LSR: Update.
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1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.62"
4 \header {
5 texidoces = "Los pasajes citados tienen en cuenta la
6 transposición de la fuente tanto como la del destino. En este
7 ejemplo, todos los instrumentos interpreta una nota con el sonido
8 del Do central; el destino de un instrumento transpositor en Fa.
9 La parte de destino se puede transponer utilizando
10 @code{\\transpose}. En este caso se transportan todas las notas
11 (incluidas las citadas).
15 doctitlees = "Citar otra voz con transposición"
16 lsrtags = "pitches,staff-notation"
17 texidoc = "Quotations take into account the transposition of both
18 source and target. In this example, all instruments play sounding
19 middle C; the target is an instrument in F. The target part may be
20 transposed using @code{\\transpose}. In this case, all the pitches
21 (including the quoted ones) are transposed.
23 doctitle = "Quoting another voice with transposition"
24 } % begin verbatim
26 \addQuote clarinet {
27 \transposition bes
28 \repeat unfold 8 { d'16 d' d'8 }
31 \addQuote sax {
32 \transposition es'
33 \repeat unfold 16 { a8 }
36 quoteTest = {
37 % french horn
38 \transposition f
39 g'4
40 << \quoteDuring #"clarinet" { \skip 4 } s4^"clar." >>
41 << \quoteDuring #"sax" { \skip 4 } s4^"sax." >>
42 g'4
46 \set Staff.instrumentName =
47 \markup {
48 \center-column { Horn \line { in F } }
50 \quoteTest
51 \transpose c' d' << \quoteTest s4_"up a tone" >>