Bump version.
[lilypond.git] / python / musicxml.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 import new
3 import string
4 from rational import *
5 import re
6 import sys
7 import copy
8 import lilylib as ly
10 _ = ly._
12 def error (str):
13 ly.stderr_write ((_ ("error: %s") % str) + "\n")
16 def escape_ly_output_string (input_string):
17 return_string = input_string
18 needs_quotes = not re.match (u"^[a-zA-ZäöüÜÄÖßñ]*$", return_string);
19 if needs_quotes:
20 return_string = "\"" + string.replace (return_string, "\"", "\\\"") + "\""
21 return return_string
24 def musicxml_duration_to_log (dur):
25 return {'256th': 8,
26 '128th': 7,
27 '64th': 6,
28 '32nd': 5,
29 '16th': 4,
30 'eighth': 3,
31 'quarter': 2,
32 'half': 1,
33 'whole': 0,
34 'breve': -1,
35 'longa': -2,
36 'long': -2}.get (dur, 0)
40 class Xml_node:
41 def __init__ (self):
42 self._children = []
43 self._data = None
44 self._original = None
45 self._name = 'xml_node'
46 self._parent = None
47 self._attribute_dict = {}
49 def get_parent (self):
50 return self._parent
52 def is_first (self):
53 return self._parent.get_typed_children (self.__class__)[0] == self
55 def original (self):
56 return self._original
57 def get_name (self):
58 return self._name
60 def get_text (self):
61 if self._data:
62 return self._data
64 if not self._children:
65 return ''
67 return ''.join ([c.get_text () for c in self._children])
69 def message (self, msg):
70 ly.stderr_write (msg+'\n')
72 p = self
73 while p:
74 sys.stderr.write (' In: <%s %s>\n' % (p._name, ' '.join (['%s=%s' % item for item in p._attribute_dict.items()])))
75 p = p.get_parent ()
77 def get_typed_children (self, klass):
78 if not klass:
79 return []
80 else:
81 return [c for c in self._children if isinstance(c, klass)]
83 def get_named_children (self, nm):
84 return self.get_typed_children (get_class (nm))
86 def get_named_child (self, nm):
87 return self.get_maybe_exist_named_child (nm)
89 def get_children (self, predicate):
90 return [c for c in self._children if predicate(c)]
92 def get_all_children (self):
93 return self._children
95 def get_maybe_exist_named_child (self, name):
96 return self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (name))
98 def get_maybe_exist_typed_child (self, klass):
99 cn = self.get_typed_children (klass)
100 if len (cn)==0:
101 return None
102 elif len (cn) == 1:
103 return cn[0]
104 else:
105 raise "More than 1 child", klass
107 def get_unique_typed_child (self, klass):
108 cn = self.get_typed_children(klass)
109 if len (cn) <> 1:
110 sys.stderr.write (self.__dict__ + '\n')
111 raise 'Child is not unique for', (klass, 'found', cn)
113 return cn[0]
115 def get_named_child_value_number (self, name, default):
116 n = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child (name)
117 if n:
118 return string.atoi (n.get_text())
119 else:
120 return default
123 class Music_xml_node (Xml_node):
124 def __init__ (self):
125 Xml_node.__init__ (self)
126 self.duration = Rational (0)
127 self.start = Rational (0)
129 class Work (Xml_node):
130 def get_work_information (self, tag):
131 wt = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child (tag)
132 if wt:
133 return wt.get_text ()
134 else:
135 return ''
137 def get_work_title (self):
138 return self.get_work_information ('work-title')
139 def get_work_number (self):
140 return self.get_work_information ('work-number')
141 def get_opus (self):
142 return self.get_work_information ('opus')
144 class Identification (Xml_node):
145 def get_rights (self):
146 rights = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('rights')
147 if rights:
148 return rights.get_text ()
149 else:
150 return ''
152 def get_creator (self, type):
153 creators = self.get_named_children ('creator')
154 # return the first creator tag that has the particular type
155 for i in creators:
