(Which properties to
[lilypond.git] / mf / feta-bolletjes.mf
1 %  -*-Fundamental-*-
2 % feta-bolletjes.mf --  implement noteheads
4 % source file of LilyPond's pretty-but-neat music font
6 % (c) 1997--2004 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
7 % & Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@cs.uu.nl>
8 % & Juergen Reuter <reuter@ipd.uka.de>
11 test_outlines := 0;
14 % most beautiful noteheads are pronounced, not circular, 
15 % and not even symmetric.
16 % These examples are inspired by [Wanske], see literature list
20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
22 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
23 save black_notehead_width, noteheight,
24         slash_thick, slash_slope, overdone_heads;
25 numeric black_notehead_width, noteheight, slash_thick;
27 fet_begingroup("noteheads");
31 % slope of slash. From scm/grob-description.scm. How to auto-copy?
32 slash_slope := 1.7; 
34 % thickness of slash lines. quarter notes get 1.5slt width.
35 slash_thick# := 2/3*0.48staff_space#;
39 % Hand-engraved music often has balls extending above and below
40 % the lines.  If you like that, modify overdone heads (unit:
41 % stafflinethickness)
43 overdone_heads = 0.0;
44 noteheight#:=staff_space#+ (1 + overdone_heads) *stafflinethickness#;
46 define_pixels(slash_thick, noteheight);
49 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
51 % SLANT moves both extremes on the long axis (by SLANT * ELLIPSIDITY,
52 % so SLANT = -1, puts the extreme on the long axis next to the short axis one.)
55 def draw_outside_ellipse (expr ellipsidity, tilt, superness,
56                         slant) =
57         save attachment_y;
58         save p;
59         path p;
61         p := superellipse ((ellipsidity, 0), (-slant * ellipsidity, 1.0),
62                         (- ellipsidity, 0), (slant * ellipsidity, -1.0), superness);
64         p := p rotated tilt;
66         save top_point, right_point;
67         pair top_point, right_point;
69         top_point := directionpoint left of p;
70         right_point := directionpoint up of p;
72         save scaling, width, height;
74         scaling# = noteheight# /(2 ypart (top_point));
75         width# := 2 xpart (right_point) * scaling#;
77         define_pixels (width, scaling);
79         set_char_box (0, width#, noteheight#/2, noteheight#/2);
81         % attachment Y
82         charwy := ypart (right_point) * scaling#;
83         charwx := width# ;
85         p := p scaled scaling shifted (width/2, 0) ;
86         if test_outlines = 1:
87                 pickup pencircle scaled 1 ; draw p;
88         else:
89                 fill p;
90         fi;
91 enddef;
94 def undraw_inside_ellipse (expr ellipsidity, tilt, superness, clearance,
95                         center) =
96 begingroup
97         save p;
98         path p;
100         p := superellipse ((ellipsidity, 0), (0, 1.0),
101                         (- ellipsidity, 0), (0, -1.0), superness);
103         p := p rotated tilt;
105         save top_point, right_point;
106         pair top_point, right_point;
108         top_point := directionpoint left of p;
109         right_point := directionpoint up of p;
111         save height, scaling;
113         height# = staff_space# + stafflinethickness# - clearance;
114         scaling# = height# /(2 ypart (top_point));
116         define_pixels (scaling);
117         p := (p scaled scaling) shifted center;
119         if test_outlines = 1:
120                 pickup pencircle scaled 1; draw p;
121         else:
122                 unfill p;
123         fi
124 endgroup;
125 enddef;
132 % dimensions aren't entirely right.
134 fet_beginchar ("Brevis notehead", "-1", "brevishead");
135         save stemthick, fudge;
136         define_pixels (stemthick);
137         fudge = blot_diameter /2;
138         stemthick# = 2 stafflinethickness#;
140         draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.707, 0);
141         undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#,
142                                 (w /2, 0));
144         pickup pencircle scaled stemthick;
146         bot y1 = -d;
147         top y2 = h;
148         rt x1 - fudge = 0;
149         x1 = x2;
151         fudge + lft x3 = w;
152         x4 = x3;
153         y4 = y2;
154         y3 = y1;
156         draw_gridline(z1,z2,stemthick);
157         draw_gridline(z3,z4,stemthick);
159 fet_endchar;
163 fet_beginchar("Whole notehead", "0", "wholehead")
164         draw_outside_ellipse (1.80 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 0, 0.707, 0);
165         undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125 - puff_up_factor *10,
166                         0.68, 2 stafflinethickness#,
167                         (w /2, 0));
169 %       draw_staff_outline (-2, 2, 0.5);
171 fet_endchar;
174 fet_beginchar("Half notehead", "1", "halfhead")
175         draw_outside_ellipse (1.53 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 34, 0.66, 0.17);
176         undraw_inside_ellipse (3.25, 33, 0.81,
177                 2.5 stafflinethickness#, (w/2, 0));
179 fet_endchar;
181 fet_beginchar("Quart notehead", "2", "quarthead")
183         % used to have 32. With 31, they are slightly bolder.
