[lilypond.git] / lily /
1 /*
2 -- implement Note_head
4 source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
6 (c) 1997--2001 Han-Wen Nienhuys <>
7 */
8 #include <math.h>
10 #include "misc.hh"
11 #include "dots.hh"
12 #include "note-head.hh"
13 #include "debug.hh"
14 #include "font-interface.hh"
15 #include "molecule.hh"
16 #include "musical-request.hh"
18 #include "staff-symbol-referencer.hh"
21 build a ledger line for small pieces.
23 Molecule
24 Note_head::ledger_line (Interval xwid, Grob *me)
26 Drul_array<Molecule> endings;
27 endings[LEFT] = Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->find_by_name ("noteheads-ledgerending");
28 Molecule *e = &endings[LEFT];
29 endings[RIGHT] = *e;
31 Real thick = e->extent (Y_AXIS).length ();
32 Real len = e->extent (X_AXIS).length () - thick;
34 Molecule total;
35 Direction d = LEFT;
36 do {
37 endings[d].translate_axis (xwid[d] - endings[d].extent (X_AXIS)[d], X_AXIS);
38 total.add_molecule (endings[d]);
39 } while ((flip (&d)) != LEFT);
41 Real xpos = xwid [LEFT] + len;
43 while (xpos + len + thick /2 <= xwid[RIGHT])
45 e->translate_axis (len, X_AXIS);
46 total.add_molecule (*e);
47 xpos += len;
50 return total;
54 Molecule
55 Note_head::ledger_lines (Grob*me, int count, Direction dir, Interval idw)
57 Real inter_f = Staff_symbol_referencer::staff_space (me)/2;
58 Molecule ledger (ledger_line (idw, me));
60 ledger.set_empty (true);
61 Real offs = (Staff_symbol_referencer::on_staffline (me))
62 ? 0.0
63 : -dir * inter_f;
65 Molecule legs;
66 for (int i=0; i < count; i++)
68 Molecule s (ledger);
69 s.translate_axis (-dir * inter_f * i*2 + offs,
70 Y_AXIS);
71 legs.add_molecule (s);
74 return legs;
77 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Note_head,brew_molecule,1);
79 SCM
80 Note_head::brew_molecule (SCM smob)
82 Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
84 int sz = Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me)-1;
85 int p = (int) rint (Staff_symbol_referencer::position_f (me));
86 int streepjes_i = abs (p) < sz
87 ? 0
88 : (abs (p) - sz) /2;
90 SCM style = me->get_grob_property ("style");
91 if (!gh_symbol_p (style))
93 return SCM_EOL;
97 ugh: use gh_call () / scm_apply ().
99 UGH: use grob-property.
101 Molecule out = Font_interface::get_default_font (me)->find_by_name (String ("noteheads-") +
102 ly_scm2string (scm_primitive_eval (gh_list (ly_symbol2scm ("find-notehead-symbol"),
103 me->get_grob_property ("duration-log"),
104 ly_quote_scm (style),
107 if (streepjes_i)
109 Direction dir = (Direction)sign (p);
110 Interval hd = out.extent (X_AXIS);
111 Real hw = hd.length ()/4;
112 out.add_molecule (ledger_lines (me, streepjes_i, dir,
113 Interval (hd[LEFT] - hw,
114 hd[RIGHT] + hw)));
117 return out.smobbed_copy ();
120 bool
121 Note_head::has_interface (Grob*m)
123 return m&& m->has_interface (ly_symbol2scm ("note-head-interface"));
127 MAKE_SCHEME_CALLBACK (Note_head,brew_ez_molecule,1);
130 Note_head::brew_ez_molecule (SCM smob)
132 Grob *me = unsmob_grob (smob);
133 int l = gh_scm2int (me->get_grob_property ("duration-log"));
135 int b = (l >= 2);
136 SCM at = gh_list (ly_symbol2scm ("ez-ball"),
137 me->get_grob_property ("note-character"),
138 gh_int2scm (b),
139 gh_int2scm (1-b),
141 Box bx (Interval (0, 1.0), Interval (-0.5, 0.5));
142 Molecule m (bx, at);
143 int p = (int) rint (Staff_symbol_referencer::position_f (me));
145 int sz = Staff_symbol_referencer::line_count (me)-1;
146 int streepjes_i = abs (p) < sz
148 : (abs (p) - sz) /2;
150 if (streepjes_i)
152 Direction dir = (Direction)sign (p);
153 Interval hd = m.extent (X_AXIS);
154 Real hw = hd.length ()/4;
155 m.add_molecule (ledger_lines (me, streepjes_i, dir,
156 Interval (hd[LEFT] - hw,
157 hd[RIGHT] + hw)));
160 return m.smobbed_copy ();
164 Real
165 Note_head::stem_attachment_coordinate (Grob *me, Axis a)
167 SCM v = me->get_grob_property ("stem-attachment-function");
169 if (!gh_procedure_p (v))
170 return 0.0;
172 SCM st = me->get_grob_property ("style");
173 SCM result = gh_apply (v, gh_list (st, SCM_UNDEFINED));
175 if (!gh_pair_p (result))
176 return 0.0;
178 result = (a == X_AXIS) ? gh_car (result) : gh_cdr (result);
180 return gh_number_p (result) ? gh_scm2double (result) : 0.0;