[lilypond.git] / input /
1 %{
2 Converted from star.mup with the aid of
5 %}
9 \header{
10 title="The Star Spangled Banner";
11 subtitle="The United States National Anthem";
12 poet="Text by Francis Scott Key";
13 composer="J. S. Smith";
14 arranger="Arranged by William J. Krauss";
15 enteredby="jcn";
16 copyright="public domain";
19 $staff1_voice_1 = \notes {
20 a8.()fis16
21 \repeat volta 2 { d4 fis4 a4 d'2 fis'8. e'16 d'4 fis4 gis4 a2 a8 a8
22 fis'4. e'8 d'4 cis'2 b8. cis'16 d'4 d'4 a4 }
23 \alternative { { fis4 d4 a8. fis16 } { fis4 d4 fis'8. fis'16 } }
24 fis'4 g'4 a'4 a'2 g'8 fis'8 e'4 fis'4
25 g'4 g'2 g'4 fis'4. e'8 d'4 cis'2 b8. cis'16 d'4 fis4 gis4 a2 a4
26 d'4 d'4 d'8()cis'8 b4 b4 b4 e'4 g'8 ()fis'8 e'8()d'8
27 d'4()cis'4 a8. a16 d'4.()e'8 fis'8 g'8 a'2 d'8 e'8 fis'4. g'8
28 e'4 d'2 s4
31 $staff1_voice_2 = \notes {
32 a8.()fis16
33 \repeat volta 2 { a,4 d4 e4 d4 () fis4 fis8. fis16 fis4 d4 d4 cis2
34 e8 e8 a4. a8 a4 a2 a8. a16 a4 a4 a4 }
35 \alternative { { fis4 d4 a8. fis16 } { fis4 d4 r4 } }
36 a4 a4 d'4 d'2 a8 a8 cis'4 cis'4 cis'4 cis'2 a4 a4. a8 a4 a2
37 a8. a16 d4 d4 d4 cis2 e4 fis4 e4 d4 d4 d4 dis4 g4 g8()dis8 e4 e2
38 e8. e16 d4.()a8 a8 a8 a2 g8 g8 a4. a8 g4 fis2 s4
41 $staff2_voice_1 = \notes {
42 r4
43 \repeat volta 2 { fis4 a4 a4 b2 cis'8. cis'16 b4 b4 b4 a2 cis'8 cis'8
44 d'4. cis'8 d'4 e'2 e'8. e'16 d'4 d'4 a4 }
45 \alternative { { fis4 d4 r4 } { fis4 d4 r4 } }
46 d4 e4 fis4 fis'2 e'8 d'8 e'4 e'4 e'4 e'2 cis'4 d'4. cis'8 d'4 e'2
47 e'8. e'16 a4 a4 e4 e2 cis'4 a4 a4 a4 g4 g4 b4 b4 b4 b4 a2
48 cis'8. cis'16 a4.()cis'8 d'8 d'8 d'2 d'8 d'8 d'4. d'8 cis'4
49 a2 s4
52 $staff2_voice_2 = \notes {
53 r4
54 \repeat volta 2 { d4 d4 cis4 b,2 ais,8. ais,16 b,4 b,4 e4 a,2 a8 a8
55 d4. e8 fis8 g8 a2 g8. g16 fis4 fis4 a4 }
56 \alternative { { fis4 d4 r4 } { fis4 d4 r4 } }
57 d4 d4 d4 d2 d8 d8 a4 a4 a4 a2 a,4 d4. e8 fis8 g8 a2 g8. g16
58 fis4 d4 e4 a,2 a4 d4 e4 fis4 g4 g4 fis4 e4 e8()fis8 g8()gis8 a2
59 g8. g16 fis4.()a,8 d8 e8 fis2 b8 b8 a4. a8 a,4 d2 s4
63 altOne =\lyrics { say,4 can you | see,2 __ by8. the16 dawn's4 ear- ly light2 What8
64 so8 proud-4. ly8 we4 hailed,2 At8. the16 twi-4 light's last gleam-
65 ing. Whose8. broad16 }
67 altTwo = \lyrics { stripes4 and bright stars,2 through8. the16 per-4 il- ous fight,2
68 O'er8 the8 ram-4. parts8 we4 watched,2 were8. so16 gal-4 lant- ly
69 _ _ % UGH UGH
70 stream-4 ing
71 And8. the16 rock-4 ets' red glare,2 the8 bombs8
72 burst-4 ing in air,2 gave4 proof4. through8 the4 night2 that8.
73 our16 flag4 was still there,2 Oh4 say, does that star- span-
74 gled ban- ner yet wave,2 __ O'er8. the16 land2 __ of8 the8 free2
75 and8 the8 home4. of8 the4 brave.2
77 % old code
78 nonRepeatText = \lyrics \context LyricVoice = LVA {
79 Oh4 __
80 \context Lyrics <
81 \altOne
82 \altTwo
87 Be careful to have all duration within the lyrics of the same kind.
89 Alternatives & need to be matched more intelligently. See
90 "whose broad" alt1, volta1, "streaming" alt2, *volta2*!
94 textxx = \lyrics {
95 Oh __ \repeat "fold" 2 { }
96 \alternative {
98 say, can you | see, by the dawn's ear- ly light What
99 so proud- ly we hailed, At the twi- light's last gleam-
100 ing. Whose broad
104 stripes and bright stars, through the per- il- ous fight,
105 O'er the ram- parts we watched, were so gal- lant- ly
106 " " " " " " " "% _ _ _ _ % UGH UGH UGH
107 stream- ing
108 And the rock- ets' red glare, the bombs
109 burst- ing in air, gave proof through the night that
110 our flag was still there, Oh say, does that star- span-
111 gled ban- ner yet wave, __ O'er the land __ of the free
112 and the home of the brave.
117 beginmatter = \notes {\time 3/4; \key D; s4 | }
120 automaticLyrics = \notes \context GrandStaff <
121 \addlyrics
122 \context Staff=staffA <
123 \beginmatter
124 \clef treble;
125 \property Staff.automaticMelismata = ##t
126 \context Voice = one \transpose c'' {\stemup \$staff1_voice_1 \bar "|.";}
127 \context Voice = two \transpose c'' {\stemdown \$staff1_voice_2 }
129 \context LyricVoice \textxx
130 \context Staff=staffB <
131 \beginmatter
132 \clef bass;
133 \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = ##t
134 \context Voice = three {\stemup \$staff2_voice_1 \bar "|."; }
135 \context Voice = four {\stemdown \$staff2_voice_2 }
139 handLyrics = \notes \context GrandStaff <
140 \context Staff=staffA <
141 \beginmatter
142 \transpose c'' {\voiceone \$staff1_voice_1 \bar "|.";}
143 \transpose c'' {\voicetwo \$staff1_voice_2 }
145 \nonRepeatText
146 \context Staff=staffB <
147 \beginmatter
148 \clef bass;
150 \property Staff.noVoltaBraces = "1"
151 {\voiceone \$staff2_voice_1 \bar "|."; }
152 {\voicetwo \$staff2_voice_2 }
157 \include "";
159 \score{
160 \automaticLyrics
161 \paper{
162 \paper_sixteen
163 textheight = 230.\mm;
164 linewidth= 180.\mm;
165 \translator {
166 \GrandStaffContext
167 \accepts "Lyrics";
169 \translator {
170 \LyricsContext
171 \consists "Bar_engraver";
174 \midi {}
178 \version "1.3.4";