184         draw_outside_ellipse (1.49 - puff_up_factor / 3.0, 31, 0.707, 0);
185         black_notehead_width# := charwd;
186 fet_endchar;
188 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
190 %% testing shapes.
192 if 0 = 1 : 
195 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadPQ", "2PQ", "quartheadPQ")
196         draw_outside_ellipse (1.0 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
197 fet_endchar;
199 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAA", "2AA", "quartheadAA")
200         draw_outside_ellipse (1.35 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
201 fet_endchar;
203 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAB", "2AB", "quartheadAB")
204         draw_outside_ellipse (1.4 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
206 fet_endchar;
207 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAC", "2AC", "quartheadAC")
208         draw_outside_ellipse (1.45 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
209 fet_endchar;
211 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAD", "2AD", "quartheadAD")
212         draw_outside_ellipse (1.5 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
213 fet_endchar;
215 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAD", "2AE", "quartheadAD")
216         draw_outside_ellipse (1.55 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
217 fet_endchar;
219 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAD", "2AF", "quartheadAD")
220         draw_outside_ellipse (1.6 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
221 fet_endchar;
222 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadAD", "2AG", "quartheadAD")
223         draw_outside_ellipse (1.65 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 32, 0.707, 0);
224 fet_endchar;
227 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBA", "2BA", "quartheadBA")
228         draw_outside_ellipse (1.35 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
229 fet_endchar;
230 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBB", "2BB", "quartheadBB")
231         draw_outside_ellipse (1.4 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
233 fet_endchar;
234 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBC", "2BC", "quartheadBC")
235         draw_outside_ellipse (1.45 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
236 fet_endchar;
237 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBD", "2BD", "quartheadBD")
238         draw_outside_ellipse (1.5 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
239 fet_endchar;
240 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBD", "2BE", "quartheadBD")
241         draw_outside_ellipse (1.55 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
242 fet_endchar;
243 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBD", "2BF", "quartheadBD")
244         draw_outside_ellipse (1.6 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
245 fet_endchar;
246 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadBD", "2BG", "quartheadBD")
247         draw_outside_ellipse (1.65 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 35, 0.707, 0);
248 fet_endchar;
252 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCA", "2CA", "quartheadCA")
253         draw_outside_ellipse (1.35 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
254 fet_endchar;
255 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCB", "2CB", "quartheadCB")
256         draw_outside_ellipse (1.4 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
257 fet_endchar;
258 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCC", "2CC", "quartheadCC")
259         draw_outside_ellipse (1.45 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
260 fet_endchar;
261 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCD", "2CD", "quartheadCD")
262         draw_outside_ellipse (1.5 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
263 fet_endchar;
264 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCD", "2CE", "quartheadCD")
265         draw_outside_ellipse (1.55 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
266 fet_endchar;
267 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCD", "2CF", "quartheadCD")
