1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
6 lsrtags
= "pitches, vocal-music"
8 doctitlees
= "Ámbitos con varias voces"
10 La adición del grabador @code{Ambitus_engraver} al contexto de
11 @code{Staff} crea un solo ámbito por pentagrama, incluso en el caso de
12 pentagramas con varias voces.
18 Adding the @code{Ambitus_engraver} to the @code{Staff} context creates
19 a single ambitus per staff, even in the case of staves with multiple
23 doctitle
= "Ambitus with multiple voices"
26 \consists "Ambitus_engraver"
29 \new Voice
\relative c'' {
34 \new Voice
\relative c' {