Markup command name changes.
[lilypond.git] / input / lsr /
1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.57"
5 \header {
6 texidoces = "
7 Muchas partituras de piano tienen las indicaciones dinámicas
8 centradas entre los dos pentagramas. Esto requiere un poco de
9 trucaje, pero puesto que la plantilla está aquí mismo, no tenemos
10 que hacer este trucaje por nuestra cuenta.
13 doctitlees = "Plantilla de piano con matices centrados"
15 lsrtags = "expressive-marks,keyboards,template"
16 texidoc = "
17 Many piano scores have the dynamics centered between the two staves.
18 This requires a bit of tweaking to implement, but since the template is
19 right here, you don't have to do the tweaking yourself.
21 doctitle = "Piano template with centered dynamics"
22 } % begin verbatim
24 upper = \relative c'' {
25 \clef treble
26 \key c \major
27 \time 4/4
29 a4 b c d
32 lower = \relative c {
33 \clef bass
34 \key c \major
35 \time 4/4
37 a2 c
40 dynamics = {
41 s2\fff\> s4 s\!\pp
44 pedal = {
45 s2\sustainOn s\sustainOff
48 \score {
49 \new PianoStaff <<
50 \new Staff = "upper" \upper
51 \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
52 \new Staff = "lower" <<
53 \clef bass
54 \lower
56 \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal
58 \layout {
59 \context {
60 \type "Engraver_group"
61 \name Dynamics
62 % So that \cresc works, for example.
63 \alias Voice
64 \consists "Output_property_engraver"
66 \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
67 \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
68 pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
69 pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
71 \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
72 \consists "Script_engraver"
73 \consists "Dynamic_engraver"
74 \consists "Text_engraver"
76 \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
77 \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
79 \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
81 \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
83 \context {
84 \PianoStaff
85 \accepts Dynamics
89 \score {
90 \new PianoStaff <<
91 \new Staff = "upper" << \upper \dynamics \pedal >>
92 \new Staff = "lower" << \lower \dynamics \pedal >>
94 \midi { }