Docs: compile fix.
[lilypond.git] / input / manual /
1 \version "2.12.0"
2 #(set-global-staff-size 15)
3 \paper {
4 line-width = 16\cm
5 indent = 0\cm
8 % NR 2.whatever Wind
10 % Tchaikovsky
11 % Nutcracker Suite, VII Dance of the Merlitons
12 \score {
13 \new StaffGroup <<
14 \new Staff \relative c'' {
15 \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flauto I,II"
16 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #-1
17 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols =
18 #'(time-signature)
19 \once \override Score.TimeSignature
20 #'break-align-anchor-alignment = #LEFT
21 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #4
22 \mark \markup \large \bold {Moderato assai}
23 \key d \major
24 \time 2/4
25 \compressFullBarRests
26 R2*2
27 <d a>16-.\p <cis g>-. <d a>-. <cis g>-. <d a>8-. <cis g>-.
28 <e a,>-.\< <d a>32( <fis d> <a fis> <d a> <fis d>4--)\mf
29 <g d>16-. <fis cis>-. <g d>-. <fis cis>-.
30 <e b>(\> <d a>) <a fis>-. <fis d>-.\!
31 <d bes>4--\sf \acciaccatura {<d' bes>8} <cis a>4--\mf
33 \new Staff \relative c' {
34 \set Staff.instrumentName = "Flauto III"
35 \key d \major
36 \time 2/4
37 \compressFullBarRests
38 R2*2_\markup{Gr.Fl.}
39 fis16-.\p e-. fis-. e-. fis8-. e-.
40 g8-.\< fis32( a d fis a4--)\mf
41 b16-. a-. b-. a-. g(\> fis) d-. a-.\!
42 g4--\sf \acciaccatura fis'8 g4--\mf