156 if hasattr (i, 'type') and i.type == type:
157 return i.get_text ()
158 return None
160 def get_composer (self):
161 c = self.get_creator ('composer')
162 if c:
163 return c
164 creators = self.get_named_children ('creator')
165 # return the first creator tag that has no type at all
166 for i in creators:
167 if not hasattr (i, 'type'):
168 return i.get_text ()
169 return None
170 def get_arranger (self):
171 return self.get_creator ('arranger')
172 def get_editor (self):
173 return self.get_creator ('editor')
174 def get_poet (self):
175 v = self.get_creator ('lyricist')
176 if v:
177 return v
178 v = self.get_creator ('poet')
179 return v
181 def get_encoding_information (self, type):
182 enc = self.get_named_children ('encoding')
183 if enc:
184 children = enc[0].get_named_children (type)
185 if children:
186 return children[0].get_text ()
187 else:
188 return None
190 def get_encoding_software (self):
191 return self.get_encoding_information ('software')
192 def get_encoding_date (self):
193 return self.get_encoding_information ('encoding-date')
194 def get_encoding_person (self):
195 return self.get_encoding_information ('encoder')
196 def get_encoding_description (self):
197 return self.get_encoding_information ('encoding-description')
199 def get_encoding_software_list (self):
200 enc = self.get_named_children ('encoding')
201 software = []
202 for e in enc:
203 softwares = e.get_named_children ('software')
204 for s in softwares:
205 software.append (s.get_text ())
206 return software
210 class Duration (Music_xml_node):
211 def get_length (self):
212 dur = int (self.get_text ()) * Rational (1,4)
213 return dur
215 class Hash_comment (Music_xml_node):
216 pass
217 class Hash_text (Music_xml_node):
218 pass
220 class Pitch (Music_xml_node):
221 def get_step (self):
222 ch = self.get_unique_typed_child (get_class (u'step'))
223 step = ch.get_text ().strip ()
224 return step
225 def get_octave (self):
226 ch = self.get_unique_typed_child (get_class (u'octave'))
228 step = ch.get_text ().strip ()
229 return int (step)
231 def get_alteration (self):
232 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'alter'))
233 alter = 0
234 if ch:
235 alter = int (ch.get_text ().strip ())
236 return alter
238 class Unpitched (Music_xml_node):
239 def get_step (self):
240 ch = self.get_unique_typed_child (get_class (u'display-step'))
241 step = ch.get_text ().strip ()
242 return step
244 def get_octave (self):
245 ch = self.get_unique_typed_child (get_class (u'display-octave'))
247 if ch:
248 octave = ch.get_text ().strip ()
249 return int (octave)
250 else:
251 return None
253 class Measure_element (Music_xml_node):
254 def get_voice_id (self):
255 voice_id = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('voice')
256 if voice_id:
257 return voice_id.get_text ()
258 else:
259 return None
261 def is_first (self):
262 cn = self._parent.get_typed_children (self.__class__)
263 cn = [c for c in cn if c.get_voice_id () == self.get_voice_id ()]
264 return cn[0] == self
266 class Attributes (Measure_element):
267 def __init__ (self):
268 Measure_element.__init__ (self)
269 self._dict = {}
271 def set_attributes_from_previous (self, dict):
272 self._dict.update (dict)
274 def read_self (self):
275 for c in self.get_all_children ():
276 self._dict[c.get_name()] = c
278 def get_named_attribute (self, name):
279 return self._dict.get (name)
281 def get_measure_length (self):
282 (n,d) = self.get_time_signature ()
283 return Rational (n,d)
285 def get_time_signature (self):
286 "return time sig as a (beat, beat-type) tuple"
288 try:
289 mxl = self.get_named_attribute ('time')
290 if mxl:
291 beats = mxl.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('beats')
292 type = mxl.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('beat-type')
293 return (int (beats.get_text ()),
