1 #(ly
3 % #(ly:set-point-and-click 'line-column)
9 subtitle
= "(Serenade)"
10 subsubtitle
= "Leise flehen meine Lieder"
13 composer
= "Franz Schubert (1797-1828)"
14 poet
= "Text by Ludwig Rellstab (1799-1860)"
16 copyright
= "public domain"
17 % instrument = \instrument
20 mutopiatitle
= "Standchen"
21 mutopiasubtitle
= "Leise flehen meine Lieder"
22 mutopiacomposer
= "Franz Schubert (1797-1828)"
23 mutopiapoet
= "Ludwig Rellstab (1799-1860)"
24 mutopiaopus
= "D957.4"
25 mutopiainstrument
= \instrument
28 source
= "Schubert-Lieder Edition Schott No. 608, (Not dated).
29 Jubilaeums-Ausgabe zum 100. Todestage (~1928)."
31 copyright
= "Public Domain"
32 maintainer
= "Jan Nieuwenhuizen"
33 maintainerEmail
= "janneke@gnu.org"
34 lastupdated
= "2001/Apr/27"
35 mutopiapublicdomain
= "\\parbox[b]{\\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small
36 \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project,
37 \\texttt{http://www.mutopiaproject.org/}\\\\It has been typeset
38 and placed in the public domain by " +
\maintainer +
39 ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted
40 and encouraged---copy this music and share it.}"
41 tagline
= \mutopiapublicdomain
42 footer
= "Mutopia-2001/04/27-xx"
47 dynamicUp
= \property Voice
\override #'direction
= #1
48 dynamicRevert
= \property Voice
\revert #'direction
52 vocalVerse
= \notes\relative c''{
54 \times 2/3 { g8-
[( as-
)] g } c4. g8 |
55 \times 2/3 { f8-
[( g-
)] f } c'4 f,8 r |
56 g4.-
> f8 \times 2/3 { f-
[( es-
)] d } |
60 \times 2/3 { g8-
[( as-
)] g } es'4. g,8 |
61 \times 2/3 { f8-
[( g-
)] f } d'4. c8 |
62 bes4. as8 \times 2/3 { as-
[( g-
)] f } |
68 \grace { as'32-
[( bes ] } \times 2/3 { as8-
)( g-
)] as } c4. as8 |
70 \grace { f32-
[( g ] } \times 2/3 { f8-
)( e-
)] f } as4. f8 |
75 \grace { a'32-
[( b ] } \times 2/3 { a!8-
)( gis-
)] a } c4. a8 |
77 \times 2/3 { d'8-
\f( cis-
)] d } f4. b,8 |
81 vocalThrough
= \notes\relative c{
83 g''8. g16 b8. b16 d8. d16 |
87 e4. d8 \times 2/3 { d-
[( c-
)] b } |
91 \grace { a32-
[( b ] } \times 2/3 { a!8-
)( gis-
)] a } c4. a8 |
93 \times 2/3 { d'8-
\f( cis-
)] d } f4. b,8 |
95 % bug: slur on other staff fools lily into extending melisma
102 lyricVerseOne
= \lyrics{
103 Lei -- se fle -- hen mei -- ne Lie -- der
104 durch die Nacht zu dir;
105 in den stil -- len Hain her nie -- der
106 Lieb -- chen
, komm zu mir
108 Fl
\"us -- ternd schlan -- ke Wip -- fel rau -- schen
109 in
des Mon --
des Licht
110 in
des Mon --
des Licht;
112 des Ver -- r
\"a -- ters feind -- lich Lau -- schen
113 f\"urch -- te
, Hol -- de
, nicht
114 f\"urch -- te
, Hol -- de
, nicht
117 lyricVerseTwo
= \lyrics{
118 H
\"orst die Nach -- ti -- gal -- len schla -- gen?
