[lilypond.git] / Documentation / bibliography / engraving.bib
2 % TITLE=The engraving bibliography
3 % AUTHOR=Han-Wen Nienhuys
7 @Book{banter,
8 author = {Harald Banter},
9 title = {Akkord Lexikon},
10 publisher = {Schott's S\"ohne},
11 year = {1987},
12 isbn = {ISBN 3-7957-2095-8},
13 note = {Comprehensive overview of commonly used
14 chords. Suggests (and uses) a unification for all different kinds
15 of chord names.},
16 address = {Mainz, Germany},
19 @Book{rastall,
20 author = {Richard Rastall},
21 ALTeditor = {},
22 title = {The Notation of Western Music: an
23 Introduction},
24 publisher = {J. M. Dent \& Sons London},
25 year = {1983},
26 note = {Interesting account of the evolution and origin of common notation starting from neumes, and ending with modern innovations HWN},
29 @Book{mcgrain,
30 author = {Mark Mc Grain},
31 title = {Music notation},
32 year = 1991,
33 publisher={Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation},
34 isbn ={0793508479},
35 note={HWN writes: `Book' edition of lecture notes from XXX school of
36 music. The book looks like it is xeroxed from bad printouts. The
37 content has nothing you won't find in other books like\cite{read} or
38 \cite{heussenstamm}. }
41 @Book{ross,
42 author = {Ted Ross},
43 title = {Teach yourself the art of music engraving and processing},
44 publisher = {Hansen House},
45 year = 1987,
46 note = {This is about engraving, i.e. professional typesetting. It contains
47 directions on good typesetting, but the sections on reproduction
48 technicalities, how to use pens and history are interesting.
49 Especially the section on Music Typewriters is amusing HWN},
50 address = {Miami, Florida},
55 @Book {read78,
56 note = {Sound (boring) review of the various hairy rhythmic notations used by avant-garde composers HWN},
57 year = {1978},
58 title = {Modern Rhythmic Notation},
59 author = {Gardner Read},
60 publisher = {Indiana University Press},
64 @Book {read-notation,
66 note = {This is as close to the ``standard''
67 reference work for music notation issues as one is likely to get.},
69 title = {Music Notation: a Manual of Modern Practice},
70 author = {Gardner Read},
71 totalentry = {(2nd edition)},
72 publisher ={Taplinger Publishing},
73 address ={New York},
76 @Book {weaner93,
77 year = {1993},
78 title = {Standard Music Notation Practice},
79 author = {Maxwell Weaner and Walter Boelke},
80 totalentry = {revised edition by Arnold Broido and Daniel Dorff.},
81 publisher = {Music Publisher's Association of the United States Inc},
82 address = {New York}
86 @Book {wanske,
88 note = {I. A very thorough overview of engraving practices of various
89 craftsmen. It includes detailed specs of characters, dimensions
90 etc. II. a thorough overview of a anonymous (by now antiquated)
91 automated system. EDV Means e(lektronischen) D(aten)v(erarbeitung),
92 electronic data processing HWN.},
94 year = {1988},
95 title = {Musiknotation --- Von der Syntax des Notenstichs zum EDV-gesteuerten Notensatz},
96 author = {Helene Wanske},
97 publisher = {Schott-Verlag},
98 address = {Mainz},
99 isbn = {ISBN 3-7957-2886-x},
102 {willemze,
103 note = {A comprehensive overview of music theory;
104 the (Dutch) authority on general music theory},
105 year = {1964-1993},
106 title = {Algemene muziekleer},
107 author = {Theo Willemze},
108 publisher = {Aula, Het Spectrum},
109 address = {Utrecht},
110 isbn = {ISBN 90-274-1817-9},
114 @Book {hader48,
115 year = {1948},
116 title = {Aus der Werkstatt eines Notenstechers},
117 author = {Karl Hader},
118 publisher = {Waldheim--Eberle Verlag},
119 address ={Vienna},
121 note = {Hader was the chief-engraver of the Waldheim-Eberle music
122 publishers. This beautiful booklet was intended as an introduction
123 for laymen on the art of engraving. It contains a step by step,
124 in-depth explanation of how to cut and stamp music into zinc plates.