294 int (type.get_text ()))
295 else:
296 return (4, 4)
297 except KeyError:
298 error (_ ("requested time signature, but time sig is unknown"))
299 return (4, 4)
301 # returns clef information in the form ("cleftype", position, octave-shift)
302 def get_clef_information (self):
303 clefinfo = ['G', 2, 0]
304 mxl = self.get_named_attribute ('clef')
305 if not mxl:
306 return clefinfo
307 sign = mxl.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('sign')
308 if sign:
309 clefinfo[0] = sign.get_text()
310 line = mxl.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('line')
311 if line:
312 clefinfo[1] = string.atoi (line.get_text ())
313 octave = mxl.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('clef-octave-change')
314 if octave:
315 clefinfo[2] = string.atoi (octave.get_text ())
316 return clefinfo
318 def get_key_signature (self):
319 "return (fifths, mode) tuple"
321 key = self.get_named_attribute ('key')
322 mode_node = key.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('mode')
323 mode = 'major'
324 if mode_node:
325 mode = mode_node.get_text ()
327 fifths = int (key.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('fifths').get_text ())
328 return (fifths, mode)
330 class Barline (Measure_element):
331 pass
332 class BarStyle (Music_xml_node):
333 pass
334 class Partial (Measure_element):
335 def __init__ (self, partial):
336 Measure_element.__init__ (self)
337 self.partial = partial
339 class Note (Measure_element):
340 def __init__ (self):
341 Measure_element.__init__ (self)
342 self.instrument_name = ''
344 def get_duration_log (self):
345 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child (u'type')
347 if ch:
348 log = ch.get_text ().strip()
349 return musicxml_duration_to_log (log)
350 elif self.get_maybe_exist_named_child (u'grace'):
351 # FIXME: is it ok to default to eight note for grace notes?
352 return 3
353 else:
354 self.message (_ ("Encountered note at %s with %s duration (no <type> element):") % (self.start, self.duration) )
355 return 0
357 def get_factor (self):
358 return 1
360 def get_pitches (self):
361 return self.get_typed_children (get_class (u'pitch'))
363 class Part_list (Music_xml_node):
364 def __init__ (self):
365 Music_xml_node.__init__ (self)
366 self._id_instrument_name_dict = {}
368 def generate_id_instrument_dict (self):
370 ## not empty to make sure this happens only once.
371 mapping = {1: 1}
372 for score_part in self.get_named_children ('score-part'):
373 for instr in score_part.get_named_children ('score-instrument'):
374 id = instr.id
375 name = instr.get_named_child ("instrument-name")
376 mapping[id] = name.get_text ()
378 self._id_instrument_name_dict = mapping
380 def get_instrument (self, id):
381 if not self._id_instrument_name_dict:
382 self.generate_id_instrument_dict()
384 instrument_name = self._id_instrument_name_dict.get (id)
385 if instrument_name:
386 return instrument_name
387 else:
388 ly.stderr_write (_ ("Unable to find instrument for ID=%s\n") % id)
389 return "Grand Piano"
391 class Part_group (Music_xml_node):
392 pass
393 class Score_part (Music_xml_node):
394 pass
396 class Measure (Music_xml_node):
397 def __init__ (self):
398 Music_xml_node.__init__ (self)
399 self.partial = 0
400 def is_implicit (self):
401 return hasattr (self, 'implicit') and self.implicit == 'yes'
402 def get_notes (self):
403 return self.get_typed_children (get_class (u'note'))
405 class Syllabic (Music_xml_node):
406 def continued (self):
407 text = self.get_text()
408 return (text == "begin") or (text == "middle")
409 class Text (Music_xml_node):
410 pass
412 class Lyric (Music_xml_node):
413 def get_number (self):
414 if hasattr (self, 'number'):
415 return self.number
416 else:
417 return -1
419 def lyric_to_text (self):
420 continued = False
421 syllabic = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Syllabic)
