-b eps -> -dbackend=eps
[lilypond.git] / buildscripts / www_post.py
1 #!@PYTHON@
3 ## This is www_post.py. This script is the main stage
4 ## of toplevel GNUmakefile local-WWW-post target.
7 # please call me from top of the source directory
9 import sys
10 import os
11 import re
12 import gettext
14 package_name, package_version, buildscript_dir, localedir, outdir, targets = sys.argv[1:]
15 targets = targets.split (' ')
16 outdir = os.path.normpath (outdir)
17 doc_dirs = ['input', 'Documentation', outdir]
18 target_pattern = os.path.join (outdir, '%s-root')
20 static_files = {
21 # ugly hack: the following overwrites HTML Info dir with a link to
22 # the (more useful) documentation index
23 os.path.join ('Documentation/user', outdir, 'index.html'):
24 '''<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=../index.html">
25 <html><body>Redirecting to the documentation index...</body></html>\n''',
26 os.path.join (outdir, 'index.html'):
27 '''<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=Documentation/index.html">
28 <html><body>Redirecting to the documentation index...</body></html>\n''',
29 os.path.join (outdir, 'VERSION'):
30 package_version + '\n' }
32 for f, contents in static_files.items ():
33 open (f, 'w').write (contents)
36 sys.path.append (buildscript_dir)
37 import mirrortree
38 import add_html_footer
39 import langdefs
41 sys.stderr.write ("Mirrorring...\n")
42 dirs, symlinks, files = mirrortree.walk_tree (
43 tree_roots = doc_dirs,
44 process_dirs = outdir,
45 exclude_dirs = '(' + '|'.join ([l.code for l in langdefs.LANGUAGES]) + r'|po|out|\w*?-root)(/|$)',
46 find_files = r'.*?\.(?:midi|html|pdf|png|txt|ly|signature)$|VERSION',
47 exclude_files = r'lily-[0-9a-f]+.*\.pdf')
49 # actual mirrorring stuff
50 html_files = []
51 hardlinked_files = []
52 for f in files:
53 if f.endswith ('.html'):
54 html_files.append (f)
55 else:
56 hardlinked_files.append (f)
57 dirs = [re.sub ('/' + outdir, '', d) for d in dirs]
58 while outdir in dirs:
59 dirs.remove (outdir)
60 dirs = list( set (dirs))
61 dirs.sort ()
63 strip_file_name = {}
64 strip_re = re.compile (outdir + '/')
65 for t in targets:
66 out_root = target_pattern % t
67 strip_file_name[t] = lambda s: os.path.join (target_pattern % t, (strip_re.sub ('', s)))
68 os.mkdir (out_root)
69 map (os.mkdir, [os.path.join (out_root, d) for d in dirs])
70 for f in hardlinked_files:
71 os.link (f, strip_file_name[t] (f))
72 for l in symlinks:
73 p = mirrortree.new_link_path (os.path.normpath (os.readlink (l)), os.path.dirname (l), strip_re)
74 os.symlink (p, strip_file_name[t] (l))
76 # need this for content negotiation with documentation index
77 if 'online' in targets:
78 f = open (os.path.join (target_pattern % 'online', 'Documentation/.htaccess'), 'w')
79 f.write ('#.htaccess\nDirectoryIndex index\n')
80 f.close ()
82 # load gettext messages catalogs
83 translation = {}
84 for l in langdefs.LANGUAGES:
85 if l.enabled and l.code != 'en':
86 translation[l.code] = gettext.translation('lilypond-doc', localedir, [l.code]).gettext
88 add_html_footer.build_pages_dict (html_files)
89 for t in targets:
90 sys.stderr.write ("Processing HTML pages for %s target...\n" % t)
91 add_html_footer.add_html_footer (
92 translation = translation,
93 package_name = package_name,
94 package_version = package_version,
95 target = t,
96 name_filter = strip_file_name[t])