125 It also contains a few compactly formulated rules on musical
126 orthography. Out of print. }
129 @Book{gamble23:_music_engrav,
130 author = {William Gamble},
131 title = {Music Engraving and printing. Historical and Technical Treatise},
132 publisher = {Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, ltd.},
133 year = 1923,
134 note = {This pattriotic book was an attempt to promote and help
135 British music engravers. It is somewhat similar to Hader's
136 book\cite{hader48} in scope and style, but Gamble focuses more on
137 technical details (Which French punch cutters are worth buying from,
138 etc.), and does not treat typographical details, such as optical
139 illusions. It is available as reprint from Da Capo Press, New York
140 (1971).}
144 @Booklet {mpa96,
145 note = {Pamphlet explaining a few fine points in music font design HWN},
146 year = {1996},
147 title = {Standard music notation specifications for computer programming.},
148 month = {December},
149 author ={mpa},
150 publisher = {MPA},
154 @Book {donato63,
155 year = {1963},
156 author = {Anthony Donato},
157 title ={Preparing Music Manuscript},
158 address ={Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
159 publisher={Prentice-Hall},
163 @Book {Karkoshka72,
164 year = {1972},
165 title = {Notation in New Music; a critical guide to interpretation and realisation},
166 author = {Erdhard Karkoshka},
167 translator={Ruth Koenig},
168 publisher={Praeger Publishers},
169 address={New York},
170 note ={(Out of print)},
174 @Book {Roemer84,
175 year = {1984},
176 title = {The Art of Music Copying},
177 author = {Clinton Roemer},
178 publisher={Roerick music co.},
179 address= {Sherman Oaks (CA)},
181 note ={Out of print. Heussenstamm writes: an instructional manual
182 which specializes in methods used in the commercial field. },
183 edition={2nd},
187 @Book {Rosecrans79,
188 year = {1979},
189 title = {Music Notation Primer},
190 author = {Glen Rosecrans},
191 publisher={Passantino},
192 address={New York},
193 note={Heussenstamm writes: Limited in scope, similar to \cite{Roemer84}}
196 @Book {donemes1900,
197 year = {1900},
198 title = {Uitgeven van muziek},
199 author = {Donemus},
200 publisher= {Donemus Amsterdam},
204 @Book{vinci,
205 author={Vinci, Albert C.},
206 title={Fundamentals of Traditional Music Notation},
207 publisher={Kent State University Press},
208 year={1989}
211 @Book{schirmer90,
212 author={G. Schirmer, Inc.},
213 title={The G. Schirmer Manual of Style and Usage},
214 address={New York},
215 publisher={The G. Schirmer Publications Department},
216 year={1990}
220 @Book {Stone80,
221 year = {1980},
222 title = {Music Notation in the Twentieth Century},
223 author = {Kurt Stone},
224 publisher= {Norton},
225 address={New York},
226 note ={Heussenstamm writes: The most important book on notation in recent years. },
229 @Book {Heussenstamm87,
230 year = {1987},
231 title = {The Norton Manual of Music Notation},
232 author = {George Heussenstamm},
233 address= {New York},
234 publisher={Norton},
235 note={Hands-on instruction book for copying (ie. handwriting) music. Fairly complete. HWN}
239 @Book {gerou96,
240 note = {A cheap, concise, alphabetically ordered list of typesetting and music (notation) issues with a rather simplistic attitude but in most cases "good-enough" answers JCN},
241 year = {1996},
242 title = {Essential Dictionary of Music Notation},
243 author = {Tom Gerou and Linda Lusk},
244 publisher = {Alfred Publishing},
245 address ={Van Nuys CA},
246 isbn ={ISBN 0-88284-768-6},
250 @Book {chlapik87,
251 note = {An clearly written book for the casually interested reader. It shows some of the conventions and difficulties in printing music HWN},
252 year = {1987},
253 title = {Die Praxis des Notengraphikers},
254 author = {Herbert Chlapik},
255 publisher = {Doblinger},
256 isbn ={ISBN 3-9000 035-96-2},
261 @Book {barksdale57,
262 author = {Barksdale, A},
263 year = {1957},
264 title = {The Printed Note: 500 Years of Music Printing and Engraving},
265 address={Toledo, Ohio},
266 month = {January},
267 note={`The exhibition "The Printed Note" attempts to show the various processes used since the second of the 15th century for reproducing music mechanically ... '. The illustration mostly feature ancient music},
268 publisher={The Toledo Museum of Art},
272 @Book {wolf19,
273 author = {Wolf, Johannes},
274 year = {1919},
275 title = {Handbuch der Notationskunde},
276 address={Leipzig},
277 publisher={Breitkopf & Hartel},
278 note= {Very thorough treatment (in two volumes) of the history of music notation},
281 @Book {rosenthal67,
282 author = {Rosenthal, Carl A},
283 year = {1967},
284 title = {A Practical Guide to Music Notation},
285 address={New York},
286 publisher={MCA Music},
287 note={Heussenstamm writes: Informative in terms of traditional notation. Does not concern score preparation}
291 @Book {Boehm61,
292 author = {Boehm, Laszlo},
293 year = {1961},
294 title={Modern Music Notation},
295 address={New York},
296 publisher={G. Schirmer, Inc.},
297 note ={Heussenstamm writes: A handy compact reference book in basic notation. }
299 @Book{button20:_system_music_notat,
300 author = {Button, H. Elliot},
301 title = {System in Musical Notation},
302 publisher = {Novello and co.},
303 year = 1920,
304 address = {London}
307 @Book{johnson46:_how,
308 author = {Johnson, Harold},
309 title = {How to write music manuscript},
310 publisher = {Carl Fischer, Inc.},
311 year = 1946,
312 address = {New York}
317 @Book{tyboni94:_noter_handb_i_tradit_noter,
318 author = {B\"orje Tyboni},
319 title = {Noter Handbok I Traditionell Notering},
320 publisher = {Gehrmans Musikf\"orlag},
321 year = 1994,
322 address = {Stockholm},
323 note = {Swedish book on music notation.}