LSR: Update.
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1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.53"
5 \header {
6 lsrtags = "chords, ancient-notation, contexts-and-engravers"
8 texidoces = "
9 Al escribir un bajo cifrado, existe una forma de especificar si
10 queremos que las cifras se sitúen encima o debajo de las notas del
11 bajo, mediante la definición de la propiedad
12 @code{BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction} (exclusivamente
13 dentro de un contexto @code{Staff}). Se puede elegir entre
14 @code{#UP} (o @code{#1}, arriba), @code{#CENTER} (o @code{#0},
15 centrado) y @code{#DOWN} (o @code{#-1}, abajo).
17 Como podemos ver, esta propiedad se puede cambiar tantas veces
18 como queramos. Utilice @code{\once \override} si no quiere que el
19 truco se aplique a toda la partitura.
22 doctitlees = "Añadir un bajo cifrado encima o debajo de las notas"
24 texidoc = "
25 When writing a figured bass, here's a way to specify if you want your
26 figures to be placed above or below the bass notes, by defining the
27 @code{BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction} property (exclusively
28 in a @code{Staff} context). Choices are @code{#UP} (or @code{#1}),
29 @code{#CENTER} (or @code{#0}) and @code{#DOWN} (or @code{#-1}).
31 As you can see here, this property can be changed as many times as you
32 wish. Use @code{\\once \\override} if you don't want the tweak to apply
33 to the whole score.
36 doctitle = "Adding a figured bass above or below the notes"
37 } % begin verbatim
38 bass = { \clef bass g4 b, c d e d8 c d2}
39 continuo = \figuremode {
40 < _ >4 < 6 >8
41 \once \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction = #CENTER
42 <5/> < _ >4
43 \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction = #UP
44 < _+ > < 6 >
45 \set Staff.useBassFigureExtenders = ##t
46 \override Staff.BassFigureAlignmentPositioning #'direction = #DOWN
47 < 4 >4. < 4 >8 < _+ >4
49 \score {
50 << \new Staff = bassStaff \bass
51 \context Staff = bassStaff \continuo >>