LSR: Update.
[lilypond.git] / input / lsr /
1 %% Do not edit this file; it is auto-generated from LSR
2 %% This file is in the public domain.
3 \version "2.11.62"
5 \header {
6 lsrtags = "staff-notation, tweaks-and-overrides, breaks"
8 texidoces = "
9 El primer pentagrama vacío también se puede suprimir de la
10 partitura estableciendo la propiedad @code{remove-first} de
11 @code{VerticalAxisGroup}. Esto se puede hacer globalmente dentro
12 del bloque @code{\\layout}, o localmente dentro del pentagrama
13 concreto que se quiere suprimir. En este último caso, tenemos que
14 especificar el contexto (@code{Staff} se aplica sólo al pentagrama
15 actual) delante de la propiedad.
17 El pentagrama inferior del segundo grupo no se elimina, porque el
18 ajuste sólo se aplica al pentagrama concreto dentro del que se
19 escribe.
22 doctitlees = "Quitar la primera línea vacía"
24 texidoc = "
25 The first empty staff can also be removed from the score by setting the
26 @code{VerticalAxisGroup} property @code{remove-first}. This can be done
27 globally inside the @code{\\layout} block, or locally inside the
28 specific staff that should be removed. In the latter case, you have to
29 specify the context (@code{Staff} applies only to the current staff) in
30 front of the property.
32 The lower staff of the second staff group is not removed, because the
33 setting applies only to the specific staff inside of which it is
34 written.
37 doctitle = "Removing the first empty line"
38 } % begin verbatim
39 \layout {
40 \context {
41 \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
42 % To use the setting globally, uncomment the following line:
43 % \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
46 \new StaffGroup <<
47 \new Staff \relative c' {
48 e4 f g a \break
51 \new Staff {
52 % To use the setting globally, comment this line,
53 % uncomment the line in the \layout block above
54 \override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
55 R1 \break
59 \new StaffGroup <<
60 \new Staff \relative c' {
61 e4 f g a \break
64 \new Staff {
65 R1 \break