422 if syllabic:
423 continued = syllabic.continued ()
424 text = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Text)
426 if text:
427 text = text.get_text()
428 # We need to convert soft hyphens to -, otherwise the ascii codec as well
429 # as lilypond will barf on that character
430 text = string.replace( text, u'\xad', '-' )
432 if text == "-" and continued:
433 return "--"
434 elif text == "_" and continued:
435 return "__"
436 elif continued and text:
437 return escape_ly_output_string (text) + " --"
438 elif continued:
439 return "--"
440 elif text:
441 return escape_ly_output_string (text)
442 else:
443 return ""
445 class Musicxml_voice:
446 def __init__ (self):
447 self._elements = []
448 self._staves = {}
449 self._start_staff = None
450 self._lyrics = []
451 self._has_lyrics = False
453 def add_element (self, e):
454 self._elements.append (e)
455 if (isinstance (e, Note)
456 and e.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Staff)):
457 name = e.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Staff).get_text ()
459 if not self._start_staff and not e.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Grace):
460 self._start_staff = name
461 self._staves[name] = True
463 lyrics = e.get_typed_children (Lyric)
464 if not self._has_lyrics:
465 self.has_lyrics = len (lyrics) > 0
467 for l in lyrics:
468 nr = l.get_number()
469 if (nr > 0) and not (nr in self._lyrics):
470 self._lyrics.append (nr)
472 def insert (self, idx, e):
473 self._elements.insert (idx, e)
475 def get_lyrics_numbers (self):
476 if (len (self._lyrics) == 0) and self._has_lyrics:
477 #only happens if none of the <lyric> tags has a number attribute
478 return [1]
479 else:
480 return self._lyrics
483 class Part (Music_xml_node):
484 def __init__ (self):
485 Music_xml_node.__init__ (self)
486 self._voices = {}
487 self._staff_attributes_dict = {}
489 def get_part_list (self):
490 n = self
491 while n and n.get_name() != 'score-partwise':
492 n = n._parent
494 return n.get_named_child ('part-list')
496 def interpret (self):
497 """Set durations and starting points."""
498 """The starting point of the very first note is 0!"""
500 part_list = self.get_part_list ()
502 now = Rational (0)
503 factor = Rational (1)
504 attributes_dict = {}
505 attributes_object = None
506 measures = self.get_typed_children (Measure)
507 last_moment = Rational (-1)
508 last_measure_position = Rational (-1)
509 measure_position = Rational (0)
510 measure_start_moment = now
511 is_first_measure = True
512 previous_measure = None
513 for m in measures:
514 # implicit measures are used for artificial measures, e.g. when
515 # a repeat bar line splits a bar into two halves. In this case,
516 # don't reset the measure position to 0. They are also used for
517 # upbeats (initial value of 0 fits these, too).
518 # Also, don't reset the measure position at the end of the loop,
519 # but rather when starting the next measure (since only then do we
520 # know if the next measure is implicit and continues that measure)
521 if not m.is_implicit ():
522 # Warn about possibly overfull measures and reset the position
523 if attributes_object and previous_measure and previous_measure.partial == 0:
524 length = attributes_object.get_measure_length ()
525 new_now = measure_start_moment + length
526 if now <> new_now:
527 problem = 'incomplete'
528 if now > new_now:
529 problem = 'overfull'
530 ## only for verbose operation.
531 if problem <> 'incomplete' and previous_measure:
532 previous_measure.message ('%s measure? Expected: %s, Difference: %s' % (problem, now, new_now - now))
533 now = new_now
534 measure_start_moment = now
535 measure_position = Rational (0)
537 for n in m.get_all_children ():
538 # figured bass has a duration, but applies to the next note
539 # and should not change the current measure position!
