Markup command name changes.
[lilypond.git] / input / lsr /
1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.57"
5 \header {
6 lsrtags = "ancient-notation, template"
8 texidoces = "
9 Al transcribir música mensural, es útil un «incipit» al compienzo
10 de la pieza para indicar la tonalidad y el tempo
11 originales. Aunque los músicos actuales están acostumbrados a las
12 barras de compás para reconocer con más facilidad los patrones
13 rítmicos, durante el período de la música mensural aún no se
14 habíen inventado las líneas divisorias; de hecho, la medida solía
15 cambiar a cada pocas notas. Como compromiso, a menudo las líneas
16 divisorias se imprimen entre los pentagramas en vez de hacerlo
17 encima de ellos.
20 doctitlees = "Plantilla de notación de música antigua (transcripción moderna de música mensural)"
22 texidoc = "
23 When transcribing mensural music, an incipit at the beginning of the
24 piece is useful to indicate the original key and tempo. While today
25 musicians are used to bar lines in order to faster recognize rhythmic
26 patterns, bar lines were not yet invented during the period of mensural
27 music; in fact, the meter often changed after every few notes. As a
28 compromise, bar lines are often printed between the staves rather than
29 on the staves.
32 doctitle = "Ancient notation template -- modern transcription of mensural music"
33 } % begin verbatim
34 global = {
35 \set Score.skipBars = ##t
37 % incipit
38 \once \override Score.SystemStartBracket #'transparent = ##t
39 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 % tight spacing
40 \key f \major
41 \time 2/2
42 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
43 \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural
44 \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'neomensural
45 \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
46 \cadenzaOn % turn off bar lines
47 \skip 1*10
48 \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
49 \bar "||"
50 \skip 1*1 % need this extra \skip such that clef change comes
51 % after bar line
52 \bar ""
54 % main
55 \revert Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment % CHECK: no effect?
56 \cadenzaOff % turn bar lines on again
57 \once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
58 \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
59 \key g \major
60 \time 4/4
61 \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'default
62 \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'default
64 % FIXME: setting printKeyCancellation back to #t must not
65 % occur in the first bar after the incipit. Dto. for forceClef.
66 % Therefore, we need an extra \skip.
67 \skip 1*1
68 \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##t
69 \set Staff.forceClef = ##f
71 \skip 1*7 % the actual music
73 % let finis bar go through all staves
74 \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
76 % finis bar
77 \bar "|."
80 discantusNotes = {
81 \transpose c' c'' {
82 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Discantus "
84 % incipit
85 \clef "neomensural-c1"
86 c'1. s2 % two bars
87 \skip 1*8 % eight bars
88 \skip 1*1 % one bar
90 % main
91 \clef "treble"
92 d'2. d'4 |
93 b e' d'2 |
94 c'4 e'4.( d'8 c' b |
95 a4) b a2 |
96 b4.( c'8 d'4) c'4 |
97 \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t c'1 |
98 b\breve |
102 discantusLyrics = \lyricmode {
103 % incipit
106 % main
107 Ju -- bi -- |
108 la -- te De -- |
109 o, om --
110 nis ter -- |
111 ra, __ om- |
112 "..." |
113 -us. |
116 altusNotes = {
117 \transpose c' c'' {
118 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Altus "
120 % incipit
121 \clef "neomensural-c3"
122 r1 % one bar
123 f1. s2 % two bars
124 \skip 1*7 % seven bars
125 \skip 1*1 % one bar
127 % main
128 \clef "treble"
129 r2 g2. e4 fis g | % two bars
130 a2 g4 e |
131 fis g4.( fis16 e fis4) |
132 g1 |
133 \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t g1 |
134 g\breve |
138 altusLyrics = \lyricmode {
139 % incipit
142 % main
143 Ju -- bi -- la -- te | % two bars
144 De -- o, om -- |
145 nis ter -- ra, |
146 "..." |
147 -us. |
150 tenorNotes = {
151 \transpose c' c' {
152 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor "
154 % incipit
155 \clef "neomensural-c4"
156 r\longa % four bars
157 r\breve % two bars
158 r1 % one bar
159 c'1. s2 % two bars
160 \skip 1*1 % one bar
161 \skip 1*1 % one bar
163 % main
164 \clef "treble_8"
165 R1 |
166 R1 |
167 R1 |
168 r2 d'2. d'4 b e' | % two bars
169 \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t e'1 |
170 d'\breve |
174 tenorLyrics = \lyricmode {
175 % incipit
178 % main
179 Ju -- bi -- la -- te | % two bars
180 "..." |
181 -us. |
184 bassusNotes = {
185 \transpose c' c' {
186 \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bassus "
188 % incipit
189 \clef "bass"
190 r\maxima % eight bars
191 f1. s2 % two bars
192 \skip 1*1 % one bar
194 % main
195 \clef "bass"
196 R1 |
197 R1 |
198 R1 |
199 R1 |
200 g2. e4 |
201 \once \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t e1 |
202 g\breve |
206 bassusLyrics = \lyricmode {
207 % incipit
210 % main
211 Ju -- bi- |
212 "..." |
213 -us. |
216 \score {
217 \new StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
218 \new Voice =
219 "discantusNotes" << \global \discantusNotes >>
220 \new Lyrics =
221 "discantusLyrics" \lyricsto discantusNotes { \discantusLyrics }
222 \new Voice =
223 "altusNotes" << \global \altusNotes >>
224 \new Lyrics =
225 "altusLyrics" \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
226 \new Voice =
227 "tenorNotes" << \global \tenorNotes >>
228 \new Lyrics =
229 "tenorLyrics" \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
230 \new Voice =
231 "bassusNotes" << \global \bassusNotes >>
232 \new Lyrics =
233 "bassusLyrics" \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }
235 \layout {
236 \context {
237 \Score
239 % no bars in staves
240 \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
242 % incipit should not start with a start delimiter
243 \remove "System_start_delimiter_engraver"
245 \context {
246 \Voice
248 % no slurs
249 \override Slur #'transparent = ##t
251 % Comment in the below "\remove" command to allow line
252 % breaking also at those barlines where a note overlaps
253 % into the next bar. The command is commented out in this
254 % short example score, but especially for large scores, you
255 % will typically yield better line breaking and thus improve
256 % overall spacing if you comment in the following command.
257 %\remove "Forbid_line_break_engraver"