LSR: Update.
[lilypond.git] / input / lsr /
1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from input/new
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.62"
5 \header {
6 lsrtags = "rhythms, text"
7 texidoc = "Markups attached to a multi-measure rest will be
8 centered above or below it. Long markups attached to multi-measure
9 rests do not cause the measure to expand. To expand a multi-measure
10 rest to fit the markup, use a spacer rest with an attached markup
11 before the multi-measure rest.
13 Note that the spacer rest causes a bar line to be inserted. Text attached
14 to a spacer rest in this way is left-aligned to the position where
15 the note would be placed in the measure, but if the measure length is
16 determined by the length of the text, the text will appear to be
17 centered."
18 doctitle = "Multi-measure rest markup"
19 } % begin verbatim
21 \relative c' {
22 \compressFullBarRests
23 \textLengthOn
24 s1*0^\markup { [MAJOR GENERAL] }
25 R1*19
26 s1*0_\markup { \italic { Cue: ... it is yours } }
27 s1*0^\markup { A }
28 R1*30^\markup { [MABEL] }
29 \textLengthOff
30 c4^\markup { CHORUS } d f c