119 ach
! sie fle -- hen dich
120 mit der T
\"o -- ne
s\"u --
"\ss en" Kla -- gen
121 fle -- hen sie
f\"ur mich
123 Sie -- ver --
"steh'n" des Bu -- sens Seh -- nen
124 ken -- nen Lieb --
es -- schmerz
125 ken -- nen Lieb --
es -- schmerz
127 r
\"uh -- ren mit den Sil -- ber -- t
\"o -- nen
128 jed --
es wei -- che Herz
129 jed --
es wei -- che Herz
132 lyricThrough
= \lyrics{
133 L
a\ss auch dir die Brust be -- we -- gen
134 Lieb -- chen
, h\"o -- re mich
135 be -- bend harr
' ich dir ent -- ge -- gen
137 komm
, be -- gl
\"uk -- ke mich
138 komm
, be -- gl
\"uk -- ke mich
, __
139 be -- gl
\"uk -- ke mich
142 trebleIntro
= \notes\relative c{
143 r
8^"\bf M\\\"a\\ss ig
"-\pp <<g' c>>-. <<c es>>-. <<g c>>-. <<c es>>-. <<g c>>-. |
144 r8 <<as c>>-. <<c es>>-. <<as c>>-. <<c es>>-. <<as c>>-. |
145 r8 <<as c>>-. <<c d>>-. <<as c>>-. <<c d>>-. <<as c>>-. |
146 r8 <<g b>>-. <<b d>>-. <<g b>>-. <<b d>>-. <<g b>>-. |
149 trebleVerseOne = \notes\relative c{
151 r8 <<g' c>> <<c es>> <<g c>> <<c es>> <<g c>> |
152 r8 <<f c'>> <<c' d>> <<f, c'>> <<c' d>> <<f, c'>> |
153 r8 <<f g b>> <<g b d>> <<f g b>> <<g b d>> <<f g b>> |
154 r8 <<es g c>> <<g c es>> <<es g c>> <<g c es>> <<es g c>> |
155 <<g'' b,>>4.-( <<f d>>8-)
156 \times 2/3 { <<f d>>-(-[ <<es c>> <<d b>>-)-] }
160 r8 <<g, c>> <<c es>> <<g c>> <<c es>> <<g c>> |
161 r8 <<f c'>> <<c' d>> <<f, c'>> <<c' d>> <<f, c'>> |
162 r8 <<f as bes>> <<as bes d>> <<f as bes>> <<as bes d>> <<f as bes>> |
172 \times 2/3 { <<f as>>-(-[ <<es g>> <<d f>>-)-] }
175 r8 <<f, g>> <<g b>> <<f g>> <<g b>> <<f g>> |
176 r8 <<es g>> <<g c>> <<es g>> <<g c>> <<es g>> |
177 r8-\pp <<es as c>> <<as c es>> <<es as c>> <<as c es>> <<es as c>> |
179 r8 <<es g bes>> <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>> <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>> |
180 \property Voice.Slur \override #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)
181 \grace { as'32-[( bes ] }
182 \times 2/3 { as8-[-)( g as] } c4.-> as8-) |
183 \property Voice.Slur \revert #'attachment
185 r8 <<f, g>> <<g b>> <<f g>> <<g b>> <<f g>> |
186 r8 <<e g>> <<g c>> <<e g>> <<g c>> <<e g>> |
187 r8 <<f a c>> <<a c f>> <<f a c>> <<a c f>> <<f a c>> |
188 r8 <<e g c>> <<g c e>> <<e g c>> <<g c e>> <<e g c>> |
189 \times 2/3 { <<f' f'>>-\f-( <<e e'>> <<f f'>> }
190 <<a a'>>4.-> <<f f'>>8-) |
193 trebleEentje = \notes \relative c' \context Voice {
196 <<f as!>>2-\(-\mf <<as c>>8.-(-> <<f as>>16-)-\) |
197 % urg: slurs with staccati are ugly
198 <<e g>>4. <<e g>>8-.-( <<e g>>-. <<e g>>-)-. |
199 <<f g>>4. <<b, g'>>8-.-( <<d g>>-. <<f g>>-)-. |
200 <<e g>>2 <<e g>>4-\pp |
201 <<f a>>2-\( <<a c>>8.-( <<f a>>16-)-\) |
202 <<e g>>4.-\( <<e g>>8-(-. <<e g>>-. <<e g>>-)-\)-. |
203 <<f g>>4. <<b, g'>>8-(-. <<d g>>-. <<f g>>-)-. |
208 trebleThrough = \notes \relative c'{
213 <<g, g'>>8.[\< <<g g'>>16 <<b b'>>8. <<b b'>>16-\>-\! <<d d'>>8. <<d d'>>16] |
215 %% score has double slur on chord.
