Markup command name changes.
[lilypond.git] / input / lsr /
1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.57"
4 \header {
5 texidoces = "
6 Si la nota que da fin a un regulador cae sobre la primera parte de
7 un compás, el regulador se detiene en la línea divisoria
8 inmediatamente precedente. Se puede controlar este comportamiento
9 sobreescribiendo la propiedad @code{to-barline}.
12 doctitlees = "Establecer el comportamiento de los reguladores en las barras de compás"
14 lsrtags = "expressive-marks"
15 texidoc = "If the note which ends a hairpin falls on a downbeat,
16 the hairpin stops at the bar line immediately preceding. This behavior
17 can be controlled by overriding the @code{to-barline} property.
19 doctitle = "Setting hairpin behavior at bar lines"
20 } % begin verbatim
22 \relative c'' {
23 e4\< e2.
24 e1\!
25 \override Hairpin #'to-barline = ##f
26 e4\< e2.
27 e1\!