268         draw_outside_ellipse (1.6 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
269 fet_endchar;
270 fet_beginchar("Quart noteheadCD", "2CG", "quartheadCD")
271         draw_outside_ellipse (1.65 - puff_up_factor / 2.0, 40, 0.707, 0);
272 fet_endchar;
276 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
279 fet_beginchar("Whole diamondhead", "0diamond", "wholediamondhead")
280         draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 0, 0.495, 0);
281         undraw_inside_ellipse (1.30, 125, 0.6,
282                         .4 staff_space# +  stafflinethickness#,
283                                 (w /2, 0));
285 fet_endchar;
287 fet_beginchar("Half diamondhead", "1diamond", 
288         "halfdiamondhead")
290         draw_outside_ellipse (1.50, 34, 0.49, 0.17);
291         undraw_inside_ellipse (3.5, 33, 0.80,
292                 .3 staff_space# + 1.5 stafflinethickness#, (w/2, 0));
294 fet_endchar;
296 fet_beginchar("Quart diamondhead", "2diamond", "diamondhead")
297         draw_outside_ellipse (1.80, 35, 0.495, -0.25);
298 fet_endchar;
300 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
306 def def_triangle =
307         save triangle,kern; path triangle;
308         save left_point, height, width;
309         pair exact_left_point;
310         save pen_thick;
311         pen_thick# = stafflinethickness#  + .1 staff_space#;
312         define_pixels(pen_thick);
314         exact_left_point := llap# * dir (90 + tilt);
315         height# = max (ypart exact_left_point,
316                         -ypart  (exact_left_point rotated 120)) + pen_thick#/2;
318         kern# = 1/3 xpart (exact_left_point - (exact_left_point rotated 120));
319         width# = xpart (-exact_left_point + (exact_left_point rotated 240));
320         define_pixels (kern);   
321         z1 = (hround_pixels (xpart exact_left_point), vround_pixels  (ypart exact_left_point));
322         z2 = z1 rotated 120;
323         z3 = z1 rotated 240;
325         z12 = caveness[.5[z1,z2],z3];
326         z23 = z12 rotated 120;
327         z31 = z12 rotated 240;
328         triangle = z1 .. z12 .. z2 ..
329                     z2 .. z23 .. z3 ..
330                     z3 .. z31 .. z1 ..
331                     cycle;
332         triangle := triangle shifted (-x1+pen_thick/2-kern,0) xscaled xs;
333         pickup pencircle scaled pen_thick xscaled xs;
334 %       labels(1,2,12,23,31,3);
335         set_char_box(0, width# - kern#+ pen_thick#, height#, height#);
336 enddef;
338 fet_beginchar("Whole trianglehead", "0triangle", "wholetrianglehead")
339         save hei,xs;
340         save llap;
341         save tilt;
343         tilt = 40;
344         llap# = 3/4noteheight#;
346         xs = 1.5;
347         caveness:=0.1;
348         def_triangle;
349         draw triangle;
350 fet_endchar;
352 fet_beginchar("Half trianglehead", "1triangle", "halftrianglehead")
353         save hei,xs;
354         save llap;
355         save tilt;
357         tilt = 40;
358         llap# = 2/3noteheight#;
359         xs = 1.2;
360         caveness:=0.1;
361         def_triangle;
362         draw triangle;
363 fet_endchar;
365 fet_beginchar("Quart trianglehead", "2triangle", "trianglehead")
366         save hei,xs;
367         save llap;
368         save tilt;
369         tilt = 40;
370         llap# = 2/3noteheight#;
371         xs = 1.0;
372         caveness:=0.1;
373         def_triangle;
374         filldraw triangle;
375 fet_endchar;
377 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
379 % slash heads are for indicating improvisation. They are  
380 % twice as high as normal heads.
382 def draw_slash(expr hwid_hash) =
383         save exact_height;
384         save ne_dir;
385         pair ne_dir;
386         exact_height =  staff_space# + stafflinethickness#/2;
388         set_char_box (0, 2 exact_height / slash_slope + hwid_hash,
389                         exact_height, exact_height);
391         charwx := charwd;
392         charwy := charht;
394         clearxy;
395         pickup pencircle scaled blot_diameter;
397         bot y1 = - d;
398         top y2 = h;
399         lft x1 = 0;
400         lft x2 = 2 h / slash_slope;
402         rt x3 = w;
403         y3 = y2;
404         y4 = y1;
405         x3- x2 = x4 - x1;
407         ne_dir := unitvector( z3  - z4);
