1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
6 lsrtags
= "pitches, text"
9 Internamente, la funciĆ³n @code{set-octavation} establece las
10 propiedades @code{ottavation} (por ejemplo, a @code{\"8va\"} o a
11 @code{\"8vb\"}) y @code{middleCPosition}. Para sobreescribir el texto
12 del corchete, ajuste @code{ottavation} despues de invocar a
13 @code{set-octavation}.
15 doctitlees
= "Texto de octava alta y baja"
17 Internally, the @code{set-octavation} function sets the properties
18 @code{ottavation} (for example, to @code{\"8va\"} or @code{\"8vb\"})
19 and @code{middleCPosition}. To override the text of the bracket, set
20 @code{ottavation} after invoking @code{set-octavation}.
25 doctitle
= "Ottava text"
29 \set Staff
= #"8"
34 \set Staff
= #"Text"