540 if isinstance (n, FiguredBass):
541 n._divisions = factor.denominator ()
542 continue
544 if isinstance (n, Hash_text):
545 continue
546 dur = Rational (0)
548 if n.__class__ == Attributes:
549 n.set_attributes_from_previous (attributes_dict)
550 n.read_self ()
551 attributes_dict = n._dict.copy ()
552 attributes_object = n
554 factor = Rational (1,
555 int (attributes_dict.get ('divisions').get_text ()))
558 if (n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Duration)):
559 mxl_dur = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Duration)
560 dur = mxl_dur.get_length () * factor
562 if n.get_name() == 'backup':
563 dur = - dur
564 if n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Grace):
565 dur = Rational (0)
567 rest = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Rest)
568 if (rest
569 and attributes_object
570 and attributes_object.get_measure_length () == dur):
572 rest._is_whole_measure = True
574 if (dur > Rational (0)
575 and n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Chord)):
576 now = last_moment
577 measure_position = last_measure_position
579 n._when = now
580 n._measure_position = measure_position
581 n._duration = dur
582 if dur > Rational (0):
583 last_moment = now
584 last_measure_position = measure_position
585 now += dur
586 measure_position += dur
587 elif dur < Rational (0):
588 # backup element, reset measure position
589 now += dur
590 measure_position += dur
591 if measure_position < 0:
592 # backup went beyond the measure start => reset to 0
593 now -= measure_position
594 measure_position = 0
595 last_moment = now
596 last_measure_position = measure_position
597 if n._name == 'note':
598 instrument = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('instrument')
599 if instrument:
600 n.instrument_name = part_list.get_instrument (instrument.id)
602 # Incomplete first measures are not padded, but registered as partial
603 if is_first_measure:
604 is_first_measure = False
605 # upbeats are marked as implicit measures
606 if attributes_object and m.is_implicit ():
607 length = attributes_object.get_measure_length ()
608 measure_end = measure_start_moment + length
609 if measure_end <> now:
610 m.partial = now
611 previous_measure = m
613 # modify attributes so that only those applying to the given staff remain
614 def extract_attributes_for_staff (part, attr, staff):
615 attributes = copy.copy (attr)
616 attributes._children = copy.copy (attr._children)
617 attributes._dict = attr._dict.copy ()
618 for c in attributes._children:
619 if hasattr (c, 'number') and c.number != staff:
620 attributes._children.remove (c)
621 return attributes
623 def extract_voices (part):
624 voices = {}
625 measures = part.get_typed_children (Measure)
626 elements = []
627 for m in measures:
628 if m.partial > 0:
629 elements.append (Partial (m.partial))
630 elements.extend (m.get_all_children ())
631 # make sure we know all voices already so that dynamics, clefs, etc.
632 # can be assigned to the correct voices
633 voice_to_staff_dict = {}
634 for n in elements:
635 voice_id = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child (u'voice')
636 vid = None
637 if voice_id:
638 vid = voice_id.get_text ()
640 staff_id = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child (u'staff')
641 sid = None
642 if staff_id:
643 sid = staff_id.get_text ()
644 else:
645 sid = "None"
646 if vid and not voices.has_key (vid):
647 voices[vid] = Musicxml_voice()
648 if vid and sid and not n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (Grace):
649 if not voice_to_staff_dict.has_key (vid):
650 voice_to_staff_dict[vid] = sid
651 # invert the voice_to_staff_dict into a staff_to_voice_dict (since we
652 # need to assign staff-assigned objects like clefs, times, etc. to
653 # all the correct voices. This will never work entirely correct due
654 # to staff-switches, but that's the best we can do!
655 staff_to_voice_dict = {}
656 for (v,s) in voice_to_staff_dict.items ():
657 if not staff_to_voice_dict.has_key (s):
658 staff_to_voice_dict[s] = [v]
659 else:
660 staff_to_voice_dict[s].append (v)
663 start_attr = None
664 assign_to_next_note = []
665 id = None
666 for n in elements:
667 voice_id = n.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class ('voice'))
669 if not (voice_id or isinstance (n, Attributes) or
670 isinstance (n, Direction) or isinstance (n, Partial) or
671 isinstance (n, Barline) or isinstance (n, Harmony) or
672 isinstance (n, FiguredBass) ):
673 continue
675 if isinstance (n, Attributes) and not start_attr:
676 start_attr = n
677 continue
679 if isinstance (n, Attributes):
680 # assign these only to the voices they really belongs to!
