2788 else:
2789 progress (_ ("Reading MusicXML from %s ...") % filename)
2791 tree = read_musicxml (filename, options.compressed, options.use_lxml)
2792 score_information = extract_score_information (tree)
2793 paper_information = extract_paper_information (tree)
2795 parts = tree.get_typed_children (musicxml.Part)
2796 (voices, staff_info) = get_all_voices (parts)
2798 score = None
2799 mxl_pl = tree.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (musicxml.Part_list)
2800 if mxl_pl:
2801 score = extract_score_structure (mxl_pl, staff_info)
2802 part_list = mxl_pl.get_named_children ("score-part")
2804 # score information is contained in the <work>, <identification> or <movement-title> tags
2805 update_score_setup (score, part_list, voices)
2806 # After the conversion, update the list of settings for the \layout block
2807 update_layout_information ()
2809 if not options.output_name:
2810 options.output_name = os.path.basename (filename)
2811 options.output_name = os.path.splitext (options.output_name)[0]
2812 elif re.match (".*\.ly", options.output_name):
2813 options.output_name = os.path.splitext (options.output_name)[0]
2816 #defs_ly_name = options.output_name + ''
2817 if (options.output_name == "-"):
2818 output_ly_name = 'Standard output'
2819 else:
2820 output_ly_name = options.output_name + '.ly'
2822 progress (_ ("Output to `%s'") % output_ly_name)
2823 printer = musicexp.Output_printer()
2824 #progress (_ ("Output to `%s'") % defs_ly_name)
2825 if (options.output_name == "-"):
2826 printer.set_file (codecs.getwriter ("utf-8")(sys.stdout))
2827 else:
2828 printer.set_file ( (output_ly_name, 'wb', encoding='utf-8'))
2829 print_ly_preamble (printer, filename)
2830 print_ly_additional_definitions (printer, filename)
2831 if score_information:
2832 score_information.print_ly (printer)
2833 if paper_information:
2834 paper_information.print_ly (printer)
2835 if layout_information:
2836 layout_information.print_ly (printer)
2837 print_voice_definitions (printer, part_list, voices)
2839 printer.newline ()
2840 printer.dump ("% The score definition")
2841 printer.newline ()
2842 score.print_ly (printer)
2843 printer.newline ()
2845 return voices
2847 def get_existing_filename_with_extension (filename, ext):
2848 if os.path.exists (filename):
2849 return filename
2850 newfilename = filename + "." + ext
2851 if os.path.exists (newfilename):
2852 return newfilename;
2853 newfilename = filename + ext
2854 if os.path.exists (newfilename):
2855 return newfilename;
2856 return ''
2858 def main ():
2859 opt_parser = option_parser()
2861 global options
2862 (options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args ()
2863 if not args:
2864 opt_parser.print_usage()
2865 sys.exit (2)
2867 if options.language:
2868 musicexp.set_pitch_language (options.language)
2869 needed_additional_definitions.append (options.language)
2870 additional_definitions[options.language] = "\\include \"\"\n" % options.language
2871 conversion_settings.ignore_beaming = not options.convert_beaming
2873 # Allow the user to leave out the .xml or xml on the filename
2874 basefilename = args[0].decode('utf-8')
2875 if basefilename == "-": # Read from stdin
2876 basefilename = "-"
2877 else:
2878 filename = get_existing_filename_with_extension (basefilename, "xml")
2879 if not filename:
2880 filename = get_existing_filename_with_extension (basefilename, "mxl")
2881 options.compressed = True
2882 if filename and filename.endswith ("mxl"):
2883 options.compressed = True
2885 if filename and (filename == "-" or os.path.exists (filename)):
2886 voices = convert (filename, options)
2887 else:
2888 progress (_ ("Unable to find input file %s") % basefilename)
2890 if __name__ == '__main__':
2891 main()