216 <<c c'>>4-( <<b c'>>-) r-\!
218 <<g g'>>4. <<b b'>>8 <<d' d, >>8.->[ c16] |
223 { a'8. b16 c4^> ( a8-) r |
224 a8. b16 c4^> ( a8-) r |
227 <<c! es>>4 <<c es>>2 |
230 % 4 bars copied from end verse1
231 r8 <<f, a c>> <<a c f>> <<f a c>> <<a c f>> <<f a c>> |
233 r8 <<e g c>> <<g c e>> <<e g c>> <<g c e>> <<e g c>> |
234 \times 2/3 { <<f' f'>>8-( <<e e'>> <<f f'>> }
236 <<a a'>>4.-> <<f f'>>8-)
239 \property Voice . TextScript \override #'font-shape = #'italic
240 <<d d'>>2._"decresc
241 \property Voice . TextScript \revert #'font-shape
245 <<c c'>>2 <<e g>>4-\pp |
247 % four copied from begin eentje
248 <<f as!>>2-( <<as c>>8.-> <<f as>>16-) |
249 <<e g>>4. <<e g>>8-(-. <<e g>>-. <<e g>>-)-. |
250 <<f g>>4. <<b, g'>>8-(-. <<d g>>-. <<f g>>-)-. |
253 \property Voice . TextScript \override #'font-shape = #'italic
255 \property Voice . TextScript \revert #'font-shape
258 <<g e' g>>2.-\fermata |
261 bassIntro = \notes\relative c{
270 bassVerseOne = \notes\relative c{
278 <<g g'>>8 <<g'' d'>>[ <<d' f>> <<g, d'>> <<d' f>> <<g, d'>>] |
280 <<c,, c'>>8 <<g'' c>>[ <<c es>> <<g c>> <<c es>> <<g c>>] |
286 bes'8 <<bes' f'>>[ <<f' as>> <<bes, f'>> <<f' as>> <<bes, f'>>] |
287 es,8 <<bes' es>>[ <<es g>> <<bes es>> <<es g>> <<bes es>>] |
292 <<bes' bes'>>8 <<f'' bes>>[ <<bes d>> <<f bes>> <<bes d>> <<f bes>>] |
293 <<es,, es'>>8 <<es'' g bes>>[ <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>> <<g bes es>> <<es g bes>>] |
298 <<g g'>>8 <<d'' g>>[ <<g b>> <<d g>> <<g b>> <<d g>>] |
299 c,8 <<c' e g>>[ <<e g c>> <<c e g>> <<e g c>> <<c e g>>] |
302 bassEentje = \notes\relative c{
304 <<c, c'>>8 <<c' f as!>>[ <<f as c>> <<c f as>> <<f as c>> <<c f as>>] |
305 c,8 <<c' e g>>[ <<e g c>> <<c e g>> <<e g c>> <<c e g>>] |
306 <<g, g'>>8 <<d'' g>>[ <<g b>> <<d g>> <<g b>> <<d g>>] |
307 c,8 <<e' g>>[ <<g c>> <<e g>> <<g c>> <<e g>>] |
308 <<c, c'>>8 <<c' f a>>[ <<f a c>> <<c f a>> <<f a c>> <<c f a>>] |
309 c,8 <<c' e g>>[ <<e g c>> <<c e g>> <<e g c>> <<c e g>>] |
310 <<g, g'>>8 <<d'' g>>[ <<g b>> <<d g>> <<g b>> <<d g>>] |
311 c,8 <<e' g>>[ <<g c>> <<e g>> <<g c>> <<e g>>] |
314 bassThrough = \notes\relative c{
317 <<g, g'>>8^"cresc
." <<g' b d>>[ <<b d f>> <<g b d>> <<as! b d >>-> <<b d f>>] |
318 <<g, g'>>8 <<g' d'>>[ <<d' f>> <<g, d'>> <<as b d >>-> <<b d f>>] |
320 <<g, g'>>8 <<g' d'>>[ <<d' f>> <<g, d'>> <<as b d >>-> <<b d f>>] |
321 <<g, g'>>8 <<g' d'>>[ <<d' f>> <<g, d'>> <<gis b d >>-> <<b d f>>] |