681 for (s, vids) in staff_to_voice_dict.items ():
682 staff_attributes = part.extract_attributes_for_staff (n, s)
683 for v in vids:
684 voices[v].add_element (staff_attributes)
685 continue
687 if isinstance (n, Partial) or isinstance (n, Barline):
688 for v in voices.keys ():
689 voices[v].add_element (n)
690 continue
692 if isinstance (n, Direction):
693 staff_id = n.get_maybe_exist_named_child (u'staff')
694 if staff_id:
695 staff_id = staff_id.get_text ()
696 if staff_id:
697 dir_voices = staff_to_voice_dict.get (staff_id, voices.keys ())
698 else:
699 dir_voices = voices.keys ()
700 for v in dir_voices:
701 voices[v].add_element (n)
702 continue
704 if isinstance (n, Harmony) or isinstance (n, FiguredBass):
705 # store the harmony or figured bass element until we encounter
706 # the next note and assign it only to that one voice.
707 assign_to_next_note.append (n)
708 continue
710 id = voice_id.get_text ()
711 if hasattr (n, 'print-object') and getattr (n, 'print-object') == "no":
712 #Skip this note.
713 pass
714 else:
715 for i in assign_to_next_note:
716 voices[id].add_element (i)
717 assign_to_next_note = []
718 voices[id].add_element (n)
720 # Assign all remaining elements from assign_to_next_note to the voice
721 # of the previous note:
722 for i in assign_to_next_note:
723 voices[id].add_element (i)
724 assign_to_next_note = []
726 if start_attr:
727 for (s, vids) in staff_to_voice_dict.items ():
728 staff_attributes = part.extract_attributes_for_staff (start_attr, s)
729 staff_attributes.read_self ()
730 part._staff_attributes_dict[s] = staff_attributes
731 for v in vids:
732 voices[v].insert (0, staff_attributes)
733 voices[v]._elements[0].read_self()
735 part._voices = voices
737 def get_voices (self):
738 return self._voices
739 def get_staff_attributes (self):
740 return self._staff_attributes_dict
742 class Notations (Music_xml_node):
743 def get_tie (self):
744 ts = self.get_named_children ('tied')
745 starts = [t for t in ts if t.type == 'start']
746 if starts:
747 return starts[0]
748 else:
749 return None
751 def get_tuplets (self):
752 return self.get_typed_children (Tuplet)
754 class Time_modification(Music_xml_node):
755 def get_fraction (self):
756 b = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('actual-notes')
757 a = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('normal-notes')
758 return (int(a.get_text ()), int (b.get_text ()))
760 class Accidental (Music_xml_node):
761 def __init__ (self):
762 Music_xml_node.__init__ (self)
763 self.editorial = False
764 self.cautionary = False
766 class Music_xml_spanner (Music_xml_node):
767 def get_type (self):
768 if hasattr (self, 'type'):
769 return self.type
770 else:
771 return 0
772 def get_size (self):
773 if hasattr (self, 'size'):
774 return string.atoi (self.size)
775 else:
776 return 0
778 class Wedge (Music_xml_spanner):
779 pass
781 class Tuplet (Music_xml_spanner):
782 pass
784 class Bracket (Music_xml_spanner):
785 pass
787 class Dashes (Music_xml_spanner):
788 pass
790 class Slur (Music_xml_spanner):
791 def get_type (self):
792 return self.type
794 class Beam (Music_xml_spanner):
795 def get_type (self):
796 return self.get_text ()
797 def is_primary (self):
798 return self.number == "1"
800 class Wavy_line (Music_xml_spanner):
801 pass
803 class Pedal (Music_xml_spanner):
804 pass
806 class Glissando (Music_xml_spanner):
807 pass
809 class Slide (Music_xml_spanner):
810 pass
812 class Octave_shift (Music_xml_spanner):
813 # default is 8 for the octave-shift!
