* stepmake/GNUmakefile.in: remove nested stepmake packaging stuff.
[lilypond.git] / input / test / chord-names-jazz.ly
1 \version "1.9.4"
4 \header {
6 texidoc = " Chord names are generated from a list pitches. The
7 functions constructing the names are customisable. This file shows
8 Jazz chords, following Ignatzek (1995), page 17 and 18, Banter chords,
9 and an alternative Jazz chord notation.
16 chs = \notes \transpose c' c'
18 <c e g>1
19 <c es g>% m = minor triad
20 <c e gis>
21 <c es ges> \break
22 <c e g bes>
23 <c es g bes>
24 <c e g b> % triangle = maj
25 <c es ges beses>
26 <c es ges b> \break
27 <c e gis bes>
28 <c es g b>
29 <c e gis b>
30 <c es ges bes>\break
31 <c e g a> % 6 = major triad with added sixth
32 <c es g a> % m6 = minor triad with added sixth
33 <c e g bes d'>
34 <c es g bes d'> \break
35 <c es g bes d' f' a' >
36 <c es g bes d' f' >
37 <c es ges bes d' >
38 <c e g bes des' > \break
39 <c e g bes dis'>
40 <c e g bes d' f'>
41 <c e g bes d' fis'>
42 <c e g bes d' f' a'>\break
43 <c e g bes d' fis' as'>
44 <c e gis bes dis'>
45 <c e g bes dis' fis'>
46 <c e g bes d' f' as'>\break
47 <c e g bes des' f' as'>
48 <c e g bes d' fis'>
49 <c e g b d'>
50 <c e g bes d' f' as'>\break
51 <c e g bes des' f' as'>
52 <c e g bes des' f' a'>
53 <c e g b d'>
54 <c e g b d' f' a'>\break
55 <c e g b d' fis'>
56 <c e g bes des' f ' a'>
57 <c f g>
58 <c f g bes>\break
59 <c f g bes d'>
60 <c e g d'> % add9
61 <c es g f'>
65 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66 % alternate Jazz notation
68 efullmusicJazzAlt = \notes
70 <c e gis>1-\markup { "+" }
71 <c e g b>-\markup { \normal-size-super
72 % \override #'(font-family . math) "N" }
73 \override #'(font-family . math) "M" }
74 %%c:3.5.7 = \markup { \override #'(font-family . math) "M" }
75 %%c:3.5.7 = \markup { \normal-size-super "maj7" }
77 <c es ges>-\markup { \super "o" } % should be $\circ$ ?
78 <c es ges bes>-\markup { \super \combine "o" "/" }
79 <c es ges beses>-\markup { \super "o7" }
82 efullJazzAlt = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions efullmusicJazzAlt #f)
84 epartialmusicJazzAlt = \notes{
85 <c d>1-\markup { \normal-size-super "2" }
86 <c es>-\markup { "m" }
87 <c f>-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus4" }
88 <c g>-\markup { \normal-size-super "5" }
90 %% TODO, partial exceptions
91 <c es f>-\markup { "m" }-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus4" }
92 <c d es>-\markup { "m" }-\markup { \normal-size-super "sus2" }
95 epartialJazzAlt = #(sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions epartialmusicJazzAlt #f)
97 jazzAltProperties =
99 \sequential {
100 \property ChordNames.majorSevenSymbol = #whiteTriangleMarkup
101 \property ChordNames.chordNameSeparator = #(make-simple-markup "/")
102 \property ChordNames.chordNameExceptionsFull = #efullJazzAlt
103 \property ChordNames.chordNameExceptionsPartial = #epartialJazzAlt
104 \property ChordNames.chordNameFunction = #jazz-chord-names
107 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
109 banterProperties = \sequential {
110 \property ChordNames.chordNameFunction = #banter-chord-names
113 \score{
115 \new ChordNames {
116 \property ChordNames.instrument = #"Ignatzek (default)"
117 \property ChordNames.instr = #"Def"
118 \chs }
119 \new ChordNames {
120 \property ChordNames.instrument = #"Alternative"
121 \property ChordNames.instr = #"Alt"
122 \jazzAltProperties
123 \chs }
125 % This is the banter style.
126 % it gives exceedingly verbose (wide) names
127 % making this file take up to 4 pages.
130 \new ChordNames {
131 \banterProperties
132 \chs
135 \new Staff \notes \transpose c c' { \chs }
137 \paper{
138 indent = 3.\cm
139 \translator {
140 \ChordNamesContext
141 ChordName \override #'word-space = #1
142 \consists Instrument_name_engraver