8 lilypath = os.environ['LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR'] + '/'
10 print 'Please set LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR to the toplevel source, eg LILYPOND_SOURCEDIR=/home/foobar/lilypond-1.2.3/'
13 lilypath = lilypath + '/bin/'
14 sys.path.append(lilypath)
16 from lilypython import *
18 os.chdir(lilydirs.topdir)
19 os.system('make dist')
20 cur_ver = lilydirs.version_tuple()
21 print tarball(cur_ver)
23 os.rename('out/' + tarball(cur_ver), released_tarball(cur_ver))
25 os.system('cp out/' + tarball(cur_ver) + ' ' + released_tarball(cur_ver))
26 os.unlink('out/' + tarball (cur_ver))
28 os.chdir(lilydirs.groupdir + '/test')
30 os.system('rm ../test/*gz')
33 #os.symlink(released_tarball(cur_ver), tarball(cur_ver))
36 os.link(released_tarball(cur_ver), tarball(cur_ver))
38 os.system('cp ' + released_tarball(cur_ver) + ' '+ tarball(cur_ver))
40 # not a module, but a script (JCN)
43 # Module wherefore aren't thou Script
44 # A Rose by any other name would be as blonde. --HWN
46 os.system('python ' + lilydirs.topdir + '/bin/make-patch.py');
48 pn = 'patch-%s' % version_tuple_to_str(cur_ver)
49 os.system('gzip -9 ' + pn)
51 rel_pn = lilydirs.release_dir + '../patches/' + pn;
53 os.rename(pn, rel_pn);
56 os.system('tar cf updeet *gz')