814 def get_size (self):
815 if hasattr (self, 'size'):
816 return string.atoi (self.size)
817 else:
818 return 8
820 class Chord (Music_xml_node):
821 pass
823 class Dot (Music_xml_node):
824 pass
826 # Rests in MusicXML are <note> blocks with a <rest> inside. This class is only
827 # for the inner <rest> element, not the whole rest block.
828 class Rest (Music_xml_node):
829 def __init__ (self):
830 Music_xml_node.__init__ (self)
831 self._is_whole_measure = False
832 def is_whole_measure (self):
833 return self._is_whole_measure
834 def get_step (self):
835 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'display-step'))
836 if ch:
837 step = ch.get_text ().strip ()
838 return step
839 else:
840 return None
841 def get_octave (self):
842 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'display-octave'))
843 if ch:
844 step = ch.get_text ().strip ()
845 return int (step)
846 else:
847 return None
849 class Type (Music_xml_node):
850 pass
851 class Grace (Music_xml_node):
852 pass
853 class Staff (Music_xml_node):
854 pass
856 class Direction (Music_xml_node):
857 pass
858 class DirType (Music_xml_node):
859 pass
861 class Bend (Music_xml_node):
862 def bend_alter (self):
863 alter = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('bend-alter')
864 if alter:
865 return alter.get_text()
866 else:
867 return 0
869 class Words (Music_xml_node):
870 pass
872 class Harmony (Music_xml_node):
873 pass
875 class ChordPitch (Music_xml_node):
876 def step_class_name (self):
877 return u'root-step'
878 def alter_class_name (self):
879 return u'root-alter'
880 def get_step (self):
881 ch = self.get_unique_typed_child (get_class (self.step_class_name ()))
882 return ch.get_text ().strip ()
883 def get_alteration (self):
884 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (self.alter_class_name ()))
885 alter = 0
886 if ch:
887 alter = int (ch.get_text ().strip ())
888 return alter
890 class Root (ChordPitch):
891 pass
893 class Bass (ChordPitch):
894 def step_class_name (self):
895 return u'bass-step'
896 def alter_class_name (self):
897 return u'bass-alter'
899 class ChordModification (Music_xml_node):
900 def get_type (self):
901 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'degree-type'))
902 return {'add': 1, 'alter': 1, 'subtract': -1}.get (ch.get_text ().strip (), 0)
903 def get_value (self):
904 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'degree-value'))
905 value = 0
906 if ch:
907 value = int (ch.get_text ().strip ())
908 return value
909 def get_alter (self):
910 ch = self.get_maybe_exist_typed_child (get_class (u'degree-alter'))
911 value = 0
912 if ch:
913 value = int (ch.get_text ().strip ())
914 return value
917 class Frame (Music_xml_node):
918 def get_frets (self):
919 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('frame-frets', 4)
920 def get_strings (self):
921 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('frame-strings', 6)
922 def get_first_fret (self):
923 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('first-fret', 1)
925 class Frame_Note (Music_xml_node):
926 def get_string (self):
927 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('string', 1)
928 def get_fret (self):
929 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('fret', 0)
930 def get_fingering (self):
931 return self.get_named_child_value_number ('fingering', -1)
932 def get_barre (self):
933 n = self.get_maybe_exist_named_child ('barre')
934 if n:
935 return getattr (n, 'type', '')
936 else:
937 return ''
939 class FiguredBass (Music_xml_node):
940 pass
942 class BeatUnit (Music_xml_node):
943 pass
945 class BeatUnitDot (Music_xml_node):
946 pass
948 class PerMinute (Music_xml_node):
949 pass
953 ## need this, not all classes are instantiated
954 ## for every input file. Only add those classes, that are either directly
955 ## used by class name or extend Music_xml_node in some way!