408         filldraw z1 --- z2 --- z3 --- z4 --- cycle;
410         if hwid_hash > 2 slash_thick#:
411                 save th;
413                 th = slash_thick - blot_diameter;
414                 y6 = y7;
415                 y5 = y8;
416                 y3 - y7 = th;
417                 y5 - y1 = th;
418                 z6 - z5 = whatever * ne_dir;
419                 z8 - z7 = whatever * ne_dir;
421                 z5  = z1 + whatever * ne_dir + th * (ne_dir rotated -90);
422                 z8  = z4 + whatever * ne_dir + th * (ne_dir rotated 90);
424                 unfill
425                         z5 -- z6 -- z7 -- z8 -- cycle;
426         fi
427         labels (range 1 thru 10);
428 enddef;
430 fet_beginchar("Whole slashhead","0slash","wholeslashhead")
431         draw_slash(4 slash_thick# + 0.5 staff_space#);
432 fet_endchar;
434 fet_beginchar("Half slashhead","1slash","halfslashhead")
435         draw_slash(3.0 slash_thick# + 0.15 staff_space#);
436 fet_endchar;
438 fet_beginchar("Quart slashhead","2slash","quartslashhead")
439         draw_slash(1.5 slash_thick#);
440 fet_endchar;
442 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
443 % thick is the distance between the NE/SW parallel lines in the cross
444 % (distance between centres of lines)
445 % in stafflinethickness def
447 def draw_cross(expr thick) =
448         save pent, slant, ne_dir;
449         pair ne_dir;
450         save crz; path crz;
452         pen_thick# := 1.2stafflinethickness#;
453         define_pixels (pen_thick);
454         pickup pencircle scaled pen_thick;
456         top y3 = h;
457         ne_dir := unitvector ((1, (2 h -pen_thick)/(w - pen_thick)));
458         rt x4 = w/2;
459         y5 = 0;
460         z4 - z5 = whatever * ne_dir;
461         x6 = 0;
462         z6 - z3 = whatever * ne_dir;
463         z3 - z4 = whatever * (ne_dir yscaled -1);
465         z4 - z3 = whatever * (ne_dir) + (ne_dir rotated -90) * thick * stafflinethickness;
467         x1 = charwd/2 - .5 pen_thick#;
468         z1 = whatever * ne_dir + thick/2 * stafflinethickness# * (ne_dir rotated -90);
471         labels (1,2,3,4,5,6);
473         crz = (z6 -- z3 -- z4 -- z5) ;
475         draw crz shifted(w/2,0);
476         draw crz xscaled -1 shifted(w/2,0);
477         draw crz yscaled -1 shifted(w/2,0);
478         draw crz scaled -1 shifted(w/2,0);
480         charwx := charwd;
481         charwy := y1;
482                 message (decimal charwx);
483                 message (decimal charwy);
484         z12 = (charwx * hppp, y1 * vppp);
485         labels (12);
486 enddef;
488 fet_beginchar("Whole Crossed notehead", "0cross", "wholecrossedhead")
489         wid# := black_notehead_width#+4stafflinethickness#;
490         hei# := noteheight#+stafflinethickness#;
491         set_char_box(0, wid#,hei#/2,hei#/2);
493         draw_cross (3.75);
494 fet_endchar;
496 fet_beginchar("Half Crossed notehead", "1cross", "halfcrossedhead")
497         wid# := black_notehead_width#+2stafflinethickness#;
498         hei# := noteheight#+stafflinethickness#/2;
499         set_char_box(0, wid#,hei#/2,hei#/2);
500         draw_cross(3.0);
501 fet_endchar;
503 fet_beginchar("Crossed notehead", "2cross", "crossedhead")
504         wid# := black_notehead_width#;
505         hei# := noteheight#;
506         set_char_box(0, wid#,hei#/2,hei#/2);
507         draw_cross(1.0);
508 fet_endchar;
510 fet_beginchar("X-Circled notehead", "2xcircle", "xcircledhead")
511         wid# := black_notehead_width#*sqrt(sqrt2);
512         hei# := noteheight#*sqrt(sqrt2);
513         set_char_box(0, wid#,hei#/2,hei#/2);
514         cthick := (1.2+1/4)*stafflinethickness;
515         cxr := w/2-cthick/2;
516         cyr := h-cthick/2;
517         pickup pencircle scaled cthick;
518         draw fullcircle xscaled 2cxr yscaled 2cyr shifted (w/2,0);
519         xpos := cxr/sqrt2;
520         ypos := cyr/sqrt2;
521         draw (-xpos+w/2,-ypos) -- (xpos+w/2,ypos);
522         draw (-xpos+w/2,ypos) -- (xpos+w/2,-ypos);
524         charwx := charwd ; 
525         charwy := 0 ;
527         z12 = (charwx * hppp , charwy * vppp );
528         labels (12);
529 fet_endchar;
533 fet_endgroup("noteheads");
535 define_pixels(black_notehead_width);