323 <<gis, gis'>>8 <<d'' e>>[-\> <<e b'>> <<d e>> <<e b'>> <<d e>> -\!] |
324 <<a, a'>>8 <<c' e>>[ <<e a>> <<c e>> <<e a>> <<c e>>] |
325 <<a, a'>>8 <<a' d f>>[ <<d f a>> <<a d f>> <<d f a>> <<a d f>>] |
326 <<a, a'>>8 <<a' c e>>[ <<c e a>> <<a c e>> <<c e a>> <<a c e>>] |
327 % 4 bars copied from end verse1
331 <<g g'>>8 <<d'' g>>[ <<g b>> <<d g>> <<g b>> <<d g>>] |
332 c,8\> <<c' e g>>[ << e g c>> -\! <<c e g>> <<e g c>> <<c e g>>] |
334 <<c, c'>>8 <<c' es! g>>[ <<es g c>> <<c es g>> <<es g c>> <<c es g>>] |
335 <<f,, f'>>8 <<d'' f>>[ <<f as!>> <<d f>> <<f as>> <<d f>>] |
337 <<g,, g'>>8 <<d'' f>>[ <<f g>> <<d f>> <<f g>> <<d f>>] |
338 c,8 <<c' e>>[ <<e g>> <<c e>> <<e g>> <<c e>>] |
339 c,8 <<c' f>>[ <<f as>> <<c f>> <<f as>> <<c f>>] |
340 c,8 <<c' e>>[ <<e g>> <<c e>> <<e g>> <<c e>>] |
341 g,8 <<g' d'>>[ <<d' f>> <<g, d'>> <<d' f>> <<g, d'>>] |
343 c,8 <<c' e>>[ <<e g>> <<c e>> <<e g>> <<c e>>] |
344 c,8 <<c' g>>[ <<e c>> <<c g>> <<e c>> <<c g>>] |
345 <<c, g' c>>2._\fermata |
363 allLyrics = \lyrics {
364 % maybe should be bigger by default, in grob-description.scm ?
365 \property Lyrics . LyricText \override #'font-relative-size = #1
366 \property Lyrics . LyricHyphen \override #'maximum-length = #1.5
367 \context LyricsVoice = "leise-
1" { \lyricVerseOne
372 lyricStaff = \context Lyrics {
376 vocals = \context Voice \notes {
378 % certainly no auto-beaming for vocals
379 \property Voice.autoBeaming = ##f
380 \property Staff.automaticMelismata= ##t
392 vocalStaff = \context Staff = vocal<
393 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "synth voice
394 \context Voice = "leise
" < \global
400 \property Voice.autoBeamSettings \override #'(begin * * * *) = #(ly:make-moment 0 1)
408 trebleStaff = \context Staff = treble<
409 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand
422 bassStaff = \context Staff = bass<
423 \property Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand
428 grandStaff = \context PianoStaff <
439 Transpose as you like for your voice
440 Range untransposed is c' to f'' (for tenors and sopranos)
441 \transpose c' a gives a' to d'' (for basses, who sing an octave down)
444 \notes \transpose c' a \vocalStaff
446 \notes \transpose c' a \grandStaff
456 % textheight = 280.\mm
457 % linewidth = 190.\mm
458 % to get this on 3 pages of a4.
460 % Mandatory Mutopia settings yield 4 pages :-(
461 textheight = 270.0\mm
464 \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }