LSR: Update.
[lilypond.git] / buildscripts /
1 #!@PYTHON@
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 #
7 # -o OUTDIR specifies that output files should rather be written in OUTDIR
9 # Description:
10 # This script parses the .texi file given and creates a file with the
11 # nodename <=> filename/anchor map.
12 # The idea behind: Unnumbered subsections go into the same file as the
13 # previous numbered section, @translationof gives the original node name,
14 # which is then used for the filename/anchor.
16 # If this script is run on a file texifile.texi, it produces a file
17 # texifile[.LANG].xref-map with tab-separated entries of the form
19 # LANG is the document language in case it's not 'en'
20 # Note: The filename does not have any extension appended!
21 # This file can then be used by our texi2html init script to determine
22 # the correct file name and anchor for external refs
24 import sys
25 import re
26 import os
27 import getopt
29 optlist, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:],'o:')
30 files = args
32 outdir = '.'
33 for x in optlist:
34 if x[0] == '-o':
35 outdir = x[1]
37 if not os.path.isdir (outdir):
38 if os.path.exists (outdir):
39 os.unlink (outdir)
40 os.makedirs (outdir)
42 include_re = re.compile (r'@include ((?!../lily-).*?)\.texi$', re.M)
43 whitespaces = re.compile (r'\s+')
44 section_translation_re = re.compile ('^@(node|(?:unnumbered|appendix)\
45 (?:(?:sub){0,2}sec)?|top|chapter|(?:sub){0,2}section|\
46 (?:major|chap|(?:sub){0,2})heading|translationof) (.*?)\\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
48 def expand_includes (m, filename):
49 filepath = os.path.join (os.path.dirname (filename), + '.texi'
50 if os.path.exists (filepath):
51 return extract_sections (filepath)[1]
52 else:
53 print "Unable to locate include file " + filepath
54 return ''
56 lang_re = re.compile (r'^@documentlanguage (.+)', re.M)
58 def extract_sections (filename):
59 result = ''
60 f = open (filename, 'r')
61 page = ()
62 f.close()
63 # Search document language
64 m = (page)
65 if m and (1) != 'en':
66 lang_suffix = '.' + (1)
67 else:
68 lang_suffix = ''
69 # Replace all includes by their list of sections and extract all sections
70 page = include_re.sub (lambda m: expand_includes (m, filename), page)
71 sections = section_translation_re.findall (page)
72 for sec in sections:
73 result += "@" + sec[0] + " " + sec[1] + "\n"
74 return (lang_suffix, result)
76 # Convert a given node name to its proper file name (normalization as explained
77 # in the texinfo manual:
78 #
79 def texinfo_file_name(title):
80 # exception: The top node is always mapped to index.html
81 if title == "Top":
82 return "index"
83 # File name normalization by texinfo (described in the texinfo manual):
84 # 1/2: letters and numbers are left unchanged
85 # 3/4: multiple, leading and trailing whitespace is removed
86 title = title.strip ();
87 title = whitespaces.sub (' ', title)
88 # 5: all remaining spaces are converted to '-'
89 # 6: all other 7- or 8-bit chars are replaced by _xxxx (xxxx=ascii character code)
90 result = ''
91 for index in range(len(title)):
92 char = title[index]
93 if char == ' ': # space -> '-'
94 result += '-'
95 elif ( ('0' <= char and char <= '9' ) or
96 ('A' <= char and char <= 'Z' ) or
97 ('a' <= char and char <= 'z' ) ): # number or letter
98 result += char
99 else:
100 ccode = ord(char)
101 if ccode <= 0xFFFF:
102 result += "_%04x" % ccode
103 else:
104 result += "__%06x" % ccode
105 # 7: if name begins with number, prepend 't_g' (so it starts with a letter)
106 if (result != '') and (ord(result[0]) in range (ord('0'), ord('9'))):
107 result = 't_g' + result
108 return result
110 texinfo_re = re.compile (r'@.*{(.*)}')
111 def remove_texinfo (title):
112 return texinfo_re.sub (r'\1', title)
114 def create_texinfo_anchor (title):
115 return texinfo_file_name (remove_texinfo (title))
117 unnumbered_re = re.compile (r'unnumbered.*')
118 def process_sections (filename, lang_suffix, page):
119 sections = section_translation_re.findall (page)
120 basename = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (filename))[0]
121 p = os.path.join (outdir, basename) + lang_suffix + '.xref-map'
122 f = open (p, 'w')
124 this_title = ''
125 this_filename = 'index'
126 this_anchor = ''
127 this_unnumbered = False
128 had_section = False
129 for sec in sections:
130 if sec[0] == "node":
131 # Write out the cached values to the file and start a new section:
132 if this_title != '' and this_title != 'Top':
133 f.write (this_title + "\t" + this_filename + "\t" + this_anchor + "\n")
134 had_section = False
135 this_title = remove_texinfo (sec[1])
136 this_anchor = create_texinfo_anchor (sec[1])
137 elif sec[0] == "translationof":
138 anchor = create_texinfo_anchor (sec[1])
139 # If @translationof is used, it gives the original node name, which
140 # we use for the anchor and the file name (if it is a numbered node)
141 this_anchor = anchor
142 if not this_unnumbered:
143 this_filename = anchor
144 else:
145 # Some pages might not use a node for every section, so treat this
146 # case here, too: If we already had a section and encounter enother
147 # one before the next @node, we write out the old one and start
148 # with the new values
149 if had_section and this_title != '':
150 f.write (this_title + "\t" + this_filename + "\t" + this_anchor + "\n")
151 this_title = remove_texinfo (sec[1])
152 this_anchor = create_texinfo_anchor (sec[1])
153 had_section = True
155 # unnumbered nodes use the previously used file name, only numbered
156 # nodes get their own filename! However, top-level @unnumbered
157 # still get their own file.
158 this_unnumbered = unnumbered_re.match (sec[0])
159 if not this_unnumbered or sec[0] == "unnumbered":
160 this_filename = this_anchor
162 if this_title != '' and this_title != 'Top':
163 f.write (this_title + "\t" + this_filename + "\t" + this_anchor + "\n")
164 f.close ()
167 for filename in files:
168 print " Processing %s" % filename
169 (lang_suffix, sections) = extract_sections (filename)
170 process_sections (filename, lang_suffix, sections)