956 class_dict = {
957 '#comment': Hash_comment,
958 '#text': Hash_text,
959 'accidental': Accidental,
960 'attributes': Attributes,
961 'barline': Barline,
962 'bar-style': BarStyle,
963 'bass': Bass,
964 'beam' : Beam,
965 'beat-unit': BeatUnit,
966 'beat-unit-dot': BeatUnitDot,
967 'bend' : Bend,
968 'bracket' : Bracket,
969 'chord': Chord,
970 'dashes' : Dashes,
971 'degree' : ChordModification,
972 'dot': Dot,
973 'direction': Direction,
974 'direction-type': DirType,
975 'duration': Duration,
976 'frame': Frame,
977 'frame-note': Frame_Note,
978 'figured-bass': FiguredBass,
979 'glissando': Glissando,
980 'grace': Grace,
981 'harmony': Harmony,
982 'identification': Identification,
983 'lyric': Lyric,
984 'measure': Measure,
985 'notations': Notations,
986 'note': Note,
987 'octave-shift': Octave_shift,
988 'part': Part,
989 'part-group': Part_group,
990 'part-list': Part_list,
991 'pedal': Pedal,
992 'per-minute': PerMinute,
993 'pitch': Pitch,
994 'rest': Rest,
995 'root': Root,
996 'score-part': Score_part,
997 'slide': Slide,
998 'slur': Slur,
999 'staff': Staff,
1000 'syllabic': Syllabic,
1001 'text': Text,
1002 'time-modification': Time_modification,
1003 'tuplet': Tuplet,
1004 'type': Type,
1005 'unpitched': Unpitched,
1006 'wavy-line': Wavy_line,
1007 'wedge': Wedge,
1008 'words': Words,
1009 'work': Work,
1012 def name2class_name (name):
1013 name = name.replace ('-', '_')
1014 name = name.replace ('#', 'hash_')
1015 name = name[0].upper() + name[1:].lower()
1017 return str (name)
1019 def get_class (name):
1020 classname = class_dict.get (name)
1021 if classname:
1022 return classname
1023 else:
1024 class_name = name2class_name (name)
1025 klass = new.classobj (class_name, (Music_xml_node,) , {})
1026 class_dict[name] = klass
1027 return klass
1029 def lxml_demarshal_node (node):
1030 name = node.tag
1032 # Ignore comment nodes, which are also returned by the etree parser!
1033 if name is None or node.__class__.__name__ == "_Comment":
1034 return None
1035 klass = get_class (name)
1036 py_node = klass()
1038 py_node._original = node
1039 py_node._name = name
1040 py_node._data = node.text
1041 py_node._children = [lxml_demarshal_node (cn) for cn in node.getchildren()]
1042 py_node._children = filter (lambda x: x, py_node._children)
1044 for c in py_node._children:
1045 c._parent = py_node
1047 for (k,v) in node.items ():
1048 py_node.__dict__[k] = v
1049 py_node._attribute_dict[k] = v
1051 return py_node
1053 def minidom_demarshal_node (node):
1054 name = node.nodeName
1056 klass = get_class (name)
1057 py_node = klass()
1058 py_node._name = name
1059 py_node._children = [minidom_demarshal_node (cn) for cn in node.childNodes]
1060 for c in py_node._children:
1061 c._parent = py_node
1063 if node.attributes:
1064 for (nm, value) in node.attributes.items():
1065 py_node.__dict__[nm] = value
1066 py_node._attribute_dict[nm] = value
1068 py_node._data = None
1069 if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and node.data:
1070 py_node._data = node.data
1072 py_node._original = node
1073 return py_node
1076 if __name__ == '__main__':
1077 import lxml.etree
1079 tree = lxml.etree.parse ('beethoven.xml')
1080 mxl_tree = lxml_demarshal_node (tree.getroot ())
1081 ks = class_dict.keys()
1082 ks.sort()
1083 print '\n'.join (ks)