2 Here is an attempt at a simple explanation of the directory layout for
3 LilyPond's source files.
6 bibliography/ .bib files with references to books and articles
8 pictures/ .xpms of the logo
9 programmer/ programmers documentation, including a test document
10 topdocs/ sources for the toplevel files (README.txt, INSTALL.txt, etc.)
12 buildscripts/ Scripts used during the build process
13 debian/ Files for building .deb packages.
14 flower/ A generic library.
16 input/ Various input files
17 test/ Test features: one file per feature
19 tutorial/ Examples from the tutorial
20 lily/ Source code for LilyPond
22 ly/ Standard include files.
23 make/ LilyPond specific Make subroutine files
24 mf/ MetaFont sources for the feta font
25 midi2ly/ midi2ly source code
27 mutopia/ Larger examples with full music pieces.
37 intl/ library for gettext
39 ps/ postscript library files
40 tex/ TeX library files
42 stepmake/ Generic make subroutine files