[lilypond.git] / Documentation / make_website
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 sub
3 set_hrefs
5 while (<HTMLIN>) {
6 s#href=([A-Za-z.]+)#href=$base/$1#g;
7 print HTMLOUT $_;
11 local $base="lilypond/";
12 local @examples=("wohltemperirt");
14 system 'pod2html';
16 print "resetting refs.\n";
18 foreach $a (<*.html>)
20 rename $a, "$a~";
21 open HTMLIN, "$a~";
22 open HTMLOUT, ">$a";
23 set_hrefs;
26 foreach $a (@examples) {
27 $texfile="test";
28 system "ln ../input/$ ./$";
29 system "cd ..; lilypond input/$a; tex $texfile;".
30 "dvips -o $ $texfile;";
32 # generate the pixmap at twice the size, then rescale (for antialiasing)
33 if ( ! -f "$a.gif" ) {
34 system "mv ../$ $; ".
35 "mv ../lelie.midi $a.midi; ".
36 "gs -q -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=- -r200 -dNOPAUSE $ -c quit |pnmscale 0.5| ppmtogif > $a.gif";
40 system "tar hcf website.tar *.html *.gif lelie_logo.png *.ps *.ly.txt *.midi docxx/;" .
41 "gzip -f9 website.tar;"